- // XTPPaintManager.cpp : implementation of the CXTPPaintManager class.
- //
- // This file is a part of the XTREME COMMANDBARS MFC class library.
- // (c)1998-2008 Codejock Software, All Rights Reserved.
- //
- //
- //
- // support@codejock.com
- // http://www.codejock.com
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include <math.h>
- #include "Common/XTPVC80Helpers.h"
- #include "Common/XTPImageManager.h"
- #include "Common/XTPColorManager.h"
- #include "Common/XTPDrawHelpers.h"
- #include "Common/XTPResourceManager.h"
- #include "Common/XTPHookManager.h"
- #include "Common/XTPMarkupRender.h"
- #include "XTPPaintManager.h"
- #include "XTPControlButton.h"
- #include "XTPControlPopup.h"
- #include "XTPControlGallery.h"
- #include "XTPToolBar.h"
- #include "XTPCommandBars.h"
- #include "XTPPopupBar.h"
- #include "XTPControlComboBox.h"
- #include "XTPControlEdit.h"
- #include "XTPControls.h"
- #include "XTPStatusBar.h"
- #include "XTPMessageBar.h"
- #include "XTPControlProgress.h"
- #include "XTPOffice2007Theme.h"
- #include "Ribbon/XTPRibbonTheme.h"
- #endif
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
- #endif
- CXTPPaintManager* CXTPPaintManager::s_pInstance = NULL;
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CXTPPaintManager::CXTPPaintManagerDestructor
- static class CXTPPaintManager::CPaintManagerDestructor
- {
- public:
- ~CPaintManagerDestructor()
- {
- CXTPPaintManager::Done();
- }
- } __xtpPaintManagerDestructor;
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CXTPDockingPanePaintManager::CLogFont
- CXTPPaintManager::CLogFont::CLogFont()
- {
- ::ZeroMemory(this, sizeof(LOGFONT));
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CXTPDockingPanePaintManager::CNonClientMetrics
- CXTPPaintManager::CNonClientMetrics::CNonClientMetrics()
- {
- ::ZeroMemory(this, sizeof(NONCLIENTMETRICS));
- cbSize = sizeof(NONCLIENTMETRICS);
- sizeof(NONCLIENTMETRICS), this, 0));
- }
- CXTPPaintManager::CXTPPaintManager()
- {
- m_bFlatToolBar = FALSE;
- m_bFlatMenuBar = FALSE;
- m_nTextHeight = 0;
- m_bUseOfficeFont = FALSE;
- m_strOfficeFont = _T("Tahoma");
- m_bUseStandardFont = TRUE;
- m_bShowShadow = TRUE;
- m_bEmbossedDisabledText = TRUE;
- m_nStatusBarMinHeight = 20;
- m_bThemedStatusBar = FALSE;
- m_bThemedCheckBox = FALSE;
- m_iconsInfo.bUseFadedIcons = FALSE;
- m_iconsInfo.bIconsWithShadow = FALSE;
- m_iconsInfo.bUseDisabledIcons = FALSE;
- m_iconsInfo.bOfficeStyleDisabledIcons = FALSE;
- m_nAnimationSteps = 10;
- m_nAnimationTime = 100;
- m_bThickCheckMark = FALSE;
- m_bClearTypeTextQuality = FALSE;
- m_systemTheme = xtpSystemThemeDefault;
- m_bShowKeyboardCues = -1;
- m_nSplitButtonDropDownWidth = 11;
- m_nPopupBarTextPadding = 4;
- m_nSplitButtonPopupWidth = 20;
- m_bSelectImageInPopupBar = FALSE;
- m_bEnableAnimation = FALSE;
- m_bOffice2007Padding = FALSE;
- m_bOffsetPopupLabelText = TRUE;
- m_nEditHeight = 0;
- m_bAutoResizeIcons = FALSE;
- m_bWrapCaptionBelowText = TRUE;
- m_bResourceCharSet = FALSE;
- m_rcStatusBarBorder.SetRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
- XTPImageManager()->RefreshAll();
- m_pGalleryPaintManager = new CXTPControlGalleryPaintManager(this);
- m_pSliderPaintManager = new CXTPSliderPaintManager(this);
- m_pProgressPaintManager = new CXTPProgressPaintManager(this);
- m_pfnSetLayeredWindowAttributes = NULL;
- //init layered function (for Win98 compatible)
- HMODULE hLib = GetModuleHandle(_T("USER32"));
- if (hLib)
- {
- m_pfnSetLayeredWindowAttributes = (PVOID) ::GetProcAddress(hLib, "SetLayeredWindowAttributes");
- }
- m_pShadowManager = new CXTPShadowManager();
- }
- XTPCurrentSystemTheme CXTPPaintManager::GetCurrentSystemTheme()
- {
- if (m_systemTheme == xtpSystemThemeDefault)
- return XTPColorManager()->IsLunaColorsDisabled() ? xtpSystemThemeUnknown :
- XTPColorManager()->GetCurrentSystemTheme();
- if (m_systemTheme == xtpSystemThemeAuto)
- return XTPColorManager()->GetWinThemeWrapperTheme();
- return m_systemTheme;
- }
- void CXTPPaintManager::SetLunaTheme(XTPCurrentSystemTheme systemTheme)
- {
- m_systemTheme = systemTheme;
- RefreshMetrics();
- }
- COLORREF CXTPPaintManager::GetXtremeColor(UINT nIndex)
- {
- if (nIndex > XPCOLOR_LAST) return nIndex;
- return m_arrColor[nIndex];
- }
- void CXTPPaintManager::SetColors(int cElements, CONST INT* lpaElements, CONST COLORREF* lpaRgbValues)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < cElements; i++)
- m_arrColor[lpaElements[i]].SetStandardValue(lpaRgbValues[i]);
- }
- CXTPPaintManager::~CXTPPaintManager()
- {
- SAFE_DELETE(m_pGalleryPaintManager);
- SAFE_DELETE(m_pSliderPaintManager);
- SAFE_DELETE(m_pProgressPaintManager);
- CMDTARGET_RELEASE(m_pShadowManager);
- }
- int CXTPPaintManager::GetShadowOptions() const
- {
- return m_pShadowManager->GetShadowOptions();
- }
- {
- return &m_iconsInfo;
- }
- void CXTPPaintManager::UpdateColors()
- {
- RefreshXtremeColors();
- CXTPColorManager* pColorManager = XTPColorManager();
- for (int i = 0; i <= XPCOLOR_LAST; i++)
- m_arrColor[i].SetStandardValue(pColorManager->GetColor(i));
- }
- void CXTPPaintManager::RefreshMetrics()
- {
- UpdateFonts();
- UpdateColors();
- m_pShadowManager->SetShadowColor(0);
- m_clrStatusTextColor = GetXtremeColor(COLOR_BTNTEXT);
- m_clrMessageBarText = GetXtremeColor(COLOR_INFOTEXT);
- m_clrFloatingGripper.SetStandardValue(GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DSHADOW));
- m_clrFloatingGripperText.SetStandardValue(GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DHIGHLIGHT));
- m_clrDisabledIcon.SetStandardValue(GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DFACE), GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DSHADOW));
- m_themeStatusBar.CloseTheme();
- if (m_bThemedStatusBar)
- {
- m_themeStatusBar.OpenThemeData(NULL, L"STATUS");
- if (m_themeStatusBar.IsAppThemed())
- m_themeStatusBar.GetThemeColor(SP_PANE, 0, TMT_TEXTCOLOR, &m_clrStatusTextColor);
- }
- m_themeButton.CloseTheme();
- if (m_bThemedCheckBox)
- {
- m_themeButton.OpenTheme(NULL, L"BUTTON");
- }
- m_pGalleryPaintManager->RefreshMetrics();
- m_pSliderPaintManager->RefreshMetrics();
- m_pProgressPaintManager->RefreshMetrics();
- }
- int CXTPPaintManager::GetControlHeight() const
- {
- return max(22, m_nTextHeight);
- }
- CXTPPaintManager* CXTPPaintManager::CreateTheme(XTPPaintTheme paintTheme)
- {
- CXTPPaintManager* pInstance = NULL;
- if (paintTheme == xtpThemeOfficeXP) pInstance = new CXTPOfficeTheme();
- else if (paintTheme == xtpThemeOffice2003) pInstance = new CXTPOffice2003Theme();
- else if (paintTheme == xtpThemeNativeWinXP) pInstance = new CXTPNativeXPTheme();
- else if (paintTheme == xtpThemeWhidbey) pInstance = new CXTPWhidbeyTheme();
- else if (paintTheme == xtpThemeVisualStudio2008) pInstance = new CXTPVisualStudio2008Theme();
- else if (paintTheme == xtpThemeOffice2007) pInstance = new CXTPOffice2007Theme();
- else if (paintTheme == xtpThemeRibbon) pInstance = new CXTPRibbonTheme();
- #endif
- else pInstance = new CXTPDefaultTheme();
- ASSERT(pInstance);
- pInstance->m_themeCurrent = paintTheme;
- return pInstance;
- }
- void CXTPPaintManager::SetTheme(XTPPaintTheme paintTheme)
- {
- SetCustomTheme(CreateTheme(paintTheme));
- s_pInstance->m_themeCurrent = paintTheme;
- }
- void CXTPPaintManager::SetCustomTheme(CXTPPaintManager* pTheme)
- {
- if (s_pInstance != NULL)
- s_pInstance->InternalRelease();
- s_pInstance = pTheme;
- s_pInstance->m_themeCurrent = xtpThemeCustom;
- s_pInstance->RefreshMetrics();
- }
- void CXTPPaintManager::Done()
- {
- if (s_pInstance != NULL)
- s_pInstance->InternalRelease();
- s_pInstance = NULL;
- }
- void CXTPPaintManager::Triangle(CDC* pDC, CPoint pt0, CPoint pt1, CPoint pt2, COLORREF clr)
- {
- CXTPPenDC pen (*pDC, clr);
- CXTPBrushDC brush (*pDC, clr);
- CPoint pts[3];
- pts[0] = pt0;
- pts[1] = pt1;
- pts[2] = pt2;
- pDC->Polygon(pts, 3);
- }
- void CXTPPaintManager::Rectangle(CDC* pDC, CRect rc, int nPen, int nBrush)
- {
- if (nBrush != -1) pDC->FillSolidRect(rc, GetXtremeColor(nBrush));
- if (nPen != nBrush && nPen != -1) pDC->Draw3dRect(rc, GetXtremeColor(nPen), GetXtremeColor(nPen));
- }
- void CXTPPaintManager::Draw3dRect(CDC* pDC, CRect rc, int nTopLeft, int nBottomRight)
- {
- pDC->Draw3dRect(&rc, GetXtremeColor(nTopLeft), GetXtremeColor(nBottomRight));
- }
- void CXTPPaintManager::_DrawCheckMark(CDC* pDC, CRect rc, COLORREF clr, BOOL bLayoutRTL /*= FALSE*/)
- {
- CRect rcCheck(CPoint(rc.left + rc.Width()/2 - 10, rc.top + rc.Height()/2 - 10), CSize(20, 20));
- CXTPPenDC pen(*pDC, clr);
- if (bLayoutRTL)
- {
- pDC->MoveTo(rcCheck.left + 6, rcCheck.top + 7);
- pDC->LineTo(rcCheck.left + 10, rcCheck.top + 11);
- pDC->LineTo(rcCheck.left + 13, rcCheck.top + 8);
- pDC->MoveTo(rcCheck.left + 6, rcCheck.top + 8);
- pDC->LineTo(rcCheck.left + 10, rcCheck.top + 12);
- pDC->LineTo(rcCheck.left + 13, rcCheck.top + 9);
- }
- else
- {
- pDC->MoveTo(rcCheck.left + 6, rcCheck.top + 9);
- pDC->LineTo(rcCheck.left + 8, rcCheck.top + 11);
- pDC->LineTo(rcCheck.left + 13, rcCheck.top + 6);
- pDC->MoveTo(rcCheck.left + 6, rcCheck.top + 10);
- pDC->LineTo(rcCheck.left + 8, rcCheck.top + 12);
- pDC->LineTo(rcCheck.left + 13, rcCheck.top + 7);
- }
- }
- AFX_INLINE COLORREF Mix(CDC* pDC, int x, int y, COLORREF clrBorder, COLORREF clrFace, double a)
- {
- COLORREF clr = clrFace;
- if (a < 0)
- a = -a;
- else
- {
- clr = pDC->GetPixel(x, y);
- }
- int r = int(GetRValue(clrBorder) + a * double(GetRValue(clr) - GetRValue(clrBorder)));
- int g = int(GetGValue(clrBorder) + a * double(GetGValue(clr) - GetGValue(clrBorder)));
- int b = int(GetBValue(clrBorder) + a * double(GetBValue(clr) - GetBValue(clrBorder)));
- return RGB(r, g, b);
- }
- void CXTPPaintManager::AlphaEllipse(CDC* pDC, CRect rc, COLORREF clrBorder, COLORREF clrFace)
- {
- ASSERT(rc.Width() == rc.Height());
- double x0 = double(rc.left + rc.right - 1) / 2;
- double y0 = double(rc.top + rc.bottom - 1) / 2;
- double radius = double(rc.right - rc.left - 1) / 2 - 0.25;
- for (int x = rc.left; x < rc.right; x++)
- for (int y = rc.top; y < rc.bottom; y++)
- {
- double distance = sqrt(pow(x0 - x, 2) + pow(y0 - y, 2));
- if (distance >= radius - 1 && distance <= radius + 1)
- {
- pDC->SetPixel(x, y, Mix(pDC, x, y, clrBorder, clrFace, distance - radius));
- }
- else if (distance < radius - 1)
- {
- pDC->SetPixel(x, y, clrFace);
- }
- }
- }
- void CXTPPaintManager::DrawPopupBarRadioMark(CDC* pDC, CRect rcCheck, BOOL /*bEnabled*/, COLORREF clr)
- {
- CPoint pt(rcCheck.CenterPoint());
- CRect rcRadio(pt.x - 3, pt.y - 3, pt.x + 3, pt.y + 3);
- AlphaEllipse(pDC, rcRadio, clr, clr);
- }
- void CXTPPaintManager::DrawPopupBarCheckMark(CDC* pDC, CRect rc, BOOL /*bEnabled*/, COLORREF clr)
- {
- BOOL bLayoutRTL = CXTPDrawHelpers::IsContextRTL(pDC);
- _DrawCheckMark(pDC, rc, clr, bLayoutRTL);
- if (m_bThickCheckMark)
- {
- rc.OffsetRect(0, 1);
- _DrawCheckMark(pDC, rc, clr, bLayoutRTL);
- }
- }
- void CXTPPaintManager::DrawComboExpandMark(CDC* pDC, CRect rc, COLORREF clr)
- {
- CPoint pt(rc.CenterPoint());
- int nWidth = max(2, rc.Width() / 2 - 4);
- Triangle(pDC, CPoint(pt.x - nWidth, pt.y - nWidth/2), CPoint(pt.x + nWidth, pt.y - nWidth/2), CPoint (pt.x , pt.y - nWidth/2 + nWidth), clr);
- }
- void CXTPPaintManager::HorizontalLine(CDC* pDC, int x0, int y, int x1, COLORREF clrPen)
- {
- pDC->FillSolidRect(x0, y, x1 - x0, 1, clrPen);
- }
- void CXTPPaintManager::VerticalLine(CDC* pDC, int x, int y0, int y1, COLORREF clrPen)
- {
- pDC->FillSolidRect(x, y0, 1, y1 - y0, clrPen);
- }
- void CXTPPaintManager::Line(CDC* pDC, CPoint p0, CPoint p1)
- {
- pDC->MoveTo(p0);
- pDC->LineTo(p1);
- }
- void CXTPPaintManager::Line(CDC* pDC, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int nPen)
- {
- CXTPPenDC pen(*pDC, GetXtremeColor(nPen));
- pDC->MoveTo(x0, y0);
- pDC->LineTo(x1, y1);
- }
- void CXTPPaintManager::Pixel(CDC* pDC, int x, int y, int nPen)
- {
- pDC->SetPixel(x, y, GetXtremeColor(nPen));
- }
- void CXTPPaintManager::StripMnemonics(CString& strClear)
- {
- CXTPDrawHelpers::StripMnemonics(strClear);
- }
- void CXTPPaintManager::SplitString(const CString& str, CString& strFirstRow, CString& strSecondRow)
- {
- strFirstRow = str;
- strSecondRow.Empty();
- int nIndex = str.Find(_T(' '));
- if (nIndex < 1)
- return;
- int nCenter = str.GetLength() / 2;
- for (int i = 0; i < nCenter - 1; i++)
- {
- ASSERT(nCenter - i >= 0 && nCenter + i + 1 < str.GetLength());
- if (str[nCenter - i] == _T(' '))
- {
- strFirstRow = str.Left(nCenter - i);
- strSecondRow = str.Mid(nCenter - i + 1);
- return;
- }
- if (str[nCenter + i + 1] == _T(' '))
- {
- strFirstRow = str.Left(nCenter + i + 1);
- strSecondRow = str.Mid(nCenter + i + 2);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- #define XTP_DTT_COMPOSITED (1UL << 13) // Draws text with antialiased alpha (needs a DIB section)
- #define XTP_DTT_TEXTCOLOR (1UL << 0)
- void CXTPPaintManager::DrawTextApi(CDC* pDC, const CString& str, LPRECT lpRect, UINT format, BOOL bComposited)
- {
- if (!bComposited)
- {
- pDC->DrawText(str, lpRect, format);
- }
- else
- {
- CXTPWinThemeWrapper wrapper(FALSE);
- wrapper.OpenTheme(0, L"GLOBALS");
- if (!wrapper.IsAppThemed())
- {
- pDC->DrawText(str, lpRect, format);
- return;
- }
- CRect rcBuffer(lpRect);
- HDC hDC = 0;
- HPAINTBUFFER pb = wrapper.BeginBufferedPaint(pDC->GetSafeHdc(), rcBuffer, XTP_BPBF_TOPDOWNDIB, 0, &hDC);
- if (hDC != NULL)
- {
- ::BitBlt(hDC, rcBuffer.left, rcBuffer.top, rcBuffer.Width(), rcBuffer.Height(), pDC->GetSafeHdc(), rcBuffer.left, rcBuffer.top, SRCCOPY);
- op.dwSize = sizeof(op);
- op.crText = pDC->GetTextColor();
- CXTPFontDC font(CDC::FromHandle(hDC), pDC->GetCurrentFont());
- wrapper.DrawThemeTextEx(hDC, 0, 0, XTP_CT2CW(str), -1,
- format, rcBuffer, &op);
- }
- wrapper.EndBufferedPaint(pb, TRUE);
- }
- }
- void CXTPPaintManager::DrawControlText3(CDC* pDC, CXTPControl* pButton, const CString& str, const CString& strClear, CRect rcText, BOOL bVert, BOOL bCentered)
- {
- BOOL bEmbossed = !pButton->GetEnabled() && m_bEmbossedDisabledText;
- BOOL bShowKeyboardCues = pButton->GetParent()->IsKeyboardCuesVisible();
- if (m_bShowKeyboardCues > -1)
- bShowKeyboardCues = m_bShowKeyboardCues;
- int nFormat = DT_SINGLELINE | (bCentered ? DT_CENTER : DT_LEFT);
- if (!bVert)
- {
- if (bEmbossed)
- {
- COLORREF clrText = pDC->GetTextColor();
- pDC->SetTextColor(GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DHIGHLIGHT));
- pDC->DrawText(strClear, rcText + CPoint(1, 1), nFormat | DT_VCENTER | DT_NOPREFIX);
- pDC->SetTextColor(clrText);
- }
- if (bShowKeyboardCues)
- DrawTextApi(pDC, str, &rcText, nFormat | DT_VCENTER, pButton->HasDwmCompositedRect());
- else
- DrawTextApi(pDC, strClear, &rcText, nFormat | DT_VCENTER | DT_NOPREFIX, pButton->HasDwmCompositedRect());
- }
- else
- {
- if (bEmbossed)
- {
- COLORREF clrText = pDC->GetTextColor();
- pDC->SetTextColor(GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DHIGHLIGHT));
- pDC->DrawText(strClear, rcText + CPoint(1, 1), nFormat | DT_NOPREFIX | DT_NOCLIP);
- pDC->SetTextColor(clrText);
- }
- pDC->DrawText(strClear, &rcText, nFormat | DT_NOPREFIX | DT_NOCLIP);
- }
- }
- void CXTPPaintManager::DrawDropDownGlyph(CDC* pDC, CXTPControl* /*pControl*/, CPoint pt, BOOL bSelected, BOOL bPopuped, BOOL bEnabled, BOOL bVert)
- {
- COLORREF clr = GetRectangleTextColor(bSelected, FALSE, bEnabled, FALSE, bPopuped, xtpBarTypeNormal, xtpBarTop);
- if (bVert)
- {
- Triangle(pDC, CPoint(pt.x + 2 , pt.y - 2), CPoint(pt.x + 2, pt.y + 2), CPoint (pt.x, pt.y), clr);
- }
- else
- {
- Triangle(pDC, CPoint(pt.x - 2 , pt.y - 1), CPoint(pt.x + 2, pt.y - 1), CPoint (pt.x, pt.y + 1), clr);
- }
- }
- CSize CXTPPaintManager::DrawControlText2(CDC* pDC, CXTPControl* pButton, CRect rcText, BOOL bDraw, BOOL bVert, BOOL bTrangled)
- {
- CString str = pButton->GetCaption();
- CString strClear(str);
- StripMnemonics(strClear);
- CString strFirstRow, strSecondRow;
- if (m_bWrapCaptionBelowText)
- SplitString(str, strFirstRow, strSecondRow);
- else strFirstRow = str;
- CString strFirstRowClear(strFirstRow), strSecondRowClear(strSecondRow);
- StripMnemonics(strFirstRowClear);
- StripMnemonics(strSecondRowClear);
- if (!bDraw)
- {
- CSize szFirstRow = pDC->GetTextExtent(strClear.IsEmpty() ? _T(" ") : strFirstRowClear);
- CSize szSecondRow = pDC->GetTextExtent(strClear.IsEmpty() ? _T(" ") : strSecondRowClear);
- if (bTrangled) szSecondRow.cx += 8;
- CSize sz(max(szFirstRow.cx, szSecondRow.cx), 24);
- return bVert ? CSize(sz.cy, sz.cx) : sz;
- }
- if (!bVert)
- {
- CRect rcFirstRowText(rcText.left, rcText.top, rcText.right, rcText.CenterPoint().y + 1);
- CRect rcSecondRowText(rcText.left, rcText.CenterPoint().y, rcText.right, rcText.bottom);
- DrawControlText3(pDC, pButton, strFirstRow, strFirstRowClear, rcFirstRowText, bVert, TRUE);
- int nWidth = pDC->GetTextExtent(strSecondRowClear).cx + (bTrangled ? 9 : 0);
- rcSecondRowText.left += (rcText.Width() - nWidth) /2;
- DrawControlText3(pDC, pButton, strSecondRow, strSecondRowClear, rcSecondRowText, bVert, FALSE);
- if (bTrangled)
- {
- CPoint pt = CPoint(strSecondRow.IsEmpty() ? rcText.CenterPoint().x - 1:
- rcSecondRowText.left + nWidth - 4, rcSecondRowText.CenterPoint().y);
- DrawDropDownGlyph(pDC, pButton, pt, pButton->GetSelected(), pButton->GetPopuped(), pButton->GetEnabled(), bVert);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- CRect rcSecondRowText(rcText.left + 1, rcText.top, rcText.CenterPoint().x + 1, rcText.bottom);
- CRect rcFirstRowText(rcText.CenterPoint().x, rcText.top, rcText.right - 1, rcText.bottom);
- CSize szText = pDC->GetTextExtent (strFirstRowClear);
- rcFirstRowText.left = rcFirstRowText.right - (rcFirstRowText.Width() - szText.cy + 1) / 2;
- rcFirstRowText.top = rcFirstRowText.top + (rcFirstRowText.Height() - szText.cx + 1) / 2;
- DrawControlText3(pDC, pButton, strFirstRow, strFirstRowClear, rcFirstRowText, bVert, FALSE);
- szText = pDC->GetTextExtent (strSecondRowClear);
- szText.cx += (bTrangled ? 8 : 0);
- CRect rcSecondRow(rcSecondRowText);
- rcSecondRowText.left = rcSecondRowText.right - (rcSecondRowText.Width() - szText.cy + 1) / 2;
- rcSecondRowText.top = rcSecondRowText.top + (rcSecondRowText.Height() - szText.cx + 1) / 2;
- DrawControlText3(pDC, pButton, strSecondRow, strSecondRowClear, rcSecondRowText, bVert, FALSE);
- if (bTrangled)
- {
- CPoint pt = CPoint(rcSecondRow.CenterPoint().x - 2, rcSecondRowText.top + szText.cx - 4);
- DrawDropDownGlyph(pDC, pButton, pt, pButton->GetSelected(), pButton->GetPopuped(), pButton->GetEnabled(), bVert);
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- CSize CXTPPaintManager::DrawControlText(CDC* pDC, CXTPControl* pButton, CRect rcText, BOOL bDraw, BOOL bVert, BOOL bCentered, BOOL bTriangled)
- {
- CString str = pButton->GetCaption();
- CString strClear(str);
- StripMnemonics(strClear);
- if (!bDraw)
- {
- CSize sz = pDC->GetTextExtent(strClear.IsEmpty() ? _T(" ") : strClear);
- if (bTriangled) sz.cx += m_bOffice2007Padding ? 8 : 10;
- return bVert ? CSize(sz.cy, sz.cx) : sz;
- }
- if (!bVert)
- {
- int nWidth = pDC->GetTextExtent(strClear).cx + (bTriangled ? 5 : 0);
- if (bCentered)
- {
- rcText.left += (rcText.Width() - nWidth) /2;
- }
- DrawControlText3(pDC, pButton, str, strClear, rcText, bVert, FALSE);
- if (bTriangled)
- {
- CPoint pt = CPoint(rcText.left + nWidth, rcText.CenterPoint().y);
- DrawDropDownGlyph(pDC, pButton, pt, pButton->GetSelected(), pButton->GetPopuped(), pButton->GetEnabled(), bVert);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- CRect rc(rcText);
- CSize szText = pDC->GetTextExtent (strClear);
- szText.cx += (bTriangled ? 5 : 0);
- rcText.left = rcText.right - (rcText.Width() - szText.cy + 1) / 2;
- if (bCentered)
- {
- rcText.top = rcText.top + (rcText.Height() - szText.cx + 1) / 2;
- }
- DrawControlText3(pDC, pButton, str, strClear, rcText, bVert, FALSE);
- if (bTriangled)
- {
- CPoint pt = CPoint(rc.CenterPoint().x, rcText.top + szText.cx - 1);
- DrawDropDownGlyph(pDC, pButton, pt, pButton->GetSelected(), pButton->GetPopuped(), pButton->GetEnabled(), bVert);
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- void CXTPPaintManager::UseOfficeFont(bool bUseOfficeFont)
- {
- m_bUseOfficeFont = bUseOfficeFont;
- RefreshMetrics();
- }
- BOOL CXTPPaintManager::FontExists(LPCTSTR strFaceName)
- {
- return CXTPDrawHelpers::FontExists(strFaceName);
- }
- void CXTPPaintManager::SetCommandBarsFontIndirect(LOGFONT* pLogFont, BOOL bUseStandardFont /*= FALSE*/)
- {
- m_bUseStandardFont = bUseStandardFont;
- if (!pLogFont)
- return;
- if (m_bClearTypeTextQuality && XTPSystemVersion()->IsClearTypeTextQualitySupported())
- {
- pLogFont->lfQuality = 5;
- }
- m_fontRegular.DeleteObject();
- m_fontRegularBold.DeleteObject();
- m_fontVert.DeleteObject();
- m_fontVertBold.DeleteObject();
- m_fontIconBold.DeleteObject();
- // see if the Tahoma font was found.
- BOOL bTahomaExists = FontExists(m_strOfficeFont);
- // see if the system font is set to the Tahoma font, if so set the office font flag to true.
- bool bTahomaLF = m_strOfficeFont.CompareNoCase(pLogFont->lfFaceName) == 0;
- if (bTahomaLF)
- {
- m_bUseOfficeFont = true;
- }
- // set the office font if applicable.
- //BOOL bUseSystemFont = (pLogFont->lfCharSet > SYMBOL_CHARSET);
- if (bUseStandardFont)
- {
- if (m_bUseOfficeFont && bTahomaExists)
- STRCPY_S(pLogFont->lfFaceName, LF_FACESIZE, m_strOfficeFont);
- }
- m_fontRegular.CreateFontIndirect (pLogFont);
- int nWeight = pLogFont->lfWeight;
- pLogFont->lfWeight = FW_BOLD;
- m_fontRegularBold.CreateFontIndirect (pLogFont);
- pLogFont->lfOrientation = 900;
- pLogFont->lfEscapement = 2700;
- pLogFont->lfWeight = nWeight;
- STRCPY_S(pLogFont->lfFaceName, LF_FACESIZE, CXTPDrawHelpers::GetVerticalFontName(m_bUseOfficeFont));
- m_fontVert.CreateFontIndirect (pLogFont);
- pLogFont->lfWeight = FW_BOLD;
- m_fontVertBold.CreateFontIndirect (pLogFont);
- CWindowDC dc (NULL);
- CXTPFontDC font(&dc, &m_fontRegular);
- m_nTextHeight = dc.GetTextExtent(_T(" "), 1).cy + 6;
- }
- void CXTPPaintManager::UpdateFonts()
- {
- CNonClientMetrics ncm;
- BYTE lfCharSet = m_bResourceCharSet ? XTPResourceManager()->GetLanguageInfo()->nFontCharSet : ncm.lfMenuFont.lfCharSet;
- if (m_bUseStandardFont)
- {
- CLogFont lf;
- lf.lfHeight = ncm.lfMenuFont.lfHeight < 0 ? min(-11, ncm.lfMenuFont.lfHeight) : ncm.lfMenuFont.lfHeight;
- lf.lfWeight = ncm.lfMenuFont.lfWeight;
- lf.lfItalic = ncm.lfMenuFont.lfItalic;
- lf.lfCharSet = lfCharSet;
- lf.lfQuality = ncm.lfMenuFont.lfQuality;
- STRCPY_S(lf.lfFaceName, LF_FACESIZE, ncm.lfMenuFont.lfFaceName);
- if (m_bClearTypeTextQuality && XTPSystemVersion()->IsClearTypeTextQualitySupported())
- {
- lf.lfQuality = 5;
- }
- SetCommandBarsFontIndirect(&lf, TRUE);
- }
- LOGFONT lfIcon;
- VERIFY(::SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETICONTITLELOGFONT, sizeof(lfIcon), &lfIcon, 0));
- if (m_bClearTypeTextQuality && XTPSystemVersion()->IsClearTypeTextQualitySupported())
- {
- lfIcon.lfQuality = 5;
- ncm.lfSmCaptionFont.lfQuality = 5;
- ncm.lfStatusFont.lfQuality = 5;
- }
- lfIcon.lfCharSet = lfCharSet;
- ncm.lfSmCaptionFont.lfCharSet = lfCharSet;
- ncm.lfStatusFont.lfCharSet = lfCharSet;
- m_fontSmCaption.SetStandardFont(&ncm.lfSmCaptionFont);
- VERIFY(m_fontIcon.SetStandardFont(&lfIcon));
- lfIcon.lfWeight = FW_BOLD;
- VERIFY(m_fontIconBold.SetStandardFont(&lfIcon));
- m_fontToolTip.SetStandardFont(&ncm.lfStatusFont);
- }
- void CXTPPaintManager::DrawControlEntry(CDC* pDC, CXTPControl* pButton)
- {
- DrawRectangle(pDC, pButton->GetRect(), pButton->GetSelected(), pButton->GetPressed(), pButton->GetEnabled(), pButton->GetChecked(),
- pButton->GetPopuped(), pButton->GetParent()->GetType(), pButton->GetParent()->GetPosition());
- }
- COLORREF CXTPPaintManager::GetControlTextColor(CXTPControl* pButton)
- {
- BOOL bEnabled = pButton->GetType() == xtpControlSplitButtonPopup ? (pButton->GetStyle() != xtpButtonIconAndCaptionBelow ?
- IsControlCommandEnabled(pButton->GetEnabled()) : IsControlDropDownEnabled(pButton->GetEnabled())) : pButton->GetEnabled();
- BOOL bCheckBoxStyle = (pButton->GetType() == xtpControlCheckBox || pButton->GetType() == xtpControlRadioButton)
- && (pButton->GetParent()->GetType() != xtpBarTypePopup);
- if (bCheckBoxStyle)
- return GetRectangleTextColor(FALSE, FALSE, bEnabled, FALSE, FALSE, pButton->GetParent()->GetType(), pButton->GetParent()->GetPosition());
- return GetRectangleTextColor(pButton->GetSelected(), pButton->GetPressed(), bEnabled, pButton->GetChecked(),
- pButton->GetPopuped(), pButton->GetParent()->GetType(), pButton->GetParent()->GetPosition());
- }
- int CXTPPaintManager::GetPopupBarGripperWidth(CXTPCommandBar* pBar)
- {
- if (pBar->GetType() != xtpBarTypePopup)
- return 0;
- int nDoubleGripper = pBar->IsPopupBar() && ((CXTPPopupBar*)pBar)->IsDoubleGripper() ? 2 : 1;
- CSize szImage(GetPopupBarImageSize(pBar));
- return szImage.cx * nDoubleGripper + 1;
- }
- COLORREF CXTPPaintManager::GetControlEditBackColor(CXTPControl* pControl)
- {
- return GetXtremeColor(pControl->GetEnabled() ? COLOR_WINDOW : COLOR_3DFACE);
- }
- CSize CXTPPaintManager::DrawControlEdit(CDC* pDC, CXTPControlEdit* pControlEdit, BOOL bDraw)
- {
- if (bDraw)
- {
- if (pControlEdit->GetParent()->GetType() == xtpBarTypePopup)
- {
- DrawControlPopupParent(pDC, pControlEdit, TRUE);
- }
- else
- {
- CRect rc = pControlEdit->GetRect();
- CRect rcLabelText(rc);
- rcLabelText.left += 2;
- BOOL bEnabled = pControlEdit->GetEnabled();
- if (pControlEdit->IsImageVisible())
- {
- CSize szIcon = pControlEdit->GetIconSize();
- CXTPImageManagerIcon* pImage = pControlEdit->GetImage(szIcon.cx);
- szIcon.cy = pImage->GetHeight() * szIcon.cx / pImage->GetWidth();
- CPoint pt = CPoint(rc.left + 3, rc.CenterPoint().y - szIcon.cy/2);
- DrawImage(pDC, pt, szIcon, pImage, FALSE, FALSE, bEnabled, FALSE, FALSE);
- rcLabelText.left = rc.left + szIcon.cx + 6;
- }
- if (pControlEdit->IsCaptionVisible())
- {
- CXTPFontDC fontLabel(pDC, GetRegularFont());
- pDC->SetTextColor(GetRectangleTextColor(FALSE, FALSE, bEnabled, FALSE, FALSE, pControlEdit->GetParent()->GetType(), pControlEdit->GetParent()->GetPosition()));
- DrawControlText(pDC, pControlEdit, rcLabelText, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- BOOL bPopupBar = pControlEdit->GetParent()->GetType() == xtpBarTypePopup;
- CString strCaption(pControlEdit->GetCaption());
- StripMnemonics(strCaption);
- CXTPFontDC font(pDC, GetIconFont());
- int nHeight = m_nEditHeight > 0 ? m_nEditHeight : pDC->GetTextExtent(_T(" "), 1).cy + 7;
- font.SetFont(GetRegularFont());
- BOOL bCaptionVisible = pControlEdit->IsCaptionVisible();
- if (bCaptionVisible && m_nEditHeight == 0)
- nHeight = max(nHeight, pDC->GetTextExtent(_T(" "), 1).cy + 7);
- int nCaptionWidth = pDC->GetTextExtent(strCaption).cx + 5;
- if (bPopupBar)
- {
- int nGripperWidth = GetPopupBarGripperWidth(pControlEdit->GetParent());
- pControlEdit->SetLabelWidth(nCaptionWidth + nGripperWidth + m_nPopupBarTextPadding);
- return CSize(pControlEdit->GetWidth() + nGripperWidth, nHeight);
- }
- BOOL bImageVisible = pControlEdit->IsImageVisible();
- int nLabelWidth = (bImageVisible ? pControlEdit->GetIconSize().cx + 4 : 0) +
- (bCaptionVisible ? nCaptionWidth : 0);
- if (bImageVisible)
- nHeight = max(nHeight, pControlEdit->GetButtonSize().cy);
- pControlEdit->SetLabelWidth(nLabelWidth);
- return CSize(pControlEdit->GetWidth(), nHeight);
- }
- CSize CXTPPaintManager::DrawControlComboBox(CDC* pDC, CXTPControlComboBox* pControlCombo, BOOL bDraw)
- {
- if (bDraw)
- {
- if (pControlCombo->GetParent()->GetType() == xtpBarTypePopup)
- {
- DrawControlPopupParent(pDC, pControlCombo, TRUE);
- }
- else
- {
- CRect rc = pControlCombo->GetRect();
- CRect rcLabelText(rc);
- rcLabelText.left += 2;
- BOOL bEnabled = pControlCombo->GetEnabled();
- if (pControlCombo->IsImageVisible())
- {
- CSize szIcon = pControlCombo->GetIconSize();
- CXTPImageManagerIcon* pImage = pControlCombo->GetImage(szIcon.cx);
- szIcon.cy = pImage->GetHeight() * szIcon.cx / pImage->GetWidth();
- CPoint pt = CPoint(rc.left + 3, rc.CenterPoint().y - szIcon.cy/2);
- DrawImage(pDC, pt, szIcon, pImage, FALSE, FALSE, bEnabled, FALSE, FALSE);
- rcLabelText.left = rc.left + szIcon.cx + 6;
- }
- if (pControlCombo->IsCaptionVisible())
- {
- CXTPFontDC fontLabel(pDC, GetRegularFont());
- pDC->SetTextColor(GetRectangleTextColor(FALSE, FALSE, bEnabled, FALSE, FALSE, pControlCombo->GetParent()->GetType(), pControlCombo->GetParent()->GetPosition()));
- DrawControlText(pDC, pControlCombo, rcLabelText, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- BOOL bPopupBar = pControlCombo->GetParent()->GetType() == xtpBarTypePopup;
- CString strCaption(pControlCombo->GetCaption());
- StripMnemonics(strCaption);
- CXTPFontDC font(pDC, GetIconFont());
- int nHeight = m_nEditHeight > 0 ? m_nEditHeight : max(20, pDC->GetTextExtent(_T(" "), 1).cy + 7);
- pControlCombo->SetThumbWidth(max(15, MulDiv(nHeight, 9, 14) + 1));
- font.SetFont(GetRegularFont());
- BOOL bCaptionVisible = pControlCombo->IsCaptionVisible();
- if (bCaptionVisible && m_nEditHeight == 0)
- nHeight = max(nHeight, pDC->GetTextExtent(_T(" "), 1).cy + 7);
- int nCaptionWidth = pDC->GetTextExtent(strCaption).cx + 5;
- if (bPopupBar)
- {
- int nGripperWidth = GetPopupBarGripperWidth(pControlCombo->GetParent());
- pControlCombo->SetLabelWidth(nCaptionWidth + nGripperWidth + m_nPopupBarTextPadding);
- return CSize(pControlCombo->GetWidth() + nGripperWidth, nHeight);
- }
- BOOL bImageVisible = pControlCombo->IsImageVisible();
- int nLabelWidth = (bImageVisible ? pControlCombo->GetIconSize().cx + 4 : 0) +
- (bCaptionVisible ? nCaptionWidth : 0);
- if (bImageVisible)
- nHeight = max(nHeight, pControlCombo->GetParent()->GetButtonSize().cy);
- pControlCombo->SetLabelWidth(nLabelWidth);
- return CSize(pControlCombo->GetWidth(), nHeight);
- }
- CSize CXTPPaintManager::DrawControl(CDC* pDC, CXTPControl* pButton, BOOL bDraw)
- {
- if (pButton->GetType() == xtpControlEdit)
- {
- return DrawControlEdit(pDC, (CXTPControlEdit*)pButton, bDraw);
- }
- if (pButton->GetType() == xtpControlComboBox)
- {
- return DrawControlComboBox(pDC, (CXTPControlComboBox*)pButton, bDraw);
- }
- return (pButton->GetParent()->GetType() == xtpBarTypePopup) ?
- DrawControlPopupParent(pDC, pButton, bDraw): DrawControlToolBarParent(pDC, pButton, bDraw);
- }
- void CXTPPaintManager::FillDockBar(CDC* pDC, CXTPDockBar* pBar)
- {
- pDC->FillSolidRect(CXTPClientRect((CWnd*)pBar), GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DFACE));
- }
- void CXTPPaintManager::FillMessageBar(CDC* pDC, CXTPMessageBar* pBar)
- {
- CXTPClientRect rcClient(pBar);
- pDC->FillSolidRect(rcClient, GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DFACE));
- CRect rcMessage = pBar->GetMessageRect();
- pDC->Draw3dRect(rcMessage, GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DSHADOW), GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DSHADOW));
- rcMessage.DeflateRect(1, 1);
- pDC->FillSolidRect(rcMessage, GetXtremeColor(COLOR_INFOBK));
- }
- void CXTPPaintManager::DrawMessageBarButton(CDC* pDC, CXTPMessageBarButton* pButton)
- {
- BOOL bCloseButton = (pButton->m_nID == SC_CLOSE);
- CRect rc(pButton->m_rcButton);
- if (pButton->m_bPressed)
- {
- pDC->FillSolidRect(rc, GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DFACE));
- DrawRectangle(pDC, rc, pButton->m_bHot, pButton->m_bPressed, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, xtpBarTypeNormal, xtpBarTop);
- }
- else if (pButton->m_bHot)
- {
- pDC->FillSolidRect(rc, GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DFACE));
- DrawRectangle(pDC, rc, pButton->m_bHot, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, xtpBarTypeNormal, xtpBarTop);
- }
- else if (!bCloseButton)
- {
- pDC->FillSolidRect(rc, GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DFACE));
- pDC->Draw3dRect(rc, GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DSHADOW), GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DSHADOW));
- }
- if (bCloseButton)
- {
- CPoint pt = rc.CenterPoint();
- CXTPPenDC pen(pDC, 0);
- pDC->MoveTo(pt.x - 4, pt.y - 3);
- pDC->LineTo(pt.x + 3, pt.y + 4);
- pDC->MoveTo(pt.x - 3, pt.y - 3);
- pDC->LineTo(pt.x + 4, pt.y + 4);
- pDC->MoveTo(pt.x - 4, pt.y + 3);
- pDC->LineTo(pt.x + 3, pt.y - 4);
- pDC->MoveTo(pt.x - 3, pt.y + 3);
- pDC->LineTo(pt.x + 4, pt.y - 4);
- }
- }
- void CXTPPaintManager::FillStatusBar(CDC* pDC, CXTPStatusBar* pBar)
- {
- if (m_bThemedStatusBar && m_themeStatusBar.IsAppThemed())
- {
- m_themeStatusBar.DrawThemeBackground(pDC->GetSafeHdc(), 0, 0, CXTPClientRect((CWnd*)pBar), 0);
- }
- else
- {
- pDC->FillSolidRect(CXTPClientRect(pBar), GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DFACE));
- }
- }
- CFont* CXTPPaintManager::GetCommandBarFont(CXTPCommandBar* pBar, BOOL bBold)
- {
- return (pBar->GetPosition() == xtpBarLeft || pBar->GetPosition() == xtpBarRight) ? (bBold ? &m_fontVertBold: &m_fontVert) : (bBold ? &m_fontRegularBold : &m_fontRegular);
- }
- CSize CXTPPaintManager::DrawSpecialControl(CDC* pDC, XTPSpecialControl controlType, CXTPControl* pButton, CXTPCommandBar* pBar, BOOL bDraw, LPVOID lpParam)
- {
- if (controlType == xtpButtonExpandToolbar)
- {
- if (!bDraw)
- {
- CSize szBar = *(CSize*)lpParam;
- if (!IsVerticalPosition(pBar->GetPosition()))
- pButton->SetRect(CRect(szBar.cx - (11 + 2), 2, szBar.cx - 2, szBar.cy - 2));
- else
- pButton->SetRect(CRect(2, szBar.cy - (11 + 2), szBar.cx - 2, szBar.cy - 2));
- }
- else
- {
- DrawControlEntry(pDC, pButton);
- COLORREF clrText = GetControlTextColor(pButton);
- BOOL bHiddenExists = *(BOOL*)lpParam;
- CRect rcButton = pButton->GetRect();
- if (!IsVerticalPosition(pBar->GetPosition()))
- {
- CPoint pt = CPoint(rcButton.left + rcButton.Width()/2, rcButton.bottom - 6);
- Triangle(pDC, CPoint(pt.x -2 , pt.y - 1), CPoint(pt.x + 2, pt.y - 1), CPoint (pt.x, pt.y + 1), clrText);
- if (bHiddenExists)
- {
- CXTPPenDC pen(*pDC, clrText);
- pDC->MoveTo(rcButton.left + 2, rcButton.top + 4); pDC->LineTo(rcButton.left + 4, rcButton.top + 6); pDC->LineTo(rcButton.left + 1, rcButton.top + 9);
- pDC->MoveTo(rcButton.left + 3, rcButton.top + 4); pDC->LineTo(rcButton.left + 5, rcButton.top + 6); pDC->LineTo(rcButton.left + 2, rcButton.top + 9);
- pDC->MoveTo(rcButton.left + 6, rcButton.top + 4); pDC->LineTo(rcButton.left + 8, rcButton.top + 6); pDC->LineTo(rcButton.left + 5, rcButton.top + 9);
- pDC->MoveTo(rcButton.left + 7, rcButton.top + 4); pDC->LineTo(rcButton.left + 9, rcButton.top + 6); pDC->LineTo(rcButton.left + 6, rcButton.top + 9);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- CPoint pt = CPoint(rcButton.left + 4, rcButton.top + 5);
- Triangle(pDC, CPoint(pt.x +2 , pt.y - 2), CPoint(pt.x + 2, pt.y + 2), CPoint (pt.x, pt.y), clrText);
- if (bHiddenExists)
- {
- CXTPPenDC pen(*pDC, clrText);
- pDC->MoveTo(rcButton.right - 8, rcButton.top + 2); pDC->LineTo(rcButton.right - 6, rcButton.top + 4); pDC->LineTo(rcButton.right - 3, rcButton.top + 1);
- pDC->MoveTo(rcButton.right - 8, rcButton.top + 3); pDC->LineTo(rcButton.right - 6, rcButton.top + 5); pDC->LineTo(rcButton.right - 3, rcButton.top + 2);
- pDC->MoveTo(rcButton.right - 8, rcButton.top + 6); pDC->LineTo(rcButton.right - 6, rcButton.top + 8); pDC->LineTo(rcButton.right - 3, rcButton.top + 5);
- pDC->MoveTo(rcButton.right - 8, rcButton.top + 7); pDC->LineTo(rcButton.right - 6, rcButton.top + 9); pDC->LineTo(rcButton.right - 3, rcButton.top + 6);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if (controlType == xtpButtonExpandFloating)
- {
- DrawControlEntry(pDC, pButton);
- CRect rcButton = pButton->GetRect();
- COLORREF clrText = GetControlTextColor(pButton);
- if (!pButton->GetSelected() && !pButton->GetPopuped())
- clrText = m_clrFloatingGripperText;
- CPoint pt = CPoint(rcButton.left + rcButton.Width()/2, rcButton.top + rcButton.Height()/2);
- Triangle(pDC, CPoint(pt.x -3 , pt.y - 2), CPoint(pt.x + 3, pt.y - 2), CPoint (pt.x, pt.y + 1), clrText);
- }
- else if (controlType == xtpButtonHideFloating)
- {
- CFont font;
- font.CreatePointFont(MulDiv(80, 96, pDC->GetDeviceCaps(LOGPIXELSX)), _T("Marlett"));
- CFont* pFont = pDC->SelectObject(&font);
- DrawControlEntry(pDC, pButton);
- if (!pButton->GetPressed() && !pButton->GetSelected())
- pDC->SetTextColor(m_clrFloatingGripperText);
- else
- pDC->SetTextColor(GetControlTextColor(pButton));
- pDC->DrawText(_T("r"), 1, pButton->GetRect(), DT_SINGLELINE | DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER);
- pDC->SelectObject(pFont);
- }
- else if (controlType == xtpButtonExpandMenu)
- {
- if (bDraw)
- {
- DrawControlEntry(pDC, pButton);
- CRect rcButton = pButton->GetRect();
- int nCenter = rcButton.CenterPoint().x;
- CXTPPenDC pen(pDC->GetSafeHdc(), 0);
- pDC->MoveTo(nCenter - 2, rcButton.top + 2); pDC->LineTo(nCenter, rcButton.top + 4); pDC->LineTo(nCenter + 3, rcButton.top + 1);
- pDC->MoveTo(nCenter - 2, rcButton.top + 3); pDC->LineTo(nCenter, rcButton.top + 5); pDC->LineTo(nCenter + 3, rcButton.top + 2);
- pDC->MoveTo(nCenter - 2, rcButton.top + 6); pDC->LineTo(nCenter, rcButton.top + 8); pDC->LineTo(nCenter + 3, rcButton.top + 5);
- pDC->MoveTo(nCenter - 2, rcButton.top + 7); pDC->LineTo(nCenter, rcButton.top + 9); pDC->LineTo(nCenter + 3, rcButton.top + 6);
- }
- return CSize(0, 12);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- CSize CXTPPaintManager::DrawControlText(CDC* pDC, CXTPControl* pButton, CRect rcText, BOOL bDraw, BOOL bTriangled, CSize szButton, BOOL bDrawImage)
- {
- BOOL bVert = pButton->GetParent()->GetPosition() == xtpBarRight || pButton->GetParent()->GetPosition() == xtpBarLeft;
- if (!bVert)
- {
- if (bDrawImage)
- {
- rcText.left += m_bOffice2007Padding ? szButton.cx : szButton.cx - 1;
- CSize sz = DrawControlText(pDC, pButton, &rcText, bDraw, bVert, FALSE, bTriangled);
- return CSize((m_bOffice2007Padding ? 4 : 3) + sz.cx + szButton.cx, max(sz.cy + 6, szButton.cy));
- }
- else
- {
- CSize sz = DrawControlText(pDC, pButton, &rcText, bDraw, bVert, TRUE, bTriangled);
- return CSize(8 + sz.cx, max(sz.cy + 6, szButton.cy));
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (bDrawImage)
- {
- rcText.top += szButton.cy;
- CSize sz = DrawControlText(pDC, pButton, &rcText, bDraw, bVert, FALSE, bTriangled);
- return CSize(max(sz.cx + 6, szButton.cx), 3 + sz.cy + szButton.cx);
- }
- else
- {
- CSize sz = DrawControlText(pDC, pButton, &rcText, bDraw, bVert, TRUE, bTriangled);
- return CSize(max(sz.cx + 6, szButton.cx), 8 + sz.cy);
- }
- }
- }
- CRect CXTPPaintManager::GetSplitButtonCommandRect(CXTPControl* pButton)
- {
- CRect rc(pButton->GetRect());
- CXTPCommandBar* pParent = pButton->GetParent();
- if (pParent->GetType() != xtpBarTypePopup && pButton->GetStyle() == xtpButtonIconAndCaptionBelow)
- {
- int nSplitDropDownHeight = GetSplitDropDownHeight();
- BOOL bVert = pParent->GetPosition() == xtpBarLeft ||
- pParent->GetPosition() == xtpBarRight;
- return bVert ? CRect(rc.left + nSplitDropDownHeight, rc.top, rc.right, rc.bottom) :
- CRect(rc.left, rc.top, rc.right, rc.bottom - nSplitDropDownHeight);
- }
- int nSize = pParent->GetType() == xtpBarTypePopup ? m_nSplitButtonPopupWidth : m_nSplitButtonDropDownWidth + 1;
- return CRect(rc.left, rc.top, rc.right - nSize, rc.bottom);
- }
- CSize CXTPPaintManager::DrawControlCheckBoxMark(CDC* pDC, CRect rc, BOOL bDraw, BOOL bSelected, BOOL bPressed, BOOL bChecked, BOOL bEnabled)
- {
- if (bDraw)
- {
- if (m_bThemedCheckBox && m_themeButton.IsAppThemed())
- {
- int nState = 0;
- if (!bEnabled)
- nState = 3;
- else if (bSelected && bPressed)
- nState = 2;
- else if (bSelected)
- nState = 1;
- if (bChecked == 1)
- nState += 4;
- if (bChecked == 2)
- nState += 8;
- m_themeButton.DrawThemeBackground(pDC->GetSafeHdc(), BP_CHECKBOX, nState + 1, rc, 0);
- }
- else
- {
- pDC->DrawFrameControl(rc, DFC_BUTTON, DFCS_BUTTONCHECK |
- (!bEnabled || bChecked == 2 ? DFCS_INACTIVE : 0) | (bChecked ? DFCS_CHECKED : 0) |
- (bPressed ? DFCS_PUSHED : 0));
- }
- }
- return CSize(13, 13);
- }
- CSize CXTPPaintManager::DrawControlRadioButtonMark(CDC* pDC, CRect rc, BOOL bDraw, BOOL bSelected, BOOL bPressed, BOOL bChecked, BOOL bEnabled)
- {
- if (bDraw)
- {
- if (m_bThemedCheckBox && m_themeButton.IsAppThemed())
- {
- int nState = 0;
- if (!bEnabled)
- nState = 3;
- else if (bSelected && bPressed)
- nState = 2;
- else if (bSelected)
- nState = 1;
- if (bChecked == 1)
- nState += 4;
- if (bChecked == 2)
- nState += 8;
- m_themeButton.DrawThemeBackground(pDC->GetSafeHdc(), BP_RADIOBUTTON, nState + 1, rc, 0);
- }
- else
- {
- pDC->DrawFrameControl(rc, DFC_BUTTON, DFCS_BUTTONRADIO |
- (!bEnabled || bChecked == 2 ? DFCS_INACTIVE : 0) | (bChecked ? DFCS_CHECKED : 0) |
- (bPressed ? DFCS_PUSHED : 0));
- }
- }
- return CSize(13, 13);
- }
- CSize CXTPPaintManager::GetControlSize(CXTPControl* pControl, CSize sz, BOOL bVert)
- {
- if (bVert)
- {
- if (pControl->GetWidth() > 0)
- sz.cy = pControl->GetWidth();
- if (pControl->GetHeight() > 0)
- sz.cx = pControl->GetHeight();
- }
- else
- {
- if (pControl->GetWidth() > 0)
- sz.cx = pControl->GetWidth();
- if (pControl->GetHeight() > 0)
- sz.cy = pControl->GetHeight();
- }
- return sz;
- }
- CSize CXTPPaintManager::GetPopupBarImageSize(CXTPCommandBar* pBar)
- {
- CSize szIcon = pBar->GetIconSize();
- CSize szImage(max(szIcon.cx + 4, m_nTextHeight + 4), max(szIcon.cy + 6, m_nTextHeight));
- return szImage;
- }
- void CXTPPaintManager::DrawPopupBarText(CDC* pDC, const CString& strText, CRect& rcText, UINT nFlags, BOOL bDraw, BOOL bSelected, BOOL bEnabled)
- {
- if (bDraw && !bEnabled && !bSelected && m_bEmbossedDisabledText)
- {
- COLORREF clrText = pDC->GetTextColor();
- pDC->SetTextColor(GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DHIGHLIGHT));
- pDC->DrawText(strText, rcText + CPoint(1, 1), DT_SINGLELINE | DT_VCENTER | nFlags);
- pDC->SetTextColor(clrText);
- }
- pDC->DrawText(strText, &rcText, DT_SINGLELINE | DT_VCENTER | (!bDraw ? DT_CALCRECT : nFlags));
- }
- CSize CXTPPaintManager::DrawControlPopupParent(CDC* pDC, CXTPControl* pButton, BOOL bDraw)
- {
- CXTPCommandBar* pParent = pButton->GetParent();
- CRect rcText(0, 0, 0, 0), rcShortcut(0, 0, 0, 0);
- CRect rcButton = pButton->GetRect();
- XTPControlType controlType = pButton->GetType();
- XTPButtonStyle buttonStyle = pButton->GetStyle();
- CString strCaption = pButton->GetCaption();
- BOOL bDrawImage = (buttonStyle == xtpButtonAutomatic && controlType != xtpControlPopup) ||
- (buttonStyle != xtpButtonCaption);
- CSize szImage(GetPopupBarImageSize(pParent));
- int nGripperWidth = GetPopupBarGripperWidth(pParent) - 1;
- BOOL bSelected = pButton->GetSelected(), bEnabled = pButton->GetEnabled();
- if (controlType == xtpControlSplitButtonPopup && bEnabled == TRUE_SPLITDROPDOWN)
- bEnabled = FALSE;
- if (pButton->GetType() == xtpControlLabel && !m_bOffsetPopupLabelText)
- nGripperWidth = 0;
- if (pButton->GetType() == xtpControlLabel && !bDrawImage)
- szImage.cy = m_nTextHeight;
- if (bDraw)
- {
- rcText.SetRect(rcButton.left + nGripperWidth + m_nPopupBarTextPadding, rcButton.top, rcButton.right, rcButton.bottom);
- rcShortcut.SetRect(rcButton.left + nGripperWidth + 8, rcButton.top, rcButton.right - 19, rcButton.bottom);
- if (controlType == xtpControlButton && pButton->GetShortcutText().GetLength() != 0)
- rcText.right -= pDC->GetTextExtent(pButton->GetShortcutText()).cx + 19;
- }
- BOOL bShowKeyboardCues = pParent->IsKeyboardCuesVisible();
- if (!bShowKeyboardCues)
- StripMnemonics(strCaption);
- if (buttonStyle == xtpButtonCaptionAndDescription && !pButton->GetDescription().IsEmpty())
- {
- {
- CXTPFontDC font(pDC, GetRegularBoldFont());
- if (bDraw)
- {
- rcShortcut.bottom = rcText.bottom = rcText.top + pDC->GetTextExtent(_T(" "), 1).cy + 10;
- }
- DrawPopupBarText(pDC, strCaption, rcText, DT_END_ELLIPSIS | (!bShowKeyboardCues ? DT_NOPREFIX : 0), bDraw, bSelected, bEnabled);
- if (controlType == xtpControlButton && pButton->GetShortcutText().GetLength() != 0)
- DrawPopupBarText(pDC, pButton->GetShortcutText(), rcShortcut, DT_RIGHT, bDraw, bSelected, bEnabled);
- }
- if (bDraw)
- {
- CRect rcDescription(rcText.left, rcText.bottom - 2, rcButton.right - 10, rcButton.bottom);
- pDC->DrawText(pButton->GetDescription(),rcDescription, DT_WORDBREAK | DT_TOP | DT_NOPREFIX);
- }
- else
- {
- CSize szDescription = pDC->GetTextExtent(pButton->GetDescription());
- CRect rcDescription(0, 0, (szDescription.cx + 20) / 2, 0);
- pDC->DrawText(_T("1n2"), rcDescription, DT_CALCRECT | DT_WORDBREAK);
- int nWidth = nGripperWidth + m_nPopupBarTextPadding + rcText.Width() + rcShortcut.Width() + 32;
- return GetControlSize(pButton, CSize(max(nWidth, nGripperWidth + m_nPopupBarTextPadding + szDescription.cx / 2 + 32),
- max(szImage.cy, rcDescription.Height() + rcText.Height() + 19)), FALSE);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- DrawPopupBarText(pDC, strCaption, rcText, DT_END_ELLIPSIS | (!bShowKeyboardCues ? DT_NOPREFIX : 0), bDraw, bSelected, bEnabled);
- if (controlType == xtpControlButton && pButton->GetShortcutText().GetLength() != 0)
- DrawPopupBarText(pDC, pButton->GetShortcutText(), rcShortcut, DT_RIGHT, bDraw, bSelected, bEnabled);
- return GetControlSize(pButton, CSize(nGripperWidth + m_nPopupBarTextPadding + rcText.Width() + rcShortcut.Width() + 32, szImage.cy), FALSE);
- }
- CSize CXTPPaintManager::GetIconSize(CXTPControl* pButton)
- {
- XTPButtonStyle buttonStyle = pButton->GetStyle();
- CSize szIcon = buttonStyle == xtpButtonIconAndCaptionBelow
- && pButton->GetParent()->GetType() != xtpBarTypePopup ?
- pButton->GetParent()->GetLargeIconSize(TRUE) : pButton->GetIconSize();
- return szIcon;
- }
- int CXTPPaintManager::GetSplitDropDownHeight() const
- {
- int nTextHeight = m_nEditHeight > 0 ? m_nTextHeight : max(22, m_nTextHeight + 3);
- int nSplitDropDownHeight = (nTextHeight * 2 - 17);
- return nSplitDropDownHeight;
- }
- CSize CXTPPaintManager::DrawControlToolBarParent(CDC* pDC, CXTPControl* pButton, BOOL bDraw)
- {
- CXTPFontDC font(pDC, GetCommandBarFont(pButton->GetParent(), pButton->IsItemDefault()));
- CRect rcButton = bDraw ? pButton->GetRect() : CXTPEmptyRect();
- XTPControlType controlType = pButton->GetType();
- XTPButtonStyle buttonStyle = pButton->GetStyle();
- CSize szIcon = GetIconSize(pButton);
- CSize szButton = pButton->GetButtonSize();
- BOOL bVert = pButton->GetParent()->GetPosition() == xtpBarRight || pButton->GetParent()->GetPosition() == xtpBarLeft;
- BOOL bDrawImage = (buttonStyle == xtpButtonAutomatic && controlType != xtpControlPopup) ||
- (buttonStyle == xtpButtonIcon) || (buttonStyle == xtpButtonIconAndCaption) || (buttonStyle == xtpButtonIconAndCaptionBelow);
- CXTPImageManagerIcon* pImage = (bDrawImage && pButton->GetIconId() != 0) ? pButton->GetImage(szIcon.cx) : NULL;
- bDrawImage = bDrawImage && (pImage != NULL);
- BOOL bDrawText = pButton->IsCaptionVisible();
- BOOL bPressed = pButton->GetPressed(), bSelected = pButton->GetSelected(), bEnabled = pButton->GetEnabled(), bChecked = pButton->GetChecked(),
- bPopuped = pButton->GetPopuped();
- if (controlType == xtpControlSplitButtonPopup && bEnabled == TRUE_SPLITDROPDOWN)
- bEnabled = FALSE;
- if (controlType == xtpControlCheckBox || controlType == xtpControlRadioButton)
- {
- CSize szCheckBox = controlType == xtpControlRadioButton ?
- DrawControlRadioButtonMark(pDC, rcButton, FALSE, bSelected, bPressed, bChecked, bEnabled) :
- DrawControlCheckBoxMark(pDC, rcButton, FALSE, bSelected, bPressed, bChecked, bEnabled);
- if (bDraw)
- {
- pDC->SetTextColor(GetControlTextColor(pButton));
- CRect rcCheck;
- if (!bVert)
- {
- rcCheck = CRect(CPoint(rcButton.left + 3, (rcButton.bottom + rcButton.top - szCheckBox.cy)/2), szCheckBox);
- rcButton.left += szCheckBox.cx + 5;
- }
- else
- {
- rcCheck = CRect(CPoint(rcButton.CenterPoint().x - szCheckBox.cx / 2, rcButton.top + 3), szCheckBox);
- rcButton.top += szCheckBox.cy + 5;
- }
- if (controlType == xtpControlRadioButton)
- DrawControlRadioButtonMark(pDC, rcCheck, TRUE, bSelected, bPressed, bChecked, bEnabled);
- else
- DrawControlCheckBoxMark(pDC, rcCheck, TRUE, bSelected, bPressed, bChecked, bEnabled);
- DrawControlText(pDC, pButton, rcButton, bDraw, FALSE, szButton, FALSE);
- if (IsKeyboardSelected(bSelected))
- {
- pDC->SetTextColor(GetXtremeColor(COLOR_BTNTEXT));
- pDC->SetBkColor(GetXtremeColor(COLOR_BTNFACE));
- pDC->DrawFocusRect(rcButton);
- }
- return GetControlSize(pButton, szCheckBox, bVert);
- }
- else
- {
- CSize sz = DrawControlText(pDC, pButton, rcButton, bDraw, FALSE, szButton, FALSE);
- if (bVert)
- sz.cy += szCheckBox.cy + 5;
- else
- sz.cx += szCheckBox.cx + 5;
- return GetControlSize(pButton, sz, bVert);
- }
- }
- if (bDraw)
- {
- if (controlType != xtpControlSplitButtonPopup)
- {
- if (!pButton->IsTransparent())
- {
- DrawControlEntry(pDC, pButton);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- DrawSplitButtonFrame(pDC, pButton, rcButton);
- }
- pDC->SetTextColor(GetControlTextColor(pButton));
- }
- if (buttonStyle == xtpButtonIconAndCaptionBelow)
- {
- BOOL bTriangled = pButton->GetCommandBar() != NULL;
- int nTextHeight = GetControlHeight();
- int nSplitDropDownHeight = GetSplitDropDownHeight();
- szButton = CSize(max(42, nTextHeight * 2 - 3),
- m_nEditHeight > 0 ? m_nEditHeight * 3 : nSplitDropDownHeight + szIcon.cy + 7);
- if (bVert) szButton = CSize(szButton.cy, szButton.cx);
- if (bDraw)
- {
- if (bDrawImage)
- {
- CPoint pt = bVert ? CPoint(rcButton.left + 4 + nSplitDropDownHeight, rcButton.CenterPoint().y - szIcon.cy / 2) :
- CPoint(rcButton.CenterPoint().x - szIcon.cx / 2, rcButton.top + 3);
- DrawImage(pDC, pt, CSize(szIcon.cx, 0), pImage, bSelected, bPressed, bEnabled, bChecked, bPopuped);
- }
- CRect rcText = rcButton;
- if (bVert)
- rcText.right = rcText.left + nSplitDropDownHeight;
- else
- {
- rcText.bottom -= 1;
- rcText.top = rcText.bottom - nSplitDropDownHeight;
- }
- DrawControlText2(pDC, pButton, rcText, TRUE, bVert, bTriangled);
- }
- else
- {
- CSize szText = DrawControlText2(pDC, pButton, CXTPEmptyRect(), FALSE, bVert, bTriangled);
- if (bVert)
- {
- szButton.cy = max(szButton.cy, szText.cy + 6);
- }
- else
- {
- szButton.cx = max(szButton.cx, szText.cx + 5);
- }
- }
- return GetControlSize(pButton, szButton, bVert);
- }
- if (pButton->GetParent()->IsTextBelowIcons() && bDrawImage)
- {
- CXTPFontDC fontHorizontal (pDC, pButton->IsItemDefault() ? &m_fontRegularBold : &m_fontRegular);
- BOOL bTriangled = controlType == xtpControlPopup;
- if (bDraw)
- {
- if (controlType == xtpControlSplitButtonPopup) rcButton.right -= m_nSplitButtonDropDownWidth;
- CPoint pt = CPoint(rcButton.CenterPoint().x - szIcon.cx / 2, rcButton.top + 4);
- DrawImage(pDC, pt, CSize(szIcon.cx, 0), pImage, bSelected, bPressed, bEnabled, bChecked, bPopuped);
- CRect rcText = rcButton;
- rcText.top += szButton.cy - 4;
- DrawControlText(pDC, pButton, rcText, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, bTriangled);
- }
- else
- {
- CSize szText = DrawControlText(pDC, pButton, CXTPEmptyRect(), FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, bTriangled);
- szButton.cy += szText.cy;
- szButton.cx = max(szButton.cx, szText.cx + 10);
- if (pButton->GetType() == xtpControlSplitButtonPopup)
- szButton.cx += 11;
- szButton.cx = max(szButton.cx, szButton.cy);
- }
- return GetControlSize(pButton, szButton, bVert);
- }
- if (bDraw && pImage)
- {
- szIcon.cy = pImage->GetHeight() * szIcon.cx / pImage->GetWidth();
- CPoint pt = !bVert ? CPoint(rcButton.left + 3, rcButton.CenterPoint().y - szIcon.cy / 2) :
- CPoint(rcButton.CenterPoint().x - szIcon.cx / 2, rcButton.top + 3);
- if (controlType == xtpControlSplitButtonPopup) pt.x = rcButton.left + 3;
- if (controlType == xtpControlPopup && bDrawImage && !bDrawText) pt.x = rcButton.left + 3;
- if ((controlType == xtpControlButtonPopup || controlType == xtpControlButton) && bDrawImage && !bDrawText)
- {
- if (!bVert)
- pt.x = rcButton.CenterPoint().x - szIcon.cx / 2;
- else
- pt.y = rcButton.CenterPoint().y - szIcon.cy / 2;
- }
- pImage->m_bDrawComposited = pButton->HasDwmCompositedRect();
- DrawImage(pDC, pt, szIcon, pImage, bSelected, bPressed, bEnabled, bChecked, bPopuped);
- pImage->m_bDrawComposited = FALSE;
- }
- switch (controlType)
- {
- case xtpControlPopup:
- {
- if (!bDrawImage)
- {
- CSize sz = DrawControlText(pDC, pButton, rcButton, bDraw, bVert, TRUE, !bDraw || pButton->GetParent()->GetType() != xtpBarTypeMenuBar);
- return GetControlSize(pButton, CSize(sz.cx + 6, sz.cy + 6), bVert);
- }
- else
- {
- if (!bDrawText)
- {
- CPoint pt = CPoint(rcButton.right - 7, rcButton.CenterPoint().y);
- DrawDropDownGlyph(pDC, pButton, pt, pButton->GetSelected(), pButton->GetPopuped(), pButton->GetEnabled(), FALSE);
- return GetControlSize(pButton, CSize(szButton.cy + 7, szButton.cy), bVert);
- }
- return GetControlSize(pButton, DrawControlText(pDC, pButton, rcButton, bDraw, pButton->GetParent()->GetType() != xtpBarTypeMenuBar, szButton, bDrawImage), bVert);
- }
- }
- case xtpControlSplitButtonPopup:
- {
- if (!bDrawImage) szButton = CSize(22, 22);
- if (!bDrawText)
- return GetControlSize(pButton, CSize(szButton.cx + m_nSplitButtonDropDownWidth, szButton.cy), bVert);
- rcButton.right -= m_nSplitButtonDropDownWidth;
- CSize sz = DrawControlText(pDC, pButton, rcButton, bDraw, FALSE, szButton, bDrawImage);
- return GetControlSize(pButton, CSize(sz.cx + m_nSplitButtonDropDownWidth, sz.cy), bVert);
- }
- case xtpControlButtonPopup:
- case xtpControlButton:
- case xtpControlLabel:
- case xtpControlCheckBox:
- case xtpControlGallery:
- {
- if (!bDrawText)
- return GetControlSize(pButton, szButton, bVert);
- if (!bDrawImage) szButton = CSize(22, szButton.cy);
- return GetControlSize(pButton, DrawControlText(pDC, pButton, rcButton, bDraw, FALSE, szButton, bDrawImage), bVert);
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- CRect CXTPPaintManager::GetCommandBarBorders(CXTPCommandBar* /*pBar*/)
- {
- return CRect(2, 2, 2, 2);
- }
- void CXTPPaintManager::GradientFill(CDC* pDC, LPRECT lpRect, COLORREF crFrom, COLORREF crTo, BOOL bHorz, LPCRECT lpRectClip)
- {
- XTPDrawHelpers()->GradientFill(pDC, lpRect, crFrom, crTo, bHorz, lpRectClip);
- }
- void CXTPPaintManager::DrawStatusBarGripper(CDC* pDC, CRect rcClient)
- {
- if (m_bThemedStatusBar && m_themeStatusBar.IsAppThemed())
- {
- CRect rcGripper(rcClient.right - 18, rcClient.top, rcClient.right, rcClient.bottom);
- m_themeStatusBar.DrawThemeBackground(pDC->GetSafeHdc(), SP_GRIPPER, 0, &rcGripper, 0);
- }
- else
- {
- CXTPPenDC penBorder(*pDC, GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DSHADOW));
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
- {
- pDC->MoveTo(rcClient.Width() - 3 -i * 4, rcClient.Height() - 2);
- pDC->LineTo(rcClient.Width() - 1, rcClient.Height() - 4 - i * 4);
- pDC->MoveTo(rcClient.Width() - 4 -i * 4, rcClient.Height() - 2);
- pDC->LineTo(rcClient.Width() - 1, rcClient.Height() - 4 - i * 4 - 1);
- }
- CXTPPenDC penBorderWhite(*pDC, GetXtremeColor(COLOR_BTNHIGHLIGHT));
- for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
- {
- pDC->MoveTo(rcClient.Width() - 5 -i * 4, rcClient.Height() - 2);
- pDC->LineTo(rcClient.Width() - 1 , rcClient.Height() - 4 - i * 4 - 2);
- }
- }
- }
- void CXTPPaintManager::AnimateExpanding(CXTPCommandBar* pCommandBar, CDC* pDestDC, CDC* pSrcDC, BOOL bExpandDown)
- {
- CXTPClientRect rc(pCommandBar);
- int nWidth = rc.Width();
- int nHeight = rc.Height();
- int nSteps = m_nAnimationSteps;
- int nAnimationTime = m_nAnimationTime;
- CXTPControls* pControls = pCommandBar->GetControls();
- for (int i = 0; i < nSteps; ++i)
- {
- double dPercent = double(i + 1) / nSteps;
- int nTopDest = 0;
- int nTopSrc = 0;
- BOOL bPrevExpanded = FALSE;
- if (bExpandDown)
- {
- for (int j = 0; j < pControls->GetCount(); ++j)
- {
- CXTPControl* pControl = pControls->GetAt(j);
- if (!pControl->IsVisible())
- continue;
- BOOL bExpanded = pControl->GetExpanded();
- if (bExpanded != bPrevExpanded)
- {
- int nTopSrcCurrent = pControl->GetRect().top;
- int nHeightDstr = int((bPrevExpanded ? dPercent : 1) * (nTopSrcCurrent - nTopSrc));
- pDestDC->StretchBlt(0, nTopDest, nWidth, nHeightDstr, pSrcDC,
- 0, nTopSrc, nWidth, nTopSrcCurrent - nTopSrc, SRCCOPY);
- nTopDest = nTopDest + nHeightDstr;
- nTopSrc = nTopSrcCurrent;
- }
- bPrevExpanded = bExpanded;
- }
- int nTopSrcCurrent = nHeight;
- int nHeightDstr = int((bPrevExpanded ? dPercent : 1) * (nTopSrcCurrent - nTopSrc));
- pDestDC->StretchBlt(0, nTopDest, nWidth, nHeightDstr, pSrcDC,
- 0, nTopSrc, nWidth, nTopSrcCurrent - nTopSrc, SRCCOPY);
- }
- else
- {
- for (int j = pControls->GetCount() - 1; j >= 0; j--)
- {
- CXTPControl* pControl = pControls->GetAt(j);
- if (!pControl->IsVisible())
- continue;
- BOOL bExpanded = pControl->GetExpanded();
- if (bExpanded != bPrevExpanded)
- {
- int nTopSrcCurrent = nHeight - pControl->GetRect().bottom;
- int nHeightDstr = int((bPrevExpanded ? dPercent : 1) * (nTopSrcCurrent - nTopSrc));
- pDestDC->StretchBlt(0, nHeight - nTopDest - nHeightDstr, nWidth, nHeightDstr, pSrcDC,
- 0, nHeight - nTopSrcCurrent, nWidth, nTopSrcCurrent - nTopSrc, SRCCOPY);
- nTopDest = nTopDest + nHeightDstr;
- nTopSrc = nTopSrcCurrent;
- }
- bPrevExpanded = bExpanded;
- }
- int nTopSrcCurrent = nHeight;
- int nHeightDstr = int((bPrevExpanded ? dPercent : 1) * (nTopSrcCurrent - nTopSrc));
- pDestDC->StretchBlt(0, nHeight - nTopDest - nHeightDstr, nWidth, nHeightDstr, pSrcDC,
- 0, nHeight - nTopSrcCurrent, nWidth, nTopSrcCurrent - nTopSrc, SRCCOPY);
- }
- Sleep(nAnimationTime / nSteps);
- }
- }
- void CXTPPaintManager::AlphaBlendU(PBYTE pDest, PBYTE pSrcBack, int cx, int cy, PBYTE pSrc, BYTE byAlpha)
- {
- const BYTE byDiff = (BYTE)(255 - byAlpha);
- for (int i = 0; i < cx * cy; i++)
- {
- pDest[0] = (BYTE)((pSrcBack[0] * byDiff + pSrc[0] * byAlpha) >> 8);
- pDest[1] = (BYTE)((pSrcBack[1] * byDiff + pSrc[1] * byAlpha) >> 8);
- pDest[2] = (BYTE)((pSrcBack[2] * byDiff + pSrc[2] * byAlpha) >> 8);
- pDest += 4;
- pSrcBack += 4;
- pSrc += 4;
- }
- }
- void CXTPPaintManager::Animate(CDC* pDestDC, CDC* pSrcDC, CRect rc, XTPAnimationType animationType)
- {
- int nSteps = m_nAnimationSteps;
- int nAnimationTime = m_nAnimationTime;
- switch (animationType)
- {
- case xtpAnimateSlide:
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < nSteps; ++i)
- {
- int nHeight = rc.Height() * (i + 1) / nSteps;
- pDestDC->BitBlt(0, 0, rc.Width(), nHeight, pSrcDC,
- 0, rc.Height() - nHeight, SRCCOPY);
- Sleep(nAnimationTime / nSteps);
- }
- }
- break;
- case xtpAnimateUnfold:
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < nSteps; ++i)
- {
- CRect rcDest(rc.right - rc.Width() * (i + 1) / nSteps, rc.bottom - rc.Height() * (i + 1) / nSteps, rc.right, rc.bottom);
- pDestDC->BitBlt(0, 0, rcDest.Width(), rcDest.Height(), pSrcDC,
- rcDest.left, rcDest.top, SRCCOPY);
- Sleep(nAnimationTime / nSteps);
- }
- }
- break;
- case xtpAnimateFade:
- {
- const int cx = rc.Width();
- const int cy = rc.Height();
- // Fill in the header info.
- ZeroMemory (&BMI, sizeof(BMI));
- BMI.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
- BMI.biWidth = cx;
- BMI.biHeight = cy;
- BMI.biPlanes = 1;
- BMI.biBitCount = 32;
- BMI.biCompression = BI_RGB; // No compression
- BYTE * pSrcBits = NULL;
- HBITMAP hbmSrc = CreateDIBSection (NULL, (BITMAPINFO *)&BMI, DIB_RGB_COLORS, (void **)&pSrcBits, 0, 0l);
- BYTE * pSrcBackBits = NULL;
- HBITMAP hbmSrcBack = CreateDIBSection (NULL, (BITMAPINFO *)&BMI, DIB_RGB_COLORS, (void **)&pSrcBackBits, 0, 0l);
- BYTE * pDestBits = NULL;
- HBITMAP hbmDest = CreateDIBSection (NULL, (BITMAPINFO *)&BMI, DIB_RGB_COLORS, (void **)&pDestBits, 0, 0l);
- // Copy our source and destination bitmaps onto our DIBSections,
- // so we can get access to their bits using the BYTE *'s we passed into CreateDIBSection
- CDC dc;
- dc.CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
- HBITMAP hbmpOld = (HBITMAP) ::SelectObject(dc, hbmSrc);
- ::BitBlt(dc, 0, 0, cx, cy, pSrcDC->GetSafeHdc(), 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
- ::SelectObject(dc, hbmSrcBack);
- ::BitBlt(dc, 0, 0, cx, cy, pDestDC->GetSafeHdc (), 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
- DWORD dwTimePer = nAnimationTime / nSteps;
- ::SelectObject(dc, hbmDest);
- for (int i = 1; i < nSteps; ++i)
- {
- DWORD dwTime = GetTickCount ();
- AlphaBlendU(pDestBits, pSrcBackBits, cx, cy, pSrcBits, (BYTE)(255 * i / nSteps));
- pDestDC->BitBlt(rc.left, rc.top, rc.Width(), rc.Height(), &dc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
- dwTime = GetTickCount () - dwTime;
- if (dwTime < dwTimePer)
- {
- Sleep(dwTimePer - dwTime);
- }
- }
- ::SelectObject(dc, hbmpOld);
- DeleteObject(hbmSrc);
- DeleteObject(hbmSrcBack);
- DeleteObject(hbmDest);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- void CXTPPaintManager::UpdateRTLCaption(CString& /*strCaption*/)
- {
- }
- void CXTPPaintManager::DrawStatusBarButtonFace(CDC* pDC, CRect rcItem, CXTPStatusBarPane* pPane)
- {
- if (pPane->IsHighlighted() || pPane->IsPressed() || pPane->IsChecked())
- {
- DrawRectangle(pDC, rcItem, pPane->IsHighlighted(), pPane->IsPressed(), TRUE,
- pPane->IsChecked(), FALSE, xtpBarTypeNormal, xtpBarBottom);
- }
- }
- void CXTPPaintManager::DrawStatusBarPaneBorder(CDC* pDC, CRect rc, CXTPStatusBarPane* pPane, BOOL bGripperPane)
- {
- if (m_bThemedStatusBar && m_themeStatusBar.IsAppThemed())
- {
- m_themeStatusBar.DrawThemeBackground(pDC->GetSafeHdc(), bGripperPane ? SP_GRIPPERPANE : SP_PANE, 0, rc, 0);
- }
- else
- {
- if (!pPane->IsButton())
- }
- }
- void CXTPPaintManager::DrawStatusBarPaneSeparator(CDC* pDC, CRect rc, CXTPStatusBarPane* /*pPane*/)
- {
- CRect rcSeparator(rc.left - 2, rc.top, rc.left, rc.bottom);
- Draw3dRect(pDC, rcSeparator, COLOR_3DSHADOW, COLOR_BTNHILIGHT);
- }
- void CXTPPaintManager::DrawStatusBarPaneEntry(CDC* pDC, CRect rcItem, CXTPStatusBarPane* pPane)
- {
- BOOL bEnabled = pPane->IsEnabled();
- BOOL bDrawText = bEnabled || pPane->GetStatusBar()->GetDrawDisabledText();
- if (pPane->GetBackgroundColor() != (COLORREF)-1)
- {
- CRect rcBackground(rcItem);
- if (pPane->HasBorders())
- rcBackground.DeflateRect(1, 1);
- pDC->FillSolidRect(rcBackground, pPane->GetBackgroundColor());
- }
- if (pPane->IsButton())
- {
- DrawStatusBarButtonFace(pDC, rcItem, pPane);
- }
- CXTPFontDC font(pDC, pPane->GetTextFont());
- rcItem.DeflateRect(pPane->GetPadding());
- CString str = pPane->GetText();
- CXTPMarkupUIElement* pUIElement = pPane->GetMarkupUIElement();
- CXTPImageManagerIcon* pIcon = pPane->GetImage();
- COLORREF clrNormalText = pPane->IsButton() && (pPane->IsHighlighted() || pPane->IsPressed()) ?
- GetRectangleTextColor(pPane->IsHighlighted(), pPane->IsPressed(), bEnabled, FALSE, FALSE, xtpBarTypeNormal, xtpBarBottom) : m_clrStatusTextColor;
- COLORREF clrText = !bEnabled ? GetXtremeColor(COLOR_GRAYTEXT): pPane->GetTextColor() != (COLORREF)-1 ? pPane->GetTextColor() : clrNormalText;
- pDC->SetTextColor(clrText);
- XTPMarkupSetDefaultFont(pPane->GetStatusBar()->GetMarkupContext(), (HFONT)pPane->GetTextFont()->GetSafeHandle(), clrText);
- if (pPane->GetTextAlignment() != DT_LEFT)
- {
- int nWidth = pUIElement ? XTPMarkupMeasureElement(pUIElement).cx : pDC->GetTextExtent(str).cx;
- nWidth += pIcon ? pIcon->GetWidth() + (nWidth > 0 ? 2 : 0) : 0;
- if (rcItem.Width() > nWidth)
- {
- if (pPane->GetTextAlignment() == DT_RIGHT)
- {
- rcItem.left = rcItem.right - nWidth;
- }
- if (pPane->GetTextAlignment() == DT_CENTER)
- {
- rcItem.left = (rcItem.left + rcItem.right - nWidth) / 2;
- }
- }
- }
- if (pIcon)
- {
- if (rcItem.right >= rcItem.left + pIcon->GetWidth())
- {
- pIcon->Draw(pDC, CPoint(rcItem.left, (rcItem.top + rcItem.bottom - pIcon->GetHeight()) / 2), bEnabled ? pIcon->GetIcon() : pIcon->GetDisabledIcon());
- }
- rcItem.OffsetRect(pIcon->GetWidth() + 2, 0);
- }
- if (bDrawText)
- {
- if (pUIElement)
- {
- XTPMarkupMeasureElement(pUIElement, rcItem.Width(), INT_MAX);
- XTPMarkupRenderElement(pUIElement, pDC->GetSafeHdc(), rcItem);
- }
- else
- {
- }
- }
- }
- int CXTPPaintManager::DrawStatusBarSwitchPane(CDC* pDC, CRect rcItem, CXTPStatusBarSwitchPane* pPane)
- {
- int nWidth = 0;
- int nCount = pPane->GetSwitchCount();
- if (pDC)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
- {
- CXTPStatusBarSwitchPane::SWITCH* pSwitch = pPane->GetSwitch(i);
- rcItem.right = rcItem.left + pSwitch->nWidth;
- DrawRectangle(pDC, rcItem, pSwitch->bHighlighted, pSwitch->bPressed, pPane->IsEnabled(), pSwitch->bChecked, FALSE, xtpBarTypeNormal, xtpBarTop);
- CXTPImageManagerIcon* pIcon = pPane->GetStatusBar()->GetImageManager()->GetImage(pSwitch->nID, ICON_SMALL);
- if (pIcon)
- {
- CPoint pt((rcItem.left + rcItem.right - pIcon->GetWidth()) / 2, (rcItem.top + rcItem.bottom - pIcon->GetHeight()) / 2);
- pIcon->Draw(pDC, pt, pIcon->GetIcon(!pPane->IsEnabled() ? xtpImageDisabled : pSwitch->bChecked ? xtpImageChecked : xtpImageNormal));
- }
- rcItem.left = rcItem.right;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
- {
- CXTPStatusBarSwitchPane::SWITCH* pSwitch = pPane->GetSwitch(i);
- pSwitch->nWidth = 18;
- nWidth += pSwitch->nWidth;
- }
- }
- return nWidth;
- }
- CSize CXTPPaintManager::DrawCommandBarGripper(CDC* pDC, CXTPCommandBar* pBar, BOOL bDraw)
- {
- if (pBar->GetPosition() == xtpBarFloating)
- {
- CRect rc;
- pBar->GetClientRect(&rc);
- if (!pDC)
- return CSize(0, 0);
- CXTPFontDC font(pDC, GetSmCaptionFont());
- CSize sz = pDC->GetTextExtent(_T(" "), 1);
- rc.SetRect(3, 3, rc.right - 3, 3 + max(15, sz.cy));
- if (pDC && bDraw)
- {
- pDC->FillSolidRect(rc, m_clrFloatingGripper);
- pDC->SetTextColor(m_clrFloatingGripperText);
- pDC->DrawText(pBar->GetTitle(), CRect(5, 3, rc.right - 2* rc.Size().cy, rc.bottom), DT_SINGLELINE | DT_VCENTER | DT_NOPREFIX);
- }
- return rc.Size();
- }
- return 0;
- }
- void CXTPPaintManager::SetCommandBarRegion(CXTPCommandBar* /*pCommandBar*/)
- {
- }
- BOOL CXTPPaintManager::IsFlatToolBar(CXTPCommandBar* pCommandBar)
- {
- return pCommandBar->GetType() == xtpBarTypeMenuBar ? m_bFlatMenuBar : m_bFlatToolBar;
- }
- void CXTPPaintManager::DrawPopupBarGripper(CDC* /*pDC*/, int /*xPos*/, int /*yPos*/, int /*cx*/, int /*cy*/, BOOL /*bExpanded = FALSE*/)
- {
- }
- void CXTPPaintManager::FillWorkspace(CDC* pDC, CRect rc, CRect /*rcExclude*/)
- {
- pDC->FillSolidRect(rc, GetXtremeColor(COLOR_APPWORKSPACE));
- }
- void AFX_CDECL CXTPPaintManager::FillCompositeAlpha(CDC* pDC, CRect rc)
- {
- CSize sz(rc.Width(), rc.Height());
- CBitmap bmp;
- LPDWORD lpBits;
- bmp.Attach(CXTPImageManager::Create32BPPDIBSection(pDC->GetSafeHdc(), sz.cx, sz.cy, (LPBYTE*)&lpBits));
- CXTPCompatibleDC dc(pDC, &bmp);
- CRect rcDestOrig(0, 0, sz.cx, sz.cy);
- dc.BitBlt(0, 0, sz.cx, sz.cy, pDC, rc.left, rc.top, SRCCOPY);
- for (int i = 0; i < sz.cx * sz.cy; i++)
- {
- lpBits[0] |= 0xFF000000;
- lpBits++;
- }
- pDC->BitBlt(rc.left, rc.top, sz.cx, sz.cy, &dc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
- }
- void CXTPPaintManager::DrawKeyboardTip(CDC* pDC, CXTPCommandBarKeyboardTip* pWnd, BOOL bSetRegion)
- {
- if (!bSetRegion)
- {
- CXTPClientRect rc(pWnd);
- CXTPFontDC font(pDC, &m_fontToolTip);
- pDC->FillSolidRect(rc, GetXtremeColor(COLOR_INFOBK));
- pDC->Draw3dRect(rc, GetSysColor(COLOR_3DSHADOW), GetSysColor(COLOR_3DSHADOW));
- pDC->SetTextColor(GetXtremeColor(pWnd->m_bEnabled ? COLOR_INFOTEXT : COLOR_GRAYTEXT));
- pDC->DrawText(pWnd->m_strTip, rc, DT_VCENTER | DT_CENTER | DT_SINGLELINE);
- }
- }
- CSize CXTPPaintManager::GetAutoIconSize(BOOL bLarge) const
- {
- if (m_bAutoResizeIcons)
- {
- int nHeight = GetControlHeight() - 4;
- if (bLarge) nHeight = nHeight * 2;
- nHeight = max(2, nHeight / 8);
- return CSize(nHeight * 8, nHeight * 8);
- }
- return bLarge ? CSize(32, 32) : CSize(16, 16);
- }