Visual C++
- // XTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider.h: interface for the CXTPCalendarData class.
- //
- // This file is a part of the XTREME CALENDAR MFC class library.
- // (c)1998-2008 Codejock Software, All Rights Reserved.
- //
- //
- //
- // support@codejock.com
- // http://www.codejock.com
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #if !defined(_XTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider_H__)
- #define _XTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider_H__
- #if _MSC_VER > 1000
- #pragma once
- #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
- #include "XTPCalendarMAPIWrapper.h"
- #include "XTPCalendarMemoryDataProvider.h"
- #include "XTPCalendarData.h"
- class CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern;
- class CXTPCalendarEventLabels;
- class CXTPNotifyConnection;
- // Common customizable properties
- // DP props collection
- static const LPCTSTR cszMAPIpropName_AppointmentMessageClass = _T("AppointmentMessageClass");
- static const LPCTSTR cszMAPIpropVal_AppointmentMessageClass = _T("IPM.Appointment");
- static const LPCTSTR cszMAPIpropName_OutlookInternalVersion = _T("OutlookInternalVersion");
- static const int cnMAPIpropVal_OutlookInternalVersionDef = 115608;
- static const LPCTSTR cszMAPIpropName_OutlookVersion = _T("OutlookVersion");
- static const LPCTSTR cszMAPIpropVal_OutlookVersionDef = _T("11");
- // event runtime custom properties
- static const LPCTSTR cszMAPIpropVal_EntryID = _T("MAPIEntryID");
- static const LPCTSTR cszMAPIpropVal_SearchKey = _T("MAPISearchKey");
- // event customizable properties
- // Event props collection
- //static const LPCTSTR cszMAPIpropName_AppointmentIconIndex = _T("AppointmentIconIndex");
- static const int cnMAPIpropVal_AppointmentIcon = 1024;
- static const int cnMAPIpropVal_AppointmentIconRecurr = 1025;
- // Connection string MAPI parameter names
- static const LPCTSTR cszMAPIProfileName = _T("mapiProfileName");
- static const LPCTSTR cszMAPIPassword = _T("mapiPassword");
- static const LPCTSTR cszMAPIFlags = _T("mapiFlags");
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary: Structure describes MAPI property ID, type, and guid.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- ULONG m_ulID; // ID
- ULONG m_ulType; // Type
- GUID m_GuidPS; // Guid
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary: Default constructor
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- m_ulID = ulID;
- m_ulType = ulType;
- m_GuidPS = guidPS;
- }
- };
- //===========================================================================
- // Summary:
- // Undocumented MAPI
- // See also:
- // http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=171670
- // http://www.cdolive.com/cdo10.htm
- //===========================================================================
- #define XTP_TAG_ID_MAPI_CALENDAR_FOLDER 0x36D00102 // Used to query for the EntryID of the calendar folder off of the root folder
- //#define XTP_PS_MAPI_EVENT Guid( "0x0220060000000000C000000000000046") //CdoPropSetID1
- //#define XTP_PS_MAPI_EVENT_GUID "{00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" // The GUID of the class of appointment item extended properties
- //#define XTP_PS_MAPI_COMMON Guid( "0x0820060000000000C000000000000046") //CdoPropSetID4
- //#define XTP_PS_MAPI_COMMON_GUID "{00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" // The GUID of the class of common Outlook extended properties
- //#define XTP_PS_MAPI_AGGREGATE_GUID "{00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" // First introduced to support 'keywords' on calendar items
- // The GUID of the class of appointment item extended properties
- static const GUID xtpGUID_PS_MAPI_Event = {0x00062002,0x0000,0x0000,{0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}};
- // The GUID of the class of common Outlook extended properties
- static const GUID xtpGUID_PS_MAPI_Common = {0x00062008,0x0000,0x0000,{0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}};
- //===========================================================================
- #define XTP_PR_MAPI_EVENT_ICON_INDEX PROP_TAG(PT_LONG, 0x1080) // Event icon index
- // PT_LONG - Busy status. See also XTPCalendarEventBusyStatus - note that enum values are the same as Outlook values
- static const XTP_MAPI_PROP_NAME xtpMAPIpropEvent_BusyStatus(0x8205, PT_LONG, xtpGUID_PS_MAPI_Event);
- // PT_STRING - Event location string
- static const XTP_MAPI_PROP_NAME xtpMAPIpropEvent_Location(0x8208, PT_STRING8, xtpGUID_PS_MAPI_Event);
- // PT_SYSTIME - Event start-time
- static const XTP_MAPI_PROP_NAME xtpMAPIpropEvent_StartTime(0x820D, PT_SYSTIME, xtpGUID_PS_MAPI_Event);
- // PT_SYSTIME - Event end-time
- static const XTP_MAPI_PROP_NAME xtpMAPIpropEvent_EndTime(0x820E, PT_SYSTIME, xtpGUID_PS_MAPI_Event);
- // PT_LONG - Event duration
- static const XTP_MAPI_PROP_NAME xtpMAPIpropEvent_Duration(0x8213, PT_LONG, xtpGUID_PS_MAPI_Event);
- // PT_LONG - Event color
- static const XTP_MAPI_PROP_NAME xtpMAPIpropEvent_Color(0x8214, PT_LONG, xtpGUID_PS_MAPI_Event);
- // PT_BOOLEAN - Is all day
- static const XTP_MAPI_PROP_NAME xtpMAPIpropEvent_AllDay(0x8215, PT_BOOLEAN, xtpGUID_PS_MAPI_Event);
- // PT_LONG - Meeting status enumeration
- static const XTP_MAPI_PROP_NAME xtpMAPIpropEvent_MeetingStatus(0x8217, PT_LONG, xtpGUID_PS_MAPI_Event);
- // PT_BINARY - Recurrence binary data
- static const XTP_MAPI_PROP_NAME xtpMAPIpropEvent_RecurrenceState(0x8216, PT_BINARY, xtpGUID_PS_MAPI_Event);
- // PT_BOOLEAN - Whether event is recurring
- static const XTP_MAPI_PROP_NAME xtpMAPIpropEvent_IsRecuring(0x8223, PT_BOOLEAN, xtpGUID_PS_MAPI_Event);
- // PT_SYSTIME - Recurrence base time
- //static const XTP_MAPI_PROP_NAME xtpMAPIpropEvent_RecurrenceBase(0x8228, PT_SYSTIME, xtpGUID_PS_MAPI_Event);
- // PT_LONG - Recurrence type. See also XTPCalendarEventRecurrenceType - note that enum values are the same as Outlook values
- //static const XTP_MAPI_PROP_NAME xtpMAPIpropEvent_RecurrenceType(0x8231, PT_LONG, xtpGUID_PS_MAPI_Event);
- //static const XTP_MAPI_PROP_NAME xtpMAPIpropEvent_RecurrencePattern(0x8232, PT_STRING8, xtpGUID_PS_MAPI_Event);
- // PT_BINARY Event time zone binaries -- for recurrence events only
- static const XTP_MAPI_PROP_NAME xtpMAPIpropEvent_TimeZone(0x8233, PT_BINARY, xtpGUID_PS_MAPI_Event);
- //static const XTP_MAPI_PROP_NAME xtpMAPIpropEvent_TimeZoneDescription(0x8234, PT_STRING8, xtpGUID_PS_MAPI_Event);
- static const XTP_MAPI_PROP_NAME xtpMAPIpropEvent_RecurrenceStart(0x8235, PT_SYSTIME, xtpGUID_PS_MAPI_Event);
- static const XTP_MAPI_PROP_NAME xtpMAPIpropEvent_RecurrenceEnd(0x8236, PT_SYSTIME, xtpGUID_PS_MAPI_Event);
- //static const XTP_MAPI_PROP_NAME xtpMAPIpropEvent_(0x8218, PT_STRING8, xtpGUID_PS_MAPI_Event);
- //static const XTP_MAPI_PROP_NAME xtpMAPIpropEvent_(, , xtpGUID_PS_MAPI_Event);
- //static const XTP_MAPI_PROP_NAME xtpMAPIpropEvent_(, , xtpGUID_PS_MAPI_Event);
- // PT_LONG - Outlook Internal Version
- static const XTP_MAPI_PROP_NAME xtpMAPIpropCommon_OutlookInternalVersion(0x8552, PT_LONG, xtpGUID_PS_MAPI_Common);
- // PT_STRING - Outlook Version
- static const XTP_MAPI_PROP_NAME xtpMAPIpropCommon_OutlookVersion(0x8554, PT_STRING8, xtpGUID_PS_MAPI_Common);
- // PT_LONG - Reminder Minutes Before
- static const XTP_MAPI_PROP_NAME xtpMAPIpropCommon_ReminderMinutesBefore(0x8501, PT_LONG, xtpGUID_PS_MAPI_Common);
- // PT_SYSTIME - Reminder Date
- static const XTP_MAPI_PROP_NAME xtpMAPIpropCommon_ReminderDate(0x8502, PT_SYSTIME, xtpGUID_PS_MAPI_Common);
- // PT_BOOLEAN - Is reminder set
- static const XTP_MAPI_PROP_NAME xtpMAPIpropCommon_ReminderSet(0x8503, PT_BOOLEAN, xtpGUID_PS_MAPI_Common);
- // PT_BOOLEAN - Event private flag
- static const XTP_MAPI_PROP_NAME xtpMAPIpropCommon_IsPrivate(0x8506, PT_BOOLEAN, xtpGUID_PS_MAPI_Common);
- //static const XTP_MAPI_PROP_NAME xtpMAPIpropCommon_(0x8510, PT_LONG, xtpGUID_PS_MAPI_Common);
- // PT_STRING - Event custom properties XML string
- static const XTP_MAPI_PROP_NAME xtpMAPIpropEvent_CustomProperties(0x8581, PT_STRING8, xtpGUID_PS_MAPI_Event);
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //===========================================================================
- // Summary: MAPI recurrence type undocumented enum.
- //===========================================================================
- enum XTPCalendarMAPIRcType
- {
- xtpMAPIRcType_Unknown = 0, // Recurrence Type unknown.
- xtpMAPIRcType_Daily = 0x200A, // Daily Recurrence
- xtpMAPIRcType_Weekly = 0x200B, // Weekly Recurrence
- xtpMAPIRcType_Monthly = 0x200C, // Monthly Recurrence
- xtpMAPIRcType_Yearly = 0x200D, // Yearly Recurrence
- };
- //===========================================================================
- // Summary: MAPI recurrence type undocumented enum - second version.
- //===========================================================================
- enum XTPCalendarMAPIRcType2
- {
- // xtpMAPIRcType_Unknown = -1,
- xtpMAPIRcType2_First = 0, // First enum value
- xtpMAPIRcType2_Daily = 0, // Daily Recurrence
- xtpMAPIRcType2_Weekly = 1, // Weekly Recurrence
- xtpMAPIRcType2_MonYearly = 2, // Monthly/Yearly Recurrence
- xtpMAPIRcType2_MonYearly_Nth = 3, // Monthly/Yearly every Nth item
- xtpMAPIRcType2_Last = 3, // Last enum value
- };
- //===========================================================================
- // Summary: Describes recurrence end type
- //===========================================================================
- enum XTPCalendarMAPIRcEnd
- {
- xtpMAPIRcEnd_Date = 0x2021, // End by date
- xtpMAPIRcEnd_Number = 0x2022, // End after a number of occurrences
- xtpMAPIRcEnd_Never = 0x2023 // Never end
- };
- //===========================================================================
- // Summary: Constants for parsing of changes of the
- // single occurrence in recurrence data.
- // Comment is the size of extra data
- //===========================================================================
- enum XTPCalendarMAPIRcExceptionData
- {
- xtpMAPIRcED_Subject = 0x001, // [w:buf-size][w:str-len][ascii-char: count=len]
- xtpMAPIRcED_IsMeeting = 0x002, // [dw] - bool(0|1)
- xtpMAPIRcED_ReminderTime = 0x004, // [dw] minutes before start
- xtpMAPIRcED_IsReminder = 0x008, // [dw] - bool(0|1)
- xtpMAPIRcED_Location = 0x010, // [w:buf-size][w:str-len][ascii-char: count=len]
- xtpMAPIRcED_BusyStatus = 0x020, // [dw] - busy status [0..3] = (free, busy, tent, oof)
- xtpMAPIRcED_Reserved = 0x040, // unknown flag from MAPI
- xtpMAPIRcED_IsAllDay = 0x080, // [dw] - bool(0|1)
- xtpMAPIRcED_Label = 0x100, // [dw] - label ID
- };
- //===========================================================================
- // Summary: This structure is used by CDO/MAPI to store timezone information
- // See also: TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION overview in platform SDK.
- //===========================================================================
- {
- LONG Bias; // Current bias for local time translation on this computer, in minutes.
- LONG StandardBias; // Bias value to be used during local time translations that occur during standard time.
- LONG DaylightBias; // Bias value to be used during local time translations that occur during daylight saving time.
- WORD Reserved1; // Not used
- SYSTEMTIME StandardDate; // A SYSTEMTIME structure that contains a date and local time when the transition from daylight saving time to standard time occurs on this operating system.
- WORD Reserved2; // Not used
- SYSTEMTIME DaylightDate; // A SYSTEMTIME structure that contains a date and local time when the transition from standard time to daylight saving time occurs on this operating system.
- };
- //===========================================================================
- // Summary:
- // This is an internal class which represents MAPI Binary data structure
- // and implements main operations under it.
- //===========================================================================
- class CXTPMAPIBinary
- {
- public:
- // Default constructor.
- CXTPMAPIBinary();
- // Construct an object from MAPI pointers.
- // Copy constructor.
- CXTPMAPIBinary(const CXTPMAPIBinary& eid);
- // Destructor
- virtual ~CXTPMAPIBinary();
- // The operator= method sets this CXTPMAPIBinary object equal to the
- // specified CXTPMAPIBinary object.
- CXTPMAPIBinary& operator=(const CXTPMAPIBinary& eid);
- // Returns a size of MAPI entry structure,
- ULONG GetBinarySize() const;
- // Returns a pointer to the MAPI EntryID binary data.
- LPBYTE GetBinaryData() const;
- // Initializes an object from MAPI pointers.
- void Set(ULONG cbSize, LPBYTE lpData);
- // Initializes an object from MAPI PropValue structure.
- void Set(LPSPropValue pPropEntryID);
- // Binary comparison of those objects.
- static BOOL IsBinaryEqual(const CXTPMAPIBinary& eid1, const CXTPMAPIBinary& eid2);
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- void DebugPrint();
- #endif
- //private:
- ULONG m_cb; // Bytes count in the MAPI structure.
- CByteArray m_arBytes; // Binary storage for Entry ID data.
- private:
- friend class CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider;
- friend class CXTP_ID_Collection;
- };
- // Define EventID to EntryID map association.
- typedef CMap<DWORD, DWORD, CXTPMAPIBinary, CXTPMAPIBinary&> CMap_EventID_EntryIDIndex;
- // Define EntryID to EventID map association.
- typedef CMap<CXTPMAPIBinary, CXTPMAPIBinary&, DWORD, DWORD> CMap_EntryIDIndex_EventID;
- // Define EventID's collection with fast search.
- typedef CMap<DWORD, DWORD, BOOL, BOOL> CMap_EventIDs;
- // Implements Hash method for MAPI Entry ID items.
- template<> AFX_INLINE
- UINT AFXAPI HashKey(CXTPMAPIBinary& key)
- {
- UINT nRes = 0;
- for (UINT i = 0; (i < 4) && (key.m_cb > i); i++)
- {
- nRes *= 256;
- nRes += key.m_arBytes.GetAt(i);
- }
- return nRes;
- }
- // Compare method helper for MAPI entry ID items
- template<> AFX_INLINE BOOL AFXAPI CompareElements(
- const CXTPMAPIBinary* lpt1, const CXTPMAPIBinary* lpt2)
- {
- return CXTPMAPIBinary::IsBinaryEqual(*lpt1, *lpt2);
- }
- //===========================================================================
- // Summary:
- // This internal class implements a collection of events' MAPI Entry ID's
- // and events' XTP Event ID's with the possibility to quickly search for
- // each other.
- //===========================================================================
- class CXTP_ID_Collection
- {
- public:
- // Default constructor.
- CXTP_ID_Collection();
- // Lookup for Entry ID by corresponding EventID.
- BOOL Lookup(const DWORD dwEventID, CXTPMAPIBinary& obEntryID);
- // Lookup for EventID by corresponding EntryID.
- BOOL Lookup(CXTPMAPIBinary& obEntryID, DWORD& dwEventID);
- // Adds a pair EventID/EntryID into the collection.
- BOOL Add(const DWORD dwEventID, CXTPMAPIBinary& obEntryID);
- // Iterate all internal EventID's and look for them in the mapEntries
- void FindMissing(CMap_EventIDs& mapExisting, CMap_EventIDs& mapMissed);
- protected:
- CMap_EventID_EntryIDIndex m_mapEventID; // index from EventID to EntryID
- CMap_EntryIDIndex_EventID m_mapEntryID; // index from EntryID to EventID
- };
- //===========================================================================
- // Summary:
- // This class is the implementation of the XTPCalendarData abstract
- // class which represents the data portion of the Calendar control.
- // Remarks:
- // This implementation uses Extended MAPI as the data source.
- // The Data source stores all Events data and provides a way to retrieve
- // and save CXTPCalendarEvent objects.
- //
- // To use CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider first construct an instance
- // of CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider object then use Open() member function
- // to establish connection to the data source and initialize the object.
- // Class provides a number of functions to manipulate events and events
- // related data. After finished working with the data source must call
- // the Close() member function to close the connection and to de-initialize
- // the object and free any unused resources.
- //
- // MAPI data provider automatically opens default message store and default
- // user's calendar folder and reads all appointments there. MAPI data provider
- // uses Memory Data Provider internally as a private cache.
- // Also it uses a MAPI notifications mechanism in order to have MAPI
- // appointments always updated. When event is updated in MAPI storage,
- // it will be automatically reloaded in the data provider and updated on
- // the screen. It also works in the same way reverse: when an event is
- // updated in the Calendar control, it will be automatically updated in
- // the MAPI storage.
- //
- // See Also: CXTPCalendarData, CXTPCalendarMemoryDataProvider
- //===========================================================================
- class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider : public CXTPCalendarData, public CXTPCalendarMAPIWrapper
- {
- public:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Default constructor.
- // Remarks:
- // Constructs a CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider object. To establish a
- // connection to a specified data source and initialize the object the
- // Open() member function must be called immediately after construction.
- // See Also: Open()
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider();
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Default Destructor.
- // Remarks:
- // Handles all deallocation.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual ~CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider();
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Open user's message store, default calendar folder and reads all
- // events there.
- // Remarks:
- // Call this member function to initialize a newly constructed
- // CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider object.
- // Data object must be created before you call Open.
- // This method firstly initializes MAPI, login with specified user's
- // credentials and then reads all appointments.
- // Returns:
- // TRUE is successful. FALSE otherwise.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual BOOL Open();
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // For MAPI Data Provider this methods does the same sequence of
- // actions as Open method.
- // Returns:
- // TRUE is successful. FALSE otherwise.
- // See also:
- // Open
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual BOOL Create();
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // For MAPI Data Provider this methods does nothing.
- // Returns:
- // TRUE.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual BOOL Save();
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member function to close the connection to a data source.
- // Remarks:
- // This method closes the connection to the MAPI data source and
- // uninitializes MAPI libraries.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void Close();
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Checks whether a connection to the MAPI data source is already opened.
- // Returns:
- // TRUE is connection is opened. FALSE otherwise.
- // See also:
- // Open
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual BOOL IsOpen();
- protected:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Retrieve day events from memory cache.
- // Parameters:
- // dtDay - A specified day.
- // Remarks:
- // As far as we are getting cache synchronized with the MAPI storage,
- // this method works from memory cache.
- // Returns:
- // A collection of events for a specified day.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual CXTPCalendarEventsPtr DoRetrieveDayEvents(COleDateTime dtDay);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Remove all events from the MAPI storage.
- // Remarks:
- // This method works with memory cache only and removes all data there.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void DoRemoveAllEvents();
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Read event from the MAPI storage
- // Parameters:
- // dwEventID - Event ID of the read target.
- // Remarks:
- // As far as we are getting cache synchronized with the MAPI storage,
- // this method reads an event from the memory cache.
- // Returns:
- // A pointer to the created CXTPCalendarEvent object.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual CXTPCalendarEventPtr DoRead_Event(DWORD dwEventID);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Read recurrence pattern from the MAPI storage
- // Parameters:
- // dwPatternID - Pattern ID of the read target.
- // Remarks:
- // As far as we are getting cache synchronized with the MAPI storage,
- // this method reads a recurrence pattern from the memory cache.
- // Returns:
- // A pointer to the created CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern object.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual CXTPCalendarRecurrencePatternPtr DoRead_RPattern(DWORD dwPatternID);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Creates a new appointment in the MAPI storage.
- // Parameters:
- // pEvent - Pointer to the CXTPCalendarEvent object which describes
- // all data fields of a newly created appointment.
- // rdwNewEventID - [out] EventID of a newly created record.
- // Remarks:
- // This method creates a new message of the appointment type in the
- // MAPI data storage and saves all event properties there.
- // Returns:
- // TRUE if an appointment created successfully,
- // FALSE in case of any errors during the process.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual BOOL DoCreate_Event(CXTPCalendarEvent* pEvent, DWORD& rdwNewEventID);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Updates appointment properties in the MAPI storage.
- // Parameters:
- // pEvent - Pointer to the CXTPCalendarEvent object which describes
- // all data fields of an appointment.
- // Remarks:
- // This method updates a corresponding MAPI appointment with
- // properties from the specified event.
- // Returns:
- // TRUE if an appointment updated successfully,
- // FALSE in case of any errors during the process.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual BOOL DoUpdate_Event(CXTPCalendarEvent* pEvent);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Deletes an appointment from the MAPI storage.
- // Parameters:
- // pEvent - Pointer to the CXTPCalendarEvent object which describes
- // all data fields of an appointment.
- // Remarks:
- // This method deletes a corresponding MAPI appointment from the
- // MAPI storage.
- // Returns:
- // TRUE if an appointment deleted successfully,
- // FALSE in case of any errors during the process.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual BOOL DoDelete_Event(CXTPCalendarEvent* pEvent);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Creates a new recurrence pattern
- // Parameters:
- // pPattern - [in] Pointer to the CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern
- // object.
- // rdwNewPatternID - [out] Pattern ID.
- // Remarks:
- // As far as we are getting cache synchronized with the MAPI storage,
- // this method just assigns rdwNewPatternID to the provided pattern ID..
- // Returns:
- // Always returns TRUE.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual BOOL DoCreate_RPattern(CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern* pPattern, DWORD& rdwNewPatternID);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Updates a recurrence pattern
- // Parameters:
- // pPattern - Pointer to the CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern object.
- // Remarks:
- // As far as we are getting cache synchronized with the MAPI storage,
- // this method actually does nothing..
- // Returns:
- // Always returns TRUE.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual BOOL DoUpdate_RPattern(CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern* pPattern);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Deletes a recurrence pattern
- // Parameters:
- // pPattern - Pointer to the CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern object.
- // Remarks:
- // As far as we are getting cache synchronized with the MAPI storage,
- // this method actually does nothing..
- // Returns:
- // Always returns TRUE.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual BOOL DoDelete_RPattern(CXTPCalendarRecurrencePattern* pPattern);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Retrieves a collection of events expiring in the period from
- // dtFrom during next spPeriod.
- // Parameters:
- // dtFrom - Start date and time of a specified period.
- // spPeriod - A duration of a specified period.
- // Remarks:
- // As far as we are getting cache synchronized with the MAPI storage,
- // this method actually works from memory cache.
- // It is used by a reminders manager.
- // Returns:
- // A CXTPCalendarEvents pointer containing a collection of
- // upcoming events.
- // See Also:
- // CXTPCalendarRemindersManager overview
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual CXTPCalendarEventsPtr DoGetUpcomingEvents(COleDateTime dtFrom, COleDateTimeSpan spPeriod);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This method implements Getting all events from the MAPI storage
- // without generating recurrence occurrences.
- // Remarks:
- // Simple events are included as is.
- // For the recurrence events only master events are included,
- // recurrence occurrences are not generated.
- // As far as we are getting cache synchronized with the MAPI storage,
- // this method actually works from memory cache.
- // Returns:
- // A CXTPCalendarEvents pointer containing a collection of
- // all events.
- // See Also: GetAllEvents_raw()
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual CXTPCalendarEventsPtr DoGetAllEvents_raw();
- protected:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is used to retrieve parameters for MAPI session
- // login. Default implementation try to read them from the connection
- // string or return values for loging with default credentials.
- // Parameters:
- // rpszProfile - A reference to LPTSTR pointer to receive pointer
- // with profile name string (or NULL).
- // rpszPassword - A reference to LPTSTR pointer to receive pointer
- // with password string (or NULL).
- // ruFlags - A reference to FLAGS variable to receive loging
- // flags.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void GetMAPILogonParams(LPTSTR& rpszProfile, LPTSTR& rpszPassword,
- FLAGS& ruFlags);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is used to retrieve parameters from the
- // connection string.
- // Parameters:
- // lpszConnectionString - A pointer to the connection string.
- // pcszParameterName - A pointer to the parameter name string.
- // rstrValue - A reference to CString variable to receive
- // parameter value.
- // Returns:
- // TRUE if parameter with specified name find, FALSe otherwise.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- static BOOL AFX_CDECL GetParameterValueFromConStr(LPCTSTR lpszConnectionString,
- LPCTSTR pcszParameterName, CString& rstrValue);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This method is called by the calendar control framework when Time Zone is Changed.
- // Remarks:
- // The data provider implementation may use this method to adjust its data for
- // a new timezone.
- // Returns:
- // TRUE if internal data changed and calendar must be re-populated, FALSE if this
- // event is ignored (no data changed).
- // Base implementation do nothing and returns FALSE.
- // See Also:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual BOOL OnTimeZoneChanged();
- protected:
- // Connection string items (for the next version)
- //CString m_strProfileName; // Name of the MAPI profile
- //CString m_strUsername; // Login name to this profile
- //CString m_strPassword; // User's password for login to the profile.
- //CString m_strMsgStoreGuid;// Message store
- //CString m_strFolderGUID; // Folder with appointment items
- //BOOL m_bShowFolderChooser;// Whether to choose a folder using a buit-in dialog.
- //private:
- CXTP_ID_Collection m_mapID; // A map object with ID's referencing each other...
- // Compares eid1 and eid2.
- // Returns TRUE if IDs are equal and FALSE otherwise.
- BOOL Equal(const CXTPMAPIBinary& eid1, const CXTPMAPIBinary& eid2);
- //private:
- // Finds event SearchKey its MAPI EntryID.
- CXTPMAPIBinary GetSearchKey(ULONG cbEntryID, LPENTRYID lpEntryID);
- // Finds Calendar event ID by its MAPI SearchKey.
- // Adds new event ID / SearchKey pair if not exists.
- DWORD GetEventID(ULONG cbSearchKey, LPENTRYID lpSearchKey, BOOL bAddNew = FALSE);
- // Finds MAPI EntryID of the event by its MAPI Search Key
- CXTPMAPIBinary GetEntryID(CXTPMAPIBinary& eSearchKey);
- // Calculates next unique EventID, which does not exists in ID's collection.
- //private:
- // Opens default MAPI Message Store.
- static STDMETHODIMP OpenDefaultMessageStore(LPMAPISESSION lpMAPISession, LPMDB * lpMDB, CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider* pProvider);
- // Opens default MAPI Inbox folder.
- static STDMETHODIMP OpenInbox(LPMDB lpMDB, LPMAPIFOLDER *lpInboxFolder, LPMAPIFOLDER *lpCalendarFolder, CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider* pProvider);
- //static LPSRestriction BuildDayRestriction(const COleDateTime dtDay);
- static LPSRestriction BuildBinaryRestriction(ULONG cbSize, LPBYTE lpData, ULONG ulPropTag);
- // Imports all events (by a restriction) to the events collection and returns it.
- CXTPCalendarEventsPtr ImportAllEvents(LPSRestriction lpRestriction = NULL);
- // Scans events table (by a restriction),
- // adds new events into the specified collection,
- // and deletes removed events from this collection.
- // Returns: TRUE if ptrEvents collection was changed during the processing,
- // FALSE if ptrEvents wasn't changed, what means that collections are equal.
- //BOOL ImportNewEvents(CXTPCalendarEventsPtr ptrEvents, LPSRestriction lpRestriction = NULL);
- BOOL ImportNewEvents();
- // Creates and returns an Event object, imports all its known fields from lpRow.
- CXTPCalendarEventPtr ImportEvent(LPSRow lpRow);
- // Creates and returns an Event object, imports all its known fields by EntryID.
- CXTPCalendarEventPtr ImportEvent(ULONG cbEntryID, LPENTRYID lpEntryID);
- // Creates and returns an Event object, imports all its known fields from pMessage.
- CXTPCalendarEventPtr ImportEvent(LPMESSAGE pMessage);
- CXTPCalendarEventPtr ImportEvent_FromCalendarFolderOnly(ULONG cbEntryID, LPENTRYID lpEntryID);
- // Import Recurrence structure from the binary arRCData into the associated
- // recurrence pattern for pMasterEvent.
- void ImportRecurrence(CXTPCalendarEvent* pMasterEvent, const CByteArray& arRCData);
- // Updates MAPI event data from source Calendar Event structure.
- BOOL UpdateMAPIEvent(LPMESSAGE pMessage, CXTPCalendarEvent* pEvent);
- // Set Event global MAPI properties if those are not already exist.
- void _SetMAPIEventGlobalPropsIfNeed(LPMESSAGE pMessage, CXTPCalendarEvent* pEvent);
- void _SetEventRuntimeProps(CXTPCalendarCustomProperties* pEventProps, LPMESSAGE pMessage);
- void _MoveMAPIEventRuntimeProps(CXTPCalendarCustomProperties* pDest, CXTPCalendarCustomProperties* pSrc);
- HRESULT _getPropVal(LPMESSAGE pMessage, ULONG ulPropTag, CByteArray& rData);
- CString _getPropVal_str(LPMESSAGE pMessage, ULONG ulPropTag);
- int _getPropVal_int(LPMESSAGE pMessage, ULONG ulPropTag);
- SYSTEMTIME _getPropVal_UtcTime(LPMESSAGE pMessage, ULONG ulPropTag);
- CString _getPropVal_str(LPMESSAGE pMessage, const XTP_MAPI_PROP_NAME& propNameEx);
- int _getPropVal_int(LPMESSAGE pMessage, const XTP_MAPI_PROP_NAME& propNameEx);
- SYSTEMTIME _getPropVal_UtcTime(LPMESSAGE pMessage, const XTP_MAPI_PROP_NAME& propNameEx);
- BOOL _setPropTagVal_int(LPMESSAGE pMessage, ULONG ulPropTag, int nValue);
- BOOL _setPropTagVal_str(LPMESSAGE pMessage, ULONG ulPropTag, LPCTSTR pcszValue);
- BOOL _setPropTagVal_UtcTime(LPMESSAGE pMessage, ULONG ulPropTag, const SYSTEMTIME& stTime);
- BOOL _setPropTagVal_bin(LPMESSAGE pMessage, ULONG ulPropTag, const CByteArray& arData);
- HRESULT _deletePropTag(LPMESSAGE pMessage, ULONG ulPropTag);
- HRESULT _deletePropsTags(LPMESSAGE pMessage, CUIntArray& arPropsTags);
- int GetEventGlobalPropVal_int(LPCTSTR pcszPropName, int nDefault);
- CString GetEventGlobalPropVal_str(LPCTSTR pcszPropName, LPCTSTR pcszDefault);
- static int _getSimpleMAPITypeSize(int nType);
- static UINT _getStreamSize(IStream* pStream);
- static LONG STDAPICALLTYPE MAPICallBack_OnNotify(LPVOID lpvContext,
- ULONG cNotif,
- // This class implements a collection of property tags and their IDs
- // with the possibility to quickly find each corresponding other.
- class CMAPIPropIDMap
- {
- public:
- CMAPIPropIDMap();
- ULONG GetPropTagByID(LPMESSAGE pMessage, const XTP_MAPI_PROP_NAME& propNameEx);
- ULONG GetPropIDByTag(LPMESSAGE pMessage, ULONG ulPropTag);
- protected:
- // Read all properties existing in the pMessage
- void _UpdateMaps(LPMESSAGE pMessage);
- // Try Read requested property tag from the pMessage
- ULONG _GetPropTagFromID_ex(LPMESSAGE pMessage, const XTP_MAPI_PROP_NAME& propNameEx);
- CMapULONG m_mapPropID2Tag; // Map Property ID to Property Tag
- CMapULONG m_mapPropTag2ID; // Map Property Tag to Property ID
- //private:
- CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider* m_pProvider; // MAPI Wrapper
- friend class CXTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider;
- };
- CMAPIPropIDMap m_MapiHelper; // MAPI Properties ID/Tag helper
- //private:
- BOOL m_bMAPIInitialized; // MAPI library is initialized or not.
- LPMAPISESSION m_lpMAPISession; // MAPI Session
- LPMDB m_lpMDB; // MAPI message store
- LPMAPIFOLDER m_lpCalendarFolder; // Calendar folder handler
- CXTPMAPIBinary m_eidCalendarFolder; // Calendar folder Entry ID
- LPMAPIADVISESINK m_lpAdviseSink_ThrSafe;
- CXTPCalendarData* m_pMemDP;
- private:
- CString m_strProfile_tmp;
- CString m_strPassword_tmp;
- protected:
- friend class CXTPCalendarMemDPInternal;
- friend class CMAPIPropIDMap;
- using CXTPCalendarData::SendNotification;
- //=======================================================================
- // Summary: Internal extension of the CXTPCalendarMemoryDataProvider
- // used for handling all notifications.
- //=======================================================================
- class CXTPCalendarMemDPInternal : public CXTPCalendarMemoryDataProvider
- {
- CXTPCalendarData* m_pDPExternal; // External data provider.
- public:
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary: Default constructor.
- // Parameters:
- // pDPExternal - Pointer to the external data provider to be
- // initialized with.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- CXTPCalendarMemDPInternal(CXTPCalendarData* pDPExternal);
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function sends a notification to all subscribers.
- // Parameters:
- // EventCode - A specific code identifying the event.
- // wParam - First custom parameter. Depends on the event type.
- // See specific event description for details.
- // lParam - Second custom parameter. Depends on the event type.
- // See specific event description for details.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void SendNotification(XTP_NOTIFY_CODE EventCode, WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam);
- };
- };
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #endif // !defined(_XTPCalendarMAPIDataProvider_H__)