- //=======================================================================
- //================ Lex class support ====================================
- //=======================================================================
- // lexClass:
- // name = c_PYString
- // parent = c_PY
- // parent:dyn = c_PY
- // parent:file = <*.py|*.pyw|*.pys>
- //
- // children = 0
- // children = class1, class2, ...
- //
- // previous:class =
- // previous:tag =
- // previous:tag:separators =
- //
- // start:class =
- // start:Tag = '"'
- //
- // skip:Tag = '"'
- //
- // end:class = //
- // end:Tag = '"'
- // end:separators = ' '
- //
- // Token:tag = 'if', 'for', 'while', 'do'
- // Token:start:separators =
- // Token:end:separators =
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //---------------- Attributes -------------------------------------------
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // txt:colorFG = 0xffc0c0 // color value in hex format. default: black
- // txt:colorBK = 0xffc0c0 // color value in hex format. default: white
- //
- // txt:colorSelFG = 0xffc0c0 // color value in hex format. default: white
- // txt:colorSelBK = 0xffc0c0 // color value in hex format. default: black
- //
- // txt:Bold = 1 // {1,0} default: 0
- // txt:Italic = 1 // {1,0} default: 0
- // txt:Underline = 1 // {1,0} default: 0
- //
- // caseSensitive = 1 // {1,0} default: 0
- //
- // Collapsable = 1 // {1,0} default: 0
- // CollapsedText = '/*...*/' // quoted string value. default: '[..]'
- //
- // ParseOnScreen = 1 // {1,0} default: 0
- //
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //* Global attributes ***************************************************
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // global:FirstParseInSeparateThread = 1 // {0,1} default=1
- // global:EditReparceInSeparateThread = 1 // {0,1} default=1
- // global:ConfigChangedReparceInSeparateThread= 1 // {0,1} default=1
- // global:EditReparceTimeout_ms = 500 // default= 500 ms; time out for start reparse after last key was pressed.
- // global:MaxBackParseOffset = 100 // default= 100 chars; maximum back buffer size. Some times parser look back for the text from current position.
- // global:OnScreenSchCacheLifeTime_sec = 180 // default= 180 sec; -1 and 0 means infinite; time out for on screen parsed pices of text. for memory using optimization.
- // global:ParserThreadIdleLifeTime_sec = 60 // default=60 sec; -1 and 0 means infinite; time out for existing of parser thread when parser idle (no parse requests).
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //=======================================================================
- //================ Variables support ====================================
- //=======================================================================
- // NON operation - example: @alpha:not
- //
- // @alpha = a-z, A-Z
- // @digit = 0-9
- // @HexDdigit = 0-9, a-f, A-F
- // @specs = "~`!@#$%^&*()_-+=\|{}[];:'",.<>/?"
- // @EOL = End Of Line
- //---------------------------------------------
- // special tags: '\', ''', 't', 'r', 'n'
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- lexClass:
- name = c_PY
- parent:file = <*.py|*.pyw|*.pys>
- caseSensitive = 1
- DisplayName = 'Normal Text'
- //global:FirstParseInSeparateThread = 0
- global:EditReparceInSeparateThread = 1
- //global:EditReparceTimeout_ms = 250
- //global:MaxBackParseOffset = 100
- //global:OnScreenSchCacheLifeTime_sec = 60
- //global:ParserThreadIdleLifeTime_sec = -1
- lexClass:
- name = c_PYCommentML1
- parent = c_PY
- children = c_URL
- //children = c_PascalCodeBlock_End
- start:Tag = '"""'
- end:Tag = '"""'
- Collapsable = 1
- CollapsedText = '###'
- txt:colorFG = 0x00CF00
- DisplayName = 'Comment (Multi-Line)'
- lexClass:
- name = c_PYCommentML2
- parent = c_PY
- children = c_URL
- //children = c_PascalCodeBlock_End
- start:Tag = '''''
- end:Tag = '''''
- Collapsable = 1
- CollapsedText = '###'
- txt:colorFG = 0x00CF00
- DisplayName = 'Comment (Multi-Line)'
- lexClass:
- name = c_URL
- ParseOnScreen = 0
- parent:dyn = c_PY
- caseSensitive = 0
- children = 0
- previous:tag = @specs, ' ', 't', @eol
- start:Tag = 'http:'
- end:separators = ' ', 't', '*', '"', @eol
- txt:colorBK = 0xC0FFC0
- txt:Underline = 1
- DisplayName = 'URL'
- lexClass:
- name = c_String
- parent:dyn = c_PY
- children = c_URL
- start:Tag = '"'
- // skip:Tag = '\"', '\rn', '\nr', '\n', '\r'
- end:Tag = '"', @eol
- txt:colorFG = 0xE00000
- DisplayName = 'String (Double Quotes)'
- lexClass:
- name = c_String_char
- parent:dyn = c_PY
- children = 0
- start:Tag = '''
- //skip:Tag = '\"', '\rn', '\nr', '\n', '\r'
- end:Tag = ''', @eol
- txt:colorFG = 0xE00000
- DisplayName = 'String (Single Quotes)'
- lexClass:
- name = c_PYCommentSL
- // ParseOnScreen = 0
- parent = c_PY
- children = c_URL
- start:tag ='#'
- // skip:Tag = '\rn', '\nr', '\n', '\r'
- end:tag = @eol
- txt:colorFG = 0x00A000
- DisplayName = 'Comment (Single-Line)'
- lexClass:
- name = c_PYKeywords
- ParseOnScreen = 0
- parent:Dyn = c_PY
- children = 0
- DisplayName = 'Keyword'
- token:tag = 'and'
- token:tag = 'assert'
- token:tag = 'break'
- token:tag = 'continue'
- token:tag = 'del'
- token:tag = 'elif'
- token:tag = 'else'
- token:tag = 'except'
- token:tag = 'exec'
- token:tag = 'finally'
- token:tag = 'for'
- token:tag = 'from'
- token:tag = 'global'
- token:tag = 'if'
- token:tag = 'return'
- token:tag = 'try'
- token:tag = 'import'
- token:tag = 'in'
- token:tag = 'is'
- token:tag = 'not'
- token:tag = 'or'
- token:tag = 'pass'
- token:tag = 'print'
- token:tag = 'raise'
- token:tag = 'while'
- token:tag = 'def'
- token:tag = 'class'
- token:tag = 'yield'
- token:start:separators = @specs, ' ', @eol
- token:end:separators = @specs, ' ', @eol
- txt:colorFG = 0x0000FF
- lexClass:
- name = c_PYExceptions
- ParseOnScreen = 0
- parent:Dyn = c_PY
- children = 0
- DisplayName = 'Exception'
- token:tag = 'ArithmeticError'
- token:tag = 'AssertionError'
- token:tag = 'AttributeError'
- token:tag = 'EOFError'
- token:tag = 'EnvironmentError'
- token:tag = 'Exception'
- token:tag = 'FloatingPointError'
- token:tag = 'IOError'
- token:tag = 'ImportError'
- token:tag = 'IndexError'
- token:tag = 'KeyError'
- token:tag = 'KeyboardInterrupt'
- token:tag = 'LookupError'
- token:tag = 'MemoryError'
- token:tag = 'NameError'
- token:tag = 'NotImplementeError'
- token:tag = 'OSError'
- token:tag = 'OverflowError'
- token:tag = 'RuntimeError'
- token:tag = 'StandarError'
- token:tag = 'StopIteration'
- token:tag = 'SyntaxError'
- token:tag = 'SystemError'
- token:tag = 'SystemExit'
- token:tag = 'TypeError'
- token:tag = 'ValueError'
- token:tag = 'ZeroDivisionError'
- token:start:separators = @specs, ' ', @eol
- token:end:separators = @specs, ' ', @eol
- txt:colorFG = 0x0000FF
- lexClass:
- name = c_PYBuiltins
- ParseOnScreen = 0
- parent:Dyn = c_PY
- children = 0
- DisplayName = 'Builtins'
- token:tag = 'Ellipsis'
- token:tag = 'False'
- token:tag = 'None'
- token:tag = 'True'
- token:tag = 'lambda'
- token:tag = '__debug__'
- token:tag = '__doc__'
- token:tag = '__import__'
- token:tag = '__name__'
- token:tag = '__class__'
- token:tag = '__future__'
- token:tag = '__init__'
- token:tag = '__del__'
- token:tag = '__call__'
- token:tag = '__iter__'
- token:tag = '__getattr__'
- token:tag = '__setattr__'
- token:tag = '__delattr__'
- token:tag = '__getitem__'
- token:tag = '__setitem__'
- token:tag = '__delitem__'
- token:tag = '__getslice__'
- token:tag = '__setslice__'
- token:tag = '__delslice__'
- token:tag = '__get__'
- token:tag = '__set__'
- token:tag = '__delete__'
- token:tag = '__str__'
- token:tag = '__repr__'
- token:tag = '__cmp__'
- token:tag = '__rcmp__'
- token:tag = '__nonzero__'
- token:tag = '__len__'
- token:tag = '__lt__'
- token:tag = '__le__'
- token:tag = '__gt__'
- token:tag = '__ge__'
- token:tag = '__eq__'
- token:tag = '__ne__'
- token:tag = '__add__'
- token:tag = '__sub__'
- token:tag = '__mul__'
- token:tag = '__mod__'
- token:tag = '__div__'
- token:tag = '__floordiv__'
- token:tag = '__truediv__'
- token:tag = '__divmod__'
- token:tag = '__pow__'
- token:tag = '__lshift__'
- token:tag = '__rshift__'
- token:tag = '__and__'
- token:tag = '__or__'
- token:tag = '__xor__'
- token:tag = '__radd__'
- token:tag = '__rsub__'
- token:tag = '__rmul__'
- token:tag = '__rdiv__'
- token:tag = '__rmod__'
- token:tag = '__rdivmod__'
- token:tag = '__rpow__'
- token:tag = '__rlshift__'
- token:tag = '__rrshift__'
- token:tag = '__rand__'
- token:tag = '__ror__'
- token:tag = '__rxor__'
- token:tag = '__iadd__'
- token:tag = '__isub__'
- token:tag = '__imul__'
- token:tag = '__idiv__'
- token:tag = '__imod__'
- token:tag = '__ipow__'
- token:tag = '__ilshift__'
- token:tag = '__irshift__'
- token:tag = '__iand__'
- token:tag = '__ior__'
- token:tag = '__ixor__'
- token:tag = '__neg__'
- token:tag = '__pos__'
- token:tag = '__abs__'
- token:tag = '__invert__'
- token:tag = '__int__'
- token:tag = '__long__'
- token:tag = '__float__'
- token:tag = '__complex__'
- token:tag = '__oct__'
- token:tag = '__hex__'
- token:tag = '__coerce__'
- token:tag = '__contains__'
- token:tag = '__hash__'
- token:tag = '__slots__'
- token:tag = '__iter__'
- token:tag = '__next__'
- token:tag = 'abs'
- token:tag = 'apply'
- token:tag = 'buffer'
- token:tag = 'callable'
- token:tag = 'chr'
- token:tag = 'classmethod'
- token:tag = 'cmp'
- token:tag = 'coerce'
- token:tag = 'compile'
- token:tag = 'complex'
- token:tag = 'delattr'
- token:tag = 'dir'
- token:tag = 'divmod'
- token:tag = 'eval'
- token:tag = 'execfile'
- token:tag = 'exit'
- token:tag = 'filter'
- token:tag = 'float'
- token:tag = 'getattr'
- token:tag = 'getattribute'
- token:tag = 'globals'
- token:tag = 'hasattr'
- token:tag = 'hash'
- token:tag = 'hex'
- token:tag = 'id'
- token:tag = 'input'
- token:tag = 'int'
- token:tag = 'intern'
- token:tag = 'isinstance'
- token:tag = 'issubclass'
- token:tag = 'iter'
- token:tag = 'len'
- token:tag = 'list'
- token:tag = 'locals'
- token:tag = 'long'
- token:tag = 'map'
- token:tag = 'max'
- token:tag = 'min'
- token:tag = 'oct'
- token:tag = 'open'
- token:tag = 'ord'
- token:tag = 'pow'
- token:tag = 'property'
- token:tag = 'quit'
- token:tag = 'range'
- token:tag = 'raw_input'
- token:tag = 'reduce'
- token:tag = 'reload'
- token:tag = 'repr'
- token:tag = 'round'
- token:tag = 'setattr'
- token:tag = 'slice'
- token:tag = 'str'
- token:tag = 'string'
- token:tag = 'super'
- token:tag = 'tuple'
- token:tag = 'type'
- token:tag = 'vars'
- token:tag = 'xrange'
- token:tag = 'file'
- token:tag = 'dict'
- token:tag = 'classmethod'
- token:tag = 'staticmethod'
- token:start:separators = @specs, ' ', @eol
- token:end:separators = @specs, ' ', @eol
- txt:colorFG = 0x990099
- lexClass:
- name = c_PYSpecs
- ParseOnScreen = 0
- parent:Dyn = c_PY
- children = 0
- DisplayName = 'Specs'
- token:tag = @specs
- txt:colorFG = 0x0000FF
- lexClass:
- name = c_PYDigit
- ParseOnScreen = 0
- parent:Dyn = c_PY
- children = 0
- DisplayName = 'Digit'
- token:tag = @digit
- txt:colorFG = 0x8000FF