Visual C++
- // XTPSyntaxEditBufferManager.cpp
- //
- // This file is a part of the XTREME TOOLKIT PRO MFC class library.
- // (c)1998-2008 Codejock Software, All Rights Reserved.
- //
- //
- //
- // support@codejock.com
- // http://www.codejock.com
- //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "Resource.h"
- // common includes
- #include "Common/XTPColorManager.h"
- #include "Common/XTPNotifyConnection.h"
- #include "Common/XTPSmartPtrInternalT.h"
- #include "Common/XTPVC80Helpers.h"
- #include "Common/XTPVC50Helpers.h"
- // syntax editor includes
- #include "XTPSyntaxEditDefines.h"
- #include "XTPSyntaxEditStruct.h"
- #include "XTPSyntaxEditUndoManager.h"
- #include "XTPSyntaxEditLineMarksManager.h"
- #include "XTPSyntaxEditLexPtrs.h"
- #include "XTPSyntaxEditLexClassSubObjT.h"
- #include "XTPSyntaxEditTextIterator.h"
- #include "XTPSyntaxEditSectionManager.h"
- #include "XTPSyntaxEditLexCfgFileReader.h"
- #include "XTPSyntaxEditLexClassSubObjDef.h"
- #include "XTPSyntaxEditLexClass.h"
- #include "XTPSyntaxEditLexParser.h"
- #include "XTPSyntaxEditLexColorFileReader.h"
- #include "XTPSyntaxEditBufferManager.h"
- #include "XTPSyntaxEditCtrl.h"
- #include <malloc.h>
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
- #endif
- IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager, CCmdTarget)
- //===========================================================================
- // CRLF styles
- static const char *g_pcszCRLFStyles[] =
- {
- "x0Dx0A", // DOS/Windows style
- "x0Ax0D", // UNIX style
- "x0A" // Macintosh style
- };
- static const WCHAR *g_pcszCRLFStylesW[] =
- {
- L"x0Dx0A", // DOS/Windows style
- L"x0Ax0D", // UNIX style
- L"x0A" // Macintosh style
- };
- //===========================================================================
- // CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager
- //===========================================================================
- CXTPSyntaxEditConfigurationManagerPtr CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::s_ptrLexConfigurationManager_Default;
- LONG CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::s_dwLexConfigurationManager_DefaultRefs = 0;
- //===========================================================================
- template <class _TFileChar>
- inline _TFileChar* _T_GetCRLF(int nCRLFLenStyle, _TFileChar c = 0)
- {
- _TFileChar** ppStyles = NULL;
- if (sizeof(_TFileChar) == 1)
- {
- ppStyles = (_TFileChar**)g_pcszCRLFStyles;
- }
- else
- {
- ASSERT(sizeof(_TFileChar) == 2);
- ppStyles = (_TFileChar**)g_pcszCRLFStylesW;
- }
- if (nCRLFLenStyle < 0 || nCRLFLenStyle >= _countof(g_pcszCRLFStyles))
- {
- nCRLFLenStyle = 0;
- }
- return ppStyles[nCRLFLenStyle];
- }
- template <class _TFileChar>
- inline int _T_StrLen(_TFileChar* pStr)
- {
- if (sizeof(_TFileChar) == 1)
- {
- return (int)strlen((CHAR*)pStr);
- }
- ASSERT(sizeof(_TFileChar) == 2);
- return (int)wcslen((WCHAR*)pStr);
- }
- CString GetFileExtention(CFile* pFile)
- {
- TCHAR szDrive[_MAX_DRIVE], szDir[_MAX_DIR], szFileName[_MAX_FNAME], szExt[_MAX_EXT];
- szDrive[0] = _T(' ');
- szDir[0] = _T(' ');
- szFileName[0] = _T(' ');
- szExt[0] = _T(' ');
- SPLITPATH_S(pFile->GetFileName(), szDrive, szDir, szFileName, szExt);
- return szExt;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- int _cdecl _Compare_BYTE(const void* pb1, const void* pb2)
- {
- if ( *((BYTE*)pb1) > *((BYTE*)pb2) )
- return 1;
- if ( *((BYTE*)pb2) > *((BYTE*)pb1) )
- return -1;
- return 0;
- }
- BOOL _IsUnicodeFile_heuristic(CFile *pFile)
- {
- pFile->SeekToBegin();
- const int cnBufferSize = 1024;
- BYTE arData[cnBufferSize];
- BYTE arData0[cnBufferSize/2];
- BYTE arData1[cnBufferSize/2];
- UINT uDataSize = pFile->Read(arData, cnBufferSize);
- pFile->SeekToBegin();
- UINT uDataXcount = uDataSize / 2;
- UINT i;
- for (i = 0; i < uDataXcount; i++)
- {
- arData0[i] = arData[i*2];
- arData1[i] = arData[i*2 + 1];
- if ((arData0[i] == 0xA || arData0[i] == 0xD) && arData1[i] == 0)
- return TRUE;
- }
- qsort(arData0, uDataXcount, sizeof(BYTE), _Compare_BYTE);
- qsort(arData1, uDataXcount, sizeof(BYTE), _Compare_BYTE);
- int nVariation0 = 0;
- int nVariation1 = 0;
- int nSmallNumbers1 = 0;
- for (i = 1; i < uDataXcount; i++)
- {
- if (arData0[i] != arData0[i - 1])
- nVariation0++;
- }
- for (i = 1; i < uDataXcount; i++)
- {
- if (arData1[i] != arData1[i - 1])
- nVariation1++;
- if (arData1[i] < 9)
- nSmallNumbers1++;
- }
- if (uDataXcount < 10)
- return nVariation0 > nVariation1 || nSmallNumbers1;
- int nVariationDiff = nVariation0 * 100 / max(1, nVariation1);
- int nSmallNumbersPc = nSmallNumbers1 * 100 / max(1, uDataXcount);
- return nVariationDiff > 150 || nSmallNumbersPc > 3;
- }
- BOOL IsUnicodeFile(CFile *pFile)
- {
- pFile->SeekToBegin();
- WORD wPrefix;
- UINT uReaded = pFile->Read(&wPrefix, 2);
- if (uReaded == 2 && wPrefix == 0xFEFF)
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- DWORD_PTR dwFileSize = (DWORD_PTR)pFile->GetLength();
- if (dwFileSize % 2 == 0)
- {
- return _IsUnicodeFile_heuristic(pFile);
- }
- pFile->SeekToBegin();
- return FALSE;
- }
- //===========================================================================
- template <class _TFileChar>
- inline int _T_GetCRLFStyle(_TFileChar chEOL1, _TFileChar chEOL2, int* pnCRLFLen)
- {
- int nCRLFLen = 1;
- int nCRLFStyle = xtpEditCRLFStyleUnknown;
- if (chEOL1 == 13)
- {
- //ASSERT(chEOL2 == 10); // incorrect text - reversed DOS CRLF style
- nCRLFLen = chEOL2 == 10 ? 2 : 1;
- nCRLFStyle = xtpEditCRLFStyleDos;
- }
- else if (chEOL1 == 10)
- {
- if (chEOL2 == 13)
- {
- nCRLFLen = 2;
- nCRLFStyle = xtpEditCRLFStyleUnix;
- }
- else
- {
- nCRLFLen = 1;
- nCRLFStyle = xtpEditCRLFStyleMac;
- }
- }
- if (pnCRLFLen)
- {
- *pnCRLFLen = nCRLFLen;
- }
- return nCRLFStyle;
- }
- template <class _TFileChar, int _cnMaxStr2_chars>
- inline void _T_StrAdd(CString& rStr, _TFileChar* pStr2, UINT uCodePage)
- {
- if (sizeof(TCHAR) == 2 && sizeof(_TFileChar) == 1)
- {
- const int cnBuf2Size = _cnMaxStr2_chars+1;
- WCHAR szBuf2[cnBuf2Size];
- ::ZeroMemory(szBuf2, sizeof(szBuf2));
- int nLen = MultiByteToWideChar(uCodePage, 0, (LPCSTR)pStr2, -1, szBuf2, cnBuf2Size-1);
- ASSERT(nLen <= cnBuf2Size-1);
- rStr += szBuf2;
- }
- else
- {
- //ASSERT(sizeof(TCHAR) == sizeof(_TFileChar));
- rStr += pStr2;
- }
- }
- //===========================================================================
- template <class _TFileChar>
- BOOL _T_ReadStringFromFile(CFile *pFile, CString& rstrString, int& rnCRLFStyle,
- UINT uCodePage, _TFileChar c = 0)
- {
- ASSERT(pFile);
- if (!pFile)
- return FALSE;
- rstrString = _T("");
- rnCRLFStyle = -1;
- const int cnBuffSize = 128; //512;
- _TFileChar pBuff[cnBuffSize+10];
- UINT uFileSize = (UINT)pFile->GetLength();
- while ((UINT)pFile->GetPosition() < uFileSize)
- {
- UINT uReadSizeB = (cnBuffSize) * sizeof(_TFileChar);
- UINT uBufDataCountB = pFile->Read(pBuff, uReadSizeB);
- if (!uBufDataCountB)
- {
- break;
- }
- ASSERT(uBufDataCountB%sizeof(_TFileChar) == 0);
- int nBufDataLen = uBufDataCountB/sizeof(_TFileChar);
- pBuff[nBufDataLen] = _T(' ');
- int nBufStrLen = _T_StrLen(pBuff);
- ASSERT(nBufStrLen <= nBufDataLen);
- _TFileChar* pEOL = NULL;
- if (sizeof(_TFileChar) == 1)
- {
- #ifdef _MBCS
- pEOL = (_TFileChar*)_mbspbrk((BYTE*)pBuff, (BYTE*)"x0Ax0D");
- #else
- pEOL = (_TFileChar*)strpbrk((char*)pBuff, "x0Ax0D");
- #endif
- }
- else
- {
- pEOL = (_TFileChar*)wcspbrk((wchar_t*)pBuff, L"x0Ax0D");
- }
- BOOL bEOL_badFormat = FALSE;
- // check bad case: when zero char is rathe then readed buffer end
- if (!pEOL && nBufStrLen < nBufDataLen)
- {
- pEOL = pBuff + nBufStrLen;
- bEOL_badFormat = TRUE;
- }
- //---------------------------------
- if (!pEOL)
- {
- _T_StrAdd<_TFileChar, cnBuffSize>(rstrString, pBuff, uCodePage);
- continue;
- }
- _TFileChar chEOL1 = pEOL[0];
- _TFileChar chEOL2 = pEOL[1];
- *pEOL = 0;
- _T_StrAdd<_TFileChar, cnBuffSize>(rstrString, pBuff, uCodePage);
- if (!bEOL_badFormat && chEOL2 == 0 && (chEOL1 == 10 || chEOL1 == 13))
- { // buffer ended on the middle of CRLF ?
- // read one more char to be sure in CRLF style.
- if (uReadSizeB == uBufDataCountB && (UINT)pFile->GetPosition() < uFileSize)
- {
- _TFileChar* pBufTail = pBuff + uBufDataCountB/sizeof(_TFileChar);
- UINT uReadedB = pFile->Read(pBufTail, sizeof(_TFileChar));
- pBufTail[1] = 0;
- chEOL2 = pBufTail[0];
- uReadSizeB += uReadedB;
- uBufDataCountB += uReadedB;
- }
- }
- int nCRLFLen = 1;
- if (!bEOL_badFormat)
- {
- rnCRLFStyle = _T_GetCRLFStyle<_TFileChar>(chEOL1, chEOL2, &nCRLFLen);
- ASSERT(rnCRLFStyle != xtpEditCRLFStyleUnknown);
- }
- int nEolPos = int(pEOL - pBuff);
- int nSeekBack = (nEolPos + nCRLFLen)*sizeof(_TFileChar) - uBufDataCountB;
- pFile->Seek(nSeekBack, CFile::current);
- return TRUE;
- }
- return rstrString.GetLength() > 0;
- }
- //===========================================================================
- template <class _TFileChar, class _TFile >
- int _T_WriteStringToFile(_TFile *pFile, LPCTSTR pszString, int nCRLFStyle,
- UINT uCodePage, CByteArray* parBuffer = NULL, _TFileChar c = 0)
- {
- CByteArray arBufferInt;
- if (!parBuffer)
- {
- parBuffer = &arBufferInt;
- }
- int nStrLen = (int)_tcslen(pszString);
- BYTE* pFileBuffer = NULL;
- int nFileBufferLenB = 0;
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (sizeof(TCHAR) == sizeof(_TFileChar))
- {
- pFileBuffer = (BYTE*)pszString;
- nFileBufferLenB = nStrLen * sizeof(_TFileChar);
- }
- else
- {
- int nNeedBufSizeB = nStrLen * 2 + 30;
- if (parBuffer->GetSize() < nNeedBufSizeB)
- {
- parBuffer->SetSize(nNeedBufSizeB + 256);
- }
- pFileBuffer = parBuffer->GetData();
- ASSERT(parBuffer->GetSize() >= nNeedBufSizeB);
- ZeroMemory(pFileBuffer, nNeedBufSizeB);
- if (sizeof(TCHAR) == 2 && sizeof(_TFileChar) == 1)
- {
- int nMBCStextLen = WideCharToMultiByte(uCodePage, 0,
- (LPCWSTR)pszString, -1,
- (LPSTR)pFileBuffer, nNeedBufSizeB, NULL, NULL);
- nFileBufferLenB = max(nMBCStextLen - 1, 0);
- }
- else if (sizeof(TCHAR) == 1 && sizeof(_TFileChar) == 2)
- {
- int nWtextLen = MultiByteToWideChar(uCodePage, 0,
- (LPCSTR)pszString, -1,
- (LPWSTR)pFileBuffer, nNeedBufSizeB/2);
- nFileBufferLenB = max(nWtextLen - 1, 0) * 2;
- }
- else
- {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (nFileBufferLenB > 0)
- {
- pFile->Write(pFileBuffer, nFileBufferLenB);
- }
- if (nCRLFStyle >= 0)
- {
- _TFileChar* tszCRLF = _T_GetCRLF<_TFileChar>(nCRLFStyle);
- int nCRLFlenB = _T_StrLen(tszCRLF) * sizeof(_TFileChar);
- pFile->Write(tszCRLF, nCRLFlenB);
- nFileBufferLenB += nCRLFlenB;
- }
- return nFileBufferLenB;
- }
- //===========================================================================
- AFX_INLINE BOOL ReadStringFromFileEx(CFile *pFile, CString& rstrString, int& rnCRLFStyle,
- UINT uCodePage, BOOL bUnicode)
- {
- if (bUnicode)
- {
- return _T_ReadStringFromFile<WCHAR>(pFile, rstrString, rnCRLFStyle, uCodePage);
- }
- return _T_ReadStringFromFile<CHAR>(pFile, rstrString, rnCRLFStyle, uCodePage);
- }
- template <class _TFile >
- AFX_INLINE int _T_WriteStringToFileEx(_TFile *pFile, LPCTSTR pszString, int nCRLFStyle,
- UINT uCodePage, CByteArray* parBuffer, BOOL bUnicode)
- {
- if (bUnicode)
- {
- return _T_WriteStringToFile<WCHAR>(pFile, pszString, nCRLFStyle, uCodePage, parBuffer);
- }
- return _T_WriteStringToFile<CHAR>(pFile, pszString, nCRLFStyle, uCodePage, parBuffer);
- }
- //===========================================================================
- CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager()
- {
- m_pConnect = new CXTPNotifyConnection();
- m_pLexParser = new CXTPSyntaxEditLexParser();
- m_bOverwrite = FALSE;
- m_nCodePage = CP_ACP;
- m_bUnicodeFileFormat = FALSE;
- m_nTabSize = 4;
- m_iCRLFStyle = xtpEditCRLFStyleDos;
- m_nAverageLineLen = XTP_EDIT_AVELINELEN;
- m_pLineMarksManager = new CXTPSyntaxEditLineMarksManager();
- m_pUndoRedoManager = new CXTPSyntaxEditUndoRedoManager();
- m_bIsParserEnabled = TRUE;
- if (!s_ptrLexConfigurationManager_Default)
- {
- s_ptrLexConfigurationManager_Default = new CXTPSyntaxEditConfigurationManager();
- }
- if (s_ptrLexConfigurationManager_Default)
- {
- SetLexConfigurationManager(s_ptrLexConfigurationManager_Default);
- s_dwLexConfigurationManager_DefaultRefs++;
- }
- CWinApp* pWinApp = AfxGetApp();
- if (pWinApp)
- {
- m_nTabSize = pWinApp->GetProfileInt(
- }
- }
- CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::~CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager()
- {
- Close();
- if (s_dwLexConfigurationManager_DefaultRefs)
- {
- s_dwLexConfigurationManager_DefaultRefs--;
- if (s_dwLexConfigurationManager_DefaultRefs == 0)
- {
- s_ptrLexConfigurationManager_Default->Close();
- s_ptrLexConfigurationManager_Default = NULL;
- }
- }
- SAFE_DELETE(m_pLineMarksManager);
- SAFE_DELETE(m_pUndoRedoManager);
- }
- void CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::Close()
- {
- m_LexConfigManSinkMT.UnadviseAll();
- m_pLexParser->Close();
- CleanUp();
- }
- void CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::CleanUp()
- {
- m_Strings.RemoveAllStrs();
- m_pUndoRedoManager->Clear();
- //m_strFileExt = _T("");
- }
- void CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::Load(CFile *pFile, LPCTSTR pcszFileExt)
- {
- CArchive ar(pFile, CArchive::load);
- SerializeEx(ar, -1, FALSE, m_nCodePage, pcszFileExt);
- }
- void CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::Serialize(CArchive &ar)
- {
- BOOL bUnicode = ar.IsStoring() ? m_bUnicodeFileFormat : -1;
- SerializeEx(ar, bUnicode, TRUE, m_nCodePage, NULL);
- if (ar.IsStoring())
- m_pUndoRedoManager->MarkSaved();
- }
- void CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::SerializeEx(CArchive &ar, BOOL bUnicode, BOOL bWriteUnicodeFilePrefix,
- UINT nCodePage, LPCTSTR pcszFileExt, int nDataSizeLimit)
- {
- if (m_bIsParserEnabled)
- {
- m_pLexParser->StopParseInThread();
- }
- if (nCodePage != (UINT)-1)
- m_nCodePage = nCodePage;
- CFile* pFile = ar.GetFile();
- if (ar.IsLoading())
- {
- CleanUp();
- // IsUnicodeFile is take care about start text offset
- //pFile->Seek(m_bUnicodeFileFormat ? 2 : 0, CFile::begin);
- //
- if (bUnicode < 0)
- m_bUnicodeFileFormat = IsUnicodeFile(pFile);
- else
- m_bUnicodeFileFormat = (bUnicode > 0);
- CString strString;
- int nCRLFStyle = -1;
- int nCRLFLastLineStyle = -1;
- BOOL bSETeol = TRUE;
- int nRow = 1;
- while (ReadStringFromFileEx(pFile, strString, nCRLFStyle, m_nCodePage, m_bUnicodeFileFormat))
- {
- m_Strings.SetAtGrowStr(nRow, strString);
- if (bSETeol && nCRLFStyle >= 0)
- {
- SetCRLFStyle(nCRLFStyle);
- bSETeol = FALSE;
- }
- nCRLFLastLineStyle = nCRLFStyle;
- nRow++;
- }
- if (nCRLFLastLineStyle >= 0)
- {
- m_Strings.SetAtGrowStr(nRow, _T(""));
- }
- CString strExt = pcszFileExt ? pcszFileExt : GetFileExtention(pFile);
- if (!strExt.IsEmpty())
- SetFileExt(strExt);
- }
- else if (ar.IsStoring())
- {
- if (bUnicode == -1)
- bUnicode = m_bUnicodeFileFormat;
- if ((bUnicode) && bWriteUnicodeFilePrefix)
- {
- ar << (BYTE)255;
- ar << (BYTE)254;
- }
- CByteArray arBuffer;
- int nCRLFStyle = GetCurCRLFType();
- int nDataSize = 0;
- int nRowsCount = m_Strings.GetCount();
- for (int i = 1; i < nRowsCount; i++)
- {
- CString strLine = m_Strings.GetStr(i);
- if (i == nRowsCount-1)
- { // last line
- nCRLFStyle = -1;// do not write CRLF
- }
- int nWrittenBytes = _T_WriteStringToFileEx(&ar, strLine, nCRLFStyle,
- m_nCodePage, &arBuffer, bUnicode);
- nDataSize += nWrittenBytes;
- if (nDataSizeLimit > 0 && nDataSize > nDataSizeLimit)
- break;
- }
- //---------------
- CString strExt = pcszFileExt ? pcszFileExt : GetFileExtention(pFile);
- if (!strExt.IsEmpty())
- SetFileExt(strExt);
- }
- }
- void CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::SetLexConfigurationManager(
- CXTPSyntaxEditConfigurationManager* pMan)
- {
- m_LexConfigManSinkMT.UnadviseAll();
- m_ptrLexConfigurationManager.SetPtr(pMan, TRUE);
- if (pMan)
- {
- CXTPNotifyConnection* ptrConn = pMan->GetConnection();
- ASSERT(ptrConn);
- if (ptrConn)
- {
- m_LexConfigManSinkMT.Advise(ptrConn, xtpEditClassSchWasChanged, &CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::OnLexConfigManEventHandler);
- m_LexConfigManSinkMT.Advise(ptrConn, xtpEditThemeWasChanged, &CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::OnLexConfigManEventHandler);
- m_LexConfigManSinkMT.Advise(ptrConn, xtpEditAllConfigWasChanged, &CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::OnLexConfigManEventHandler);
- }
- }
- }
- void CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::OnLexConfigManEventHandler(XTP_NOTIFY_CODE Event,
- WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
- {
- if (!m_bIsParserEnabled)
- {
- return;
- }
- if (Event == xtpEditClassSchWasChanged || Event == xtpEditAllConfigWasChanged)
- {
- CXTPSyntaxEditTextSchema* ptrNewTxtSch = NULL;
- BOOL bSetTxtSch = FALSE;
- if (Event == xtpEditClassSchWasChanged)
- {
- // wParam = LPCTSTR - Schema name;
- // lParam = CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextSchema* New text schema pointer
- // or NULL if schema was removed.
- CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextSchema* pTxtSch = (CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextSchema*)lParam;
- if (pTxtSch)
- {
- if (pTxtSch->IsFileExtSupported(m_strFileExt) )
- {
- ptrNewTxtSch = pTxtSch;
- bSetTxtSch = TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextSchema* ptrTxtSch_current = m_pLexParser->GetTextSchema();
- CString strName_current = ptrTxtSch_current ? ptrTxtSch_current->GetSchName() : _T("");
- CString strName_New = pTxtSch->GetSchName();
- if (strName_current.CompareNoCase(strName_New) == 0)
- {
- //such file ext is no longer supported by this schema
- ptrNewTxtSch = NULL;
- bSetTxtSch = TRUE;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ptrNewTxtSch = GetMasterTextSchema(m_strFileExt);
- bSetTxtSch = !ptrNewTxtSch;
- }
- }
- if (Event == xtpEditAllConfigWasChanged)
- {
- ptrNewTxtSch = GetMasterTextSchema(m_strFileExt);
- bSetTxtSch = TRUE;
- }
- //====================================================================
- if (bSetTxtSch)
- {
- m_pLexParser->SetTextSchema(ptrNewTxtSch);
- if (ptrNewTxtSch)
- {
- XTP_EDIT_LINECOL pos1_0 = {1,0};
- BOOL bParseInThread = m_pLexParser->GetSchemaOptions(
- GetFileExt())->m_bConfigChangedReparceInSeparateThread;
- if (bParseInThread)
- {
- m_pLexParser->StartParseInThread(this, &pos1_0, NULL, 0, TRUE);
- }
- else
- {
- CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextSchema* ptrTextSch = m_pLexParser->GetTextSchema();
- if (ptrTextSch)
- {
- CXTPSyntaxEditTextIterator txtIter(this);
- ptrTextSch->RunParseUpdate(TRUE, &txtIter, &pos1_0, NULL);
- }
- }
- }
- //----------------------------------------------
- m_pConnect->SendEvent(Event, wParam, lParam);
- }
- }
- if (Event == xtpEditThemeWasChanged)
- {
- // wParam = LPCTSTR - Theme name;
- // lParam = CXTPSyntaxEditColorTheme* New theme pointer
- // or NULL if theme was removed.
- CXTPSyntaxEditColorTheme* pNewTheme = (CXTPSyntaxEditColorTheme*)lParam;
- CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextSchema* ptrTxtSch = m_pLexParser->GetTextSchema();
- if (ptrTxtSch)
- {
- ptrTxtSch->ApplyTheme(pNewTheme);
- //----------------------------------------------
- m_pConnect->SendEvent(Event, wParam, lParam);
- }
- }
- }
- BOOL CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::InsertText(LPCTSTR szText, int nRow, int nCol,
- {
- int nStrLenB = (int)_tcslen(szText) * sizeof(TCHAR);
- CMemFile memFile((BYTE*)szText, nStrLenB);
- CString strString;
- CString strReplased;
- int nLastLineEOLstyle = -1;
- CString strRow1, strRow2;
- memFile.SeekToBegin();
- // process first row (cut and concatenate)
- if (_T_ReadStringFromFile<TCHAR>(&memFile, strString, nLastLineEOLstyle, m_nCodePage))
- {
- strRow1 = m_Strings.GetStr(nRow);
- //int nLen = strRow1.GetLength();
- int nLenC = (int)_tcsclen(strRow1);
- if (nCol-1 < nLenC)
- {
- int nPosX = (int)_tcsnbcnt(strRow1, nCol-1);
- strRow2 = strRow1.Mid(nPosX);
- strRow1 = strRow1.Left(nPosX);
- strRow1 += strString;
- if (m_bOverwrite)
- {
- int nReplaceLen = min(strString.GetLength(), strRow2.GetLength());
- strReplased = strRow2.Left(nReplaceLen);
- DELETE_S(strRow2, 0, nReplaceLen);
- }
- m_Strings.SetAtGrowStr(nRow, strRow1);
- }
- else
- {
- m_Strings.InsertText(nRow, nCol-1, strString, TRUE);
- }
- }
- // process middle rows (insert them)
- int nCRLFStyleX = -1;
- int r = nRow + 1;
- while (_T_ReadStringFromFile<TCHAR>(&memFile, strString, nCRLFStyleX, m_nCodePage))
- {
- m_Strings.InsertStr(r, strString);
- r++;
- nLastLineEOLstyle = nCRLFStyleX;
- }
- // process last row (concatenate)
- int nRowTo = nRow;
- int nColTo = nCol+1;
- if (nLastLineEOLstyle >= 0)
- {
- m_Strings.InsertStr(r, strRow2);
- nRowTo = r;
- nColTo = (int)_tcsclen(strString) + 1;
- }
- else
- {
- strString = m_Strings.GetStr(r-1);
- nRowTo = r-1;
- nColTo = (int)_tcsclen(strString) + 1;
- strString += strRow2;
- m_Strings.SetAtGrowStr(r-1, strString);
- }
- //===========================================================================
- if (pFinalLC)
- {
- pFinalLC->nLine = nRowTo;
- pFinalLC->nCol = nColTo;
- }
- if (bCanUndo)
- {
- if (!m_bOverwrite || strReplased == "") // By Leva: added 2nd condition to eliminate undo bug
- {
- m_pUndoRedoManager->AddCommand(new CXTPSyntaxEditInsertStringCommand(this,
- szText,
- XTP_EDIT_LINECOL::MakeLineCol(nRow, nCol),
- XTP_EDIT_LINECOL::MakeLineCol(nRowTo, nColTo)) );
- }
- else
- {
- m_pUndoRedoManager->SetGroupInsertMode(FALSE);
- m_pUndoRedoManager->AddCommand(new CXTPSyntaxEditReplaceStringCommand(this,
- szText, strReplased,
- XTP_EDIT_LINECOL::MakeLineCol(nRow, nCol),
- XTP_EDIT_LINECOL::MakeLineCol(nRowTo, nColTo)) );
- }
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- BOOL CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::InsertTextBlock(LPCTSTR szText, int nRow,
- int nCol, BOOL bCanUndo, XTP_EDIT_LINECOL* pFinalLC)
- {
- int nStrLenB = (int)_tcslen(szText) * sizeof(TCHAR);
- CMemFile memFile((BYTE*)szText, nStrLenB);
- memFile.SeekToBegin();
- CString strString;
- int nEndPos = 0;
- int nCRLFStyleX = -1;
- int r = nRow;
- int nDispCol = StrPosToCol(nRow, nCol-1);
- if (bCanUndo)
- {
- m_pUndoRedoManager->SetGroupInsertMode(TRUE);
- }
- while (_T_ReadStringFromFile<TCHAR>(&memFile, strString, nCRLFStyleX, m_nCodePage))
- {
- CString strRow = m_Strings.GetStr(r);
- int nRowLen = (int)_tcsclen(strRow);
- int nRowCols = StrPosToCol(r, nRowLen);
- int nPos = ColToStrPos(r, nDispCol);
- if (nRowCols < nDispCol)
- {
- nPos = nRowLen + (nDispCol - nRowCols);
- }
- m_Strings.InsertText(r, nPos, strString, TRUE);
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- nEndPos = nPos + strString.GetLength();
- if (bCanUndo)
- {
- XTP_EDIT_LINECOL posFrom = {r, nPos+1};
- XTP_EDIT_LINECOL posTo = {r, nEndPos+1};
- m_pUndoRedoManager->AddCommand(new CXTPSyntaxEditInsertStringCommand(this,
- strString, posFrom, posTo) );
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- r++;
- }
- if (bCanUndo)
- {
- m_pUndoRedoManager->SetGroupInsertMode(FALSE);
- }
- //===========================================================================
- if (pFinalLC)
- {
- pFinalLC->nLine = r-1;
- pFinalLC->nCol = nEndPos+1;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- void CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::GetLineText(int nLine, CString& strText,
- BOOL bAddCRLF, int nCRLFStyle)
- {
- strText = GetLineText(nLine, bAddCRLF, nCRLFStyle);
- }
- CString CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::GetLineText(int nLine, BOOL bAddCRLF, int nCRLFStyle)
- {
- CString strText = m_Strings.GetStr(nLine);
- if (bAddCRLF)
- {
- strText += GetCRLF(nCRLFStyle);
- }
- return strText;
- }
- int CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::GetLineTextLength(int nLine, BOOL bAddCRLF, int nCRLFStyle)
- {
- int nLen = m_Strings.GetStrLen(nLine);
- if (bAddCRLF)
- {
- int nEOLlen = (int)_tcslen(GetCRLF(nCRLFStyle));
- nLen += nEOLlen;
- }
- return nLen;
- }
- int CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::GetLineTextLengthC(int nLine, BOOL bAddCRLF, int nCRLFStyle)
- {
- int nLen = m_Strings.GetStrLenC(nLine);
- if (bAddCRLF)
- {
- int nEOLlen = (int)_tcsclen(GetCRLF(nCRLFStyle));
- nLen += nEOLlen;
- }
- return nLen;
- }
- int CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::GetMaxLineTextLength() const
- {
- return CalcMaxLineTextLength();
- }
- int CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::CalcMaxLineTextLength(int nLineFrom, int nLineTo, BOOL bExpandTabs) const
- {
- nLineFrom = min(max(1, nLineFrom), GetRowCount());
- nLineTo = nLineTo < 0 ? GetRowCount() : min(nLineTo, GetRowCount());
- if (nLineFrom >= m_Strings.GetCount() || nLineTo >= m_Strings.GetCount() )
- {
- return 0;
- }
- int nTabSize = GetTabSize();
- int nMAXlen = 0;
- for (int i = nLineFrom; i <= nLineTo; i++)
- {
- CString* pCStrData = m_Strings.GetStrDataC(i);
- if (!pCStrData)
- continue;
- int nLen = pCStrData->GetLength();
- if (bExpandTabs)
- {
- LPCTSTR pcszString = (LPCTSTR)(*pCStrData);
- int nOffset = 0;
- for (int k = 0; k < nLen; k++)
- {
- if (pcszString[k] == _T('t'))
- nOffset += (nTabSize - nOffset % nTabSize);
- else
- nOffset++;
- }
- nLen = nOffset;
- }
- if (nLen > nMAXlen)
- nMAXlen = nLen;
- }
- return nMAXlen;
- }
- BOOL CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::DeleteText(int nRowFrom, int nColFrom,
- int nRowTo, int nColTo, BOOL bCanUndo, BOOL bDispCol)
- {
- ASSERT(nColFrom >= 1 && nColTo >= 1);
- if (bCanUndo)
- {
- int nPos1 = bDispCol ? nColFrom : StrPosToCol(nRowFrom, nColFrom - 1); // By Leva: moved -1 into brackets
- int nPos2 = bDispCol ? nColTo : StrPosToCol(nRowTo, nColTo - 1); // By Leva: moved -1 into brackets
- CMemFile file(CalcAveDataSize(nRowFrom, nRowTo));
- if (GetBuffer(nRowFrom, nPos1, nRowTo, nPos2, file))
- {
- TCHAR szNull = NULL;
- file.SeekToEnd();
- file.Write((const BYTE *)&szNull, sizeof(TCHAR));
- BYTE *pBytes = file.Detach();
- m_pUndoRedoManager->AddCommand(new CXTPSyntaxEditDeleteStringCommand(this, (LPCTSTR)pBytes,
- XTP_EDIT_LINECOL::MakeLineCol(nRowFrom, bDispCol ? ColToStrPos(nRowFrom, nColFrom)+1 : nColFrom),
- XTP_EDIT_LINECOL::MakeLineCol(nRowTo, bDispCol ? ColToStrPos(nRowTo, nColTo)+1 : nColTo)) );
- free(pBytes);
- }
- }
- BOOL bResult = FALSE;
- if (nRowFrom < nRowTo)
- {
- // Process nRowFrom
- int nStrLenR1 = m_Strings.GetStrLenC(nRowFrom);
- int nStrPos = bDispCol ? ColToStrPos(nRowFrom, nColFrom) : nColFrom-1;
- int nCount = nStrLenR1 - nStrPos;
- if (nStrLenR1 && nCount > 0)
- {
- ASSERT(nStrPos >=0);
- bResult = m_Strings.DeleteText(nRowFrom, nStrPos, nCount);
- ASSERT(bResult);
- }
- // Process nRowTo
- int nStrLenR2 = m_Strings.GetStrLenC(nRowTo);
- nStrPos = 0;
- nCount = bDispCol ? ColToStrPos(nRowTo, nColTo) : nColTo-1;
- if (nStrLenR2 && nCount > 0)
- {
- ASSERT(nStrPos >=0);
- bResult = m_Strings.DeleteText(nRowTo, nStrPos, nCount);
- ASSERT(bResult);
- }
- // Concatenate row <from> and row <to>
- CString strRowNew = m_Strings.GetStr(nRowFrom);
- CString strRow2 = m_Strings.GetStr(nRowTo);
- strRowNew += strRow2;
- m_Strings.SetAtGrowStr(nRowFrom, strRowNew);
- for (int r = nRowTo; r > nRowFrom; r--)
- {
- bResult = m_Strings.RemoveStr(r);
- //ASSERT(bResult);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ASSERT(nRowFrom == nRowTo);
- int nPos1 = bDispCol ? ColToStrPos(nRowFrom, nColFrom) : nColFrom-1;
- int nPos2 = bDispCol ? ColToStrPos(nRowTo, nColTo) : nColTo-1;
- int nCount = abs(nPos2 - nPos1); //abs(nColTo - nColFrom);
- if (nCount)
- {
- bResult = m_Strings.DeleteText(nRowFrom, min(nPos1, nPos2), nCount);
- }
- }
- return bResult;
- }
- BOOL CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::RemoveLine(int nRow, BOOL bCanUndo, int nRowsCount)
- {
- int nRowEnd = min(GetRowCount() + 1, nRow + nRowsCount);
- if (bCanUndo)
- {
- CMemFile file(CalcAveDataSize(nRow, nRowEnd));
- if (GetBuffer(nRow, 1, nRowEnd, 1, file))
- {
- TCHAR szNull = _T(' ');
- file.SeekToEnd();
- file.Write((const BYTE *)&szNull, sizeof(TCHAR));
- BYTE *pBytes = file.Detach();
- m_pUndoRedoManager->AddCommand(new CXTPSyntaxEditDeleteStringCommand(this, (LPCTSTR)pBytes,
- XTP_EDIT_LINECOL::MakeLineCol(nRow, 1),
- XTP_EDIT_LINECOL::MakeLineCol(nRowEnd, 1)) );
- free(pBytes);
- }
- }
- BOOL bResult = FALSE;
- for (int r = nRowEnd - 1; r >= nRow; r--)
- {
- BOOL b = m_Strings.RemoveStr(r);
- bResult |= b;
- }
- return bResult;
- }
- BOOL CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::GetBuffer(
- int row1, int col1, int row2, int col2,
- CMemFile& file, BOOL bColumnSelection, BOOL bForceDOSStyleCRLF)
- {
- int nTempRow1 = row1, nTempRow2 = row2;
- int nTempCol1 = col1, nTempCol2 = col2;
- if (nTempRow2 < nTempRow1)
- {
- row1 = nTempRow2;
- col1 = nTempCol2;
- row2 = nTempRow1;
- col2 = nTempCol1;
- }
- if (nTempRow1 == nTempRow2 || bColumnSelection)
- {
- col1 = min(nTempCol1, nTempCol2);
- col2 = max(nTempCol1, nTempCol2);
- }
- BOOL bStart = TRUE;
- BOOL bEnd = FALSE;
- int nStartPos = 0, nEndPos = 0;
- int nSizeCopy = 0;
- int nNewCRLFStyle = (bForceDOSStyleCRLF) ? xtpEditCRLFStyleDos : m_iCRLFStyle;
- const CString strCRLF(GetCRLF(nNewCRLFStyle));
- for (int i = row1; i <= row2; i++)
- {
- if (i == row2)
- bEnd = TRUE;
- CString strBuffer;
- GetLineText(i, strBuffer);
- const int nLineLen = (int)_tcslen(strBuffer);
- nStartPos = min(bStart || bColumnSelection ? ColToStrPos(i, col1) : 0, nLineLen);
- nEndPos = min(bEnd || bColumnSelection ? ColToStrPos(i, col2) : nLineLen, nLineLen);
- if (bStart || bColumnSelection)
- nStartPos = (int)_tcsnbcnt(strBuffer, nStartPos);
- if (bEnd || bColumnSelection)
- nEndPos = (int)_tcsnbcnt(strBuffer, nEndPos);
- nSizeCopy = abs(nEndPos - nStartPos) * sizeof(TCHAR);
- if (nSizeCopy > 0)
- file.Write((LPVOID)((LPCTSTR)strBuffer + nStartPos), nSizeCopy);
- if (bColumnSelection)
- {
- // add spaces for the free size of the column block
- int nAddSpaces = abs(col2 - col1) -
- (int)_tcsnccnt((LPCTSTR)strBuffer + nStartPos, abs(nEndPos - nStartPos));
- if (nAddSpaces > 0)
- {
- const CString strSpaces(_T(' '), nAddSpaces);
- file.Write((LPVOID)(LPCTSTR)strSpaces, nAddSpaces * sizeof(TCHAR));
- }
- }
- if (row1 != row2 && i != row2 || bColumnSelection)
- {
- // add end of the line
- file.Write((LPVOID)(LPCTSTR)strCRLF, strCRLF.GetLength() * sizeof(TCHAR));
- }
- bStart = FALSE;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- void CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::SetOverwriteFlag(BOOL bOverwrite)
- {
- m_bOverwrite = bOverwrite;
- }
- BOOL CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::GetOverwriteFlag()
- {
- return m_bOverwrite;
- }
- BOOL CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::IsTextCRLF(LPCTSTR szCompText, BOOL bFindReverse)
- {
- CString strCRLF(g_pcszCRLFStyles[m_iCRLFStyle]);
- LPCTSTR szTextToCompare = szCompText;
- int nCRLFSize = lstrlen(szCurCRLF);
- if (bFindReverse)
- szTextToCompare = (szCompText - (nCRLFSize - 1));
- BOOL bIsCRLF = (_tcsncmp(szTextToCompare, szCurCRLF, nCRLFSize) == 0);
- return bIsCRLF;
- }
- #ifdef _UNICODE
- BOOL CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::IsTextCRLF(LPCSTR szCompText, BOOL bFindReverse)
- {
- LPCSTR szCurCRLF = (LPCSTR)g_pcszCRLFStyles[m_iCRLFStyle];
- LPCSTR szTextToCompare = szCompText;
- int nCRLFSize = (int)strlen(szCurCRLF);
- if (bFindReverse)
- szTextToCompare = (szCompText - (nCRLFSize - 1));
- BOOL bIsCRLF = (strncmp(szTextToCompare, szCurCRLF, nCRLFSize) == 0);
- return bIsCRLF;
- }
- #endif
- CString CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::GetCurCRLF() const
- {
- return GetCRLF();
- }
- LPCTSTR CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::GetCRLF(int nCRLFStyle) const
- {
- ASSERT(m_iCRLFStyle >= 0 && m_iCRLFStyle < _countof(g_pcszCRLFStyles));
- int nCRLFidx = m_iCRLFStyle;
- if (nCRLFStyle >= 0 && nCRLFStyle < _countof(g_pcszCRLFStyles))
- {
- nCRLFidx = nCRLFStyle;
- }
- return _T_GetCRLF<TCHAR>(nCRLFidx);
- }
- void CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::SetCRLFStyle(int nCRLFStyle)
- {
- if (nCRLFStyle >= 0 && nCRLFStyle < _countof(g_pcszCRLFStyles))
- {
- m_iCRLFStyle = nCRLFStyle;
- } else {
- }
- }
- int CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::GetCurCRLFType()
- {
- return m_iCRLFStyle;
- }
- BOOL CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::SetTabSize(int nTabSize, BOOL bUpdateReg/*=FALSE*/)
- {
- m_nTabSize = nTabSize;
- if (bUpdateReg)
- {
- CWinApp* pWinApp = AfxGetApp();
- if (pWinApp != NULL)
- {
- if (pWinApp->WriteProfileInt(XTP_EDIT_REG_SETTINGS, XTP_EDIT_REG_TABSIZE, nTabSize))
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- int CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::GetRowCount() const
- {
- return m_Strings.GetCount() ? ((int)m_Strings.GetCount() - 1) : 0;
- }
- UINT CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::GetCodePage()
- {
- return m_nCodePage;
- }
- BOOL CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::IsModified()
- {
- return m_pUndoRedoManager->IsModified();
- }
- CString CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::GetFileExt()
- {
- return m_strFileExt;
- }
- void CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::SetFileExt(const CString& strExt)
- {
- if (m_strFileExt.CompareNoCase(strExt) == 0)
- {
- return;
- }
- m_strFileExt = strExt;
- if (m_bIsParserEnabled)
- {
- CXTPSyntaxEditTextSchema* ptrMasterTxtSch = GetMasterTextSchema(strExt);
- m_pLexParser->SetTextSchema(ptrMasterTxtSch);
- }
- }
- CString CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::GetConfigFile()
- {
- if (!m_ptrLexConfigurationManager)
- {
- return _T("");
- }
- return m_ptrLexConfigurationManager->GetConfigFile();
- }
- BOOL CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::SetConfigFile(LPCTSTR szPath)
- {
- if (!m_ptrLexConfigurationManager)
- return FALSE;
- CString strCfgFile0 = m_ptrLexConfigurationManager->GetConfigFile();
- if (strCfgFile0.CompareNoCase(szPath) != 0)
- m_ptrLexConfigurationManager->ReloadConfig(szPath);
- return TRUE;
- }
- CXTPSyntaxEditTextSchema* CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::GetMasterTextSchema(const CString& strExt)
- {
- if (!m_ptrLexConfigurationManager)
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- CXTPSyntaxEditTextSchemaPtr ptrMasterSch;
- ptrMasterSch = m_ptrLexConfigurationManager->GetTextSchemesManager().FindSchema(strExt);
- return ptrMasterSch;
- }
- UINT CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::CalcAveDataSize(int nRowStart, int nRowEnd)
- {
- UINT uSize = m_nAverageLineLen * abs(nRowStart - nRowEnd);
- uSize = (uSize / 1024 + 1) * 1024;
- return uSize;
- }
- BOOL CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::IsParserEnabled()
- {
- return m_bIsParserEnabled;
- }
- void CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::EnableParser(BOOL bEnable)
- {
- if (m_bIsParserEnabled == bEnable)
- {
- return;
- }
- m_bIsParserEnabled = bEnable;
- if (m_bIsParserEnabled)
- {
- CXTPSyntaxEditTextSchema* ptrMasterTxtSch = GetMasterTextSchema(m_strFileExt);
- m_pLexParser->SetTextSchema(ptrMasterTxtSch);
- XTP_EDIT_LINECOL pos1_0 = {1,0};
- BOOL bParseInThread = m_pLexParser->GetSchemaOptions(
- GetFileExt())->m_bConfigChangedReparceInSeparateThread;
- if (bParseInThread)
- {
- m_pLexParser->StartParseInThread(this, &pos1_0, NULL, 0, TRUE);
- }
- else
- {
- CXTPSyntaxEditLexTextSchema* ptrTextSch = m_pLexParser->GetTextSchema();
- if (ptrTextSch)
- {
- CXTPSyntaxEditTextIterator txtIter(this);
- ptrTextSch->RunParseUpdate(TRUE, &txtIter, &pos1_0, NULL);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- m_pLexParser->SetTextSchema(NULL);
- }
- }
- int CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::ColToStrPos(int nLine, int nDispCol) const
- {
- int nStrPos = 0;
- int nCol = 0;
- const CString strText = m_Strings.GetStr(nLine);
- int nChars = (int)_tcsclen(strText);
- LPCTSTR pChar = strText;
- int nTabSize = GetTabSize();
- for (int i = 0; *pChar != 0 && i < nChars && (nCol+1) < nDispCol; i++)
- {
- if (*pChar == _T('t'))
- {
- nCol += nTabSize - (nCol % nTabSize);
- }
- else
- {
- nCol++;
- }
- pChar = _tcsinc(pChar);
- nStrPos++;
- }
- // support VirtualSpace by default
- //m_bVirtualSpace
- if (nCol + 1 < nDispCol)
- nStrPos += nDispCol - nCol - 1;
- return nStrPos;
- }
- int CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::StrPosToCol(int nLine, int nStrPos) const
- {
- int nDispCol = 1;
- const CString strText = m_Strings.GetStr(nLine);
- LPCTSTR pChar = strText;
- int nTabSize = GetTabSize();
- int i;
- for (i = 0; *pChar != 0 && i < nStrPos;)
- {
- if (*pChar == _T('t'))
- {
- nDispCol += nTabSize - ((nDispCol-1) % nTabSize);
- }
- else
- {
- nDispCol++;
- }
- pChar = _tcsinc(pChar);
- i++;
- }
- // support VirtualSpace by default
- //m_bVirtualSpace
- if (i < nStrPos)
- nDispCol += nStrPos - i;
- return nDispCol;
- }
- void CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::ChangeCase(int nRow, int nDispFrom, int nDispTo, BOOL bUpper, BOOL bCanUndo)
- {
- CString strText(m_Strings.GetStr(nRow));
- int nFrom = (int)_tcsnbcnt(strText, ColToStrPos(nRow, nDispFrom));
- int nTo = strText.GetLength();
- if (nDispTo <= strText.GetLength() * GetTabSize())
- nTo = (int)_tcsnbcnt(strText, ColToStrPos(nRow, nDispTo));
- CString strOriginal = strText.Mid(nFrom, nTo - nFrom);
- CString strChanged(strOriginal);
- // upper/lower text at row nRow from nFrom to nTo
- if (bUpper)
- strChanged.MakeUpper();
- else
- strChanged.MakeLower();
- for (int i = nFrom; i < nTo; ++i)
- strText.SetAt(i, strChanged[i-nFrom]);
- m_Strings.SetAtGrowStr(nRow, strText);
- if (bCanUndo)
- {
- m_pUndoRedoManager->AddCommand(new CXTPSyntaxEditReplaceStringCommand(this,
- strChanged, strOriginal,
- XTP_EDIT_LINECOL::MakeLineCol(nRow, nFrom + 1),
- XTP_EDIT_LINECOL::MakeLineCol(nRow, nTo + 1)) );
- }
- }
- void CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::ChangeTabification(int nRow, int nDispFrom, int nDispTo, BOOL bTabify, BOOL bCanUndo)
- {
- CString strText(m_Strings.GetStr(nRow));
- const int nTextLen = (int)_tcsclen(strText);
- int nFrom = ColToStrPos(nRow, nDispFrom);
- int nTo = ColToStrPos(nRow, nDispTo);
- const int nTabSize = GetTabSize();
- const CString strTab(_T(' '), nTabSize);
- CString strOriginal = strText.Mid(nFrom, nTo - nFrom);
- CString strChanged(strOriginal);
- // upper/lower text at row nRow from nFrom to nTo
- if (bTabify)
- {
- REPLACE_S(strChanged, strTab, _T("x09"));
- }
- else
- {
- REPLACE_S(strChanged, _T("x09"), strTab);
- }
- strText = strText.Left(nFrom) + strChanged + strText.Right(nTextLen - nTo);
- m_Strings.SetAtGrowStr(nRow, strText);
- if (bCanUndo)
- {
- m_pUndoRedoManager->AddCommand(new CXTPSyntaxEditDeleteStringCommand(this,
- strOriginal,
- XTP_EDIT_LINECOL::MakeLineCol(nRow, nFrom + 1),
- XTP_EDIT_LINECOL::MakeLineCol(nRow, nTo + 1)) );
- m_pUndoRedoManager->AddCommand(new CXTPSyntaxEditInsertStringCommand(this,
- strChanged,
- XTP_EDIT_LINECOL::MakeLineCol(nRow, nFrom + 1),
- XTP_EDIT_LINECOL::MakeLineCol(nRow, nFrom + (int)_tcsclen(strChanged) + 1)) );
- }
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //class CXTPSyntaxEditStringsManager
- CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::CXTPSyntaxEditStringsManager::CXTPSyntaxEditStringsManager()
- {
- }
- CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::CXTPSyntaxEditStringsManager::~CXTPSyntaxEditStringsManager()
- {
- }
- int CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::CXTPSyntaxEditStringsManager::GetCount() const
- {
- return (int)m_arStrings.GetSize();
- }
- CString CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::CXTPSyntaxEditStringsManager::GetStr(int nRow) const
- {
- CString* pCStr = GetStrDataC(nRow);
- if (pCStr)
- {
- return *pCStr;
- }
- return _T("");
- }
- int CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::CXTPSyntaxEditStringsManager::GetStrLen(int nRow) const
- {
- CString* pCStr = GetStrDataC(nRow);
- if (!pCStr)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- int nLen = pCStr->GetLength();
- return nLen;
- }
- int CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::CXTPSyntaxEditStringsManager::GetStrLenC(int nRow) const
- {
- CString* pCStr = GetStrDataC(nRow);
- if (!pCStr)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- int nLenC = (int)_tcsclen(*pCStr);
- return nLenC;
- }
- void CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::CXTPSyntaxEditStringsManager::SetAtGrowStr(int nRow, LPCTSTR pcszText)
- {
- CString* pCStr = GetStrData(nRow, TRUE);
- if (!pCStr)
- {
- return;
- }
- *pCStr = pcszText;
- }
- void CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::CXTPSyntaxEditStringsManager::SetAtGrowStr(int nRow,
- const CString& strText)
- {
- CString* pCStr = GetStrData(nRow, TRUE);
- if (!pCStr)
- {
- return;
- }
- *pCStr = strText;
- }
- void CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::CXTPSyntaxEditStringsManager::InsertStr(int nRow,
- const CString& strText)
- {
- if (nRow >=0 && nRow < m_arStrings.GetSize() )
- {
- CString* pCStr = new CString(strText);
- m_arStrings.InsertAt(nRow, pCStr);
- }
- else
- {
- SetAtGrowStr(nRow, strText);
- }
- }
- BOOL CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::CXTPSyntaxEditStringsManager::RemoveStr(int nRow)
- {
- if (nRow >=0 && nRow < m_arStrings.GetSize() )
- {
- CString* pCStr = m_arStrings[nRow];
- m_arStrings.RemoveAt(nRow);
- if (pCStr)
- {
- delete pCStr;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- CString* CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::CXTPSyntaxEditStringsManager::GetStrDataC(int nRow) const
- {
- CString* pCStr = NULL;
- if (nRow >=0 && nRow < m_arStrings.GetSize() )
- {
- pCStr = m_arStrings[nRow];
- }
- return pCStr;
- }
- CString* CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::CXTPSyntaxEditStringsManager::
- GetStrData(int nRow, BOOL bGrowArrayIfNeed)
- {
- CString* pCStr = NULL;
- if (nRow >=0 && nRow < m_arStrings.GetSize() )
- {
- pCStr = m_arStrings[nRow];
- }
- else if (bGrowArrayIfNeed)
- {
- m_arStrings.SetSize(nRow+1);
- }
- else
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- //---------------------------
- if (!pCStr)
- {
- pCStr = new CString();
- m_arStrings[nRow] = pCStr;
- }
- return pCStr;
- }
- BOOL CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::CXTPSyntaxEditStringsManager::InsertText(int nRow, int nPos,
- LPCTSTR pcszText, BOOL bGrowArrayIfNeed,
- TCHAR chLeftSpaceFiller)
- {
- ASSERT(nPos >= 0 && pcszText);
- CString* pCStr = GetStrData(nRow, bGrowArrayIfNeed);
- if (!pCStr || !pcszText && nPos < 0)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- int nStrLenC = (int)_tcsclen(*pCStr);
- int nFillCount = nPos > nStrLenC ? nPos - nStrLenC : 0;
- int nInsPos = (int)_tcsnbcnt(*pCStr, nPos);
- if (nFillCount)
- {
- if (chLeftSpaceFiller != _T(' '))
- {
- CString strFill(chLeftSpaceFiller, nFillCount);
- *pCStr += strFill;
- nInsPos = (int)_tcsnbcnt(*pCStr, nPos);
- }
- else
- {
- nInsPos = pCStr->GetLength();
- }
- }
- INSERT_S(*pCStr, nInsPos, pcszText);
- return TRUE;
- }
- BOOL CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::CXTPSyntaxEditStringsManager::
- DeleteText(int nRow, int nPos, int nCount)
- {
- ASSERT(nPos >= 0 && nCount > 0);
- CString* pCStr = GetStrData(nRow, FALSE);
- if (!pCStr || nPos < 0 || nCount <= 0)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- int nStrLen0 = pCStr->GetLength();
- int nPosX = (int)_tcsnbcnt(*pCStr, nPos);
- if (nPosX >= nStrLen0)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- int nStrLenC = (int)_tcsclen(*pCStr);
- if (nCount > nStrLenC - nPos)
- {
- nCount = nStrLenC - nPos;
- }
- int nCountX = (int)_tcsnbcnt(((LPCTSTR)*pCStr) + nPosX, nCount);
- DELETE_S(*pCStr, nPosX, nCountX);
- return TRUE;
- }
- void CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::CXTPSyntaxEditStringsManager::RemoveAllStrs()
- {
- m_arStrings.RemoveAll();
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //class CStringPtrArray : public CArray<CString*, CString*>
- CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::CXTPSyntaxEditStringsManager::
- CStringPtrArray::CStringPtrArray()
- {
- }
- CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::CXTPSyntaxEditStringsManager::
- CStringPtrArray::~CStringPtrArray()
- {
- RemoveAll();
- }
- void CXTPSyntaxEditBufferManager::CXTPSyntaxEditStringsManager::
- CStringPtrArray::RemoveAll()
- {
- int nCount = (int)GetSize();
- for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
- {
- CString* pCStr = GetAt(i);
- if (pCStr)
- {
- SetAt(i, NULL);
- delete pCStr;
- }
- }
- TBase::RemoveAll();
- }