- MultiUse = -1 'True
- Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
- DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
- DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
- MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
- Attribute VB_Name = "cPNGwriter"
- Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
- Attribute VB_Creatable = True
- Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
- Attribute VB_Exposed = False
- Option Explicit
- ' This class is a partial version of a full-blown PNG creation class.
- ' It creates a PNG with many options, but not nearly all PNG options avaialble
- ' and is specifically modified to creating PNGs from pre-multiplied 32bpp DIBs.
- ' There still may be references to Interlacing. Interlacing options do not
- ' exist in this class and any such references are results of extracting the
- ' routines from the full-version PNG creation class.
- ' Note that GDI+ does not offer any PNG options when creating PNGs, this class
- ' exposes several options and can be modified to support all PNG options.
- ' CUSTOM TAILORED FOR PRE-MULTIPLIED 32bpp DIBS. Routines not portable for normal DIBs.
- ' Required is a version of the zLIB DLL which can be found at www.zlib.net.
- ' zLIB comes in at least two varieties: C calling convention (_cdecl) and
- ' VB/PASCAL calling convention (_stdcall). This routine can use either of those
- ' conventions, but the zLIB file must be named one of the two following,
- ' not case sensitive, both are original filenames: zLib.dll or zLib1.dll
- ' Key highlights:
- ' 1. PNGs can be created without GDI+ as long as zlib or zlib1 is present
- ' 2. Using bit reduction algorithms, a 32bpp DIB can be converted to one of the
- ' the following: 8 bpp paletted, 24 bpp or 32 bpp PNGs; supporting full alpha
- ' 3. The PNG compression filtering mechanism in this routine is user-selected.
- ' Filters assist in reorganizing byte information to make it compress better
- ' Speed vs Size tradeoffs: filter type None is fastest while type Paeth is smallest (generally)
- ' See notes in FilterImage routine, set filter in c32bppDIB.PngPropertySet routine
- ' 4. Over a dozen options available when creating PNGs, see Me.AddProperty
- ' 5. This class almost always creates smaller PNG files than GDI+ when default filtering is used
- ' 6. PNGs can be saved to file or saved to an array
- ' array mapping structures
- Private Type SafeArrayBound
- cElements As Long ' number of array items
- lLbound As Long ' the LBound of the array
- End Type
- Private Type SafeArray
- cDims As Integer ' numer of dimensions (1) for this UDT
- fFeatures As Integer ' not used
- cbElements As Long ' byte size of each element (byte=1,Int=2,Long=4)
- cLocks As Long ' not used
- pvData As Long ' pointer to memory space containing array
- rgSABound(0 To 1) As SafeArrayBound
- End Type
- Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (ByRef Destination As Any, ByRef Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
- Private Declare Sub FillMemory Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "RtlFillMemory" (ByRef Destination As Any, ByVal Length As Long, ByVal Fill As Byte)
- ' change to msvbvm50.dll for VB5 projects:
- Private Declare Function VarPtrArray Lib "msvbvm60.dll" Alias "VarPtr" (Ptr() As Any) As Long
- ' zLIB calls, needed to compress/decompress png data
- ' ///////////// ZLIB.DLL REQUIREMENT \\\\\\
- ' validated via ValidateDLLExists function
- Private Declare Function Zcrc32 Lib "zlib.dll" Alias "crc32" (ByVal crc As Long, ByRef buf As Long, ByVal Length As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function Zcompress Lib "zlib.dll" Alias "compress" (ByRef Dest As Long, ByRef destLen As Long, ByRef Source As Long, ByVal sourceLen As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function Zcompress2 Lib "zlib.dll" Alias "compress2" (ByRef Dest As Long, ByRef destLen As Long, ByRef Source As Long, ByVal sourceLen As Long, ByVal Level As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function Zcrc321 Lib "zlib1.dll" Alias "crc32" (ByVal crc As Long, ByRef buf As Any, ByVal Length As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function Zcompress1 Lib "zlib1.dll" Alias "compress" (ByRef Dest As Long, ByRef destLen As Long, ByRef Source As Long, ByVal sourceLen As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function Zcompress21 Lib "zlib1.dll" Alias "compress2" (ByRef Dest As Long, ByRef destLen As Long, ByRef Source As Long, ByVal sourceLen As Long, ByVal Level As Long) As Long
- Private Const zlibMaxCompression = 9
- Private Declare Function WriteFile Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hFile As Long, lpBuffer As Any, ByVal nNumberOfBytesToWrite As Long, lpNumberOfBytesWritten As Long, lpOverlapped As Any) As Long
- Private Declare Function CloseHandle Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long
- Private Const INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE = -1
- Private Enum eColorTypes ' internal use only
- clrGrayScale = 0
- clrTrueColor = 2
- clrPalette = 3
- clrGrayAlpha = 4
- clrTrueAlpha = 6
- End Enum
- '----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' following are optional PNG properties only
- Private m_Filter As eFilterMethods
- Private m_bKGD As Long ' default PNG background color if a view opts to render against solid bkg
- Private m_Captions() As String ' see c32bppDIB.ePngProperties
- Private m_PNGprops As Long ' indicates which, if any, m_Captions are used
- '----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Private cCfunction As cCDECL ' class to allow using C calling convention
- Private m_ZLIBver As Long ' which version of zLIB?
- Private m_Palette() As Byte ' PNG palette if image can be palettized
- Private m_transPal() As Byte ' alpha values for PNG palettes as needed
- Private m_Uncompressed() As Byte ' initialized, contains uncompressed DIB bytes in 8,24,32 bit formats
- Private m_Stream() As Byte ' never initialized, overlay to host 32bpp DIB
- Private m_Trans As Long ' flag indicating whether or not transparency is used in DIB
- Private m_ColorType As eColorTypes ' the color type the PNG will be created in
- Friend Function SavePNGex(cHost As c32bppDIB, FileName As String, outStream() As Byte) As Boolean
- If cHost.Handle = 0& Then Exit Function
- Dim tSA As SafeArray ' overlay onto our DIB as needed
- Dim bSuccess As Boolean
- Dim fileNum As Integer
- Dim hFile As Long
- Dim bSkipBKGD As Boolean
- ' if we don't have Zlib, we can't continue with this class
- If zValidateZLIBversion = False Then Exit Function
- If Not FileName = vbNullString Then
- hFile = iparseGetFileHandle(FileName, False)
- If (hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) Then Exit Function
- End If
- With tSA ' overlay DIB
- .cbElements = 1
- .cDims = 2
- .pvData = cHost.BitsPointer
- .rgSABound(0).cElements = cHost.Height
- .rgSABound(1).cElements = cHost.scanWidth
- End With
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(m_Stream), VarPtr(tSA), 4&
- ' optimizations to reduce bit depth and reduce palette data
- On Error GoTo ExitRoutine
- ' Can image be palettized (smallest PNG size)?
- m_Trans = -1&
- If PalettizeImage(cHost.Alpha) = False Then
- ' if not, can we reduce to 24bpp from 32bpp?
- OptimizeTrueColor cHost.Alpha
- End If
- ' The above functions converted 32bpp DIB to necessary format for PNG creation
- ' The conversion is in the m_uncompress array. Remove overlay now
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(m_Stream), 0&, 4&
- tSA.cDims = 0
- '' CREATE THE PNG using following rules
- '' ------------------------------------
- '' Critical chunks (must appear in this order):
- ''
- '' Name Multiple Ok? Ordering constraints
- '' IHDR No Must be first
- '' PLTE No Before first IDAT (chunk is optional)
- '' IDAT Yes Multiple IDATs must be consecutive
- '' IEND No Must be last
- ''
- '' Ancillary chunks (among other ancilliary chunks, order is not dictated):
- ''
- '' Name Multiple OK? Ordering constraints relative to Critical chunks
- '' cHRM No Before PLTE and IDAT
- '' gAMA No Before PLTE and IDAT
- '' iCCP No Before PLTE and IDAT
- '' sBIT No Before PLTE and IDAT
- '' sRGB No Before PLTE and IDAT
- '' bKGD No After PLTE; before IDAT
- '' hIST No After PLTE; before IDAT
- '' tRNS No After PLTE; before IDAT
- '' pHYs No Before IDAT
- '' sPLT Yes Before IDAT
- '' tIME No None
- '' iTXt Yes None
- '' tEXt Yes None
- '' zTXt Yes None
- ' Write the PNG header
- If Write_IHDR(hFile, outStream, cHost, False) = False Then GoTo ExitRoutine
- If Write_tEXt(hFile, outStream, True) = False Then GoTo ExitRoutine ' write the Author & Title if needed
- If Write_PLTE(hFile, outStream, bSkipBKGD) = False Then GoTo ExitRoutine ' write the palette
- If Not bSkipBKGD Then ' < may be set when bkgd color is not part of palette (Color Type 3 only)
- If Write_bKGD(hFile, outStream) = False Then GoTo ExitRoutine ' write bkgd color
- End If
- If Write_tRNS(hFile, outStream) = False Then GoTo ExitRoutine ' write transparency info
- ' Here we are going to filter & compress the DIB data & then write the IDAT chunk
- If FilterImage(hFile, outStream, cHost, m_Filter) = False Then GoTo ExitRoutine ' write data
- If Write_tIMe(hFile, outStream) = False Then GoTo ExitRoutine ' write last modified timestamp
- If Write_tEXt(hFile, outStream, False) = False Then GoTo ExitRoutine ' write other text (i.e., description, etc)
- If Write_zTXt(hFile, outStream) = True Then ' write any miscellaneous text
- ' Add the IEND termination to the PNG
- bSuccess = Write_IEND(hFile, outStream) ' write the end flag
- End If
- ExitRoutine:
- ' clean up as needed
- If Not tSA.cDims = 0 Then CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(m_Stream), 0&, 4&
- If Not hFile = 0& Then CloseHandle hFile
- Erase m_transPal()
- Erase m_Palette()
- Erase m_Uncompressed()
- Set cCfunction = Nothing
- If Err Then Err.Clear
- On Error Resume Next
- If bSuccess = False Then
- If hFile = 0& Then Erase outStream() Else iparseDeleteFile FileName
- Else
- SavePNGex = bSuccess
- End If
- If Err Then Err.Clear
- End Function
- Private Function PropertyIndex(PropertyID As ePngProperties, Optional LargeBlockCaption As String) As Long
- ' Helper function. Returns the m_Captions() array index for the passed PropertyID
- Dim X As Long, CaptionID As Long
- If PropertyID = txtLargeBlockText Then
- For CaptionID = 11 To UBound(m_Captions)
- X = InStr(m_Captions(CaptionID), Chr$(0))
- If StrComp(Left$(m_Captions(CaptionID), X - 1&), LargeBlockCaption) = 0& Then Exit For
- Next
- If CaptionID > UBound(m_Captions) Then CaptionID = -1&
- Else
- X = PropertyID
- Do Until X = 1&
- X = X 2&
- CaptionID = CaptionID + 1&
- Loop
- End If
- PropertyIndex = CaptionID
- End Function
- Private Function OptimizeTrueColor(ByVal isAlpha As Boolean) As Boolean
- ' Function attempts to reduce 32bpp DIB to 24bpp DIB.
- ' Reduction to Palette already tried before this routine was called
- ' Reduction can occur when:
- ' 1. No transparency is used
- ' 2. Only one color is fully transparent (if alpha between 1 & 254 then no reduction)
- Dim X As Long, Y As Long
- Dim bAbort As Boolean, tOffset As Long
- Dim palAlpha(0 To 255) As Byte, palCount As Long
- Dim scanWidth As Long, Color As Long
- m_Trans = -1& ' flag indicating no simple transparency. ColorType 6 implies transparency
- If isAlpha Then
- ' we will test if only full transparency is used, and only one color uses transparency.
- ' We don't need to determine which color is transparent, because with pre-multiplied
- ' DIBs, the color is always black: 0,0,0. But if another color is transparent, can't reduce
- m_ColorType = clrTrueAlpha ' default color type for this DIB
- For Y = 0& To UBound(m_Stream, 2)
- For X = 3& To UBound(m_Stream, 1) Step 4&
- ' look at alpha values, if any are semi-transparent, abort
- If m_Stream(X, Y) = 0 Then ' full transparency
- ' If color is not black, we abort
- If Not (m_Stream(X - 3, Y) = 0) Then
- bAbort = True: Exit For
- ElseIf Not (m_Stream(X - 2, Y) = 0) Then
- bAbort = True: Exit For
- ElseIf Not (m_Stream(X - 1, Y) = 0) Then
- bAbort = True: Exit For
- End If
- ElseIf Not m_Stream(X, Y) = 255 Then ' partial transparency, abort
- bAbort = True: Exit For
- End If
- Next
- If bAbort Then Exit For
- Next
- If Not bAbort Then ' reduction to 24bpp can be done?
- ' now here's the catch. Black is always transparent in premultiplied DIBs, but if
- ' non-transparent black is used anywhere else in the image, then we can't leave
- ' black as the transparent color; we'll need to change it. This routine will run
- ' quickly. We will not make the effort to check every possible color in the 16 million
- ' color range, rather, we will be looking at just 1024 colors: 256 Reds, 256 Greens,
- ' & 256 Blues. If we find one we can use, bingo, else write as 32bpp
- For Color = 0& To 2& ' Color = B, G, R
- tOffset = 3& - Color ' location of the alpha byte relative to "Color"
- palCount = 0& ' number of "Color" shades used; from 1 to 256
- For Y = 0& To UBound(m_Stream, 2)
- For X = Color To UBound(m_Stream, 1) Step 4&
- If Not m_Stream(X + tOffset, Y) = 0 Then ' is this our transparent color?
- If palAlpha(m_Stream(X, Y)) = 0 Then ' no, but has it been counted?
- palCount = palCount + 1& ' up the count & abort if we maxed out
- If palCount = 256& Then
- bAbort = True
- Exit For
- End If
- palAlpha(m_Stream(X, Y)) = 1 ' flag it
- End If
- End If
- Next
- If bAbort Then Exit For ' all 256 shades of "Color" used
- Next
- If palCount < 256& Then ' did we find a color we can use?
- For X = 0& To 255& ' lets find out which it is
- If palAlpha(X) = 0 Then
- ' since the X-shade of the R, G, or B isn't used in the image,
- ' we can safely state that RGB(X,X,X) is also not in the image
- m_Trans = X Or X * &H100& Or X * &H10000
- Exit For
- End If
- Next
- m_ColorType = clrTrueColor ' reduce to 24bpp vs 32bpp
- Exit For
- End If
- Erase palAlpha() ' reset to zeros
- bAbort = False ' reset
- Next
- End If
- Else
- m_ColorType = clrTrueColor ' no transparency, reduction to 24bpp
- End If
- ' Use separate loops vs adding an IF statement for every pixel to test for color type
- If m_ColorType = clrTrueAlpha Then ' 32bpp (ColorType 6)
- scanWidth = UBound(m_Stream, 1) + 1&
- ReDim m_Uncompressed(0 To scanWidth * (UBound(m_Stream, 2) + 1&) - 1&)
- For Y = 0& To UBound(m_Stream, 2)
- tOffset = Y * scanWidth
- For X = 0& To UBound(m_Stream, 1) Step 4&
- ' simultaneously remove pre-multiplication
- Select Case m_Stream(X + 3&, Y)
- Case 255
- m_Uncompressed(tOffset) = m_Stream(X + 2&, Y)
- m_Uncompressed(tOffset + 1&) = m_Stream(X + 1&, Y)
- m_Uncompressed(tOffset + 2&) = m_Stream(X, Y)
- m_Uncompressed(tOffset + 3&) = 255
- Case 0 ' do nothing
- Case Else
- Color = m_Stream(X + 3&, Y)
- m_Uncompressed(tOffset) = (255& * m_Stream(X + 2&, Y) Color)
- m_Uncompressed(tOffset + 1&) = (255& * m_Stream(X + 1&, Y) Color)
- m_Uncompressed(tOffset + 2&) = (255& * m_Stream(X, Y) Color)
- m_Uncompressed(tOffset + 3&) = Color
- End Select
- tOffset = tOffset + 4&
- Next
- Next
- Else ' 24bpp (Color Type 2) with or without simple transparency
- scanWidth = iparseByteAlignOnWord(24, UBound(m_Stream, 1) 4 + 1&)
- ' convert BGR to RGB, the Filter function expects 1D arrays
- ReDim m_Uncompressed(0 To scanWidth * (UBound(m_Stream, 2) + 1&) - 1&)
- For Y = 0& To UBound(m_Stream, 2)
- tOffset = Y * scanWidth
- For X = 0& To UBound(m_Stream, 1) Step 4&
- ' simultaneously remove pre-multiplication. Don't carry over any alpha values
- Select Case m_Stream(X + 3&, Y)
- Case 255
- m_Uncompressed(tOffset) = m_Stream(X + 2&, Y)
- m_Uncompressed(tOffset + 1&) = m_Stream(X + 1&, Y)
- m_Uncompressed(tOffset + 2&) = m_Stream(X, Y)
- Case 0 ' uses simple transparency (1 color is transparent)
- CopyMemory m_Uncompressed(tOffset), m_Trans, 3&
- Case Else
- Color = m_Stream(X + 3&, Y)
- m_Uncompressed(tOffset) = (255& * m_Stream(X + 2&, Y) Color)
- m_Uncompressed(tOffset + 1&) = (255& * m_Stream(X + 1&, Y) Color)
- m_Uncompressed(tOffset + 2&) = (255& * m_Stream(X, Y) Color)
- End Select
- tOffset = tOffset + 3&
- Next
- Next
- End If
- End Function
- Private Function PalettizeImage(isAlpha As Boolean) As Boolean
- ' Function determines if image can be palettized vs 24/32 bpp true color
- ' Once determined it can be paletted, it will optimize to include the following:
- ' 1. Convert to PNG grayscale palette if possible, saves at least 768 bytes vs color palette
- ' 2. Rearrange palette to reduce alpha/palette entries, saves up to 200+ bytes if alpha is used
- ' 3. Converts per-color grayscale to a modified color palette, reducing size at least 50%
- ' This modified version does not reduce to 1,2,or 4 bits per pixel
- ' -- Any paletted image is 256 colors, but only needed palette entries are cached in PNG
- Dim X As Long, Y As Long, scanWidth As Long
- Dim palCount As Long, Index As Long
- Dim Color As Long, newColor As Boolean
- Dim palXRef() As Byte, palAlpha() As Byte
- Dim tSortIndex() As Long, tPalette() As Long
- On Error GoTo ExitRoutine
- ' count unique colors (maximum of 256 if we are to palettize)
- ' Note that alphas are included in the tSortIndex. This is because any color
- ' using more than one alpha value would require separate palette entries:
- ' Example: Red @ Alpha 255 & Red @ Alpha 128 requires two palette entries
- ReDim m_transPal(1 To 256) ' array to hold alpha values only
- ReDim tSortIndex(1 To 256) ' sort indexes
- ReDim tPalette(1 To 256) As Long ' palette
- For Y = 0& To UBound(m_Stream, 2)
- For X = 0& To UBound(m_Stream, 1) Step 4&
- CopyMemory Color, m_Stream(X, Y), 4&
- Index = FindColor(tSortIndex, Color, palCount, newColor) ' use binary search routine
- If newColor = True Then
- If palCount = 256& Then Exit Function ' exceeded palette entries limit
- palCount = palCount + 1& ' increment entry count & shift palette to maintain asc sort
- If Index < palCount Then
- CopyMemory tSortIndex(Index + 1&), tSortIndex(Index), (palCount - Index) * 4&
- CopyMemory tPalette(Index + 1&), tPalette(Index), (palCount - Index) * 4&
- End If
- tSortIndex(Index) = Color ' add new color to the palette
- CopyMemory tPalette(Index), Color, 3&
- End If
- Next
- Next
- ' if we got here, then image can be palettized, but to which of the following?
- ' 1. Palette - no transparency? like non-transparent GIFs (isAlpha=False)
- ' 2. Palette - simple transparency? like transparent GIFs (grayscale handled differently in PNGs)
- ' 3. Palette - per-color index transparency?
- Y = 0&
- If isAlpha Then
- ' separate alpha from color and count how many non-opaque alpha values
- For X = 1& To palCount
- If (tSortIndex(X) And &H7FFFFFFF) = tSortIndex(X) Then ' high bit not set
- m_transPal(X) = tSortIndex(X) &H1000000
- Else ' high bit is set
- m_transPal(X) = ((tSortIndex(X) And &H7FFFFFFF) &H1000000) Or &H80
- End If
- If Not m_transPal(X) = 255 Then
- Y = Y + 1& ' count different levels of transparency
- Index = X ' track last palette entry with alpha value <> 255
- End If
- Next
- Else
- FillMemory m_transPal(1), 256&, 255 ' all alphas are opaque
- End If
- Select Case Y
- Case 0&
- ' 1. Palette - no transparency? like non-transparent GIFs (isAlpha=False)
- m_Trans = -1& ' no transparency
- Case 1&
- ' 2. Palette - simple transparency? like transparent GIFs
- m_Trans = Index ' flag & may be changed later in this routine
- Case Else
- ' 3. Palette - per-color transparency?
- m_Trans = 0& ' > -1 means we have transparency at some level
- ' alphas are kept in the m_transPal() array
- End Select
- ' Now for the last optimization attempt: check for grayscale but only for non per-color
- ' alpha images. Why restrict grayscale to non per-color alpha when PNG can support grayscale
- ' per-color alpha? Here's why: per-color grayscale alpha is ColorType 4. ColorType 4
- ' always requires 16 bits per pixel (bpp), regardless of grayscale bit depth, but
- ' ColorType 3 requires 8 bpp (max) + 768 palette bytes (max) + 256 bytes (max) for alpha info:
- ' ColorType 4, 256x256 image: 256*256*2=131072 bytes for color information (grayscale has no palette in PNGs)
- ' ColorType 3 (8bpp), 256x256 image: 256*256*1+768+256=66560 bytes for color information
- ' note: ColorType 4 is always 16bpp, but ColorType 3 can be 1,2,4,8 bpp
- ' and palette/alpha arrays can be reduced too
- m_ColorType = clrPalette ' Color Type 3 (color palette)
- If Not m_Trans = 0& Then
- ' check each palette entry to see if grayscale or not. When not, abort loop
- For Index = 1& To palCount
- If Not (tPalette(Index) And &HFF) = ((tPalette(Index) &H100&) And &HFF) Then ' compare B to G
- Exit For
- ElseIf Not (tPalette(Index) And &HFF) = ((tPalette(Index) &H10000) And &HFF) Then ' compare B to R
- Exit For
- End If
- Next
- If Index > palCount Then ' need to tweak transparency possibly
- m_ColorType = clrGrayScale ' Color Type 0
- If isAlpha = True Then
- ' we only got here because just 1 color was transparent & with a pre-multiplied DIB
- ' that color is always black. But if non-transparent black was used elsewhere in the
- ' grayscale then we need to change the transparency. Non-transparent black is very
- ' common in grayscales
- ReDim palXRef(1 To 256) ' track which grayscales are used
- For X = 1& To palCount
- If tPalette(X) = 0& Then ' this is black
- If Not m_transPal(X) = 0& Then ' and not our transparent black
- palXRef(1) = 1 ' mark black as used
- End If
- Else
- palXRef(Index + 1&) = 1 ' non-black, mark as used
- End If
- Next
- If palXRef(1) = 1 Then
- ' non-transparent black is used in the grayscale, so we must change our
- ' tranparent black - Locate a grayscale not in use
- For Index = 2& To palCount
- If palXRef(Index) = 0 Then
- ' bingo, we'll use this one
- m_Trans = Index - 1&
- Exit For
- End If
- Next
- Else ' black was not in the image, we can use black as transparency
- m_Trans = 0&
- End If
- Erase palXRef
- End If
- End If
- End If
- scanWidth = UBound(m_Stream, 1) 4& + 1& ' width of image
- X = (UBound(m_Stream, 2) + 1) * scanWidth - 1& ' calculate size of total image bytes
- ReDim m_Uncompressed(0 To X) ' the Filter function expects 1D arrays
- If m_ColorType = clrGrayScale Then
- ' grayscale is easy enough, transfer 32bpp info to 8bpp info
- ' Remember, PNG grayscale color types do not use palettes.
- ' Grayscale palettes are PNG decoders responsibility
- Erase m_transPal()
- For Y = 0& To UBound(m_Stream, 2)
- Index = Y * scanWidth
- For X = 0& To UBound(m_Stream, 1) Step 4&
- If m_Stream(X + 3&, Y) = 0& Then ' transparency index needed
- m_Uncompressed(Index) = m_Trans ' use modified transparency index as necessary
- Else
- m_Uncompressed(Index) = m_Stream(X, Y) ' use grayscale index
- End If
- Index = Index + 1&
- Next
- Next
- Else
- ' for color palettes, we want to re-order entries when per-color alpha is used.
- ' Why the hassle? Shrink PNG a bit more. When color palettes have transparency,
- ' you must have a 1 byte Alpha value for each palette entry. But, that 1 byte
- ' alpha value, when = 255, is optional and implied. Therefore, if we move all
- ' palette entries with transparency to top of array, then all those 255s at the
- ' bottom of the array don't need to be cached in the PNG; not being there, PNG
- ' decoders must assume value is 255. We can save anywhere up to 200+ bytes
- ' depending on the image.
- ReDim palXRef(0 To 1, 0 To palCount - 1)
- If m_Trans = -1& Then ' no transparencies and not grayscale
- Erase m_transPal
- For X = 0& To palCount - 1& ' all entries are opaque, no cross-referencing needed
- palXRef(0, X) = X
- palXRef(1, X) = X
- Next
- Else ' per-color alpha being used
- ' since we are re-ordering, we also need to build a cross-reference so
- ' we can reference palette locations, old to new and vice versa
- Y = 0&: X = palCount - 1& ' starting points for top & bottom of array
- For Index = 0& To palCount - 1&
- If m_transPal(Index + 1&) = 255 Then
- palXRef(1, X) = Index ' keep full opaque entries at bottom of array
- palXRef(0, Index) = X ' double link reference
- X = X - 1&
- Else
- palXRef(0, Index) = Y ' move non-opaque entries near top of array
- palXRef(1, Y) = Index ' double link reference
- Y = Y + 1&
- End If
- Next
- End If
- ' now we build our 8 bpp paletted image, referencing the re-sorted palette entires
- For Y = 0& To UBound(m_Stream, 2)
- Index = Y * scanWidth
- For X = 0& To UBound(m_Stream, 1) Step 4&
- ' get 32bit color from DIB
- CopyMemory Color, m_Stream(X, Y), 4&
- ' locate it in our temp palette using binary search algorithm
- Color = FindColor(tSortIndex, Color, palCount, False)
- ' now cache its re-sorted reference
- m_Uncompressed(Index) = palXRef(0, Color - 1&)
- Index = Index + 1&
- Next
- Next
- ' good, now we need to build the palette the PNG will use,
- ' but we will be using 3 byte values, not 4 byte values & colors need to be RGB vs BGR
- ReDim m_Palette(1 To palCount * 3& + 4&) ' extra 4 bytes are used during Write_PLTE
- For X = 1& To palCount
- ' calculate new index for this palette entry
- Index = palXRef(0, X - 1&) * 3& + 5& ' offset that extra 4 bytes too
- ' simultaneously remove pre-multiplication
- Select Case m_transPal(X)
- Case 255 ' full opaque
- m_Palette(Index) = (tPalette(X) &H10000) And &HFF&
- m_Palette(Index + 1&) = (tPalette(X) &H100&) And &HFF&
- m_Palette(Index + 2&) = tPalette(X) And &HFF&
- Case 0: ' do nothing, color is always 0,0,0
- Case Else
- m_Palette(Index) = (((tPalette(X) &H10000) And &HFF&) * m_transPal(X) 255)
- m_Palette(Index + 1&) = (((tPalette(X) &H100&) And &HFF&) * m_transPal(X) 255)
- m_Palette(Index + 2&) = ((tPalette(X) And &HFF&) * m_transPal(X) 255)
- End Select
- Next
- Erase tPalette()
- If Not m_Trans = -1& Then
- ' now we are going to double check how many non-opaque palette entries we have
- For X = 0& To palCount - 1&
- If m_transPal(palXRef(1, X) + 1&) = 255 Then
- palCount = X ' we saved 256-X bytes at least
- Exit For
- End If
- Next
- ReDim palAlpha(1 To palCount + 4&) ' extra 4 bytes used in Write_tRNS
- ' rewrite the m_transPal array, only caching non-opaque palette entries
- For X = 0& To palCount - 1&
- palAlpha(X + 5&) = m_transPal(palXRef(1, X) + 1&)
- Next
- m_transPal = palAlpha
- End If
- End If
- PalettizeImage = True
- ExitRoutine:
- End Function
- Private Function FindColor(ByRef PaletteItems() As Long, ByVal Color As Long, ByVal Count As Long, ByRef isNew As Boolean) As Long
- ' Binary search algorithms are about the fastest on the planet, but
- ' its biggest disadvantage is that the array must already be sorted.
- ' Ex: binary search can find a value among 1 million values in less than 20 iterations
- ' [in] PaletteItems(). Long Array to search within. Array must be 1-bound
- ' [in] Color. A value to search for. Order is always ascending
- ' [in] Count. Number of items in PaletteItems() to compare against
- ' [out] isNew. If Color not found, isNew is True else False
- ' [out] Return value: The Index where Color was found or where the new Color should be inserted
- Dim UB As Long, LB As Long
- Dim newIndex As Long
- If Count = 0& Then
- FindColor = 1&
- isNew = True
- Exit Function
- End If
- UB = Count
- LB = 1&
- Do Until LB > UB
- newIndex = LB + ((UB - LB) 2&)
- If PaletteItems(newIndex) = Color Then
- Exit Do
- ElseIf PaletteItems(newIndex) > Color Then ' new color is lower in sort order
- UB = newIndex - 1&
- Else ' new color is higher in sort order
- LB = newIndex + 1&
- End If
- Loop
- If LB > UB Then ' color was not found
- If Color > PaletteItems(newIndex) Then newIndex = newIndex + 1&
- isNew = True
- Else
- isNew = False
- End If
- FindColor = newIndex
- End Function
- Private Function ByteAlignOnByte(ByVal totalWidth As Long, ByVal btsPerPixel As Byte) As Long
- ' // LaVolpe, Dec 1 thru 10
- ' returns number of bytes required to display n pixels at p color depth (byte aligned)
- ByteAlignOnByte = (totalWidth * btsPerPixel + 7&) 8&
- End Function
- Private Function Write_IHDR(fileNum As Long, Stream() As Byte, Host As c32bppDIB, isInterlaced As Boolean) As Boolean
- Const png_Signature1 As Long = 1196314761
- Const png_Signature2 As Long = 169478669
- Const chnk_IHDR As Long = &H52444849 'Image header
- On Error GoTo eh
- Dim pngData(0 To 16) As Byte ' 13 byte header + 4 byte chunk name
- Dim gpLong As Long ' general purpose variable
- Dim rwLen As Long
- ' build header
- CopyMemory pngData(0), chnk_IHDR, 4& ' chunk name
- gpLong = iparseReverseLong(Host.Width) ' png width
- CopyMemory pngData(4), gpLong, 4&
- gpLong = iparseReverseLong(Host.Height) ' png height
- CopyMemory pngData(8), gpLong, 4&
- ' bit depth, 16bit (PNG 16 bytes per R,G,B element or 48 bytes per pixel)
- ' not supported via this class
- pngData(12) = 8 ' only 1,2,4,48 bpp are different, 8,24,32 bpp is 8
- pngData(13) = m_ColorType
- ' pngData(14) & (15) will always be zero (compression/filter methods)
- ' next byte is 1 if interlaced
- pngData(16) = Abs(isInterlaced)
- If fileNum = 0& Then ' writing to array vs file
- ReDim Stream(0 To 32) ' png signature, header len, header, crc value (33 bytes)
- CopyMemory Stream(0), png_Signature1, 4&
- CopyMemory Stream(4), png_Signature2, 4&
- gpLong = iparseReverseLong(13&) ' len of header
- CopyMemory Stream(8), gpLong, 4&
- CopyMemory Stream(12), pngData(0), 17&
- gpLong = zCreateCRC(VarPtr(pngData(0)), 17&)
- CopyMemory Stream(29), gpLong, 4&
- Write_IHDR = True
- Else
- WriteFile fileNum, png_Signature1, 4&, rwLen, ByVal 0&
- If rwLen = 4& Then
- WriteFile fileNum, png_Signature2, rwLen, rwLen, ByVal 0&
- If rwLen = 4& Then
- WriteFile fileNum, iparseReverseLong(13&), rwLen, rwLen, ByVal 0&
- If rwLen = 4& Then
- WriteFile fileNum, pngData(0), 17&, rwLen, ByVal 0&
- If rwLen = 17& Then
- WriteFile fileNum, zCreateCRC(VarPtr(pngData(0)), rwLen), 4&, rwLen, ByVal 0&
- Write_IHDR = (rwLen = 4&)
- End If
- End If
- End If
- End If
- End If
- eh:
- If Err Then Err.Clear
- End Function
- Private Function Write_PLTE(fileNum As Long, Stream() As Byte, Invalid_bKGD As Boolean) As Boolean
- ' Note: the palette is preprocessed before it arrives here: BGR>RGB
- On Error GoTo eh
- If m_ColorType = clrPalette Then ' paletted images only
- Const chnk_PLTE As Long = &H45544C50 'Palette
- Dim gpLong As Long ' general purpose variable
- Dim Index As Long
- Dim rwLen As Long
- ' when paletted, the bKGD chunk comes after the palette, but for palettes the
- ' bkgd chunk must be one of the palette entries, therefore, we will attempt to
- ' find the color in the palette, add it to the palette if possible, or skip
- ' the optional chunk if color is not in the palette
- If (m_PNGprops And ePngProperties.colorDefaultBkg) = ePngProperties.colorDefaultBkg Then
- Dim bkg(0 To 2) As Byte
- CopyMemory bkg(0), m_bKGD, 3&
- For Index = 5& To UBound(m_Palette) Step 3&
- If bkg(0) = m_Palette(Index) Then
- If bkg(1) = m_Palette(Index + 1&) Then
- If bkg(2) = m_Palette(Index + 2&) Then Exit For
- End If
- End If
- Next
- If Index < UBound(m_Palette) Then ' found it, ref the index
- m_bKGD = (Index - 5&) 3&
- ElseIf UBound(m_Palette) < 772& Then ' we can add it, let's do that
- ' ^^ 772 is 256*3+4
- ReDim Preserve m_Palette(1 To UBound(m_Palette) + 3&)
- m_bKGD = (UBound(m_Palette) - 5&) 3&
- CopyMemory m_Palette(UBound(m_Palette) - 2&), bkg(0), 3&
- Else
- Invalid_bKGD = True ' do not write the bkgd chunk
- End If
- End If
- CopyMemory m_Palette(1), chnk_PLTE, 4&
- gpLong = UBound(m_Palette)
- If fileNum = 0& Then 'writing to array vs file
- Index = UBound(Stream) + 1&
- ReDim Preserve Stream(0 To Index + gpLong + 7&)
- rwLen = iparseReverseLong(gpLong - 4&)
- CopyMemory Stream(Index), rwLen, 4& ' size of chunk
- CopyMemory Stream(Index + 4&), m_Palette(1), gpLong ' palette
- rwLen = zCreateCRC(VarPtr(m_Palette(1)), gpLong)
- CopyMemory Stream(Index + gpLong + 4&), rwLen, 4& ' crc
- Write_PLTE = True
- Else
- WriteFile fileNum, iparseReverseLong(gpLong - 4&), 4&, rwLen, ByVal 0&
- If rwLen = 4& Then
- WriteFile fileNum, m_Palette(1), gpLong, rwLen, ByVal 0&
- If rwLen = gpLong Then
- WriteFile fileNum, zCreateCRC(VarPtr(m_Palette(1)), gpLong), 4&, rwLen, ByVal 0&
- Write_PLTE = (rwLen = 4&)
- End If
- End If
- End If
- Erase m_Palette() ' no longer needed
- Else
- Write_PLTE = True
- End If
- eh:
- If Err Then Err.Clear
- End Function
- Private Function Write_tEXt(fileNum As Long, Stream() As Byte, bTitleAuthorOnly As Boolean) As Boolean
- ' Function writes uncompressed standard Keywords & text to the PNG
- ' Note. Per PNG specs, some text should be written near top of the file while others
- ' should be written near the end. There is no requirement for text to appear in
- ' any specific location. The logic for writing some near the top is for search
- ' engines only. It would be faster to find that text if nearer the top.
- ' Therefore, this routine is called twice, once near the top of the PNG and
- ' and again just before the IEND chunk is written
- Const chnk_tEXt As Long = &H74584574 'Text - uncompressed
- On Error GoTo ExitRoutine
- Dim pngData() As Byte ' data to be written to PNG file
- Dim txtData() As Byte
- Dim gpLong As Long
- Dim lenKeyword As Long
- Dim lenText As Long
- Dim Index As Long
- Dim CaptionID As Long
- Dim tProps As Long
- Dim lastCaption As Long
- Dim keyWord As String
- Dim rwLen As Long
- If bTitleAuthorOnly Then ' called after writing IHDR
- CaptionID = ePngProperties.txtTitle
- lastCaption = ePngProperties.txtDescription
- Else ' called before writing IEND
- CaptionID = ePngProperties.txtDescription
- lastCaption = ePngProperties.txtLargeBlockText
- End If
- tProps = m_PNGprops
- Do Until CaptionID = lastCaption
- If (tProps And CaptionID) = CaptionID Then
- tProps = tProps And Not CaptionID
- Select Case CaptionID
- Case txtTitle: Index = 0
- keyWord = "Title" & Chr$(0)
- Case txtAuthor: Index = 1&
- keyWord = "Author" & Chr$(0)
- Case txtComment: Index = 9&
- keyWord = "Comment" & Chr$(0)
- Case txtCopyright: Index = 3&
- keyWord = "Copyright" & Chr$(0)
- Case txtCreationTime: Index = 4&
- keyWord = "Creation Time" & Chr$(0)
- Case txtDescription: Index = 2&
- keyWord = "Description" & Chr$(0)
- Case txtDisclaimer: Index = 6&
- keyWord = "Disclaimer" & Chr$(0)
- Case txtSoftware: Index = 5&
- keyWord = "Software" & Chr$(0)
- Case txtSource: Index = 8&
- keyWord = "Source" & Chr$(0)
- Case txtWarning: Index = 7&
- keyWord = "Warning" & Chr$(0)
- End Select
- ' tXTt chunk format::
- 'Keyword 1-79 bytes (character string)
- 'Null separator 1 byte (null character)
- 'Text string 0 or more bytes (character string)
- lenKeyword = Len(keyWord)
- txtData() = StrConv(keyWord, vbFromUnicode)
- If Len(m_Captions(Index)) > 0& Then
- lenText = Len(m_Captions(Index))
- ReDim pngData(1 To lenKeyword + lenText + 4&)
- CopyMemory pngData(5), txtData(0), lenKeyword
- txtData() = StrConv(m_Captions(Index), vbFromUnicode)
- CopyMemory pngData(5& + lenKeyword), txtData(0), lenText
- Else ' handle zero-length chunks.
- ' Note: I would prefer to just skip these, but maybe you might
- ' decide to use one as a flag for something else?
- ReDim pngData(1 To lenKeyword + 4&)
- CopyMemory pngData(5), txtData(0), lenKeyword
- End If
- CopyMemory pngData(1), chnk_tEXt, 4&
- gpLong = lenKeyword + lenText + 4&
- If fileNum = 0& Then ' writing to stream
- Index = UBound(Stream) + 1&
- ReDim Preserve Stream(0 To Index + gpLong + 7&)
- rwLen = iparseReverseLong(gpLong - 4&)
- CopyMemory Stream(Index), rwLen, 4&
- CopyMemory Stream(Index + 4), pngData(1), gpLong
- rwLen = zCreateCRC(VarPtr(pngData(1)), gpLong)
- CopyMemory Stream(Index + 4& + gpLong), rwLen, 4&
- Write_tEXt = True
- Else
- WriteFile fileNum, iparseReverseLong(gpLong - 4&), 4&, rwLen, ByVal 0&
- If rwLen = 4& Then
- WriteFile fileNum, pngData(1), gpLong, rwLen, ByVal 0&
- If rwLen = gpLong Then
- WriteFile fileNum, zCreateCRC(VarPtr(pngData(1)), gpLong), 4&, rwLen, ByVal 0&
- Write_tEXt = (rwLen = 4&)
- End If
- End If
- End If
- End If
- CaptionID = CaptionID * 2&
- Loop
- ExitRoutine:
- If Err Then
- Err.Clear
- Else
- If lenKeyword = 0& Then Write_tEXt = True
- End If
- End Function
- Private Function Write_tIMe(fileNum As Long, Stream() As Byte) As Boolean
- ' Note: the time stamp should be Universal Time, not local area
- If (m_PNGprops And ePngProperties.dateTimeModified) = ePngProperties.dateTimeModified Then
- Const chnk_tIME As Long = &H454D4974 'Timestamp
- On Error GoTo eh
- Dim pngData(0 To 10) As Byte ' 7 byte date/time + 4 byte chunk name
- Dim gpLong As Long
- Dim gpInt As Integer
- Dim dtStamp As Date
- Dim rwLen As Long
- dtStamp = CDate(m_Captions(10))
- CopyMemory pngData(0), chnk_tIME, 4&
- gpInt = Year(dtStamp)
- CopyMemory pngData(5), gpInt, 2&
- pngData(4) = pngData(6) ' swap endian of integer
- gpInt = Month(dtStamp)
- CopyMemory pngData(6), gpInt, 1&
- gpInt = Day(dtStamp)
- CopyMemory pngData(7), gpInt, 1&
- gpInt = Hour(dtStamp)
- CopyMemory pngData(8), gpInt, 1&
- gpInt = Minute(dtStamp)
- CopyMemory pngData(9), gpInt, 1&
- gpInt = Second(dtStamp)
- CopyMemory pngData(10), gpInt, 1&
- If fileNum = 0& Then ' writing to stream
- gpLong = UBound(Stream) + 1&
- ReDim Preserve Stream(0 To gpLong + 18&)
- rwLen = iparseReverseLong(7)
- CopyMemory Stream(gpLong), rwLen, 4&
- CopyMemory Stream(gpLong + 4&), pngData(0), 11&
- rwLen = zCreateCRC(VarPtr(pngData(0)), 11&)
- CopyMemory Stream(gpLong + 15&), rwLen, 4&
- Write_tIMe = True
- Else
- WriteFile fileNum, iparseReverseLong(7), 4&, rwLen, ByVal 0&
- If rwLen = 4& Then
- WriteFile fileNum, pngData(0), 11&, rwLen, ByVal 0&
- If rwLen = 11& Then
- WriteFile fileNum, zCreateCRC(VarPtr(pngData(0)), rwLen), 4&, rwLen, ByVal 0&
- Write_tIMe = (rwLen = 4&)
- End If
- End If
- End If
- Else
- Write_tIMe = True
- End If
- eh:
- If Err Then Err.Clear
- End Function
- Private Function Write_tRNS(fileNum As Long, Stream() As Byte) As Boolean
- ' For paletted/grayscale images, tRNS is the palette index, otherwise RGB value
- On Error GoTo eh
- If m_Trans = -1& Then
- Write_tRNS = True
- Else ' transparency not used
- Const chnk_tRNS As Long = &H534E5274 'Simple Transparency & palette transparency
- Dim Index As Long
- Dim gpLong As Long
- Dim rwLen As Long
- Select Case m_ColorType
- Case clrPalette ' Paletted (palette count * 3 + 4 byte chunk name)
- ' nothing to do; done during PalettizeImage
- Case clrGrayScale ' grayscale
- ReDim m_transPal(1 To 6) ' 2 bytes + 4 byte chunk name
- m_transPal(6) = m_Trans
- ' Note: m_transPal(5) used with 48bit per pixel images (not supported)
- Case clrTrueColor ' we have simple transparency for true color
- ReDim m_transPal(1 To 10) ' 6 bytes + 4 byte chunk name
- m_transPal(6) = m_Trans And &HFF
- m_transPal(8) = (m_Trans &H100&) And &HFF
- m_transPal(10) = (m_Trans &H10000) And &HFF
- ' Note: m_transPal(5,7,9) used with 48bit per pixel images (not supported)
- Case Else
- ' Color Types 4 & 6 are prohibited from having a tRNS chunk
- Write_tRNS = True
- Exit Function
- End Select
- CopyMemory m_transPal(1), chnk_tRNS, 4&
- gpLong = UBound(m_transPal)
- ' write the chunk
- If fileNum = 0& Then ' writing to array vs file
- Index = UBound(Stream) + 1&
- ReDim Preserve Stream(0 To Index + gpLong + 7&)
- rwLen = iparseReverseLong(gpLong - 4&)
- CopyMemory Stream(Index), rwLen, 4& ' chunk size
- CopyMemory Stream(Index + 4&), m_transPal(1), gpLong ' palette
- gpLong = zCreateCRC(VarPtr(m_transPal(1)), gpLong)
- CopyMemory Stream(Index + UBound(m_transPal) + 4&), gpLong, 4& ' crc value
- Write_tRNS = True
- Else
- WriteFile fileNum, iparseReverseLong(gpLong - 4&), 4&, rwLen, ByVal 0&
- If rwLen = 4& Then
- WriteFile fileNum, m_transPal(1), gpLong, rwLen, ByVal 0&
- If rwLen = gpLong Then
- WriteFile fileNum, zCreateCRC(VarPtr(m_transPal(1)), gpLong), 4&, rwLen, ByVal 0&
- Write_tRNS = (rwLen = 4&)
- End If
- End If
- End If
- Erase m_transPal()
- End If
- eh:
- If Err Then Err.Clear
- End Function
- Private Function Write_zTXt(fileNum As Long, Stream() As Byte) As Boolean
- ' Function writes non-reserved keyword compressed/uncompressed text to the PNG
- If (m_PNGprops And ePngProperties.txtLargeBlockText) = ePngProperties.txtLargeBlockText Then
- On Error GoTo eh
- Const chnk_tEXt As Long = &H74584574 'Text - uncompressed
- Const chnk_zTXt As Long = &H7458547A 'Text - compressed
- Dim txtData() As Byte ' comments/text in bytes
- Dim pngData() As Byte ' data to be written to PNG file
- Dim sText As String
- Dim gpLong As Long
- Dim Index As Long
- Dim rwLen As Long
- Dim lenKeyword As Long
- Dim lenText As Long
- Dim bWritten As Boolean
- For Index = 11& To UBound(m_Captions)
- ' convert keyword to bytes
- lenKeyword = InStr(m_Captions(Index), Chr$(0))
- lenText = Len(m_Captions(Index)) - lenKeyword
- txtData() = StrConv(m_Captions(Index), vbFromUnicode)
- ' per PNG specs....
- ' It is recommended that text items less than 1K (1024 bytes)
- ' in size should be output using uncompressed text chunks
- If lenText > 1024& Then
- ' IMPORTANT: This portion of the routine is not equipped to write
- ' zero-length text block. That is only handled above where the
- ' .Text length is < 1025... DO NOT modify that IF statement to
- ' allow zero-length chunks to fall thru to this portion of IF
- ' zTXt chunk format::
- 'Keyword 1-79 bytes (character string)
- 'Null separator 1 byte (null character)
- 'Compression method 1 byte
- 'Compressed text datastream n bytes
- ' Note that the compression byte of zero needs to be included too,
- ' but we don't add it to the txtData conversion above cause zero
- ' would be converted to 48 -- Asc("0").
- gpLong = lenText * 0.01 + 12& + lenText
- '^^ Text won't always compress smaller; it should, but may not
- ' That is why it is recommended to allow 1024 bytes as uncompressed
- ReDim pngData(1 To gpLong + (lenKeyword + 5&))
- ' ^^ include 4 bytes for chunk name + keyword length + 1 byte compression method
- If zDeflate(VarPtr(pngData(6& + lenKeyword)), gpLong, VarPtr(txtData(lenKeyword)), lenText) = True Then
- ' ^^ store compression after chunk name, after keyword and after compression method
- ' ^^ begin compression on 1st byte of the text, not the caption or compression method
- CopyMemory pngData(1), chnk_zTXt, 4&
- CopyMemory pngData(5), txtData(0), lenKeyword
- gpLong = gpLong + lenKeyword + 5&
- If fileNum = 0& Then ' writing to array
- Index = UBound(Stream) + 1&
- ReDim Preserve Stream(0 To Index + gpLong + 7&)
- rwLen = iparseReverseLong(gpLong - 4&)
- CopyMemory Stream(Index), rwLen, 4&
- CopyMemory Stream(Index + 4&), pngData(1), gpLong
- rwLen = zCreateCRC(VarPtr(pngData(1)), gpLong)
- CopyMemory Stream(Index + gpLong + 4&), rwLen, 4&
- Write_zTXt = True
- Else
- WriteFile fileNum, iparseReverseLong(gpLong - 4&), 4&, rwLen, ByVal 0&
- If rwLen = 4& Then
- WriteFile fileNum, pngData(1), gpLong, rwLen, ByVal 0&
- If rwLen = gpLong Then
- WriteFile fileNum, zCreateCRC(VarPtr(pngData(1)), gpLong), 4&, rwLen, ByVal 0&
- Write_zTXt = (rwLen = 4&)
- End If
- End If
- End If
- bWritten = True
- Else ' failed to compress. Which means our buffer was too small
- ' Therefore we will add it as uncompressed instead of
- ' making the buffer even bigger
- End If
- End If
- If Not bWritten Then 'either len<1025 or compression failed
- ' tXTt chunk format::
- 'Keyword 1-79 bytes (character string)
- 'Null separator 1 byte (null character)
- 'Text string 0 or more bytes (character string)
- gpLong = lenText + lenKeyword + 4& ' size of chunk
- ReDim pngData(1 To gpLong)
- CopyMemory pngData(1), chnk_tEXt, 4&
- CopyMemory pngData(5), txtData(0), lenKeyword
- If Not lenText = 0& Then ' zero-length text; not prohibited by PNG specs
- CopyMemory pngData(5 + lenKeyword), txtData(lenKeyword), lenText
- End If
- If fileNum = 0& Then ' writing to array
- Index = UBound(Stream) + 1&
- ReDim Preserve Stream(0 To Index + gpLong + 7&)
- rwLen = iparseReverseLong(gpLong - 4&)
- CopyMemory Stream(Index), rwLen, 4&
- CopyMemory Stream(Index + 4&), pngData(1), gpLong
- rwLen = zCreateCRC(VarPtr(pngData(1)), gpLong)
- CopyMemory Stream(Index + gpLong + 4&), rwLen, 4&
- Write_zTXt = True
- Else
- WriteFile fileNum, iparseReverseLong(gpLong - 4&), 4&, rwLen, ByVal 0&
- If rwLen = 4& Then
- WriteFile fileNum, pngData(1), gpLong, rwLen, ByVal 0&
- If rwLen = gpLong Then
- WriteFile fileNum, zCreateCRC(VarPtr(pngData(1)), gpLong), 4&, rwLen, ByVal 0&
- Write_zTXt = (rwLen = 4&)
- End If
- End If
- End If
- End If
- Next
- Else
- Write_zTXt = True
- End If
- eh:
- If Err Then Err.Clear
- End Function
- Private Function Write_bKGD(fileNum As Long, Stream() As Byte) As Boolean
- ' For paletted/grayscale images, this is the palette index, otherwise RGB value
- On Error GoTo eh
- Const chnk_bKGD As Long = &H44474B62 'Window Background Color
- If (m_PNGprops And ePngProperties.colorDefaultBkg) = ePngProperties.colorDefaultBkg Then
- Dim pngData() As Byte
- Dim gpLong As Long
- Dim rwLen As Long
- Dim Index As Long
- ' Per PNG specs, bKGD chunk must come before IDAT and after PLTE
- Select Case m_ColorType
- Case clrPalette ' 1 byte + 4 byte chunk name
- ReDim pngData(0 To 4)
- pngData(4) = CByte(m_bKGD)
- Case clrGrayScale, clrGrayAlpha ' grayscales, 2 bytes + 4 byte chunk name
- ReDim pngData(0 To 6)
- pngData(5) = (m_bKGD And &HFF)
- ' pngData(4) used with 48bit per pixel images (not supported)
- Case Else ' true color, RGB format
- ReDim pngData(0 To 9) ' 6 bytes + 4 byte chunk name
- pngData(5) = m_bKGD And &HFF
- pngData(7) = (m_bKGD &H100&) And &HFF
- pngData(9) = (m_bKGD &H10000) And &HFF
- ' Note: pngData(4,6,8) used with 48bit per pixel images (not supported)
- End Select
- CopyMemory pngData(0), chnk_bKGD, 4&
- gpLong = UBound(pngData) + 1&
- If fileNum = 0& Then 'writing to array
- Index = UBound(Stream) + 1&
- ReDim Preserve Stream(0 To Index + gpLong + 7&)
- rwLen = iparseReverseLong(gpLong - 4&)
- CopyMemory Stream(Index), rwLen, 4&
- CopyMemory Stream(Index + 4&), pngData(0), gpLong
- rwLen = zCreateCRC(VarPtr(pngData(0)), gpLong)
- CopyMemory Stream(Index + gpLong + 4&), rwLen, 4&
- Write_bKGD = True
- Else
- WriteFile fileNum, iparseReverseLong(gpLong - 4&), 4&, rwLen, ByVal 0&
- If rwLen = 4& Then
- WriteFile fileNum, pngData(0), gpLong, rwLen, ByVal 0&
- If rwLen = gpLong Then
- WriteFile fileNum, zCreateCRC(VarPtr(pngData(0)), gpLong), 4&, rwLen, ByVal 0&
- Write_bKGD = (rwLen = 4&)
- End If
- End If
- End If
- Else
- Write_bKGD = True
- End If
- eh:
- If Err Then Err.Clear
- End Function
- Private Function Write_IDAT(fileNum As Long, outStream() As Byte, imgData() As Byte, filterLen As Long) As Boolean
- ' Function writes the IDAT chunk(s). If more than one, they must be back to back
- ' Note: IDATs can be written in multiple chunks; if so, chunks must be consecutive
- Const chnk_IDAT As Long = &H54414449 'Image data
- On Error GoTo eh
- Dim gpLong As Long, Index As Long
- Dim rwLen As Long
- CopyMemory imgData(0), chnk_IDAT, 4&
- If fileNum = 0& Then ' writing to array vs file
- Index = UBound(outStream) + 1&
- ReDim Preserve outStream(0 To Index + filterLen + 11&)
- gpLong = iparseReverseLong(filterLen)
- CopyMemory outStream(Index), gpLong, 4& ' add chunk size
- CopyMemory outStream(Index + 4&), imgData(0), filterLen + 4& ' add compressed data
- gpLong = zCreateCRC(VarPtr(imgData(0)), filterLen + 4&)
- CopyMemory outStream(Index + 8& + filterLen), gpLong, 4& ' add crc value
- Write_IDAT = True
- Else
- WriteFile fileNum, iparseReverseLong(filterLen), 4&, rwLen, ByVal 0&
- If rwLen = 4& Then
- WriteFile fileNum, imgData(0), filterLen + 4&, rwLen, ByVal 0&
- If rwLen = filterLen + 4& Then
- WriteFile fileNum, zCreateCRC(VarPtr(imgData(0)), rwLen), 4&, rwLen, ByVal 0&
- Write_IDAT = (rwLen = 4&)
- End If
- End If
- End If
- eh:
- If Err Then Err.Clear
- End Function
- Private Function Write_IEND(fileNum As Long, Stream() As Byte) As Boolean
- Const chnk_IEND As Long = &H444E4549 'End of Image
- On Error GoTo eh
- Dim Index As Long
- Dim gpLong As Long
- Dim rwLen As Long
- If fileNum = 0 Then ' writing to array vs file
- Index = UBound(Stream) + 1&
- ReDim Preserve Stream(0 To Index + 11&)
- CopyMemory Stream(Index), 0&, 4&
- CopyMemory Stream(Index + 4), chnk_IEND, 4& ' chunk name, chunk length is zero
- gpLong = zCreateCRC(VarPtr(chnk_IEND), 4&)
- CopyMemory Stream(Index + 8&), gpLong, 4& ' crc value
- Write_IEND = True
- Else
- WriteFile fileNum, rwLen, 4&, rwLen, ByVal 0&
- If rwLen = 4& Then
- WriteFile fileNum, chnk_IEND, 4&, rwLen, ByVal 0&
- If rwLen = 4& Then
- WriteFile fileNum, zCreateCRC(VarPtr(chnk_IEND), 4&), 4&, rwLen, ByVal 0&
- Write_IEND = (rwLen = 4&)
- End If
- End If
- End If
- eh:
- If Err Then Err.Clear
- End Function
- Private Sub EncodeFilter_None(pngData() As Byte, _
- ByVal RowNr As Long, dibRowNr As Long, _
- ByVal scanLineDIB As Long, scanLinePNG As Long, _
- stepVal As Byte, AdptValue As Long)
- ' this routine is only called when adapative filter method is used
- Dim X As Long
- Dim startByte As Long, locDIB As Long
- Dim lTest As Long
- If scanLineDIB > -1 Then ' processing interlaced image
- ' for interlaced, m_Uncompressed will be a top-down calculated array
- ' and the scanLineDIB parameter is an offset into the interlaced array
- startByte = scanLineDIB + 1
- locDIB = startByte
- Else
- ' for non-interlaced, m_Uncompressed will be a bottom-up DIB
- locDIB = dibRowNr * -scanLineDIB
- startByte = RowNr * scanLinePNG + RowNr + 1
- End If
- For X = locDIB To locDIB + scanLinePNG - 1
- lTest = lTest + m_Uncompressed(X)
- If lTest > AdptValue Then Exit Sub
- Next
- If lTest = 0 Then lTest = 1
- AdptValue = lTest
- pngData(startByte - 1) = 0
- End Sub
- Private Sub EncodeFilter_Up(pngData() As Byte, _
- ByVal RowNr As Long, dibRowNr As Long, _
- ByVal scanLineDIB As Long, scanLinePNG As Long, _
- stepVal As Byte, AdptValue As Long)
- ' this is Filter Type 2
- 'http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#9-table91
- Dim ppTop As Integer
- Dim X As Long
- Dim startByte As Long, locDIB As Long
- Dim lTest As Long, prevRow As Long
- If scanLineDIB > -1 Then ' processing interlaced image
- ' for interlaced, m_Uncompressed will be a top-down calculated array
- ' and the scanLineDIB parameter is an offset into the interlaced array
- startByte = scanLineDIB + 1
- scanLineDIB = scanLinePNG + 1
- locDIB = startByte
- Else
- ' for non-interlaced, m_Uncompressed will be a bottom-up DIB
- locDIB = dibRowNr * -scanLineDIB
- startByte = RowNr * scanLinePNG + RowNr + 1
- End If
- If AdptValue Then
- If RowNr Then
- For X = locDIB To locDIB + scanLinePNG - 1
- lTest = lTest + Abs(0 + m_Uncompressed(X) - m_Uncompressed(X - scanLineDIB))
- If lTest > AdptValue Then Exit Sub
- Next
- If lTest = 0 Then lTest = 1
- AdptValue = lTest
- pngData(startByte - 1) = 2
- End If
- Else
- For X = 0 To scanLinePNG - 1
- If RowNr Then ppTop = m_Uncompressed(locDIB + X - scanLineDIB)
- ' VB workaround for C++ unsigned math
- If ppTop > m_Uncompressed(locDIB + X) Then
- pngData(startByte + X) = 256 - ppTop + m_Uncompressed(locDIB + X)
- Else
- pngData(startByte + X) = m_Uncompressed(locDIB + X) - ppTop
- End If
- Next
- pngData(startByte - 1) = 2
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub EncodeFilter_Sub(pngData() As Byte, _
- ByVal RowNr As Long, dibRowNr As Long, _
- ByVal scanLineDIB As Long, scanLinePNG As Long, _
- stepVal As Byte, AdptValue As Long)
- ' This is Filter Type 1
- 'http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#9-table91
- Dim X As Long
- Dim startByte As Long, locDIB As Long
- Dim lTest As Long
- If scanLineDIB > -1 Then ' processing interlaced image
- ' for interlaced, m_Uncompressed will be a top-down calculated array
- ' and the scanLineDIB parameter is an offset into the interlaced array
- startByte = scanLineDIB + 1
- scanLineDIB = scanLinePNG + 1
- locDIB = startByte
- Else
- ' for non-interlaced, m_Uncompressed will be a bottom-up DIB
- locDIB = dibRowNr * -scanLineDIB
- startByte = RowNr * scanLinePNG + RowNr + 1
- End If
- If AdptValue Then
- ' 1st n bytes for 1st pixel are unfiltered
- For X = locDIB To stepVal + locDIB - 1
- lTest = lTest + m_Uncompressed(X)
- Next
- For X = locDIB + stepVal To scanLinePNG - 1
- lTest = lTest + Abs(0 + m_Uncompressed(X) - m_Uncompressed(X - stepVal))
- If lTest > AdptValue Then Exit Sub
- Next
- If lTest = 0 Then lTest = 1
- AdptValue = lTest
- Else
- ' 1st n bytes for 1st pixel are unfiltered
- CopyMemory pngData(startByte), m_Uncompressed(locDIB), stepVal
- For X = stepVal To scanLinePNG - 1
- ' VB workaround for C++ unsigned math
- If m_Uncompressed(locDIB + X - stepVal) > m_Uncompressed(locDIB + X) Then
- pngData(startByte + X) = 256 - m_Uncompressed(locDIB + X - stepVal) + m_Uncompressed(locDIB + X)
- Else
- pngData(startByte + X) = m_Uncompressed(locDIB + X) - m_Uncompressed(locDIB + X - stepVal)
- End If
- Next
- End If
- pngData(startByte - 1) = 1
- End Sub
- Private Sub EncodeFilter_Avg(pngData() As Byte, _
- ByVal RowNr As Long, dibRowNr As Long, _
- ByVal scanLineDIB As Long, scanLinePNG As Long, _
- stepVal As Byte, AdptValue As Long)
- ' This is Filter Type 3
- 'http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#9-table91
- Dim ppLeft As Integer, ppTop As Integer
- Dim X As Long, pReturn As Integer
- Dim locDIB As Long, startByte As Long
- Dim lTest As Long
- If scanLineDIB > -1 Then ' processing interlaced image
- ' for interlaced, m_Uncompressed will be a top-down calculated array
- ' and the scanLineDIB parameter is an offset into the interlaced array
- startByte = scanLineDIB + 1
- scanLineDIB = scanLinePNG + 1
- locDIB = startByte
- Else
- ' for non-interlaced, m_Uncompressed will be a bottom-up DIB
- locDIB = dibRowNr * -scanLineDIB
- startByte = RowNr * scanLinePNG + RowNr + 1
- End If
- If AdptValue Then
- If RowNr Then
- For X = locDIB To locDIB + scanLinePNG - 1
- ppTop = m_Uncompressed(X - scanLineDIB)
- If X >= locDIB + stepVal Then ppLeft = m_Uncompressed(X - stepVal)
- lTest = lTest + Abs((m_Uncompressed(X) - (ppLeft + ppTop) 2))
- If lTest > AdptValue Then Exit Sub
- Next
- If lTest = 0 Then lTest = 1
- AdptValue = lTest
- pngData(startByte - 1) = 3
- End If
- Else
- For X = 0 To scanLinePNG - 1
- If RowNr Then ppTop = m_Uncompressed(locDIB - scanLineDIB + X)
- If X >= stepVal Then ppLeft = m_Uncompressed(locDIB - stepVal + X)
- pReturn = (ppLeft + ppTop) 2
- ' VB workaround for C++ unsigned math
- If pReturn > m_Uncompressed(locDIB + X) Then
- pngData(X + startByte) = 256 - pReturn + m_Uncompressed(X + locDIB)
- Else
- pngData(X + startByte) = m_Uncompressed(X + locDIB) - pReturn
- End If
- Next
- pngData(startByte - 1) = 3
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub EncodeFilter_Paeth(pngData() As Byte, _
- ByVal RowNr As Long, dibRowNr As Long, _
- ByVal scanLineDIB As Long, scanLinePNG As Long, _
- stepVal As Byte, AdptValue As Long)
- ' This is Filter Type 4
- 'http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#9-table91
- Dim ppLeft As Integer, ppTop As Integer, ppTopLeft As Integer
- Dim X As Long, pReturn As Integer
- Dim startByte As Long, locDIB As Long
- Dim lTest As Long, prevRow As Long
- If scanLineDIB > -1 Then ' processing interlaced image
- ' for interlaced, m_Uncompressed will be a top-down calculated array
- ' and the scanLineDIB parameter is an offset into the interlaced array
- startByte = scanLineDIB + 1
- scanLineDIB = scanLinePNG + 1
- locDIB = startByte
- Else
- ' for non-interlaced, m_Uncompressed will be a bottom-up DIB
- locDIB = dibRowNr * -scanLineDIB
- startByte = RowNr * scanLinePNG + RowNr + 1
- End If
- If AdptValue Then
- If RowNr Then
- For X = locDIB To locDIB + scanLinePNG - 1
- If X >= stepVal + locDIB Then ' we are not on the 1st pixel
- ppLeft = m_Uncompressed(X - stepVal)
- ppTopLeft = m_Uncompressed(X - scanLineDIB - stepVal)
- End If
- ppTop = m_Uncompressed(X - scanLineDIB)
- ' get the Paeth closest neighbor
- lTest = lTest + Abs((m_Uncompressed(X) - PaethPredictor(ppLeft, ppTop, ppTopLeft)))
- If lTest > AdptValue Then Exit Sub
- Next
- If lTest = 0 Then lTest = 1
- AdptValue = lTest
- pngData(startByte - 1) = 4
- End If
- Else
- For X = 0 To scanLinePNG - 1
- If X >= stepVal Then ' we are not on the 1st pixel
- ppLeft = m_Uncompressed(locDIB + X - stepVal)
- If RowNr Then
- prevRow = locDIB + X - scanLineDIB
- ppTop = m_Uncompressed(prevRow)
- ppTopLeft = m_Uncompressed(prevRow - stepVal)
- End If
- Else
- If RowNr Then ppTop = m_Uncompressed(locDIB + X - scanLineDIB)
- End If
- ' get the Paeth closest neighbor
- pReturn = PaethPredictor(ppLeft, ppTop, ppTopLeft)
- ' VB workaround for C++ unsigned math
- If pReturn > m_Uncompressed(locDIB + X) Then
- pngData(startByte + X) = 256 - pReturn + m_Uncompressed(locDIB + X)
- Else
- pngData(startByte + X) = m_Uncompressed(locDIB + X) - pReturn
- End If
- Next
- pngData(startByte - 1) = 4
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Function PaethPredictor(Left As Integer, Above As Integer, UpperLeft As Integer) As Integer
- ' http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#9-table91
- ' algorithm is used for both encoding & decoding the png paeth filter
- ' Based off of the formula created by Alan W. Paeth & provided fully in url above
- Dim pa As Integer, pb As Integer, pC As Integer, p As Integer
- p = Left + Above - UpperLeft
- pa = Abs(p - Left)
- pb = Abs(p - Above)
- pC = Abs(p - UpperLeft)
- ' tie breaker
- ' The order in which the comparisons are performed is critical and shall not be altered
- If (pa <= pb) And (pa <= pC) Then
- PaethPredictor = Left
- ElseIf pb <= pC Then
- PaethPredictor = Above
- Else
- PaethPredictor = UpperLeft
- End If
- End Function
- Private Function FilterImage(fileNum As Long, Stream() As Byte, Host As c32bppDIB, ByVal FilterMethod As eFilterMethods) As Boolean
- ' Routine will Filter the image in one of the 5 types of authorized PNG Filters.
- ' The Adaptive filter approach will select a best-guess filter to use for each
- ' scan line of the image. Otherwise, the same filter is applied to every scan line.
- ' Note about filters. Binary data compresses very poorly. Filters are a way to
- ' rewrite the binary data so that it will compress better. That is its only purpose.
- Dim scanWidth_DIB As Long, scanWidth_PNG As Long ' scanwidths of 2 images
- Dim compressedData() As Byte ' filtered PNG data
- Dim filteredData() As Byte ' unfiltered PNG data
- Dim gpLong As Long ' general purpose Long value
- Dim arrayPtr As Long, pIndex As Long ' array/loop variables
- Dim bytePP As Byte ' DIB/PNG bytes per pixel
- If FilterMethod < filterDefault Or FilterMethod > filterAdaptive Then FilterMethod = filterDefault
- Select Case m_ColorType
- Case clrGrayScale, clrPalette
- scanWidth_DIB = Host.Width
- scanWidth_PNG = scanWidth_DIB
- ' paletted images. Almost always, filter type zero is best (no filters)
- If FilterMethod = filterDefault Then FilterMethod = filterNone
- bytePP = 1
- Case Else ' true color, true color w/alpha (grayscale w/Alpha is converted to clrPalette in PalettizeImage)
- ' the best, non-adapative method for 24/32 bit is usually Paeth
- If FilterMethod = filterDefault Then FilterMethod = filterPaeth
- If m_ColorType = clrTrueAlpha Then
- ' get scan width for PNG file: byte aligned
- scanWidth_DIB = Host.scanWidth
- scanWidth_PNG = scanWidth_DIB
- bytePP = 4
- Else
- scanWidth_DIB = iparseByteAlignOnWord(24, Host.Width)
- scanWidth_PNG = ByteAlignOnByte(Host.Width, 24)
- bytePP = 3
- End If
- End Select
- ' Size raw data to be compressed and include 1 filter byte per line of image
- ReDim filteredData(0 To scanWidth_PNG * Host.Height + Host.Height - 1)
- If Err Then
- ' about the only possible error would be not enough memory to process the image file
- Err.Clear
- Exit Function
- End If
- For pIndex = 0 To Host.Height - 1
- arrayPtr = pIndex * scanWidth_PNG + pIndex ' position of scanline
- If FilterMethod = filterAdaptive Then
- ' adaptive filtering
- ' although this can sequeeze an extra couple kb out of the png, I am finding
- ' that using Paeth appears to be either better or very close to adaptive filtering
- ' in most cases. Paeth is slowest of the top 5 filters (0-4). But adaptive filtering
- ' is significantly slower than Paeth. The deciding factor for adapative
- ' outdoing the others is the number of colors in the image. The more colors,
- ' the better chances adaptive has of being smaller size. The least amount
- ' of colors, the better chances Paeth has of being smaller.
- ' More testing needed though. I wouldn't imagine the PNG specs would recommend
- ' adaptive filtering unless it had some huge advantage over Paeth. What
- ' I am avoiding at all costs is a brute force routine to definitively
- ' find the best scanline filter method. That brute force can literally
- ' take minutes on full size 24/32bpp images.
- filteredData(arrayPtr) = 0
- gpLong = scanWidth_PNG * 254& ' max value
- ' listed in order of quickest
- EncodeFilter_None filteredData, pIndex, Host.Height - pIndex - 1, -scanWidth_DIB, scanWidth_PNG, bytePP, gpLong
- EncodeFilter_Sub filteredData, pIndex, Host.Height - pIndex - 1, -scanWidth_DIB, scanWidth_PNG, bytePP, gpLong
- EncodeFilter_Up filteredData, pIndex, Host.Height - pIndex - 1, -scanWidth_DIB, scanWidth_PNG, bytePP, gpLong
- EncodeFilter_Avg filteredData, pIndex, Host.Height - pIndex - 1, -scanWidth_DIB, scanWidth_PNG, bytePP, gpLong
- EncodeFilter_Paeth filteredData, pIndex, Host.Height - pIndex - 1, -scanWidth_DIB, scanWidth_PNG, bytePP, gpLong
- ' ^^ the -scanWidth_DIB is a flag indicating we are not filtering interlaced PNG
- Else
- filteredData(arrayPtr) = FilterMethod - 1
- End If
- Select Case filteredData(arrayPtr) + 1 ' cache filter method into PNG data
- Case filterNone
- gpLong = (Host.Height - pIndex - 1) * scanWidth_DIB ' get current row relative to upside down DIB
- CopyMemory filteredData(arrayPtr + 1), m_Uncompressed(gpLong), scanWidth_PNG
- Case filterAdjLeft
- EncodeFilter_Sub filteredData, pIndex, Host.Height - pIndex - 1, -scanWidth_DIB, scanWidth_PNG, bytePP, 0
- Case filterAdjTop
- EncodeFilter_Up filteredData, pIndex, Host.Height - pIndex - 1, -scanWidth_DIB, scanWidth_PNG, bytePP, 0
- Case filterAdjAvg
- EncodeFilter_Avg filteredData, pIndex, Host.Height - pIndex - 1, -scanWidth_DIB, scanWidth_PNG, bytePP, 0
- Case filterPaeth
- EncodeFilter_Paeth filteredData, pIndex, Host.Height - pIndex - 1, -scanWidth_DIB, scanWidth_PNG, bytePP, 0
- End Select
- ' ^^ the -scanWidth_DIB is a flag indicating we are not filtering interlaced PNG
- Next
- Erase m_Uncompressed ' no longer needed
- If Err Then
- Err.Clear
- Else
- gpLong = UBound(filteredData) + 1
- gpLong = gpLong * 0.01 + 12 + gpLong ' < sizing algorithm for compressed array per zLIB specs
- ReDim compressedData(0 To gpLong + 3) ' include 4 bytes for Write_IDAT
- If zDeflate(VarPtr(compressedData(4)), gpLong, VarPtr(filteredData(0)), UBound(filteredData) + 1) = True Then
- FilterImage = Write_IDAT(fileNum, Stream(), compressedData(), gpLong)
- End If
- End If
- End Function
- Private Function FormatText(txt2format As String) As String
- ' Function ensures text added to a PNG file meets PNG specs
- Dim Index As Integer
- Dim rtnString As String
- Const maxLength As Long = 32700&
- ' not a PNG restriction, but self-imposed. Keep text to Integer length
- ' per PNG specs, text and captions are limited to Latin1 character set and the line feed
- ' Latin1 character set is Chr$(32) & above.
- ' http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/iso_8859-1.txt
- If txt2format = vbNullString Then
- rtnString = txt2format
- Else
- rtnString = Left$(txt2format, maxLength)
- ' per PNG specs, the only character allowed lower than a SPACE is the line feed character
- ' therefore we will replace vbCrLf with the line feed chr$(10)/vbLf
- rtnString = Replace$(rtnString, vbCrLf, vbLf)
- rtnString = Replace$(rtnString, vbCr, vbLf)
- For Index = 1 To Len(rtnString)
- Select Case Asc(Mid$(rtnString, Index, 1))
- Case 9, 10 ' lf is valid. Tab, depending on sources, is ok too
- Case Is < 32 ' all these are not allowed
- rtnString = vbNullString
- Exit For
- Case Else ' otherwise, all other characters are allowed
- End Select
- Next
- End If
- FormatText = rtnString
- End Function
- Private Function FormatCaption(ByRef Caption As String) As Long
- ' per PNG specs, text and captions are limited to Latin1 character set and the line feed
- ' Latin1 character set is Chr$(32) & above.
- ' http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/iso_8859-1.txt
- ' Return values
- ' If caption is a reserved caption,
- ' then FormatCaption=PropertyID of reserved caption
- ' else FormatCaption=-1 to indicate not reserved
- ' If caption is disqualified, then Caption is returned as vbNullString
- Dim Index As Long, CaptionID As Long
- If Not Caption = vbNullString Then
- ' we are formatting/validating a keyword/caption for LargeBlockText
- ' when adding txtLargeBlock, a keyword is required, but must meet specs
- Caption = Trim$(Left$(Caption, 79)) ' absolute requirement
- Do Until InStr(Caption, " ") = 0 ' absolute requirement
- Caption = Replace$(Caption, " ", " ") ' remove all double spaces
- Loop
- 'only character codes 32-126 and 161-255 are allowed
- For Index = 1 To Len(Caption)
- Select Case Asc(Mid$(Caption, Index, 1))
- Case 160: Mid$(Caption, Index, 1) = Chr$(32) ' suggested: convert hard space to soft space
- Case 32 To 126 ' valid
- Case 161 To 255 ' valid
- Case Else ' otherwise, all other characters are NOT allowed, invalidating caption
- Caption = vbNullString
- Exit For
- End Select
- Next
- ' now the last check, cannot use a reserved keyword
- If Not Caption = vbNullString Then CaptionID = isKeyWord(Caption)
- End If
- FormatCaption = CaptionID
- End Function
- Private Function isKeyWord(inCaption As String) As Long
- ' compares passed caption to PNG reserved keywords
- Dim Index As Long, keyWord As String, keyID As Long
- For Index = 1 To 11
- Select Case Index
- Case 1: keyWord = "Title": keyID = txtTitle
- Case 2: keyWord = "Author": keyID = txtAuthor
- Case 3: keyWord = "Description": keyID = txtDescription
- Case 4: keyWord = "Copyright": keyID = txtCopyright
- Case 5: keyWord = "Creation Time": keyID = txtCreationTime
- Case 6: keyWord = "Software": keyID = txtSoftware
- Case 7: keyWord = "Disclaimer": keyID = txtDisclaimer
- Case 8: keyWord = "Warning": keyID = txtWarning
- Case 9: keyWord = "Source'": keyID = txtSource
- Case 10: keyWord = "Comment": keyID = txtComment
- Case 11: keyID = -1: Exit For
- End Select
- If StrComp(keyWord, inCaption, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then Exit For
- Next
- isKeyWord = keyID ' return value of -1 indicates caption is not reserved
- End Function
- Private Function IsValidProperty(PropertyID As ePngProperties) As Boolean
- Select Case PropertyID
- Case txtAuthor: IsValidProperty = True
- Case txtComment: IsValidProperty = True
- Case txtCopyright: IsValidProperty = True
- Case txtCreationTime: IsValidProperty = True
- Case txtDescription: IsValidProperty = True
- Case txtDisclaimer: IsValidProperty = True
- Case txtLargeBlockText: IsValidProperty = True
- Case txtSoftware: IsValidProperty = True
- Case txtSource: IsValidProperty = True
- Case txtTitle: IsValidProperty = True
- Case txtWarning: IsValidProperty = True
- Case colorDefaultBkg: IsValidProperty = True
- Case filterType: IsValidProperty = True
- Case dateTimeModified: IsValidProperty = True
- End Select
- End Function
- ' =======================================
- ' =======================================
- Private Function zValidateZLIBversion() As Boolean
- ' Test for zlib availability & compatibility
- ' see modParsers.iparseValidateZLib for details
- Dim b_cdecl As Boolean, bCompress2 As Boolean, DllName As String
- If iparseValidateZLIB(DllName, m_ZLIBver, b_cdecl, bCompress2) = True Then
- If b_cdecl = True Then
- Set cCfunction = New cCDECL
- cCfunction.DllLoad DllName
- End If
- If bCompress2 Then m_ZLIBver = m_ZLIBver Or 32 ' flag indicating can use better compression
- zValidateZLIBversion = True
- End If
- End Function
- Private Function zCreateCRC(crcSrcRef As Long, srcLength As Long) As Long
- ' function returns zLIB's CRC value for passed crcTestRef value.
- Dim lReturn As Long
- If cCfunction Is Nothing Then
- If (m_ZLIBver And 1&) = 1& Then
- lReturn = Zcrc32(0&, ByVal crcSrcRef, srcLength)
- ElseIf (m_ZLIBver And 2&) = 2& Then
- lReturn = Zcrc321(0&, ByVal crcSrcRef, srcLength)
- End If
- Else
- lReturn = cCfunction.CallFunc("crc32", 0&, crcSrcRef, srcLength)
- End If
- If Not lReturn = 0& Then zCreateCRC = iparseReverseLong(lReturn)
- End Function
- Private Function zDeflate(destRef As Long, destSize As Long, srcRef As Long, srcSizeRef As Long) As Boolean
- ' function compresses/deflates passed srcRef into passed destRef and modifies the destSizeRef to indicate byte count of destRef
- ' earliest versions of DLL do not have Compress2 which newer versions have.
- ' Newer versions allow a compression parameter to allow deeper compression.
- ' When compress is called in newer DLL it just reroutes to the compress2 method
- Dim lReturn As Long
- If cCfunction Is Nothing Then
- If m_ZLIBver = 34& Then ' 34 = 2 or 32 ' double checked 3/1/2007
- ' use compress2 function
- zDeflate = (Zcompress21(ByVal destRef, destSize, ByVal srcRef, srcSizeRef, zlibMaxCompression) = 0&)
- ElseIf m_ZLIBver = 33& Then ' 33 = 1 or 32 ' double checked 3/1/2007
- ' use compress2 function
- zDeflate = (Zcompress2(ByVal destRef, destSize, ByVal srcRef, srcSizeRef, zlibMaxCompression) = 0&)
- ElseIf (m_ZLIBver And 1) = 1& Then ' double checked 3/1/2007
- ' use compress function
- zDeflate = (Zcompress(ByVal destRef, destSize, ByVal srcRef, srcSizeRef) = 0&)
- ElseIf m_ZLIBver = 2& Then ' double checked 3/1/2007
- ' use compress function
- zDeflate = (Zcompress1(ByVal destRef, destSize, ByVal srcRef, srcSizeRef) = 0&)
- End If
- Else
- If (m_ZLIBver And 32&) = 32& Then ' double checked 3/1/2007
- ' use compress2 function
- zDeflate = (cCfunction.CallFunc("compress2", destRef, VarPtr(destSize), srcRef, srcSizeRef, zlibMaxCompression) = 0&)
- Else ' double checked 3/1/2007
- ' use compress function
- zDeflate = (cCfunction.CallFunc("compress", destRef, VarPtr(destSize), srcRef, srcSizeRef) = 0&)
- End If
- End If
- End Function