Visual C++
- // XTPPropertyGridPaintManager.cpp : implementation of the CXTPPropertyGridPaintManager class.
- //
- // This file is a part of the XTREME PROPERTYGRID MFC class library.
- // (c)1998-2008 Codejock Software, All Rights Reserved.
- //
- //
- //
- // support@codejock.com
- // http://www.codejock.com
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "Common/XTPVC80Helpers.h"
- #include "Common/XTPDrawHelpers.h"
- #include "Common/XTPImageManager.h"
- #include "Common/XTPOffice2007Image.h"
- #include "Common/XTPMarkupRender.h"
- #include "XTPPropertyGridPaintManager.h"
- #include "XTPPropertyGridInplaceEdit.h"
- #include "XTPPropertyGridInplaceButton.h"
- #include "XTPPropertyGridInplaceList.h"
- #include "XTPPropertyGridItem.h"
- #include "XTPPropertyGrid.h"
- #include "XTPPropertyGridItemBool.h"
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #endif
- CXTPPropertyGridItemMetrics::CXTPPropertyGridItemMetrics(CXTPPropertyGridPaintManager* pPaintManager)
- : m_pPaintManager(pPaintManager)
- {
- m_nImage = -1;
- m_uDrawTextFormat = DT_VCENTER | DT_SINGLELINE;
- m_nMaxLength = 0;
- }
- void CXTPPropertyGridItemMetrics::SetDefaultValues()
- {
- m_clrHelpBack.SetDefaultValue();
- m_clrHelpFore.SetDefaultValue();
- m_clrLine.SetDefaultValue();
- m_clrBack.SetDefaultValue();
- m_clrFore.SetDefaultValue();
- m_clrReadOnlyFore.SetDefaultValue();
- m_clrCategoryFore.SetDefaultValue();
- m_clrVerbFace.SetDefaultValue();
- }
- COLORREF CXTPPropertyGridPaintManager::GetItemTextColor(CXTPPropertyGridItem* pItem, BOOL bValuePart)
- {
- ASSERT(pItem);
- if (!pItem)
- return m_pMetrics->m_clrFore;
- CXTPPropertyGridItemMetrics* pMetrics = pItem->GetMetrics(bValuePart, FALSE);
- if (pMetrics && !pMetrics->m_clrFore.IsDefaultValue())
- return pMetrics->m_clrFore;
- return pItem->IsCategory() ? m_pMetrics->m_clrCategoryFore :
- pItem->GetReadOnly() ? m_pMetrics->m_clrReadOnlyFore : m_pMetrics->m_clrFore;
- }
- COLORREF CXTPPropertyGridPaintManager::GetItemBackColor(CXTPPropertyGridItem* pItem, BOOL bValuePart)
- {
- ASSERT(pItem);
- if (!pItem)
- return m_pMetrics->m_clrBack;
- CXTPPropertyGridItemMetrics* pMetrics = pItem->GetMetrics(bValuePart, FALSE);
- if (pMetrics && !pMetrics->m_clrBack.IsDefaultValue())
- return pMetrics->m_clrBack;
- return m_pMetrics->m_clrBack;
- }
- CFont* CXTPPropertyGridPaintManager::GetItemFont(CXTPPropertyGridItem* pItem, BOOL bValuePart)
- {
- ASSERT(pItem);
- if (!pItem)
- return &m_pMetrics->m_fontNormal;
- CXTPPropertyGridItemMetrics* pMetrics = pItem->GetMetrics(bValuePart, FALSE);
- if (pMetrics && pMetrics->m_fontNormal.GetSafeHandle())
- return &pMetrics->m_fontNormal;
- if (pItem->IsCategory())
- return &m_pMetrics->m_fontBold;
- if (bValuePart && m_pGrid->IsHighlightChangedItems() && pItem->IsValueChanged())
- return &m_pMetrics->m_fontBold;
- return &m_pMetrics->m_fontNormal;
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Construction/Destruction
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- CXTPPropertyGridPaintManager::CXTPPropertyGridPaintManager(CXTPPropertyGrid* pGrid)
- : m_pGrid(pGrid)
- {
- m_buttonsStyle = xtpGridButtonsDefault;
- LOGFONT lfIcon;
- VERIFY(::SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETICONTITLELOGFONT, sizeof(lfIcon), &lfIcon, 0));
- lfIcon.lfWeight = FW_NORMAL;
- lfIcon.lfItalic = FALSE;
- VERIFY(m_fntVerbNormal.CreateFontIndirect(&lfIcon));
- lfIcon.lfUnderline = TRUE;
- VERIFY(m_fntVerbUnderline.CreateFontIndirect(&lfIcon));
- m_pMetrics = new CXTPPropertyGridItemMetrics(this);
- m_bTransparent = FALSE;
- }
- CXTPPropertyGridPaintManager::~CXTPPropertyGridPaintManager()
- {
- }
- void CXTPPropertyGridPaintManager::RefreshMetrics()
- {
- RefreshXtremeColors();
- m_clrHighlight.SetStandardValue(GetXtremeColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT));
- m_clrHighlightText.SetStandardValue(GetXtremeColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT));
- m_clrFace.SetStandardValue(GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DFACE));
- m_clrShadow.SetStandardValue(GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DSHADOW));
- m_pMetrics->m_clrVerbFace.SetStandardValue(GetXtremeColor(COLOR_ACTIVECAPTION));
- m_pMetrics->m_clrHelpBack.SetStandardValue(m_clrFace);
- m_pMetrics->m_clrHelpFore.SetStandardValue(GetXtremeColor(COLOR_BTNTEXT));
- m_pMetrics->m_clrLine.SetStandardValue(GetSysColor(COLOR_SCROLLBAR));
- m_pMetrics->m_clrCategoryFore.SetStandardValue(GetXtremeColor(COLOR_GRAYTEXT));
- m_pMetrics->m_clrBack.SetStandardValue(GetXtremeColor(COLOR_WINDOW));
- m_pMetrics->m_clrFore.SetStandardValue(GetXtremeColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT));
- m_pMetrics->m_clrReadOnlyFore.SetStandardValue(GetXtremeColor(COLOR_GRAYTEXT));
- HWND hWnd = AfxGetMainWnd() ? AfxGetMainWnd()->GetSafeHwnd() : 0;
- m_themeTree.OpenThemeData(hWnd, L"TREEVIEW");
- m_themeButton.OpenThemeData(hWnd, L"BUTTON");
- m_themeCombo.OpenThemeData(hWnd, L"COMBOBOX");
- }
- void CXTPPropertyGridPaintManager::FillPropertyGrid(CDC* pDC)
- {
- CXTPClientRect rc(m_pGrid);
- HBRUSH hBrush = NULL;
- if (m_bTransparent || m_clrFace == GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DFACE))
- {
- hBrush = (HBRUSH)m_pGrid->GetParent()->SendMessage(WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC, (WPARAM)pDC->GetSafeHdc(), (LPARAM)m_pGrid->m_hWnd);
- }
- if (hBrush)
- {
- ::FillRect(pDC->GetSafeHdc(), rc, hBrush);
- }
- else
- {
- pDC->FillSolidRect(rc, m_clrFace);
- }
- if (m_pGrid->IsHelpVisible())
- {
- CXTPPropertyGridItem* pItem = m_pGrid->GetSelectedItem();
- CRect rcHelp(rc);
- rcHelp.top = rc.bottom - m_pGrid->m_nHelpHeight;
- if (!hBrush || !m_bTransparent) pDC->FillSolidRect(rcHelp, m_pMetrics->m_clrHelpBack);
- DrawPropertyGridBorder(pDC, rcHelp, FALSE);
- CXTPFontDC fontCaption(pDC, &m_pMetrics->m_fontBold);
- if (pItem)
- {
- pDC->SetTextColor(m_pMetrics->m_clrHelpFore);
- CRect rcCaption(rcHelp);
- rcCaption.DeflateRect(6, 3);
- if (pItem->GetMarkupUIElement())
- {
- XTPMarkupSetDefaultFont(XTPMarkupElementContext(pItem->GetMarkupUIElement()),
- (HFONT)m_pMetrics->m_fontBold, pDC->GetTextColor());
- CSize sz = XTPMarkupMeasureElement(pItem->GetMarkupUIElement(), INT_MAX, INT_MAX);
- XTPMarkupRenderElement(pItem->GetMarkupUIElement(), pDC->GetSafeHdc(),
- CRect(rcCaption.TopLeft(), sz));
- }
- else
- {
- pDC->DrawText(pItem->GetCaption(), rcCaption, DT_SINGLELINE | DT_NOPREFIX);
- }
- CString strDesc = pItem->GetDescription();
- if (!strDesc.IsEmpty())
- {
- CXTPFontDC fontDescription(pDC, &m_pMetrics->m_fontNormal);
- CXTPEmptyRect rcCaptionHeight;
- pDC->DrawText(pItem->GetCaption(), rcCaptionHeight, DT_SINGLELINE | DT_NOPREFIX | DT_CALCRECT);
- CRect rcDesc(rcHelp);
- rcDesc.DeflateRect(6, 3 + rcCaptionHeight.Height() + 3, 6, 3);
- pDC->DrawText(strDesc, rcDesc, DT_WORDBREAK | DT_NOPREFIX);
- }
- }
- rc.bottom -= m_pGrid->m_nHelpHeight + 3;
- }
- if (m_pGrid->IsVerbsVisible())
- {
- CRect rcVerbs(rc);
- rcVerbs.top = rc.bottom - m_pGrid->m_nVerbsHeight;
- if (!hBrush || !m_bTransparent) pDC->FillSolidRect(rcVerbs, m_pMetrics->m_clrHelpBack);
- DrawPropertyGridBorder(pDC, rcVerbs, FALSE);
- HitTestVerbs(pDC, rcVerbs, CPoint(0));
- }
- }
- int CXTPPropertyGridPaintManager::HitTestVerbs(CDC* pDC, CRect rcVerbs, CPoint pt)
- {
- #define DRAWTEXTPART(strCaption)
- CRect rcText(CRect(x, y, min(x + nTextWidth, rcVerbs.right), min(y + nTextHeight, rcVerbs.bottom)));
- if (bDraw)
- {
- pVerb->SetPart(rcText);
- pDC->SetTextColor(m_pMetrics->m_clrVerbFace);
- pDC->DrawText(strCaption, rcText, DT_SINGLELINE | DT_NOPREFIX);
- if (pVerb->IsFocused())
- {
- pDC->SetTextColor(m_pMetrics->m_clrHelpBack);
- pDC->SetBkColor(0);
- rcText.bottom++;
- pDC->DrawFocusRect(rcText);
- }
- }
- else if (rcText.PtInRect(pt)) return i;
- BOOL bDraw = (pt == CPoint(0));
- CXTPFontDC font(pDC, &m_fntVerbUnderline);
- rcVerbs.DeflateRect(6, 4);
- int nCount = m_pGrid->GetVerbs()->GetCount();
- int x = rcVerbs.left, y = rcVerbs.top, nWidth = rcVerbs.Width();
- int nTextHeight = pDC->GetTextExtent(_T("XXX"), 3).cy;
- for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
- {
- CXTPPropertyGridVerb* pVerb = m_pGrid->GetVerbs()->GetAt(i);
- CString strCaption = pVerb->GetCaption();
- for (;;)
- {
- if (strCaption.IsEmpty())
- break;
- int nTextWidth = pDC->GetTextExtent(strCaption).cx;
- if (x + nTextWidth < nWidth)
- {
- DRAWTEXTPART(strCaption);
- x += nTextWidth;
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- int nStartIndex = (strCaption.GetLength() - 1) * (nWidth - x) / nTextWidth;
- int nIndex = nStartIndex;
- if ((nStartIndex < 1) && (x == rcVerbs.left))
- {
- i = nCount - 1;
- break;
- }
- for (; nIndex >= 0; nIndex--)
- {
- if (strCaption[nIndex] == _T(' ') || strCaption[nIndex] == _T(',') || strCaption[nIndex] == _T('-'))
- break;
- }
- if (nIndex > 0 || (x == rcVerbs.left))
- {
- if (nIndex <= 0) nIndex = nStartIndex;
- CString strLeft = strCaption.Left(nIndex + 1);
- CString strRight = strCaption.Mid(nIndex + 1);
- nTextWidth = pDC->GetTextExtent(strLeft).cx;
- x = rcVerbs.left;
- y += nTextHeight;
- strCaption = strRight;
- }
- else
- {
- y += nTextHeight;
- x = rcVerbs.left;
- }
- }
- if (y >= rcVerbs.bottom)
- break;
- }
- if ((y >= rcVerbs.bottom) || (i == nCount - 1))
- break;
- if (bDraw)
- {
- font.SetFont(&m_fntVerbNormal);
- pDC->SetTextColor(m_pMetrics->m_clrHelpFore);
- pDC->DrawText(_T(","), 1, CRect(x, y, x + 8, min(y + nTextHeight, rcVerbs.bottom)), DT_SINGLELINE | DT_NOPREFIX);
- font.SetFont(&m_fntVerbUnderline);
- }
- x += 8;
- }
- return -1;
- }
- void CXTPPropertyGridPaintManager::DrawPropertyGridBorder(CDC* pDC, RECT& rc, BOOL bAdjustRect)
- {
- XTPPropertyGridBorderStyle borderStyle = m_pGrid->GetBorderStyle();
- if (pDC)
- {
- switch (borderStyle)
- {
- case xtpGridBorderStaticEdge:
- pDC->Draw3dRect(rc.left, rc.top, rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom - rc.top,
- m_clrShadow, m_clrShadow);
- break;
- case xtpGridBorderFlat:
- pDC->Draw3dRect(rc.left, rc.top, rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom - rc.top,
- break;
- case xtpGridBorderClientEdge:
- pDC->Draw3dRect(rc.left, rc.top, rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom - rc.top,
- GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DSHADOW), GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DHIGHLIGHT));
- pDC->Draw3dRect(rc.left + 1, rc.top + 1, rc.right - rc.left - 2, rc.bottom - rc.top - 2,
- GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DDKSHADOW), GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DFACE));
- break;
- }
- }
- if (bAdjustRect)
- {
- int nSize = borderStyle == xtpGridBorderClientEdge ? 2 :
- borderStyle == xtpGridBorderStaticEdge || borderStyle == xtpGridBorderFlat ? 1 : 0;
- rc.left += nSize;
- rc.top += nSize;
- rc.right -= nSize;
- rc.bottom -= nSize;
- }
- }
- void CXTPPropertyGridPaintManager::FillPropertyGridView(CDC* pDC)
- {
- CXTPPropertyGridView* pView = &m_pGrid->GetGridView();
- CXTPClientRect rc(pView);
- pDC->FillSolidRect(rc, m_pMetrics->m_clrBack);
- }
- void CXTPPropertyGridPaintManager::MeasureItem(LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT lpMeasureItemStruct)
- {
- CXTPPropertyGridView* pView = &m_pGrid->GetGridView();
- if (pView->GetStyle() & LBS_OWNERDRAWVARIABLE)
- {
- CXTPPropertyGridItem* pItem = (CXTPPropertyGridItem*)lpMeasureItemStruct->itemData;
- pItem->MeasureItem(lpMeasureItemStruct);
- }
- }
- void CXTPPropertyGridPaintManager::DrawCategoryCaptionBackground(CDC* pDC, CXTPPropertyGridItem* /*pItem*/, CRect rc)
- {
- pDC->FillSolidRect(rc, m_pMetrics->m_clrLine);
- }
- void CXTPPropertyGridPaintManager::DrawInplaceListItem(CDC* pDC, CXTPPropertyGridItemConstraint* pConstraint, CRect rc, BOOL bSelected)
- {
- if (bSelected)
- {
- pDC->SetTextColor(m_clrHighlightText);
- pDC->FillSolidRect(rc, m_clrHighlight);
- }
- else
- {
- pDC->SetTextColor(::GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT));
- pDC->FillSolidRect(rc, GetXtremeColor(COLOR_WINDOW));
- }
- CRect rcText(rc.left + 2, rc.top, rc.right - 2, rc.bottom);
- CXTPImageManagerIcon* pImage = pConstraint->GetImage();
- if (pImage)
- {
- int nHeight = min(pImage->GetHeight(), rc.Height());
- int nWidth = pImage->GetWidth();
- CPoint pt(rcText.left, rcText.CenterPoint().y - nHeight/2);
- pImage->Draw(pDC, pt, CSize(nWidth, nHeight));
- rcText.left += nWidth + 4;
- }
- // Draw the text.
- pDC->DrawText(pConstraint->m_strConstraint, rcText, DT_LEFT | DT_SINGLELINE | DT_VCENTER | DT_NOPREFIX);
- }
- void CXTPPropertyGridPaintManager::AdjustItemValueRect(CXTPPropertyGridItem* pItem, CRect& rcValue)
- {
- CXTPPropertyGridItemMetrics* pMetrics = pItem->GetMetrics(TRUE, FALSE);
- if (pMetrics && pMetrics->m_nImage != -1)
- {
- CXTPImageManagerIcon* pImage = m_pGrid->GetImageManager()->GetImage(pMetrics->m_nImage, 0);
- if (pImage)
- {
- int nWidth = pImage->GetWidth();
- rcValue.left += nWidth + 4;
- }
- }
- }
- void CXTPPropertyGridPaintManager::AdjustItemCaptionRect(CXTPPropertyGridItem* pItem, CRect& rcCaption)
- {
- CXTPPropertyGridItemMetrics* pMetrics = pItem->GetMetrics(FALSE, FALSE);
- if (pMetrics && pMetrics->m_nImage != -1)
- {
- CXTPImageManagerIcon* pImage = m_pGrid->GetImageManager()->GetImage(pMetrics->m_nImage, 0);
- if (pImage)
- {
- int nWidth = pImage->GetWidth();
- rcCaption.left += nWidth + 4;
- }
- }
- }
- void CXTPPropertyGridPaintManager::DrawItemValue(CDC* pDC, CXTPPropertyGridItem* pItem, CRect rcValue)
- {
- pDC->SetTextColor(GetItemTextColor(pItem, TRUE));
- pDC->FillSolidRect(rcValue, GetItemBackColor(pItem, TRUE));
- rcValue.left += 4;
- if (pItem->OnDrawItemValue(*pDC, rcValue))
- return;
- CXTPPropertyGridItemMetrics* pMetrics = pItem->GetMetrics(TRUE, FALSE);
- if (pMetrics && pMetrics->m_nImage != -1)
- {
- CXTPImageManagerIcon* pImage = m_pGrid->GetImageManager()->GetImage(pMetrics->m_nImage, 0);
- if (pImage)
- {
- int nHeight = min(pImage->GetHeight(), rcValue.Height());
- int nWidth = pImage->GetWidth();
- CPoint pt(rcValue.left, rcValue.CenterPoint().y - nHeight/2);
- pImage->Draw(pDC, pt, CSize(nWidth, nHeight));
- rcValue.left += nWidth + 4;
- }
- }
- rcValue.DeflateRect(0, 1);
- UINT nFormat = pMetrics ? pMetrics->m_uDrawTextFormat : DT_VCENTER | DT_SINGLELINE;
- if (pItem->IsMultiLine()) nFormat = (nFormat | DT_WORDBREAK) & ~DT_SINGLELINE;
- pDC->DrawText(pItem->GetViewValue(), rcValue, DT_NOPREFIX | nFormat);
- }
- void CXTPPropertyGridPaintManager::DrawItemCaption(CDC* pDC, CXTPPropertyGridItem* pItem, CRect rcCaption)
- {
- CRect rcText(rcCaption);
- rcText.left = (pItem->GetIndent() + (pItem->IsCategory() ? 1 : 0)) * XTP_PGI_EXPAND_BORDER + 3;
- rcText.right = rcCaption.right - 1;
- rcText.bottom -= 1;
- CXTPPropertyGridItemMetrics* pMetrics = pItem->GetMetrics(FALSE, FALSE);
- if (pMetrics && pMetrics->m_nImage != -1)
- {
- CXTPImageManagerIcon* pImage = m_pGrid->GetImageManager()->GetImage(pMetrics->m_nImage, 0);
- if (pImage)
- {
- int nHeight = min(pImage->GetHeight(), rcText.Height());
- int nWidth = pImage->GetWidth();
- CPoint pt(rcText.left, rcText.CenterPoint().y - nHeight/2);
- pImage->Draw(pDC, pt, CSize(nWidth, nHeight));
- rcText.left += nWidth + 4;
- }
- }
- if (pItem->GetMarkupUIElement())
- {
- XTPMarkupSetDefaultFont(XTPMarkupElementContext(pItem->GetMarkupUIElement()),
- (HFONT)GetItemFont(pItem, FALSE)->GetSafeHandle(), pDC->GetTextColor());
- XTPMarkupMeasureElement(pItem->GetMarkupUIElement(), INT_MAX, INT_MAX);
- XTPMarkupRenderElement(pItem->GetMarkupUIElement(), pDC->GetSafeHdc(), rcText);
- }
- else
- {
- UINT nFormat = pMetrics ? pMetrics->m_uDrawTextFormat : DT_VCENTER | DT_SINGLELINE;
- pDC->DrawText(pItem->GetCaption(), rcText, DT_NOPREFIX | nFormat);
- }
- }
- void CXTPPropertyGridPaintManager::DrawInplaceButtons(CDC* pDC, CXTPPropertyGridItem* pItem, CRect rcValue)
- {
- if (pItem->GetReadOnly())
- return;
- int nRight = rcValue.right;
- for (int i = pItem->GetInplaceButtons()->GetCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
- {
- CXTPPropertyGridInplaceButton* pButton = pItem->GetInplaceButtons()->GetAt(i);
- int nWidth = pButton->GetWidth();
- CRect rcButton(nRight - nWidth, rcValue.top, nRight, rcValue.bottom);
- pButton->OnDraw(pDC, rcButton);
- nRight -= nWidth;
- }
- }
- void CXTPPropertyGridPaintManager::DrawItem(PDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct)
- {
- CXTPPropertyGridView* pView = &m_pGrid->GetGridView();
- CXTPPropertyGridItem* pItem = (CXTPPropertyGridItem*)lpDrawItemStruct->itemData;
- CXTPWindowRect rcWindow(pView);
- CRect rc = lpDrawItemStruct->rcItem;
- CXTPBufferDC dc(lpDrawItemStruct->hDC, rc);
- CXTPFontDC font(&dc, GetItemFont(pItem, TRUE));
- dc.FillSolidRect(rc, GetItemBackColor(pItem, FALSE));
- dc.SetBkMode(TRANSPARENT);
- CRect rcCaption(rc.left, rc.top, rc.left + pView->GetDividerPos(), rc.bottom);
- if (pItem->IsCategory())
- {
- DrawCategoryCaptionBackground(&dc, pItem, rc);
- font.SetFont(GetItemFont(pItem, FALSE));
- dc.SetTextColor(GetItemTextColor(pItem, FALSE));
- CRect rcText(((pItem->GetIndent() + 1) * XTP_PGI_EXPAND_BORDER) + 3, rc.top, rc.right, rc.bottom - 1);
- CXTPPropertyGridItemMetrics* pMetrics = pItem->GetMetrics(FALSE, FALSE);
- if (pMetrics && pMetrics->m_nImage != -1)
- {
- CXTPImageManagerIcon* pImage = m_pGrid->GetImageManager()->GetImage(pMetrics->m_nImage, 0);
- if (pImage)
- {
- int nHeight = min(pImage->GetHeight(), rc.Height());
- int nWidth = pImage->GetWidth();
- CPoint pt(rcText.left, rcText.CenterPoint().y - nHeight/2);
- pImage->Draw(&dc, pt, CSize(nWidth, nHeight));
- rcText.OffsetRect(nWidth + 4, 0);
- }
- }
- dc.DrawText(pItem->GetCaption(), rcText, DT_SINGLELINE | DT_NOPREFIX | DT_VCENTER | DT_LEFT);
- if (lpDrawItemStruct->itemState & ODS_FOCUS)
- {
- CXTPEmptyRect rcFocus;
- dc.DrawText(pItem->GetCaption(), rcFocus, DT_SINGLELINE | DT_NOPREFIX | DT_VCENTER | DT_CALCRECT);
- rcFocus.SetRect(rcText.left - 3, rcText.top + 1, rcText.left + rcFocus.Width() + 3, rcText.bottom - 1);
- dc.SetTextColor(0);
- dc.DrawFocusRect(rcFocus);
- }
- BOOL bSelected = (lpDrawItemStruct->itemState & (ODS_SELECTED | ODS_FOCUS));
- if (bSelected || m_pGrid->GetShowInplaceButtonsAlways()) DrawInplaceButtons(&dc, pItem, rcText);
- }
- else
- {
- CRect rcValue(rcCaption.right, rc.top, rc.right, rc.bottom - 1);
- DrawItemValue(&dc, pItem, rcValue);
- dc.SetTextColor(GetItemTextColor(pItem, FALSE));
- font.SetFont(GetItemFont(pItem, FALSE));
- BOOL bSelected = lpDrawItemStruct->itemState & ODS_SELECTED;
- BOOL bFocused = bSelected && CWnd::GetFocus() && ((CWnd::GetFocus() == pView) || (CWnd::GetFocus()->GetParent() == pView) || (CWnd::GetFocus()->GetOwner() == pView));
- if (bFocused)
- {
- dc.SetTextColor(m_clrHighlightText);
- dc.FillSolidRect(rcCaption, m_clrHighlight);
- }
- else if (bSelected && !m_pGrid->m_bHideSelection)
- {
- dc.FillSolidRect(rcCaption, m_pMetrics->m_clrLine);
- }
- CXTPPropertyGridItem* pCategory = pItem->GetParentItem();
- while (pCategory != NULL)
- {
- if (pCategory->IsCategory())
- dc.FillSolidRect(rc.left + pCategory->GetIndent() * XTP_PGI_EXPAND_BORDER, rc.top, XTP_PGI_EXPAND_BORDER, rc.Height(), m_pMetrics->m_clrLine);
- pCategory = pCategory->GetParentItem();
- }
- CXTPPenDC pen(dc, m_pMetrics->m_clrLine);
- dc.MoveTo(0, rc.bottom - 1); dc.LineTo(rc.right, rc.bottom - 1);
- dc.MoveTo(rcCaption.right, rc.top); dc.LineTo(rcCaption.right, rc.bottom - 1);
- DrawItemCaption(&dc, pItem, rcCaption);
- if (bSelected || m_pGrid->GetShowInplaceButtonsAlways()) DrawInplaceButtons(&dc, pItem, rcValue);
- }
- CXTPPropertyGridItem* pNext = pView->GetItem(lpDrawItemStruct->itemID + 1);
- if (pNext && pNext->IsCategory() && pNext->IsVisible())
- {
- dc.FillSolidRect(pNext->GetIndent() * XTP_PGI_EXPAND_BORDER, rc.bottom - 1, rc.Width(), 1, m_clrFace);
- }
- if (pItem->HasVisibleChilds())
- {
- CRgn rgn;
- if (!pItem->IsCategory())
- {
- rgn.CreateRectRgnIndirect(&rcCaption);
- dc.SelectClipRgn(&rgn);
- }
- DrawExpandButton(dc, pItem, rcCaption);
- dc.SelectClipRgn(NULL);
- }
- }
- void CXTPPropertyGridPaintManager::DrawExpandButton(CDC& dc, CXTPPropertyGridItem* pItem, CRect rcCaption)
- {
- if (!pItem->IsExpandable())
- return;
- CRect rcSign(CPoint(XTP_PGI_EXPAND_BORDER / 2 - 5, rcCaption.CenterPoint().y - 4), CSize(9, 9));
- if (pItem->GetIndent() > 0)
- rcSign.OffsetRect((pItem->GetIndent() - (pItem->IsCategory() ? 0 : 1)) * XTP_PGI_EXPAND_BORDER, 0);
- if (m_buttonsStyle == xtpGridButtonsThemed && m_themeTree.IsAppThemed())
- {
- m_themeTree.DrawThemeBackground(dc, TVP_GLYPH, pItem->IsExpanded() ? GLPS_OPENED : GLPS_CLOSED, &rcSign, 0);
- }
- else
- {
- CPoint pt = rcSign.CenterPoint();
- if (!pItem->IsCategory()) dc.FillSolidRect(rcSign, m_pMetrics->m_clrBack);
- dc.Draw3dRect(rcSign, m_pMetrics->m_clrFore, m_pMetrics->m_clrFore);
- CXTPPenDC pen (dc, m_pMetrics->m_clrFore);
- dc.MoveTo(pt.x - 2, pt.y);
- dc.LineTo(pt.x + 3, pt.y);
- if (!pItem->IsExpanded())
- {
- dc.MoveTo(pt.x, pt.y - 2);
- dc.LineTo(pt.x, pt.y + 3);
- }
- }
- }
- void CXTPPropertyGridPaintManager::FillInplaceButton(CDC* pDC, CXTPPropertyGridInplaceButton* pButton)
- {
- CRect rect(pButton->GetRect());
- CPoint ptDots(rect.CenterPoint().x , rect.CenterPoint().y + 3);
- COLORREF clrText = GetXtremeColor(pButton->GetEnabled() ? COLOR_BTNTEXT : COLOR_GRAYTEXT);
- if (m_buttonsStyle == xtpGridButtonsThemed && m_themeButton.IsAppThemed() && m_themeCombo.IsAppThemed())
- {
- pDC->FillSolidRect(rect, m_pMetrics->m_clrBack);
- {
- m_themeButton.DrawThemeBackground(*pDC, BP_PUSHBUTTON, !pButton->GetEnabled() ? PBS_DISABLED : pButton->IsPressed() && pButton->IsHot() ? PBS_PRESSED :
- pButton->IsHot() ? PBS_HOT: pButton->IsFocused() ? PBS_DEFAULTED : PBS_NORMAL, rect, 0);
- }
- else
- {
- m_themeCombo.DrawThemeBackground(*pDC, CP_DROPDOWNBUTTON, !pButton->GetEnabled() ? CBXS_DISABLED :
- pButton->IsPressed() && pButton->IsHot() ? CBXS_PRESSED: pButton->IsHot() ? CBXS_HOT : CBXS_NORMAL, rect, 0);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (m_buttonsStyle == xtpGridButtonsOfficeXP)
- {
- pDC->FillSolidRect(rect, GetXtremeColor(pButton->IsPressed() && pButton->IsHot() ? XPCOLOR_HIGHLIGHT_PUSHED :
- COLORREF clrBorder = GetXtremeColor(pButton->IsPressed() && pButton->IsHot() ? XPCOLOR_HIGHLIGHT_PUSHED_BORDER :
- pDC->Draw3dRect(rect, clrBorder, clrBorder);
- }
- else
- {
- pDC->FillSolidRect(rect, GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DFACE));
- if (pButton->IsPressed() && pButton->IsHot())
- pDC->Draw3dRect(rect, GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DSHADOW), GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DSHADOW));
- else
- {
- pDC->Draw3dRect(rect, GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DFACE), GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DDKSHADOW));
- rect.DeflateRect(1, 1);
- pDC->Draw3dRect(rect, GetXtremeColor(COLOR_WINDOW), GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DSHADOW));
- }
- }
- {
- CPoint pt = rect.CenterPoint();
- CXTPDrawHelpers::Triangle(pDC, CPoint(pt.x -3, pt.y -1), CPoint(pt.x + 3, pt.y -1), CPoint(pt.x, pt.y +2), clrText);
- }
- }
- BOOL bCustom = FALSE;
- {
- CXTPImageManagerIcon* pIcon = pButton->GetImage();
- if (pIcon)
- {
- CSize sz(pIcon->GetWidth(), pIcon->GetHeight());
- CPoint pt((rect.left + rect.right - sz.cx) / 2, (rect.top + rect.bottom - sz.cy) / 2);
- pIcon->Draw(pDC, pt, sz);
- bCustom = TRUE;
- }
- else if (!pButton->GetCaption().IsEmpty())
- {
- CXTPFontDC font(pDC, GetItemFont(pButton->GetItem(), TRUE));
- pDC->SetTextColor(clrText);
- pDC->DrawText(pButton->GetCaption(), rect, DT_SINGLELINE | DT_VCENTER | DT_CENTER | DT_NOPREFIX);
- bCustom = TRUE;
- }
- }
- if (!bCustom && pButton->GetID() == XTP_ID_PROPERTYGRID_EXPANDBUTTON)
- {
- pDC->FillSolidRect(ptDots.x - 4, ptDots.y, 2, 2, clrText);
- pDC->FillSolidRect(ptDots.x, ptDots.y, 2, 2, clrText);
- pDC->FillSolidRect(ptDots.x + 4, ptDots.y, 2, 2, clrText);
- }
- if (pButton->IsFocused())
- {
- pDC->SetTextColor(GetXtremeColor(COLOR_BTNTEXT));
- pDC->SetBkColor(GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DFACE));
- rect.DeflateRect(2, 2);
- pDC->DrawFocusRect(rect);
- }
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- CXTPPropertyGridNativeXPTheme::CXTPPropertyGridNativeXPTheme(CXTPPropertyGrid* pGrid)
- : CXTPPropertyGridPaintManager(pGrid)
- {
- m_buttonsStyle = xtpGridButtonsThemed;
- }
- void CXTPPropertyGridNativeXPTheme::RefreshMetrics()
- {
- CXTPPropertyGridPaintManager::RefreshMetrics();
- m_clrShadow.SetStandardValue(GetXtremeColor(XPCOLOR_STATICFRAME));
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CXTPPropertyGridOffice2003Theme
- CXTPPropertyGridOffice2003Theme::CXTPPropertyGridOffice2003Theme(CXTPPropertyGrid* pGrid)
- : CXTPPropertyGridPaintManager(pGrid)
- {
- m_bLunaTheme = FALSE;
- m_buttonsStyle = xtpGridButtonsThemed;
- }
- void CXTPPropertyGridOffice2003Theme::RefreshMetrics()
- {
- CXTPPropertyGridPaintManager::RefreshMetrics();
- m_bLunaTheme = FALSE;
- if (!XTPColorManager()->IsLunaColorsDisabled())
- {
- XTPCurrentSystemTheme systemTheme = XTPColorManager()->GetCurrentSystemTheme();
- switch (systemTheme)
- {
- case xtpSystemThemeRoyale:
- case xtpSystemThemeAero:
- case xtpSystemThemeBlue:
- m_clrFace.SetStandardValue(RGB(221, 236, 254));
- m_clrShadow.SetStandardValue(RGB(123, 164, 224));
- m_pMetrics->m_clrHelpBack.SetStandardValue(m_clrFace);
- m_pMetrics->m_clrLine.SetStandardValue(RGB(169, 199, 240));
- m_pMetrics->m_clrCategoryFore.SetStandardValue(0);
- m_bLunaTheme = TRUE;
- break;
- case xtpSystemThemeOlive:
- m_clrFace.SetStandardValue(RGB(243, 242, 231));
- m_clrShadow.SetStandardValue(RGB(188, 187, 177));
- m_pMetrics->m_clrHelpBack.SetStandardValue(m_clrFace);
- m_pMetrics->m_clrLine.SetStandardValue(RGB(197, 212, 159));
- m_pMetrics->m_clrCategoryFore.SetStandardValue(0);
- m_bLunaTheme = TRUE;
- break;
- case xtpSystemThemeSilver:
- m_clrFace.SetStandardValue(RGB(238, 238, 244));
- m_clrShadow.SetStandardValue(RGB(161, 160, 187));
- m_pMetrics->m_clrHelpBack.SetStandardValue(m_clrFace);
- m_pMetrics->m_clrLine.SetStandardValue(RGB(192, 192, 211));
- m_pMetrics->m_clrCategoryFore.SetStandardValue(0);
- m_bLunaTheme = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CXTPPropertyGridOffice2007Theme
- CXTPPropertyGridOffice2007Theme::CXTPPropertyGridOffice2007Theme(CXTPPropertyGrid* pGrid)
- : CXTPPropertyGridOffice2003Theme(pGrid)
- {
- }
- void CXTPPropertyGridOffice2007Theme::RefreshMetrics()
- {
- CXTPPropertyGridPaintManager::RefreshMetrics();
- m_bLunaTheme = FALSE;
- m_pMetrics->m_clrBack.SetCustomValue(RGB(255, 255, 255));
- m_pMetrics->m_clrFore.SetCustomValue(RGB(0, 0, 0));
- CXTPOffice2007Image* pImage = XTPOffice2007Images()->LoadFile(_T("PUSHBUTTON"));
- if (pImage)
- {
- m_clrFace.SetStandardValue(XTPOffice2007Images()->GetImageColor(_T("PropertyGrid"), _T("Background")));
- m_clrShadow.SetStandardValue(XTPOffice2007Images()->GetImageColor(_T("PropertyGrid"), _T("Shadow")));
- m_pMetrics->m_clrHelpBack.SetStandardValue(XTPOffice2007Images()->GetImageColor(_T("PropertyGrid"), _T("HelpBack")));
- m_pMetrics->m_clrHelpFore.SetStandardValue(XTPOffice2007Images()->GetImageColor(_T("PropertyGrid"), _T("HelpFore")));
- m_pMetrics->m_clrLine.SetStandardValue(XTPOffice2007Images()->GetImageColor(_T("PropertyGrid"), _T("GridLine")));
- m_pMetrics->m_clrCategoryFore.SetStandardValue(XTPOffice2007Images()->GetImageColor(_T("PropertyGrid"), _T("CategoryText")));
- m_clrHighlightText.SetStandardValue(XTPOffice2007Images()->GetImageColor(_T("PropertyGrid"), _T("HighlightText")));
- m_clrHighlight.SetStandardValue(XTPOffice2007Images()->GetImageColor(_T("PropertyGrid"), _T("Highlight")));
- }
- else
- {
- m_clrFace.SetStandardValue(RGB(173, 209, 255));
- m_clrShadow.SetStandardValue(RGB(101, 147, 207));
- m_pMetrics->m_clrHelpBack.SetStandardValue(RGB(214, 232, 255));
- m_pMetrics->m_clrHelpFore.SetStandardValue(RGB(0, 0, 0));
- m_pMetrics->m_clrLine.SetStandardValue(RGB(214, 232, 255));
- m_pMetrics->m_clrCategoryFore.SetStandardValue(RGB(21, 66, 139));
- m_clrHighlightText.SetStandardValue(0);
- m_clrHighlight.SetStandardValue(RGB(179, 200, 232));
- }
- }
- void CXTPPropertyGridPaintManager::DrawCheckBox(CDC* pDC, CXTPPropertyGridItemBool* pItem)
- {
- CRect rcValue = pItem->GetValueRect();
- CRect rcSample(rcValue.left + 2, rcValue.CenterPoint().y - 6, rcValue.left + 2 + 13, rcValue.CenterPoint().y + 7);
- CXTPPropertyGridPaintManager* pPaintManager = m_pGrid->GetPaintManager();
- if (pPaintManager->m_buttonsStyle == xtpGridButtonsThemed && pPaintManager->m_themeButton.IsAppThemed())
- {
- pPaintManager->m_themeButton.DrawThemeBackground(pDC->GetSafeHdc(), BP_CHECKBOX,
- pItem->GetReadOnly() ? (pItem->GetBool() ? CBS_CHECKEDDISABLED : CBS_UNCHECKEDDISABLED) :
- rcSample, 0);
- }
- else
- {
- pDC->DrawFrameControl(rcSample, DFC_BUTTON, DFCS_BUTTONCHECK |
- (pItem->GetReadOnly() ? DFCS_INACTIVE : 0) | (pItem->GetBool() ? DFCS_CHECKED : 0));
- }
- }
- void CXTPPropertyGridOffice2007Theme::DrawCheckBox(CDC* pDC, CXTPPropertyGridItemBool* pItem)
- {
- CXTPOffice2007Image* pImage = XTPOffice2007Images()->LoadFile(_T("TOOLBARBUTTONCHECKBOX"));
- if (!pImage)
- {
- CXTPPropertyGridOffice2003Theme::DrawCheckBox(pDC, pItem);
- return;
- }
- int nState = pItem->GetReadOnly() ? 3 : 0;
- if (pItem->GetBool()) nState += 4;
- CRect rcSrc(pImage->GetSource(nState, 12));
- CRect rcValue = pItem->GetValueRect();
- CRect rcSample(CPoint(rcValue.left + 2, rcValue.CenterPoint().y - rcSrc.Height() / 2), rcSrc.Size());
- pImage->DrawImage(pDC, rcSample, rcSrc, CRect(0, 0, 0, 0));
- }
- void CXTPPropertyGridOffice2007Theme::FillInplaceButton(CDC* pDC, CXTPPropertyGridInplaceButton* pButton)
- {
- CRect rect(pButton->GetRect());
- CPoint ptDots(rect.CenterPoint().x , rect.CenterPoint().y + 3);
- COLORREF clrText = GetXtremeColor(pButton->GetEnabled() ? COLOR_BTNTEXT : COLOR_GRAYTEXT);
- CXTPOffice2007Image* pImage = XTPOffice2007Images()->LoadFile(_T("PUSHBUTTON"));
- if (pImage)
- {
- int nState = pButton->IsPressed() && pButton->IsHot() ? 2 : pButton->IsHot() ? 1 : 0;
- pImage->DrawImage(pDC, rect, pImage->GetSource(nState, 5), CRect(3, 3, 3, 3), 0xFF00FF);
- }
- else
- {
- pDC->FillSolidRect(rect, pButton->IsPressed() && pButton->IsHot() ? RGB(255, 171, 63) :
- pButton->IsHot() ? RGB(255, 231, 162) : m_clrFace);
- COLORREF clrBorder = GetXtremeColor(pButton->IsPressed() && pButton->IsHot() ? RGB(251, 140, 60) :
- pButton->IsHot() ? RGB(255, 189, 105) : m_clrShadow);
- pDC->Draw3dRect(rect, clrBorder, clrBorder);
- }
- {
- CPoint pt = rect.CenterPoint();
- CXTPDrawHelpers::Triangle(pDC, CPoint(pt.x -3, pt.y -1), CPoint(pt.x + 3, pt.y -1), CPoint(pt.x, pt.y +2), clrText);
- }
- BOOL bCustom = FALSE;
- {
- CXTPImageManagerIcon* pIcon = pButton->GetImage();
- if (pIcon)
- {
- CSize sz(pIcon->GetWidth(), pIcon->GetHeight());
- CPoint pt((rect.left + rect.right - sz.cx) / 2, (rect.top + rect.bottom - sz.cy) / 2);
- pIcon->Draw(pDC, pt, sz);
- bCustom = TRUE;
- }
- else if (!pButton->GetCaption().IsEmpty())
- {
- CXTPFontDC font(pDC, GetItemFont(pButton->GetItem(), TRUE));
- pDC->SetTextColor(clrText);
- pDC->DrawText(pButton->GetCaption(), rect, DT_SINGLELINE | DT_VCENTER | DT_CENTER | DT_NOPREFIX);
- bCustom = TRUE;
- }
- }
- if (!bCustom && pButton->GetID() == XTP_ID_PROPERTYGRID_EXPANDBUTTON)
- {
- pDC->FillSolidRect(ptDots.x - 4, ptDots.y, 2, 2, clrText);
- pDC->FillSolidRect(ptDots.x, ptDots.y, 2, 2, clrText);
- pDC->FillSolidRect(ptDots.x + 4, ptDots.y, 2, 2, clrText);
- }
- if (pButton->IsFocused())
- {
- pDC->SetTextColor(GetXtremeColor(COLOR_BTNTEXT));
- pDC->SetBkColor(GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DFACE));
- rect.DeflateRect(2, 2);
- pDC->DrawFocusRect(rect);
- }
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CXTPPropertyGridCoolTheme
- CXTPPropertyGridCoolTheme::CXTPPropertyGridCoolTheme(CXTPPropertyGrid* pGrid)
- : CXTPPropertyGridPaintManager(pGrid)
- {
- }
- void CXTPPropertyGridCoolTheme::RefreshMetrics()
- {
- CXTPPropertyGridPaintManager::RefreshMetrics();
- m_pMetrics->m_clrLine.SetStandardValue(GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DFACE));
- }
- void CXTPPropertyGridCoolTheme::DrawItem(PDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct)
- {
- CXTPPropertyGridView* pView = &m_pGrid->GetGridView();
- CXTPPropertyGridItem* pItem = (CXTPPropertyGridItem*)lpDrawItemStruct->itemData;
- ASSERT(pItem != NULL);
- if (!pItem)
- return;
- CXTPWindowRect rcWindow(pView);
- CRect rc = lpDrawItemStruct->rcItem;
- CXTPBufferDC dc(lpDrawItemStruct->hDC, rc);
- CXTPFontDC font(&dc, GetItemFont(pItem, TRUE));
- dc.FillSolidRect(rc, GetItemBackColor(pItem, FALSE));
- dc.SetBkMode(TRANSPARENT);
- CRect rcCaption(rc.left, rc.top, rc.left + pView->GetDividerPos(), rc.bottom);
- COLORREF clrLine = m_pMetrics->m_clrLine;
- COLORREF clrShadow = GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DSHADOW);
- if (pItem->IsCategory())
- {
- dc.FillSolidRect(rc, clrLine);
- font.SetFont(GetItemFont(pItem, FALSE));
- dc.SetTextColor(GetItemTextColor(pItem, FALSE));
- int nIndent = XTP_PGI_EXPAND_BORDER * (pItem->GetIndent() + 1);
- if (lpDrawItemStruct->itemState & ODS_FOCUS)
- {
- dc.SetTextColor(m_clrHighlightText);
- dc.FillSolidRect(CRect(nIndent - 1, rc.top , rc.right, rc.bottom), m_clrHighlight);
- }
- CRect rcText(nIndent + 3, rc.top , rc.right, rc.bottom - 1);
- CXTPPropertyGridItemMetrics* pMetrics = pItem->GetMetrics(FALSE, FALSE);
- if (pMetrics && pMetrics->m_nImage != -1)
- {
- CXTPImageManagerIcon* pImage = m_pGrid->GetImageManager()->GetImage(pMetrics->m_nImage, 0);
- if (pImage)
- {
- int nHeight = min(pImage->GetHeight(), rc.Height());
- int nWidth = pImage->GetWidth();
- CPoint pt(rcText.left, rcText.CenterPoint().y - nHeight/2);
- pImage->Draw(&dc, pt, CSize(nWidth, nHeight));
- rcText.OffsetRect(nWidth + 4, 0);
- }
- }
- dc.DrawText(pItem->GetCaption(), rcText, DT_SINGLELINE | DT_NOPREFIX | DT_VCENTER);
- dc.FillSolidRect((pItem->GetIndent() + (pItem->IsExpanded() ? 1 : 0)) * XTP_PGI_EXPAND_BORDER - 1, rc.bottom - 1, rc.Width(), 1, clrShadow);
- BOOL bSelected = (lpDrawItemStruct->itemState & (ODS_SELECTED | ODS_FOCUS));
- if (bSelected || m_pGrid->GetShowInplaceButtonsAlways()) DrawInplaceButtons(&dc, pItem, rcText);
- CXTPPropertyGridItem* pCategory = pItem->GetParentItem();
- while (pCategory != NULL)
- {
- if (pCategory->IsCategory())
- {
- dc.FillSolidRect(rc.left + pCategory->GetIndent() * XTP_PGI_EXPAND_BORDER, rc.top, XTP_PGI_EXPAND_BORDER, rc.Height(), clrLine);
- dc.FillSolidRect(rc.left + (pCategory->GetIndent() + 1) * XTP_PGI_EXPAND_BORDER - 1, rc.top, 1, rc.Height() + 2, clrShadow);
- }
- pCategory = pCategory->GetParentItem();
- }
- }
- else
- {
- CRect rcValue(rcCaption.right, rc.top, rc.right, rc.bottom - 1);
- DrawItemValue(&dc, pItem, rcValue);
- dc.SetTextColor(GetItemTextColor(pItem, FALSE));
- font.SetFont(GetItemFont(pItem, FALSE));
- BOOL bSelected = lpDrawItemStruct->itemState & ODS_SELECTED;
- BOOL bFocused = bSelected && CWnd::GetFocus() && ((CWnd::GetFocus() == pView) || (CWnd::GetFocus()->GetParent() == pView) || (CWnd::GetFocus()->GetOwner() == pView));
- if (bFocused)
- {
- dc.SetTextColor(m_clrHighlightText);
- dc.FillSolidRect(rcCaption, m_clrHighlight);
- }
- else if (bSelected && !m_pGrid->m_bHideSelection)
- {
- dc.FillSolidRect(rcCaption, clrLine);
- }
- CXTPPenDC pen(dc, clrLine);
- dc.MoveTo(0, rc.bottom - 1);
- dc.LineTo(rc.right, rc.bottom - 1);
- dc.MoveTo(rcCaption.right, rc.top);
- dc.LineTo(rcCaption.right, rc.bottom - 1);
- CXTPPropertyGridItem* pCategory = pItem->GetParentItem();
- while (pCategory != NULL)
- {
- if (pCategory->IsCategory())
- {
- dc.FillSolidRect(rc.left + pCategory->GetIndent() * XTP_PGI_EXPAND_BORDER, rc.top, XTP_PGI_EXPAND_BORDER, rc.Height(), clrLine);
- dc.FillSolidRect(rc.left + (pCategory->GetIndent() + 1) * XTP_PGI_EXPAND_BORDER - 1, rc.top, 1, rc.Height() + 2, clrShadow);
- }
- pCategory = pCategory->GetParentItem();
- }
- DrawItemCaption(&dc, pItem, rcCaption);
- if (bSelected || m_pGrid->GetShowInplaceButtonsAlways()) DrawInplaceButtons(&dc, pItem, rcValue);
- }
- CXTPPropertyGridItem* pNext = (CXTPPropertyGridItem*)pView->GetItemDataPtr(lpDrawItemStruct->itemID + 1);
- if (((ULONG_PTR)pNext == (ULONG_PTR)(-1)))
- dc.FillSolidRect(0, rc.bottom - 1, rc.Width(), 1, clrShadow);
- else if (pNext && pNext->IsCategory() && pNext->IsVisible())
- {
- dc.FillSolidRect(pNext->GetIndent() * XTP_PGI_EXPAND_BORDER, rc.bottom - 1, rc.Width(), 1, clrShadow);
- }
- CXTPPropertyGridItem* pPrev = pItem;
- if (!pPrev)
- return;
- CXTPPropertyGridItem* pCategory = pPrev->GetParentItem();
- while (pCategory != NULL)
- {
- if (pItem->HasChilds() && pItem->IsExpanded())
- break;
- if (pCategory->IsCategory() && pCategory->IsVisible() && pCategory->GetChilds()->GetAt(pCategory->GetChilds()->GetCount() - 1) == pPrev)
- {
- dc.FillSolidRect(pCategory->GetIndent() * XTP_PGI_EXPAND_BORDER, rc.bottom - 1, rc.Width(), 1, clrShadow);
- }
- else
- break;
- pPrev = pCategory;
- pCategory = pPrev->GetParentItem();
- }
- if (pItem->HasVisibleChilds())
- {
- CRgn rgn;
- if (!pItem->IsCategory())
- {
- rgn.CreateRectRgnIndirect(&rcCaption);
- dc.SelectClipRgn(&rgn);
- }
- DrawExpandButton(dc, pItem, rcCaption);
- dc.SelectClipRgn(NULL);
- }
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CXTPPropertyGridSimpleTheme
- CXTPPropertyGridSimpleTheme::CXTPPropertyGridSimpleTheme(CXTPPropertyGrid* pGrid)
- : CXTPPropertyGridPaintManager(pGrid)
- {
- }
- void CXTPPropertyGridSimpleTheme::RefreshMetrics()
- {
- CXTPPropertyGridPaintManager::RefreshMetrics();
- m_pMetrics->m_clrLine.SetStandardValue(GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DFACE));
- }
- void CXTPPropertyGridSimpleTheme::DrawItem(PDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct)
- {
- CXTPPropertyGridView* pView = &m_pGrid->GetGridView();
- CXTPPropertyGridItem* pItem = (CXTPPropertyGridItem*)lpDrawItemStruct->itemData;
- ASSERT(pItem != NULL);
- if (!pItem)
- return;
- CXTPWindowRect rcWindow(pView);
- CRect rc = lpDrawItemStruct->rcItem;
- CXTPBufferDC dc(lpDrawItemStruct->hDC, rc);
- CXTPFontDC font(&dc, GetItemFont(pItem, FALSE));
- dc.FillSolidRect(rc, GetItemBackColor(pItem, FALSE));
- dc.SetBkMode(TRANSPARENT);
- CRect rcCaption(rc.left, rc.top, rc.left + pView->GetDividerPos(), rc.bottom);
- COLORREF clrLine = m_pMetrics->m_clrLine;
- {
- if (!pItem->IsCategory())
- {
- CXTPFontDC fontValue(&dc, GetItemFont(pItem, TRUE));
- CRect rcValue(rcCaption.right, rc.top, rc.right, rc.bottom - 1);
- DrawItemValue(&dc, pItem, rcValue);
- }
- dc.SetTextColor(GetItemTextColor(pItem, FALSE));
- BOOL bSelected = lpDrawItemStruct->itemState & ODS_SELECTED;
- BOOL bFocused = bSelected && CWnd::GetFocus() && ((CWnd::GetFocus() == pView) || (CWnd::GetFocus()->GetParent() == pView) || (CWnd::GetFocus()->GetOwner() == pView));
- if (bFocused)
- {
- dc.SetTextColor(m_clrHighlightText);
- dc.FillSolidRect(CRect(XTP_PGI_EXPAND_BORDER, rcCaption.top, rcCaption.right, rcCaption.bottom), m_clrHighlight);
- }
- else if (bSelected && !m_pGrid->m_bHideSelection)
- {
- dc.FillSolidRect(CRect(XTP_PGI_EXPAND_BORDER, rcCaption.top, rcCaption.right, rcCaption.bottom), clrLine);
- }
- dc.FillSolidRect(XTP_PGI_EXPAND_BORDER - 1, rc.top, 1, rc.Height(), clrLine);
- CXTPPenDC pen(dc, clrLine);
- dc.MoveTo(XTP_PGI_EXPAND_BORDER, rc.bottom - 1);
- dc.LineTo(rc.right, rc.bottom - 1);
- dc.MoveTo(rcCaption.right, rc.top);
- dc.LineTo(rcCaption.right, rc.bottom - 1);
- DrawItemCaption(&dc, pItem, rcCaption);
- CRect rcValue(rcCaption.right, rc.top, rc.right, rc.bottom - 1);
- if (bSelected || m_pGrid->GetShowInplaceButtonsAlways())
- DrawInplaceButtons(&dc, pItem, rcValue);
- }
- if (pView->GetCount() == (int)lpDrawItemStruct->itemID + 1)
- dc.FillSolidRect(0, rc.bottom - 1, rc.Width(), 1, clrLine);
- if (pItem->HasVisibleChilds())
- {
- CRgn rgn;
- rgn.CreateRectRgnIndirect(&rcCaption);
- dc.SelectClipRgn(&rgn);
- DrawExpandButton(dc, pItem, rcCaption);
- dc.SelectClipRgn(NULL);
- }
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CXTPPropertyGridDelphiTheme
- CXTPPropertyGridDelphiTheme::CXTPPropertyGridDelphiTheme(CXTPPropertyGrid* pGrid)
- : CXTPPropertyGridPaintManager(pGrid)
- {
- }
- void CXTPPropertyGridDelphiTheme::DrawItem(PDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct)
- {
- CXTPPropertyGridView* pView = &m_pGrid->GetGridView();
- CXTPPropertyGridItem* pItem = (CXTPPropertyGridItem*)lpDrawItemStruct->itemData;
- ASSERT(pItem != NULL);
- if (!pItem)
- return;
- CXTPWindowRect rcWindow(pView);
- CRect rc = lpDrawItemStruct->rcItem;
- CXTPBufferDC dc(lpDrawItemStruct->hDC, rc);
- CXTPFontDC font(&dc, GetItemFont(pItem, FALSE));
- dc.FillSolidRect(rc, GetItemBackColor(pItem, FALSE));
- dc.SetBkMode(TRANSPARENT);
- CRect rcCaption(rc.left, rc.top, rc.left + pView->GetDividerPos(), rc.bottom);
- COLORREF clrFore = m_pMetrics->m_clrFore;
- COLORREF clrShadow = GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DSHADOW);
- {
- if (!pItem->IsCategory())
- {
- CXTPFontDC fontValue(&dc, GetItemFont(pItem, TRUE));
- CRect rcValue(rcCaption.right, rc.top, rc.right, rc.bottom - 1);
- DrawItemValue(&dc, pItem, rcValue);
- }
- dc.SetTextColor(GetItemTextColor(pItem, FALSE));
- dc.Draw3dRect(rcCaption.right - 1, rc.top, 1, rc.Height(), clrShadow, clrShadow);
- dc.Draw3dRect(rcCaption.right, rc.top, 1, rc.Height(), clrLight, clrLight);
- BOOL bSelected = lpDrawItemStruct->itemState & ODS_SELECTED;
- BOOL bFocused = bSelected && CWnd::GetFocus() && ((CWnd::GetFocus() == pView) || (CWnd::GetFocus()->GetParent() == pView) || (CWnd::GetFocus()->GetOwner() == pView));
- if (bFocused || (bSelected && !m_pGrid->m_bHideSelection))
- {
- dc.Draw3dRect(rc, clrFore, clrLight);
- }
- else
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < rc.right; i += 2)
- dc.SetPixel(i, rc.bottom - 1, clrShadow);
- }
- DrawItemCaption(&dc, pItem, rcCaption);
- CRect rcValue(rcCaption.right, rc.top, rc.right, rc.bottom - 1);
- if (bSelected || m_pGrid->GetShowInplaceButtonsAlways())
- DrawInplaceButtons(&dc, pItem, rcValue);
- }
- if (pItem->HasVisibleChilds())
- {
- CRgn rgn;
- rgn.CreateRectRgnIndirect(&rcCaption);
- dc.SelectClipRgn(&rgn);
- DrawExpandButton(dc, pItem, rcCaption);
- dc.SelectClipRgn(NULL);
- }
- }
- void CXTPPropertyGridDelphiTheme::RefreshMetrics()
- {
- CXTPPropertyGridPaintManager::RefreshMetrics();
- m_pMetrics->m_clrBack.SetStandardValue(GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DFACE));
- m_pMetrics->m_clrFore.SetStandardValue(RGB(0, 0, 128));
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CXTPPropertyGridWhidbeyTheme
- CXTPPropertyGridOfficeXPTheme::CXTPPropertyGridOfficeXPTheme(CXTPPropertyGrid* pGrid)
- : CXTPPropertyGridPaintManager(pGrid)
- {
- m_buttonsStyle = xtpGridButtonsOfficeXP;
- }
- void CXTPPropertyGridOfficeXPTheme::RefreshMetrics()
- {
- CXTPPropertyGridPaintManager::RefreshMetrics();
- m_pMetrics->m_clrCategoryFore.SetStandardValue(GetXtremeColor(COLOR_BTNTEXT));
- m_pMetrics->m_clrLine.SetStandardValue(GetXtremeColor(XPCOLOR_TOOLBAR_FACE));
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CXTPPropertyGridWhidbeyTheme
- CXTPPropertyGridWhidbeyTheme::CXTPPropertyGridWhidbeyTheme(CXTPPropertyGrid* pGrid)
- : CXTPPropertyGridPaintManager(pGrid)
- {
- m_buttonsStyle = xtpGridButtonsThemed;
- }
- void CXTPPropertyGridWhidbeyTheme::DrawCategoryCaptionBackground(CDC* pDC, CXTPPropertyGridItem* /*pItem*/, CRect rc)
- {
- pDC->FillSolidRect(rc, m_pMetrics->m_clrLine);
- XTPDrawHelpers()->GradientFill(pDC,
- CRect(rc.left, rc.bottom - 2, rc.right, rc.bottom - 1), m_pMetrics->m_clrLine, GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DHIGHLIGHT), TRUE);
- }
- void CXTPPropertyGridWhidbeyTheme::RefreshMetrics()
- {
- CXTPPropertyGridPaintManager::RefreshMetrics();
- m_pMetrics->m_clrLine.SetStandardValue(GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DFACE));
- m_pMetrics->m_clrCategoryFore.SetStandardValue(GetXtremeColor(COLOR_BTNTEXT));
- m_clrShadow.SetStandardValue(GetXtremeColor(XPCOLOR_STATICFRAME));
- }
- void CXTPPropertyGridWhidbeyTheme::DrawExpandButton(CDC& dc, CXTPPropertyGridItem* pItem, CRect rcCaption)
- {
- if (!pItem->IsExpandable())
- return;
- CRect rcButton(CPoint(XTP_PGI_EXPAND_BORDER / 2 - 5, rcCaption.CenterPoint().y - 4), CSize(9, 9));
- if (pItem->GetIndent() > 0)
- rcButton.OffsetRect((pItem->GetIndent() - (pItem->IsCategory() ? 0 : 1)) * XTP_PGI_EXPAND_BORDER, 0);
- CDC* pDC = &dc;
- COLORREF clrButton = GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DFACE);
- COLORREF clrFrame = GetXtremeColor(COLOR_3DSHADOW);
- pDC->FillSolidRect(rcButton.left + 1, rcButton.top + 1, 7, 7, clrButton);
- pDC->FillSolidRect(rcButton.left + 1, rcButton.top, 9 - 2, 1, clrFrame);
- pDC->FillSolidRect(rcButton.left + 1, rcButton.bottom - 1, 9 - 2, 1, clrFrame);
- pDC->FillSolidRect(rcButton.left, rcButton.top + 1, 1, 9 - 2, clrFrame);
- pDC->FillSolidRect(rcButton.right - 1, rcButton.top + 1, 1, 9 - 2, clrFrame);
- pDC->FillSolidRect(rcButton.left + 1, rcButton.top + 1, 9 - 2, 3, 0xFFFFFF);
- pDC->FillSolidRect(rcButton.left + 1, rcButton.top + 4, 9 - 4, 2, 0xFFFFFF);
- pDC->FillSolidRect(rcButton.left + 2, rcButton.top + 4, 9 - 4, 1, 0);
- if (!pItem->IsExpanded())
- pDC->FillSolidRect(rcButton.left + 4, rcButton.top + 2, 1, 9 - 4, 0);
- }