- MultiUse = -1 'True
- Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
- DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
- DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
- MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
- Attribute VB_Name = "cGIFparser"
- Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
- Attribute VB_Creatable = True
- Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
- Attribute VB_Exposed = False
- Option Explicit
- ' No APIs are declared public. This is to prevent possibly, differently
- ' declared APIs, or different versions of the same API, from conflciting
- ' with any APIs you declared in your project. Same rule for UDTs.
- ' used to extract data from a converted GIF
- Private Declare Function GetGDIObject Lib "gdi32.dll" Alias "GetObjectA" (ByVal hObject As Long, ByVal nCount As Long, ByRef lpObject As Any) As Long
- Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (ByRef Destination As Any, ByRef Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
- Private Declare Function VarPtrArray Lib "msvbvm60.dll" Alias "VarPtr" (Ptr() As Any) As Long
- Private Type SafeArrayBound
- cElements As Long
- lLbound As Long
- End Type
- Private Type SafeArray
- cDims As Integer
- fFeatures As Integer
- cbElements As Long
- cLocks As Long
- pvData As Long
- rgSABound(0 To 1) As SafeArrayBound ' reusable UDT for 1 & 2 dim arrays
- End Type
- Private Type BITMAP
- bmType As Long
- bmWidth As Long
- bmHeight As Long
- bmWidthBytes As Long
- bmPlanes As Integer
- bmBitsPixel As Integer
- bmBits As Long
- End Type
- Private c_GIFdata() As Byte ' source bytes (mapped array, never initialized)
- Private c_GIFbytes() As Byte ' 1st frame from source bytes
- Public Function LoadStream(inStream() As Byte, cHost As c32bppDIB, _
- Optional ByVal streamOffset As Long, Optional ByVal streamLength As Long) As Boolean
- ' Parameters:
- ' insSream() :: a byte array containing a GIF
- ' cHost :: an initialized c32bppDIB
- ' streamOffset :: array position for 1st byte in the stream
- ' streamLength :: size of stream that contains the image
- ' - If zero, then size is UBound(inStream)-streamOffset+1
- ' IMPORTANT: the array offset & length are not checked in this class.
- ' They were checked before this class was called. If this class is to
- ' be pulled out and put in another project, ensure you include the
- ' validation shown in c32bppDIB.LoadPicture_Stream
- Dim tTSA As SafeArray
- ' overlay our module level array onto the passed array
- With tTSA
- .cbElements = 1 ' byte array
- .cDims = 1 ' 1 dimensional
- .pvData = VarPtr(inStream(streamOffset))
- .rgSABound(0).cElements = streamLength
- End With
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(c_GIFdata), VarPtr(tTSA), 4& ' apply overlay
- ' call routine to parse the GIF & convert it to 32bpp
- LoadStream = ParseGIF(cHost)
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(c_GIFdata), 0&, 4& ' remove overlay
- End Function
- Private Function ParseGIF(cHost As c32bppDIB) As Boolean
- On Error Resume Next
- ' a modified routine from some of my other GIF postings
- ' This version is scaled back and only extracts first frame
- ' This routine has one limitation. Some rare GIFs do not follow the
- ' standards and when those are encountered, the routine will return
- ' True to prevent GIF from being sent to other parsers. This is
- ' important because the BMP parser sends the stream to an API
- ' to convert an unknown image to a stdPicture. If the GIF stream
- ' isn't formatted within standards that API hangs the application.
- Dim gLong As Long
- Dim aPointer As Long
- Dim gHeaderLen As Long
- Dim g87aStart As Long, g87aStop As Long
- Dim g89aStart As Long, g89aStop As Long
- ' transparency flags and variables use to tweak GIF
- Dim transUsed As Byte, TransIndex As Long
- Dim aLocalTbl As Long, gColorsUsed As Long
- Dim uniquePalette(0 To 767) As Byte
- Dim p As Long
- On Error GoTo ExitReadRoutine
- ' read signature
- ReDim c_GIFbytes(0 To 5)
- CopyMemory c_GIFbytes(0), c_GIFdata(0), 6&
- Select Case LCase(StrConv(c_GIFbytes, vbUnicode))
- Case "gif89a", "gif87a"
- Case Else
- Exit Function
- End Select
- ' skip to the global color table information
- If (c_GIFdata(10) And 128) = 128 Then ' color table used? If so, skip it
- gColorsUsed = 2& ^ (1& + (c_GIFdata(10) And &H7)) ' count colors
- gHeaderLen = gColorsUsed * 3& + 13&
- Else 'no global color table; probably uses local color tables
- gHeaderLen = 13&
- End If
- aPointer = gHeaderLen
- Do
- Select Case c_GIFdata(aPointer) ' read a single byte
- Case 0 ' block terminators
- aPointer = aPointer + 1&
- Case 33 'Extension Introducer
- aPointer = aPointer + 1&
- Select Case c_GIFdata(aPointer) ' read the extension type
- Case 255 ' application extension
- ' Get the length of extension: will always be 11
- aPointer = aPointer + c_GIFdata(aPointer + 1&) + 2&
- Call SkipGifBlock(aPointer)
- Case 249 ' Graphic Control Label
- ' (description of frame & is an optional block) 8 bytes
- transUsed = (c_GIFdata(aPointer + 2&) And 1&)
- If transUsed = 1& Then ' has transparency?
- TransIndex = c_GIFdata(aPointer + 5&) ' cache transparency index
- End If
- g89aStart = aPointer - 1& ' location where 89a block starts
- aPointer = aPointer + 7& ' move to end of block
- Case Else ' Comment block, plain text extension, or Unknown extension
- aPointer = aPointer + 1&
- Call SkipGifBlock(aPointer)
- End Select
- Case 44 ' Image Descriptor (image dimensions & color table)
- ' mark position where image description starts
- g87aStart = aPointer
- aPointer = aPointer + 9& ' image data starts 10 bytes after header
- ' next byte indicates if local color table used
- If (c_GIFdata(aPointer) And 128) = 128 Then ' local color table used?
- gColorsUsed = 2& ^ (1& + (c_GIFdata(aPointer) And &H7)) ' count colors
- aPointer = aPointer + gColorsUsed * 3&
- aLocalTbl = 1& ' flag indicating colors from local table vs global table
- End If
- aPointer = aPointer + 2& ' move to position of first data block
- Call SkipGifBlock(aPointer)
- g87aStop = aPointer - 1& ' this is where the data ends
- If g87aStop - g87aStart < 3& Then Exit Function ' invalid frame
- Exit Do
- Case Else
- ' shouldn't happen; abort with what we have
- Exit Function
- End Select
- Loop
- If Not (g87aStart = 0& Or gColorsUsed = 0&) Then ' we have a valid gif frame
- ' rebuild the GIF file to include only the 1st frame read
- If g89aStart > 0 Then ' gif is 89a format
- ' resize array, copy header info & gif89a info
- ReDim c_GIFbytes(0 To gHeaderLen + (g87aStop - g87aStart + 1&) + 8&)
- CopyMemory c_GIFbytes(0), c_GIFdata(0), gHeaderLen
- CopyMemory c_GIFbytes(gHeaderLen), c_GIFdata(g89aStart), 8&
- aPointer = gHeaderLen + 8& ' adjust pointer for gif87a info
- Else
- ' resize array and copy header info only
- ReDim c_GIFbytes(0 To gHeaderLen + (g87aStop - g87aStart + 1&))
- CopyMemory c_GIFbytes(0), c_GIFdata(0), gHeaderLen
- aPointer = gHeaderLen
- End If
- ' now copy the gif 87a info
- CopyMemory c_GIFbytes(aPointer), c_GIFdata(g87aStart), g87aStop - g87aStart + 1&
- c_GIFbytes(UBound(c_GIFbytes)) = 59 ' trailer/end of file
- ' fix up the left/top & width/height of overall frame
- CopyMemory c_GIFbytes(aPointer + 1), 0&, 4& ' make frame left/top zero
- CopyMemory c_GIFbytes(6), c_GIFbytes(aPointer + 5), 4& ' make window & frame size same
- If transUsed = 1& Then
- ' Fix up the color table/indexes for images with transparency
- ' Why? Instead of parsing/decompressing the GIF, we will allow an API to do it for us.
- ' But that API can re-index the GIF which means we may lose track of the transparency
- ' color/index. This happens whenever any color in the GIF's palette is duplicated.
- ' To prevent this from occuring, we simply replace the GIF's palette with another
- ' palette of non-duplicated entries.
- ' BTW: This way of creating GIF is still much faster than parsing the GIF by hand
- If aLocalTbl = 1& Then ' local color table else global
- ' local color table starts 10 bytes after the gif87a block
- aPointer = gHeaderLen + 10& ' location of table within single frame array
- aLocalTbl = g87aStart + 10& ' location of table within souce array
- ' offset single frame array when gif89a structure is used
- If Not g89aStart = 0& Then aPointer = aPointer + 8&
- Else
- aPointer = 13& ' global table location
- aLocalTbl = 13& ' same in both arrays
- End If
- For p = 1& To gColorsUsed - 1& ' create non-duplicating color palette
- gLong = p * 3&
- uniquePalette(gLong) = p
- uniquePalette(gLong + 1) = p
- uniquePalette(gLong + 2) = p
- Next
- ' replace the old palette with the new one
- CopyMemory c_GIFbytes(aPointer), uniquePalette(0), gColorsUsed * 3&
- Erase uniquePalette()
- Else
- TransIndex = -1&
- End If
- ' all done parsing the GIF file, send it to routine to convert it to a 32bpp
- ParseGIF = ConvertGIFto32bpp(TransIndex, aLocalTbl, cHost)
- End If
- ExitReadRoutine:
- If Err Then
- Err.Clear ' this is a GIF format, but the format is invalid
- cHost.DestroyDIB ' something is wrong; don't allow it to continue
- ParseGIF = True ' to other parsers
- End If
- End Function
- Private Sub SkipGifBlock(ByRef Ptr As Long)
- ' Routine skips a block of data within the GIF file
- Dim curByte As Byte
- curByte = c_GIFdata(Ptr)
- Do While Not curByte = 0
- Ptr = Ptr + 1& + curByte
- curByte = c_GIFdata(Ptr)
- Loop
- Ptr = Ptr + 1&
- End Sub
- Private Function ConvertGIFto32bpp(TransIndex As Long, tblOffset As Long, cHost As c32bppDIB) As Boolean
- ' Function converts GIF to a standard picture and then premultiplies RGB values based on the
- ' GIFs transparent index, if applicable.
- ' Note: The c_GIFbytes array was already processed/filled in the ParseGIF function
- Dim tPic As StdPicture, tBMP As BITMAP
- ' used for parsing a transparent gif
- Dim X As Long, Y As Long, m As Long, dX As Long, Index As Long
- Dim gSA As SafeArray, dSA As SafeArray
- Dim Pow2(0 To 8) As Long, dibBytes() As Byte
- Dim maskShift As Long, maskAND As Long
- Dim hostDC As Long
- ' first: have API create a stdPicture for us
- Set tPic = iparseArrayToPicture(c_GIFbytes, 0&, 1& + UBound(c_GIFbytes))
- Erase c_GIFbytes
- If Not tPic Is Nothing Then
- ' a VB stdPicture is a DIB, therefore it has a handle to the DIB bits; get it
- GetGDIObject tPic.Handle, Len(tBMP), tBMP
- If Not tBMP.bmBits = 0& Then
- ' have host create application's 32bpp DIB
- cHost.InitializeDIB tBMP.bmWidth, tBMP.bmHeight
- ' we only need to parse the palette & indexes if transparency is used
- If TransIndex = -1& Then ' opaque GIF
- ' render GIF to our DIB DC, then ensure all alpha bytes are 255
- hostDC = cHost.LoadDIBinDC(True)
- tPic.Render hostDC + 0&, 0&, 0&, tBMP.bmWidth + 0&, tBMP.bmHeight + 0&, _
- 0&, tPic.Height, tPic.Width, -tPic.Height, ByVal 0&
- cHost.LoadDIBinDC False
- With dSA
- .cbElements = 1
- .cDims = 2
- .pvData = cHost.BitsPointer
- .rgSABound(0).cElements = cHost.Height
- .rgSABound(1).cElements = cHost.scanWidth
- End With
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(dibBytes), VarPtr(dSA), 4&
- iparseValidateAlphaChannel dibBytes(), True, False, -1&
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(dibBytes), 0&, 4&
- cHost.Alpha = False
- Else
- ' next: getting ready to parse the paletted stdPic
- Pow2(0) = 1&
- For X = 1& To tBMP.bmBitsPixel ' power of 2 array
- Pow2(X) = Pow2(X - 1&) * 2&
- Next
- maskAND = Pow2(tBMP.bmBitsPixel) - 1& ' AND mask for stdPic indexes
- ' we need to overlay arrays onto the GIF and the host's DIB pointers
- With gSA
- .cbElements = 1
- .cDims = 2
- .pvData = tBMP.bmBits
- .rgSABound(0).cElements = tBMP.bmHeight
- .rgSABound(1).cElements = iparseByteAlignOnWord(tBMP.bmBitsPixel, tBMP.bmWidth)
- End With
- With dSA
- .cbElements = 1
- .cDims = 2
- .pvData = cHost.BitsPointer
- .rgSABound(0).cElements = cHost.Height
- .rgSABound(1).cElements = cHost.scanWidth
- End With
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(c_GIFbytes), VarPtr(gSA), 4&
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(dibBytes), VarPtr(dSA), 4&
- ' last: start parsing stdPic's paletted DIB
- For Y = 0& To tBMP.bmHeight - 1&
- dX = 0&: m = 0& ' reset dX=host DIB's X & M=stdPic DIB's X
- maskShift = 8& - tBMP.bmBitsPixel ' 1st bit to process
- ' note: do not loop thru using gif ScanWidth. If the GIF
- ' width is not DWORD ligned , you will overflow the target
- ' DIB width and eventually write to uninitialized memory
- For X = 1& To tBMP.bmWidth&
- ' get the palette index by shifting bits
- Index = ((c_GIFbytes(m, Y) Pow2(maskShift)) And maskAND)
- If Not Index = TransIndex Then ' 100% opaque else 100% transparent
- Index = Index * 3& + tblOffset
- dibBytes(dX, Y) = c_GIFdata(Index + 2&) ' make BGR vs RGB
- dibBytes(dX + 1, Y) = c_GIFdata(Index + 1&)
- dibBytes(dX + 2, Y) = c_GIFdata(Index)
- dibBytes(dX + 3, Y) = 255
- End If
- ' adjust for parsing/shifting the next index
- If maskShift = 0& Then
- maskShift = 8& - tBMP.bmBitsPixel ' start new byte
- m = m + 1& ' next GIF byte
- Else
- maskShift = maskShift - tBMP.bmBitsPixel ' adjust
- End If
- dX = dX + 4& ' next Host pixel
- Next
- Next
- ' done, remove overlays
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(c_GIFbytes), 0&, 4&
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(dibBytes), 0&, 4&
- cHost.Alpha = True
- End If
- cHost.ImageType = imgGIF
- ConvertGIFto32bpp = True
- End If
- End If
- End Function