- //
- // File = fir_dsgn.cpp
- //
- #include <math.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <iomanip>
- #include <strstream>
- #include "misdefs.h"
- #include "fir_dsgn.h"
- #include "fir_resp_w_noise_bw.h"
- #include "parmfile.h"
- #include "sinc.h"
- extern ParmFile *ParmInput;
- extern ofstream DebugFile;
- //=========================================
- FirFilterDesign::FirFilterDesign( void )
- {
- return;
- }
- //===============================================
- FirFilterDesign::FirFilterDesign( int num_taps )
- {
- Num_Taps = num_taps;
- Imp_Resp_Coeff = new double[num_taps];
- Original_Coeff = new double[num_taps];
- }
- //==========================================================
- FirFilterDesign::FirFilterDesign( int num_taps,
- double *imp_resp_coeff)
- {
- Num_Taps = num_taps;
- Imp_Resp_Coeff = new double[num_taps];
- Original_Coeff = new double[num_taps];
- for(int n=0; n<num_taps; n++){
- Imp_Resp_Coeff[n] = imp_resp_coeff[n];
- Original_Coeff[n] = imp_resp_coeff[n];
- }
- return;
- }
- //==========================================================
- FirFilterDesign::FirFilterDesign( const char* instance_name)
- {
- GET_INT_PARM(Num_Taps);
- Imp_Resp_Coeff = new double[Num_Taps];
- Original_Coeff = new double[Num_Taps];
- char work[10];
- work[0] = 'C';
- work[2] = 0;
- for(int n=0; n<Num_Taps; n++){
- work[1] = 65 + n;
- Imp_Resp_Coeff[n] = ParmInput->GetFloatParm(work);
- Original_Coeff[n] = Imp_Resp_Coeff[n];
- }
- return;
- }
- //==========================================================
- FirFilterDesign::FirFilterDesign( const char* instance_name,
- int type_of_response,
- double samp_intvl)
- {
- GET_INT_PARM(Num_Taps);
- GET_DOUBLE_PARM(Filter_Alpha);
- GET_DOUBLE_PARM(Symbol_Rate);
- double a, b, c, x;
- double epsilon = 0.000001;
- int n;
- Imp_Resp_Coeff = new double[Num_Taps];
- Original_Coeff = new double[Num_Taps];
- for( n=0; n <= (Num_Taps-1)/2; n++){
- switch(type_of_response){
- case 0: // raised cosine
- x = n * Symbol_Rate * samp_intvl;
- a = cos( x * PI * Filter_Alpha );
- b = 2.0 * Filter_Alpha * x;
- b = (1.0 - b*b);
- c = sinc(double(x*PI));
- if ( fabs(b) > epsilon){
- Imp_Resp_Coeff[n + (Num_Taps-1)/2] = a * c / b;
- }
- else{
- Imp_Resp_Coeff[n + (Num_Taps-1)/2] = 0;
- }
- break;
- case 1: // root raised cosine
- x = n * Symbol_Rate * samp_intvl;
- a = sin( x * PI * (1.0 - Filter_Alpha));
- b = 4.0 * x * Filter_Alpha;
- b = x * PI * (1.0 - b*b);
- c = 4.0 * x * Filter_Alpha * cos( x * PI * (1.0 + Filter_Alpha));
- if ( fabs(b) > epsilon){
- Imp_Resp_Coeff[n + (Num_Taps-1)/2] = (a + c) / b;
- }
- else if(n==0){ // t == 0
- Imp_Resp_Coeff[n + (Num_Taps-1)/2] = 1.0 - Filter_Alpha + 4.0*Filter_Alpha/PI;
- }
- else{
- x = PI/(4.0 * Filter_Alpha);
- a = (1.0 + 2.0/PI) * sin(x);
- c = (1.0 - 2.0/PI) * cos(x);
- Imp_Resp_Coeff[n + (Num_Taps-1)/2] = Filter_Alpha * (a+c) / sqrt(2.0);
- }
- break;
- case 2: // pure delay
- if(n==0)
- {
- Imp_Resp_Coeff[n + (Num_Taps-1)/2] = 1.0;
- }
- else
- {
- Imp_Resp_Coeff[n + (Num_Taps-1)/2] = 0.0;
- }
- break;
- }
- Imp_Resp_Coeff[ ((Num_Taps-1)/2) - n] = Imp_Resp_Coeff[n + (Num_Taps-1)/2];
- }
- for( n=0; n < Num_Taps; n++)
- {
- Original_Coeff[n] = Imp_Resp_Coeff[n];
- }
- return;
- }
- //==========================================================
- // constructor that allocates array of length num_taps
- // and initializes this array to values contained in
- // input array *imp_resp_coeff. It is assumed that only
- // half of the needed values are provided in the array.
- // The remaining values are obtained from the given values
- // in accordance with the type of symmetry indicated by the
- // second argument.
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- FirFilterDesign::FirFilterDesign( int num_taps,
- FIR_SYM_T symmetry,
- double *input_coeff)
- {
- int last_left, first_right, n;
- Num_Taps = num_taps;
- Coeff_Symmetry = symmetry;
- Original_Coeff = new double[num_taps];
- Imp_Resp_Coeff = new double[num_taps];
- Quant_Coeff = new long[num_taps];
- if(num_taps%2)
- { // odd length
- last_left = (num_taps-1)/2;
- first_right = last_left;
- }
- else
- { // even length
- last_left = (num_taps-2)/2;
- first_right = last_left+1;
- }
- switch (symmetry) {
- for(n=0; n<=last_left; n++)
- {
- Original_Coeff[n] = input_coeff[n];
- Imp_Resp_Coeff[n] = input_coeff[n];
- Quant_Coeff[n] = long(Original_Coeff[n]);
- }
- for(n=first_right; n<num_taps; n++)
- {
- Original_Coeff[n] = input_coeff[num_taps-n-1];
- Imp_Resp_Coeff[n] = input_coeff[num_taps-n-1];
- Quant_Coeff[n] = long(Original_Coeff[n]);
- }
- } // end of switch on symmetry
- return;
- }
- //==============================================
- // method to allocate coefficient array
- // after default constructor has been used
- //----------------------------------------------
- void FirFilterDesign::Initialize( int num_taps )
- {
- Num_Taps = num_taps;
- Imp_Resp_Coeff = new double[num_taps];
- Original_Coeff = new double[num_taps];
- }
- //============================================================
- // method to quantize coefficients
- //------------------------------------------------------------
- void FirFilterDesign::QuantizeCoefficients( long quant_factor,
- bool rounding_enabled )
- {
- int n;
- long work_long;
- //-----------------------------------
- // if quant_factor == 0, then restore
- // coefficients to their original,
- // unquantized values
- if( quant_factor == 0){
- for( n=0; n<Num_Taps; n++){
- Imp_Resp_Coeff[n] = Original_Coeff[n];
- }
- return;
- }
- //-------------------------------------------
- // quantize the original coefficient values
- for( n=0; n< Num_Taps; n++)
- {
- if(rounding_enabled)
- {work_long = long((quant_factor * Original_Coeff[n])+0.5);}
- else
- {work_long = long(quant_factor * Original_Coeff[n]);}
- Imp_Resp_Coeff[n] = double(work_long)/double(quant_factor);
- }
- return;
- }
- //============================================================
- // method to scale coefficients
- //------------------------------------------------------------
- void FirFilterDesign::ScaleCoefficients( double scale_factor )
- {
- int n;
- for( n=0; n< Num_Taps; n++)
- {
- Original_Coeff[n] = scale_factor * Original_Coeff[n];
- Imp_Resp_Coeff[n] = Original_Coeff[n];
- }
- return;
- }
- //======================================================
- // scale coefficients so that magnitude response
- // has unity gain at passband peak
- //------------------------------------------------------
- void FirFilterDesign::NormalizeFilter( void )
- {
- int n;
- double passband_peak;
- FirFilterResponse *temp_response;
- temp_response = new FirFilterResponse( this, 500, 0, 0, NULL);
- passband_peak = temp_response->GetIntervalPeak( 0, 499);
- delete temp_response;
- for( n=0; n< Num_Taps; n++)
- {
- Imp_Resp_Coeff[n] = Original_Coeff[n]/passband_peak;
- }
- return;
- }
- //======================================================
- // copy coefficient values from array *Imp_Resp_Coeff
- // to output array *coeff
- //------------------------------------------------------
- void FirFilterDesign::CopyCoefficients( double *coeff)
- {
- for(int n=0; n<Num_Taps; n++)
- {
- coeff[n] = Imp_Resp_Coeff[n];
- }
- return;
- }
- void FirFilterDesign::CopyCoefficients( float *coeff)
- {
- for(int n=0; n<Num_Taps; n++)
- {
- coeff[n] = float(Imp_Resp_Coeff[n]);
- }
- return;
- }
- void FirFilterDesign::CopyCoefficients( int *coeff)
- {
- for(int n=0; n<Num_Taps; n++)
- {
- coeff[n] = int(Imp_Resp_Coeff[n]);
- }
- return;
- }
- //===================================
- // get number of filter taps
- //-----------------------------------
- int FirFilterDesign::GetNumTaps(void)
- {
- return(Num_Taps);
- }
- //==============================================================
- // dump complete set of coefficients to output_stream
- //--------------------------------------------------------------
- void FirFilterDesign::DumpCoefficients( ofstream* output_stream)
- {
- //output_stream->setf(ios::scientific, ios::doublefield);
- output_stream->precision(8);
- for(int n=0; n<Num_Taps; n++)
- {
- //(*output_stream) << "h[" << n << "] = "
- // << Imp_Resp_Coeff[n] << endl;
- (*output_stream) << n << ", "
- << Imp_Resp_Coeff[n] << endl;
- }
- output_stream->precision(0);
- output_stream->setf(0, ios::floatfield);
- return;
- }
- //==============================================
- // get pointer to coefficient array
- //----------------------------------------------
- double* FirFilterDesign::GetCoefficients(void)
- {
- cout << "in fs_dsgn, Imp_Resp_Coeff = " << (void*)Imp_Resp_Coeff << endl;
- return(Imp_Resp_Coeff);
- }
- //========================================================
- // apply discrete-time window to filter coefficients
- //--------------------------------------------------------
- void FirFilterDesign::ApplyWindow( GenericWindow *window)
- {
- for(int n=0; n<Num_Taps; n++)
- {
- Imp_Resp_Coeff[n] *= window->GetDataWinCoeff(n);
- Original_Coeff[n] = Imp_Resp_Coeff[n];
- }
- }
- //======================================================
- // extract a subset of coefficient values for defining
- // a polyphase filter
- //------------------------------------------------------
- void FirFilterDesign::ExtractPolyphaseSet( double *coeff,
- int decim_rate,
- int rho)
- {
- double *local_coeff;
- local_coeff = coeff;
- for(int n=rho; n<Num_Taps; n+=decim_rate)
- {
- *local_coeff++ = Imp_Resp_Coeff[n];
- }
- return;
- }