Visual C++
- // XTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider.cpp: implementation of the CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider class.
- //
- // This file is a part of the XTREME CALENDAR MFC class library.
- // (c)1998-2008 Codejock Software, All Rights Reserved.
- //
- //
- //
- // support@codejock.com
- // http://www.codejock.com
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "Common/XTPVC80Helpers.h"
- #include "Common/XTPVC50Helpers.h"
- #include "Common/XTPPropExchange.h"
- #include "Common/XTPNotifyConnection.h"
- #include "XTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider.h"
- #include "XTPCalendarMemoryDataProvider.h"
- #include "XTPCalendarCustomProperties.h"
- #include "XTPCalendarNotifications.h"
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
- #endif
- #define XTP_TRACE_READ_EVENTS //1 ? (void)0 : TRACE
- #endif
- #define XTP_TRACE_READ_IDS //1 ? (void)0 : TRACE
- #endif
- #define XTP_TRACE_MAPI_NF //1 ? (void)0 : TRACE
- #endif
- #define MAPI_FREEBUFFER(pProvider, pBuffer) if (pProvider && pBuffer) { pProvider->MAPIFreeBuffer(pBuffer); pBuffer = NULL;}
- #define MAPI_RELEASE(pProvider, x) if (pProvider && x) { pProvider->UlRelease(x); x = 0;}
- //long xtp_dbg_SafeRelease(void* pp)
- //{
- // IUnknown** ppInterface = (IUnknown**)pp;
- //
- // long nRes = -1;
- // if (ppInterface && *ppInterface)
- // {
- // nRes = (*ppInterface)->Release();
- // *ppInterface = 0;
- // }
- // return nRes;
- //}
- //#define MAPI_RELEASE(pProvider, x) xtp_dbg_SafeRelease(&x);
- #define cFileTimeUnitsPerSecond 10000000i64
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider, CXTPCalendarData)
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- template<class _T>
- _T xtpGetDataT(const CByteArray& arData, int nOffset)
- {
- if (nOffset < 0)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- if ((int)(nOffset + sizeof(_T)) > (int)arData.GetSize())
- {
- return 0;
- }
- const _T* pDataT = (const _T*)(arData.GetData() + nOffset);
- return *pDataT;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template<class _T>
- _T xtpGetNextDataT(const BYTE*& rpData, const BYTE* pMax = NULL)
- {
- if (!rpData || pMax && (rpData + sizeof(_T)) > pMax)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- const _T* pDataT = (const _T*)(rpData);
- rpData += sizeof(_T);
- return *pDataT;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CString xtpGetNextData_MapiExcStr8(const BYTE*& rpData, const BYTE* pMax = NULL)
- {
- if (!rpData)
- {
- return _T("");
- }
- // layout: [w:buf-size][w:str-len][ascii-char: count=len]
- int nBuffer = (int)xtpGetNextDataT<WORD>(rpData, pMax);
- int nStrLen = (int)xtpGetNextDataT<WORD>(rpData, pMax);
- if (pMax && (rpData + nStrLen) > pMax)
- {
- return _T("");
- }
- CString strData = CONSTRUCT_S((char*)rpData, nStrLen);
- rpData += nStrLen;
- return strData;
- }
- //===========================================================================
- template<class _T>
- void xtpAddDataT(CByteArray& rarData, _T tValue)
- {
- int nSize = sizeof(_T);
- BYTE* pBytes = (BYTE*)&tValue;
- for (int i = 0; i < nSize; i++)
- {
- rarData.Add(pBytes[i]);
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template<class _T>
- int xtpSetDataT(CByteArray& rarData, int nOffset, _T tValue)
- {
- if (nOffset < 0)
- {
- return nOffset;
- }
- int nValueSize = sizeof(_T);
- if (rarData.GetSize() < nOffset + nValueSize)
- {
- rarData.SetSize(nOffset + nValueSize, 4096);
- }
- _T* pValue = &tValue;
- _T* pDest = (_T*)(rarData.GetData() + nOffset);
- *pDest = *pValue;
- return nOffset + nValueSize;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void xtpAddData_MapiExcStr8(CByteArray& rarData, LPCTSTR pcszString)
- {
- // layout: [w:buf-size][w:str-len][ascii-char: count=len]
- int nStrLenW = (int)_tcslen(pcszString);
- int nStrSize = nStrLenW*2 + 1;
- CHAR* pStr = new CHAR[nStrSize];
- if (!pStr)
- {
- xtpAddDataT<WORD>(rarData, 1);
- xtpAddDataT<WORD>(rarData, 0);
- return;
- }
- ZeroMemory(pStr, nStrSize);
- WCSTOMBS_S(pStr, pcszString, nStrSize-1);
- int nStrLen = (int)strlen(pStr);
- int nBuffer = nStrLen + 1;
- xtpAddDataT<WORD>(rarData, (WORD)nBuffer);
- xtpAddDataT<WORD>(rarData, (WORD)nStrLen);
- int nSize = (int)rarData.GetSize();
- rarData.SetSize(nSize + nStrLen, 4096);
- void* pDest = rarData.GetData() + nSize;
- MEMCPY_S(pDest, pStr, nStrLen);
- delete[] pStr;
- }
- //===========================================================================
- void xtp_GetWinTZInfo(const CByteArray& arMapiTZInfo,
- {
- if (arMapiTZInfo.GetSize() < sizeof(XTP_MAPI_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION) || !pTZInfo)
- {
- return;
- }
- pMapiTZInfo = (XTP_MAPI_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION*)arMapiTZInfo.GetData();
- ZeroMemory(pTZInfo, sizeof(TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION));
- pTZInfo->Bias = pMapiTZInfo->Bias;
- pTZInfo->StandardBias = pMapiTZInfo->StandardBias;
- pTZInfo->DaylightBias = pMapiTZInfo->DaylightBias;
- pTZInfo->StandardDate = pMapiTZInfo->StandardDate;
- pTZInfo->DaylightDate = pMapiTZInfo->DaylightDate;
- }
- void xtp_GetMapiTZInfo(TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION* pTZInfo, CByteArray& arMapiTZInfo)
- {
- pMapiTZInfo = (XTP_MAPI_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION*)arMapiTZInfo.GetData();
- ZeroMemory(pMapiTZInfo, sizeof(XTP_MAPI_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION));
- pMapiTZInfo->Bias = pTZInfo->Bias;
- pMapiTZInfo->StandardBias = pTZInfo->StandardBias;
- pMapiTZInfo->DaylightBias = pTZInfo->DaylightBias;
- pMapiTZInfo->StandardDate = pTZInfo->StandardDate;
- pMapiTZInfo->DaylightDate = pTZInfo->DaylightDate;
- }
- COleDateTime xtp_UtcToTzTime(const TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION* pTZI,
- const SYSTEMTIME& stUtcTime)
- {
- if (!CXTPCalendarUtils::SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(pTZI, &stUtcTime, &stTzTime))
- {
- return (DATE)0;
- }
- COleDateTime dtTzTime(stTzTime);
- return dtTzTime;
- }
- SYSTEMTIME xtp_TimeToUtc(const COleDateTime& dtTzTime)
- {
- ZeroMemory(&stUtcTime, sizeof(stUtcTime));
- if (!GETASSYSTEMTIME_DT(dtTzTime, stTzTime) )
- {
- return stUtcTime;
- }
- if (!SystemTimeToFileTime(&stTzTime, &ftTz))
- {
- return stUtcTime;
- }
- if (!LocalFileTimeToFileTime(&ftTz, &ftUtc))
- {
- return stUtcTime;
- }
- if (!FileTimeToSystemTime(&ftUtc, &stUtcTime))
- {
- ZeroMemory(&stUtcTime, sizeof(stUtcTime));
- }
- return stUtcTime;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- class CXTPCalendarMAPI_Recurrence
- {
- public:
- // Holds byte offsets of data fields within MAPI binary field
- {
- int nType; // radioSelector;
- int nType2; // type
- int nRCShiftX; // magic MAPI number. Probably used to generate occurrences.
- int nInterval; // interval;
- int nRegenerate; // regenerate // for tasks only
- int nWeekDayMask; // weekDayMask // week Of Month
- int nInstance; // instance
- int nEndByType; // endByType
- int nOccurrences;
- int nDynData; // Unaligned data offset
- };
- // 0 - Daily, 1 - Weekly, 2 - MonYearly, 3 - MonYearly_Nth
- static XTP_RCDATA_LAYOUT s_arRCDataLayout[4];
- //=======================================================================
- class CXTPRcException
- {
- public:
- DWORD dwNewStart;
- DWORD dwNewEnd;
- DWORD dwOrigStart;
- BOOL bDeleted;
- WORD wFlags;
- CString strSubject; // xtpMAPIRcED_Subject
- BOOL bIsMeeting; // xtpMAPIRcED_IsMeeting
- int nReminderTime; // xtpMAPIRcED_ReminderTime
- BOOL bIsReminder; // xtpMAPIRcED_IsReminder
- CString strLocation; // xtpMAPIRcED_Location
- int nBusyStatus; // xtpMAPIRcED_BusyStatus - enum XTPCalendarEventBusyStatus
- BOOL bIsAllDay; // xtpMAPIRcED_IsAllDay
- int nLabel; // xtpMAPIRcED_Label
- CXTPRcException();
- const CXTPRcException& operator=(const CXTPRcException& rSrc);
- void Set(CXTPCalendarEvent* pExc, CXTPCalendarEvent* pMaster);
- };
- class CXTPRcExceptions : public CArray<CXTPRcException, CXTPRcException&>
- {
- public:
- CXTPRcExceptions(){};
- virtual ~CXTPRcExceptions(){};
- int FindByOrigStart(DWORD dwOrigStart);
- void SortByOrigStart();
- void SortByNewStart();
- protected:
- typedef int (_cdecl* T_CompareFunc)(const CXTPRcException* pExc1, const CXTPRcException* pExc2);
- void _Sort(T_CompareFunc);
- static int _cdecl CompareAsc_ByOrigStart(const CXTPRcException* pExc1, const CXTPRcException* pExc2);
- static int _cdecl CompareAsc_ByNewStart(const CXTPRcException* pExc1, const CXTPRcException* pExc2);
- };
- //=======================================================================
- //struct XTP_RCDATA
- class CXTPRcData
- {
- public:
- WORD wType;
- BYTE ucType2;
- DWORD dwRCShiftX;
- DWORD dwInterval;
- DWORD dwWeekDayMask;
- BYTE ucInstance;
- DWORD dwEndByType;
- DWORD dwOccurrences;
- DWORD dwEndDate;
- DWORD dwStartDate;
- DWORD dwOccStartTime;
- DWORD dwOccEndTime;
- CXTPRcExceptions arExceptions;
- CXTPRcData();
- virtual ~CXTPRcData(){};
- };
- static BOOL ReadRCData(CXTPRcData& rRCData, const CByteArray& arRCData);
- static void SetRecurrenceOptions(CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern* pPattern,
- const CXTPRcData& RCData);
- static void SetRecurrenceExceptions(CXTPCalendarEvent* pMasterEvent,
- CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern* pPattern,
- const CXTPRcData& RCData);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- static BOOL FillRCData( CXTPRcData& rRCData,
- CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern* pPattern,
- CXTPCalendarEvent* pMaster);
- static BOOL RCDataToBin(CXTPRcData& rRCData, CByteArray& rarRCData);
- static COleDateTime ConvertRecurrenceMinutesToDate(DWORD dwMinutes);
- static DWORD ConvertRecurrenceDateToMinutes(COleDateTime date);
- protected:
- static void _ReadRCDataExceptions (CXTPRcData& rRCData, const BYTE* pExcData,
- const BYTE* pMaxPtr, const BYTE* pExclusions);
- static DWORD _CalcRCShiftX(CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern* pPattern);
- };
- //
- // MAPI recurrence layouts definitions
- //
- CXTPCalendarMAPI_Recurrence::s_arRCDataLayout[] =
- {
- // daily
- {
- 4, // type
- 6, // type2
- 10, // RCShiftX
- 14, // interval
- 18, // regenerate
- -1, // weekDayMask
- -1, // instance
- 22, // endByType
- 26, // nOccurrences
- 26 + 2 * sizeof(DWORD) // nDynData
- },
- // weakly
- {
- 4, // type
- 6, // type2
- 10, // RCShiftX
- 14, // interval
- 18, // regenerate
- 22, // weekDayMask
- -1, // instance
- 26, // endByType
- 30, // nOccurrences
- 30 + 2 * sizeof(DWORD) // nDynData
- },
- // monthly
- {
- 4, // type
- 6, // type2
- 10, // RCShiftX
- 14, // interval
- 18, // regenerate
- -1, // weekDayMask
- 22, // instance
- 26, // endByType
- 30, // nOccurrences
- 30 + 2 * sizeof(DWORD) // nDynData
- },
- // monthly Nth ()
- {
- 4, // type
- 6, // type2
- 10, // RCShiftX
- 14, // interval
- 18, // regenerate
- 22, // weekDayMask
- 26, // instance
- 30, // endByType
- 34, // nOccurrences
- 34 + 2 * sizeof(DWORD) // nDynData
- },
- };
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- CXTPCalendarMAPI_Recurrence::CXTPRcException::CXTPRcException()
- {
- dwNewStart = 0;
- dwNewEnd = 0;
- dwOrigStart = 0;
- bDeleted = FALSE;
- wFlags = 0;
- //strSubject;
- bIsMeeting = FALSE;
- nReminderTime = 0;
- bIsReminder = FALSE;
- //strLocation;
- nBusyStatus = 0;
- bIsAllDay = FALSE;
- nLabel = 0;
- }
- void CXTPCalendarMAPI_Recurrence::CXTPRcException::Set(CXTPCalendarEvent* pExc, CXTPCalendarEvent* pMaster)
- {
- CXTPRcException rexZero;
- *this = rexZero;
- if (!pExc || !pMaster)
- {
- return;
- }
- wFlags = 0;
- bDeleted = pExc->IsRExceptionDeleted();
- dwOrigStart = CXTPCalendarMAPI_Recurrence::ConvertRecurrenceDateToMinutes(pExc->GetRException_StartTimeOrig());
- if (bDeleted)
- {
- return;
- }
- dwNewStart = CXTPCalendarMAPI_Recurrence::ConvertRecurrenceDateToMinutes(pExc->GetStartTime());
- dwNewEnd = CXTPCalendarMAPI_Recurrence::ConvertRecurrenceDateToMinutes(pExc->GetEndTime());
- if (pExc->GetSubject() != pMaster->GetSubject())
- {
- wFlags |= xtpMAPIRcED_Subject;
- strSubject = pExc->GetSubject();
- }
- if (pExc->IsMeeting() != pMaster->IsMeeting())
- {
- wFlags |= xtpMAPIRcED_IsMeeting;
- bIsMeeting = pExc->IsMeeting();
- }
- if (pExc->GetReminderMinutesBeforeStart() != pMaster->GetReminderMinutesBeforeStart())
- {
- wFlags |= xtpMAPIRcED_ReminderTime;
- nReminderTime = pExc->GetReminderMinutesBeforeStart();
- }
- if (pExc->IsReminder() != pMaster->IsReminder())
- {
- wFlags |= xtpMAPIRcED_IsReminder;
- bIsReminder = pExc->IsReminder();
- }
- if (pExc->GetLocation() != pMaster->GetLocation())
- {
- wFlags |= xtpMAPIRcED_Location;
- strLocation = pExc->GetLocation();
- }
- if (pExc->GetBusyStatus() != pMaster->GetBusyStatus())
- {
- wFlags |= xtpMAPIRcED_BusyStatus;
- nBusyStatus = pExc->GetBusyStatus();
- }
- if (pExc->IsAllDayEvent() != pMaster->IsAllDayEvent())
- {
- wFlags |= xtpMAPIRcED_IsAllDay;
- bIsAllDay = pExc->IsAllDayEvent();
- }
- if (pExc->GetLabelID() != pMaster->GetLabelID())
- {
- wFlags |= xtpMAPIRcED_Label;
- nLabel = pExc->GetLabelID();
- }
- }
- const CXTPCalendarMAPI_Recurrence::CXTPRcException&
- CXTPCalendarMAPI_Recurrence::CXTPRcException::operator= (
- const CXTPCalendarMAPI_Recurrence::CXTPRcException& rSrc)
- {
- dwNewStart = rSrc.dwNewStart;
- dwNewEnd = rSrc.dwNewEnd;
- dwOrigStart = rSrc.dwOrigStart;
- bDeleted = rSrc.bDeleted;
- wFlags = rSrc.wFlags;
- strSubject = rSrc.strSubject;
- bIsMeeting = rSrc.bIsMeeting;
- nReminderTime = rSrc.nReminderTime;
- bIsReminder = rSrc.bIsReminder;
- strLocation = rSrc.strLocation;
- nBusyStatus = rSrc.nBusyStatus;
- bIsAllDay = rSrc.bIsAllDay;
- nLabel = rSrc.nLabel;
- return *this;
- }
- int CXTPCalendarMAPI_Recurrence::CXTPRcExceptions::FindByOrigStart(DWORD dwOrigStart)
- {
- int nCount = (int)GetSize();
- for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
- {
- const CXTPRcException& rce = ElementAt(i);
- if (rce.dwOrigStart == dwOrigStart)
- {
- return i;
- }
- }
- return -1;
- }
- void CXTPCalendarMAPI_Recurrence::CXTPRcExceptions::SortByOrigStart()
- {
- _Sort(CompareAsc_ByOrigStart);
- }
- void CXTPCalendarMAPI_Recurrence::CXTPRcExceptions::SortByNewStart()
- {
- _Sort(CompareAsc_ByNewStart);
- }
- void CXTPCalendarMAPI_Recurrence::CXTPRcExceptions::_Sort(T_CompareFunc pCompareFunc)
- {
- typedef int (_cdecl *GENERICCOMPAREFUNC)(const void *, const void*);
- qsort(GetData(), (size_t)GetSize(), sizeof(CXTPRcException),
- }
- int _cdecl CXTPCalendarMAPI_Recurrence::CXTPRcExceptions::CompareAsc_ByOrigStart(const CXTPRcException* pExc1, const CXTPRcException* pExc2)
- {
- if (pExc1->dwOrigStart < pExc2->dwOrigStart)
- {
- return -1;
- }
- if (pExc1->dwOrigStart > pExc2->dwOrigStart)
- {
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int _cdecl CXTPCalendarMAPI_Recurrence::CXTPRcExceptions::CompareAsc_ByNewStart(const CXTPRcException* pExc1, const CXTPRcException* pExc2)
- {
- if (pExc1->dwNewStart < pExc2->dwNewStart)
- {
- return -1;
- }
- if (pExc1->dwNewStart > pExc2->dwNewStart)
- {
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- CXTPCalendarMAPI_Recurrence::CXTPRcData::CXTPRcData()
- {
- wType = 0;
- ucType2 = 0;
- dwRCShiftX = 0;
- dwInterval = 0;
- dwWeekDayMask = 0;
- ucInstance = 0;
- dwEndByType = 0;
- dwOccurrences = 0;
- dwEndDate = 0;
- dwStartDate = 0;
- dwOccStartTime = 0;
- dwOccEndTime = 0;
- //arExceptions;
- }
- BOOL CXTPCalendarMAPI_Recurrence::ReadRCData(
- CXTPCalendarMAPI_Recurrence::CXTPRcData& rRCData,
- const CByteArray& arRCData)
- {
- XTPCalendarMAPIRcType eRCType;
- XTPCalendarMAPIRcType2 eRCType2;
- eRCType = (XTPCalendarMAPIRcType)xtpGetDataT<WORD>(arRCData, s_arRCDataLayout[0].nType);
- eRCType2 = (XTPCalendarMAPIRcType2)xtpGetDataT<BYTE>(arRCData, s_arRCDataLayout[0].nType2);
- BOOL bTypeValid = eRCType == xtpMAPIRcType_Daily || eRCType == xtpMAPIRcType_Weekly ||
- eRCType == xtpMAPIRcType_Monthly || eRCType == xtpMAPIRcType_Yearly;
- if (eRCType2 < xtpMAPIRcType2_First || eRCType2 > xtpMAPIRcType2_Last || !bTypeValid)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- ::ZeroMemory(&RCLayout, sizeof(RCLayout));
- // select layout
- RCLayout = s_arRCDataLayout[eRCType2];
- rRCData.wType = xtpGetDataT<WORD>(arRCData, RCLayout.nType);
- rRCData.ucType2 = xtpGetDataT<BYTE>(arRCData, RCLayout.nType2);
- rRCData.dwRCShiftX = xtpGetDataT<DWORD>(arRCData, RCLayout.nRCShiftX);
- rRCData.dwInterval = xtpGetDataT<DWORD>(arRCData, RCLayout.nInterval);
- rRCData.dwWeekDayMask = xtpGetDataT<DWORD>(arRCData, RCLayout.nWeekDayMask);
- rRCData.ucInstance = xtpGetDataT<BYTE>(arRCData, RCLayout.nInstance);
- rRCData.dwEndByType = xtpGetDataT<DWORD>(arRCData, RCLayout.nEndByType);
- rRCData.dwOccurrences = xtpGetDataT<DWORD>(arRCData, RCLayout.nOccurrences);
- //
- const BYTE* p = arRCData.GetData() + RCLayout.nDynData;
- const BYTE* pMax = arRCData.GetData() + arRCData.GetSize();
- const BYTE* pExclusions = p;
- // skip old and new dates
- p += sizeof(DWORD) * (xtpGetNextDataT<DWORD>(p, pMax)); // skip old start dates
- p += sizeof(DWORD) * (xtpGetNextDataT<DWORD>(p, pMax)); // old new start dates
- // pick up start/end dates
- //Pattern Start Date
- rRCData.dwStartDate = xtpGetNextDataT<DWORD>(p, pMax);
- // /*DBG*/ ConvertRecurrenceMinutesToDate(rRCData.dwStartDate);
- //Pattern End Date
- rRCData.dwEndDate = xtpGetNextDataT<DWORD>(p, pMax);
- // /*DBG*/ ConvertRecurrenceMinutesToDate(rRCData.dwEndDate);
- // skip unknown reserved fields
- xtpGetNextDataT<DWORD>(p, pMax);
- xtpGetNextDataT<DWORD>(p, pMax);
- // Occurrence start/end time - in minutes from the day begin
- // hour = time / 60, minute = time % 60
- rRCData.dwOccStartTime = xtpGetNextDataT<DWORD>(p, pMax);
- rRCData.dwOccEndTime = xtpGetNextDataT<DWORD>(p, pMax);
- //p - points to detailed exceptions information.
- _ReadRCDataExceptions(rRCData, p, pMax, pExclusions);
- return TRUE;
- }
- void CXTPCalendarMAPI_Recurrence::_ReadRCDataExceptions(
- CXTPCalendarMAPI_Recurrence::CXTPRcData& rRCData,
- const BYTE* pExcData, const BYTE* pMaxPtr,
- const BYTE* pExclusions
- )
- {
- // read detailed recurrence exceptions information
- int nCount = (int)xtpGetNextDataT<WORD>(pExcData, pMaxPtr);
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
- {
- CXTPRcException RCExc;
- RCExc.dwNewStart = xtpGetNextDataT<DWORD>(pExcData, pMaxPtr);
- RCExc.dwNewEnd = xtpGetNextDataT<DWORD>(pExcData, pMaxPtr);
- RCExc.dwOrigStart = xtpGetNextDataT<DWORD>(pExcData, pMaxPtr);
- RCExc.wFlags = xtpGetNextDataT<WORD>(pExcData, pMaxPtr);
- if (RCExc.wFlags & xtpMAPIRcED_Subject)
- {
- // layout: [w:buf-size][w:str-len][ascii-char: count=len]
- RCExc.strSubject = xtpGetNextData_MapiExcStr8(pExcData, pMaxPtr);
- }
- if (RCExc.wFlags & xtpMAPIRcED_IsMeeting)
- {
- // layout: [dw] - bool(0|1)
- RCExc.bIsMeeting = xtpGetNextDataT<DWORD>(pExcData, pMaxPtr) != 0;
- }
- if (RCExc.wFlags & xtpMAPIRcED_ReminderTime)
- {
- // layout: [dw] minutes before start
- RCExc.nReminderTime = xtpGetNextDataT<DWORD>(pExcData, pMaxPtr);
- }
- if (RCExc.wFlags & xtpMAPIRcED_IsReminder)
- {
- // layout: [dw] - bool(0|1)
- RCExc.bIsReminder = xtpGetNextDataT<DWORD>(pExcData, pMaxPtr) != 0;
- }
- if (RCExc.wFlags & xtpMAPIRcED_Location)
- {
- // layout: [w:buf-size][w:str-len][ascii-char: count=len]
- RCExc.strLocation = xtpGetNextData_MapiExcStr8(pExcData, pMaxPtr);
- }
- if (RCExc.wFlags & xtpMAPIRcED_BusyStatus)
- {
- // layout: [dw] - busy status [0..3] = XTPCalendarEventBusyStatus
- RCExc.nBusyStatus = xtpGetNextDataT<DWORD>(pExcData, pMaxPtr);
- }
- if (RCExc.wFlags & xtpMAPIRcED_IsAllDay)
- {
- // layout: [dw] - bool(0|1)
- RCExc.bIsAllDay = xtpGetNextDataT<DWORD>(pExcData, pMaxPtr) != 0;
- }
- if (RCExc.wFlags & xtpMAPIRcED_Label)
- {
- // layout: [dw] -
- RCExc.nLabel = xtpGetNextDataT<DWORD>(pExcData, pMaxPtr);
- }
- rRCData.arExceptions.Add(RCExc);
- }
- ASSERT(rRCData.dwOccEndTime >= rRCData.dwOccStartTime);
- // determine and add deleted exceptions
- nCount = (int)xtpGetNextDataT<DWORD>(pExclusions, pMaxPtr);
- for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
- {
- CXTPRcException RCExc;
- RCExc.dwOrigStart = xtpGetNextDataT<DWORD>(pExclusions, pMaxPtr);
- RCExc.dwOrigStart += rRCData.dwOccStartTime;
- RCExc.bDeleted = TRUE;
- if (rRCData.arExceptions.FindByOrigStart(RCExc.dwOrigStart) < 0)
- {
- rRCData.arExceptions.Add(RCExc);
- }
- }
- }
- void CXTPCalendarMAPI_Recurrence::SetRecurrenceOptions(
- CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern* pPattern,
- const CXTPCalendarMAPI_Recurrence::CXTPRcData& RCData)
- {
- ASSERT(pPattern);
- if (!pPattern)
- {
- return;
- }
- // Recurrence type
- switch(RCData.wType)
- {
- case xtpMAPIRcType_Daily:
- {
- opt.m_nRecurrenceType = xtpCalendarRecurrenceDaily;
- opt.m_Daily.bEveryWeekDayOnly = (RCData.ucType2 == xtpMAPIRcType2_Weekly);
- if (opt.m_Daily.bEveryWeekDayOnly)
- {
- opt.m_Daily.nIntervalDays = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- ASSERT(RCData.dwInterval % (24 * 60) == 0);
- opt.m_Daily.nIntervalDays = (int)RCData.dwInterval / (24 * 60);
- }
- }
- break;
- case xtpMAPIRcType_Weekly:
- {
- opt.m_nRecurrenceType = xtpCalendarRecurrenceWeekly;
- ASSERT(RCData.ucType2 == xtpMAPIRcType2_Weekly); // == 1, 0 only for tasks
- opt.m_Weekly.nIntervalWeeks = (int)RCData.dwInterval;
- opt.m_Weekly.nDayOfWeekMask = (int)RCData.dwWeekDayMask;
- }
- break;
- case xtpMAPIRcType_Monthly:
- {
- if (RCData.ucType2 == xtpMAPIRcType2_MonYearly)
- {
- opt.m_nRecurrenceType = xtpCalendarRecurrenceMonthly;
- opt.m_Monthly.nIntervalMonths = (int)RCData.dwInterval;
- opt.m_Monthly.nDayOfMonth = (int)RCData.ucInstance;
- }
- else if (RCData.ucType2 == xtpMAPIRcType2_MonYearly_Nth)
- {
- opt.m_nRecurrenceType = xtpCalendarRecurrenceMonthNth;
- opt.m_MonthNth.nIntervalMonths = (int)RCData.dwInterval;
- opt.m_MonthNth.nWhichDay = (int)RCData.ucInstance; // ???
- opt.m_MonthNth.nWhichDayMask = (int)RCData.dwWeekDayMask; // ???
- }
- else
- {
- }
- }
- break;
- case xtpMAPIRcType_Yearly:
- {
- ASSERT(RCData.dwInterval % 12 == 0 && RCData.dwInterval);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- int nMonthOfYear = 1;
- // days per month - jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec
- static int arDays[] = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};
- int nDaysInMinutes = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
- {
- if (nDaysInMinutes >= (int)RCData.dwRCShiftX)
- {
- nMonthOfYear = i+1;
- break;
- }
- nDaysInMinutes += arDays[i] * 24 * 60;
- }
- ASSERT(nDaysInMinutes == (int)RCData.dwRCShiftX);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- if (RCData.ucType2 == xtpMAPIRcType2_MonYearly)
- {
- opt.m_nRecurrenceType = xtpCalendarRecurrenceYearly;
- opt.m_Yearly.nDayOfMonth = RCData.ucInstance;
- opt.m_Yearly.nMonthOfYear = nMonthOfYear;
- }
- else if (RCData.ucType2 == xtpMAPIRcType2_MonYearly_Nth)
- {
- opt.m_nRecurrenceType = xtpCalendarRecurrenceYearNth;
- opt.m_YearNth.nWhichDay = RCData.ucInstance;
- opt.m_YearNth.nWhichDayMask = RCData.dwWeekDayMask;
- opt.m_YearNth.nMonthOfYear = nMonthOfYear;
- }
- else
- {
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- }
- pPattern->SetRecurrenceOptions(opt);
- pPattern->SetPatternStartDate(ConvertRecurrenceMinutesToDate(RCData.dwStartDate));
- switch(RCData.dwEndByType)
- {
- case xtpMAPIRcEnd_Date:
- rpEnd.m_nUseEnd = xtpCalendarPatternEndDate;
- rpEnd.m_dtPatternEndDate = ConvertRecurrenceMinutesToDate(RCData.dwEndDate);
- break;
- case xtpMAPIRcEnd_Number:
- rpEnd.m_nUseEnd = xtpCalendarPatternEndAfterOccurrences;
- rpEnd.m_nEndAfterOccurrences = RCData.dwOccurrences;
- break;
- case xtpMAPIRcEnd_Never:
- rpEnd.m_nUseEnd = xtpCalendarPatternEndNoDate;
- break;
- default: // Use no end date by default
- rpEnd.m_nUseEnd = xtpCalendarPatternEndNoDate;
- }
- pPattern->SetPatternEnd(rpEnd);
- COleDateTime dtOccStartTime;
- dtOccStartTime.SetTime(RCData.dwOccStartTime / 60, RCData.dwOccStartTime % 60, 0);
- pPattern->SetStartTime(dtOccStartTime);
- int nDuration = RCData.dwOccEndTime - RCData.dwOccStartTime;
- ASSERT(nDuration >= 0);
- pPattern->SetDurationMinutes(nDuration);
- }
- void CXTPCalendarMAPI_Recurrence::SetRecurrenceExceptions(
- CXTPCalendarEvent* pMasterEvent,
- CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern* pPattern,
- const CXTPRcData& RCData)
- {
- if (!pMasterEvent || !pPattern)
- {
- return;
- }
- int nCount = (int)RCData.arExceptions.GetSize();
- for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
- {
- const CXTPRcException& RCExc = RCData.arExceptions[i];
- COleDateTime dtOrigStart = ConvertRecurrenceMinutesToDate(RCExc.dwOrigStart);
- COleDateTime dtOrigEnd = dtOrigStart + pPattern->GetDuration();
- CXTPCalendarEventPtr ptrExc = pMasterEvent->CloneForOccurrence(dtOrigStart, dtOrigEnd);
- if (!ptrExc)
- {
- return;
- }
- VERIFY( ptrExc->MakeAsRException() );
- if (RCExc.bDeleted)
- {
- ptrExc->SetRExceptionDeleted(TRUE);
- VERIFY( pPattern->SetException(ptrExc) );
- continue;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- COleDateTime dtNewStart = dtOrigStart;
- COleDateTime dtNewEnd = dtOrigEnd;
- if (RCExc.dwNewStart)
- {
- dtNewStart = ConvertRecurrenceMinutesToDate(RCExc.dwNewStart);
- }
- if (RCExc.dwNewEnd)
- {
- dtNewEnd = ConvertRecurrenceMinutesToDate(RCExc.dwNewEnd);
- }
- ptrExc->SetStartTime(dtNewStart);
- ptrExc->SetEndTime(dtNewEnd);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- if (RCExc.wFlags & xtpMAPIRcED_Subject)
- {
- ptrExc->SetSubject(RCExc.strSubject);
- }
- if (RCExc.wFlags & xtpMAPIRcED_IsMeeting)
- {
- ptrExc->SetMeeting(RCExc.bIsMeeting);
- }
- if (RCExc.wFlags & xtpMAPIRcED_ReminderTime)
- {
- ptrExc->SetReminderMinutesBeforeStart(RCExc.nReminderTime);
- }
- if (RCExc.wFlags & xtpMAPIRcED_IsReminder)
- {
- ptrExc->SetReminder(RCExc.bIsReminder);
- }
- if (RCExc.wFlags & xtpMAPIRcED_Location)
- {
- ptrExc->SetLocation(RCExc.strLocation);
- }
- if (RCExc.wFlags & xtpMAPIRcED_BusyStatus)
- {
- ASSERT(RCExc.nBusyStatus < 4);
- if (RCExc.nBusyStatus >= 0 && RCExc.nBusyStatus < 4)
- {
- ptrExc->SetBusyStatus(RCExc.nBusyStatus);
- }
- }
- ASSERT((RCExc.wFlags & xtpMAPIRcED_Reserved) == 0);
- if (RCExc.wFlags & xtpMAPIRcED_IsAllDay)
- {
- ptrExc->SetAllDayEvent(RCExc.bIsAllDay);
- }
- if (RCExc.wFlags & xtpMAPIRcED_Label)
- {
- ptrExc->SetLabelID(RCExc.nLabel);
- }
- VERIFY( pPattern->SetException(ptrExc) );
- }
- }
- BOOL CXTPCalendarMAPI_Recurrence::FillRCData(CXTPRcData& rRCData,
- CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern* pPattern,
- CXTPCalendarEvent* pMaster)
- {
- // FileTime zero date
- static const COleDateTime cdtFTZero(1601, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
- if (!pPattern || !pMaster)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- XTP_CALENDAR_RECURRENCE_OPTIONS opt = pPattern->GetRecurrenceOptions();
- switch(opt.m_nRecurrenceType)
- {
- case xtpCalendarRecurrenceDaily:
- {
- rRCData.wType = xtpMAPIRcType_Daily;
- if (opt.m_Daily.bEveryWeekDayOnly)
- {
- rRCData.ucType2 = xtpMAPIRcType2_Weekly;
- rRCData.dwInterval = 1;
- rRCData.dwWeekDayMask = xtpCalendarDayMo_Fr;
- }
- else
- {
- rRCData.ucType2 = xtpMAPIRcType2_Daily;
- rRCData.dwInterval = opt.m_Daily.nIntervalDays * 24 * 60;
- }
- }
- break;
- case xtpCalendarRecurrenceWeekly:
- {
- rRCData.wType = xtpMAPIRcType_Weekly;
- rRCData.ucType2 = xtpMAPIRcType2_Weekly; // = 1, 0 only for tasks
- rRCData.dwInterval = opt.m_Weekly.nIntervalWeeks;
- rRCData.dwWeekDayMask = opt.m_Weekly.nDayOfWeekMask;
- }
- break;
- case xtpCalendarRecurrenceMonthly:
- {
- rRCData.wType = xtpMAPIRcType_Monthly;
- rRCData.ucType2 = xtpMAPIRcType2_MonYearly;
- rRCData.dwInterval = (DWORD)opt.m_Monthly.nIntervalMonths;
- rRCData.ucInstance = (BYTE)opt.m_Monthly.nDayOfMonth;
- }
- break;
- case xtpCalendarRecurrenceMonthNth:
- {
- rRCData.wType = xtpMAPIRcType_Monthly;
- rRCData.ucType2 = xtpMAPIRcType2_MonYearly_Nth;
- rRCData.dwInterval = (DWORD)opt.m_MonthNth.nIntervalMonths;
- rRCData.ucInstance = (BYTE)opt.m_MonthNth.nWhichDay;
- rRCData.dwWeekDayMask = (DWORD)opt.m_MonthNth.nWhichDayMask;
- }
- break;
- case xtpCalendarRecurrenceYearly:
- {
- rRCData.wType = xtpMAPIRcType_Yearly;
- rRCData.ucType2 = xtpMAPIRcType2_MonYearly;
- rRCData.ucInstance = (BYTE)opt.m_Yearly.nDayOfMonth;
- rRCData.dwInterval = 12;
- }
- break;
- case xtpCalendarRecurrenceYearNth:
- {
- rRCData.wType = xtpMAPIRcType_Yearly;
- rRCData.ucType2 = xtpMAPIRcType2_MonYearly_Nth;
- rRCData.ucInstance = (BYTE)opt.m_YearNth.nWhichDay;
- rRCData.dwWeekDayMask = (DWORD)opt.m_YearNth.nWhichDayMask;
- rRCData.dwInterval = 12;
- }
- break;
- default:
- }
- rRCData.dwRCShiftX = _CalcRCShiftX(pPattern);
- rRCData.dwStartDate = ConvertRecurrenceDateToMinutes(pPattern->GetPatternStartDate());
- CXTPCalendarDatesArray arOccDates;
- XTP_CALENDAR_PATTERN_END rpEnd = pPattern->GetPatternEnd();
- switch(rpEnd.m_nUseEnd)
- {
- case xtpCalendarPatternEndDate:
- rRCData.dwEndByType = xtpMAPIRcEnd_Date;
- rRCData.dwEndDate = ConvertRecurrenceDateToMinutes(rpEnd.m_dtPatternEndDate);
- pPattern->GetOccurrencesDates(arOccDates, pPattern->GetPatternStartDate(), pPattern->GetPatternEndDate());
- rRCData.dwOccurrences = (DWORD)arOccDates.GetSize();
- break;
- case xtpCalendarPatternEndAfterOccurrences:
- rRCData.dwEndByType = xtpMAPIRcEnd_Number;
- rRCData.dwOccurrences = rpEnd.m_nEndAfterOccurrences;
- rRCData.dwEndDate = ConvertRecurrenceDateToMinutes(pMaster->GetEndTime());
- break;
- case xtpCalendarPatternEndNoDate:
- rRCData.dwEndByType = xtpMAPIRcEnd_Never;
- break;
- default: // Use No end date by default
- rRCData.dwEndByType = xtpMAPIRcEnd_Never;
- }
- COleDateTime dtOccStartTime = pPattern->GetStartTime();
- rRCData.dwOccStartTime = dtOccStartTime.GetHour() * 60 + dtOccStartTime.GetMinute();
- int nOccDuration = pPattern->GetDurationMinutes();
- if (pMaster->IsAllDayEvent() && ( (nOccDuration % (24 * 60)) || nOccDuration == 0) )
- {
- // align occurrence duration for full day(s) duration
- nOccDuration = (nOccDuration / (24 * 60) + 1) * 24 * 60;
- }
- rRCData.dwOccEndTime = rRCData.dwOccStartTime + nOccDuration;
- //------------------------------------------
- CXTPCalendarEventsPtr ptrExcAr = pPattern->GetExceptions();
- int nExcCount = ptrExcAr ? ptrExcAr->GetCount() : 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < nExcCount; i++)
- {
- CXTPCalendarEvent* pExc = ptrExcAr->GetAt(i);
- CXTPRcException rceTmp;
- rceTmp.Set(pExc, pMaster);
- rRCData.arExceptions.Add(rceTmp);
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- BOOL CXTPCalendarMAPI_Recurrence::RCDataToBin(CXTPRcData& RCData, CByteArray& rarData)
- {
- ::ZeroMemory(&RCLayout, sizeof(RCLayout));
- ASSERT(RCData.ucType2 <= 3);
- if (RCData.ucType2 > 3)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- // select layout
- RCLayout = s_arRCDataLayout[RCData.ucType2];
- rarData.SetSize(RCLayout.nDynData, 4096);
- // Set header
- xtpSetDataT<DWORD>(rarData, 0, 0x30043004);
- // Set generic recurrence fields
- xtpSetDataT<WORD> (rarData, RCLayout.nType, RCData.wType);
- xtpSetDataT<BYTE> (rarData, RCLayout.nType2, RCData.ucType2);
- xtpSetDataT<DWORD>(rarData, RCLayout.nRCShiftX, RCData.dwRCShiftX);
- xtpSetDataT<DWORD>(rarData, RCLayout.nInterval, RCData.dwInterval);
- xtpSetDataT<DWORD>(rarData, RCLayout.nWeekDayMask, RCData.dwWeekDayMask);
- xtpSetDataT<BYTE> (rarData, RCLayout.nInstance, RCData.ucInstance);
- xtpSetDataT<DWORD>(rarData, RCLayout.nEndByType, RCData.dwEndByType);
- xtpSetDataT<DWORD>(rarData, RCLayout.nOccurrences, RCData.dwOccurrences);
- // Add information about exceptions
- //
- ASSERT(rarData.GetSize() == RCLayout.nDynData);
- int i = 0;
- //- add ALL exceptions dates -----------------------------------------
- RCData.arExceptions.SortByOrigStart();
- int nExcCount = (int)RCData.arExceptions.GetSize();
- xtpAddDataT<DWORD>(rarData, nExcCount);
- for (i = 0; i < nExcCount; i++)
- {
- const CXTPRcException& rce = RCData.arExceptions[i];
- DWORD dwOrigSartDate = (rce.dwOrigStart / 24 / 60) * 24 * 60;
- xtpAddDataT<DWORD>(rarData, dwOrigSartDate);
- }
- //- add changed exception dates -----------------------------------------
- RCData.arExceptions.SortByNewStart();
- int nChangExcCountOffset = (int)rarData.GetSize();
- xtpAddDataT<DWORD>(rarData, 0);
- DWORD dwChangExcCount = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < nExcCount; i++)
- {
- const CXTPRcException& rce = RCData.arExceptions[i];
- if (!rce.bDeleted)
- {
- ASSERT(rce.dwNewStart != 0 && rce.dwNewEnd != 0);
- DWORD dwNewSartDate = (rce.dwNewStart / 24 / 60) * 24 * 60;
- xtpAddDataT<DWORD>(rarData, dwNewSartDate);
- dwChangExcCount++;
- }
- }
- xtpSetDataT<DWORD>(rarData, nChangExcCountOffset, dwChangExcCount);
- // start/end date
- xtpAddDataT<DWORD>(rarData, RCData.dwStartDate);
- if (RCData.dwEndByType == xtpMAPIRcEnd_Date || RCData.dwEndByType == xtpMAPIRcEnd_Number)
- {
- xtpAddDataT<DWORD>(rarData, RCData.dwEndDate);
- }
- else
- {
- ASSERT(RCData.dwEndByType == xtpMAPIRcEnd_Never);
- xtpAddDataT<DWORD>(rarData, 0x5AE980DF);
- }
- // unknown
- xtpAddDataT<DWORD>(rarData, 0x00003006);
- xtpAddDataT<DWORD>(rarData, 0x00003006);
- // start/end time
- xtpAddDataT<DWORD>(rarData, RCData.dwOccStartTime);
- xtpAddDataT<DWORD>(rarData, RCData.dwOccEndTime);
- // detailed exceptions
- xtpAddDataT<WORD>(rarData, (WORD)dwChangExcCount);
- for (i = 0; i < nExcCount; i++)
- {
- const CXTPRcException& rce = RCData.arExceptions[i];
- if (rce.bDeleted)
- {
- continue;
- }
- ASSERT(rce.dwNewStart && rce.dwNewEnd && rce.dwOrigStart);
- xtpAddDataT<DWORD>(rarData, rce.dwNewStart);
- xtpAddDataT<DWORD>(rarData, rce.dwNewEnd);
- xtpAddDataT<DWORD>(rarData, rce.dwOrigStart);
- xtpAddDataT<WORD>(rarData, rce.wFlags);
- if (rce.wFlags & xtpMAPIRcED_Subject)
- {
- xtpAddData_MapiExcStr8(rarData, rce.strSubject);
- }
- if (rce.wFlags & xtpMAPIRcED_IsMeeting)
- {
- // layout: [dw] - bool(0|1)
- xtpAddDataT<DWORD>(rarData, rce.bIsMeeting);
- }
- if (rce.wFlags & xtpMAPIRcED_ReminderTime)
- {
- // layout: [dw] minutes before start
- xtpAddDataT<DWORD>(rarData, rce.nReminderTime);
- }
- if (rce.wFlags & xtpMAPIRcED_IsReminder)
- {
- // layout: [dw] - bool(0|1)
- xtpAddDataT<DWORD>(rarData, rce.bIsReminder);
- }
- if (rce.wFlags & xtpMAPIRcED_Location)
- {
- xtpAddData_MapiExcStr8(rarData, rce.strLocation);
- }
- if (rce.wFlags & xtpMAPIRcED_BusyStatus)
- {
- // layout: [dw] - busy status [0..3] = XTPCalendarEventBusyStatus
- xtpAddDataT<DWORD>(rarData, rce.nBusyStatus);
- }
- if (rce.wFlags & xtpMAPIRcED_IsAllDay)
- {
- // layout: [dw] - bool(0|1)
- xtpAddDataT<DWORD>(rarData, rce.bIsAllDay);
- }
- if (rce.wFlags & xtpMAPIRcED_Label)
- {
- // layout: [dw] -
- xtpAddDataT<DWORD>(rarData, rce.nLabel);
- }
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- DWORD CXTPCalendarMAPI_Recurrence::_CalcRCShiftX(CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern* pPattern)
- {
- // FileTime zero date
- static const COleDateTime cdtFTZero(1601, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
- ASSERT(pPattern);
- if (!pPattern)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- DWORD dwRCShiftX = 0;
- COleDateTime dtPatternStart = pPattern->GetPatternStartDate();
- COleDateTimeSpan spX;
- XTP_CALENDAR_RECURRENCE_OPTIONS opt = pPattern->GetRecurrenceOptions();
- // xtpMAPIRcType2_Daily
- if (opt.m_nRecurrenceType == xtpCalendarRecurrenceDaily && !opt.m_Daily.bEveryWeekDayOnly)
- {
- spX = dtPatternStart - cdtFTZero;
- int nIntervalDays = max(1, opt.m_Daily.nIntervalDays);
- int nDay = (int)GETTOTAL_DAYS_DTS(spX);
- dwRCShiftX = nDay % nIntervalDays;
- dwRCShiftX *= 24 * 60; // convert to minutes
- }
- // xtpMAPIRcType2_Weekly
- else if (opt.m_nRecurrenceType == xtpCalendarRecurrenceDaily && opt.m_Daily.bEveryWeekDayOnly ||
- opt.m_nRecurrenceType == xtpCalendarRecurrenceWeekly)
- {
- int nIntervalWeeks = 1;
- if (opt.m_nRecurrenceType == xtpCalendarRecurrenceWeekly)
- {
- nIntervalWeeks = opt.m_Weekly.nIntervalWeeks;
- }
- spX = dtPatternStart - cdtFTZero;
- int nWeek = ((int)(GETTOTAL_DAYS_DTS(spX) + 1)) / 7;
- dwRCShiftX = (nWeek * 7 - 1) % (nIntervalWeeks * 7);
- dwRCShiftX *= 24 * 60; // convert to minutes
- }
- else
- {
- //xtpMAPIRcType2_MonYearly
- //xtpMAPIRcType2_MonYearly_Nth
- int nIntervalMonths = -1;
- if (opt.m_nRecurrenceType == xtpCalendarRecurrenceMonthly)
- {
- nIntervalMonths = opt.m_Monthly.nIntervalMonths;
- }
- else if (opt.m_nRecurrenceType == xtpCalendarRecurrenceMonthNth)
- {
- nIntervalMonths = opt.m_MonthNth.nIntervalMonths;
- }
- else if (opt.m_nRecurrenceType == xtpCalendarRecurrenceYearly ||
- opt.m_nRecurrenceType == xtpCalendarRecurrenceYearNth)
- {
- nIntervalMonths = 12;
- }
- else
- {
- return 0;
- }
- nIntervalMonths = max(1, nIntervalMonths);
- // days per month - jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec
- static int arDays[] = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};
- int nMonth = dtPatternStart.GetMonth() + 12 * (dtPatternStart.GetYear() - 1601);
- for (int i = 1 ; i < ((nMonth - 1) % nIntervalMonths) + 1; i++ )
- {
- dwRCShiftX += arDays[(i - 1) % 12];
- }
- dwRCShiftX *= 24 * 60; // convert to minutes
- }
- return dwRCShiftX;
- }
- COleDateTime CXTPCalendarMAPI_Recurrence::ConvertRecurrenceMinutesToDate(DWORD dwMinutes)
- {
- COleDateTime dt = (DATE)0;
- ULONGLONG ullDT = (ULONGLONG) dwMinutes * 60i64 * cFileTimeUnitsPerSecond;
- FILETIME ft = *((FILETIME*)&ullDT); // { (DWORD) ( fileTimeUnitsBeforeStart & 0xFFFFFFFF), (DWORD) ( fileTimeUnitsBeforeStart >> 32)};
- BOOL bRes = ::FileTimeToSystemTime(&ft, &st);
- ASSERT(bRes);
- if (bRes)
- {
- dt = st;
- }
- // TRACE(_T("MAPItime to DT %d = %sn"), dwMinutes, dt.Format());
- return dt;
- }
- DWORD CXTPCalendarMAPI_Recurrence::ConvertRecurrenceDateToMinutes(COleDateTime dt)
- {
- FILETIME ft = {0, 0};
- if (!GETASSYSTEMTIME_DT(dt, st))
- {
- return 0;
- }
- if (!SystemTimeToFileTime(&st, &ft))
- {
- return 0;
- }
- ULONGLONG ullMinutes = *((ULONGLONG*)&ft); //( ( (ULONGLONG) ft.dwHighDateTime) << 32) + ft.dwLowDateTime;
- ullMinutes = ullMinutes / 60i64;
- ullMinutes = ullMinutes / cFileTimeUnitsPerSecond;
- return (DWORD)ullMinutes;
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // see KB239795
- STDMETHODIMP CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::OpenInbox(
- LPMDB lpMDB, LPMAPIFOLDER *lpInboxFolder, LPMAPIFOLDER *lpCalendarFolder, CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider* pProvider)
- {
- if (!lpMDB || !pProvider)
- return E_POINTER;
- ULONG cbInbox;
- LPENTRYID lpbInbox;
- ULONG ulObjType;
- HRESULT hRes = S_OK;
- ULONG pCount; SPropValue *props;
- SizedSPropTagArray(1, spec) = {1, {XTP_TAG_ID_MAPI_CALENDAR_FOLDER}};
- *lpInboxFolder = NULL;
- *lpCalendarFolder = NULL;
- // The Inbox is usually the default receive folder for the message store
- // You call this function as a shortcut to get it's Entry ID
- hRes = lpMDB->GetReceiveFolder(
- NULL, // Get default receive folder
- NULL, // Flags
- &cbInbox, // Size and ...
- &lpbInbox, // Value of the EntryID to be returned
- NULL); // You don't care to see the class returned
- if (SUCCEEDED(hRes))
- {
- hRes = lpMDB->OpenEntry(
- cbInbox, // Size and...
- lpbInbox, // Value of the Inbox's EntryID
- NULL, // We want the default interface (IMAPIFolder)
- &ulObjType, // Object returned type
- (LPUNKNOWN *) &lpTempFolder); // Returned folder
- if (SUCCEEDED(hRes))
- {
- // Assign the out parameter
- *lpInboxFolder = lpTempFolder;
- // Open Calendar Folder
- hRes = (*lpInboxFolder)->GetProps((SPropTagArray*)&spec, 0, &pCount, &props);
- if (hRes == S_OK || hRes == MAPI_W_ERRORS_RETURNED)
- {
- if (props[0].ulPropTag != PT_ERROR)
- {
- hRes = lpMDB->OpenEntry(
- props[0].Value.bin.cb, // Size and...
- (ENTRYID*)props[0].Value.bin.lpb, // Value of the Calendar's EntryID
- NULL, // We want the default interface (IMAPIFolder)
- &ulObjType, // Object returned type
- (LPUNKNOWN *) &lpTempFolder); // Returned folder
- if (SUCCEEDED(hRes))
- {
- // Assign the out parameter
- *lpCalendarFolder = lpTempFolder;
- }
- }
- }
- if (props)
- {
- pProvider->MAPIFreeBuffer(props);
- props = NULL;
- }
- }
- }
- // Cleanup
- pProvider->MAPIFreeBuffer(lpbInbox);
- return hRes;
- }
- STDMETHODIMP CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::OpenDefaultMessageStore(
- LPMAPISESSION lpMAPISession, LPMDB * lpMDB, CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider* pProvider)
- {
- if (!lpMAPISession || !pProvider)
- return E_POINTER;
- LPSRowSet pRow = NULL;
- static SRestriction sres;
- SPropValue spv;
- enum {EID, NAME, NUM_COLS};
- static SizedSPropTagArray(NUM_COLS,sptCols) = {NUM_COLS, PR_ENTRYID, PR_DISPLAY_NAME};
- *lpMDB = NULL;
- //Get the table of all the message stores available
- hRes = lpMAPISession->GetMsgStoresTable(0, &pStoresTbl);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hRes))
- {
- //Set up restriction for the default store
- sres.rt = RES_PROPERTY; //Comparing a property
- sres.res.resProperty.relop = RELOP_EQ; //Testing equality
- sres.res.resProperty.ulPropTag = PR_DEFAULT_STORE; //Tag to compare
- sres.res.resProperty.lpProp = &spv; //Prop tag and value to compare against
- spv.ulPropTag = PR_DEFAULT_STORE; //Tag type
- spv.Value.b = TRUE; //Tag value
- //Convert the table to an array which can be stepped through
- //Only one message store should have PR_DEFAULT_STORE set to true, so only one will be returned
- hRes = pProvider->HrQueryAllRows(
- pStoresTbl, //Table to query
- (LPSPropTagArray) &sptCols, //Which columns to get
- &sres, //Restriction to use
- NULL, //No sort order
- 0, //Max number of rows (0 means no limit)
- &pRow); //Array to return
- if (SUCCEEDED(hRes))
- {
- //Open the first returned (default) message store
- hRes = lpMAPISession->OpenMsgStore(
- NULL,//Window handle for dialogs
- pRow->aRow[0].lpProps[EID].Value.bin.cb,//size and...
- (LPENTRYID)pRow->aRow[0].lpProps[EID].Value.bin.lpb,//value of entry to open
- NULL,//Use default interface (IMsgStore) to open store
- &lpTempMDB);//Pointer to place the store in
- if (SUCCEEDED(hRes))
- {
- //Assign the out parameter
- *lpMDB = lpTempMDB;
- }
- }
- }
- // clean up
- pProvider->FreeProws(pRow);
- MAPI_RELEASE(pProvider, pStoresTbl);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- {
- HRESULT hr = lpMAPISession->GetLastError(hRes, 0, &lpError);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && lpError)
- {
- TRACE(_T("%sn%sn"), lpError->lpszError, lpError->lpszComponent);
- pProvider->MAPIFreeBuffer(lpError);
- }
- }
- return hRes;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::CXTPCalendarMemDPInternal::CXTPCalendarMemDPInternal(CXTPCalendarData* pDPExternal)
- {
- ASSERT(pDPExternal);
- m_pDPExternal = pDPExternal;
- }
- void CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::CXTPCalendarMemDPInternal::SendNotification(XTP_NOTIFY_CODE EventCode, WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam)
- {
- class CXTPCalendarDataSnNf : public CXTPCalendarData
- {
- public:
- using CXTPCalendarData::SendNotification;
- };
- //===================================
- if (m_bDisableNotificationsSending)
- {
- return;
- }
- if (m_pDPExternal)
- {
- ((CXTPCalendarDataSnNf*)m_pDPExternal)->SendNotification(EventCode, wParam, lParam);
- }
- else
- {
- CXTPCalendarData::SendNotification(EventCode, wParam, lParam);
- }
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider()
- {
- m_MapiHelper.m_pProvider = this;
- m_typeProvider = xtpCalendarDataProviderMAPI;
- m_bMAPIInitialized = FALSE;
- m_lpMAPISession = NULL;
- m_lpMDB = NULL;
- m_lpCalendarFolder = NULL;
- m_ulMAPIConID0 = 0;
- m_ulMAPIConID1 = 0;
- m_lpAdviseSink = NULL;
- m_lpAdviseSink_ThrSafe = NULL;
- //m_pMemDP = new CXTPCalendarMemoryDataProvider();
- m_pMemDP = new CXTPCalendarMemDPInternal(this);
- }
- CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::~CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider()
- {
- }
- CXTPCalendarEventsPtr CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::DoRetrieveDayEvents(COleDateTime dtDay)
- {
- return m_pMemDP ? m_pMemDP->RetrieveDayEvents(dtDay) : NULL;
- }
- void CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::DoRemoveAllEvents()
- {
- if (m_pMemDP)
- {
- m_pMemDP->RemoveAllEvents();
- }
- }
- CXTPCalendarEventPtr CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::DoRead_Event(DWORD dwEventID)
- {
- return m_pMemDP ? m_pMemDP->GetEvent(dwEventID) : NULL;
- }
- CXTPCalendarRecurrencePatternPtr CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::DoRead_RPattern(DWORD dwPatternID)
- {
- return m_pMemDP ? m_pMemDP->GetRecurrencePattern(dwPatternID) : NULL;
- }
- BOOL CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::DoCreate_Event(CXTPCalendarEvent* pEvent, DWORD& rdwNewEventID)
- {
- CXTPAutoResetValue<BOOL> autoReset(m_bDisableNotificationsSending, FALSE);
- m_bDisableNotificationsSending = TRUE;
- if (!IsOpen())
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (!m_lpCalendarFolder || !m_pMemDP || !pEvent)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- DWORD dwEventID = pEvent->GetEventID();
- int nRState = pEvent->GetRecurrenceState();
- if (nRState != xtpCalendarRecurrenceNotRecurring &&
- nRState != xtpCalendarRecurrenceMaster)
- {
- ASSERT(nRState == xtpCalendarRecurrenceException);
- rdwNewEventID = GetNextUniqueEventID(dwEventID);
- return TRUE;
- }
- LPMESSAGE pMessage = NULL;
- HRESULT hr = m_lpCalendarFolder->CreateMessage(NULL, 0, &pMessage);
- if (FAILED(hr) || !pMessage)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (!UpdateMAPIEvent(pMessage, pEvent))
- {
- MAPI_RELEASE(this, pMessage);
- return FALSE;
- }
- // to ensure that PR_SEARCH_KEY property is valid
- hr = pMessage->SaveChanges(KEEP_OPEN_READONLY);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- {
- MAPI_RELEASE(this, pMessage);
- return FALSE;
- }
- _SetEventRuntimeProps(pEvent->GetCustomProperties(), pMessage);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- CByteArray arSearchKey;
- HRESULT hrID = _getPropVal(pMessage, PR_SEARCH_KEY, arSearchKey);
- if (FAILED(hrID))
- {
- MAPI_RELEASE(this, pMessage);
- return NULL;
- }
- rdwNewEventID = GetEventID((int)arSearchKey.GetSize(),
- (LPENTRYID)arSearchKey.GetData(), TRUE);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- pEvent->SetEventID(rdwNewEventID);
- BOOL bRes = m_pMemDP->AddEvent(pEvent);
- MAPI_RELEASE(this, pMessage);
- return bRes;
- }
- BOOL CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::DoUpdate_Event(CXTPCalendarEvent* pEvent)
- {
- CXTPAutoResetValue<BOOL> autoReset(m_bDisableNotificationsSending, FALSE);
- m_bDisableNotificationsSending = TRUE;
- if (!IsOpen())
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (!m_lpCalendarFolder || !m_pMemDP || !pEvent)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- //=================================================
- int nRState = pEvent->GetRecurrenceState();
- if (nRState != xtpCalendarRecurrenceNotRecurring &&
- nRState != xtpCalendarRecurrenceMaster)
- {
- ASSERT(nRState == xtpCalendarRecurrenceException);
- return TRUE;
- }
- //=================================================
- BOOL bRes = m_pMemDP->ChangeEvent(pEvent);
- if (!bRes)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- DWORD dwEventID = pEvent->GetEventID();
- CXTPMAPIBinary eKey;
- if (!m_mapID.Lookup(dwEventID, eKey))
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- LPMESSAGE pMessage = NULL;
- ULONG ulObjType = NULL;
- // Get event ID by its SearchKey
- CXTPMAPIBinary eid = GetEntryID(eKey);
- // open event from Calendar Folder storage
- HRESULT hr = m_lpCalendarFolder->OpenEntry(
- eid.GetBinarySize(), (LPENTRYID)eid.GetBinaryData(),
- NULL,//default interface
- &ulObjType,
- (LPUNKNOWN*)&pMessage);
- ASSERT(ulObjType == 5);
- ASSERT(pMessage);
- if (FAILED(hr) || !pMessage)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (!UpdateMAPIEvent(pMessage, pEvent))
- {
- MAPI_RELEASE(this, pMessage);
- return FALSE;
- }
- hr = pMessage->SaveChanges(KEEP_OPEN_READONLY);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- {
- MAPI_RELEASE(this, pMessage);
- return FALSE;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // BOOL bRes = m_pMemDP->ChangeEvent(pEvent);
- MAPI_RELEASE(this, pMessage);
- return TRUE;
- }
- BOOL CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::DoDelete_Event(CXTPCalendarEvent* pEvent)
- {
- CXTPAutoResetValue<BOOL> autoReset(m_bDisableNotificationsSending, FALSE);
- m_bDisableNotificationsSending = TRUE;
- if (!IsOpen())
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (!m_lpCalendarFolder || !m_pMemDP || !pEvent)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- int nRState = pEvent->GetRecurrenceState();
- if (nRState != xtpCalendarRecurrenceNotRecurring &&
- nRState != xtpCalendarRecurrenceMaster)
- {
- ASSERT(nRState == xtpCalendarRecurrenceException);
- return TRUE;
- }
- CXTPMAPIBinary eKey;
- DWORD dwEventID = pEvent->GetEventID();
- if (!m_mapID.Lookup(dwEventID, eKey))
- {
- // ASSERT(FALSE); // possible when copied appointments
- return FALSE;
- }
- // get event ID by its SearchKey
- CXTPMAPIBinary eid = GetEntryID(eKey);
- // delete event
- ENTRYLIST eidList1;
- SBinary eidBinary;
- eidList1.cValues = 1;
- eidList1.lpbin = &eidBinary;
- eidBinary.cb = eid.GetBinarySize();
- eidBinary.lpb = (BYTE*)eid.GetBinaryData();
- HRESULT hr = m_lpCalendarFolder->DeleteMessages(&eidList1, 0, NULL, 0);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- return m_pMemDP ? m_pMemDP->DeleteEvent(pEvent) : FALSE;
- }
- BOOL CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::DoCreate_RPattern(CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern* pPattern, DWORD& rdwNewPatternID)
- {
- rdwNewPatternID = pPattern->GetPatternID();
- return TRUE;
- }
- BOOL CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::DoUpdate_RPattern(CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern* pPattern)
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- BOOL CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::DoDelete_RPattern(CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern* pPattern)
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- CXTPCalendarEventsPtr CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::DoGetUpcomingEvents(COleDateTime dtFrom, COleDateTimeSpan spPeriod)
- {
- return DoGetAllEvents_raw();
- }
- CXTPCalendarEventsPtr CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::DoGetAllEvents_raw()
- {
- return m_pMemDP ? m_pMemDP->GetAllEvents_raw() : NULL;
- }
- BOOL AFX_CDECL CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::GetParameterValueFromConStr(LPCTSTR lpszConnectionString, LPCTSTR pcszParameterName, CString& rstrValue)
- {
- rstrValue.Empty();
- ASSERT(lpszConnectionString && pcszParameterName);
- if (!lpszConnectionString || !pcszParameterName ||
- 0 == _tcslen(lpszConnectionString) || 0 == _tcslen(pcszParameterName))
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- CString strConnStr_lower = lpszConnectionString;
- strConnStr_lower.MakeLower();
- CString strParameterName_lower = pcszParameterName;
- strParameterName_lower.MakeLower();
- int nIndex = strConnStr_lower.Find(strParameterName_lower + _T("="));
- if (nIndex == -1)
- nIndex = strConnStr_lower.Find(strParameterName_lower + _T(" ="));
- if (nIndex == -1)
- return FALSE;
- int nParamNameLen = (int)_tcslen(pcszParameterName);
- CString strParam = lpszConnectionString;
- strParam = strParam.Mid(nIndex + nParamNameLen);
- if (strParam[0] == _T(' '))
- DELETE_S(strParam, 0);
- if (strParam[0] == _T('='))
- DELETE_S(strParam, 0);
- if (strParam.IsEmpty())
- return TRUE;
- if (strParam[0] == _T(''') || strParam[0] == _T('"'))
- {
- if (strParam.GetLength() <= 2)
- return TRUE;
- TCHAR chQuot = strParam[0];
- DELETE_S(strParam, 0);
- int nQuot2Idx = FIND_S(strParam, chQuot, 0);
- if (nQuot2Idx >= 0)
- {
- DELETE_S(strParam, nQuot2Idx, strParam.GetLength() - nQuot2Idx);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- int nParamEndIdx = FIND_S(strParam, _T(';'), 0);
- if (nParamEndIdx >= 0)
- {
- DELETE_S(strParam, nParamEndIdx, strParam.GetLength() - nParamEndIdx);
- }
- }
- rstrValue = strParam;
- return TRUE;
- }
- void CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::GetMAPILogonParams(LPTSTR& rpszProfile, LPTSTR& rpszPassword, FLAGS& ruFlags)
- {
- rpszProfile = NULL;
- rpszPassword = NULL;
- ruFlags = MAPI_LOGON_UI; //Allow a profile picker box to show if not logged in
- if (GetParameterValueFromConStr(m_strConnectionString, cszMAPIProfileName, m_strProfile_tmp))
- rpszProfile = (LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)m_strProfile_tmp;
- if (GetParameterValueFromConStr(m_strConnectionString, cszMAPIPassword, m_strPassword_tmp))
- rpszPassword = (LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)m_strPassword_tmp;
- CString strFlags;
- if (GetParameterValueFromConStr(m_strConnectionString, cszMAPIFlags, strFlags))
- {
- DWORD dwFlags = 0;
- SCANF_S(strFlags, _T("%x"), &dwFlags);
- ruFlags = dwFlags;
- }
- }
- BOOL CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::Open()
- {
- if (m_pMemDP)
- {
- m_pMemDP->Open();
- }
- LPMAPIFOLDER lpInboxFolder = NULL;
- LPSPropValue lpCalendarFolderEntryID = NULL;
- hRes = this->MAPIInitialize(NULL);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hRes))
- {
- LPTSTR pcszProfile;
- LPTSTR pcszPassword;
- FLAGS uFlags;
- GetMAPILogonParams(pcszProfile, pcszPassword, uFlags);
- m_bMAPIInitialized = TRUE;
- hRes = this->MAPILogonEx(0, pcszProfile, pcszPassword, uFlags, &m_lpMAPISession);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hRes))
- {
- hRes = OpenDefaultMessageStore(m_lpMAPISession, &m_lpMDB, this);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hRes))
- {
- hRes = OpenInbox(m_lpMDB, &lpInboxFolder, &m_lpCalendarFolder, this);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hRes))
- {
- //Checking to see that we did get the Calendar folder
- hRes = this->HrGetOneProp(m_lpCalendarFolder, PR_ENTRYID,
- &lpCalendarFolderEntryID);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hRes))
- {
- m_eidCalendarFolder.Set(lpCalendarFolderEntryID);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (SUCCEEDED(hRes))
- {
- // copy all events to the cache data provider
- if (m_pMemDP)
- {
- CXTPAutoResetValue<BOOL> autoReset(m_bDisableNotificationsSending, FALSE);
- m_bDisableNotificationsSending = TRUE;
- m_pMemDP->AddEvents(ImportAllEvents());
- }
- // advise to MAPI notifications
- hRes = this->HrAllocAdviseSink(MAPICallBack_OnNotify, this, &m_lpAdviseSink);
- ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hRes) && m_lpAdviseSink);
- hRes = this->HrThisThreadAdviseSink(m_lpAdviseSink, &m_lpAdviseSink_ThrSafe);
- ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hRes) && m_lpAdviseSink_ThrSafe);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hRes) && m_lpAdviseSink_ThrSafe)
- {
- ULONG uEventsMask = fnevObjectCreated | fnevObjectDeleted | fnevObjectModified |
- fnevObjectMoved; // | fnevObjectCopied;
- ULONG uEIDsize = lpCalendarFolderEntryID->Value.bin.cb;
- LPENTRYID pEIDdata = (LPENTRYID)lpCalendarFolderEntryID->Value.bin.lpb;
- hRes = m_lpMDB->Advise(0, NULL, uEventsMask, m_lpAdviseSink_ThrSafe,
- &m_ulMAPIConID0);
- // to receive fnevObjectDeleted notification
- hRes = m_lpMDB->Advise(uEIDsize, pEIDdata, uEventsMask,
- m_lpAdviseSink_ThrSafe, &m_ulMAPIConID1);
- // to force Advise call in the RPC.
- ULONG nValues = 0;
- LPSPropValue pPropArray;
- hRes = m_lpMDB->GetProps(NULL, 0, &nValues, &pPropArray);
- MAPI_FREEBUFFER(this, pPropArray);
- }
- }
- MAPI_FREEBUFFER(this, lpCalendarFolderEntryID);
- MAPI_RELEASE(this, lpInboxFolder);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- {
- // cleanup
- m_bOpened = TRUE; // to let Close run.
- Close();
- }
- if (SUCCEEDED(hRes))
- {
- CXTPCalendarData::Open();
- }
- return SUCCEEDED(hRes);
- }
- BOOL CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::Create()
- {
- return Open();
- }
- BOOL CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::Save()
- {
- CXTPCalendarData::Save();
- return TRUE;
- }
- void CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::Close()
- {
- if (!m_bOpened)
- return;
- if (m_pMemDP)
- {
- m_pMemDP->Close();
- }
- HRESULT hRes = 0;
- // Unadvise -------------------------------------
- if (m_ulMAPIConID0)
- {
- hRes = m_lpMDB->Unadvise(m_ulMAPIConID0);
- m_ulMAPIConID0 = 0;
- }
- if (m_ulMAPIConID1)
- {
- hRes = m_lpMDB->Unadvise(m_ulMAPIConID1);
- m_ulMAPIConID1 = 0;
- }
- // release opened objects -----------------------
- MAPI_RELEASE(this, m_lpAdviseSink_ThrSafe);
- MAPI_RELEASE(this, m_lpAdviseSink);
- MAPI_RELEASE(this, m_lpCalendarFolder);
- MAPI_RELEASE(this, m_lpMDB);
- // LogOff session -------------------------------
- if (m_lpMAPISession)
- {
- hRes = m_lpMAPISession->Logoff(0, 0, 0);
- }
- MAPI_RELEASE(this, m_lpMAPISession);
- // Initialize MAPI dll --------------------------
- if (m_bMAPIInitialized)
- {
- this->MAPIUninitialize();
- m_bMAPIInitialized = FALSE;
- }
- CXTPCalendarData::Close();
- }
- BOOL CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::IsOpen()
- {
- return m_lpCalendarFolder != NULL;
- }
- //LPSRestriction CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::BuildDayRestriction(const COleDateTime dtDay)
- //{
- // return 0;
- ///* static SRestriction sres;
- // static SPropValue spv[2];
- // static SRestriction sr[2];
- // ZeroMemory(spv, 2 * sizeof(SPropValue));
- // // Set up restriction for the current day event
- // sres.rt = RES_AND; // Comparing a property
- // sres.res.resAnd.cRes = 2; // Count of restrictions
- // sres.res.resAnd.lpRes = sr;
- //
- // // Start time is current or less
- // sr[0].rt = RES_PROPERTY; // Comparing a property
- // sr[0].res.resProperty.relop = RELOP_LE; // lower or equal
- // sr[0].res.resProperty.ulPropTag = XTP_PR_MAPI_EVENT_START_TIME; // Tag to compare
- // sr[0].res.resProperty.lpProp = &spv[0]; // Prop tag and value to compare against
- //
- // spv[0].ulPropTag = XTP_PR_MAPI_EVENT_START_TIME; // Tag type
- // COleDateTime dtEndDay = CXTPCalendarUtils::ResetTime(dtDay) + COleDateTimeSpan(0, 23, 59, 59);
- // if (dtEndDay.GetAsSystemTime(st))
- // {
- // SystemTimeToFileTime(&st, &spv[0].Value.ft); // Tag value
- // }
- //
- // // End time is more or current
- // sr[1].rt = RES_PROPERTY; // Comparing a property
- // sr[1].res.resProperty.relop = RELOP_GE; // greater or equal
- // sr[1].res.resProperty.ulPropTag = XTP_PR_MAPI_EVENT_END_TIME; // Tag to compare
- // sr[1].res.resProperty.lpProp = &spv[1]; // Prop tag and value to compare against
- //
- // spv[1].ulPropTag = XTP_PR_MAPI_EVENT_END_TIME; // Tag type
- // if (CXTPCalendarUtils::ResetTime(dtDay).GetAsSystemTime(st))
- // {
- // SystemTimeToFileTime(&st, &spv[1].Value.ft); // Tag value
- // }
- //
- // return &sres;
- // */
- //}
- LPSRestriction CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::BuildBinaryRestriction(ULONG cbSize, LPBYTE lpData, ULONG ulPropTag)
- {
- static SRestriction sres;
- static SPropValue spv;
- ZeroMemory(&spv, sizeof(SPropValue));
- // Set up restriction for the current day event
- sres.rt = RES_PROPERTY; // Comparing a property
- sres.res.resProperty.relop = RELOP_EQ; // Equal
- sres.res.resProperty.ulPropTag = ulPropTag; // Entry ID
- sres.res.resProperty.lpProp = &spv; // Prop tag and value to compare against
- spv.ulPropTag = ulPropTag; // Tag type
- spv.Value.bin.cb = cbSize;
- spv.Value.bin.lpb = lpData;
- return &sres;
- }
- void CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::_SetEventRuntimeProps(CXTPCalendarCustomProperties* pEventProps, LPMESSAGE pMessage)
- {
- ASSERT(pEventProps && pMessage);
- if (!pEventProps || !pMessage)
- return;
- CByteArray arEntryID, arSearchKey;
- HRESULT hrID = _getPropVal(pMessage, PR_ENTRYID, arEntryID);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hrID))
- {
- COleVariant varEntryID(arEntryID);
- pEventProps->SetProperty(cszMAPIpropVal_EntryID, varEntryID);
- }
- hrID = _getPropVal(pMessage, PR_SEARCH_KEY, arSearchKey);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hrID))
- {
- COleVariant varSearchKey(arSearchKey);
- pEventProps->SetProperty(cszMAPIpropVal_SearchKey, varSearchKey);
- }
- }
- void CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::_MoveMAPIEventRuntimeProps(CXTPCalendarCustomProperties* pDest,
- CXTPCalendarCustomProperties* pSrc)
- {
- ASSERT(pSrc && pDest);
- if (!pSrc || !pDest)
- return;
- COleVariant varValue;
- if (pDest && pSrc->GetProperty(cszMAPIpropVal_EntryID, varValue))
- {
- pDest->SetProperty(cszMAPIpropVal_EntryID, varValue);
- }
- pSrc->RemoveProperty(cszMAPIpropVal_EntryID);
- if (pDest && pSrc->GetProperty(cszMAPIpropVal_SearchKey, varValue))
- {
- pDest->SetProperty(cszMAPIpropVal_SearchKey, varValue);
- }
- pSrc->RemoveProperty(cszMAPIpropVal_SearchKey);
- }
- CXTPCalendarEventPtr CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::ImportEvent_FromCalendarFolderOnly(
- {
- LPSRestriction pRestriction = BuildBinaryRestriction(cbEntryID, (LPBYTE)lpEntryID, PR_ENTRYID);
- CXTPCalendarEventsPtr ptrEvents = ImportAllEvents(pRestriction);
- CXTPCalendarEventPtr ptrEvent;
- if (ptrEvents && ptrEvents->GetCount())
- {
- ASSERT(ptrEvents->GetCount() == 1);
- ptrEvent = ptrEvents->GetAt(0, TRUE);
- }
- return ptrEvent;
- }
- CXTPCalendarEventPtr CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::ImportEvent(LPSRow lpRow)
- {
- if (!lpRow)
- return NULL;
- // ------- ID --------
- if (PR_ENTRYID != lpRow->lpProps[0].ulPropTag)
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- CXTPCalendarEventPtr ptrEvent = ImportEvent(lpRow->lpProps[0].Value.bin.cb,
- (LPENTRYID)lpRow->lpProps[0].Value.bin.lpb);
- return ptrEvent;
- }
- CXTPCalendarEventPtr CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::ImportEvent(ULONG cbEntryID,
- {
- if (cbEntryID == 0 || !lpEntryID)
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- LPMESSAGE pMessage = NULL;
- ULONG ulObjType = NULL;
- // open event from Calendar Folder storage
- m_lpCalendarFolder->OpenEntry(cbEntryID, lpEntryID,
- NULL,//default interface
- &ulObjType,
- (LPUNKNOWN*)&pMessage);
- ASSERT(ulObjType == 5);
- ASSERT(pMessage);
- if (!pMessage)
- return NULL;
- CXTPCalendarEventPtr ptrEvent = ImportEvent(pMessage);
- MAPI_RELEASE(this, pMessage);
- return ptrEvent;
- }
- CXTPCalendarEventPtr CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::ImportEvent(LPMESSAGE pMessage)
- {
- ASSERT(pMessage);
- if (!pMessage)
- return NULL;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- CByteArray arSearchKey;
- HRESULT hrID = _getPropVal(pMessage, PR_SEARCH_KEY, arSearchKey);
- if (FAILED(hrID))
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- DWORD dwEventID = GetEventID((int)arSearchKey.GetSize(),
- (LPENTRYID)arSearchKey.GetData(), TRUE);
- //============================================================
- CXTPCalendarEventPtr ptrEvent(CreateNewEvent(dwEventID));
- // ------- Is Recurrence --------
- int nIsRecurrence = _getPropVal_int(pMessage, xtpMAPIpropEvent_IsRecuring);
- // get TimeZone
- GetTimeZoneInformation(&tziEvent);
- if (nIsRecurrence)
- {
- ULONG ulTZTag = m_MapiHelper.GetPropTagByID(pMessage, xtpMAPIpropEvent_TimeZone);
- CByteArray arTZIData;
- HRESULT hrTZ = _getPropVal(pMessage, ulTZTag, arTZIData);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hrTZ))
- {
- xtp_GetWinTZInfo(arTZIData, &tziEvent);
- }
- }
- XTP_TRACE_READ_EVENTS(_T("nEvent:------------------n"));
- // ------- Subject --------
- CString strTmp = _getPropVal_str(pMessage, PR_SUBJECT);
- ptrEvent->SetSubject(strTmp);
- XTP_TRACE_READ_EVENTS(_T("Subject: %sn"), strTmp);
- // ------- Body --------
- strTmp = _getPropVal_str(pMessage, PR_BODY);
- ptrEvent->SetBody(strTmp);
- XTP_TRACE_READ_EVENTS(_T("Body: %sn"), strTmp.Left(255));
- // ------- StartTime --------
- SYSTEMTIME stUTC = _getPropVal_UtcTime(pMessage, xtpMAPIpropEvent_StartTime);
- //TRACE(_T("StartTime orig: %sn"), dtTmp.Format());
- COleDateTime dtTmp = xtp_UtcToTzTime(&tziEvent, stUTC);
- ptrEvent->SetStartTime(dtTmp);
- XTP_TRACE_READ_EVENTS(_T("StartTime tz : %sn"), dtTmp.Format());
- // ------- EndTime --------
- stUTC = _getPropVal_UtcTime(pMessage, xtpMAPIpropEvent_EndTime);
- dtTmp = xtp_UtcToTzTime(&tziEvent, stUTC);
- ptrEvent->SetEndTime(dtTmp);
- //XTP_TRACE_READ_EVENTS(_T("EndTime: %sn"), ptrEvent->GetEndTime().Format());
- // ------- LOCATION --------
- strTmp = _getPropVal_str(pMessage, xtpMAPIpropEvent_Location);
- ptrEvent->SetLocation(strTmp);
- XTP_TRACE_READ_EVENTS(_T("LOCATION: %sn"), strTmp.Left(255));
- // ------- AllDayEvent --------
- int nTmp = _getPropVal_int(pMessage, xtpMAPIpropEvent_AllDay);
- ptrEvent->SetAllDayEvent(nTmp != 0);
- XTP_TRACE_READ_EVENTS(_T("All day: %dn"), nTmp);
- // ------- IsReminder --------
- nTmp = _getPropVal_int(pMessage, xtpMAPIpropCommon_ReminderSet);
- ptrEvent->SetReminder(nTmp);
- // ------- ReminderMinutesBeforeStart --------
- nTmp = _getPropVal_int(pMessage, xtpMAPIpropCommon_ReminderMinutesBefore);
- ptrEvent->SetReminderMinutesBeforeStart(nTmp);
- // ------- BusyStatus --------
- nTmp = _getPropVal_int(pMessage, xtpMAPIpropEvent_BusyStatus);
- ptrEvent->SetBusyStatus(nTmp);
- // ------- Importance --------
- nTmp = _getPropVal_int(pMessage, PR_IMPORTANCE);
- ptrEvent->SetImportance(nTmp);
- // ------- Label --------
- nTmp = _getPropVal_int(pMessage, xtpMAPIpropEvent_Color);
- ptrEvent->SetLabelID(nTmp);
- // ------- Meeting --------
- nTmp = _getPropVal_int(pMessage, xtpMAPIpropEvent_MeetingStatus);
- ptrEvent->SetMeeting(nTmp != 0);
- // ------- Private --------
- nTmp = _getPropVal_int(pMessage, xtpMAPIpropCommon_IsPrivate);
- ptrEvent->SetPrivate(nTmp != 0);
- // ------- CreationTime --------
- stUTC = _getPropVal_UtcTime(pMessage, PR_CREATION_TIME);
- dtTmp = xtp_UtcToTzTime(&tziEvent, stUTC);
- ptrEvent->SetCreationTime(dtTmp);
- // ------- LastModificationTime --------
- stUTC = _getPropVal_UtcTime(pMessage, PR_LAST_MODIFICATION_TIME);
- dtTmp = xtp_UtcToTzTime(&tziEvent, stUTC);
- ptrEvent->SetLastModificationTime(dtTmp);
- // ------- Custom Properties -------
- CXTPCalendarCustomProperties* pProps = ptrEvent->GetCustomProperties();
- if (pProps)
- {
- strTmp = _getPropVal_str(pMessage, xtpMAPIpropEvent_CustomProperties);
- pProps->LoadFromXML(strTmp);
- _SetEventRuntimeProps(pProps, pMessage);
- }
- // nIsRecurrence
- if (nIsRecurrence)
- {
- ULONG ulPropTag = m_MapiHelper.GetPropTagByID(pMessage, xtpMAPIpropEvent_RecurrenceState);
- CByteArray arRecData;
- HRESULT hr = _getPropVal(pMessage, ulPropTag, arRecData);
- VERIFY(ptrEvent->MakeEventAsRecurrence());
- ImportRecurrence(ptrEvent, arRecData);
- }
- // -------
- return ptrEvent;
- }
- int CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::GetEventGlobalPropVal_int(LPCTSTR pcszPropName, int nDefault)
- {
- CXTPCalendarCustomProperties* pProps = GetCustomProperties();
- ASSERT(pProps);
- if (!pProps)
- return nDefault;
- COleVariant varValue;
- BOOL bRes = pProps->GetProperty(pcszPropName, varValue);
- if (!bRes)
- return nDefault;
- if (varValue.vt != VT_I4)
- {
- if (FAILED(::VariantChangeType(&varValue, &varValue, 0, VT_I4)))
- return nDefault;
- }
- return V_I4(&varValue);
- }
- CString CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::GetEventGlobalPropVal_str(LPCTSTR pcszPropName, LPCTSTR pcszDefault)
- {
- CXTPCalendarCustomProperties* pProps = GetCustomProperties();
- ASSERT(pProps);
- if (!pProps)
- return pcszDefault;
- COleVariant varValue;
- BOOL bRes = pProps->GetProperty(pcszPropName, varValue);
- if (!bRes)
- return pcszDefault;
- if (varValue.vt != VT_BSTR)
- {
- if (FAILED(::VariantChangeType(&varValue, &varValue, 0, VT_BSTR)))
- return pcszDefault;
- }
- return CString(V_BSTR(&varValue));
- }
- void CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::_SetMAPIEventGlobalPropsIfNeed(LPMESSAGE pMessage,
- CXTPCalendarEvent* pEvent)
- {
- if (!pMessage || !pEvent)
- {
- return;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- int nPropTag;
- //**** Common customizable properties
- int nRState = pEvent->GetRecurrenceState();
- int nApptIcon = (nRState == xtpCalendarRecurrenceMaster) ? cnMAPIpropVal_AppointmentIconRecurr :
- cnMAPIpropVal_AppointmentIcon;
- VERIFY(_setPropTagVal_int(pMessage, XTP_PR_MAPI_EVENT_ICON_INDEX, nApptIcon));
- //---------------------------------------
- CString strMsgClass = GetEventGlobalPropVal_str(cszMAPIpropName_AppointmentMessageClass,
- cszMAPIpropVal_AppointmentMessageClass);
- VERIFY(_setPropTagVal_str(pMessage, PR_MESSAGE_CLASS_A, strMsgClass));
- //---------------------------------------
- nPropTag = m_MapiHelper.GetPropTagByID(pMessage, xtpMAPIpropCommon_OutlookInternalVersion);
- int nOutlookVer = _getPropVal_int(pMessage, nPropTag);
- if (nOutlookVer == 0)
- {
- nOutlookVer = GetEventGlobalPropVal_int(cszMAPIpropName_OutlookInternalVersion,
- cnMAPIpropVal_OutlookInternalVersionDef);
- VERIFY(_setPropTagVal_int(pMessage, nPropTag, nOutlookVer));
- }
- //---------------------------------------
- nPropTag = m_MapiHelper.GetPropTagByID(pMessage, xtpMAPIpropCommon_OutlookVersion);
- CString strOutlookVer = _getPropVal_str(pMessage, nPropTag);
- if (strOutlookVer.IsEmpty())
- {
- strOutlookVer = GetEventGlobalPropVal_str(cszMAPIpropName_OutlookVersion,
- cszMAPIpropVal_OutlookVersionDef);
- VERIFY(_setPropTagVal_str(pMessage, nPropTag, strOutlookVer));
- }
- }
- BOOL CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::UpdateMAPIEvent(LPMESSAGE pMessage,
- CXTPCalendarEvent* pEvent)
- {
- if (!pMessage || !pEvent)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // ------- Is Recurrence --------
- int nRState = pEvent->GetRecurrenceState();
- int nIsRecurrence = (nRState == xtpCalendarRecurrenceMaster);
- if (nRState != xtpCalendarRecurrenceNotRecurring &&
- nRState != xtpCalendarRecurrenceMaster)
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- // get TimeZone
- // GetTimeZoneInformation(&tziEvent);
- int nPropTag;
- //-------------------
- //**** Common customizable properties
- _SetMAPIEventGlobalPropsIfNeed(pMessage, pEvent);
- //****
- // ------- Subject --------
- CString strTmp = pEvent->GetSubject();
- VERIFY(_setPropTagVal_str(pMessage, PR_SUBJECT_A, strTmp));
- // ------- Body --------
- strTmp = pEvent->GetBody();
- VERIFY(_setPropTagVal_str(pMessage, PR_BODY_A, strTmp));
- // ------- StartTime --------
- COleDateTime dtTmp = pEvent->GetStartTime();
- SYSTEMTIME stUTCstart = xtp_TimeToUtc(dtTmp);
- ASSERT(stUTCstart.wYear);
- nPropTag = m_MapiHelper.GetPropTagByID(pMessage, xtpMAPIpropEvent_StartTime);
- VERIFY(_setPropTagVal_UtcTime(pMessage, nPropTag, stUTCstart));
- // ------- EndTime --------
- dtTmp = pEvent->GetEndTime();
- SYSTEMTIME stUTCend = xtp_TimeToUtc(dtTmp);
- ASSERT(stUTCend.wYear);
- nPropTag = m_MapiHelper.GetPropTagByID(pMessage, xtpMAPIpropEvent_EndTime);
- VERIFY(_setPropTagVal_UtcTime(pMessage, nPropTag, stUTCend));
- // ------- LOCATION --------
- strTmp = pEvent->GetLocation();
- nPropTag = m_MapiHelper.GetPropTagByID(pMessage, xtpMAPIpropEvent_Location);
- VERIFY(_setPropTagVal_str(pMessage, nPropTag, strTmp));
- // ------- AllDayEvent --------
- int nTmp = pEvent->IsAllDayEvent();
- nPropTag = m_MapiHelper.GetPropTagByID(pMessage, xtpMAPIpropEvent_AllDay);
- VERIFY(_setPropTagVal_int(pMessage, nPropTag, nTmp));
- // ------- IsReminder --------
- nTmp = pEvent->IsReminder();
- nPropTag = m_MapiHelper.GetPropTagByID(pMessage, xtpMAPIpropCommon_ReminderSet);
- VERIFY(_setPropTagVal_int(pMessage, nPropTag, nTmp));
- // ------- ReminderMinutesBeforeStart --------
- nTmp = pEvent->GetReminderMinutesBeforeStart();
- nPropTag = m_MapiHelper.GetPropTagByID(pMessage, xtpMAPIpropCommon_ReminderMinutesBefore);
- VERIFY(_setPropTagVal_int(pMessage, nPropTag, nTmp));
- // ------- ReminderDate --------
- ULONG nPTagRmdDate = m_MapiHelper.GetPropTagByID(pMessage, xtpMAPIpropCommon_ReminderDate);
- if (pEvent->IsReminder())
- {
- VERIFY(_setPropTagVal_UtcTime(pMessage, nPTagRmdDate, stUTCstart)); // always equal to start time
- }
- else
- {
- _deletePropTag(pMessage, nPTagRmdDate);
- }
- // ------- BusyStatus --------
- nTmp = pEvent->GetBusyStatus();
- nPropTag = m_MapiHelper.GetPropTagByID(pMessage, xtpMAPIpropEvent_BusyStatus);
- VERIFY(_setPropTagVal_int(pMessage, nPropTag, nTmp));
- // ------- Importance --------
- nTmp = pEvent->GetImportance();
- VERIFY(_setPropTagVal_int(pMessage, PR_IMPORTANCE, nTmp));
- // ------- Label --------
- nTmp = pEvent->GetLabelID();
- nPropTag = m_MapiHelper.GetPropTagByID(pMessage, xtpMAPIpropEvent_Color);
- VERIFY(_setPropTagVal_int(pMessage, nPropTag, nTmp));
- // ------- Meeting --------
- nTmp = pEvent->IsMeeting();
- nPropTag = m_MapiHelper.GetPropTagByID(pMessage, xtpMAPIpropEvent_MeetingStatus);
- VERIFY(_setPropTagVal_int(pMessage, nPropTag, nTmp));
- // ------- Private --------
- nTmp = pEvent->IsPrivate();
- nPropTag = m_MapiHelper.GetPropTagByID(pMessage, xtpMAPIpropCommon_IsPrivate);
- VERIFY(_setPropTagVal_int(pMessage, nPropTag, nTmp));
- // ------- CreationTime --------
- dtTmp = pEvent->GetCreationTime();
- SYSTEMTIME stUTC = xtp_TimeToUtc(dtTmp);
- ASSERT(stUTC.wYear);
- VERIFY(_setPropTagVal_UtcTime(pMessage, PR_CREATION_TIME, stUTC));
- // ------- LastModificationTime --------
- dtTmp = pEvent->GetLastModificationTime();
- stUTC = xtp_TimeToUtc(dtTmp);
- ASSERT(stUTC.wYear);
- VERIFY(_setPropTagVal_UtcTime(pMessage, PR_LAST_MODIFICATION_TIME, stUTC));
- // -------- Custom Properties -------
- CXTPCalendarCustomProperties* pProps = pEvent->GetCustomProperties();
- if (pProps)
- {
- CXTPCalendarCustomProperties tmpStorage;
- _MoveMAPIEventRuntimeProps(&tmpStorage, pProps);
- pProps->SaveToXML(strTmp);
- nPropTag = m_MapiHelper.GetPropTagByID(pMessage, xtpMAPIpropEvent_CustomProperties);
- VERIFY(_setPropTagVal_str(pMessage, nPropTag, strTmp));
- _MoveMAPIEventRuntimeProps(pProps, &tmpStorage);
- }
- // nIsRecurrence
- nPropTag = m_MapiHelper.GetPropTagByID(pMessage, xtpMAPIpropEvent_IsRecuring);
- VERIFY(_setPropTagVal_int(pMessage, nPropTag, nIsRecurrence));
- if (nIsRecurrence)
- {
- CByteArray arRecData;
- CXTPCalendarMAPI_Recurrence::CXTPRcData RCData;
- CXTPCalendarRecurrencePatternPtr ptrPattern = pEvent->GetRecurrencePattern();
- BOOL bRes = CXTPCalendarMAPI_Recurrence::FillRCData(RCData, ptrPattern, pEvent);
- ASSERT(bRes);
- if (bRes)
- {
- bRes = CXTPCalendarMAPI_Recurrence::RCDataToBin(RCData, arRecData);
- ASSERT(bRes);
- if (bRes)
- {
- nPropTag = m_MapiHelper.GetPropTagByID(pMessage, xtpMAPIpropEvent_RecurrenceState);
- VERIFY(_setPropTagVal_bin(pMessage, nPropTag, arRecData));
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- GetTimeZoneInformation(&tziEvent);
- CByteArray arTZIData;
- xtp_GetMapiTZInfo(&tziEvent, arTZIData);
- ULONG ulTZTag = m_MapiHelper.GetPropTagByID(pMessage, xtpMAPIpropEvent_TimeZone);
- VERIFY(_setPropTagVal_bin(pMessage, ulTZTag, arTZIData));
- //- recurrence Start/end ----------------------------------------------
- nPropTag = m_MapiHelper.GetPropTagByID(pMessage, xtpMAPIpropEvent_RecurrenceStart);
- VERIFY(_setPropTagVal_UtcTime(pMessage, nPropTag, stUTCstart));
- nPropTag = m_MapiHelper.GetPropTagByID(pMessage, xtpMAPIpropEvent_RecurrenceEnd);
- VERIFY(_setPropTagVal_UtcTime(pMessage, nPropTag, stUTCend));
- if (ptrPattern->GetUseEndMethod() == xtpCalendarPatternEndNoDate)
- {
- // the end date set above was for 1 Jan 9999, which is fine for Outlook
- // but at least some versions of exchange server don't like it. Outlook
- // sets the end date to the end date/time of the first instance of the
- // pattern in this case.
- // ------- Fixed EndTime --------
- int nDuration = RCData.dwOccEndTime - RCData.dwOccStartTime;
- dtTmp = pEvent->GetStartTime() + CXTPCalendarUtils::Minutes2Span(nDuration);
- stUTCend = xtp_TimeToUtc(dtTmp);
- ASSERT(stUTCend.wYear);
- nPropTag = m_MapiHelper.GetPropTagByID(pMessage, xtpMAPIpropEvent_EndTime);
- VERIFY(_setPropTagVal_UtcTime(pMessage, nPropTag, stUTCend));
- }
- }
- else
- {
- CUIntArray arPropsTags;
- arPropsTags.Add( (ULONG)m_MapiHelper.GetPropTagByID(pMessage, xtpMAPIpropEvent_RecurrenceState));
- arPropsTags.Add( (ULONG)m_MapiHelper.GetPropTagByID(pMessage, xtpMAPIpropEvent_RecurrenceStart));
- arPropsTags.Add( (ULONG)m_MapiHelper.GetPropTagByID(pMessage, xtpMAPIpropEvent_RecurrenceEnd));
- arPropsTags.Add( (ULONG)m_MapiHelper.GetPropTagByID(pMessage, xtpMAPIpropEvent_TimeZone));
- _deletePropsTags(pMessage, arPropsTags);
- }
- // -------
- return TRUE;
- }
- UINT CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::_getStreamSize(IStream* pStream)
- {
- ASSERT(pStream);
- if (!pStream)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- ULARGE_INTEGER uliSize = {0, 0};
- LARGE_INTEGER liZero = {0, 0};
- HRESULT hr = pStream->Seek(liZero, STREAM_SEEK_END, &uliSize);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- return 0;
- hr = pStream->Seek(liZero, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- {
- return 0;
- }
- return uliSize.u.LowPart;
- }
- int CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::_getSimpleMAPITypeSize(int nType)
- {
- switch(nType)
- {
- case PT_I2: return 2; /* Signed 16-bit value */
- case PT_LONG: return 4; /* Signed 32-bit value */
- case PT_R4: return 4; /* 4-byte floating point */
- case PT_DOUBLE: return 8; /* Floating point double */
- case PT_CURRENCY: return 8; /* Signed 64-bit int (decimal w/ 4 digits right of decimal pt) */
- case PT_APPTIME: return sizeof(double); /* Application time */
- case PT_ERROR: return 4; /* 32-bit error value */
- case PT_BOOLEAN: return 2; /* 16-bit boolean (non-zero true) */
- case PT_I8: return 8; /* 8-byte signed integer */
- case PT_SYSTIME: return sizeof(FILETIME); /* FILETIME 64-bit int w/ number of 100ns periods since Jan 1,1601 */
- case PT_CLSID: return sizeof(GUID); /* OLE GUID */
- case PT_OBJECT: /* Embedded object in a property */
- case PT_STRING8: /* Null terminated 8-bit character string */
- case PT_UNICODE: /* Null terminated Unicode string */
- case PT_BINARY: /* Uninterpreted (counted byte array) */
- return 0;
- default:
- }
- return 0;
- }
- BOOL CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::_setPropTagVal_int(LPMESSAGE pMessage,
- ULONG ulPropTag, int nValue)
- {
- int nType = PROP_TYPE(ulPropTag);
- int nTypeSize = _getSimpleMAPITypeSize(nType);
- if (nTypeSize <= 0 || nTypeSize > 4)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- SPropValue PropVal;
- ZeroMemory(&PropVal, sizeof(PropVal));
- PropVal.ulPropTag = ulPropTag;
- switch(nType)
- {
- case PT_I2:
- PropVal.Value.i = (short int)nValue;
- break;
- case PT_LONG: /* Signed 32-bit value */
- PropVal.Value.l = (long)nValue;
- break;
- case PT_ERROR: /* 32-bit error value */
- PropVal.Value.err = (SCODE)nValue;
- break;
- case PT_BOOLEAN: /* 16-bit boolean (non-zero true) */
- PropVal.Value.b = (unsigned short int)nValue;
- break;
- // case PT_R4: return 4; /* 4-byte floating point */
- // case PT_DOUBLE: return 8; /* Floating point double */
- // case PT_CURRENCY: return 8; /* Signed 64-bit int (decimal w/ 4 digits right of decimal pt) */
- // case PT_APPTIME: return sizeof(double); /* Application time */
- // case PT_I8: return 8; /* 8-byte signed integer */
- // case PT_SYSTIME: return sizeof(FILETIME); /* FILETIME 64-bit int w/ number of 100ns periods since Jan 1,1601 */
- // case PT_CLSID: return sizeof(GUID); /* OLE GUID */
- // case PT_OBJECT: /* Embedded object in a property */
- // case PT_STRING8: /* Null terminated 8-bit character string */
- // case PT_UNICODE: /* Null terminated Unicode string */
- // case PT_BINARY: /* Uninterpreted (counted byte array) */
- // return 0;
- default:
- return FALSE;
- }
- HRESULT hRes = this->HrSetOneProp(pMessage, &PropVal);
- return SUCCEEDED(hRes);
- }
- BOOL CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::_setPropTagVal_str(LPMESSAGE pMessage,
- ULONG ulPropTag, LPCTSTR pcszValue)
- {
- int nType = PROP_TYPE(ulPropTag);
- LPSPropValue pPropVal = NULL;
- if (nType == PT_STRING8) /* Null terminated 8-bit character string */
- {
- int nStrBuffSize = (int)_tcslen(pcszValue) * sizeof(TCHAR) + 2;
- int nBufSize = sizeof(SPropValue) + nStrBuffSize + 4;
- SCODE sc = this->MAPIAllocateBuffer(nBufSize, (void**)&pPropVal);
- if (sc != S_OK || !pPropVal)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- ZeroMemory(pPropVal, nBufSize);
- pPropVal->ulPropTag = ulPropTag;
- pPropVal->Value.lpszA = (LPSTR)(pPropVal+1);
- WCSTOMBS_S(pPropVal->Value.lpszA, pcszValue, nStrBuffSize);
- }
- else if (nType == PT_UNICODE) /* Null terminated Unicode string */
- {
- ASSERT(FALSE); //not implemented
- return FALSE;
- }
- else
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- HRESULT hRes = this->HrSetOneProp(pMessage, pPropVal);
- MAPI_FREEBUFFER(this, pPropVal);
- return SUCCEEDED(hRes);
- }
- BOOL CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::_setPropTagVal_UtcTime(LPMESSAGE pMessage,
- ULONG ulPropTag, const SYSTEMTIME& stTime)
- {
- int nType = PROP_TYPE(ulPropTag);
- SPropValue PropVal;
- ZeroMemory(&PropVal, sizeof(SPropValue));
- if (nType == PT_SYSTIME) // FILETIME
- {
- PropVal.ulPropTag = ulPropTag;
- ZeroMemory(&ft, sizeof(ft));
- if (!SystemTimeToFileTime(&stTime, &ft))
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- PropVal.Value.ft = ft;
- }
- else
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- HRESULT hRes = this->HrSetOneProp(pMessage, &PropVal);
- return SUCCEEDED(hRes);
- }
- BOOL CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::_setPropTagVal_bin(LPMESSAGE pMessage,
- ULONG ulPropTag, const CByteArray& arData)
- {
- int nType = PROP_TYPE(ulPropTag);
- SPropValue PropVal;
- ZeroMemory(&PropVal, sizeof(SPropValue));
- if (nType == PT_BINARY)
- {
- PropVal.ulPropTag = ulPropTag;
- PropVal.Value.bin.cb = (ULONG)arData.GetSize();
- PropVal.Value.bin.lpb = (BYTE*)arData.GetData();
- }
- else
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- HRESULT hRes = this->HrSetOneProp(pMessage, &PropVal);
- return SUCCEEDED(hRes);
- }
- HRESULT CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::_getPropVal(LPMESSAGE pMessage,
- ULONG ulPropTag, CByteArray& rData)
- {
- rData.RemoveAll();
- LPSTREAM pStream = NULL;
- LPSPropValue pProp = NULL;
- HRESULT hRes = this->HrGetOneProp(pMessage, ulPropTag, &pProp);
- {
- hRes = pMessage->OpenProperty(ulPropTag, &IID_IStream, STGM_READ,
- NULL, (LPUNKNOWN*)&pStream);
- if (FAILED(hRes) || !pStream)
- {
- hRes = FAILED(hRes) ? hRes : E_FAIL;
- }
- else
- {
- UINT nDataSize = _getStreamSize(pStream);
- if (!nDataSize)
- {
- hRes = E_FAIL;
- }
- else
- {
- rData.SetSize((int)nDataSize);
- ULONG nDataSize2 = 0;
- hRes = pStream->Read(rData.GetData(), nDataSize, &nDataSize2);
- ASSERT(nDataSize == nDataSize2);
- rData.SetSize((int)nDataSize2);
- }
- pStream->Release();
- }
- }
- else if (SUCCEEDED(hRes))
- {
- int nType = PROP_TYPE(pProp->ulPropTag);
- int nTypeSize = _getSimpleMAPITypeSize(nType);
- void* pData_src = NULL;
- if (nTypeSize > 0)
- {
- pData_src = (void*)&pProp->Value;
- }
- else
- {
- if (nType == PT_STRING8) /* Null terminated 8-bit character string */
- {
- pData_src = (void*)pProp->Value.lpszA;
- nTypeSize = (int)strlen(pProp->Value.lpszA) + 1;
- }
- else if (nType == PT_UNICODE) /* Null terminated Unicode string */
- {
- pData_src = (void*)pProp->Value.lpszW;
- nTypeSize = (int)wcslen(pProp->Value.lpszW) * 2 + 2;
- }
- else if (nType == PT_BINARY) /* Uninterpreted (counted byte array) */
- {
- pData_src = (void*)pProp->Value.bin.lpb;
- nTypeSize = pProp->Value.bin.cb;
- }
- }
- rData.SetSize(nTypeSize);
- MEMCPY_S(rData.GetData(), pData_src, nTypeSize);
- }
- MAPI_FREEBUFFER(this, pProp);
- return hRes;
- }
- CString CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::_getPropVal_str(LPMESSAGE pMessage,
- ULONG ulPropTag)
- {
- CString str;
- CByteArray arData;
- int nType = PROP_TYPE(ulPropTag);
- ASSERT(nType == PT_STRING8 || nType == PT_UNICODE);
- HRESULT hr = _getPropVal(pMessage, ulPropTag, arData);
- if (FAILED(hr) || arData.GetSize() == 0)
- {
- return str;
- }
- if (nType == PT_STRING8) /* Null terminated 8-bit character string */
- {
- str = (LPCSTR)arData.GetData();
- }
- else if (nType == PT_UNICODE) /* Null terminated Unicode string */
- {
- str = (LPCWSTR)arData.GetData();
- }
- return str;
- }
- int CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::_getPropVal_int(LPMESSAGE pMessage, ULONG ulPropTag)
- {
- CByteArray arData;
- int nType = PROP_TYPE(ulPropTag);
- ASSERT( nType == PT_I2 || nType == PT_LONG ||
- nType == PT_ERROR || nType == PT_BOOLEAN ||
- nType == PT_I8);
- HRESULT hr = _getPropVal(pMessage, ulPropTag, arData);
- if (FAILED(hr) || arData.GetSize() == 0)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- int nSize = (int)arData.GetSize();
- int nValue = 0;
- ASSERT(sizeof(ULONGLONG) == 8);
- if (nSize == 1)
- {
- nValue = (int)arData[0];
- }
- else if (nSize == 2)
- {
- nValue = (int)*((WORD*)arData.GetData());
- }
- else if (nSize == 3)
- {
- nValue = (int)RGB(arData[0], arData[1], arData[2]);
- }
- else if (nSize == 4)
- {
- nValue = (int)*((DWORD*)arData.GetData());
- }
- else if (nSize == 8)
- {
- nValue = (int)*((ULONGLONG*)arData.GetData());
- }
- else
- {
- }
- return nValue;
- }
- SYSTEMTIME CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::_getPropVal_UtcTime(LPMESSAGE pMessage,
- ULONG ulPropTag)
- {
- ZeroMemory(&stUTCTime, sizeof(stUTCTime));
- ZeroMemory(&stUTCTime0, sizeof(stUTCTime0));
- if (ulPropTag == 0)
- {
- return stUTCTime0;
- }
- int nType = PROP_TYPE(ulPropTag);
- if (nType != PT_SYSTIME)
- {
- return stUTCTime0;
- }
- CByteArray arData;
- HRESULT hr = _getPropVal(pMessage, ulPropTag, arData);
- if (FAILED(hr) || arData.GetSize() == 0)
- {
- return stUTCTime0;
- }
- ASSERT(arData.GetSize() == sizeof(FILETIME));
- FILETIME* pUTCTime = ((FILETIME*)arData.GetData());
- if (FileTimeToSystemTime(pUTCTime, &stUTCTime))
- {
- return stUTCTime;
- }
- return stUTCTime0;
- }
- CString CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::_getPropVal_str(LPMESSAGE pMessage,
- const XTP_MAPI_PROP_NAME& propNameEx)
- {
- ULONG ulPropTag = m_MapiHelper.GetPropTagByID(pMessage, propNameEx);
- return _getPropVal_str(pMessage, ulPropTag);
- }
- int CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::_getPropVal_int(LPMESSAGE pMessage,
- const XTP_MAPI_PROP_NAME& propNameEx)
- {
- ULONG ulPropTag = m_MapiHelper.GetPropTagByID(pMessage, propNameEx);
- return _getPropVal_int(pMessage, ulPropTag);
- }
- SYSTEMTIME CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::_getPropVal_UtcTime(LPMESSAGE pMessage,
- const XTP_MAPI_PROP_NAME& propNameEx)
- {
- ULONG ulPropTag = m_MapiHelper.GetPropTagByID(pMessage, propNameEx);
- return _getPropVal_UtcTime(pMessage, ulPropTag);
- }
- HRESULT CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::_deletePropTag(LPMESSAGE pMessage, ULONG ulPropTag)
- {
- CUIntArray arPropsTags;
- arPropsTags.Add(ulPropTag);
- return _deletePropsTags(pMessage, arPropsTags);
- }
- HRESULT CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::_deletePropsTags(LPMESSAGE pMessage, CUIntArray& arPropsTags)
- {
- if (!pMessage || arPropsTags.GetSize() == 0)
- {
- return E_INVALIDARG;
- }
- int nTagsCount = (int)arPropsTags.GetSize();
- SPropTagArray* pPorpTagsArray = NULL;
- int nBufSize = sizeof(SPropTagArray) + nTagsCount * sizeof(ULONG) + 4;
- SCODE sc = this->MAPIAllocateBuffer(nBufSize, (void**)&pPorpTagsArray);
- if (sc != S_OK || !pPorpTagsArray)
- {
- }
- //---------------------------------------------
- pPorpTagsArray->cValues = nTagsCount;
- for (int i = 0; i < nTagsCount; i++)
- {
- pPorpTagsArray->aulPropTag[i] = (ULONG)arPropsTags[i];
- }
- HRESULT hrDelete = pMessage->DeleteProps(pPorpTagsArray, NULL);
- //---------------------------------------------
- MAPI_FREEBUFFER(this, pPorpTagsArray);
- return hrDelete;
- }
- void CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::ImportRecurrence(CXTPCalendarEvent* pMasterEvent,
- const CByteArray& arRCData)
- {
- ASSERT(pMasterEvent->GetRecurrenceState() == xtpCalendarRecurrenceMaster);
- CXTPCalendarRecurrencePatternPtr ptrPattern = pMasterEvent->GetRecurrencePattern();
- ASSERT(ptrPattern);
- if (!ptrPattern)
- {
- return;
- }
- CXTPCalendarMAPI_Recurrence::CXTPRcData RCData;
- BOOL bRead = CXTPCalendarMAPI_Recurrence::ReadRCData(RCData, arRCData);
- ASSERT(bRead);
- if (!bRead)
- {
- return;
- }
- ASSERT((RCData.wType - xtpMAPIRcType_Daily) >= 0 && (RCData.wType - xtpMAPIRcType_Daily) <= 3);
- CXTPCalendarMAPI_Recurrence::SetRecurrenceOptions(ptrPattern, RCData);
- CXTPCalendarMAPI_Recurrence::SetRecurrenceExceptions(pMasterEvent, ptrPattern, RCData);
- VERIFY( pMasterEvent->UpdateRecurrence(ptrPattern) );
- }
- CXTPCalendarEventsPtr CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::ImportAllEvents(LPSRestriction lpRestriction)
- {
- HRESULT hRes = S_OK;
- LPMAPITABLE lpContentsTable = NULL;
- LPSRowSet pRows = NULL;
- ULONG i;
- CXTPCalendarEventsPtr ptrEvents = new CXTPCalendarEvents();
- static SizedSPropTagArray(1, sptCols) = {1, {PR_ENTRYID} };
- hRes = m_lpCalendarFolder->GetContentsTable(0, &lpContentsTable);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hRes))
- {
- hRes = this->HrQueryAllRows(lpContentsTable, (LPSPropTagArray) &sptCols,
- lpRestriction, //restriction...current day
- NULL,//sort order...we're not using this parameter
- 0, &pRows);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hRes))
- {
- for (i = 0; i < pRows->cRows; i++)
- {
- CXTPCalendarEventPtr ptrNextEvent = ImportEvent(&pRows->aRow[i]);
- ASSERT(ptrNextEvent);
- if (ptrNextEvent)
- {
- ptrEvents->Add(ptrNextEvent);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (pRows)
- {
- this->FreeProws(pRows);
- }
- MAPI_RELEASE(this, lpContentsTable);
- return ptrEvents;
- }
- BOOL CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::ImportNewEvents()
- {
- ASSERT(m_pMemDP);
- if (!m_pMemDP)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- BOOL bChanged = FALSE;
- HRESULT hRes = S_OK;
- LPMAPITABLE lpContentsTable = NULL;
- LPSRowSet pRows = NULL;
- ULONG i;
- CMap_EventIDs mapExistingEntries;
- CMap_EventIDs mapMissedEntries;
- // Retrieve EntryID's of all items from the MAPI Calendar folder
- static SizedSPropTagArray(2, sptCols) = {2, {PR_ENTRYID, PR_SEARCH_KEY} };
- hRes = m_lpCalendarFolder->GetContentsTable(0, &lpContentsTable);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hRes))
- {
- hRes = this->HrQueryAllRows(lpContentsTable, (LPSPropTagArray) &sptCols,
- NULL, //lpRestriction, //restriction...current day??
- NULL,//sort order...we're not using this parameter
- 0, &pRows);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hRes))
- {
- // Iterate all appointment items read from data source
- for (i = 0; i < pRows->cRows; i++)
- {
- // ------- SEARCH_KEY --------
- if (PR_SEARCH_KEY != pRows->aRow[i].lpProps[1].ulPropTag)
- {
- continue;
- }
- // trying to find this eventID
- DWORD dwEventID = GetEventID(pRows->aRow[i].lpProps[1].Value.bin.cb,
- (LPENTRYID)pRows->aRow[i].lpProps[1].Value.bin.lpb);
- // if not found - import
- {
- CXTPCalendarEventPtr ptrNextEvent = ImportEvent(&pRows->aRow[i]);
- ASSERT(ptrNextEvent);
- if (ptrNextEvent)
- {
- bChanged = TRUE;
- VERIFY(m_pMemDP->AddEvent(ptrNextEvent));
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // if event found - add its ID into a map
- mapExistingEntries.SetAt(dwEventID, TRUE);
- }
- }
- // Delete all items which exists in internal data storage, but
- // were not just found in the contents table of the external folder.
- m_mapID.FindMissing(mapExistingEntries, mapMissedEntries);
- POSITION pos = mapMissedEntries.GetStartPosition();
- DWORD dwKey;
- BOOL bValue = FALSE;
- while (pos != NULL)
- {
- bChanged = TRUE;
- mapMissedEntries.GetNextAssoc(pos, dwKey, bValue);
- CXTPCalendarEventPtr ptrEventToDel = m_pMemDP->GetEvent(dwKey);
- // ASSERT(ptrEventToDel); // could be NULL if processing a few notifications in a row
- if (ptrEventToDel)
- {
- VERIFY(m_pMemDP->DeleteEvent(ptrEventToDel));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Cleanup
- if (pRows)
- {
- this->FreeProws(pRows);
- }
- MAPI_RELEASE(this, lpContentsTable);
- return bChanged;
- }
- LONG STDAPICALLTYPE CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::MAPICallBack_OnNotify(
- LPVOID lpvContext,
- ULONG cNotif,
- {
- BOOL bProcessed = FALSE;
- // get current MAPI data provider
- CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider* pThis = (CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider*)lpvContext;
- ASSERT(pThis);
- if (!pThis)
- CXTPCalendarData* pMemDP = pThis->m_pMemDP;
- if (!pMemDP)
- {
- return S_OK;
- }
- //***********************
- SAFE_MANAGE_STATE(pThis->m_pModuleState);
- //***********************
- XTP_TRACE_MAPI_NF(_T("n MAPICallBack_OnNotify [%s] (notifications count = %d)n"),
- COleDateTime::GetCurrentTime().Format(), (int)cNotif);
- for (int i = 0; i < (int)cNotif; i++)
- {
- ULONG ulNfSender = lpNotif[i].info.obj.ulObjType;
- ULONG ulNfType = lpNotif[i].ulEventType;
- XTP_TRACE_MAPI_NF(_T(" NfSender = %d (%s)n"), (int)ulNfSender,
- ulNfSender == MAPI_FOLDER ? _T("MAPI_FOLDER") : (ulNfSender == MAPI_MESSAGE ? _T("MAPI_MESSAGE") : _T("")) );
- // Check is notification related to active calendar folder ----------
- CString str_dbg_CalRel;
- CXTPMAPIBinary eidObj;
- if (ulNfSender == MAPI_FOLDER)
- {
- eidObj.Set(lpNotif[i].info.obj.cbEntryID, (LPBYTE)lpNotif[i].info.obj.lpEntryID);
- str_dbg_CalRel = _T("this");
- }
- else if (ulNfSender == MAPI_MESSAGE)
- {
- eidObj.Set(lpNotif[i].info.obj.cbParentID, (LPBYTE)lpNotif[i].info.obj.lpParentID);
- str_dbg_CalRel = _T("Parent folder");
- }
- if (!pThis->Equal(eidObj, pThis->m_eidCalendarFolder))
- {
- if (ulNfSender == MAPI_MESSAGE)
- {
- eidObj.Set(lpNotif[i].info.obj.cbOldParentID, (LPBYTE)lpNotif[i].info.obj.lpOldParentID);
- if (!pThis->Equal(eidObj, pThis->m_eidCalendarFolder))
- {
- XTP_TRACE_MAPI_NF(_T(" Calendar is: not related! SKIP. n"));
- continue;
- }
- else
- {
- str_dbg_CalRel = _T("OLD Parent folder");
- pThis->ImportNewEvents();
- bProcessed = TRUE;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- XTP_TRACE_MAPI_NF(_T(" Calendar is: not related! SKIP. n"));
- continue;
- }
- }
- XTP_TRACE_MAPI_NF(_T(" Calendar is: %sn"), str_dbg_CalRel);
- CString str_dbg_NF;
- str_dbg_NF += (ulNfType & fnevObjectCreated) ? _T(" | Created") : _T("");
- str_dbg_NF += (ulNfType & fnevObjectDeleted) ? _T(" | Deleted") : _T("");
- str_dbg_NF += (ulNfType & fnevObjectModified) ?_T(" | Modified") : _T("");
- str_dbg_NF += (ulNfType & fnevObjectMoved) ? _T(" | Moved") : _T("");
- str_dbg_NF += (ulNfType & fnevObjectCopied) ? _T(" | Copied") : _T("");
- XTP_TRACE_MAPI_NF(_T(" fnevObject =%s n"), str_dbg_NF);
- if (bProcessed)
- {
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- CXTPMAPIBinary keyID = pThis->GetSearchKey(lpNotif[i].info.obj.cbEntryID, lpNotif[i].info.obj.lpEntryID);
- DWORD dwEventID = pThis->GetEventID(keyID.GetBinarySize(), (LPENTRYID)keyID.GetBinaryData());
- CXTPCalendarEventPtr ptrEvent = pMemDP->GetEvent(dwEventID);
- XTP_TRACE_MAPI_NF(_T(" event ID = %d (%s)n"), dwEventID,
- (LPCTSTR)(ptrEvent ? _T("exists") : _T("non-exists")) );
- // look what type of change was performed
- if (ulNfType & fnevObjectDeleted)
- {
- // Delete the event
- // Note that this message will never be received for deleted item for Exchange 5.5 and 2000.
- // More info at MS KB261172
- if (ptrEvent)
- {
- VERIFY( pMemDP->DeleteEvent(ptrEvent) );
- XTP_TRACE_MAPI_NF(_T(" Action = DELETEn"));
- //#pragma NOTE("Advice to DP notification and resend")
- //pThis->m_pConnect->SendEvent(XTP_NC_CALENDAREVENTWASDELETED, (WPARAM)dwEventID, (LPARAM)(CXTPCalendarEvent*)ptrEvent);
- }
- continue;
- }
- if ((ulNfType & fnevObjectCreated) && ulNfSender == MAPI_MESSAGE)
- {
- {
- XTP_TRACE_MAPI_NF(_T(" Action = skipn"));
- }
- // Add a new event
- CXTPCalendarEventPtr ptrEvent2 = pThis->ImportEvent(
- lpNotif[i].info.obj.cbEntryID,
- lpNotif[i].info.obj.lpEntryID);
- if (ptrEvent && ptrEvent2)
- {
- //Event already exists
- VERIFY( pMemDP->ChangeEvent(ptrEvent2) );
- XTP_TRACE_MAPI_NF(_T(" Action = CHANGEn"));
- }
- else if (ptrEvent2)
- {
- VERIFY( pMemDP->AddEvent(ptrEvent2) );
- XTP_TRACE_MAPI_NF(_T(" Action = ADDn"));
- }
- continue;
- }
- if ((ulNfType & fnevObjectMoved) && ulNfSender == MAPI_MESSAGE)
- {
- CXTPCalendarEventPtr ptrEvent2 = pThis->ImportEvent_FromCalendarFolderOnly(
- lpNotif[i].info.obj.cbEntryID,
- lpNotif[i].info.obj.lpEntryID);
- if (ptrEvent && ptrEvent2)
- {
- //Event was moved inside Calendar folder
- VERIFY( pMemDP->ChangeEvent(ptrEvent2) );
- XTP_TRACE_MAPI_NF(_T(" Action = CHANGEn"));
- }
- else if (ptrEvent)
- {
- //Event was moved Out of Calendar folder (to "Deleted Items" folder)
- VERIFY( pMemDP->DeleteEvent(ptrEvent) );
- XTP_TRACE_MAPI_NF(_T(" Action = DELETE (moved to other folder)n"));
- }
- continue;
- }
- if ((ulNfType & fnevObjectModified) && ulNfSender == MAPI_MESSAGE)
- {
- // is Our event changed
- if (ptrEvent)
- {
- // Read new event data
- CXTPCalendarEventPtr ptrEvent2 = pThis->ImportEvent(
- lpNotif[i].info.obj.cbEntryID,
- lpNotif[i].info.obj.lpEntryID);
- ASSERT(ptrEvent2);
- // Update event properties in the cache
- if (ptrEvent2)
- {
- ASSERT(ptrEvent->GetEventID() == ptrEvent2->GetEventID());
- DWORD dwPatternID = ptrEvent->GetRecurrencePatternID();
- {
- ptrEvent2->SetRecurrencePatternID(dwPatternID);
- }
- pMemDP->ChangeEvent(ptrEvent2);
- XTP_TRACE_MAPI_NF(_T(" Action = CHANGE.2n"));
- }
- }
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- DWORD CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::GetNextUniqueEventID(DWORD dwEventID)
- {
- dwEventID = GetNextFreeTempID();
- CXTPMAPIBinary eKeyTmp;
- while (m_mapID.Lookup(dwEventID, eKeyTmp))
- {
- dwEventID = GetNextFreeTempID();
- }
- ASSERT(m_mapID.Lookup(dwEventID, eKeyTmp) == FALSE);
- return dwEventID;
- }
- CXTPMAPIBinary CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::GetSearchKey(ULONG cbEntryID, LPENTRYID lpEntryID)
- {
- CXTPMAPIBinary keySearch;
- if (cbEntryID == 0 || !lpEntryID || !m_lpCalendarFolder)
- {
- return keySearch;
- }
- LPMESSAGE pMessage = NULL;
- ULONG ulObjType = NULL;
- // open event from Calendar Folder storage
- m_lpCalendarFolder->OpenEntry(cbEntryID, lpEntryID,
- NULL,//default interface
- &ulObjType,
- (LPUNKNOWN*)&pMessage);
- //ASSERT(ulObjType == 5);
- //ASSERT(pMessage); // CHECK
- if (!pMessage)
- {
- return keySearch;
- }
- // Get SearchKey
- CByteArray arSearchKey;
- HRESULT hrID = _getPropVal(pMessage, PR_SEARCH_KEY, arSearchKey);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hrID))
- {
- keySearch.Set((int)arSearchKey.GetSize(), arSearchKey.GetData());
- }
- MAPI_RELEASE(this, pMessage);
- return keySearch;
- }
- CXTPMAPIBinary CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::GetEntryID(CXTPMAPIBinary& eSearchKey)
- {
- if (eSearchKey.GetBinarySize() == 0 || !eSearchKey.GetBinaryData() || !m_lpCalendarFolder)
- {
- return eSearchKey;
- }
- HRESULT hRes = S_OK;
- LPMAPITABLE lpContentsTable = NULL;
- LPSRowSet pRows = NULL;
- CXTPMAPIBinary eid;
- LPSRestriction pRestriction = BuildBinaryRestriction(eSearchKey.GetBinarySize(), eSearchKey.GetBinaryData(), PR_SEARCH_KEY);
- static SizedSPropTagArray(1, sptCols) = {1, {PR_ENTRYID} };
- hRes = m_lpCalendarFolder->GetContentsTable(0, &lpContentsTable);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hRes))
- {
- hRes = this->HrQueryAllRows(lpContentsTable, (LPSPropTagArray) &sptCols,
- pRestriction, //restriction...
- NULL,//sort order...we're not using this parameter
- 0, &pRows);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hRes) && pRows->cRows > 0)
- {
- // ASSERT(pRows->cRows == 1); // we can get only one item by its Search Key
- ASSERT(PR_ENTRYID == pRows->aRow[0].lpProps[0].ulPropTag); // we asked only for EntryID
- eid.Set(pRows->aRow[0].lpProps[0].Value.bin.cb,
- pRows->aRow[0].lpProps[0].Value.bin.lpb);
- }
- }
- // cleanup
- if (pRows)
- {
- this->FreeProws(pRows);
- }
- MAPI_RELEASE(this, lpContentsTable);
- return eid;
- }
- DWORD CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::GetEventID(
- ULONG cbSearchKey, LPENTRYID lpSearchKey, BOOL bAddNew)
- {
- CXTPMAPIBinary eKey(cbSearchKey, lpSearchKey);
- // lookup a map.
- if (m_mapID.Lookup(eKey, dwNextID))
- return dwNextID;
- // ID not found - add new one if necessary
- if (!bAddNew)
- dwNextID = GetNextUniqueEventID();
- m_mapID.Add(dwNextID, eKey);
- return dwNextID;
- }
- BOOL CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::Equal(const CXTPMAPIBinary& eid1, const CXTPMAPIBinary& eid2)
- {
- BOOL bRes = FALSE;
- // 1st check using simple byte-to-byte comparison
- bRes = CXTPMAPIBinary::IsBinaryEqual(eid1, eid2);
- if (bRes)
- return bRes;
- // 2nd check using CompareEntryIDs method.
- // This is required because EntryID versions can change (i.e. A single
- // provider can support more than one form of entry id) and it is up to
- // a specific provider to decide if two EntryID's compare. The way of
- // doing this is calling the CompareEntryIDs method on the on the
- // appropriate object.
- if (!m_lpMAPISession)
- return bRes;
- ULONG ulRes;
- if (SUCCEEDED(m_lpMAPISession->CompareEntryIDs(
- eid1.m_cb, (LPENTRYID)eid1.GetBinaryData(),
- eid2.m_cb, (LPENTRYID)eid2.GetBinaryData(),
- 0, &ulRes)))
- {
- bRes = (BOOL)ulRes;
- }
- return bRes;
- }
- BOOL CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::OnTimeZoneChanged()
- {
- if (IsOpen())
- {
- // Re-Read all events to the cache data provider
- if (m_pMemDP)
- {
- CXTPAutoResetValue<BOOL> autoReset(m_bDisableNotificationsSending, FALSE);
- m_bDisableNotificationsSending = TRUE;
- m_pMemDP->RemoveAllEvents();
- m_pMemDP->AddEvents(ImportAllEvents());
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- };
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CXTPMAPIBinary
- //
- {
- m_cb = 0;
- }
- {
- Set(cbEntryID, (LPBYTE)lpEntryID);
- }
- CXTPMAPIBinary::CXTPMAPIBinary(const CXTPMAPIBinary& eid)
- {
- m_cb = eid.m_cb;
- m_arBytes.RemoveAll();
- m_arBytes.Append(eid.m_arBytes);
- }
- {
- }
- CXTPMAPIBinary& CXTPMAPIBinary::operator=(const CXTPMAPIBinary& eid)
- {
- m_cb = eid.m_cb;
- m_arBytes.SetSize(m_cb);
- MEMCPY_S(m_arBytes.GetData(), eid.GetBinaryData(), m_cb);
- return *this;
- }
- ULONG CXTPMAPIBinary::GetBinarySize() const
- {
- return m_cb;
- }
- LPBYTE CXTPMAPIBinary::GetBinaryData() const
- {
- return (BYTE*)m_arBytes.GetData();
- }
- void CXTPMAPIBinary::Set(ULONG cbSize, LPBYTE lpData)
- {
- m_cb = cbSize;
- m_arBytes.SetSize(m_cb);
- MEMCPY_S(m_arBytes.GetData(), lpData, m_cb);
- }
- void CXTPMAPIBinary::Set(LPSPropValue pPropEntryID)
- {
- if (!pPropEntryID || pPropEntryID->ulPropTag != PR_ENTRYID)
- {
- Set(0, NULL);
- return;
- }
- Set(pPropEntryID->Value.bin.cb, pPropEntryID->Value.bin.lpb);
- }
- BOOL CXTPMAPIBinary::IsBinaryEqual(
- const CXTPMAPIBinary& eid1, const CXTPMAPIBinary& eid2)
- {
- if ((eid1.m_cb != eid2.m_cb) ||
- (eid1.m_arBytes.GetSize() != eid2.m_arBytes.GetSize()) )
- return FALSE;
- return 0 == memcmp(
- eid1.m_arBytes.GetData(),
- eid2.m_arBytes.GetData(),
- eid1.m_arBytes.GetSize() );
- }
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- void CXTPMAPIBinary::DebugPrint()
- {
- TRACE(_T("Bin size:%dt"), m_cb);
- for (int i = 0; i < m_arBytes.GetSize(); i++)
- {
- TRACE(_T("%d "), m_arBytes.GetAt(i));
- }
- TRACE(_T("n"));
- }
- #endif
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CXTP_ID_Collection
- //
- CXTP_ID_Collection::CXTP_ID_Collection()
- {
- }
- BOOL CXTP_ID_Collection::Lookup(
- const DWORD dwEventID, CXTPMAPIBinary& obEntryID)
- {
- return m_mapEventID.Lookup(dwEventID, obEntryID);
- }
- BOOL CXTP_ID_Collection::Lookup(
- CXTPMAPIBinary& obEntryID, DWORD& dwEventID)
- {
- return m_mapEntryID.Lookup(obEntryID, dwEventID);
- }
- BOOL CXTP_ID_Collection::Add(
- const DWORD dwEventID, CXTPMAPIBinary& obEntryID)
- {
- m_mapEventID.SetAt(dwEventID, obEntryID);
- m_mapEntryID.SetAt(obEntryID, dwEventID);
- return TRUE;
- }
- void CXTP_ID_Collection::FindMissing(CMap_EventIDs& mapExisting, CMap_EventIDs& mapMissed)
- {
- POSITION pos = m_mapEventID.GetStartPosition();
- DWORD dwKey;
- BOOL bValue = FALSE;
- while (pos != NULL)
- {
- m_mapEventID.GetNextAssoc(pos, dwKey, eID);
- BOOL bFound = mapExisting.Lookup(dwKey, bValue);
- if (!bFound)
- {
- mapMissed.SetAt(dwKey, TRUE);
- }
- }
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CMAPIPropIDMap
- //
- CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::CMAPIPropIDMap::CMAPIPropIDMap()
- : m_pProvider(NULL)
- {
- m_mapPropID2Tag.InitHashTable(199, FALSE);
- m_mapPropTag2ID.InitHashTable(199, FALSE);
- }
- void CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::CMAPIPropIDMap::_UpdateMaps(LPMESSAGE pMessage)
- {
- ASSERT(pMessage);
- if (!pMessage)
- return;
- ULONG ulPropNames = 0;
- LPSPropTagArray pPropTags = NULL;
- HRESULT hRes = pMessage->GetPropList(0, &pPropTags);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hRes) && pPropTags)
- {
- hRes = pMessage->GetNamesFromIDs(&pPropTags, NULL, MAPI_NO_STRINGS,
- &ulPropNames, &ppArPropNames);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hRes) && ppArPropNames && ulPropNames)
- {
- ASSERT(pPropTags->cValues == ulPropNames);
- XTP_TRACE_READ_IDS(_T("Prop ID -> Tag (%d)n"), ulPropNames);
- for (int i = 0; i < (int)ulPropNames; i++)
- {
- if (!ppArPropNames[i])
- {
- continue;
- }
- if (ppArPropNames[i]->ulKind == MNID_ID)
- {
- ULONG ulID = (ULONG)ppArPropNames[i]->Kind.lID;
- ULONG ulTag = pPropTags->aulPropTag[i];
- m_mapPropID2Tag[ulID] = ulTag;
- m_mapPropTag2ID[ulTag] = ulID;
- //if (ulID >= 0x8000)
- {
- XTP_TRACE_READ_IDS(_T("Prop ID -> Tag (%x -> %x)n"), ulID, ulTag);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- MAPI_FREEBUFFER(m_pProvider, ppArPropNames);
- MAPI_FREEBUFFER(m_pProvider, pPropTags);
- }
- ULONG CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::CMAPIPropIDMap::_GetPropTagFromID_ex(LPMESSAGE pMessage,
- const XTP_MAPI_PROP_NAME& propNameEx)
- {
- ASSERT(pMessage);
- if (!pMessage || !m_pProvider)
- return 0;
- ULONG ulPropTag = 0;
- LPSPropTagArray pPropTag = NULL;
- HRESULT hRes = m_pProvider->MAPIAllocateBuffer(sizeof(MAPINAMEID), (void**)&pPropName);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hRes) && pPropName)
- {
- ZeroMemory(pPropName, sizeof(MAPINAMEID));
- pPropName->lpguid = (LPGUID)&propNameEx.m_GuidPS;
- pPropName->ulKind = MNID_ID;
- pPropName->Kind.lID = propNameEx.m_ulID;
- hRes = pMessage->GetIDsFromNames(1, &pPropName, MAPI_CREATE, &pPropTag);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hRes) && pPropTag && pPropTag->cValues)
- {
- ulPropTag = pPropTag->aulPropTag[0];
- // validate prop type
- ulPropTag = CHANGE_PROP_TYPE(ulPropTag, propNameEx.m_ulType);
- }
- }
- MAPI_FREEBUFFER(m_pProvider, pPropName);
- MAPI_FREEBUFFER(m_pProvider, pPropTag);
- return ulPropTag;
- }
- ULONG CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::CMAPIPropIDMap::GetPropTagByID(
- LPMESSAGE pMessage, const XTP_MAPI_PROP_NAME& propNameEx)
- {
- ULONG ulTag = 0;
- if (!m_mapPropID2Tag.Lookup(propNameEx.m_ulID, ulTag))
- {
- _UpdateMaps(pMessage);
- if (!m_mapPropID2Tag.Lookup(propNameEx.m_ulID, ulTag))
- {
- ulTag = _GetPropTagFromID_ex(pMessage, propNameEx);
- ASSERT(ulTag); // WARNING!
- if (ulTag)
- {
- m_mapPropID2Tag[propNameEx.m_ulID] = ulTag;
- m_mapPropTag2ID[ulTag] = propNameEx.m_ulID;
- return ulTag;
- }
- }
- }
- return ulTag;
- }
- ULONG CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider::CMAPIPropIDMap::GetPropIDByTag(LPMESSAGE pMessage,
- ULONG ulPropTag)
- {
- ULONG ulID = 0;
- if (!m_mapPropTag2ID.Lookup(ulPropTag, ulID))
- {
- _UpdateMaps(pMessage);
- }
- if (!m_mapPropTag2ID.Lookup(ulPropTag, ulID))
- {
- ulID = 0;
- }
- return ulID;
- }