- // Compute_Param.cpp: implementation of the CCompute_Param class.
- //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "Compute_Param.h"
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #endif
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Construction/Destruction
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- CCompute_Param::CCompute_Param()
- {
- biased_Hyperplane=1;
- remove_inconsitant=0;
- C =0.0;
- cost_factor =1.0;
- loo =0;
- search_depth =0;
- rho =1.0;
- fraction =1.0;
- rbf_gamma =1.0;
- poly_c =0.0;
- poly_s =1.0;
- poly_degree =1;
- kernel_type =0;
- epsion =0.001;
- iteration_time =100;
- cache_size =40;
- new_variable =10;
- maximum_size =10;
- final_test =1;
- classifier_num =0;
- classifier_type =0;
- running =0;
- paused =false;
- }
- CCompute_Param::~CCompute_Param()
- {
- }
- void CCompute_Param::Serialize(CArchive &ar)
- {
- if(ar.IsStoring())
- {
- ar<<C;
- ar<<cost_factor;
- ar<<biased_Hyperplane;
- ar<<remove_inconsitant;
- ar<<loo;
- ar<<rho;
- ar<<search_depth;
- ar<<fraction;
- ar<<kernel_type;
- ar<<poly_degree;
- ar<<rbf_gamma;
- ar<<poly_s;
- ar<<poly_c;
- ar<<maximum_size;
- ar<<new_variable;//2..maximun_size
- ar<<cache_size;//5..,the larger, the faster
- ar<<epsion;
- ar<<iteration_time;//default 100
- ar<<final_test;//default 1, to do final test.
- ar<<classifier_num;
- ar<<classifier_type;
- ar<<trainfile;
- ar<<modelfile;
- ar<<resultfile;
- ar<<classifyfile;
- ar<<matrixfile;
- ar<<resultpath;
- ar<<Coff[2];
- }
- else
- {
- ar>>C;
- ar>>cost_factor;
- ar>>biased_Hyperplane;
- ar>>remove_inconsitant;
- ar>>loo;
- ar>>rho;
- ar>>search_depth;
- ar>>fraction;
- ar>>kernel_type;
- ar>>poly_degree;
- ar>>rbf_gamma;
- ar>>poly_s;
- ar>>poly_c;
- ar>>maximum_size;
- ar>>new_variable;//2..maximun_size
- ar>>cache_size;//5..,the larger, the faster
- ar>>epsion;
- ar>>iteration_time;//default 100
- ar>>final_test;//default 1, to do final test.
- ar>>classifier_num;
- ar>>classifier_type;
- ar>>trainfile;
- ar>>modelfile;
- ar>>resultfile;
- ar>>classifyfile;
- ar>>matrixfile;
- ar>>resultpath;
- ar>>Coff[2];
- }
- }
- void CCompute_Param::DumpToFile(CString strFileName)
- {
- CFile fBinOut;
- if(!fBinOut.Open(strFileName,CFile::modeWrite | CFile::modeCreate) )
- {
- AfxMessageBox( "无法创建文件"+strFileName+"!") ;
- return;
- }
- CArchive ar(&fBinOut,CArchive::store);
- Serialize(ar);
- ar.Close();
- fBinOut.Close();
- }
- bool CCompute_Param::GetFromFile(CString strFileName)
- {
- CFile fBinIn;
- if(!fBinIn.Open(strFileName,CFile::modeRead) )
- {
- AfxMessageBox( "无法打开文件"+strFileName+"!");
- return false;
- }
- CArchive ar(&fBinIn,CArchive::load);
- Serialize(ar);
- ar.Close();
- fBinIn.Close();
- return true;
- }