- MultiUse = -1 'True
- Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
- DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
- DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
- MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
- Attribute VB_Name = "cPNGparser"
- Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
- Attribute VB_Creatable = True
- Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
- Attribute VB_Exposed = False
- Option Explicit
- ' PNG Parser & PNG to 32bpp converter
- ' The PNG will be parsed using the following resources if they are available
- ' and in the following order.
- ' 1) If GDI+ is available, the entire PNG will be processed via GDI+
- ' 2) If zLIB.DLL or zLIB1.DLL is available, the PNG will be decompressed via zLIB
- ' 3) If none of the above, the PNG will be decompressed with pure VB
- ' No APIs are declared public. This is to prevent possibly, differently
- ' declared APIs, or different versions of the same API, from conflciting
- ' with any APIs you declared in your project. Same rule for UDTs.
- ' Note: I did take some liberties in several API declarations throughout
- Private Declare Function ReadFile Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal hFile As Long, ByRef lpBuffer As Any, ByVal nNumberOfBytesToRead As Long, ByRef lpNumberOfBytesRead As Long, ByRef lpOverlapped As Any) As Long
- Private Declare Function SetFilePointer Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal hFile As Long, ByVal lDistanceToMove As Long, ByRef lpDistanceToMoveHigh As Long, ByVal dwMoveMethod As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function GetFileSize Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal hFile As Long, ByRef lpFileSizeHigh As Long) As Long
- Private Const FILE_CURRENT As Long = 1
- ' Used to create a return DIB section
- Private Declare Sub FillMemory Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "RtlFillMemory" (ByRef Destination As Any, ByVal Length As Long, ByVal Fill As Byte)
- Private Declare Function CreateCompatibleDC Lib "gdi32.dll" (ByVal hDC As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function DeleteDC Lib "gdi32.dll" (ByVal hDC As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function SelectObject Lib "gdi32.dll" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal hObject As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function DeleteObject Lib "gdi32.dll" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function GetDC Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function ReleaseDC Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal hDC As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function CreateDIBSection Lib "gdi32.dll" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByRef pBitmapInfo As Any, ByVal un As Long, ByRef lplpVoid As Long, ByVal Handle As Long, ByVal dw As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function VarPtrArray Lib "msvbvm60.dll" Alias "VarPtr" (Ptr() As Any) As Long
- Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
- Private Type SafeArrayBound
- cElements As Long
- lLbound As Long
- End Type
- Private Type SafeArray
- cDims As Integer
- fFeatures As Integer
- cbElements As Long
- cLocks As Long
- pvData As Long
- rgSABound(0 To 1) As SafeArrayBound
- End Type
- biSize As Long
- biWidth As Long
- biHeight As Long
- biPlanes As Integer
- biBitCount As Integer
- biCompression As Long
- biSizeImage As Long
- biXPelsPerMeter As Long
- biYPelsPerMeter As Long
- biClrUsed As Long
- biClrImportant As Long
- End Type
- Private Type BITMAPINFO
- bmiColors As Long
- End Type
- ' Following are used only if PNG file is being manually decompressed with pure VB
- Private Type CodesType
- Length() As Long
- code() As Long
- End Type
- Private OutPos As Long
- Private Inpos As Long
- Private ByteBuff As Long
- Private BitNum As Long
- Private BitMask() As Long
- Private Pow2() As Long
- Private LCodes As CodesType
- Private DCodes As CodesType
- Private LitLen As CodesType
- Private Dist As CodesType
- Private TempLit As CodesType
- Private TempDist As CodesType
- Private LenOrder() As Long
- ' Following are used if PNG will be decompressed by zLIB
- ' -- older version of zLIB (version 1.1.? or earlier)
- Private Declare Function Zuncompress Lib "zlib.dll" Alias "uncompress" (ByRef Dest As Any, ByRef destLen As Long, ByRef Source As Any, ByVal sourceLen As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function Zcrc32 Lib "zlib.dll" Alias "crc32" (ByVal crc As Long, ByRef buf As Any, ByVal Length As Long) As Long
- ' -- latest version of zLIB (version 1.2.3)
- Private Declare Function Zuncompress1 Lib "zlib1.dll" Alias "uncompress" (ByRef Dest As Any, ByRef destLen As Long, ByRef Source As Any, ByVal sourceLen As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function Zcrc321 Lib "zlib1.dll" Alias "crc32" (ByVal crc As Long, ByRef buf As Any, ByVal Length As Long) As Long
- ' following are the actual PNG image properties, exposed via class properties
- ' (**)Not all are translated until called from the appropriate class property
- Private m_Width As Long ' image width
- Private m_Height As Long ' image height
- Private m_BitDepth As Byte ' image bit depth/count: 1,2,4,8,16
- Private m_ColorType As Byte ' image color type: 0,2,3,4,6
- Private m_Interlacing As Byte ' interlaced: 0,1
- Private m_Palette() As Byte ' image palette information
- Private m_TransSimple() As Byte ' image simple transparency information
- Private m_TransColor As Long ' translated simple transparency color (BGR or index value)
- ' matrix/lookup tables
- Private pow2x8() As Long ' a look up table for bit shifting (1,2,4 bit pixels)
- Private m_MatrixDat() As Byte ' see eMatrixType below & InitializeMatrix routine
- Private Enum eColorTypes ' internal use only
- clrGrayScale = 0
- clrTrueColor = 2
- clrPalette = 3
- clrGrayAlpha = 4
- clrTrueAlpha = 6
- End Enum
- Private Enum eMatrixType ' internal use only
- MatrixRow = 0 ' row where each pass starts within interlace matrix
- MatrixCol = 1 ' column where each pass starts within interlace matrix
- MatrixRowAdd = 2 ' gaps between each row withiin each pass
- MatrixColAdd = 3 ' gaps between each column within each pass
- MatrixPixelHeight = 4 ' height of each pixel in a scanline (progressive display)
- MatrixPixelWidth = 5 ' width of each pixel in a scanline (progressive display)
- End Enum
- ' PNG chunk names & their numerical equivalent (those used in this class)
- ' Per png specs; using alpha chars is a no-no should system not support those characters
- ' http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/spec/1.1/PNG-Chunks.html
- Private Const chnk_IHDR As Long = &H52444849 'Image header
- Private Const chnk_IDAT As Long = &H54414449 'Image data
- Private Const chnk_IEND As Long = &H444E4549 'End of Image
- Private Const chnk_PLTE As Long = &H45544C50 'Palette
- Private Const chnk_tRNS As Long = &H534E5274 'Simple Transparency
- Private Const png_Signature1 As Long = 1196314761
- Private Const png_Signature2 As Long = 169478669
- '^^ Complete signature is 8 bytes: 137 80 78 71 13 10 26 10
- Private inStream() As Byte ' overlay only for vbDecompress routine; nevery initialized
- Private cCfunction As cCDECL ' allows calling DLL's that export _CDECL functions, not _StdCall functions
- Private m_ZLIBver As Long ' indicates which zLIB version was found on system: 1=older, 2=newer, 0=dll not found
- Private pngStream() As Byte ' overlay of bytes when using LoadStream, else individual chunk bytes when using LoadFile
- Private cHost As c32bppDIB ' owner of 32bpp destination image
- Public Function LoadStream(Stream() As Byte, dibClass As c32bppDIB, _
- Optional ByVal streamOffset As Long = 0, _
- Optional ByVal streamLength As Long = 0, _
- Optional GlobalToken As Long) As Boolean
- ' PURPOSE: Determine if passed array is a PNG & if it is, then convert it to
- ' a 32bpp owned by dibClass
- ' Parameters.
- ' Stream() :: a byte array containing the possible PNG image
- ' dibClass :: an initialized c32bppDIB class
- ' streamOffset :: array position for 1st byte in the stream
- ' streamLength :: size of stream that contains the image
- ' - If zero, then size is UBound(inStream)-streamOffset+1
- ' IMPORTANT: the array offset & length are not checked in this class.
- ' They were checked before this class was called. If this class is to
- ' be pulled out and put in another project, ensure you include the
- ' validation shown in c32bppDIB.LoadPicture_Stream
- Dim tSA As SafeArray
- With tSA ' prepare to overlay. Overlay prevents VB copying bytes into another array for processing
- .cbElements = 1 ' as byte array
- .cDims = 1 ' 1 dimensional
- .pvData = VarPtr(Stream(streamOffset))
- .rgSABound(0).cElements = streamLength
- End With
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(pngStream), VarPtr(tSA), 4& ' establish overlay
- Set cHost = dibClass
- LoadStream = LoadPNG(0&, vbNullString, streamLength, GlobalToken)
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(pngStream), 0&, 4& ' remove overlay
- Set cHost = Nothing
- End Function
- Public Function LoadFile(ByVal FileHandle As Long, ByVal FileName As String, dibClass As c32bppDIB, Optional GlobalToken As Long) As Boolean
- ' PURPOSE: Determine if passed file is a PNG & if it is, then convert it to
- ' a 32bpp owned by dibClass
- ' Parameters.
- ' FileName :: full path and file
- ' dibClass :: an initialized c32bppDIB class
- ' IMPORTANT: the existance and validity of the filename is not checked here.
- ' They were checked before this class was called. If this class is to
- ' be pulled out and put in another project, ensure you include the
- ' validation shown in c32bppDIB.LoadPicture_File
- Set cHost = dibClass
- LoadFile = LoadPNG(FileHandle, FileName, 0&, GlobalToken)
- Set cHost = Nothing
- End Function
- Private Function LoadPNG(FileHandle As Long, FileName As String, streamLength As Long, Optional GlobalToken As Long) As Boolean
- ' PURPOSE: Determine if passed file is a PNG & if it is, then convert it to
- ' a 32bpp owned by dibClass
- ' Parameters.
- ' FileName :: full path and file
- ' dibClass :: an initialized c32bppDIB class
- Dim ptrLoc As Long ' used to ensure parsing doesn't go past EOF of corrupted file
- Dim ptrArray As Long
- Dim FileNumber As Long ' the file handle
- Dim gpLong As Long ' general purpose long value
- Dim readRtn As Long
- Dim lenIDAT As Long ' running total of the png data size (compressed)
- Dim ChunkName As Long ' name of the chunk
- Dim ChunkLen As Long ' length of the chunk
- Dim RawPNGdata() As Byte ' uncompressed png data
- Dim IDATdata() As Byte ' compressed png data
- Dim uncmprssSize As Long ' calculated size of uncompressed PNG data
- Dim lError As Long
- Dim bCRCchecks As Boolean ' whether or not to use CRC checks on chunks
- Dim crc32value As Long ' if CRC checks applied, the the CRC value
- Dim cGDIp As cGDIPlus
- ' reset class' only key property
- m_TransColor = -1&
- ' attempt to open the file with read access
- If FileName = vbNullString Then
- ptrLoc = 7& ' counter to prevent overflow of array
- ptrArray = 8& ' current position in passed array
- If IsPNG() = False Then
- Exit Function
- Else
- LoadPNG = True ' & process it using GDI+ if available
- Set cGDIp = New cGDIPlus
- If cGDIp.GDIplusLoadPNG(FileName, pngStream(), cHost, GlobalToken) = True Then
- m_Width = cHost.Width
- m_Height = cHost.Height
- Exit Function
- End If
- Set cGDIp = Nothing
- End If
- Else
- On Error Resume Next
- FileNumber = FileHandle
- SetFilePointer FileNumber, 0&, 0&, 0&
- ' validate we are looking at a png file
- streamLength = GetFileSize(FileHandle, 0&)
- If streamLength > 56& Then ' minimal (signature=8;header=13,3 rqd chunks=36 min)
- ReDim pngStream(0 To 57)
- ReadFile FileNumber, pngStream(0), 58, readRtn, ByVal 0&
- 'Get FileNumber, 1, pngStream()
- If IsPNG() = True Then
- LoadPNG = True
- Else
- Exit Function
- End If
- End If
- On Error GoTo 0
- ' process using GDI+ if available
- Set cGDIp = New cGDIPlus
- If cGDIp.GDIplusLoadPNG(FileName, pngStream(), cHost, GlobalToken) = True Then
- m_Width = cHost.Width
- m_Height = cHost.Height
- LoadPNG = True
- Exit Function
- End If
- Set cGDIp = Nothing
- ptrArray = -4&
- ptrLoc = 8& ' next position in the file
- SetFilePointer FileNumber, ptrLoc, 0&, 0&
- End If
- ReDim IDATdata(0 To streamLength 2&) ' array to hold compressed data; start with arbritrary length
- bCRCchecks = zValidateZLIBversion() ' verify we can use zLIB
- Do ' read & pre-process the png file
- ' Chunks consist of 4 bytes for the length of the chunk
- ' + n bytes for the chunk
- ' + 4 bytes for a CRC value
- If FileNumber = 0& Then
- CopyMemory gpLong, pngStream(ptrArray), 4& ' length of the current chunk
- Else
- 'Get FileNumber, , gpLong ' number of bytes for the chunk
- ReadFile FileNumber, gpLong, 4&, readRtn, ByVal 0&
- End If
- ChunkLen = iparseReverseLong(gpLong) ' longs are big endian, need little endian for Windows
- ' track position of pointer in the file
- ptrLoc = ptrLoc + ChunkLen + 12& ' 12 = 4byte name + 4byte CRC + 4byte chunk count
- If ptrLoc > streamLength Then
- ' corrupted file; abort
- lError = 1&
- Exit Do
- End If
- ' read chunk name & chunk data, read CRC separately
- If FileNumber = 0& Then
- If bCRCchecks = True Then CopyMemory crc32value, pngStream(ptrArray + ChunkLen + 8&), 4&
- Else
- ReDim pngStream(0 To ChunkLen + 3&)
- 'Get FileNumber, , pngStream
- 'Get FileNumber, , gpLong ' read the CRC value (big endian)
- ReadFile FileNumber, pngStream(0), ChunkLen + 4&, readRtn, ByVal 0&
- ReadFile FileNumber, gpLong, 4&, readRtn, ByVal 0&
- If bCRCchecks = True Then crc32value = gpLong
- End If
- CopyMemory ChunkName, pngStream(ptrArray + 4&), 4& ' extract the chunk name
- If ChunkLen < 1& Then
- ' should never be <0; however can be zero at anytime
- If ChunkName = chnk_IEND Then Exit Do
- Else
- ' each of the chunk parsing routines will be in a separate function.
- ' This is so that they can easily be modified without affecting any
- ' of the other code. Additionally, it is possible that chunk types will
- ' increase as PNG continues to evolve. Except IDAT, all chunks
- ' are in their own routines
- Select Case ChunkName
- Case chnk_IDAT ' UCase chunk names are critical - CRC check
- ' compressed, filtered image data
- On Error Resume Next
- ' error? what error? all precautions taken in zChunk_IHDR function
- ' However; no predicting "Out of Memory" errors
- If Not crc32value = 0& Then
- lError = Not (zCheckCRCvalue(VarPtr(pngStream(ptrArray + 4&)), ChunkLen + 4&, crc32value))
- End If
- If lError = 0& Then
- gpLong = lenIDAT + ChunkLen ' size of array needed
- If gpLong > UBound(IDATdata) Then ' test length & increment/buffer if needed
- ReDim Preserve IDATdata(0 To gpLong + streamLength 4&)
- End If
- CopyMemory IDATdata(lenIDAT), pngStream(ptrArray + 8&), ChunkLen ' & append the new data
- lenIDAT = gpLong ' cache number of compressed bytes so far
- If Err Then
- lError = 1&
- Exit Do
- End If
- End If
- On Error GoTo 0
- Case chnk_PLTE ' UCase chunk names are critical - CRC check
- lError = zChunk_PLTE(ChunkLen, ptrArray + 4&, crc32value)
- Case chnk_tRNS ' simple transparency option
- ' CRC checked 'cause if invalid, we could generate an out of bounds
- ' error in one of the other routines that reference this array
- lError = zChunk_tRNS(ChunkLen, ptrArray + 4&, crc32value)
- Case chnk_IHDR ' UCase chunk names are critical - CRC check
- ' Note: the zChunk_IHDR routine also calculates uncompressed size
- lError = zChunk_IHDR(ChunkLen, ptrArray + 4&, uncmprssSize, crc32value)
- Case chnk_IEND ' UCase chunk names are critical - CRC check
- ' should CRC check for corrupted file; but why? we're at end of image
- Exit Do
- End Select
- If Not lError = 0& Then Exit Do
- End If
- If FileNumber = 0& Then ptrArray = ptrArray + ChunkLen + 12& ' move to next position in the array
- Loop
- ExitRoutine:
- ' clean up
- If Not FileNumber = 0& Then
- 'Close #FileNumber
- Erase pngStream()
- End If
- If lenIDAT = 0& Or Not lError = 0& Then ' invalid png image
- If Err Then Err.Clear
- Else
- ' process the compressed data
- Call PostLoadPNG(IDATdata(), lenIDAT, uncmprssSize)
- End If
- End Function
- Private Function PostLoadPNG(IDATdata() As Byte, lenIDAT As Long, uncmprssSize As Long) As Boolean
- ' Purpose: Uncompress compressed bytes and send to the un-filtering routines
- Dim RawPNGdata() As Byte
- Dim bUncompressed As Boolean
- Dim lRtn As Long
- On Error Resume Next
- ' we need to uncompress our PNG file
- ReDim RawPNGdata(0 To uncmprssSize - 1&)
- ' if zLIB is available, let it uncompress; faster than pure VB
- If Not m_ZLIBver = 0& Then ' tested/set in LoadPNG routine
- bUncompressed = zInflate(VarPtr(RawPNGdata(0)), VarPtr(uncmprssSize), VarPtr(IDATdata(0)), lenIDAT)
- End If
- If Not bUncompressed Then
- ' either zLib returned an error or it wasn't available, uncompress by hand
- bUncompressed = vbDecompress(RawPNGdata(), IDATdata(), uncmprssSize)
- If Err Then Err.Clear
- End If
- Erase IDATdata()
- If Not bUncompressed Then
- ' failed to uncompress & shouldn't happen 'cause if I calculated uncmprssSize
- ' wrong, then other calculations in this routine are wrong too
- ' See: CalcUncompressedWidth
- Exit Function
- End If
- Call InitializePalette ' if PNG is palettized, create palette
- cHost.InitializeDIB m_Width, m_Height ' create 32bpp DIB to hold PNG
- ' call function to begin converting PNG to Bitmap
- If m_Interlacing = 0& Then
- lRtn = UnfilterNI(RawPNGdata()) ' non-interlaced image
- Else
- lRtn = UnfilterInterlaced(RawPNGdata()) ' interlaced image
- End If
- ' return results
- If lRtn = 0& Then
- cHost.DestroyDIB ' failure decoding the PNG
- Else
- If m_ColorType > clrPalette Then
- cHost.Alpha = True
- ElseIf Not m_TransColor = -1& Then
- cHost.Alpha = True
- Else
- cHost.Alpha = False
- End If
- cHost.ImageType = imgPNG
- PostLoadPNG = True
- End If
- End Function
- Private Function CalcUncompressedWidth() As Long
- Dim uncompressedWidth As Long, iBitPP As Byte
- Dim Pass As Long, passWidth As Long, passHeight As Long
- On Error GoTo NoLoad
- InitializeMatrix ' build the interlacing matrix; also used for non-interlaced too
- ' get the actual bits per pixel the png is using
- ' (i.e., 16bitdepth png @ ColorType 6 = 64bits per pixel)
- GetDepthInfo 0, 0, iBitPP, 0
- If m_Interlacing = 0& Then ' no interlacing
- ' uncompressed width will be byte aligned width + 1 for filter byte
- ' multiplied by the height
- passWidth = GetBytesPerPixel(m_Width, iBitPP)
- uncompressedWidth = passWidth * m_Height + m_Height
- Else
- ' interlaced will also be byte aligned but per scanline width
- ' Each of the 7 passes can have different widths + 1 filter byte per line
- For Pass = 1& To 7&
- ' calculate number of pixels per scan line
- passWidth = m_Width m_MatrixDat(Pass, MatrixColAdd) - (m_Width Mod m_MatrixDat(Pass, MatrixColAdd) > m_MatrixDat(Pass, MatrixCol))
- ' determine number of bytes needed for each scanline
- passWidth = GetBytesPerPixel(passWidth, iBitPP)
- ' calculate number of rows for this scan's pass
- passHeight = m_Height m_MatrixDat(Pass, MatrixRowAdd) - (m_Height Mod m_MatrixDat(Pass, MatrixRowAdd) > m_MatrixDat(Pass, MatrixRow))
- ' now get the total bytes needed for the entire pass,
- ' adding 1 filter byte for each line in the pass: i.e., + passHeight
- uncompressedWidth = uncompressedWidth + passWidth * passHeight + passHeight
- Next
- End If
- CalcUncompressedWidth = uncompressedWidth
- NoLoad:
- End Function
- Private Sub InitializeMatrix()
- ' a quick look up table for bit shifting operations
- If m_ColorType = clrGrayScale Or m_ColorType = clrPalette Then
- Dim i As Integer
- ReDim pow2x8(0 To 8)
- pow2x8(0) = 1&
- For i = 1& To 8&
- pow2x8(i) = pow2x8(i - 1&) * 2&
- Next
- End If
- ReDim m_MatrixDat(1 To 8, MatrixRow To MatrixColAdd)
- ' for rendering progressive display:
- ' - change 2D elements above: MatrixRow to MatrixPixelWidth
- ' - unrem final array element assignments below
- ' initialize interlacing matrix, used in the ConvertPNGtoBMP routine and
- ' also used to calculate the uncompressed size of the compressed PNG data
- ' Non-interlaced images are considered Pass#8, where interlaced images always
- ' contain 7 passes (1 thru 7).
- ' determines what row in the interlaced image, the current pass begins at
- CopyMemory m_MatrixDat(1, MatrixRow), 262144, 4&
- CopyMemory m_MatrixDat(5, MatrixRow), 65538, 4& 'Array(0, 0, 4, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0)
- ' determines what column in the interlaced image, the current pass begins at
- CopyMemory m_MatrixDat(1, MatrixCol), 33555456, 4&
- CopyMemory m_MatrixDat(5, MatrixCol), 256&, 4& 'Array(0, 4, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0)
- ' determines the row interval of the current pass
- CopyMemory m_MatrixDat(1, MatrixRowAdd), 67635208, 4&
- CopyMemory m_MatrixDat(5, MatrixRowAdd), 16908804, 4& 'Array(8, 8, 8, 4, 4, 2, 2, 1)
- ' determines the column interval of the current pass
- CopyMemory m_MatrixDat(1, MatrixColAdd), 67373064, 4&
- CopyMemory m_MatrixDat(5, MatrixColAdd), 16843266, 4& 'Array(8, 8, 4, 4, 2, 2, 1, 1)
- ' 1st 7 elements of next 2 arrays used for pixellated interlaced images
- ' determines the width of each pixellated pixel for the current pass (Used only when progressive display rendering)
- 'CopyMemory m_MatrixDat(1, MatrixPixelWidth), 33817608, 4&
- 'CopyMemory m_MatrixDat(5, MatrixPixelWidth), 16843010, 4& 'Array(8, 4, 4, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1)
- ' determines the height of each pixellated pixel for the current pass
- 'CopyMemory m_MatrixDat(1, MatrixPixelHeight), m_MatrixDat(1, MatrixColAdd), &H8 'Array(8, 8, 4, 4, 2, 2, 1, 1)
- End Sub
- Private Function ConvertPNGtoBMP_NonPalette(rawBytes() As Byte, ByVal scanPass As Byte, _
- ByVal scanCY As Long, ByVal rBPRow As Long, _
- Optional ByVal startOffset As Long = 0) As Boolean
- ' Routine processes only non-paletted, non-16bit PNG data
- ' rawBytes() are the png scanline bytes
- ' scanPass() is a valid number btwn 1-8 (8 indicates non-interlaced)
- ' scanCY is number of scanlines (btwn 1 and image height)
- ' rBPRow is the number of bytes per scanline of the rayBytes array (byte aligned)
- Dim rRow As Long, rColumn As Long ' current row/column of the png image
- Dim dRow As Long, dColumn As Long ' current row/column of destination bitmap
- Dim dIndex As Long ' position of dRow in the destBytes() array
- Dim rBytePP As Byte ' nr of bytes per pixel in png image
- Dim destPos As Long, rgbIncrR As Long, rgbIncrG As Long
- Dim destBytes() As Byte ' placeholders for DIB bits (DMA)
- Dim tSA As SafeArray ' array overlays for DIB bits (DMA)
- On Error GoTo err_h
- ' use direct memory access (DMA) to reference the DIB pixel data
- With tSA
- .cDims = 2 ' Number of dimensions
- .cbElements = 1 ' Size of data elements
- .pvData = cHost.BitsPointer ' Data address
- .rgSABound(0).cElements = m_Height
- .rgSABound(1).cElements = m_Width * 4& ' Nr of Elements
- End With
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(destBytes), VarPtr(tSA), 4&
- ' determine the bits/bytes of the png and bitmap images
- GetDepthInfo 0, 0, 0, rBytePP
- ' get location of BMP scanline we are processing from PNG scanline
- If startOffset = 0& Then
- dRow = m_MatrixDat(scanPass, MatrixRow)
- Else
- dRow = startOffset
- End If
- If Not m_ColorType = clrGrayAlpha Then
- rgbIncrR = 2&
- rgbIncrG = 1&
- End If
- For rRow = startOffset To scanCY - 1& ' < in relation to rawBytes() array
- dIndex = (m_Height - dRow - 1&) '* dRowWidth ' < destBytes array pointer for 1st pixel in scanline
- rColumn = rRow * rBPRow + 1& ' < rawBytes array pointer for 1st pixel in scanline
- dColumn = m_MatrixDat(scanPass, MatrixCol) ' column in relation to the destBytes() array
- Do While dColumn < m_Width
- destPos = dColumn * 4& + 3&
- Select Case m_ColorType
- Case clrTrueAlpha ' true color with alpha (32 bit)
- destBytes(destPos, dIndex) = rawBytes(rColumn + 3&) ' alpha channel
- Case clrGrayAlpha ' grayscale with alpha (1,2,4,8 bit)
- destBytes(destPos, dIndex) = rawBytes(rColumn + 1&) ' alpha channel
- Case clrTrueColor ' true color + simple transparency (24 bit)
- destBytes(destPos, dIndex) = &HFF ' alpha channel
- If Not m_TransColor = -1& Then ' transparency is used
- If (m_TransColor And &HFF) = rawBytes(rColumn + 2&) Then
- If ((m_TransColor &H100&) And &HFF) = rawBytes(rColumn + 1&) Then
- If ((m_TransColor &H10000) And &HFF) = rawBytes(rColumn) Then destBytes(destPos, dIndex) = 0&
- End If
- End If
- End If
- End Select
- Select Case destBytes(destPos, dIndex)
- Case 0: ' do nothing, RGB is zero
- Case 255
- destBytes(destPos - 3&, dIndex) = rawBytes(rColumn + rgbIncrR)
- destBytes(destPos - 2&, dIndex) = rawBytes(rColumn + rgbIncrG)
- destBytes(destPos - 1&, dIndex) = rawBytes(rColumn)
- Case Else
- destBytes(destPos - 3&, dIndex) = (0& + rawBytes(rColumn + rgbIncrR)) * destBytes(destPos, dIndex) 255
- destBytes(destPos - 2&, dIndex) = (0& + rawBytes(rColumn + rgbIncrG)) * destBytes(destPos, dIndex) 255
- destBytes(destPos - 1&, dIndex) = (0& + rawBytes(rColumn)) * destBytes(destPos, dIndex) 255
- End Select
- rColumn = rColumn + rBytePP ' else increment per source byte pp
- dColumn = dColumn + m_MatrixDat(scanPass, MatrixColAdd)
- Loop
- dRow = dRow + m_MatrixDat(scanPass, MatrixRowAdd)
- Next
- ' clean up & return result
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(destBytes), 0&, 4&
- ConvertPNGtoBMP_NonPalette = True
- Exit Function
- err_h: ' should never get here
- Err.Clear
- If tSA.cDims Then CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(destBytes), 0&, 4&
- End Function
- Private Function ConvertPNGtoBMP_Palettes(rawBytes() As Byte, ByVal scanPass As Byte, _
- ByVal scanCY As Long, ByVal rBPRow As Long, _
- Optional ByVal startOffset As Long = 0) As Boolean
- ' Routine processes only paletted, non-16bit PNG data
- ' rawBytes() are the png scanline bytes
- ' scanPass() is a valid number btwn 1-8 (8 indicates non-interlaced)
- ' scanCY is number of scanlines (btwn 1 and image height)
- ' rBPRow is the number of bytes per scanline of the rayBytes array (byte aligned)
- Dim rRow As Long, rColumn As Long ' current row/column of the png image
- Dim dRow As Long, dColumn As Long ' current row/column of destination bitmap
- Dim dIndex As Long ' position of dRow in the destBytes() array
- Dim rBytePP As Byte, rBitPP As Byte ' nr of bytes per pixel in png image
- Dim tColor(0 To 3) As Byte ' color value when copying 3 or 4 bytes to a 3 or 4 byte array
- Dim palOffset As Long
- Dim destPos As Long
- Dim pIndex As Byte ' alpha related variables
- Dim destBytes() As Byte ' placeholders for DIB bits (DMA)
- Dim tSA As SafeArray ' array overlays for DIB bits (DMA)
- Dim maskShift As Long
- On Error GoTo err_h
- ' use direct memory access (DMA) to reference the DIB pixel data
- With tSA
- .cDims = 2 ' Number of dimensions
- .cbElements = 1 ' Size of data elements
- .pvData = cHost.BitsPointer ' Data address
- .rgSABound(0).cElements = m_Height
- .rgSABound(1).cElements = m_Width * 4& ' Nr of Elements
- End With
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(destBytes), VarPtr(tSA), 4&
- ' determine the bits/bytes of the png and bitmap images
- GetDepthInfo 0, 0, 0, rBytePP
- ' get location of BMP scanline we are processing from PNG scanline
- If startOffset = 0& Then
- dRow = m_MatrixDat(scanPass, MatrixRow)
- Else
- dRow = startOffset
- End If
- For rRow = startOffset To scanCY - 1& ' < in relation to rawBytes() array
- dIndex = (m_Height - dRow - 1&) '* dRowWidth ' < destBytes array pointer for 1st pixel in scanline
- rColumn = rRow * rBPRow + 1& ' < rawBytes array pointer for 1st pixel in scanline
- dColumn = m_MatrixDat(scanPass, MatrixCol) ' column in relation to the destBytes() array
- maskShift = 8& - m_BitDepth
- Do While dColumn < m_Width
- destPos = dColumn * 4&
- Select Case m_ColorType
- Case clrPalette ' paletted with/without simple transparency in its own palette-alpha table
- ' 1,2,4,8 bit
- Call GetPaletteValue(maskShift, rawBytes(rColumn), pIndex)
- palOffset = pIndex * 3&
- If m_TransColor = -1& Then ' no transparency used
- destBytes(destPos + 3&, dIndex) = &HFF
- destBytes(destPos, dIndex) = m_Palette(palOffset + 2&)
- destBytes(destPos + 1&, dIndex) = m_Palette(palOffset + 1&)
- destBytes(destPos + 2&, dIndex) = m_Palette(palOffset)
- Else
- destBytes(destPos + 3&, dIndex) = m_TransSimple(pIndex)
- Select Case m_TransSimple(pIndex)
- Case 0
- Case 255
- destBytes(destPos, dIndex) = m_Palette(palOffset + 2&)
- destBytes(destPos + 1&, dIndex) = m_Palette(palOffset + 1&)
- destBytes(destPos + 2&, dIndex) = m_Palette(palOffset)
- Case Else
- destBytes(destPos, dIndex) = (0& + m_Palette(palOffset + 2&)) * m_TransSimple(pIndex) &HFF
- destBytes(destPos + 1&, dIndex) = (0& + m_Palette(palOffset + 1&)) * m_TransSimple(pIndex) &HFF
- destBytes(destPos + 2&, dIndex) = (0& + m_Palette(palOffset)) * m_TransSimple(pIndex) &HFF
- End Select
- End If
- Case clrGrayScale ' grayscale with/without simple transparency
- ' 1,2,4,8 bit
- Call GetPaletteValue(maskShift, rawBytes(rColumn), pIndex)
- If Not m_TransColor = pIndex Then ' else fully transparent
- destBytes(destPos + 3&, dIndex) = &HFF
- destBytes(destPos, dIndex) = m_Palette(3& * pIndex)
- destBytes(destPos + 1&, dIndex) = destBytes(destPos, dIndex)
- destBytes(destPos + 2&, dIndex) = destBytes(destPos, dIndex)
- End If
- End Select
- ' ensure our source byte pointer is moved along appropriately
- If m_BitDepth < 8& Then
- If maskShift = 0& Then
- rColumn = rColumn + 1&
- maskShift = 8& - m_BitDepth
- Else
- maskShift = maskShift - m_BitDepth
- End If
- Else
- rColumn = rColumn + rBytePP ' else increment per source byte pp
- End If
- dColumn = dColumn + m_MatrixDat(scanPass, MatrixColAdd)
- Loop
- dRow = dRow + m_MatrixDat(scanPass, MatrixRowAdd)
- Next
- ' clean up & return result
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(destBytes), 0&, 4&
- ConvertPNGtoBMP_Palettes = True
- Exit Function
- err_h: ' should never get here
- Err.Clear
- If tSA.cDims Then CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(destBytes), 0&, 4
- End Function
- Private Function ConvertPNGtoBMP_16Bit(rawBytes() As Byte, ByVal scanPass As Byte, _
- ByVal scanCY As Long, ByVal rBPRow As Long, _
- Optional ByVal startOffset As Long = 0) As Boolean
- ' Routine processes only 16bit PNG data
- ' rawBytes() are the png scanline bytes
- ' scanPass() is a valid number btwn 1-8 (8 indicates non-interlaced)
- ' scanCY is number of scanlines (btwn 1 and image height)
- ' rBPRow is the number of bytes per scanline of the rayBytes array (byte aligned)
- Dim rRow As Long, rColumn As Long ' current row/column of the png image
- Dim dRow As Long, dColumn As Long ' current row/column of destination bitmap
- Dim dIndex As Long ' position of dRow in the destBytes() array
- Dim destPos As Long, rBytePP As Byte
- Dim rgbIncrR As Long, rgbIncrG As Long
- Dim destBytes() As Byte ' placeholders for DIB bits (DMA)
- Dim tSA As SafeArray ' array overlays for DIB bits (DMA)
- On Error GoTo err_h
- ' determine the bits/bytes of the png and bitmap images
- GetDepthInfo 0, 0, 0, rBytePP
- ' use direct memory access (DMA) to reference the DIB pixel data
- With tSA
- .cDims = 2 ' Number of dimensions
- .cbElements = 1 ' Size of data elements
- .pvData = cHost.BitsPointer ' Data address
- .rgSABound(0).cElements = m_Height
- .rgSABound(1).cElements = m_Width * 4& ' Nr of Elements
- End With
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(destBytes), VarPtr(tSA), 4&
- ' get location of BMP scanline we are processing from PNG scanline
- If startOffset = 0& Then
- dRow = m_MatrixDat(scanPass, MatrixRow)
- Else
- dRow = startOffset
- End If
- If m_ColorType = clrTrueAlpha Or m_ColorType = clrTrueColor Then
- rgbIncrR = 4&: rgbIncrG = 2&
- End If
- For rRow = startOffset To scanCY - 1& ' < in relation to rawBytes() array
- dIndex = (m_Height - dRow - 1&) '* dRowWidth ' < destBytes array pointer for 1st pixel in scanline
- rColumn = rRow * rBPRow + 1& ' < rawBytes array pointer for 1st pixel in scanline
- dColumn = m_MatrixDat(scanPass, MatrixCol) ' column in relation to the destBytes() array
- Do While dColumn < m_Width
- destPos = dColumn * 4& + 3&
- Select Case m_ColorType
- Case clrTrueAlpha ' true color with alpha (64 bit)
- destBytes(destPos, dIndex) = rawBytes(rColumn + 6&) ' alpha channel
- Case clrGrayAlpha ' grayscale with alpha (32 bit)
- destBytes(destPos, dIndex) = rawBytes(rColumn + 2&)
- Case clrTrueColor ' true color with/without simple transparency (48 bit)
- destBytes(destPos, dIndex) = &HFF
- If Not m_TransColor = -1& Then ' transparency is used
- If rawBytes(rColumn + rgbIncrR) = m_TransSimple(rgbIncrR) Then
- If rawBytes(rColumn + rgbIncrG) = m_TransSimple(rgbIncrG) Then
- If rawBytes(rColumn) = m_TransSimple(0) Then destBytes(destPos, dIndex) = 0&
- End If
- End If
- End If
- Case clrGrayScale ' grayscale with or without simple transparency (16 bit)
- If m_TransColor = -1& Then
- destBytes(destPos, dIndex) = &HFF
- ElseIf Not rawBytes(rColumn) = m_TransSimple(0) Then
- destBytes(destPos, dIndex) = &HFF
- End If
- End Select
- Select Case destBytes(destPos, dIndex)
- Case 0: ' do nothing, fully transparent
- Case 255
- destBytes(destPos - 3&, dIndex) = rawBytes(rColumn + rgbIncrR)
- destBytes(destPos - 2&, dIndex) = rawBytes(rColumn + rgbIncrG)
- destBytes(destPos - 1&, dIndex) = rawBytes(rColumn)
- Case Else
- destBytes(destPos - 3&, dIndex) = (0& + rawBytes(rColumn + rgbIncrR)) * destBytes(destPos, dIndex) 255
- destBytes(destPos - 2&, dIndex) = (0& + rawBytes(rColumn + rgbIncrG)) * destBytes(destPos, dIndex) 255
- destBytes(destPos - 1&, dIndex) = (0& + rawBytes(rColumn)) * destBytes(destPos, dIndex) 255
- End Select
- ' ensure our source byte pointer is moved along appropriately
- rColumn = rColumn + rBytePP
- dColumn = dColumn + m_MatrixDat(scanPass, MatrixColAdd)
- Loop
- dRow = dRow + m_MatrixDat(scanPass, MatrixRowAdd)
- Next
- ' clean up & return result
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(destBytes), 0&, 4&
- ConvertPNGtoBMP_16Bit = True
- Exit Function
- err_h: ' should never get here
- Err.Clear
- If tSA.cDims Then CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(destBytes), 0&, 4&
- End Function
- Private Sub GetPaletteValue(ByVal PixelPos As Long, ByVal PixelValue As Byte, _
- Optional ByRef RtnIndex As Byte)
- ' // LaVolpe, Dec 1 thru 10 - added from scratch
- ' Returns a palette index and palette color from a compressed byte
- RtnIndex = (PixelValue pow2x8(PixelPos)) And (pow2x8(m_BitDepth) - 1)
- End Sub
- Private Function GetBytesPerPixel(totalWidth As Long, btsPerPixel As Byte) As Long
- ' // LaVolpe, Dec 1 thru 10
- ' returns number of bytes required to display n pixels at p color depth (byte aligned)
- GetBytesPerPixel = (totalWidth * btsPerPixel + 7&) 8&
- End Function
- Private Sub GetDepthInfo(destBitPP As Byte, destBytePP As Byte, _
- rawBitsPP As Byte, rawBytesPP As Byte)
- ' returns the bits per pixel & bytes per pixel for the destination bitmap
- ' and also the respective values for the png image
- ' PNG > DIB bmp (per pixel) conversion chart I use throughout the routines:
- 'Color Type bit depth PNG bits/bytes per pixel BMP bits/bytes pp (ignore alpha)
- '---------- --------- ------------------------- --------------------------------
- '0 gray scale 1 1 1 1 1 (? ?)
- ' 2 2 1 4 1 (? ?)
- ' 4 4 1 4 1 (? ?)
- ' 8 8 1 8 1 (8 1)
- ' 16 16 2 8 1 (8 1)
- '2 true color 8 24 3 24 3 (24 3)
- ' 16 48 6 24 3 (24 3)
- '3 palette 1 1 1 1 1 (? ?)
- ' 2 2 1 4 1 (? ?)
- ' 4 4 1 4 1 (? ?)
- ' 8 8 1 8 1 (8 1)
- '4 gray+alpha 8 16 2 32 4 (24 3)
- ' 16 32 4 32 4 (24 3)
- '6 true+alpha 8 32 4 32 4 (24 3)
- ' 16 64 8 32 4 (24 3)
- 'any bit depth that uses simple transparency (trns chunk) 32 4 (n/a)
- '--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Select Case m_ColorType
- Case clrTrueAlpha ' true color w/alpha (only 8,16 bpp pngs)
- rawBytesPP = 4& * (m_BitDepth 8&): rawBitsPP = m_BitDepth * 4&
- Case clrGrayAlpha: ' grayscale w/alpha (only 8,16 bpp pngs)
- rawBytesPP = 2& * (m_BitDepth 8&): rawBitsPP = m_BitDepth * 2&
- Case clrTrueColor: ' true color (rgb triples) (8,16 bpp pngs)
- rawBytesPP = 3& * (m_BitDepth 8&): rawBitsPP = m_BitDepth * 3&
- Case clrGrayScale ' grayscale images (all bit depths)
- If m_BitDepth = 2& Then ' special case as MS bitmaps don't do 2bpp
- rawBytesPP = 1&: rawBitsPP = 2&
- ElseIf m_BitDepth > 4& Then ' (8,16 bpp pngs)
- rawBytesPP = m_BitDepth 8&: rawBitsPP = m_BitDepth
- Else ' (1,4 bpp pngs)
- rawBytesPP = 1: rawBitsPP = m_BitDepth
- End If
- Case clrPalette: ' palette entries (1,2,4,8 bpp pngs)
- rawBytesPP = 1: rawBitsPP = m_BitDepth
- End Select
- ' our DIB will always be 32bpp
- destBitPP = 32: destBytePP = 4
- End Sub
- Private Function PaethPredictor(ByVal Left As Integer, ByVal Above As Integer, ByVal UpperLeft As Integer) As Integer
- ' // LaVolpe, Dec 1 thru 10 - rewrote for understanding & commented/linked
- ' http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#9-table91
- ' algorithm is used for both encoding & decoding the png image's filter
- ' based off of the formula created by Alan W. Paeth & provided fully in url above
- Dim pa As Integer, pb As Integer, pC As Integer, p As Integer
- p = (Left + Above - UpperLeft)
- pa = Abs(p - Left)
- pb = Abs(p - Above)
- pC = Abs(p - UpperLeft)
- ' tie breaker
- ' The order in which the comparisons are performed is critical and shall not be altered
- If (pa <= pb) And (pa <= pC) Then
- PaethPredictor = Left
- ElseIf pb <= pC Then
- PaethPredictor = Above
- Else
- PaethPredictor = UpperLeft
- End If
- End Function
- Private Sub DecodeFilter_Avg(Filtered() As Byte, ByVal RowNr As Long, ByVal ScanLine As Long, ByVal stepVal As Integer)
- ' // LaVolpe, Dec 1 thru 10 - rewrote for understanding; nothing wrong with original
- 'http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#9-table91
- 'Filters may use the original values of the following bytes to generate the new byte value:
- '
- 'x the byte being filtered;
- 'a the byte corresponding to x in the pixel immediately before the pixel containing x (or the byte immediately before x, when the bit depth is less than 8);
- 'b the byte corresponding to x in the previous scanline;
- 'c the byte corresponding to b in the pixel immediately before the pixel containing b (or the byte immediately before b, when the bit depth is less than 8).
- ' algorithm: Recon(x) = Filt(x) + floor((Recon(a) + Recon(b)) / 2)
- ' Unsigned arithmetic modulo 256 is used, so that both the inputs and outputs fit into bytes
- Dim X As Long, startByte As Long
- startByte = RowNr * ScanLine + 1
- On Error GoTo eh
- ' break out for faster loops, removing IF statements/combinations
- If RowNr = 0 Then ' 1st row; there will be no Top row to get data from
- ' if png is encoded properly, shouldn't get here
- ' now process the 2nd pixel on, to finish the scanline
- For X = startByte + stepVal To startByte + ScanLine - 2
- Filtered(X) = (0 + Filtered(X) + (Filtered(X - stepVal) 2)) Mod 256
- Next
- Else ' 2nd or subsequent rows
- ' process the 1st n bytes (1st pixel only)
- For X = startByte To startByte + stepVal - 1
- Filtered(X) = (0 + Filtered(X) + (Filtered(X - ScanLine) 2)) Mod 256
- Next
- ' now process the 2nd pixel on, to finish the scanline
- For X = X To startByte + ScanLine - 2
- Filtered(X) = (0 + Filtered(X) + (0 + Filtered(X - stepVal) + Filtered(X - ScanLine)) 2) Mod 256
- Next
- End If
- eh:
- End Sub
- Private Sub DecodeFilter_Paeth(Filtered() As Byte, ByVal RowNr As Long, ByVal ScanLine As Long, ByVal stepVal As Integer)
- ' // LaVolpe, Dec 1 thru 10 - rewrote for understanding; nothing wrong with original
- 'http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#9-table91
- 'Filters may use the original values of the following bytes to generate the new byte value:
- '
- 'x the byte being filtered;
- 'a the byte corresponding to x in the pixel immediately before the pixel containing x (or the byte immediately before x, when the bit depth is less than 8);
- 'b the byte corresponding to x in the previous scanline;
- 'c the byte corresponding to b in the pixel immediately before the pixel containing b (or the byte immediately before b, when the bit depth is less than 8).
- ' algorithm: Recon(x) = Filt(x) + PaethPredictor(Recon(a), Recon(b), Recon(c))
- ' Unsigned arithmetic modulo 256 is used, so that both the inputs and outputs fit into bytes
- Dim X As Long, startByte As Long
- startByte = RowNr * ScanLine + 1
- ' break out for faster loops, removing IF statements/combinations
- On Error GoTo eh
- If RowNr = 0 Then ' 1st row; there will be no Top row to get data from
- ' if png is encoded properly, shouldn't get here
- ' now process the 2nd pixel on, to finish the scanline
- For X = startByte + stepVal To startByte + ScanLine - 2
- Filtered(X) = (0 + Filtered(X) + Filtered(X - stepVal)) Mod 256
- Next
- Else ' 2nd or subsequent rows
- ' process the 1st n bytes (1st pixel only)
- For X = startByte To startByte + stepVal - 1
- Filtered(X) = (0 + Filtered(X) + Filtered(X - ScanLine)) Mod 256
- Next
- ' now process the 2nd pixel on, to finish the scanline
- For X = X To startByte + ScanLine - 2
- Filtered(X) = (0 + Filtered(X) + PaethPredictor(Filtered(X - stepVal), Filtered(X - ScanLine), Filtered(X - ScanLine - stepVal))) Mod 256
- Next
- End If
- eh:
- End Sub
- Private Sub DecodeFilter_Sub(Filtered() As Byte, ByVal RowNr As Long, ByVal ScanLine As Long, ByVal stepVal As Integer)
- ' // LaVolpe, Dec 1 thru 10 - rewrote for understanding; nothing wrong with original
- 'http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#9-table91
- 'Filters may use the original values of the following bytes to generate the new byte value:
- '
- 'x the byte being filtered;
- 'a the byte corresponding to x in the pixel immediately before the pixel containing x (or the byte immediately before x, when the bit depth is less than 8);
- 'b the byte corresponding to x in the previous scanline;
- 'c the byte corresponding to b in the pixel immediately before the pixel containing b (or the byte immediately before b, when the bit depth is less than 8).
- ' algorithm: Recon(x) = Filt(x) + Recon(a)
- ' Unsigned arithmetic modulo 256 is used, so that both the inputs and outputs fit into bytes
- Dim startByte As Long
- Dim n As Long, X As Long
- startByte = RowNr * ScanLine + 1
- On Error GoTo eh
- ' 1st n bytes for 1st pixel are unfiltered
- For n = startByte + stepVal To startByte + ScanLine - 2 Step stepVal
- For X = n To n + stepVal - 1
- Filtered(X) = (0 + Filtered(X) + Filtered(X - stepVal)) Mod 256
- Next
- Next
- eh:
- End Sub
- Private Sub DecodeFilter_Up(Filtered() As Byte, ByVal RowNr As Long, ByVal ScanLine As Long, ByVal stepVal As Integer)
- ' // LaVolpe, Dec 1 thru 10 - rewrote for understanding; nothing wrong with original
- 'http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#9-table91
- 'Filters may use the original values of the following bytes to generate the new byte value:
- '
- 'x the byte being filtered;
- 'a the byte corresponding to x in the pixel immediately before the pixel containing x (or the byte immediately before x, when the bit depth is less than 8);
- 'b the byte corresponding to x in the previous scanline;
- 'c the byte corresponding to b in the pixel immediately before the pixel containing b (or the byte immediately before b, when the bit depth is less than 8).
- ' algorithm: Recon(x) = Filt(x) + Recon(b)
- ' Unsigned arithmetic modulo 256 is used, so that both the inputs and outputs fit into bytes
- Dim startByte As Long, X As Long
- On Error GoTo eh
- If Not RowNr = 0 Then ' 1st row; there will be no Top row to get data from
- startByte = RowNr * ScanLine + 1
- For X = startByte To startByte + ScanLine - 2
- Filtered(X) = (0 + Filtered(X) + Filtered(X - ScanLine)) Mod 256
- Next
- End If
- eh:
- End Sub
- Private Function UnfilterInterlaced(Filtered() As Byte) As Boolean
- ' // LaVolpe, Dec 1 thru 10 - built from scratch
- ' http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/spec/1.2/PNG-DataRep.html#DR.Interlaced-data-order
- ' Progressive display/scan order per 8 pixel blocks (64 total pixels)
- ' 1 6 4 6 2 6 4 6 ' 1st scan: 1 pixel (@col 0), row 0 [1/64 of total image]
- ' 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 ' 2nd scan: 1 pixel (@col 4), row 0 [1/32 of image shown]
- ' 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 ' 3rd scan: 2 pixels (@cols 0:4), row 4 [1/16 of image]
- ' 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 ' 4th scan: 4 pixels (@cols 2:6), rows 0:4 [1/8]
- ' 3 6 4 6 3 6 4 6 ' 5th scan: 8 pixels (@cols 0:2:4:6), rows 2:6 [1/4]
- ' 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 ' 6th scan: 16 pixels (@cols 1:3:5:7), rows 0:2:4:6 [1/2]
- ' 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 ' 7th scan: 32 pixels (@cols all), rows 1:3:5:7 [100%]
- ' 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 64 pixels, 15 scanlines over 7 passes
- ' Note : all logic in this routine is based off of the above grid.
- ' Scanline widths are only guaranteed to be same for each scanline in the same pass.
- ' Scanlines can be padded both horizontally & vertically if the image doesn't fit into
- ' a nice 8x8 grid evenly.
- ' Each scanline in interlaced image is also filtered, but they are filtered in relation
- ' to only the other scanlines in the same pass, different than non-interlaced images.
- ' Think of non-interlaced images as single-pass interlaced images.
- ' counter variables
- Dim Pass As Byte, srcRow As Long
- ' sizing/bit alignment variables
- Dim nr8wide As Long, nr8high As Long
- Dim nrBytes As Long, passPtr As Long
- Dim InterlacePass() As Byte ' unfiltered progressive display (used 7x for 7 passes)
- ' bytes and bits per pixel values
- Dim bytesPP As Byte, BPRow As Long, bitPP As Byte
- ' need bit & byte information
- GetDepthInfo 0, 0, bitPP, bytesPP
- ' oversize array for "pass" bytes to prevent reszing array on each pass
- BPRow = GetBytesPerPixel((m_Width m_MatrixDat(7, MatrixColAdd)), bitPP)
- ' how many bytes are needed for the final pass; largest pass size in bytes
- nrBytes = (BPRow + 1) * (m_Height m_MatrixDat(7, MatrixRowAdd))
- ReDim InterlacePass(0 To nrBytes - 1&)
- ' interlaced images always come in 7 passes; although not all passes may be used
- For Pass = 1 To 7
- ' ensure bounds are valid. If image is smaller than 8x8 not all passes are valid/used
- ' Tested with images as small as 1x1
- ' calculate nr of pixels for this pass that will fit in width of image
- nr8wide = m_Width m_MatrixDat(Pass, MatrixColAdd) - (m_Width Mod m_MatrixDat(Pass, MatrixColAdd) > m_MatrixDat(Pass, MatrixCol))
- If nr8wide > 0& Then
- ' calcuate nr of rows for this pass that will fit in height of image
- nr8high = m_Height m_MatrixDat(Pass, MatrixRowAdd) - (m_Height Mod m_MatrixDat(Pass, MatrixRowAdd) > m_MatrixDat(Pass, MatrixRow))
- If nr8high > 0& Then
- ' calculate row bytes for the interlaced image, byte aligned
- BPRow = GetBytesPerPixel(nr8wide, bitPP) + 1&
- ' how many bytes are needed for the complete pass, less filter byte?
- nrBytes = BPRow * nr8high
- '^^ the filter routines expect the filter byte to be in its parameters, so add it
- ' unfilter the scanlines
- CopyMemory InterlacePass(0), Filtered(passPtr), nrBytes
- For srcRow = 0& To nr8high - 1&
- Select Case Filtered(BPRow * srcRow + passPtr)
- Case 0: ' no filtering
- Case 1: ' sub filter
- DecodeFilter_Sub InterlacePass, srcRow, BPRow, bytesPP
- Case 2: ' up filter
- DecodeFilter_Up InterlacePass, srcRow, BPRow, 0
- Case 3: ' average filter
- DecodeFilter_Avg InterlacePass, srcRow, BPRow, bytesPP
- Case 4: ' paeth filter
- DecodeFilter_Paeth InterlacePass, srcRow, BPRow, bytesPP
- Case Else
- ' If we got here, there is a different filtering mechanism at large
- Exit Function
- End Select
- Next
- ' offset the filtered array pointer to account for the 1byte filter flag per scanline
- ' This will point to the next pass's X,Y position in the Unfiltered() array
- passPtr = passPtr + nrBytes
- ' send unfiltered array to be transfered to the DIB
- ' color formats broken into different routines to help speed up transfering
- Select Case m_ColorType
- Case clrTrueAlpha, clrGrayAlpha, clrTrueColor
- If m_BitDepth < 16& Then
- If ConvertPNGtoBMP_NonPalette(InterlacePass(), Pass, nr8high, BPRow) = False Then Exit Function
- Else
- If ConvertPNGtoBMP_16Bit(InterlacePass(), Pass, nr8high, BPRow) = False Then Exit Function
- End If
- Case clrPalette, clrGrayScale
- If m_BitDepth < 16& Then
- If ConvertPNGtoBMP_Palettes(InterlacePass(), Pass, nr8high, BPRow) = False Then Exit Function
- Else
- If ConvertPNGtoBMP_16Bit(InterlacePass(), Pass, nr8high, BPRow) = False Then Exit Function
- End If
- End Select
- End If ' check for nr8high < 1
- End If ' check for nr8wide < 1
- Next Pass
- UnfilterInterlaced = True
- End Function
- Private Function UnfilterNI(filteredData() As Byte) As Boolean
- ' // LaVolpe, Dec 1 thru 10 - completely rewritten to remove excess large array usage
- ' http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#9-table91
- Dim Row As Long, BPRow As Long
- Dim lBpp As Byte, stepVal As Byte
- GetDepthInfo 0, 0, lBpp, stepVal
- BPRow = GetBytesPerPixel(m_Width, lBpp) + 1&
- '^^ the filtered row contains an extra byte (1st byte of each row)
- ' that identifies the filter algorithm used for that row
- For Row = 0& To m_Height - 1&
- Select Case filteredData(BPRow * Row)
- Case 0 'no filtering
- Case 1 'Sub
- DecodeFilter_Sub filteredData, Row, BPRow, stepVal
- Case 2 'Up
- DecodeFilter_Up filteredData, Row, BPRow, 0
- Case 3 'Average
- DecodeFilter_Avg filteredData, Row, BPRow, stepVal
- Case 4 'Paeth
- DecodeFilter_Paeth filteredData, Row, BPRow, stepVal
- Case Else
- ' invalid filter type; no action
- End Select
- Next Row
- ' color formats broken into different routines to help speed up transferring
- Select Case m_ColorType
- Case clrTrueAlpha, clrGrayAlpha, clrTrueColor
- If m_BitDepth < 16& Then
- UnfilterNI = ConvertPNGtoBMP_NonPalette(filteredData(), 8, Row, BPRow, 0)
- Else
- UnfilterNI = ConvertPNGtoBMP_16Bit(filteredData(), 8, Row, BPRow, 0)
- End If
- Case clrPalette, clrGrayScale
- If m_BitDepth < 16& Then
- UnfilterNI = ConvertPNGtoBMP_Palettes(filteredData(), 8, Row, BPRow, 0)
- Else
- UnfilterNI = ConvertPNGtoBMP_16Bit(filteredData(), 8, Row, BPRow, 0)
- End If
- End Select
- End Function
- Private Function zChunk_IHDR(bufLen As Long, streamOffset As Long, cmprSize As Long, crcValue As Long) As Long
- ' IHDR structure
- ' Width As Long << cannot be negative
- ' Height As Long << cannot be negative
- ' BitDepth As Byte << must be 1,2,4,8,16
- ' ColorType As Byte << must be 0,2,3,4,6
- ' Compression As Byte << must be zero
- ' Filter As Byte << must be zero
- ' Interlacing As Byte << must be zero or one
- On Error Resume Next
- Dim lRtn As Long, lValue As Long
- If Not crcValue = 0& Then
- lRtn = Not (zCheckCRCvalue(VarPtr(pngStream(streamOffset)), bufLen + 4&, crcValue))
- End If
- If lRtn = 0& Then
- CopyMemory m_Width, pngStream(streamOffset + 4&), 4&
- m_Width = iparseReverseLong(m_Width)
- CopyMemory m_Height, pngStream(streamOffset + 8&), 4&
- m_Height = iparseReverseLong(m_Height)
- If m_Width < 1& Or m_Height < 1& Then
- lRtn = 1& 'Corrupted Image Header. Cannot continue.
- Else
- If Not pngStream(streamOffset + 14&) = 0 Then
- lRtn = 1& ' Invalid Compression Flag in Header. Cannot continue.
- Else
- If Not pngStream(streamOffset + 15&) = 0 Then
- lRtn = 1& 'Invalid Filter Flag in Header. Cannot continue.
- Else
- m_BitDepth = pngStream(streamOffset + 12&)
- Select Case m_BitDepth
- Case 1&, 2&, 4&, 8&, 16&
- ' it is a valid bit depth
- m_ColorType = pngStream(streamOffset + 13&)
- Select Case m_ColorType
- Case 0&, 2&, 3&, 4&, 6&
- ' it is a valid color type
- m_Interlacing = pngStream(streamOffset + 16&)
- If m_Interlacing > 1& Then
- lRtn = 1& 'Invalid Interlacing Flag in Header. Cannot continue.
- End If
- Case Else
- lRtn = 1& 'Invalid Color Type Flag in Header. Cannot continue.
- End Select
- Case Else
- lRtn = 1& 'Invalid Bit Depth Flag in Header. Cannot continue.
- End Select
- End If ' Filter flag
- End If ' Compression flag
- End If ' Dimensions
- If lRtn = 0& Then
- ' check for png sizes that would cause overflow errors in other calculations...
- ' This has 2 basic checks
- ' check DWord width alignment * height first are within bounds
- lValue = 32& * m_Width * m_Height ' max number of bytes needed for DIB
- ' see if uncompress png data is too long
- If Not Err Then
- cmprSize = CalcUncompressedWidth()
- End If
- If Err Then
- Err.Clear
- lRtn = 1&
- End If
- End If
- End If
- zChunk_IHDR = lRtn
- End Function
- Private Function zChunk_PLTE(bufLen As Long, streamOffset As Long, crcValue As Long) As Long
- ' http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#11PLTE
- If m_ColorType = 0& Or m_ColorType = 4& Then Exit Function
- '^^ per specs, palettes shall not appear for those color types
- ' Since we can ignore the palette, we won't trigger a critcal error
- Dim lRtn As Long
- If Not crcValue = 0& Then
- lRtn = Not (zCheckCRCvalue(VarPtr(pngStream(streamOffset)), bufLen + 4&, crcValue))
- End If
- If lRtn = 0& Then
- ' per png specs, palette must be divisible by 3
- If bufLen Mod 3& = 0& Then
- ReDim m_Palette(0 To bufLen - 1&)
- CopyMemory m_Palette(0), pngStream(streamOffset + 4&), bufLen
- Else ' error
- lRtn = 1& 'Invalid Palette. Cannot continue.
- End If
- End If
- zChunk_PLTE = lRtn
- End Function
- Private Function zChunk_tRNS(bufLen As Long, streamOffset As Long, crcValue As Long) As Long
- 'http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#11tRNS
- If m_ColorType > clrPalette Then Exit Function
- ' Per specs, the tRNS chunk shall not be used for Color Types 4 and 6
- On Error GoTo ExitMe
- Dim UB As Long, palIndex As Byte, lRtn As Long
- If Not crcValue = 0& Then
- lRtn = Not (zCheckCRCvalue(VarPtr(pngStream(streamOffset)), bufLen + 4, crcValue))
- End If
- If lRtn = 0& Then
- ' we will ensure the passed array is dimensioned properly and also cache
- ' the simple transparency color for easier reference while processing
- ReDim m_TransSimple(0 To bufLen - 1&)
- CopyMemory m_TransSimple(0), pngStream(streamOffset + 4&), bufLen
- If m_ColorType = clrGrayScale Then ' grayscale with simple transparency
- ' least significant bits used. Tweak array to hold only those bits in byte format
- m_TransColor = m_TransSimple(1) ' color-index value not a color
- ElseIf m_ColorType = clrTrueColor Then ' rgb triple (true color)
- ' save as BGR to be compared against PNG samples
- m_TransColor = m_TransSimple(5) Or m_TransSimple(3) * &H100& Or m_TransSimple(1) * &H10000
- ' for 16bpp PNGs, the 0,2,4 array elements are needed also but will be tested in ConvertPngToBmp
- ElseIf m_ColorType = clrPalette Then ' TransSimple() is an array
- ' This array is directly related to the Palette. Each palette entry
- ' will have a related TransSimple() entry. Exception: When Palette entries
- ' are sorted (in ascending order of alpha value), then any Palette entries
- ' that have alpha values of 255 probably will not be in that related array.
- ' In these cases, we will fake it & provide the missing entries.
- ' to prevent out of bounds errors, ensure array is 255
- If UBound(m_TransSimple) < 255& Then ' pngs are not required to provide all
- UB = UBound(m_TransSimple)
- ReDim Preserve m_TransSimple(0 To 255) ' prevent out ouf bounds errors
- FillMemory m_TransSimple(UB + 1&), 255& - UB, 255
- End If
- m_TransColor = 0& ' simply a flag > -1, has no other meaning
- End If
- If Err Then
- Err.Clear ' an error regarding the TransSimple() array
- m_TransColor = -1& ' no transparency color
- End If
- End If
- ExitMe:
- End Function
- Private Sub InitializePalette()
- ' Purpose: Create a palette for the PNG file, if needed
- ' The colors from the palette will be transfered to the 32bpp image
- If m_ColorType = clrPalette Or m_ColorType = clrGrayScale Then
- Dim nrEntries As Long, stepVal As Long
- Dim X As Long, Index As Long, Color As Long
- ' PNG grayscale palettes are not provided, they are assumed...
- If iparseIsArrayEmpty(VarPtrArray(m_Palette)) = 0& Then
- ReDim m_Palette(0 To 767)
- If m_ColorType = clrGrayScale Then
- nrEntries = pow2x8(m_BitDepth) - 1& ' number grayscale palette entries
- stepVal = 255 (pow2x8(m_BitDepth) - 1&) ' step value for the palette
- For X = 1& To nrEntries
- Color = X * stepVal
- Index = X * 3&
- m_Palette(Index) = Color
- m_Palette(Index + 1&) = Color
- m_Palette(Index + 2&) = Color
- Next
- ElseIf m_BitDepth = 1 Then ' fix up 2 color palette
- CopyMemory m_Palette(3), vbWhite, 3&
- End If
- End If
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Function IsPNG() As Boolean
- ' Purpose: Determine if PNG magic number exists in 1st 8 bytes of the file/array
- ' Note: array was already validated as not empty when class LoadStream/LoadFile was called
- Dim gpLong As Long
- ' validate we are looking at a png file
- CopyMemory gpLong, pngStream(LBound(pngStream)), 4&
- If gpLong = png_Signature1 Then
- CopyMemory gpLong, pngStream(LBound(pngStream) + 4), 4&
- IsPNG = (gpLong = png_Signature2)
- End If
- End Function
- ' decompression using pure VB, this is only run if system
- ' does not have GDI+ nor does it have zLib.dll
- ' source by: alfred.koppold@freenet.de
- ' Note: This does have a calc error I haven't been able to track down yet.
- ' The error is noticable in very few PNGs (especially 1bpp pngs), but can be visually noticed
- Private Function vbDecompress(outStream() As Byte, CompressedArray() As Byte, ByVal UncompressedSize As Long, Optional ZIP64 As Boolean = False) As Boolean
- Dim IsLastBlock As Boolean
- Dim CompType As Long
- Dim Char As Long
- Dim Nubits As Long
- Dim L1 As Long
- Dim L2 As Long
- Dim X As Long
- Dim lRtn As Long
- Dim MinLLength As Long
- Dim MaxLLength As Long
- Dim MinDLength As Long
- Dim MaxDLength As Long
- Dim IsStaticBuild As Boolean
- On Error GoTo Stop_Decompression
- Dim tSAIN As SafeArray
- With tSAIN
- .cbElements = 1
- .cDims = 1
- .pvData = VarPtr(CompressedArray(0))
- .rgSABound(0).cElements = UBound(CompressedArray) + 1&
- End With
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(inStream), VarPtr(tSAIN), 4&
- 'InStream = ByteArray
- Call vbInit_Decompress
- Inpos = 2&
- Do
- IsLastBlock = vbGetBits(1) ' last compressed block?
- CompType = vbGetBits(2) ' compression type used for block
- If CompType = 0& Then
- If Inpos + 4& > UBound(inStream) Then
- ' ensure 4 more bytes exist for L1 and L2 below
- lRtn = -1&
- Exit Do
- End If
- If BitNum >= 8& Then
- Inpos = Inpos - (BitNum 8&)
- BitNum = BitNum - ((BitNum 8&) * 8&)
- End If
- L1 = inStream(Inpos) Or (inStream(Inpos + 1&) * &H100&)
- L2 = inStream(Inpos + 2&) Or (inStream(Inpos + 3&) * &H100&)
- Inpos = Inpos + 4&
- If L1 - (Not (L2) And &HFFFF&) Then
- lRtn = -2&
- Exit Do
- End If
- If Inpos + L1 - 1& > UBound(inStream) Then
- lRtn = -1&
- Exit Do
- End If
- If OutPos + L1 > UncompressedSize Then
- lRtn = -1&
- Exit Do
- End If
- CopyMemory outStream(OutPos), inStream(Inpos), L1
- OutPos = OutPos + L1
- Inpos = Inpos + L1
- ByteBuff = 0&
- BitNum = 0&
- ElseIf CompType = 3& Then
- lRtn = -1&
- Exit Do
- Else
- If CompType = 1& Then
- If Not vbCreate_Static_Tree(MinLLength, MaxLLength, MinDLength, MaxDLength, IsStaticBuild) = 0& Then
- lRtn = 9&
- Exit Do
- End If
- Else
- If Not vbCreate_Dynamic_Tree(MinLLength, MaxLLength, MinDLength, MaxDLength) = 0& Then
- lRtn = 9&
- Exit Do
- End If
- End If
- Do
- vbNeedBits MaxLLength
- Nubits = MinLLength
- Do While Not LitLen.Length(ByteBuff And BitMask(Nubits)) = Nubits
- Nubits = Nubits + 1&
- Loop
- Char = LitLen.code(ByteBuff And BitMask(Nubits))
- vbDropBits Nubits
- If Char < 256& Then
- outStream(OutPos) = Char
- OutPos = OutPos + 1&
- ElseIf Char > 256& Then
- Char = Char - 257&
- L1 = LCodes.code(Char) + vbGetBits(LCodes.Length(Char))
- If (L1 = 258&) And ZIP64 Then L1 = vbGetBits(16) + 3&
- vbNeedBits MaxDLength
- Nubits = MinDLength
- Do While Not Dist.Length(ByteBuff And BitMask(Nubits)) = Nubits
- Nubits = Nubits + 1&
- Loop
- Char = Dist.code(ByteBuff And BitMask(Nubits))
- vbDropBits Nubits
- L2 = DCodes.code(Char) + vbGetBits(DCodes.Length(Char))
- For X = 1& To L1
- If OutPos > UncompressedSize Then
- OutPos = UncompressedSize
- GoTo Stop_Decompression
- End If
- outStream(OutPos) = outStream(OutPos - L2)
- OutPos = OutPos + 1&
- Next X
- End If
- Loop While Not Char = 256& 'EOF
- End If
- Loop While Not IsLastBlock
- Stop_Decompression:
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(inStream), 0&, 4&
- Erase BitMask
- Erase Pow2
- Erase LCodes.code
- Erase LCodes.Length
- Erase DCodes.code
- Erase DCodes.Length
- Erase LitLen.code
- Erase LitLen.Length
- Erase Dist.code
- Erase Dist.Length
- Erase LenOrder
- If Err Then
- lRtn = Err.Number
- Err.Clear
- End If
- vbDecompress = (lRtn = 0&)
- End Function
- Private Function vbCreate_Static_Tree(MinLLength As Long, MaxLLength As Long, MinDLength As Long, MaxDLength As Long, IsStaticBuild As Boolean) As Long
- Dim X As Long
- Dim Length(0 To 287) As Long
- If IsStaticBuild = False Then
- ' quick fill the tree (tile Blt)
- For X = 0& To 7&: Length(X) = 8&: Next ' 0 to 143 elements = 8
- For X = X To 143& Step 8&
- CopyMemory Length(X), Length(0), 32&
- Next
- For X = X To X + 7&: Length(X) = 9&: Next ' 144 to 255 elements = 9
- For X = X To 255& Step 8&
- CopyMemory Length(X), Length(144), 32&
- Next
- For X = X To X + 7&: Length(X) = 7&: Next ' 256 to 279 elements = 7
- For X = X To 279& Step 8&
- CopyMemory Length(X), Length(256), 32&
- Next
- For X = X To X + 3&: Length(X) = 8&: Next ' 280 to 287 elements = 8
- CopyMemory Length(X), Length(280), 16&
- If Not vbCreate_Codes(TempLit, Length, 287&, MaxLLength, MinLLength) = 0& Then
- vbCreate_Static_Tree = -1&
- Exit Function
- End If
- For X = 0& To 7&: Length(X) = 5&: Next ' reset 0 to 32 to 5's
- For X = X To 31& Step 8&
- CopyMemory Length(X), Length(0), 32&
- Next
- vbCreate_Static_Tree = vbCreate_Codes(TempDist, Length, 31&, MaxDLength, MinDLength)
- IsStaticBuild = True
- Else
- MinLLength = 7&
- MaxLLength = 9&
- MinDLength = 5&
- MaxDLength = 5&
- End If
- LitLen = TempLit
- Dist = TempDist
- End Function
- Private Function vbCreate_Dynamic_Tree(MinLLength As Long, MaxLLength As Long, MinDLength As Long, MaxDLength As Long) As Long
- Dim Length() As Long
- Dim Bl_Tree As CodesType
- Dim MinBL As Long
- Dim MaxBL As Long
- Dim NumLen As Long
- Dim Numdis As Long
- Dim NumCod As Long
- Dim Char As Long
- Dim Nubits As Long
- Dim LN As Long
- Dim Pos As Long
- Dim X As Long
- NumLen = vbGetBits(5) + 257&
- Numdis = vbGetBits(5) + 1&
- NumCod = vbGetBits(4) + 4&
- ReDim Length(18)
- For X = 0& To NumCod - 1&
- Length(LenOrder(X)) = vbGetBits(3)
- Next
- For X = NumCod To 18&
- Length(LenOrder(X)) = 0&
- Next
- If Not vbCreate_Codes(Bl_Tree, Length, 18&, MaxBL, MinBL) = 0& Then
- vbCreate_Dynamic_Tree = -1&
- Exit Function
- End If
- ReDim Length(NumLen + Numdis)
- Pos = 0&
- Do While Pos < NumLen + Numdis
- vbNeedBits MaxBL
- Nubits = MinBL
- Do While Not Bl_Tree.Length(ByteBuff And BitMask(Nubits)) = Nubits
- Nubits = Nubits + 1&
- Loop
- Char = Bl_Tree.code(ByteBuff And BitMask(Nubits))
- vbDropBits Nubits
- If Char < 16& Then
- Length(Pos) = Char
- Pos = Pos + 1&
- Else
- If Char = 16& Then
- If Pos = 0& Then
- vbCreate_Dynamic_Tree = -5&
- Exit Function
- End If
- LN = Length(Pos - 1&)
- Char = 3& + vbGetBits(2)
- ElseIf Char = 17 Then
- Char = 3& + vbGetBits(3)
- LN = 0&
- Else
- Char = 11& + vbGetBits(7)
- LN = 0&
- End If
- If Pos + Char > NumLen + Numdis Then
- vbCreate_Dynamic_Tree = -6&
- Exit Function
- End If
- Do While Char > 0&
- Char = Char - 1&
- Length(Pos) = LN
- Pos = Pos + 1&
- Loop
- End If
- Loop
- If Not vbCreate_Codes(LitLen, Length, NumLen - 1, MaxLLength, MinLLength) = 0& Then
- vbCreate_Dynamic_Tree = -1&
- Exit Function
- End If
- For X = 0& To Numdis
- Length(X) = Length(X + NumLen)
- Next
- vbCreate_Dynamic_Tree = vbCreate_Codes(Dist, Length, Numdis - 1&, MaxDLength, MinDLength)
- End Function
- Private Function vbCreate_Codes(tree As CodesType, Lengths() As Long, NumCodes As Long, MaxBits As Long, Minbits As Long) As Long
- Dim Bits(16) As Long
- Dim next_code(16) As Long
- Dim code As Long
- Dim LN As Long
- Dim X As Long
- Minbits = 16&
- For X = 0& To NumCodes
- Bits(Lengths(X)) = Bits(Lengths(X)) + 1&
- If Lengths(X) > MaxBits Then MaxBits = Lengths(X)
- If Lengths(X) < Minbits And Lengths(X) > 0& Then Minbits = Lengths(X)
- Next
- LN = 1&
- For X = 1& To MaxBits
- LN = LN + LN
- LN = LN - Bits(X)
- If LN < 0& Then
- vbCreate_Codes = LN
- Exit Function
- End If
- Next
- vbCreate_Codes = LN
- ReDim tree.code(2& ^ MaxBits - 1&)
- ReDim tree.Length(2& ^ MaxBits - 1&)
- code = 0&
- Bits(0) = 0&
- For X = 1& To MaxBits
- code = (code + Bits(X - 1&)) * 2&
- next_code(X) = code
- Next
- For X = 0& To NumCodes
- LN = Lengths(X)
- If Not LN = 0& Then
- code = vbBit_Reverse(next_code(LN), LN)
- tree.Length(code) = LN
- tree.code(code) = X
- next_code(LN) = next_code(LN) + 1&
- End If
- Next
- End Function
- Private Function vbBit_Reverse(ByVal Value As Long, ByVal Numbits As Long) As Long
- Do While Numbits > 0&
- vbBit_Reverse = vbBit_Reverse * 2& + (Value And 1&)
- Numbits = Numbits - 1&
- Value = Value 2&
- Loop
- End Function
- Private Sub vbInit_Decompress()
- Dim Temp()
- Dim X As Long
- Erase LitLen.code
- Erase LitLen.Length
- Erase Dist.code
- Erase Dist.Length
- ReDim LCodes.code(31)
- ReDim LCodes.Length(31)
- ReDim DCodes.code(31)
- ReDim DCodes.Length(31)
- ReDim LenOrder(0 To 18)
- Temp() = Array(16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15)
- For X = 0 To UBound(Temp): LenOrder(X) = Temp(X): Next
- Temp() = Array(3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 43, 51, 59, 67, 83, 99, 115, 131, 163, 195, 227, 258)
- For X = 0 To UBound(Temp): LCodes.code(X) = Temp(X): Next
- Temp() = Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0)
- For X = 0 To UBound(Temp): LCodes.Length(X) = Temp(X): Next
- Temp() = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 25, 33, 49, 65, 97, 129, 193, 257, 385, 513, 769, 1025, 1537, 2049, 3073, 4097, 6145, 8193, 12289, 16385, 24577, 32769, 49153)
- For X = 0 To UBound(Temp): DCodes.code(X) = Temp(X): Next
- Temp() = Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 14, 14)
- For X = 0 To UBound(Temp): DCodes.Length(X) = Temp(X): Next
- ReDim Pow2(0 To 16)
- ReDim BitMask(0 To 16)
- Pow2(0) = 1&
- For X = 1& To 16&
- Pow2(X) = Pow2(X - 1&) * 2&
- BitMask(X) = Pow2(X) - 1&
- Next
- OutPos = 0&
- Inpos = 0&
- ByteBuff = 0&
- BitNum = 0&
- End Sub
- Private Sub vbNeedBits(Numbits As Long)
- Do While BitNum < Numbits
- If Inpos > UBound(inStream) Then Exit Do
- ByteBuff = ByteBuff + (inStream(Inpos) * Pow2(BitNum))
- BitNum = BitNum + 8&
- Inpos = Inpos + 1&
- Loop
- End Sub
- Private Sub vbDropBits(Numbits As Long)
- ByteBuff = ByteBuff Pow2(Numbits)
- BitNum = BitNum - Numbits
- End Sub
- Private Function vbGetBits(Numbits As Long) As Long
- While BitNum < Numbits
- ByteBuff = ByteBuff + (inStream(Inpos) * Pow2(BitNum))
- BitNum = BitNum + 8&
- Inpos = Inpos + 1&
- Wend
- vbGetBits = ByteBuff And BitMask(Numbits)
- ByteBuff = ByteBuff Pow2(Numbits)
- BitNum = BitNum - Numbits
- End Function
- ' =======================================
- ' =======================================
- Private Function zValidateZLIBversion() As Boolean
- ' Test for zlib availability & compatibility
- ' see modParsers.iparseValidateZLib for details
- Dim b_cdecl As Boolean, DllName As String
- If iparseValidateZLIB(DllName, m_ZLIBver, b_cdecl, False) = True Then
- If b_cdecl = True Then
- Set cCfunction = New cCDECL
- cCfunction.DllLoad DllName
- End If
- zValidateZLIBversion = True
- End If
- End Function
- Private Function zCheckCRCvalue(ByVal crcTestRef As Long, ByVal valLength As Long, ByVal srcCRCvalue As Long) As Boolean
- ' function returns zLIB's CRC value for passed crcTestRef value.
- Dim lReturn As Long
- If cCfunction Is Nothing Then
- If m_ZLIBver = 1& Then
- lReturn = Zcrc32(0&, ByVal crcTestRef, valLength)
- ElseIf m_ZLIBver = 2& Then
- lReturn = Zcrc321(0&, ByVal crcTestRef, valLength)
- End If
- Else
- lReturn = cCfunction.CallFunc("crc32", 0&, crcTestRef, valLength)
- End If
- If Not lReturn = 0& Then
- zCheckCRCvalue = (srcCRCvalue = iparseReverseLong(lReturn))
- End If
- End Function
- Private Function zInflate(ByVal srcRef As Long, ByVal srcSizeRef As Long, ByVal destRef As Long, ByVal destSize As Long) As Boolean
- ' function uncompresses/inflates passed srcRef into passed destRef and modifies the destSizeRef to indicate byte count of destRef
- Dim lReturn As Long
- If cCfunction Is Nothing Then
- If m_ZLIBver = 1& Then
- zInflate = (Zuncompress(ByVal srcRef, ByVal srcSizeRef, ByVal destRef, destSize) = 0&)
- ElseIf m_ZLIBver = 2& Then
- zInflate = (Zuncompress1(ByVal srcRef, ByVal srcSizeRef, ByVal destRef, destSize) = 0&)
- End If
- Else
- zInflate = (cCfunction.CallFunc("uncompress", srcRef, srcSizeRef, destRef, destSize) = 0&)
- End If
- End Function