- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //ICTCLAS简介:计算所汉语词法分析系统ICTCLAS(Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Lexical Analysis System),
- // 功能有:中文分词;词性标注;未登录词识别。
- // 分词正确率高达97.58%(973专家评测结果),
- // 未登录词识别召回率均高于90%,其中中国人名的识别召回率接近98%;
- // 处理速度为31.5Kbytes/s。
- //著作权: Copyright?2002-2005中科院计算所 职务著作权人:张华平 刘群
- //遵循协议:自然语言处理开放资源许可证1.0
- //Email:
- //;
- /****************************************************************************
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2001
- * Machine Group
- * Software Research Lab.
- * Institute of Computing Tech.
- * Chinese Academy of Sciences
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * This file is the confidential and proprietary property of
- * Institute of Computing Tech. and the posession or use of this file requires
- * a written license from the author.
- * Filename: ContextStat.cpp
- * Abstract:
- * implementation of the CContextStat class.
- * Author: Kevin Zhang
- * (
- * Date: 2002-1-24
- *
- * Notes:
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "ContextStat.h"
- #include "Utility.h"
- #include <memory.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Construction/Destruction
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- CContextStat::CContextStat()
- {
- m_pSymbolTable=0;//new buffer for symbol
- m_pContext=0;//init with empty
- }
- CContextStat::~CContextStat()
- {
- delete [] m_pSymbolTable;
- PMYCONTEXT pCur=m_pContext,pTemp;
- while(pCur!=NULL)
- {//delete the context array
- pTemp=pCur->next;
- for(int i=0;i<m_nTableLen;i++)
- delete [] pCur->aContextArray[i];
- delete [] pCur->aContextArray;
- delete [] pCur->aTagFreq;
- delete pCur;
- pCur=pTemp;
- }
- }
- bool CContextStat::SetSymbol(int *nSymbol)
- {
- memcpy(m_pSymbolTable,nSymbol,sizeof(int)*m_nTableLen);
- return true;
- }
- bool CContextStat::Add(int nKey, int nPrevSymbol, int nCurSymbol, int nFrequency)
- {//Add the context symbol to the array
- PMYCONTEXT pRetItem,pNew;
- int nPrevIndex,nCurIndex;
- if(!GetItem(nKey,&pRetItem))//Not get it
- {
- pNew=new MYCONTEXT;
- pNew->nKey=nKey;
- pNew->nTotalFreq=0;
- pNew->next=NULL;
- pNew->aContextArray=new int*[m_nTableLen];
- pNew->aTagFreq=new int[m_nTableLen];
- memset(pNew->aTagFreq,0,sizeof(int)*m_nTableLen);
- for(int i=0;i<m_nTableLen;i++)
- {//new buffer for every dimension
- pNew->aContextArray[i]=new int[m_nTableLen];
- memset(pNew->aContextArray[i],0,sizeof(int)*m_nTableLen);//Init the frequency
- }
- if(pRetItem==NULL)//Empty, the new item is head
- m_pContext=pNew;
- else//Link the new item between pRetItem and its next item
- {
- pNew->next=pRetItem->next;
- pRetItem->next=pNew;
- }
- pRetItem=pNew;
- }
- nPrevIndex=BinarySearch(nPrevSymbol,m_pSymbolTable,m_nTableLen);
- if(nPrevSymbol>256&&nPrevIndex==-1)//Not find, just for 'nx' and other uncommon POS
- nPrevIndex=BinarySearch(nPrevSymbol-nPrevSymbol%256,m_pSymbolTable,m_nTableLen);
- nCurIndex=BinarySearch(nCurSymbol,m_pSymbolTable,m_nTableLen);
- if(nCurSymbol>256&&nCurIndex==-1)//Not find, just for 'nx' and other uncommon POS
- nCurIndex=BinarySearch(nCurSymbol-nCurSymbol%256,m_pSymbolTable,m_nTableLen);
- if(nPrevIndex==-1||nCurIndex==-1)//error finding the symbol
- return false;
- pRetItem->aContextArray[nPrevIndex][nCurIndex]+=nFrequency;//Add the frequency
- pRetItem->aTagFreq[nPrevIndex]+=nFrequency;
- pRetItem->nTotalFreq+=nFrequency;
- return true;
- }
- bool CContextStat::Save(char *sFilename)
- {
- FILE *fp,*fp1;
- char sFileShow[100];
- int i;
- if((fp=fopen(sFilename,"wb"))==NULL)
- {
- return false;
- }
- strcpy(sFileShow,sFilename);
- strcat(sFileShow,".shw");
- if((fp1=fopen(sFileShow,"wb"))==NULL)
- {
- return false;
- }
- fwrite(&m_nTableLen,sizeof(m_nTableLen),1,fp);//write the table length
- fwrite(m_pSymbolTable,sizeof(int),m_nTableLen,fp);//write the symbol table
- fprintf(fp1,"Table Len=%dnSymbol:n",m_nTableLen);
- for(i=0;i<m_nTableLen;i++)
- fprintf(fp1,"%d ",m_pSymbolTable[i]);
- fprintf(fp1,"n");
- pCur=m_pContext;
- while(pCur!=NULL)
- {
- fwrite(&pCur->nKey,sizeof(int),1,fp);
- fwrite(&pCur->nTotalFreq,sizeof(int),1,fp);
- fprintf(fp1,"nKey=%d,Total frequency=%d:n",pCur->nKey,pCur->nTotalFreq);
- fwrite(pCur->aTagFreq,sizeof(int),m_nTableLen,fp);//the every POS frequency
- for(i=0;i<m_nTableLen;i++)
- {
- fwrite(pCur->aContextArray[i],sizeof(int),m_nTableLen,fp);
- fprintf(fp1,"No.%2d=%3d: ",i,m_pSymbolTable[i]);
- for(int j=0;j<m_nTableLen;j++)
- fprintf(fp1,"%5d ",pCur->aContextArray[i][j]);
- fprintf(fp1,"total=%d:n",pCur->aTagFreq[i]);
- }
- pCur=pCur->next;
- }
- fclose(fp);
- fclose(fp1);
- return true;
- }
- bool CContextStat::Load(char *sFilename)
- {
- FILE *fp;
- if((fp=fopen(sFilename,"rb"))==NULL)
- {
- return false;
- }
- PMYCONTEXT pCur=m_pContext,pTemp,pPre=NULL;
- while(pCur!=NULL)
- {//delete the context array
- pTemp=pCur->next;
- for(int i=0;i<m_nTableLen;i++)
- delete [] pCur->aContextArray[i];
- delete [] pCur->aContextArray;
- delete [] pCur->aTagFreq;
- delete pCur;
- pCur=pTemp;
- }
- fread(&m_nTableLen,sizeof(m_nTableLen),1,fp);//write the table length
- if(m_pSymbolTable!=NULL)
- delete [] m_pSymbolTable;
- m_pSymbolTable=new int[m_nTableLen];//new buffer for symbol
- fread(m_pSymbolTable,sizeof(int),m_nTableLen,fp);//write the symbol table
- //free exists items
- while(!feof(fp))
- {//Read the context
- pCur=new MYCONTEXT;
- pCur->next=NULL;
- if(fread(&pCur->nKey,sizeof(int),1,fp)<1)//Read error
- {
- delete pCur;
- break;
- }
- fread(&pCur->nTotalFreq,sizeof(int),1,fp);
- pCur->aTagFreq=new int [m_nTableLen];
- fread(pCur->aTagFreq,sizeof(int),m_nTableLen,fp);//the every POS frequency
- pCur->aContextArray=new int *[m_nTableLen];
- for(int i=0;i<m_nTableLen;i++)
- {
- pCur->aContextArray[i]=new int[m_nTableLen];
- fread(pCur->aContextArray[i],sizeof(int),m_nTableLen,fp);
- }
- if(pPre==NULL)
- m_pContext=pCur;
- else
- pPre->next=pCur;
- pPre=pCur;
- }
- fclose(fp);
- return true;
- }
- double CContextStat::GetContextPossibility(int nKey, int nPrev, int nCur)
- {
- int nCurIndex=BinarySearch(nCur,m_pSymbolTable,m_nTableLen);
- int nPrevIndex=BinarySearch(nPrev,m_pSymbolTable,m_nTableLen);
- if(!GetItem(nKey,&pCur)||nCurIndex==-1||nPrevIndex==-1||pCur->aTagFreq[nPrevIndex]==0||pCur->aContextArray[nPrevIndex][nCurIndex]==0)
- return 0.000001;//return a lower value, not 0 to prevent data sparse
- int nPrevCurConFreq=pCur->aContextArray[nPrevIndex][nCurIndex];
- int nPrevFreq=pCur->aTagFreq[nPrevIndex];
- return 0.9*(double)nPrevCurConFreq/(double)nPrevFreq+0.1*(double)nPrevFreq/(double)pCur->nTotalFreq;
- //0.9 and 0.1 is a value based experience
- }
- int CContextStat::GetFrequency(int nKey, int nSymbol)
- {//Get the frequency which nSymbol appears
- int nIndex,nFrequency=0;
- if(!GetItem(nKey,&pFound))//Not found such a item
- return 0;
- nIndex=BinarySearch(nSymbol,m_pSymbolTable,m_nTableLen);
- if(nIndex==-1)//error finding the symbol
- return 0;
- nFrequency=pFound->aTagFreq[nIndex];//Add the frequency
- return nFrequency;
- }
- bool CContextStat::GetItem(int nKey,PMYCONTEXT *pItemRet)
- {//Get the item according the nKey
- PMYCONTEXT pCur=m_pContext,pPrev=NULL;
- if(nKey==0&&m_pContext)
- {
- *pItemRet=m_pContext;
- return true;
- }
- while(pCur!=NULL&&pCur->nKey<nKey)
- {//delete the context array
- pPrev=pCur;
- pCur=pCur->next;
- }
- if(pCur!=NULL&&pCur->nKey==nKey)
- {//find it and return the current item
- *pItemRet=pCur;
- return true;
- }
- *pItemRet=pPrev;
- return false;
- }
- bool CContextStat::SetTableLen(int nTableLen)
- {
- m_nTableLen=nTableLen;//Set the table len
- m_pSymbolTable=new int[nTableLen];//new buffer for symbol
- m_pContext=0;//init with empty
- return true;
- }
- void CContextStat::ReleaseContextStat()
- {
- PMYCONTEXT pCur=m_pContext,pTemp,pPre=NULL;
- while(pCur!=NULL)
- {//delete the context array
- pTemp=pCur->next;
- for(int i=0;i<m_nTableLen;i++)
- {
- if(pCur->aContextArray[i]!=NULL)
- {
- delete [] pCur->aContextArray[i];
- pCur->aContextArray[i]=NULL;
- }
- }
- if(pCur->aContextArray!=NULL)
- {
- delete [] pCur->aContextArray;
- pCur->aContextArray=NULL;
- }
- if(pCur->aTagFreq!=NULL)
- {
- delete [] pCur->aTagFreq;
- pCur->aTagFreq=NULL;
- }
- delete pCur;
- pCur=pTemp;
- }
- m_pContext=NULL;
- if(m_pSymbolTable!=NULL)
- {
- delete [] m_pSymbolTable;
- m_pSymbolTable=NULL;
- }
- }