- // Compute_Param.h: interface for the CCompute_Param class.
- //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #if !defined(AFX_COMPUTE_PARAM_H__0155D7A3_9A2A_4712_A5F1_CC2E36C30257__INCLUDED_)
- #define AFX_COMPUTE_PARAM_H__0155D7A3_9A2A_4712_A5F1_CC2E36C30257__INCLUDED_
- #if _MSC_VER > 1000
- #pragma once
- #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
- class CCompute_Param
- {
- public:
- CCompute_Param();
- virtual ~CCompute_Param();
- void DumpToFile(CString strFileName);
- bool GetFromFile(CString strFileName);
- private:
- void Serialize(CArchive &ar);
- public:
- //Learning options
- double C;
- double cost_factor;
- long biased_Hyperplane;
- long remove_inconsitant;
- //performance estimations options
- long loo;
- double rho;
- long search_depth;
- //transduction option
- double fraction;
- //kernel option
- long kernel_type;
- long poly_degree;
- double rbf_gamma;
- double poly_s;
- double poly_c;
- //optimization options
- long maximum_size;
- long new_variable;//2..maximun_size
- double cache_size;//5..,the larger, the faster
- double epsion;
- long iteration_time;//default 100
- int final_test;//default 1, to do final test.
- int classifier_num; //类别总数
- int classifier_type; //分类器的类型
- //output options
- CString trainfile;
- CString modelfile;
- CString resultfile;
- CString classifyfile;
- CString matrixfile;
- CString resultpath;
- int running; //0--not running 1--generate document vectors 2--train svm
- bool paused;
- //global variables
- double Coff[2];
- };
- #endif // !defined(AFX_COMPUTE_PARAM_H__0155D7A3_9A2A_4712_A5F1_CC2E36C30257__INCLUDED_)