- //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- //
- // File = cmpxpoly.cpp
- //
- //
- #include <math.h>
- #include "cmpxpoly.h"
- #include "laguerre.h"
- #include "pause.h"
- #include "stdlib.h"
- #include "psstream.h"
- #include <iostream>
- using std::complex;
- extern PracSimStream ErrorStream;
- extern PracSimStream DetailedResults;
- //======================================================
- // default constructor
- CmplxPolynomial::CmplxPolynomial( )
- {
- Poly_Degree = 0;
- Poly_Coeff = new complex<double>[1];
- Poly_Coeff[0] = complex<double>( 0.0, 0.0);
- RemCoeff = NULL;
- Root = NULL;
- return;
- };
- //======================================================
- // copy constructor
- CmplxPolynomial::CmplxPolynomial(
- const CmplxPolynomial& original )
- {
- int i;
- Poly_Degree = original.Poly_Degree;
- Poly_Coeff = new complex<double>[Poly_Degree+1];
- for( i=0; i<=Poly_Degree; i++)
- Poly_Coeff[i] = original.Poly_Coeff[i];
- if(original.Root != NULL){
- Root = new complex<double>[Poly_Degree];
- for( i=0; i<Poly_Degree; i++)
- Root[i] = original.Root[i];
- }
- return;
- };
- //======================================================
- // constructor for initializing a binomial
- CmplxPolynomial
- ::CmplxPolynomial( const complex<double> coeff_1,
- const complex<double> coeff_0 )
- {
- Poly_Degree = 1;
- Poly_Coeff = new complex<double>[2];
- RemCoeff = NULL;
- Root = NULL;
- Poly_Coeff[0] = coeff_0;
- Poly_Coeff[1] = coeff_1;
- return;
- }
- //======================================================
- // initializing constructor - complex coeff
- CmplxPolynomial
- ::CmplxPolynomial( const int degree,
- const complex<double> *coeff)
- {
- Poly_Degree = degree;
- Poly_Coeff = new complex<double>[degree+1];
- RemCoeff = NULL;
- Root = NULL;
- for(int i=0; i<=degree; i++) Poly_Coeff[i] = coeff[i];
- return;
- }
- //======================================================
- // initializing constructor - real coeff
- CmplxPolynomial
- ::CmplxPolynomial( const double *coeff,
- const int degree )
- {
- Poly_Degree = degree;
- Poly_Coeff = new complex<double>[degree+1];
- RemCoeff = NULL;
- Root = NULL;
- for(int i=0; i<=degree; i++)
- Poly_Coeff[i] = complex<double>(coeff[i],0.0);
- return;
- };
- //======================================================
- // assignment operator
- CmplxPolynomial& CmplxPolynomial
- ::operator= (const CmplxPolynomial& right)
- {
- if (Poly_Coeff != right.Poly_Coeff){
- //------------------------------------------------
- // Get rid of old coefficient array to make way
- // for a new one of the correct length for the
- // new polynomial being assigned
- delete [] Poly_Coeff;
- delete [] Root;
- Poly_Degree = right.Poly_Degree;
- Poly_Coeff = new complex<double>[Poly_Degree+1];
- for( int i=0; i<=Poly_Degree; i++)
- Poly_Coeff[i] = right.Poly_Coeff[i];
- }
- if(right.Root != NULL){
- Root = new complex<double>[Poly_Degree];
- int i;
- for( i=0; i<Poly_Degree; i++)
- Root[i] = right.Root[i];
- }
- return *this;
- }
- //======================================================
- // multiply assign operator
- CmplxPolynomial& CmplxPolynomial
- ::operator*= (const CmplxPolynomial &right)
- {
- //---------------------------------------------------
- // save pointer to original coefficient array so that
- // this array can be deleted once no longer needed
- complex<double> *orig_coeff = Poly_Coeff;
- int orig_degree = Poly_Degree;
- //---------------------------------------------------
- // create new longer array to hold the new coeff
- Poly_Degree += right.Poly_Degree;
- Poly_Coeff = new complex<double>[Poly_Degree+1];
- for( int i=0; i<=Poly_Degree; i++)
- Poly_Coeff[i] = complex<double>(0.0, 0.0);
- //---------------------------------
- // perform multiplication
- for( int rgt_indx=0;
- rgt_indx<= right.Poly_Degree; rgt_indx++){
- for( int orig_indx=0;
- orig_indx <= orig_degree; orig_indx++){
- Poly_Coeff[orig_indx+rgt_indx] +=
- (orig_coeff[orig_indx] *
- right.Poly_Coeff[rgt_indx]);
- }
- }
- return *this;
- }
- //======================================================
- // divide assign operator
- CmplxPolynomial& CmplxPolynomial
- ::operator/= (const CmplxPolynomial &divisor)
- {
- //----------------------------------------------------
- // In general, polynomial division will produce a
- // quotient and a remainder. This routine returns
- // the quotient as its result. The remainder will be
- // stored in a member variable so that it can be
- // checked or retrived by subsequent calls to the
- // appropriate member functions.
- //-----------------------------------------------------
- // save pointer to original coefficient array so that
- // this array can be deleted once no longer needed
- int dvdnd_deg, dvsr_deg, j, k;
- //-----------------------------------------------------
- // create new array to hold the new coefficients
- if(RemCoeff == NULL) RemCoeff =
- new std::complex<double>[Poly_Degree+1];
- dvdnd_deg = Poly_Degree;
- dvsr_deg = divisor.Poly_Degree;
- Poly_Degree -= dvsr_deg;
- //---------------------------------
- // perform division
- for(j=0; j<=dvdnd_deg; j++){
- RemCoeff[j] = Poly_Coeff[j];
- Poly_Coeff[j] = complex<double>(0.0,0.0);
- }
- for( k=dvdnd_deg-dvsr_deg; k>=0; k--){
- Poly_Coeff[k] = RemCoeff[dvsr_deg+k]/
- divisor.Poly_Coeff[dvsr_deg];
- for(j=dvsr_deg+k-1; j>=k; j--)
- RemCoeff[j] -= Poly_Coeff[k]*divisor.Poly_Coeff[j-k];
- }
- for(j=dvsr_deg; j<=dvdnd_deg; j++)
- RemCoeff[j] = complex<double>(0.0,0.0);
- return *this;
- }
- //======================================================
- // Find roots of polynomial
- void CmplxPolynomial::FindRoots( void )
- {
- complex<double>* root;
- int status, i;
- CmplxPolynomial root_factor;
- root = new complex<double>[Poly_Degree];
- CmplxPolynomial work_poly;
- double epsilon=0.0000001;
- double epsilon2=1.0e-10;
- int max_iter=12;
- if(Root == NULL) Root = new complex<double>[Poly_Degree];
- //------------------------------------------------
- // find coarse locations for roots
- work_poly = CmplxPolynomial(Poly_Degree, Poly_Coeff);
- for(i=0; i<Poly_Degree-1; i++){
- Root[i] = complex<double>(0.0,0.0);
- status = LaguerreMethod( &work_poly, &(Root[i]),
- epsilon, epsilon2, max_iter);
- if(status <0) {
- ErrorStream
- << "Laguerre method did not converge"
- << endl;
- exit(75);
- }
- root_factor =
- CmplxPolynomial( complex<double>(1.0,0.0),-Root[i]);
- work_poly /= root_factor;
- work_poly.DumpToStream(&cout);
- pause();
- }
- Root[Poly_Degree-1] = -(work_poly.GetCoeff(0));
- //------------------------------------------------
- // polish the roots
- work_poly = CmplxPolynomial(Poly_Degree, Poly_Coeff);
- for(i=0; i<Poly_Degree; i++){
- status = LaguerreMethod( &work_poly, &(Root[i]),
- epsilon, epsilon2, max_iter);
- if(status <0) {
- ErrorStream
- << "Laguerre method did not converge"
- << endl;
- exit(76);
- }
- DetailedResults << "Polished Root[" << i
- << "] = ("
- << Root[i].real() << ", "
- << Root[i].imag() << ") "
- << " (" << status << ")" << endl;
- pause();
- }
- return;
- }
- //======================================================
- // Get array of polynomial root values
- complex<double> *CmplxPolynomial::GetRoots( void )
- {
- complex<double>* root;
- int i;
- root = new complex<double>[Poly_Degree];
- if(Root == NULL) this->FindRoots();
- for(i=0; i<Poly_Degree; i++) root[i] = Root[i];
- return(root);
- }
- //======================================================
- // reflect root across the unit circle
- void CmplxPolynomial::ReflectRoot( int root_idx )
- {
- FindRoots();
- Root[root_idx] = complex<double>(1.0,0.0)/Root[root_idx];
- //BuildFromRoots();
- }
- //======================================================
- //
- int CmplxPolynomial::GetDegree(void)
- {
- return(Poly_Degree);
- }
- //======================================================
- //
- complex<double> CmplxPolynomial::GetCoeff(int k)
- {
- return Poly_Coeff[k];
- }
- //======================================================
- //
- void CmplxPolynomial::CopyCoeffs(complex<double> *coeff)
- {
- for(int i=0; i<=Poly_Degree; i++) coeff[i] = Poly_Coeff[i];
- return;
- }
- //======================================================
- // dump polynomial to an output stream
- void CmplxPolynomial::DumpToStream( ostream* output_stream)
- {
- (*output_stream) << "Poly_Degree = " << Poly_Degree << endl;
- for(int i=Poly_Degree; i>=0; i--)
- {
- (*output_stream) << "Poly_Coeff[" << i << "] = "
- << Poly_Coeff[i].real() << ", "
- << Poly_Coeff[i].imag() << endl;
- }
- return;
- }
- //---------------------------------
- // force desired instantiations