Visual C++
- // XTPCalendarControlPaintManager.h: interface for the CXTPCalendarControlPaintManager class.
- //
- // This file is a part of the XTREME CALENDAR MFC class library.
- // (c)1998-2008 Codejock Software, All Rights Reserved.
- //
- //
- //
- // support@codejock.com
- // http://www.codejock.com
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #if _MSC_VER > 1000
- #pragma once
- #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
- #include "Common/XTPColorManager.h"
- #include "XTPCalendarViewPart.h"
- #include "XTPCalendarPtrCollectionT.h"
- #include "XTPCalendarNotifications.h"
- //===========================================================================
- // Summary:
- // This helper macro is used to declare paint manager drawing parts.
- // <b>theClass</b> - Part name.
- // <b>parentClass</b> - Parent part name.
- // There are two paint manager methods available to access declared
- // part object:
- // <b> CPartName* GetPartName(); </b>
- // <b> void SetPartName(CPartName* pPart); </b>
- // Where PartName is the name of the declared part.
- //
- // Example:
- // <code>
- // declaration in the paint manager class
- // BEGIN_VIEW_PART(PartClass1, ParentPartClass1)
- // ...
- // END_VIEW_PART(PartClass1)
- //
- // // in the implementation
- // CPaintManagerClassName::CPartClass1* pPart1 = pPainManObj->GetPartClass1();
- // </code>
- // See Also: END_VIEW_PART, CXTPCalendarPaintManager
- //===========================================================================
- #define BEGIN_VIEW_PART(theClass, parentClass)
- #define BEGIN_VIEW_PART(theClass, parentClass)
- class C##theClass : public C##parentClass
- {
- public:
- C##theClass(CXTPCalendarViewPart* pParentPart = NULL)
- : C##parentClass(pParentPart)
- {
- }
- //===========================================================================
- // Summary:
- // This helper macro is used to declare paint manager drawing parts.
- // theClass - Part name.
- //
- // See Also: BEGIN_VIEW_PART, CXTPCalendarPaintManager
- //===========================================================================
- #define END_VIEW_PART(theClass)
- #undef END_VIEW_PART
- #define END_VIEW_PART(theClass)
- };
- friend class C##theClass;
- protected:
- C##theClass* m_p##theClass;
- public:
- C##theClass* Get##theClass() {
- return m_p##theClass;
- }
- void Set##theClass(C##theClass* p##theClass)
- {
- POSITION pos = m_lstViewParts.Find(m_p##theClass);
- ASSERT(pos);
- m_lstViewParts.RemoveAt(pos);
- delete m_p##theClass;
- m_p##theClass = p##theClass;
- m_lstViewParts.AddTail(p##theClass);
- p##theClass->m_pPaintManager = this;
- }
- //===========================================================================
- // Remarks:
- // Determines allowable values for the alignment of clock images used
- // by the DrawClock function.
- //===========================================================================
- enum XTPCalendarClockAlignFlags
- {
- xtpCalendarClockAlignLeft = 0x01, // Align to the left side of the rectangle area.
- xtpCalendarClockAlignCenter = 0x02, // Align on the middle of the rectangle area.
- xtpCalendarClockAlignRight = 0x04 // Align to the right side of the rectangle area.
- };
- class CXTPCalendarControl;
- class CXTPCalendarDayView;
- class CXTPCalendarDayViewDay;
- class CXTPCalendarDayViewGroup;
- class CXTPCalendarMonthView;
- class CXTPCalendarWeekView;
- class CXTPCalendarDayViewEvent;
- class CXTPCalendarMonthViewEvent;
- class CXTPCalendarWeekViewEvent;
- class CXTPCalendarViewEvent;
- class CXTPCalendarDayViewTimeScale;
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CXTPCalendarPaintManager command target
- //===========================================================================
- // Summary:
- // Utility class, handles most of the drawing activities.
- // Remarks:
- // It stores all settings, needed by control to perform drawing operations :
- // fonts, colors, styles for all others classes of control. It also implements
- // all functions for drawing typical graphical primitives, functions that
- // directly work with device context.
- // Can be overridden to provide another look and feel for the control.
- // Thus, you have an easy way to change the "skin" of your control. Just provide
- // your own implementation of CXTPCalendarControlPaintManager and don't
- // touch the functionality of any of the other control classes.
- //
- // Create a CXTPCalendarControlPaintManager by calling its constructor.
- // Furthermore, you can call get and set functions to change
- // settings as needed.
- //===========================================================================
- class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPCalendarPaintManager : public CXTPCmdTarget
- {
- friend class CXTPCalendarViewPart;
- public:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Paint manager's ControlPart is used as parent for the
- // other parts of the control.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- BEGIN_VIEW_PART(ControlPart, XTPCalendarViewPart)
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Performs refreshing of graphical related parameters from
- // system settings.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void RefreshMetrics() {
- m_clrTextColor.SetStandardValue(m_pPaintManager->m_clrButtonFaceText);
- m_clrBackground.SetStandardValue(m_pPaintManager->m_clrButtonFace);
- LOGFONT lfIcon;
- VERIFY(::SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETICONTITLELOGFONT, sizeof(lfIcon), &lfIcon, 0));
- m_fntText.SetStandardValue(&lfIcon);
- }
- END_VIEW_PART(ControlPart)
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //## Day View related drawing.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This paint manager part is used to draw the time scale header,
- // 'Now' line, and the expand signs for the Day View.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- BEGIN_VIEW_PART(DayViewTimeScaleHeaderPart, XTPCalendarViewPart)
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is used to draw the time scale header.
- // Parameters:
- // pDC - Pointer to a valid device context.
- // pView - A CXTPCalendarDayView pointer that contains the Day
- // View object.
- // rc - The time scale header's bounding rectangle.
- // strText - A CString object that contains the header text.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void OnDraw(CDC* pDC, CXTPCalendarDayView* pView, CRect rc, CString strText);
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is used to draw the 'Now' line.
- // Parameters:
- // pDC - Pointer to a valid device context.
- // pView - A CXTPCalendarDayView pointer to the Day View object.
- // rc - A CRect that contains the Time scale bounding rectangle.
- // y - An int that contains the 'Now' line position.
- // bDrawBk - If FALSE, then draw only the line. If TRUE,
- // then draw the line and the gradient fill.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void DrawNowLine(CDC* pDC, CXTPCalendarDayView* pView, CRect rc,
- int y, BOOL bDrawBk = FALSE);
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is used to draw expand signs.
- // Parameters:
- // pDC - Pointer to a valid device context.
- // pView - A CXTPCalendarDayView pointer to the Day View object.
- // rcTSHours - A CRect that contains the Time scale hours rectangle.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void DrawExpandSigns(CDC* pDC, CXTPCalendarDayView* pView, const CRect& rcTSHours);
- END_VIEW_PART(DayViewTimeScaleHeaderPart)
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This paint manager part is used to draw time scale time cells
- // for the Day View.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- BEGIN_VIEW_PART(DayViewTimeScaleCellPart, DayViewTimeScaleHeaderPart)
- CXTPCalendarViewPartFontValue m_fntTimeText; // Time text font.
- int m_nHourWidth; // Width of hour part of the text in pixels.
- int m_nMinWidth; // Width of minutes (am/pm) part of the text in pixels.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is used to refresh the graphical
- // related parameters using system settings.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void RefreshMetrics();
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is used to adjust the time text font size.
- // Parameters:
- // pDC - Pointer to a valid device context.
- // rcCell - A CRect object that contains the time scale hour cell
- // bounding rectangle.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- void AdjustTimeFont(CDC* pDC, CRect rcCell);
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is used to adjust the time text font size.
- // Parameters:
- // pDC - Pointer to a valid device context.
- // strHour - A CString object that contains the Hour text.
- // strMin - A CString object that contains the Minutes text.
- // nHourHeight - A hour big text height.
- // nWidth - An int that returns the width of time scale with
- // provided hour and minutes texts.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- void CalcWidth(CDC* pDC, const CString& strHour, const CString& strMin,
- int nHourHeight, int& nWidth);
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is used to draw the hour cell.
- // Parameters:
- // pDC - Pointer to a valid device context.
- // rc - A CRect object that contains the time scale
- // hour cell bounding rectangle.
- // strText - A CString object that contains the time text.
- // bFillBackground - A BOOL. If TRUE, then fill the background before drawing.
- // If FALSE, then do not fill the background before drawing.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void DrawHourCell(CDC* pDC, CRect rc, CString strText, BOOL bFillBackground = TRUE);
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is used to draw the big hour cell.
- // Parameters:
- // pDC - Pointer to a valid device context.
- // rc - A CRect object that contains the time scale
- // hour cell bounding rectangle.
- // strHour - A CString object that contains the Hour text.
- // strMin - A CString object that contains the Minutes text.
- // nRowPerHour - An int that contains the Rows per hour.
- // bFillBackground - A BOOL. If TRUE, then fill the background before drawing.
- // If FALSE, then do not fill the background before drawing.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void DrawBigHourCell(CDC* pDC, CRect rc, CString strHour, CString strMin,
- int nRowPerHour, BOOL bFillBackground = TRUE);
- END_VIEW_PART(DayViewTimeScaleCellPart)
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This paint manager part is used as the base class for the parts
- // which draw different kinds of no all-day-cells (work/non-work)
- // for the Day View.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- BEGIN_VIEW_PART(DayViewCellPart, XTPCalendarViewPart)
- CXTPPaintManagerColor m_clrBackgroundSlave;
- CXTPPaintManagerColor m_clrShadow; // Cell background color.
- CXTPPaintManagerColor m_clrHour; // Cell border color.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is used to fill out cell parameters with
- // default values.
- // Parameters:
- // pViewGroup - [in] A CXTPCalendarDayViewGroup pointer to the Day View Group object.
- // rCellParams - [in, out] A XTP_CALENDAR_DAYVIEWCELL_PARAMS object that contains
- // the cell's parameters.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void GetParams(CXTPCalendarDayViewGroup* pViewGroup, XTP_CALENDAR_DAYVIEWCELL_PARAMS& rCellParams);
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is used to draw the day view with no
- // all-day-cells.
- // Parameters:
- // pDC - Pointer to a valid device context.
- // pViewGroup - A CXTPCalendarDayViewGroup pointer to the Day View Group object.
- // rc - A CRect object that contains the cell's bounding rectangle.
- // cellParams - A XTP_CALENDAR_DAYVIEWCELL_PARAMS object that contains
- // the cell's parameters.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void OnDraw(CDC* pDC, CXTPCalendarDayViewGroup* pViewGroup,
- CRect rc, const XTP_CALENDAR_DAYVIEWCELL_PARAMS& cellParams);
- END_VIEW_PART(DayViewCellPart)
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This paint manager part is used to draw a day view that contains
- // no all day work time cells.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- BEGIN_VIEW_PART(DayViewWorkCellPart, DayViewCellPart)
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is used to perform the refreshing of
- // graphical related parameters from system settings.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void RefreshMetrics();
- END_VIEW_PART(DayViewWorkCellPart)
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This paint manager part is used to draw "no all day non-work"
- // time cells for the Day View.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- BEGIN_VIEW_PART(DayViewNonworkCellPart, DayViewCellPart)
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is used to perform refreshing of
- // graphical related parameters from system settings.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void RefreshMetrics();
- END_VIEW_PART(DayViewNonworkCellPart)
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This paint manager part is used to draw days headers for
- // the Day View.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- BEGIN_VIEW_PART(DayMonthViewHeaderPart, XTPCalendarViewPart)
- CXTPPaintManagerColor m_clrTopLeftBorder; // Top and Left borders color.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is used to perform refreshing of
- // graphical related parameters from system settings.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void RefreshMetrics() {
- m_clrTopLeftBorder.SetStandardValue(RGB(255, 255, 255));
- }
- END_VIEW_PART(DayMonthViewHeaderPart)
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This paint manager part is used to draw days headers for
- // the Day View.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- BEGIN_VIEW_PART(DayViewHeaderPart, DayMonthViewHeaderPart)
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is used to draw the day header.
- // Parameters:
- // pDC - Pointer to a valid device context.
- // pViewDay - A CXTPCalendarDayViewDay pointer to the Day View
- // object.
- // rc - A CRect object that contains the coordinates of
- // the Header's bounding rectangle.
- // strText - A CString object that contains the Header text.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void OnDraw(CDC* pDC, CXTPCalendarDayViewDay* pViewDay, CRect rc,
- CString strText);
- END_VIEW_PART(DayViewHeaderPart)
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This paint manager part is used to draw Groups headers for
- // the Day View.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- BEGIN_VIEW_PART(DayViewGroupHeaderPart, DayMonthViewHeaderPart)
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is used to draw the day header.
- // Parameters:
- // pDC - Pointer to a valid device context.
- // pViewGroup - A CXTPCalendarDayViewGroup pointer to the Group
- // object.
- // rc - A CRect object that contains the coordinates of
- // the Header's bounding rectangle.
- // strText - A CString object that contains the Header text.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void OnDraw(CDC* pDC, CXTPCalendarDayViewGroup* pViewGroup,
- CRect rc, CString strText);
- END_VIEW_PART(DayViewGroupHeaderPart)
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This paint manager part is used to draw all day events area for
- // the Day View.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- BEGIN_VIEW_PART(DayViewAllDayEventsPart, XTPCalendarViewPart)
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member functions is used to perform refreshing of graphical
- // related parameters from system settings.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void RefreshMetrics() {
- m_clrBackground.SetStandardValue(m_pPaintManager->m_clr3DShadow);
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is used to draw the all-day events area.
- // Parameters:
- // pDC - Pointer to a valid device context.
- // pViewGroup - A CXTPCalendarDayViewGroup pointer to the Group object.
- // rc - A CRect object that contains the all-day events
- // area bounding rectangle coordinates.
- // bSelected - A BOOL. TRUE if the draw area is selected. FALSE otherwise.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void OnDraw(CDC* pDC, CXTPCalendarDayViewGroup* pViewGroup,
- CRect rc, BOOL bSelected);
- END_VIEW_PART(DayViewAllDayEventsPart)
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This paint manager part is used to draw events for
- // the Day View.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- BEGIN_VIEW_PART(DayViewEventPart, XTPCalendarViewPart)
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Performs refreshing of graphical related parameters from
- // system settings.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void RefreshMetrics() {
- m_clrBackground.SetStandardValue(RGB(255, 255, 255));
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is used to draw an event.
- // Parameters:
- // pDC - Pointer to a valid device context.
- // pViewEvent - A CXTPCalendarDayViewEvent pointer to the Day
- // Event View object.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void OnDraw(CDC* pDC, CXTPCalendarDayViewEvent* pViewEvent);
- END_VIEW_PART(DayViewEventPart)
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //## Month View related drawing
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This paint manager part is used to draw days grid and to fill
- // days cells background for the Month View.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- BEGIN_VIEW_PART(MonthViewGridPart, XTPCalendarViewPart)
- CXTPPaintManagerColor m_clrBackground2; // Second background color which is used to fill days background.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Performs refreshing of graphical related parameters from
- // system settings.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void RefreshMetrics();
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is used to draw the days grid and to fill
- // the days cells background.
- // Parameters:
- // pDC - Pointer to a valid device context.
- // pMonthView - A CXTPCalendarMonthView pointer to the Month View object.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void OnDrawGrid(CDC* pDC, CXTPCalendarMonthView* pMonthView);
- END_VIEW_PART(MonthViewGridPart)
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This paint manager part is used to draw week days headers for
- // the Month View.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- BEGIN_VIEW_PART(MonthViewHeaderPart, DayMonthViewHeaderPart)
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is used to draw the week day header.
- // Parameters:
- // pDC - Pointer to a valid device context.
- // pMonthView - A CXTPCalendarMonthView pointer to the Month
- // View object.
- // rc - A CRect object that contains the Week Day header's
- // bounding rectangle coordinates.
- // nCollIndex - An int that contains the Week Day column index in the grid.
- // strText - A CString object that contains the formatted Week Day name.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void OnDraw(CDC* pDC, CXTPCalendarMonthView* pMonthView,
- CRect rc, int nCollIndex, CString strText);
- END_VIEW_PART(MonthViewHeaderPart)
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This paint manager part is used to draw events and day dates
- // for the Month View.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- BEGIN_VIEW_PART(MonthViewEventPart, XTPCalendarViewPart)
- COLORREF m_clrTextHighLightColor; // Text color for the selected event.
- COLORREF m_clrMultiDayEventFrameColor; // Multi-day event frame color.
- COLORREF m_clrClassicUnderline; // Underline color for today day.
- CXTPPaintManagerColorGradient m_grclrClassicSelDay;// Gradient color for today day.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Performs refreshing of graphical related parameters from
- // system settings.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void RefreshMetrics() {
- m_clrTextHighLightColor = RGB(255, 255, 255);
- m_clrMultiDayEventFrameColor = RGB(0, 0, 0);
- m_clrBackground.SetStandardValue(RGB(255, 255, 213));
- m_grclrClassicSelDay.SetStandardValue(m_clrBackground, RGB(217, 214, 202));
- m_clrClassicUnderline = RGB(10, 36, 106);
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is used to draw an event.
- // Parameters:
- // pDC - Pointer to a valid device context.
- // pViewEvent - A CXTPCalendarMonthViewEvent pointer to the Month Event View object.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void OnDrawEvent(CDC* pDC, CXTPCalendarMonthViewEvent* pViewEvent);
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is used to draw the week day header.
- // Parameters:
- // pDC - Pointer to a valid device context.
- // rc - A CRect object that contains the Day header's bounding
- // rectangle coordinates.
- // bToday - TRUE for today day, otherwise FALSE.
- // bSelected - Is day selected.
- // strText - Formatted day date string.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void OnDrawDayDate(CDC* pDC, CRect rc, BOOL bToday,
- BOOL bSelected, CString strText);
- END_VIEW_PART(MonthViewEventPart)
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //## Week view related drawing
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This paint manager part is used to draw week days grid and
- // headers for the Week View.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- BEGIN_VIEW_PART(WeekViewPart, XTPCalendarViewPart)
- COLORREF m_clrTextHighLightColor; // Text color for the selected day header.
- COLORREF m_clrTextNormalColor; // Text color for the day header and some other elements.
- COLORREF m_clrHeaderBottomLine; // Text color for the day header bottom line.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Performs refreshing of graphical related parameters from
- // system settings.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void RefreshMetrics();
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is used to draw an event.
- // Parameters:
- // pDC - Pointer to a valid device context.
- // pWeekView - A CXTPCalendarWeekView pointer to the Week Event View object.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void OnDraw(CDC* pDC, CXTPCalendarWeekView* pWeekView);
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is used to draw the day header.
- // Parameters:
- // pDC - Pointer to a valid device context.
- // rcDay - A CRect object that contains the day's bounding
- // rectangle coordinates.
- // nHeaderHeight - An int that contains the header height value.
- // strHeader - A CString object that contains the header text.
- // bIsCurrent - A BOOL. TRUE if this is the current day for today. FALSE otherwise.
- // bIsSelected - A BOOL. TRUE if the day is selected. FALSE otherwise.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void DrawDayHeader(CDC* pDC, CRect rcDay, int nHeaderHeight, CString strHeader,
- BOOL bIsCurrent = FALSE, BOOL bIsSelected = FALSE);
- END_VIEW_PART(WeekViewPart)
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This paint manager part is used to draw events for the
- // Week View.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- BEGIN_VIEW_PART(WeekViewEventPart, XTPCalendarViewPart)
- COLORREF m_clrTextHighLightColor; // Text color for the selected event.
- COLORREF m_clrTextNormalColor; // Text color for the event.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is used to perform refreshing of
- // graphical related parameters from system settings.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void RefreshMetrics() {
- m_clrBackground.SetStandardValue(m_pPaintManager->GetWeekViewPart()->GetBackgroundColor()); // RGB(255, 255, 213));
- m_clrTextColor.SetStandardValue(m_pPaintManager->m_clrButtonFaceText);
- m_clrTextHighLightColor = RGB(255, 255, 255);
- m_clrTextNormalColor = m_pPaintManager->m_clrButtonFaceText;
- LOGFONT lfIcon;
- VERIFY(::SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETICONTITLELOGFONT, sizeof(lfIcon), &lfIcon, 0));
- m_fntText.SetStandardValue(&lfIcon);
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is used to draw the specified event.
- // Parameters:
- // pDC - Pointer to a valid device context.
- // pWeekViewEvent - A CXTPCalendarWeekViewEvent pointer to the Week Event View object.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void OnDraw(CDC* pDC, CXTPCalendarWeekViewEvent* pWeekViewEvent);
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member functions is used to draw the event border.
- // Parameters:
- // pDC - Pointer to a valid device context.
- // rcView - A CRect that contains the day view's bounding rectangle coordinates.
- // pWeekViewEvent - A CXTPCalendarWeekViewEvent pointer to the Week Event View object.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void DrawBorder(CDC* pDC, CRect rcView, CXTPCalendarWeekViewEvent* pWeekViewEvent);
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is used to draw the event's times texts or icons.
- // Parameters:
- // pDC - Pointer to a valid device context.
- // pWeekViewEvent - A CXTPCalendarWeekViewEvent pointer to the Week Event View object.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual int DrawTimes(CDC* pDC, CXTPCalendarWeekViewEvent* pWeekViewEvent);
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is used to draw the event subject.
- // Parameters:
- // pDC - Pointer to a valid device context.
- // pWeekViewEvent - A CXTPCalendarWeekViewEvent pointer to the Week Event View object.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void DrawSubj(CDC* pDC, CXTPCalendarWeekViewEvent* pWeekViewEvent);
- END_VIEW_PART(WeekViewEventPart)
- public:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Default paint manager constructor.
- // Remarks:
- // Handles initial initialization.
- // See Also: RefreshMetrics()
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- CXTPCalendarPaintManager();
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Default paint manager destructor.
- // Remarks:
- // Handles member items deallocation.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual ~CXTPCalendarPaintManager();
- public:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is used to obtain current paint theme.
- // Returns:
- // A paint theme ID from enum XTPCalendarTheme.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual XTPCalendarTheme GetPaintTheme() const;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is used to set current paint theme.
- // Parameters:
- // ePaintTheme - A paint theme ID from enum XTPCalendarTheme.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void SetPaintTheme(XTPCalendarTheme ePaintTheme);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is used to initialize all drawing defaults.
- // Remarks:
- // Initializes all drawings defaults (fonts, colors, etc.).
- // most of defaults are system defaults.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void RefreshMetrics();
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is used to draw an arbitrary line.
- // Parameters:
- // pDC - Pointer to a valid device context.
- // xPos - An int that contains the Horizontal coordinate of the beginning of line.
- // yPos - An int that contains the Vertical coordinate of the beginning of line.
- // cx - An int that contains the Horizontal coordinate of the end of line.
- // cy - An int that contains the Vertical coordinate of the end of line.
- // Remarks:
- // This member function is used anywhere a simple arbitrary line is needed.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void DrawLine(CDC* pDC, int xPos, int yPos, int cx, int cy);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is used to draw a Horizontal line.
- // Parameters:
- // pDC - Pointer to a valid device context.
- // xPos - An int that contains the Horizontal coordinate of the beginning of the line.
- // yPos - An int that contains the Vertical coordinate of the beginning of the line.
- // cx - An int that contains the Length of the line.
- // Remarks:
- // This member function is used anywhere a simple horizontal line is needed.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void DrawHorizontalLine(CDC* pDC, int xPos, int yPos, int cx);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is used to draw a Vertical line.
- // Parameters:
- // pDC - Pointer to a valid device context.
- // xPos - An int that contains the Horizontal coordinates of the beginning of the line.
- // yPos - An int that contains the Vertical coordinates of the beginning of the line.
- // cy - An int that contains the Length of the line.
- // pPen - A CPen pointer to the pen object used to draw the line.
- // Remarks:
- // This member function is used anywhere a simple vertical line is needed.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void DrawVerticalLine(CDC* pDC, int xPos, int yPos, int cy);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is used to draw the time as clock.
- // Parameters:
- // pDC - Pointer to a valid device context.
- // dtClockTime - A COleDateTime object that contains the time to draw.
- // rcView - A CRect object that contains the bounding rectangle
- // coordinates of where the clock is drawn.
- // clrBackground - A COLORREF object that contains the background color of the clock.
- // cafAlign - A XTPCalendarClockAlignFlags alignment flag, appropriate values are determined by
- // enum XTPCalendarClockAlignFlags.
- // Remarks:
- // This member function is used anywhere a time clock is needed.
- // Returns:
- // Returns the size (width) of the square where clock icon was drawn inside.
- // Zero when clock icon wasn't successfully drawn.
- // See Also: enum XTPCalendarClockAlignFlags determines alignment flags.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual int DrawClock(CDC* pDC, COleDateTime dtClockTime, CRect rcView, COLORREF clrBackground, XTPCalendarClockAlignFlags cafAlign);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is used to draw a bitmap from the provided ImageList.
- // Parameters:
- // pImageList - A CImageList pointer to the ImageList.
- // pDC - Pointer to a valid device context.
- // rcView - A CRect object that contains the bounding rectangle
- // coordinates to draw the bitmap.
- // iIcon - An int that contains the image index.
- // uFlags - Additional drawing options. Should be 0 or DT_VCENTER.
- // Remarks:
- // Use this function to draw a bitmap in the view's bounding rectangle.
- // If the provided bounding rectangle is too small, then the bitmap is not drawn.
- // Returns:
- // An int that contains the width of the drawn bitmap.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual int DrawBitmap(CImageList* pImageList, CDC* pDC, CRect rcView,
- int iIcon, UINT uFlags = 0);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is used to draw the bitmap using its resource id.
- // Parameters:
- // nIDResource - A UINT that contains the integer resource id of the bitmap.
- // pDC - Pointer to a valid device context.
- // rcBitmap - A CRect that contains the bounding rectangle coordinates
- // used to draw the bitmap.
- // Remarks:
- // Use this function to draw a bitmap in the view's bounding rectangle.
- // If the provided bounding rectangle is too small, then the bitmap is not drawn.
- // Returns:
- // An int that contains the width of the drawn bitmap.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual int DrawBitmap(UINT nIDResource, CDC* pDC, CRect rcBitmap);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is used to draw the Glyph symbol using special
- // font.
- // Parameters: //
- // pDC - Pointer to a valid device context.
- // rc - A CRect that contains the bounding rectangle coordinates
- // used to draw the symbol.
- // ch - A char symbol (from the font) to draw.
- // Remarks:
- // Use this function to draw the Glyph symbol in the center
- // of the provided bounding rectangle.
- // Returns:
- // An int that contains the width of the drawn symbol.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual int DrawIconChar(CDC* pDC, CRect rc, TCHAR ch);
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is used to obtain the horizontal and vertical
- // size of the bitmap.
- // Parameters:
- // nIDResource : A UINT that contains the integer resource id of the
- // bitmap.
- // Returns:
- // A CSize object that contains the size of the bitmap.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual CSize GetBitmapSize(UINT nIDResource);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is used to obtain the horizontal and vertical
- // size of the Expand Sign bitmap.
- // Returns:
- // A CSize object that contains the bitmap size.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual const CSize GetExpandSignSize();
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is used to obtain the horizontal and vertical
- // size of the Clock.
- // Returns:
- // A CSize object that contains the bitmap size.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual CSize GetClockSize();
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is used to set the CXTPCalendarControl object
- // for the CXTPCalendarPaintManager.
- // Parameters:
- // pControl - A CXTPCalendarControl pointer to the CXTPCalendarControl object
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void SetControl(CXTPCalendarControl* pControl);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member function to draw the shadow regions around the
- // rectangle.
- // Parameters:
- // pDC - Pointer to a valid device context.
- // rcRect - A CRect that contains the rectangle coordinates of where
- // to draw the shadow regions.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void DrawShadow(CDC* pDC, const CRect& rcRect);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member function to draw icons corresponding to the event
- // state.
- // Parameters:
- // pDC - Pointer to a valid device context.
- // pViewEvent - A CXTPCalendarViewEvent pointer to the event view object.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual int DrawIcons(CDC* pDC, CXTPCalendarViewEvent* pViewEvent);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is used to draw the Header.
- // Parameters:
- // pDC - Pointer to a valid device context.
- // rcHeader - A CRect that contains the bounding rectangle coordinates
- // used to draw the header.
- // bIsSelected - A BOOL. TRUE if the header is selected. FALSE otherwise.
- // bIsCurrent - A BOOL. TRUE if the header represents the current time.
- // FALSE otherwise.
- // grclr - A CXTPPaintManagerColorGradient object that specifies the Gradient color.
- // clrUnderLineHdr - A COLORREF object that specifies the color of header's underline.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void DrawHeader(CDC* pDC, CRect& rcHeader, BOOL bIsSelected,
- BOOL bIsCurrent);
- virtual void DrawHeader(CDC* pDC, CRect& rcHeader, BOOL bIsSelected,
- BOOL bIsCurrent, const CXTPPaintManagerColorGradient& grclr, COLORREF clrUnderLineHdr); // <combine CXTPCalendarPaintManager::DrawHeader@CDC*@CRect&@BOOL@BOOL>
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is used to fill the area using the corresponding
- // busy color or pattern.
- // Parameters:
- // pDC - Pointer to a valid device context.
- // rcRect - A CRect object that contains the rectangle coordinates
- // used to fill the corresponding busy color or pattern.
- // eBusyStatus - An int that contains the Event Busy Status value from
- // enum XTPCalendarEventBusyStatus.
- // rgnBusy - A CRgn that contains the region area used to fill with the
- // corresponding busy color or pattern and draw the region
- // border using m_clrWindowText color.
- // See Also: enum XTPCalendarEventBusyStatus determines Event Busy Status,
- // CRgn.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void DrawBusyStatus(CDC* pDC, CRect& rcRect, int eBusyStatus);
- virtual void DrawBusyStatus(CDC* pDC, CRgn& rgnBusy, int eBusyStatus); // <combine CXTPCalendarPaintManager::DrawBusyStatus@CDC*@CRect&@int>
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is used to enable a new theme.
- // Parameters:
- // bEnableTheme - A BOOL. TRUE if the theme enabled. FALSE otherwise.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void EnableTheme(BOOL bEnableTheme);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is used to obtain the status of the theme.
- // Returns:
- // A BOOL. TRUE if theme is enabled. FALSE otherwise.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL IsThemeEnabled();
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member function to determine the current Windows XP
- // theme that is in use.
- // Returns:
- // A XTPCurrentSystemTheme enumeration that represents the
- // current Windows theme in use, can be one of the following
- // values:
- // xtpSystemThemeUnknown - No known theme in use, or Windows Classic theme.
- // xtpSystemThemeBlue - Blue theme in use.
- // xtpSystemThemeOlive - Olive theme in use.
- // xtpSystemThemeSilver - Silver theme in use.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- XTPCurrentSystemTheme GetCurrentSystemTheme();
- public:
- //===========================================================================
- // Summary:
- // This is a helper class which handles shadows drawing (for events, etc)
- //===========================================================================
- class CXTPShadowDrawer
- {
- public:
- CXTPShadowDrawer(CDC* pDC, double dMaxAlpha);
- virtual ~CXTPShadowDrawer();
- static COLORREF AlphaPixel(const COLORREF crPixel, const UINT i);
- static int CheckValue(int iValue);
- enum XTPShadowPart {
- // Regular theme - Office 2003
- xtpShadowLR = 0,
- xtpShadowTB = 1,
- xtpShadowTR = 2,
- xtpShadowBR = 3,
- xtpShadowBL = 4,
- // Office 2007 Theme
- xtpShadow2007Right = 5,
- xtpShadow2007Bottom = 6,
- xtpShadow2007TopRight = 7,
- xtpShadow2007BottomRight= 8,
- xtpShadow2007BottomLeft = 9
- };
- // Generic drawing of the shadow rectangle part
- void DrawShadowRectPart(const CRect& rcShadow, const XTPShadowPart part);
- // Methods for Office 2003 theme
- void ApplyShadowLR(UINT* pBitmap, const ULONG ulBitmapWidth, const ULONG ulBitmapHeight);
- void ApplyShadowTB(UINT* pBitmap, const ULONG ulBitmapWidth, const ULONG ulBitmapHeight);
- void ApplyShadowTR(UINT* pBitmap, const ULONG ulBitmapWidth, const ULONG ulBitmapHeight);
- void ApplyShadowBR(UINT* pBitmap, const ULONG ulBitmapWidth, const ULONG ulBitmapHeight);
- void ApplyShadowBL(UINT* pBitmap, const ULONG ulBitmapWidth, const ULONG ulBitmapHeight);
- // methods for Office 2007 theme
- void ApplyShadow2007Right(UINT* pBitmap, const ULONG ulBitmapWidth, const ULONG ulBitmapHeight);
- void ApplyShadow2007Bottom(UINT* pBitmap, const ULONG ulBitmapWidth, const ULONG ulBitmapHeight);
- void ApplyShadow2007TR(UINT* pBitmap, const ULONG ulBitmapWidth, const ULONG ulBitmapHeight);
- void ApplyShadow2007BL(UINT* pBitmap, const ULONG ulBitmapWidth, const ULONG ulBitmapHeight);
- void ApplyShadow2007BR(UINT* pBitmap, const ULONG ulBitmapWidth, const ULONG ulBitmapHeight);
- protected:
- CDC* m_pDC; // drawing device context
- double m_dMaxAlpha; // maximal shadow alpha grade
- private:
- };
- private:
- CSize m_szExpandSign; // Cached size of the expand sign
- protected:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member function to add the specified ViewPart object
- // to the parts list.
- // Parameters:
- // pPart - Pointer to a 'View Part' object.
- // Returns:
- // Pointer to a 'View Part' object.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- CXTPCalendarViewPart* AddViewPart(CXTPCalendarViewPart* pPart);
- public:
- CXTPPaintManagerColor m_clrButtonFace; // Stores standard Button Face color.
- CXTPPaintManagerColor m_clrButtonFaceText; // Stores standard color to display text.
- CXTPPaintManagerColor m_clrWindow; // Stores standard windows color.
- CXTPPaintManagerColor m_clrWindowText; // Stores standard color to display window text.
- CXTPPaintManagerColor m_clr3DShadow; // Stores standard color to display shadow items.
- CXTPPaintManagerColor m_clrHighlight; // Stores standard color to display highlighted items.
- CXTPPaintManagerColorGradient m_grclrToday; // Gradient color of today's header.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member function to set custom brush to draw event busy status.
- // Parameters:
- // nBusyStatus - Busy status value.
- // pBrush - Pointer to a brush object.
- // bAutodeleteBrush - This parameter indicates should be a brush object
- // deleted when destroy or other brush is set.
- // If TRUE - brush object will be deleted automatically.
- // Example:
- // <code>
- //
- // m_wndCalendar.GetPaintManager()->SetBusyStatusBrush(
- // xtpCalendarBusyStatusFree, new CBrush(RGB(240, 255, 250)), TRUE);
- //
- // m_wndCalendar.GetPaintManager()->SetBusyStatusBrush(
- // xtpCalendarBusyStatusTentative, new CBrush(RGB(240, 120, 250)), TRUE);
- //
- // m_wndCalendar.GetPaintManager()->SetBusyStatusBrush(
- // 100, new CBrush(RGB(240, 120, 250)), TRUE);
- //
- // </code>
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void SetBusyStatusBrush(int nBusyStatus, CBrush* pBrush, BOOL bAutodeleteBrush);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member function to get a brush to draw event busy status.
- // Parameters:
- // nBusyStatus - Busy status value.
- // Returns:
- // Pointer to a brush object.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- CBrush* GetBusyStatusBrush(int nBusyStatus);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function returns set of flags which define calendar items
- // to send XTP_NC_CALENDAR_GETITEMTEXT notification.
- // Returns:
- // Set of flags from enums XTPCalendarGetItemText, XTPCalendarGetItemTextEx.
- // See Also:
- // XTPCalendarGetItemText, XTPCalendarGetItemTextEx,
- // SetAskItemTextFlags, CXTPCalendarControl::GetAskItemTextFlags,
- // CXTPCalendarTheme::GetAskItemTextFlags,
- // CXTPCalendarTheme::SetAskItemTextFlags, XTP_NC_CALENDAR_GETITEMTEXT
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- DWORD GetAskItemTextFlags() const;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is used to set flags which define calendar items
- // to send XTP_NC_CALENDAR_GETITEMTEXT notification.
- // Parameters:
- // dwFlags - Set of flags from enums XTPCalendarGetItemText,
- // XTPCalendarGetItemTextEx.
- // See Also:
- // XTPCalendarGetItemText, XTPCalendarGetItemTextEx,
- // GetAskItemTextFlags, CXTPCalendarControl::GetAskItemTextFlags,
- // CXTPCalendarTheme::GetAskItemTextFlags,
- // CXTPCalendarTheme::SetAskItemTextFlags, XTP_NC_CALENDAR_GETITEMTEXT
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void SetAskItemTextFlags(DWORD dwFlags);
- protected:
- CList<CXTPCalendarViewPart*, CXTPCalendarViewPart*> m_lstViewParts; // Collection to store ViewParts objects.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary: Enumerates types of expand signs drawn on a day view.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- enum XTPEnumExpandSigns
- {
- idxExpandSignUp = 0, // Expand sign: arrow up
- idxExpandSignDown = 1 // Expand sign: arrow down
- };
- CImageList m_ilExpandSigns; // Stores standard Expand Signs icons.
- CImageList m_ilGlyphs; // Stores standard glyphs for displaying events. Used when glyphs font is not installed.
- CFont* m_pGlyphsFont; // Stores standard glyphs font for displaying events.
- CBitmap m_bmpTentativePattern; // Stores standard bitmap pattern to draw Tentative event busy status.
- CBrush m_brushTentative; // Stores standard brush to draw Tentative event busy status.
- CXTPCalendarTypedPtrAutoDeleteArray<CPtrArray, CXTPCalendarViewPartBrushValue*>
- m_arBusyStatusBrushes; // Stores customizable brush values to draw Event Busy Status in the Day View.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary: Returns drawing brush value for a specific busy status.
- // Parameters:
- // eBusyStatus - Busy status enumeration.
- // bGrow - Append a new brush value if needed or not.
- // Returns:
- // Pointer to CXTPCalendarViewPartBrushValue array member.
- // See Also:
- // XTPCalendarEventBusyStatus
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- CXTPCalendarViewPartBrushValue* _GetAtGrow_BusyStatusBrushValue(int eBusyStatus, BOOL bGrow);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Set default colors/patterns to fill Busy Status area.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void InitBusyStatusDefaultColors();
- CSize m_szClockRect; // Stores dimensions for a rectangle used to display the time as a clock glyph.
- CXTPCalendarControl* m_pControl; // Stores a pointer to a CXTPCalendarControl object.
- BOOL m_bEnableTheme; // True to enable Luna theme.
- COLORREF m_clrUnderLineHdr; // Color of header's underline.
- XTPCurrentSystemTheme m_CurrSystemTheme; // Current theme flag.
- XTPCalendarTheme m_nPaintTheme; // Store the Paint Theme;
- DWORD m_dwAskItemTextFlags; // Store flag set to send XTP_NC_CALENDAR_GETITEMTEXT notification.
- protected:
- };
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- AFX_INLINE XTPCalendarTheme CXTPCalendarPaintManager::GetPaintTheme() const {
- return m_nPaintTheme;
- }
- AFX_INLINE void CXTPCalendarPaintManager::SetPaintTheme(XTPCalendarTheme ePaintTheme) {
- m_nPaintTheme = min(xtpCalendarThemeOffice2003, ePaintTheme);
- RefreshMetrics();
- }
- AFX_INLINE XTPCurrentSystemTheme CXTPCalendarPaintManager::GetCurrentSystemTheme(){
- return m_CurrSystemTheme;
- }
- AFX_INLINE CSize CXTPCalendarPaintManager::GetClockSize(){
- return m_szClockRect;
- }
- AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPCalendarPaintManager::IsThemeEnabled(){
- return m_bEnableTheme;
- }
- AFX_INLINE void CXTPCalendarPaintManager::EnableTheme(BOOL bEnableTheme){
- m_bEnableTheme = bEnableTheme;
- RefreshMetrics();
- }
- AFX_INLINE DWORD CXTPCalendarPaintManager::GetAskItemTextFlags() const {
- return m_dwAskItemTextFlags;
- }
- AFX_INLINE void CXTPCalendarPaintManager::SetAskItemTextFlags(DWORD dwFlags) {
- m_dwAskItemTextFlags = dwFlags;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #endif // !defined(_XTPCALENDARPAINTMANAGER_H__)