- // XTCaption.h : interface for the CXTCaption class.
- //
- // This file is a part of the XTREME CONTROLS MFC class library.
- // (c)1998-2008 Codejock Software, All Rights Reserved.
- //
- //
- //
- // support@codejock.com
- // http://www.codejock.com
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #if !defined(__XTCAPTION_H__)
- #define __XTCAPTION_H__
- #if _MSC_VER >= 1000
- #pragma once
- #endif // _MSC_VER >= 1000
- class CXTCaption;
- class CXTCaptionPopupWnd;
- class CXTCaptionTheme;
- #include "XTCaptionTheme.h"
- #define XT_IDC_BTN_CLOSE 100
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // CXTCaptionButton is a CXTButton derived class. It is used
- // by the CXTCaption class to activate a CXTCaptionPopupWnd window.
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTCaptionButton : public CXTButton
- {
- public:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary : Constructs a CXTCaptionButton object
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- CXTCaptionButton();
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function will set the display style for the button.
- // Parameters:
- // dwxStyle - Specifies the button style. See the Remarks section below for
- // a list of available styles.
- // bRedraw - Specifies whether the button is to be redrawn. A nonzero
- // value redraws the button. A zero value does not redraw the
- // button. The button is redrawn by default.
- // Remarks:
- // Styles to be added or removed can be combined by using the bitwise
- // OR (|) operator. It can be one or more of the following:
- // * <b>BS_XT_FLAT</b> Draws a flat button.
- // * <b>BS_XT_SEMIFLAT</b> Draws a semi-flat button.
- // * <b>BS_XT_TWOROWS</b> Draws images and text that are
- // centered.
- // * <b>BS_XT_SHOWFOCUS</b> Draws a focus rect when the button
- // has input focus.
- // * <b>BS_XT_HILITEPRESSED</b> Highlights the button when
- // pressed.
- // * <b>BS_XT_XPFLAT</b> Draws a flat button ala Office XP.
- // Returns:
- // The previous style that was set.
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual DWORD SetXButtonStyle(DWORD dwxStyle, BOOL bRedraw = TRUE);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary : This member function is called to return a pointer to the
- // parent caption.
- // Returns : A pointer to a CXTCaption object.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- CXTCaption* GetCaption() {
- return m_pCaption;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary : This member fuction is called to set the pointer to the
- // parent caption.
- // Parameters : pCaption - A pointer to a CXTCaption object.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void SetCaption(CXTCaption* pCaption) {
- m_pCaption = pCaption;
- }
- protected:
- CXTCaption* m_pCaption; // A pointer to the parent CXTCaption.
- };
- const DWORD CPWS_EX_GROOVE_EDGE = 0x0001; //<ALIAS CXTCaption::Create@CWnd*@LPCTSTR@DWORD@DWORD@const CRect&@UINT>
- const DWORD CPWS_EX_RAISED_EDGE = 0x0002; //<ALIAS CXTCaption::Create@CWnd*@LPCTSTR@DWORD@DWORD@const CRect&@UINT>
- const DWORD CPWS_EX_CLOSEBUTTON = 0x0004; //<ALIAS CXTCaption::Create@CWnd*@LPCTSTR@DWORD@DWORD@const CRect&@UINT>
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // CXTCaption is a CStatic derived class. It is used to create
- // caption or info bars similar to those in Microsoft(r) Outlook.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTCaption : public CStatic, public CXTThemeManagerStyleHostBase
- {
- public:
- // ------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Destroys a CXTCaption object, handles cleanup and
- // deallocation
- // ------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual ~CXTCaption();
- // -----------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Constructs a CXTCaption object
- // -----------------------------------------
- CXTCaption();
- public:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary : This member function is called to determine if the caption
- // is configured to be used as the application's primary caption.
- // Returns : true if the caption is configured to be used as the application's
- // primary caption, otherwise false.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- bool IsAppCaption() const {
- return m_bAppCaption;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary : This member function is called to set the flag that indicates
- // if the caption is the application's primary caption.
- // Parameters : bAppCaption - true if the caption is configured to be used as the
- // applications primary caption.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void SetAppCaption(bool bAppCaption) {
- m_bAppCaption = bAppCaption;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member function to get a reference to the caption's close
- // / popup button.
- // Returns:
- // A reference to a CXTCaptionButton object.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- CXTCaptionButton& GetCaptionButton();
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function will set the caption bar border, background,
- // and font colors.
- // Parameters:
- // clrBorder - An RGB value that represents the new border color.
- // clrFace - An RGB value that represents the new background color.
- // clrText - An RGB value that represents the new font color.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void SetCaptionColors(COLORREF clrBorder, COLORREF clrFace, COLORREF clrText);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member function to enable Office 2003 visualizations.
- // Parameters:
- // b2003Colors - True to enable Office 2003 visualizations, false
- // to disable.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void SetOffice2003Colors(bool b2003Colors = true);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member function to return the current style settings
- // for the caption.
- // Returns:
- // A DWORD value that represents the current style set for the caption.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- DWORD GetCaptionStyle() const;
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Modifies the caption title and appearance.
- // Parameters:
- // nBorderSize - Specifies size in pixels of the banner border.
- // pFont - Specifies the new caption font.
- // lpszWindText - NULL terminated string specifying the new caption
- // text.
- // hIcon - Handle of the icon to be drawn in the caption.
- // Remarks:
- // You can use this member function to set the border size that is
- // drawn around the caption banner, the font that the caption will
- // use, and the caption text and icon to be displayed.
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void ModifyCaptionStyle(int nBorderSize, CFont* pFont = NULL, LPCTSTR lpszWindText = NULL, HICON hIcon = NULL);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member function to set the child and notification windows
- // for the caption bar.
- // Parameters:
- // pChild - A CWnd pointer that represents the child window to be
- // displayed in the popup window.
- // pNotifyWnd - A CWnd pointer that represents the window to receive
- // notification messages.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void SetChildWindow(CWnd* pChild, CWnd* pNotifyWnd);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is called to destroy the popup window and
- // associated children.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void KillChildWindow();
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is called to display the popup window and
- // associated children.
- // Returns:
- // TRUE if the popup window is successfully displayed, otherwise FALSE.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual BOOL ShowPopupWindow();
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is called to update the text and icon for the
- // caption bar.
- // Parameters:
- // lpszWindowText - NULL terminated string to display in the caption bar.
- // hIcon - Handle of the icon to display in the caption
- // bar. It can be NULL.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void UpdateCaption(LPCTSTR lpszWindowText, HICON hIcon);
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Creates and initializes the child window associated with the
- // CXTCaption object.
- // Parameters:
- // pParentWnd - Specifies the parent window.
- // lpszWindowName - Points to a NULL terminated character string that contains
- // the window name. This will be displayed in the caption
- // area.
- // dwExStyle - Specifies caption bar style. See the Remarks section below
- // for a complete list of available styles.
- // dwStyle - Specifies the control window style. Apply any combination
- // of caption bar styles to the control.
- // rect - Specifies the position and size of the caption bar. It can
- // be either a <i>RECT</i> structure or a <i>CRect</i> object.
- // nID - Specifies the caption bar control ID.
- // Remarks:
- // This method creates a caption bar window and attaches it to the
- // CXTCaption object. You construct a caption bar in two steps.
- // First, call the constructor, which constructs the CXTCaption
- // object. Then call Create, which creates the Window's child window
- // and attaches it to CXTCaption. Create initializes the window class
- // name and window name and registers values for its style, parent,
- // and ID.<p/>
- // <p/>
- // Styles to be added or removed can be combined by using the bitwise
- // OR (|) operator. It can be one or more of the following:
- // * <b>CPWS_EX_GROOVE_EDGE</b> Show the caption with a sunken
- // border.
- // * <b>CPWS_EX_RAISED_EDGE</b> Show the caption with a raised 3D
- // border.
- // * <b>CPWS_EX_CLOSEBUTTON</b> Caption has a close button.
- // Returns:
- // TRUE if successful, otherwise returns FALSE.
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual BOOL Create(CWnd* pParentWnd, LPCTSTR lpszWindowName, DWORD dwExStyle = CPWS_EX_RAISED_EDGE, DWORD dwStyle = WS_VISIBLE | SS_CENTER | SS_CENTERIMAGE, const CRect& rect = CRect(0, 0, 0, 0), UINT nID = 0xffff);
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is called to refresh the caption button
- // style.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------
- void RefreshButton();
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function retrieves the current caption title.
- // Returns:
- // A reference to a CString object that contains the caption title.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- const CString& GetCaptionText();
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member function to see if the caption has a close button.
- // Returns:
- // TRUE if the caption contains a close button, otherwise FALSE.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL HasCloseButton() const;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is called to determine the size and location
- // of the text associated with the caption.
- // Returns:
- // The size and location of the caption text or an empty rect if no text
- // is defined.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual CRect GetTextRect() const;
- protected:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is called to draw the caption background.
- // Parameters:
- // pDC - A CDC pointer that represents the current device context.
- // rcItem - A CRect reference that represents the size of the area to paint.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void DrawCaptionBack(CDC* pDC, CRect& rcItem);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is called to paint the caption text.
- // Parameters:
- // pDC - A CDC pointer that represents the current device context.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void DrawCaptionText(CDC* pDC);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is called to paint the caption icon.
- // Parameters:
- // pDC - A CDC pointer that represents the current device context.
- // rcItem - A CRect reference that represents the size of the area to paint.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void DrawCaptionIcon(CDC* pDC, CRect& rcItem);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is called to update the caption text.
- // Parameters:
- // pDC - A CDC pointer that represents the current device context.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void UpdateCaptionText(CDC* pDC);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member function is called to determine the size and location
- // of the button associated with the caption.
- // Returns:
- // The size and location of the caption button or an empty rect
- // if no button is defined.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual CRect GetButtonRect() const;
- //{{AFX_MSG(CXTCaption)
- afx_msg void OnPaint();
- afx_msg LRESULT OnPrintClient(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM /*lParam*/);
- afx_msg BOOL OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC);
- afx_msg void OnWindowPosChanged(WINDOWPOS FAR* lpwndpos);
- afx_msg void OnSysColorChange();
- afx_msg void OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy);
- afx_msg void OnCaptButton();
- afx_msg void OnPushPinButton();
- afx_msg void OnPushPinCancel();
- //}}AFX_MSG
- private:
- BOOL Create(LPCTSTR lpszClassName, LPCTSTR lpszWindowName, DWORD dwStyle, const RECT& rect, CWnd* pParentWnd, UINT nID, CCreateContext* pContext = NULL);
- BOOL Create(LPCTSTR lpszText, DWORD dwStyle, const RECT& rect, CWnd* pParentWnd, UINT nID = 0xffff);
- public:
- int m_nBorder; // Size in pixels for the caption border.
- COLORREF m_clrBorder; // An RGB value that represents the user defined border color.
- COLORREF m_clrFace; // An RGB value that represents the user defined background color.
- COLORREF m_clrText; // An RGB value that represents the user defined font color.
- protected:
- int m_nOffset; // Size in pixels that the child window should leave for its caption area.
- bool m_bUserColors; // true if the user has specified caption colors other than the default.
- bool m_bAppCaption; // true if the caption is used as the application's primary caption.
- CWnd* m_pChildWnd; // A CWnd pointer that represents the child window displayed in the popup window.
- CWnd* m_pParentView; // A CWnd pointer that represents the child window's parent view.
- CWnd* m_pSplitterWnd; // A CWnd pointer that represents the splitter window. It is used to track size changes.
- CSize m_sizeIcon; // Width and height of the caption icon area.
- CRect m_rcChild; // Size of the child window displayed in the popup.
- CRect m_rcParent; // Size of the child's parent view.
- CRect m_rcSplitter; // Size of the splitter window.
- DWORD m_dwExStyle; // Border style bits, either CPWS_EX_GROOVE_EDGE | CPWS_EX_RAISED_EDGE.
- HICON m_hIcon; // User defined icon handle. The default value is NULL.
- CString m_strCaption; // Text that will be displayed in the caption.
- CImageList m_ilButton; // Image list used to create the close button icon.
- CXTCaptionButton m_btnCaption; // Button used to 'tack' the popup window back in place.
- CXTCaptionPopupWnd* m_pPopupWnd; // Points to the popup window.
- friend class CXTCaptionButton;
- friend class CXTCaptionButtonTheme;
- friend class CXTCaptionTheme;
- };
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- AFX_INLINE CXTCaptionButton& CXTCaption::GetCaptionButton() {
- ASSERT(::IsWindow(m_btnCaption.m_hWnd)); return m_btnCaption;
- }
- AFX_INLINE DWORD CXTCaption::GetCaptionStyle() const {
- return m_dwExStyle;
- }
- AFX_INLINE const CString& CXTCaption::GetCaptionText() {
- return m_strCaption;
- }
- AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTCaption::HasCloseButton() const {
- }
- AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTCaption::Create(LPCTSTR lpszClassName, LPCTSTR lpszWindowName, DWORD dwStyle, const RECT& rect, CWnd* pParentWnd, UINT nID, CCreateContext* pContext) {
- return CWnd::Create(lpszClassName, lpszWindowName, dwStyle, rect, pParentWnd, nID, pContext);
- }
- AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTCaption::Create(LPCTSTR lpszText, DWORD dwStyle, const RECT& rect, CWnd* pParentWnd, UINT nID) {
- return CStatic::Create(lpszText, dwStyle, rect, pParentWnd, nID);
- }
- #endif // #if !defined(__XTCAPTION_H__)