资源名称:svm.rar [点击查看]
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "parameters.h" parameters_c::parameters_c(){ clear(); }; void parameters_c::clear(){ // machine parameters realC=0; // 0 => SVM sets default 1/avg(||x||^2) nu=0; // search optimal C? search_c = 'n'; c_min = 1; c_max = c_min; c_delta = 1; search_stop=0; // loss function Lpos=1; Lneg=1; balance_cost=0; quadraticLossPos=0; quadraticLossNeg=0; epsilon_pos=0; epsilon_neg=0; is_pattern = 0; is_linear = 1; is_distribution = 0; is_nu=0; biased = 1; // cross-validation? cross_validation = 0; cv_window = 0; cv_inorder = 0; // scaling do_scale = 1; do_scale_y = 1; // numerical optimization parameters is_zero=1e-10; descend = 1e-15; max_iterations=100000; working_set_size=10; convergence_epsilon=1e-3; shrink_const = 50; kernel_cache=256; use_min_prediction = 0; // verbosity verbosity=3; print_w = 0; loo_estim = 0; // example formats default_example_format.sparse = 0; default_example_format.where_x = 2; default_example_format.where_y = 1; default_example_format.where_alpha = 0; default_example_format.delimiter = ' '; }; istream& operator >> (istream& data_stream, parameters_c& the_parameters){ // string s; char* s = new char[MAXCHAR]; char next = data_stream.peek(); if(next == EOF){ // set stream to eof next = data_stream.get(); }; while((! data_stream.eof()) && (next != '@')){ if(('n' == next) || (' ' == next) || ('r' == next) || ('f' == next) || ('t' == next)){ next = data_stream.get(); } else if('#' == next){ // ignore comment data_stream.getline(s,MAXCHAR); // getline(data_stream,s); } else{ // trying to read parameter data_stream >> s; if((0 == strcmp("C",s)) || (0 == strcmp("c",s))){ data_stream >> the_parameters.realC; } else if(0 == strcmp("L",s)){ data_stream >> the_parameters.Lpos; if(the_parameters.Lpos <= 0){ throw read_exception("Invalid value for parameter 'L'"); }; the_parameters.Lneg = the_parameters.Lpos; } else if((0 == strcmp("L+",s)) || (0 == strcmp("Lpos",s))){ data_stream >> the_parameters.Lpos; if(the_parameters.Lpos < 0){ throw read_exception("Invalid value for parameter 'L+'"); }; } else if((0 == strcmp("L-",s)) || (0 == strcmp("Lneg",s))){ data_stream >> the_parameters.Lneg; if(the_parameters.Lneg < 0){ throw read_exception("Invalid value for parameter 'L-'"); }; } else if(0 == strcmp("epsilon",s)){ data_stream >> the_parameters.epsilon_pos; if(the_parameters.epsilon_pos < 0){ throw read_exception("Invalid value for parameter 'epsilon'"); }; the_parameters.epsilon_neg = the_parameters.epsilon_pos; } else if(0 == strcmp("epsilon+",s)){ data_stream >> the_parameters.epsilon_pos; if(the_parameters.epsilon_pos < 0){ throw read_exception("Invalid value for parameter 'epsilon+'"); }; } else if(0 == strcmp("epsilon-",s)){ data_stream >> the_parameters.epsilon_neg; if(the_parameters.epsilon_neg < 0){ throw read_exception("Invalid value for parameter 'epsilon-'"); }; } else if(0 == strcmp("distribution",s)){ the_parameters.is_distribution = 1; the_parameters.is_pattern = 1; } else if(0 == strcmp("biased",s)){ the_parameters.biased = 1; } else if(0 == strcmp("unbiased",s)){ the_parameters.biased = 0; } else if(0 == strcmp("balance_cost",s)){ the_parameters.balance_cost = 1; } else if(0 == strcmp("nu",s)){ data_stream >>; the_parameters.is_nu = 1; if( < 0){ throw read_exception("Invalid value for parameter 'nu'"); }; } else if((0 == strcmp("quadraticLoss+",s))|| (0 == strcmp("quadraticloss+",s))){ the_parameters.quadraticLossPos = 1; } else if((0 == strcmp("quadraticLoss-",s))||(0 == strcmp("quadraticloss-",s))){ the_parameters.quadraticLossNeg = 1; } else if((0 == strcmp("quadraticLoss",s))||(0 == strcmp("quadraticloss",s))){ the_parameters.quadraticLossPos = 1; the_parameters.quadraticLossNeg = 1; } else if((0 == strcmp("search_C",s)) || (0 == strcmp("search_c",s))){ data_stream >> s; char search_c = s[0]; //(s.c_str())[0]; if((search_c == 'N') ||(search_c == 'n')){ the_parameters.search_c = 'n'; } else if((search_c == 'A') ||(search_c == 'a')){ the_parameters.search_c = 'a'; } else if((search_c == 'M') ||(search_c == 'm')){ the_parameters.search_c = 'm'; } else if((search_c == 'G') ||(search_c == 'g')){ the_parameters.search_c = 'g'; } else{ throw read_exception("Invalid value for parameter 'search_C'"); }; } else if(0 == strcmp("search_stop",s)){ data_stream >> the_parameters.search_stop; if(the_parameters.search_stop < 0){ throw read_exception("Invalid value for parameter 'search_stop'"); }; } else if((0 == strcmp("Cmin",s)) || (0 == strcmp("cmin",s))){ data_stream >> the_parameters.c_min; if(the_parameters.c_min < 0){ throw read_exception("Invalid value for parameter 'Cmin'"); }; } else if((0 == strcmp("Cmax",s)) || (0 == strcmp("cmax",s))){ data_stream >> the_parameters.c_max; if(the_parameters.c_max <= 0){ throw read_exception("Invalid value for parameter 'Cmax'"); }; } else if((0 == strcmp("Cdelta",s)) || (0 == strcmp("cdelta",s))){ data_stream >> the_parameters.c_delta; if(the_parameters.c_delta <= 0){ throw read_exception("Invalid value for parameter 'Cdelta'"); }; } else if(0 == strcmp("pattern",s)){ the_parameters.is_pattern = 1; } else if(0 == strcmp("regression",s)){ the_parameters.is_pattern = 0; } else if(0 == strcmp("scale",s)){ the_parameters.do_scale = 1; the_parameters.do_scale_y = 1; } else if(0 == strcmp("no_scale",s)){ the_parameters.do_scale = 0; the_parameters.do_scale_y = 0; } else if((0 == strcmp("cross_validation",s)) || (0 == strcmp("cv",s))){ if(data_stream.peek() == 'n'){ the_parameters.cross_validation = 10; } else{ data_stream >> the_parameters.cross_validation; if(the_parameters.cross_validation < 0){ throw read_exception("Invalid value for parameter 'cross_validation'"); }; }; } else if(0 == strcmp("cv_window",s)){ data_stream >> the_parameters.cv_window; if(the_parameters.cv_window<0){ throw read_exception("Invalid value for parameter 'cv_window'"); }; the_parameters.cv_inorder = 1; } else if(0 == strcmp("cv_inorder",s)){ the_parameters.cv_inorder = 1; } else if(0 == strcmp("working_set_size",s)){ data_stream >> the_parameters.working_set_size; if(the_parameters.working_set_size < 2){ throw read_exception("Invalid value for parameter 'working_set_size'"); }; } else if(0 == strcmp("max_iterations",s)){ data_stream >> the_parameters.max_iterations; if(the_parameters.max_iterations<0){ throw read_exception("Invalid value for parameter 'max_iterations'"); }; } else if(0 == strcmp("shrink_const",s)){ data_stream >> the_parameters.shrink_const; if(the_parameters.shrink_const<1){ throw read_exception("Invalid value for parameter 'shrink_const'"); }; } else if(0 == strcmp("descend",s)){ data_stream >> the_parameters.descend; if(the_parameters.shrink_const<0){ throw read_exception("Invalid value for parameter 'descend'"); }; } else if(0 == strcmp("is_zero",s)){ data_stream >> s; the_parameters.is_zero = string2svmfloat(s); if(the_parameters.is_zero <= 0){ throw read_exception("Invalid value for parameter 'is_zero'"); }; } else if(0 == strcmp("kernel_cache",s)){ data_stream >> the_parameters.kernel_cache; if(the_parameters.kernel_cache < 0){ throw read_exception("Invalid value for parameter 'kernel_cache'"); }; } else if(0 == strcmp("convergence_epsilon",s)){ data_stream >> s; the_parameters.convergence_epsilon = string2svmfloat(s); if(the_parameters.convergence_epsilon < 0){ throw read_exception("Invalid value for parameter 'convergence_epsilon'"); }; } else if(0 == strcmp("verbosity",s)){ data_stream >> the_parameters.verbosity; } else if(0 == strcmp("min_prediction",s)){ data_stream >> the_parameters.min_prediction; the_parameters.use_min_prediction = 1; } else if(0 == strcmp("print_w",s)){ the_parameters.print_w = 1; } else if(0 == strcmp("loo_estim",s)){ the_parameters.loo_estim = 1; } else if(0 == strcmp("no_loo_estim",s)){ the_parameters.loo_estim = 0; } else if(0 == strcmp("format",s)){ // default examples format data_stream >> s; if(0==strcmp("sparse",s)){ the_parameters.default_example_format.sparse = 1; } else{ the_parameters.default_example_format.sparse = 0; the_parameters.default_example_format.where_x = 0; the_parameters.default_example_format.where_y = 0; the_parameters.default_example_format.where_alpha = 0; for(int i=0;s[i] != ' ';i++){ if('x' == s[i]){ the_parameters.default_example_format.where_x = i+1; } else if('y' == s[i]){ the_parameters.default_example_format.where_y = i+1; } else if('a' == s[i]){ the_parameters.default_example_format.where_alpha = i+1; } else{ throw read_exception("Invalid default format for examples"); }; }; if(0 == the_parameters.default_example_format.where_x){ throw read_exception("Invalid default format for examples: x must be given"); }; }; } else if(0 == strcmp("delimiter",s)){ // default examples delimiter data_stream >> s; if((s[0] != ' ') && (s[1] != ' ')){ the_parameters.default_example_format.delimiter = s[1]; } else if ((s[1] == ' ') && (s[0] != ' ')){ the_parameters.default_example_format.delimiter = s[0]; if(' ' == data_stream.peek()){ // if delimiter = ' ' we have only read one ' data_stream.get(); if(the_parameters.default_example_format.delimiter == data_stream.peek()){ data_stream.get(); the_parameters.default_example_format.delimiter = ' '; }; }; } else{ the_parameters.default_example_format.delimiter = ' '; }; } else{ // unknown parameter char* t = new char[MAXCHAR]; strcpy(t,"Unknown parameter: "); t = strcat(t,s); throw read_exception(t); }; }; next = data_stream.peek(); if(next == EOF){ // set stream to eof next = data_stream.get(); }; }; if(the_parameters.is_pattern){ the_parameters.do_scale_y = 0; }; delete []s; return data_stream; }; ostream& operator << (ostream& data_stream, parameters_c& the_parameters){ data_stream<<"C "<<the_parameters.realC<<endl; if(1 == the_parameters.balance_cost){ data_stream<<"balance_cost"<<endl; } else{ if((1 != the_parameters.Lpos) || (1 != the_parameters.Lneg)){ data_stream<<"L+ "<<the_parameters.Lpos<<endl; data_stream<<"L- "<<the_parameters.Lneg<<endl; }; }; if(the_parameters.epsilon_pos == the_parameters.epsilon_neg){ data_stream<<"epsilon "<<the_parameters.epsilon_pos<<endl; } else{ data_stream<<"epsilon+ "<<the_parameters.epsilon_pos<<endl; data_stream<<"epsilon- "<<the_parameters.epsilon_neg<<endl; }; if(1 == the_parameters.is_distribution){ data_stream<<"distribution"<<endl; }; if(1 == the_parameters.is_nu){ data_stream<<"nu "<<<<endl; }; if(the_parameters.quadraticLossPos) data_stream<<"quadraticLoss+"<<endl; if(the_parameters.quadraticLossNeg) data_stream<<"quadraticLoss-"<<endl; if(the_parameters.search_c != 'n'){ data_stream<<"search_C "<<the_parameters.search_c<<endl <<"search_stop "<<the_parameters.search_stop<<endl <<"Cmin "<<the_parameters.c_min<<endl <<"Cmax "<<the_parameters.c_max<<endl <<"Cdelta "<<the_parameters.c_delta<<endl; }; if(the_parameters.is_pattern) data_stream<<"pattern"<<endl; if(the_parameters.do_scale) data_stream<<"scale"<<endl; if(the_parameters.cross_validation > 0) data_stream<<"cross_validation "<<the_parameters.cross_validation<<endl; if(the_parameters.cv_window>0) data_stream<<"cv_window"<<the_parameters.cv_window<<endl; if(the_parameters.cv_inorder) data_stream<<"cv_inorder"<<endl; data_stream<<"# optimization parameters"<<endl; data_stream<<"working_set_size "<<the_parameters.working_set_size<<endl; data_stream<<"max_iterations "<<the_parameters.max_iterations<<endl; data_stream<<"shrink_const "<<the_parameters.shrink_const<<endl; data_stream<<"descend "<<the_parameters.descend<<endl; data_stream<<"convergence_epsilon "<<the_parameters.convergence_epsilon<<endl; data_stream<<"kernel_cache "<<the_parameters.kernel_cache<<endl; data_stream<<"verbosity "<<the_parameters.verbosity<<endl; return data_stream; };