- //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- //
- // File = denorm_proto.cpp
- //
- // Converts a normalized lowpass prototype filter
- // into a denormalized LP, BP, BS, or HP filter.
- //
- #include <iostream>
- #include <fstream>
- #include <math.h>
- #include "misdefs.h"
- #include "parmfile.h"
- #include "denorm_proto.h"
- #include "filter_types.h"
- extern ParmFile ParmInput;
- extern ofstream *DebugFile;
- //======================================================
- // constructor
- DenormalizedPrototype::DenormalizedPrototype( AnalogFilterPrototype *lowpass_proto_filt,
- FILT_BAND_CONFIG_T filt_band_config,
- double passband_edge,
- double passband_edge_2 )
- :AnalogFilterPrototype()
- {
- Filt_Order = lowpass_proto_filt->GetOrder();
- Filt_Band_Config = filt_band_config;
- Passband_Edge = passband_edge;
- Passband_Edge_2 = passband_edge_2;
- Lowpass_Proto_Filt = lowpass_proto_filt;
- switch (Filt_Band_Config)
- {
- {
- LowpassDenormalize();
- break;
- }
- {
- BandpassDenormalize();
- break;
- }
- {
- HighpassDenormalize();
- break;
- }
- {
- BandstopDenormalize();
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- cout << "Invalid Filter Band Config in DenormalizedPrototype" << endl;
- exit(0);
- }
- }// end of switch on Filt_Band_Config
- }
- //=======================================================
- // destructor
- DenormalizedPrototype::~DenormalizedPrototype()
- {
- if( !(Pole_Locs == NULL) ) delete []Pole_Locs;
- if( !(Zero_Locs == NULL) ) delete []Zero_Locs;
- }
- //================================================
- void DenormalizedPrototype::LowpassDenormalize(void)
- {
- double cutoff_freq;
- int j;
- std::complex<double> *prototype_poles;
- std::complex<double> *prototype_zeros;
- prototype_poles = Lowpass_Proto_Filt->GetPoles();
- prototype_zeros = Lowpass_Proto_Filt->GetZeros();
- Num_Poles = Lowpass_Proto_Filt->GetNumPoles();
- Num_Zeros = Lowpass_Proto_Filt->GetNumZeros();
- //H_Zero = 1.0;
- H_Zero = Lowpass_Proto_Filt->GetHZero();
- cutoff_freq = TWO_PI * Passband_Edge;
- Pole_Locs = new std::complex<double>[Num_Poles];
- for( j=0; j<Num_Poles; j++)
- {
- Pole_Locs[j] = prototype_poles[j] * cutoff_freq;
- //H_Zero *= std::abs<double>(Pole_Locs[j]);
- H_Zero *= cutoff_freq;
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- *DebugFile << "Denorm Pole_Locs[" << j << "] = ("
- << std::real(Pole_Locs[j]) << ", "
- << std::imag(Pole_Locs[j]) << ")" << endl;
- #endif
- }
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- *DebugFile << "after poles, H_Zero = " << H_Zero << endl;
- #endif
- Zero_Locs = new std::complex<double>[Num_Zeros];
- for( j=0; j<Num_Zeros; j++)
- {
- Zero_Locs[j] = prototype_zeros[j] * cutoff_freq;
- //H_Zero /= std::abs<double>(Zero_Locs[j]);
- H_Zero /= cutoff_freq;
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- *DebugFile << "Denorm Zero_Locs[" << j << "] = ("
- << std::real(Zero_Locs[j]) << ", "
- << std::imag(Zero_Locs[j]) << ")" << endl;
- #endif
- }
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- *DebugFile << "after zeros, H_Zero = " << H_Zero << endl;
- #endif
- }
- //================================================
- void DenormalizedPrototype::HighpassDenormalize(void)
- {
- //double cutoff_freq;
- int j;
- int num_prototype_zeros;
- std::complex<double> *prototype_poles;
- std::complex<double> *prototype_zeros;
- std::complex<double> cutoff_freq;
- prototype_poles = Lowpass_Proto_Filt->GetPoles();
- prototype_zeros = Lowpass_Proto_Filt->GetZeros();
- Num_Poles = Lowpass_Proto_Filt->GetNumPoles();
- num_prototype_zeros = Lowpass_Proto_Filt->GetNumZeros();
- // highpass will have a zero at s=0 for each
- // prototype zero at infinity
- Num_Zeros = Num_Poles;
- H_Zero = 1.0;
- cutoff_freq = TWO_PI * Passband_Edge;
- // Divide the cutoff frequency (in rad/s) by the normalized pole
- // locations to give the desired highpass poles. This moves the poles
- // from the unti circle onto a circle of radius cutoff_freq.
- Pole_Locs = new std::complex<double>[Num_Poles];
- for( j=0; j<Num_Poles; j++)
- {
- Pole_Locs[j] = cutoff_freq / prototype_poles[j];
- }
- // Map the finite zeros of prototype (if any) into HP locs
- Zero_Locs = new std::complex<double>[Num_Zeros];
- for( j=0; j<num_prototype_zeros; j++)
- {
- Zero_Locs[j] = cutoff_freq / prototype_zeros[j];
- }
- // Map the infinite zeros of prototype into HP zeros at s=0.
- for( j=num_prototype_zeros; j<Num_Zeros; j++)
- {
- Zero_Locs[j] = 0.0;
- }
- }
- //============================================================
- // The lowpass to bandpass transformation implemented in this
- // function is based on Section 4.4.3 of "Filtering in the Time and
- // Frequency Domains" by Herman J. Blinchikoff and Anatol I. Zverev
- // (Wiley 1976).
- void DenormalizedPrototype::BandpassDenormalize(void)
- {
- //double cutoff_freq;
- int i;
- // int num_prototype_zeros;
- int num_prototype_poles;
- double omega_a, omega_b, omega_zero;
- double alpha, beta, gamma;
- double big_a, big_b;
- double little_a, little_b;
- double radical;
- double real_chunk, imag_chunk;
- int pole_num;
- int proto_pole_num;
- double sign;
- std::complex<double> *prototype_poles;
- // std::complex<double> *prototype_zeros;
- prototype_poles = Lowpass_Proto_Filt->GetPoles();
- //prototype_zeros = Lowpass_Proto_Filt->GetZeros();
- num_prototype_poles = Lowpass_Proto_Filt->GetNumPoles();
- Num_Poles = 2 * num_prototype_poles;
- Num_Zeros = num_prototype_poles;
- //num_prototype_zeros = Lowpass_Proto_Filt->GetNumZeros();
- H_Zero = 1.0;
- Pole_Locs = new std::complex<double>[Num_Poles];
- Zero_Locs = new std::complex<double>[Num_Zeros];
- for(i=0; i<Num_Zeros; i++)
- {
- Zero_Locs[i] = 0.0;
- }
- // convert critical frequencies from Hz to rad/sec
- //omega_b = TWO_PI * Passband_Edge_2; // flipped sense of omega_a/b on 11/30/00
- //omega_a = TWO_PI * Passband_Edge;
- omega_a = TWO_PI * Passband_Edge;
- omega_b = TWO_PI * Passband_Edge_2;
- pole_num = -1;
- // compute omega_zero as geometric mean of omega_a and omega_b
- omega_zero = sqrt(omega_a * omega_b);
- // compute the relative bandwidth, gamma
- gamma = (omega_b - omega_a)/omega_zero;
- // For each pole pair of the prototype we
- // will generate 2 pole pairs..
- // If num_prototype poles is odd, then we
- // will calculate the last two poles which
- // are associated the real-valued prototype
- // pole later on.
- for( proto_pole_num=1;
- proto_pole_num <= num_prototype_poles/2;
- proto_pole_num++)
- {
- *DebugFile << "working on proto pole " << proto_pole_num-1
- << " at ( " << prototype_poles[proto_pole_num-1].real()
- << ", " << prototype_poles[proto_pole_num-1].imag()
- << " )" << endl;
- //easter alpha = prototype_poles[proto_pole_num-1].real();
- alpha = -prototype_poles[proto_pole_num-1].real();
- beta = fabs(prototype_poles[proto_pole_num-1].imag());
- big_a = 1.0 - (( gamma * gamma / 4.0) *
- ( alpha * alpha - beta * beta ));
- big_b = -alpha * beta * gamma * gamma / 2.0;
- radical = sqrt( big_a * big_a + big_b * big_b );
- little_a = sqrt( ( radical + big_a ) / 2.0 );
- little_b = sqrt( ( radical - big_a ) / 2.0 );
- // for each prototype pair....
- sign = 1.0;
- for( i=0; i<2; i++)
- {
- real_chunk = omega_zero *
- ((-gamma * alpha / 2.0) + sign * little_b);
- imag_chunk = omega_zero *
- ((gamma * beta / 2.0) - sign * little_a);
- //((gamma * beta / 2.0) + sign * little_a); // for alpha .lt. 0
- //((gamma * beta / 2.0) - sign * little_a); // for alpha .gt. 0
- pole_num++;
- Pole_Locs[pole_num] = std::complex<double>(real_chunk, imag_chunk);
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- *DebugFile << " made new pole at ( " << real_chunk << ", "
- << imag_chunk << " ) " << endl;
- #endif
- pole_num++;
- Pole_Locs[pole_num] = std::complex<double>(real_chunk, (-imag_chunk) );
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- *DebugFile << " made new pole at ( " << real_chunk << ", "
- << (-imag_chunk) << " ) " << endl;
- #endif
- sign = -sign;
- }
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- // if number of lowpass poles is odd, do special
- // transformation for the pole on the real axis
- if( (num_prototype_poles%2) != 0)
- {
- //alpha = std::real<double>( prototype_poles[ num_prototype_poles/2+1 ] );
- //beta = std::imag<double>( prototype_poles[ num_prototype_poles/2+1 ] );
- alpha = std::real<double>( prototype_poles[ num_prototype_poles/2 ] );
- beta = std::imag<double>( prototype_poles[ num_prototype_poles/2 ] );
- big_a = 1.0 - gamma * gamma * alpha * alpha / 4.0;
- if( fabs(beta) > 0.0000001)
- {
- cout << "middle lowpass pole not on the real axis" << endl;
- cout << "pole at ( " << prototype_poles[ num_prototype_poles/2+1 ].real()
- << ", " << prototype_poles[ num_prototype_poles/2+1 ].imag()
- << " ) " << endl;
- exit(11);
- }
- if( big_a <= 0.0 )
- {
- cout << "error" << endl;
- exit(99);
- }
- else
- {
- real_chunk = alpha * (omega_b - omega_a) / 2.0;
- imag_chunk = omega_zero * sqrt(big_a);
- pole_num++;
- Pole_Locs[pole_num] = std::complex<double>( real_chunk, imag_chunk);
- pole_num++;
- Pole_Locs[pole_num] = std::complex<double>( real_chunk, (-imag_chunk) );
- }
- }
- // calculate H_Zero
- std::complex<double> cmpx_omega_zero;
- cmpx_omega_zero = std::complex<double>(0.0, omega_zero);
- for( i=0; i<Num_Poles; i++)
- {
- H_Zero *= std::abs<double>( Pole_Locs[i] - cmpx_omega_zero );
- }
- for( i=0; i<Num_Zeros; i++)
- {
- H_Zero /= std::abs<double>( Zero_Locs[i] - cmpx_omega_zero );
- }
- }
- //============================================================
- // The lowpass to bandstop transformation implemented in this
- // function is based on Section 4.7.1 of "Filtering in the Time and
- // Frequency Domains" by Herman J. Blinchikoff and Anatol I. Zverev
- // (Wiley 1976). Equation (4.7-4) was algebraically manipulated
- // to obtain explict expressions for the BS pole pairs that are
- // similar to the expressions provided for BP case in (4.4-31)
- void DenormalizedPrototype::BandstopDenormalize(void)
- {
- int i;
- int num_prototype_poles;
- int pole_num, proto_pole_num;
- double omega_a, omega_b, omega_zero;
- double alpha, beta, gamma;
- double big_a, big_b, big_c, big_c_sqrd;
- double radical, sign;
- double little_a, little_b;
- double real_chunk, imag_chunk;
- std::complex<double> *prototype_poles;
- prototype_poles = Lowpass_Proto_Filt->GetPoles();
- num_prototype_poles = Lowpass_Proto_Filt->GetNumPoles();
- Num_Poles = 2 * num_prototype_poles;
- Num_Zeros = 2 * num_prototype_poles;
- H_Zero = 1.0;
- Pole_Locs = new std::complex<double>[Num_Poles];
- Zero_Locs = new std::complex<double>[Num_Zeros];
- // convert critical frequencies from Hz to rad/sec
- omega_b = TWO_PI * Passband_Edge_2;
- omega_a = TWO_PI * Passband_Edge;
- pole_num = -1;
- // compute omega_zero as geometric mean of omega_a and omega_b
- omega_zero = sqrt(omega_a * omega_b);
- // put N zeros at +(j * omega_zero) and N zeros at -(j * omega_zero)
- for(i=0; i<Num_Zeros/2; i++)
- {
- Zero_Locs[2*i] = std::complex<double>(0.0, omega_zero);
- Zero_Locs[2*i+1] = std::complex<double>(0.0, -omega_zero);
- }
- // compute the relative bandwidth, gamma
- gamma = (omega_b - omega_a)/omega_zero;
- //gamma = (omega_a - omega_b)/omega_zero;
- // For each pole pair of the prototype we
- // will generate 2 pole pairs..
- // If num_prototype poles is odd, then we
- // will calculate the last two poles which
- // are associated with the real-valued prototype
- // pole later on.
- for( proto_pole_num = 1;
- proto_pole_num <= num_prototype_poles/2;
- proto_pole_num++)
- {
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- *DebugFile << "working on proto pole " << proto_pole_num-1
- << " at ( " << prototype_poles[proto_pole_num-1].real()
- << ", " << prototype_poles[proto_pole_num-1].imag()
- << " )" << endl;
- #endif
- alpha = -prototype_poles[proto_pole_num-1].real();
- beta = fabs(prototype_poles[proto_pole_num-1].imag());
- big_c = -gamma / (2.0 * ( alpha*alpha + beta*beta ));
- big_c_sqrd = big_c * big_c;
- big_a = 1.0 - (alpha * alpha * big_c_sqrd) + (beta * beta * big_c_sqrd);
- big_b = -2.0 * alpha * beta * big_c_sqrd;
- radical = sqrt( big_a * big_a + big_b * big_b );
- little_a = sqrt( ( radical + big_a ) / 2.0 );
- little_b = sqrt( ( radical - big_a ) / 2.0 );
- // for each prototype pair...
- sign = 1.0;
- for( i=0; i<2; i++)
- {
- real_chunk = omega_zero * (alpha * big_c + sign * little_b);
- imag_chunk = omega_zero * (beta * big_c + sign * little_a);
- pole_num++;
- Pole_Locs[pole_num] = std::complex<double>(real_chunk, imag_chunk);
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- *DebugFile << " made new pole at ( " << real_chunk << ", "
- << imag_chunk << " )" << endl;
- #endif
- pole_num++;
- Pole_Locs[pole_num] = std::complex<double>(real_chunk, (-imag_chunk));
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- *DebugFile << " made new pole at ( " << real_chunk << ", "
- << (-imag_chunk) << " )" << endl;
- #endif
- sign = -sign;
- }
- } // end of loop over prototype pole pairs
- //------------------------------------------------
- // if number of lowpass poles is odd, do special
- // transformation for the pole on the real axis
- if( (num_prototype_poles%2) != 0)
- {
- alpha = -prototype_poles[num_prototype_poles/2].real();
- beta = prototype_poles[num_prototype_poles/2].imag();
- big_a = 1.0 - gamma * gamma * alpha * alpha;
- if( fabs(beta) > 0.0000001)
- {
- cout << "middle lowpass pole not on the real axis" << endl;
- cout << "pole at ( " << prototype_poles[num_prototype_poles/2].real()
- << ", " << beta << " )" << endl;
- exit(11);
- }
- else
- {
- real_chunk = alpha;
- }
- }
- //
- // calculate H_Zero
- }