- // XTPSystemHelpers
- //
- // This file is a part of the XTREME TOOLKIT PRO MFC class library.
- // (c)1998-2008 Codejock Software, All Rights Reserved.
- //
- //
- //
- // support@codejock.com
- // http://www.codejock.com
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #if !defined(__XTPSYSTEMHELPERS_H__)
- #if _MSC_VER > 1000
- #pragma once
- #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
- #include <oleacc.h>
- class CXTPSystemVersion;
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // The XTPSystemVersion function is used for access to the
- // CXTPSystemVersion class.
- // Remarks:
- // Call this function to access CXTPSystemVersion members. Since
- // this class is designed as a single instance object you can only
- // access its members through this method. You cannot directly
- // instantiate an object of type CXTPSystemVersion.
- // Returns:
- // A pointer to the one and only CXTPSystemVersion instance.
- // Example:
- // The following example demonstrates the use of XTPSystemVersion.
- // <code>
- // bool bIsWinNT = XTPSystemVersion()->IsWinNT4();
- // </code>
- // See Also:
- // CXTPSystemVersion
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPSystemVersion* AFXAPI XTPSystemVersion();
- //===========================================================================
- // Summary:
- // CXTPSystemVersion is a OSVERSIONINFO derived class. This class
- // wraps the Win32 API GetVersionEx(...), used to get the current
- // Windows OS version. CXTPSystemVersion is a single instance, or
- // "singleton" object, that is accessed with the Get() method.
- //===========================================================================
- class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPSystemVersion : public OSVERSIONINFO
- {
- private:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Constructs a CXTPSystemVersion object.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- CXTPSystemVersion();
- public:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member function to check whether or not the
- // operating system is Windows 3.1.
- // Returns:
- // true if the OS is Windows 3.1, otherwise returns false.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- bool IsWin31() const;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member function to check whether or not the
- // operating system is Windows 95.
- // Returns:
- // true if the OS is Windows 95, otherwise returns false.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- bool IsWin95() const;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member function to check whether or not the
- // operating system is Windows 98.
- // Returns:
- // true if the OS is Windows 98, otherwise returns false.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- bool IsWin98() const;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member function to check whether or not the
- // operating system is Windows ME.
- // Returns:
- // true if the OS is Windows ME, otherwise returns false.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- bool IsWinME() const;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member function to check whether or not the
- // operating system is Windows NT 4.
- // Returns:
- // true if the OS is Windows NT 4, otherwise returns false.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- bool IsWinNT4() const;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member function to check whether or not the
- // operating system is Windows 2000.
- // Returns:
- // true if the OS is Windows 2000, otherwise returns false.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- bool IsWin2K() const;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member function to check whether or not the
- // operating system is Windows XP.
- // Returns:
- // true if the OS is Windows XP, otherwise returns false.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- bool IsWinXP() const;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member function to check whether or not the
- // operating system is greater than or equal to Windows 3.1.
- // Returns:
- // true if the OS is greater than or equal to Windows 3.1,
- // otherwise returns false.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- bool IsWin31OrGreater() const;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member function to check whether or not the
- // operating system is of the Windows 9x family, and if it is
- // Windows 95 or a later version.
- // Returns:
- // true if the OS is of the Windows 9x family, and is Windows 95
- /// or a later version, otherwise returns false.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- bool IsWin95OrGreater() const;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member function to check whether or not the
- // operating system is of the Windows 9x family, and if it is
- // Windows 98 or a later version.
- // Returns:
- // true if the OS is of the Windows 9x family, and is Windows 98
- // or a later version, otherwise returns false.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- bool IsWin98OrGreater() const;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member function to check whether or not the
- // operating system is of the Windows 9x family
- // Returns:
- // true if the OS is of the Windows 9x family
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- bool IsWin9x() const;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member function to check whether or not the
- // operating system is of the Windows 9x family, and if it is
- // Windows ME or a later version.
- // Returns:
- // true if the OS is of the Windows 9x family, and is Windows ME
- // or a later version, otherwise returns false.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- bool IsWinMEOrGreater() const;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member function to check whether or not the
- // operating system is of the Windows NT family, and if it is
- // Windows NT 4 or a later version.
- // Returns:
- // true if the OS is of the Windows NT family, and is Windows NT
- // 4 or a later version, otherwise returns false.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- bool IsWinNT4OrGreater() const;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member function to check whether or not the
- // operating system is of the Windows NT family, and if it is
- // Windows 2000 or a later version.
- // Returns:
- // true if the OS is of the Windows NT family, and is Windows
- // 2000 or a later version, otherwise returns false.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- bool IsWin2KOrGreater() const;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member function to check whether or not the
- // operating system is of the Windows NT family, and if it is
- // Windows XP or a later version.
- // Returns:
- // true if the OS is of the Windows NT family, and is Windows XP
- // or a later version, otherwise returns false.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- bool IsWinXPOrGreater() const;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member function to check whether or not the
- // operating system is of the Windows NT family, and if it is
- // Windows Vista or a later version.
- // Returns:
- // true if the OS is of the Windows NT family, and is Windows Vista
- // or a later version, otherwise returns false.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- bool IsWinVistaOrGreater() const;
- public:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Use this member function to return the version number of the
- // comctl32.dll. The high-order word of the return
- // value represents the major version number and the low-order
- // word of the returned value represents the minor version number.
- // Returns:
- // A DWORD value if successful, otherwise 0L.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- DWORD GetComCtlVersion() const;
- public:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Determines if right-to-left (RTL) formatting is supported by current OS
- // Returns:
- // TRUE if right-to-left (RTL) formatting is supported.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL IsLayoutRTLSupported();
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Determines if ClearType text is supported by current OS
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL IsClearTypeTextQualitySupported();
- private:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Checks to see if the OS is greater or equal to the specified
- // version number
- // Returns:
- // true if the OS is greater than or equal to the specified
- // version.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- bool GreaterThanEqualTo(const DWORD maj, const DWORD min) const;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Checks to see if the OS is equal to the specified version
- // number
- // Returns:
- // true if the OS is equal to the specified version.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- bool EqualTo(const DWORD maj, const DWORD min) const;
- private:
- friend _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPSystemVersion* AFXAPI XTPSystemVersion();
- };
- // Depricated
- #define XTOSVersionInfo XTPSystemVersion
- //===========================================================================
- // CXTPModuleHandle class is helper for LoadLibray/GetModuleHandle methods
- //===========================================================================
- class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPModuleHandle
- {
- public:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Module state
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- enum XTPModuleState
- {
- xtpModNone, // Indicates no module found.
- xtpModMapped, // Indicates the module handle was set using GetModuleHandle
- xtpModLoaded // Indicates the module handle was set using LoadLibrary.
- };
- public:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Constructs a CXTPModuleHandle object.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- CXTPModuleHandle();
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Constructs a CXTPModuleHandle object.
- // Parameters:
- // lpszModuleName - Pointer to a null-terminated string that names
- // the .DLL file. The name specified is the
- // filename of the module and is not related to the
- // name stored in the library module itself, as
- // specified by the LIBRARY keyword in the module-
- // definition (.DEF) file.
- // If the string specifies a path but the file does
- // not exist in the specified directory, the
- // function fails. When specifying a path, be sure
- // to use backslashes (), not forward slashes (/).
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- CXTPModuleHandle(LPCTSTR lpszModuleName);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Destroys a CXTPModuleHandle object, handles cleanup and deallocation
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual ~CXTPModuleHandle();
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this method to LoadLibrary
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL Init(LPCTSTR lpszModuleName);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is called to load the library specified
- // by 'lpszModule'. Once the library is loaded, you can
- // retrieve the instance handle by using the HINSTANCE operator.
- // Parameters:
- // lpszModuleName - Pointer to a null-terminated string that names
- // the .DLL file. The name specified is the
- // filename of the module and is not related to the
- // name stored in the library module itself, as
- // specified by the LIBRARY keyword in the module-
- // definition (.DEF) file.
- // If the string specifies a path but the file does
- // not exist in the specified directory, the
- // function fails. When specifying a path, be sure
- // to use backslashes (), not forward slashes (/).
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL LoadLibrary(LPCTSTR lpszModuleName);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // The GetModuleHandle function retrieves a module handle for the specified module
- // if the file has been mapped into the address space of the calling process.
- // Parameters:
- // lpModuleName - Pointer to a null-terminated string that contains the name
- // of the module (either a .dll or .exe file).
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL GetModuleHandle(LPCTSTR lpszModuleName);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // The FreeLibrary function decrements the reference count of the loaded
- // dynamic-link library (DLL).
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL FreeLibrary();
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // The GetProcAddress function retrieves the address of the specified
- // exported dynamic-link library (DLL) function.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL GetProcAddress(FARPROC* ppFnPtr, LPCSTR lpProcName, DWORD dwMinVer = NULL);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Use this member function to return the version number of the
- // module attached to this CLoadLibrary object. The high-order
- // word of the return value represents the major version number
- // and the low-order word of the returned value represents the
- // minor version number.
- // Returns:
- // A DWORD value if successful, otherwise 0L.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- DWORD GetVersion();
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This overloaded operator returns a handle to the module
- // indicating success. NULL indicates failure.
- // Returns:
- // A handle to the module if successful, otherwise returns NULL.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- operator HMODULE () const;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This method returns a handle to the module
- // indicating success. NULL indicates failure.
- // Returns:
- // A handle to the module if successful, otherwise returns NULL.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- HMODULE GetHandle() const;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Returns Path to loaded library
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- CString GetName() const;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Returns module state
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- XTPModuleState GetModuleState() const;
- private:
- BOOL GetVersionInfo();
- {
- DWORD cbSize;
- DWORD dwMajorVersion; // Major version
- DWORD dwMinorVersion; // Minor version
- DWORD dwBuildNumber; // Build number
- };
- CString m_strModuleName; // Module path
- HMODULE m_hModule; // A handle to the module indicates success.
- XTPModuleState m_eModuleState; // Module state
- XTP_DLLVERSIONINFO m_dvInfo; // Version information
- };
- AFX_INLINE HMODULE CXTPModuleHandle::GetHandle() const {
- return m_hModule;
- }
- AFX_INLINE CXTPModuleHandle::operator HMODULE () const {
- return m_hModule;
- }
- AFX_INLINE CString CXTPModuleHandle::GetName() const {
- return m_strModuleName;
- }
- AFX_INLINE CXTPModuleHandle::XTPModuleState CXTPModuleHandle::GetModuleState() const {
- return m_eModuleState;
- }
- // Obsolete name
- //#define CXTLoadLibrary CXTPModuleHandle
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // MultiMonitor API wrapper class
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPMultiMonitor
- {
- private:
- private:
- {
- DWORD cbSize;
- RECT rcMonitor;
- RECT rcWork;
- DWORD dwFlags;
- };
- private:
- CXTPMultiMonitor();
- public:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This function retrieves work area for the display monitor that
- // the mouse cursor is currently positioned over.
- // Parameters:
- // rect - Reference to a CRect class that specifies the
- // coordinates of the rectangle of interest in virtual
- // screen coordinates.
- // pWnd - Pointer to the window of interest.
- // hWnd - Handle to the window of interest.
- // point - Point of interest.
- // Returns:
- // If the mouse cursor is positioned over a display monitor, the
- // return value is a CRect object that specifies the work area
- // rectangle of the display monitor, expressed in virtual-screen
- // coordinates. Otherwise, returns the size of the work area on
- // the primary display monitor.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- CRect GetWorkArea();
- CRect GetWorkArea(const POINT& point); //<COMBINE CXTPMultiMonitor::GetWorkArea>
- CRect GetWorkArea(LPCRECT rect); //<COMBINE CXTPMultiMonitor::GetWorkArea>
- CRect GetWorkArea(const CWnd* pWnd); //<COMBINE CXTPMultiMonitor::GetWorkArea>
- CRect GetWorkArea(HWND hWnd); //<COMBINE CXTPMultiMonitor::GetWorkArea>
- CRect GetScreenArea(const CWnd* pWnd); //<COMBINE CXTPMultiMonitor::GetWorkArea>
- CRect GetScreenArea(HWND hWnd); //<COMBINE CXTPMultiMonitor::GetWorkArea>
- CRect GetScreenArea(const POINT& point); //<COMBINE CXTPMultiMonitor::GetWorkArea>
- CRect GetScreenArea(LPCRECT rect); //<COMBINE CXTPMultiMonitor::GetWorkArea>
- private:
- BOOL GetMonitorInfo(XTP_HMONITOR hMonitor, XTP_MONITORINFO* lpMonitorInfo);
- CRect GetWorkArea(XTP_HMONITOR hMonitor);
- CRect GetScreenArea(XTP_HMONITOR hMonitor);
- int (WINAPI* m_pfnGetSystemMetrics)(int);
- XTP_HMONITOR (WINAPI* m_pfnMonitorFromWindow)(HWND, DWORD);
- XTP_HMONITOR (WINAPI* m_pfnMonitorFromPoint)(POINT, DWORD);
- CXTPModuleHandle m_modUser32;
- friend _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPMultiMonitor* AFX_CDECL XTPMultiMonitor();
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this function to access CXTPMultiMonitor members.
- // Since this class is designed as a single instance object you can
- // only access its members through this method. You <b>cannot</b>
- // directly instantiate an object of type CXTPMultiMonitor.
- // Example:
- // <code>CRect rcWork = XTPMultiMonitor()->GetWorkArea();</code>
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPMultiMonitor* AFX_CDECL XTPMultiMonitor();
- //===========================================================================
- // Summary: Critical Section Wrapper
- //===========================================================================
- class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPCriticalSection
- {
- public:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Constructs a CXTPCriticalSection object
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- CXTPCriticalSection();
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Destroys a CXTPCriticalSection object, handles cleanup and deallocation
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ~CXTPCriticalSection();
- public:
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // The EnterCriticalSection function waits for ownership of the
- // specified critical section object
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void EnterCritical();
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // The LeaveCriticalSection function releases ownership of the
- // specified critical section object
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void LeaveCritical();
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Returns CRITICAL_SECTION reference
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- operator CRITICAL_SECTION& () {
- return m_csMutex;
- }
- private:
- };
- //===========================================================================
- // Summary: Critical Sections Lock/Unlock helper
- //===========================================================================
- class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPLockGuard
- {
- public:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Constructs a CXTPLockGuard object
- // Parameters:
- // key - CRITICAL_SECTION used to lock thread
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Destroys a CXTPCriticalSection object, handles cleanup and deallocation
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ~CXTPLockGuard();
- public:
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary: This method call EnterCritical of key object
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void LockThread();
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary: This method call LeaveCritical of key object
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void UnLockThread();
- private:
- private:
- };
- #ifndef CHILDID_SELF
- #define CHILDID_SELF 0
- #endif
- #ifndef WM_GETOBJECT
- #define WM_GETOBJECT 0x003D
- #endif
- #define EVENT_OBJECT_FOCUS 0x8005
- #endif
- #ifndef OBJID_MENU
- #endif
- #ifndef OBJID_CLIENT
- #endif
- #ifndef OBJID_WINDOW
- #define OBJID_WINDOW 0x00000000
- #endif
- class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPAccessible
- {
- public:
- CXTPAccessible();
- virtual ~CXTPAccessible();
- public:
- virtual HRESULT GetAccessibleParent(IDispatch** ppdispParent);
- virtual HRESULT GetAccessibleChildCount(long* pcountChildren);
- virtual HRESULT GetAccessibleChild(VARIANT varChild, IDispatch** ppdispChild);
- virtual HRESULT GetAccessibleName(VARIANT varChild, BSTR* pszName);
- virtual HRESULT GetAccessibleValue(VARIANT varChild, BSTR* pszValue);
- virtual HRESULT GetAccessibleDescription(VARIANT varChild, BSTR* pszDescription);
- virtual HRESULT GetAccessibleRole(VARIANT varChild, VARIANT* pvarRole);
- virtual HRESULT GetAccessibleState(VARIANT varChild, VARIANT* pvarState);
- virtual HRESULT GetAccessibleHelp(VARIANT varChild, BSTR* pszHelp);
- virtual HRESULT GetAccessibleHelpTopic(BSTR *pszHelpFile, VARIANT varChild, long* pidTopic);
- virtual HRESULT GetAccessibleKeyboardShortcut(VARIANT varChild, BSTR* pszKeyboardShortcut);
- virtual HRESULT GetAccessibleFocus(VARIANT* pvarChild);
- virtual HRESULT GetAccessibleSelection(VARIANT* pvarChildren);
- virtual HRESULT GetAccessibleDefaultAction(VARIANT varChild, BSTR* pszDefaultAction);
- virtual HRESULT AccessibleSelect(long flagsSelect, VARIANT varChild);
- virtual HRESULT AccessibleLocation(long *pxLeft, long *pyTop, long *pcxWidth, long* pcyHeight, VARIANT varChild);
- virtual HRESULT AccessibleNavigate(long navDir, VARIANT varStart, VARIANT* pvarEndUpAt);
- virtual HRESULT AccessibleHitTest(long xLeft, long yTop, VARIANT* pvarChild);
- virtual HRESULT AccessibleDoDefaultAction(VARIANT varChild);
- //Obsolete
- virtual HRESULT PutAccessibleName(VARIANT varChild, BSTR szName);
- //Obsolete
- virtual HRESULT PutAccessibleValue(VARIANT varChild, BSTR szValue);
- virtual CCmdTarget* GetAccessible();
- void AccessibleNotifyWinEvent(DWORD event, HWND hwnd, LONG idObject, LONG idChild);
- protected:
- HRESULT AccessibleObjectFromWindow(HWND hwnd, DWORD dwId, REFIID riid, void** ppvObject);
- LRESULT LresultFromObject(REFIID riid, WPARAM wParam, LPUNKNOWN punk);
- long GetChildIndex(VARIANT* varChild);
- public:
- BEGIN_INTERFACE_PART(Accessible, IAccessible)
- STDMETHOD(GetTypeInfoCount)(UINT FAR* pctinfo);
- STDMETHOD(GetTypeInfo)(UINT itinfo, LCID lcid, ITypeInfo FAR* FAR* pptinfo);
- STDMETHOD(GetIDsOfNames)(REFIID riid, OLECHAR FAR* FAR* rgszNames, UINT cNames,
- LCID lcid, DISPID FAR* rgdispid);
- STDMETHOD(Invoke)(DISPID dispidMember, REFIID riid, LCID lcid, WORD wFlags,
- DISPPARAMS FAR* pdispparams, VARIANT FAR* pvarResult, EXCEPINFO FAR* pexcepinfo,
- UINT FAR* puArgErr);
- STDMETHOD(get_accParent)(IDispatch* FAR* ppdispParent);
- STDMETHOD(get_accChildCount)(long FAR* pChildCount);
- STDMETHOD(get_accChild)(VARIANT varChildIndex, IDispatch* FAR* ppdispChild);
- STDMETHOD(get_accName)(VARIANT varChild, BSTR* pszName);
- STDMETHOD(get_accValue)(VARIANT varChild, BSTR* pszValue);
- STDMETHOD(get_accDescription)(VARIANT varChild, BSTR FAR* pszDescription);
- STDMETHOD(get_accRole)(VARIANT varChild, VARIANT* pvarRole);
- STDMETHOD(get_accState)(VARIANT varChild, VARIANT* pvarState);
- STDMETHOD(get_accHelp)(VARIANT varChild, BSTR* pszHelp);
- STDMETHOD(get_accHelpTopic)(BSTR* pszHelpFile, VARIANT varChild, long* pidTopic);
- STDMETHOD(get_accKeyboardShortcut)(VARIANT varChild, BSTR* pszKeyboardShortcut);
- STDMETHOD(get_accFocus)(VARIANT FAR* pvarFocusChild);
- STDMETHOD(get_accSelection)(VARIANT FAR* pvarSelectedChildren);
- STDMETHOD(get_accDefaultAction)(VARIANT varChild, BSTR* pszDefaultAction);
- STDMETHOD(accSelect)(long flagsSelect, VARIANT varChild);
- STDMETHOD(accLocation)(long* pxLeft, long* pyTop, long* pcxWidth, long* pcyHeight, VARIANT varChild);
- STDMETHOD(accNavigate)(long navDir, VARIANT varStart, VARIANT* pvarEndUpAt);
- STDMETHOD(accHitTest)(long xLeft, long yTop, VARIANT* pvarChildAtPoint);
- STDMETHOD(accDoDefaultAction)(VARIANT varChild);
- STDMETHOD(put_accName)(VARIANT varChild, BSTR szName);
- STDMETHOD(put_accValue)(VARIANT varChild, BSTR pszValue);
- END_INTERFACE_PART(ExternalAccessible)
- private:
- typedef VOID (WINAPI* LPFNNOTIFYWINEVENT)(DWORD event, HWND hwnd, LONG idObject, LONG idChild);
- CXTPModuleHandle m_modUser32;
- CXTPModuleHandle m_modOleAcc;
- };
- #endif // !defined(__XTPMANAGESTATE_H__)