- //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- //
- // File = elliptical_proto.cpp
- //
- // Prototype Elliptical Filter
- //
- #include <math.h>
- #include "misdefs.h"
- #include "parmfile.h"
- #include "elliptical_proto.h"
- #include "ipow.h"
- #include "filter_types.h"
- extern ParmFile ParmInput;
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- extern ofstream *DebugFile;
- #endif
- //======================================================
- // constructor
- EllipticalPrototype::EllipticalPrototype( int filt_order,
- double passband_ripple,
- double stopband_ripple,
- double little_k)
- :AnalogFilterPrototype( filt_order )
- {
- double x, u, u4;
- double term, sum;
- double vv, ww, mu;
- double little_q;
- double big_D;
- int min_order;
- int i, m, r;
- double numer, denom;
- double p_sub_zero;
- double xx, yy;
- double aa, bb, cc;
- std::complex<double> work;
- //-------------------------------------------------
- // check viability of parameter set
- x = pow( (1.0-little_k*little_k), 0.25);
- u = (1.0 -x)/(2.0*(1.0+x));
- u4 = u*u*u*u;
- little_q = u*(1.+(2*u4*(1.+(7.5*u4*(1.+(10.*u4))))));
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- *DebugFile << "In EllipticalPrototype:" << endl;
- *DebugFile << " little_q = " << little_q << endl;
- #endif
- big_D = (pow(10.0, stopband_ripple/10.0) - 1.0)/
- (pow(10.0, passband_ripple/10.0) - 1.0);
- min_order = (int)ceil(log10(16.0*big_D)/
- log10(1.0/little_q));
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- *DebugFile << "In elliptical filter minimum order is " << min_order << endl;
- #endif
- if(filt_order < min_order){
- *DebugFile << "Fatal Error -- " << endl;
- *DebugFile << "Specified performance cannot be acheived "
- << "with an elliptical filter of specified order."
- << endl;
- *DebugFile << "Filter order must be at least " << min_order
- << endl;
- exit(-1);
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------
- // if filter is viable, generate prototype
- Num_Poles = Filt_Order;
- Pole_Locs = new std::complex<double>[Num_Poles];
- if(Filt_Order%2)
- Num_Zeros = Filt_Order-1;
- else
- Num_Zeros = Filt_Order;
- Zero_Locs = new std::complex<double>[Num_Zeros];
- //----------------------------------
- numer = pow(10.0, passband_ripple/20.0) + 1.0;
- vv = log(numer/(numer -2.0))/(2.*filt_order);
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- *DebugFile << " vv = " << vv << endl;
- #endif
- //---------------------------------------
- sum = 0.0;
- for( m=0; m < UPPER_SUMMATION_LIMIT; m++){
- term = ipow(-1.0, m);
- term *= ipow(little_q, m*(m+1));
- term *= sinh((2.0*m + 1)*vv);
- sum += term;
- }
- numer = sum * sqrt(sqrt(little_q));
- sum = 0.0;
- for( m=1; m < UPPER_SUMMATION_LIMIT; m++){
- term = ipow(-1.0, m);
- term *= ipow(little_q, m*m);
- term *= cosh(2.0 * m * vv);
- sum += term;
- }
- p_sub_zero = fabs(numer/(0.5 + sum));
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- *DebugFile << " p_sub_zero = " << p_sub_zero << endl;
- #endif
- //----------------------------------------
- ww = 1.0 + little_k * p_sub_zero * p_sub_zero;
- ww = sqrt(ww*(1.0 + p_sub_zero * p_sub_zero / little_k));
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- *DebugFile << " ww = " << ww << endl;
- #endif
- //-----------------------------------------
- r = (filt_order-(filt_order%2))/2;
- B1_Coef = new double[r];
- B0_Coef = new double[r];
- A2_Coef = new double[r];
- A1_Coef = new double[r];
- A0_Coef = new double[r];
- //-------------------------------------------
- H_Zero = 1.0;
- for(i=1; i<=r; i++){
- if(filt_order%2){
- mu = i;
- }
- else{
- mu = i - 0.5;
- }
- //--------------------------------
- sum = 0.0;
- for(m=0; m < UPPER_SUMMATION_LIMIT; m++){
- term = ipow(-1.0, m);
- term *= ipow(little_q, m*(m+1));
- term *= sin( (2*m+1) * PI * mu / filt_order );
- sum += term;
- }
- numer = 2.0 * sum *sqrt(sqrt(little_q));
- //--------------------------------------
- sum = 0.0;
- for(m=1; m < UPPER_SUMMATION_LIMIT; m++){
- term = ipow(-1.0,m);
- term *= ipow(little_q, m*m);
- term *= cos( TWO_PI * m * mu / filt_order );
- sum += term;
- }
- xx = numer/(1.0 + 2.0 * sum);
- //---------------------------------------
- yy = 1.0 - little_k * xx * xx;
- yy = sqrt(yy * (1.0-(xx*xx/little_k)));
- //-------------------------------------
- aa = 1.0/(xx*xx);
- A2_Coef[Num_Biquad_Sects] = 1.0;
- A1_Coef[Num_Biquad_Sects] = 0.0;
- A0_Coef[Num_Biquad_Sects] = aa;
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- *DebugFile << " i = " << i << ", aa = " << aa << endl;
- #endif
- //--------------------------------------
- denom = 1.0 + ipow(p_sub_zero * xx, 2);
- bb = 2.0 * p_sub_zero * yy/denom;
- B1_Coef[Num_Biquad_Sects] = bb;
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- *DebugFile << " i = " << i << ", bb = " << bb << endl;
- #endif
- //------------------------------------
- denom = ipow(denom, 2);
- numer = ipow(p_sub_zero * yy, 2) + ipow(xx*ww, 2);
- cc = numer/denom;
- B0_Coef[Num_Biquad_Sects] = cc;
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- *DebugFile << " i = " << i << ", cc = " << cc << endl;
- #endif
- Num_Biquad_Sects++;
- //---------------------------------------
- //
- H_Zero *= (cc/aa);
- //----------------------------------------
- // compute pair of pole locations
- work = std::sqrt<double>(std::complex<double>(bb*bb - 4.0*cc, 0) );
- Pole_Locs[i-1] = (std::complex<double>(-bb,0)-work)/2.0;
- Pole_Locs[filt_order-i] = (std::complex<double>(-bb,0)+work)/2.0;
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- *DebugFile << "Pole[ " << (i-1) << " ] = ( " << Pole_Locs[i-1].real()
- << ", " << Pole_Locs[i-1].imag() << ")" << endl;
- #endif
- //--------------------------------------
- // compute pair of zero locations
- //
- Zero_Locs[i-1] = std::complex<double>(0.0, sqrt(aa) );
- Zero_Locs[Num_Zeros-i] = -Zero_Locs[i-1];
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- *DebugFile << "Zero[ " << (i-1) << " ] = ( " << Zero_Locs[i-1].real()
- << ", " << Zero_Locs[i-1].imag() << ")" << endl;
- #endif
- } //end of loop over i
- //--------------------------------------
- // Finish up Ho
- if( filt_order%2 ){
- H_Zero *= p_sub_zero;
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- *DebugFile << "In Elliptiocal prototype, p_sub_zero = " << p_sub_zero << endl;
- #endif
- Pole_Locs[(filt_order-1)/2] = std::complex<double>(-p_sub_zero, 0.0);
- Real_Pole = p_sub_zero;
- }
- else{
- H_Zero *= pow(10.0, passband_ripple/(-20.0));
- }
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- *DebugFile << " H_Zero = " << H_Zero << endl;
- #endif
- return;
- }
- //==========================================================
- EllipticalPrototype::~EllipticalPrototype()
- {
- }