- //=======================================================================
- //================ Lex class support ====================================
- //=======================================================================
- // lexClass:
- // name = c_CPPString
- // parent = c_CPP
- // parent:dyn = c_CPP
- //
- // children = 0
- // children = class1, class2, ...
- //
- // previous:class =
- // previous:tag =
- // previous:tag:separators =
- //
- // start:class =
- // start:Tag = '"'
- //
- // skip:Tag = '"'
- //
- // end:class = //
- // end:Tag = '"'
- // end:separators = ' '
- //
- // Token:tag = 'if', 'for', 'while', 'do'
- // Token:start:separators =
- // Token:end:separators =
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //---------------- Attributes -------------------------------------------
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // txt:colorFG = 0xffc0c0 // color value in hex format. default: black
- // txt:colorBK = 0xffc0c0 // color value in hex format. default: white
- //
- // txt:colorSelFG = 0xffc0c0 // color value in hex format. default: white
- // txt:colorSelBK = 0xffc0c0 // color value in hex format. default: black
- //
- // txt:Bold = 1 // {1,0} default: 0
- // txt:Italic = 1 // {1,0} default: 0
- // txt:Underline = 1 // {1,0} default: 0
- //
- // caseSensitive = 1 // {1,0} default: 0
- //
- // Collapsable = 1 // {1,0} default: 0
- // CollapsedText = '/*...*/' // quoted string value. default: '[..]'
- //
- // ParseOnScreen = 1 // {1,0} default: 0
- //
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //* Global attributes ***************************************************
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // global:FirstParseInSeparateThread = 1 // {0,1} default=1
- // global:EditReparceInSeparateThread = 1 // {0,1} default=1
- // global:ConfigChangedReparceInSeparateThread= 1 // {0,1} default=1
- // global:EditReparceTimeout_ms = 500 // default= 500 ms; time out for start reparse after last key was pressed.
- // global:MaxBackParseOffset = 100 // default= 100 chars; maximum back buffer size. Some times parser look back for the text from current position.
- // global:OnScreenSchCacheLifeTime_sec = 180 // default= 180 sec; -1 and 0 means infinite; time out for on screen parsed pices of text. for memory using optimization.
- // global:ParserThreadIdleLifeTime_sec = 60 // default=60 sec; -1 and 0 means infinite; time out for existing of parser thread when parser idle (no parse requests).
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //=======================================================================
- //================ Variables support ====================================
- //=======================================================================
- // NON operation - example: @alpha:not
- //
- // @alpha = a-z, A-Z
- // @digit = 0-9
- // @HexDdigit = 0-9, a-f, A-F
- // @specs = "~`!@#$%^&*()_-+=\|{}[];:'",.<>/?"
- // @EOL = End Of Line
- //---------------------------------------------
- // special tags: '\', ''', 't', 'r', 'n'
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// HTML ///
- lexClass:
- parent:file = <*.htm|*.html|*.asp|*.plg|*.inc|*.js>
- name = c_HTML
- //caseSensitive = 0
- txt:colorFG = 0x000000
- DisplayName = 'Normal Text'
- /// ASP ///
- lexClass:
- name = c_ASP_VBScriptBlock0
- parent = c_HTML
- start:Tag = '<%@'
- end:Tag = '%>'
- txt:colorFG = 0x000000
- txt:colorBK = 0xFFFF00
- DisplayName = 'ASP VB Script Block (@)'
- //:lexClass
- lexClass:
- name = c_ASP_VBScriptBlock
- parent = c_HTML, c_HTMLelement
- parent = c_HTMLelement_SCRIPT_lang_other
- parent = c_HTMLelementPropValue_str1, c_HTMLelementPropValue_str2
- start:Tag = '<%'
- end:Tag = '%>'
- txt:colorBK = 0xFFFF00
- Collapsable = 1
- DisplayName = 'ASP VB Script Block'
- //:lexClass
- lexClass:
- name = c_HTMLcomment
- parent = c_HTML
- children = 0 // URL
- start:Tag = '<!--'
- end:Tag = '-->'
- txt:colorFG = 0x008200
- Collapsable = 1
- DisplayName = 'HTML Comment'
- //:lexClass
- lexClass:
- name = c_HTMLelement_start
- parent = c_HTML
- Token:tag = '<!', '</', '<'
- txt:colorFG = 0x0000FF
- DisplayName = 'HTML Element (start)'
- //:lexClass
- lexClass:
- name = c_HTMLelement_end
- parent = c_HTML
- Token:tag = '>'
- txt:colorFG = 0x0000FF
- DisplayName = 'HTML Element (end)'
- //:lexClass
- lexClass:
- name = c_HTML_ScriptBlock_start
- parent = c_HTML
- previous:class = c_HTMLelement_start
- previous:tag = '<'
- Token:tag = 'SCRIPT'
- Token:end:separators = ' ', 't', '>'
- txt:colorFG = 0x840000
- txt:Italic = 0
- DisplayName = 'HTML Script Block (start)'
- //:lexClass
- lexClass:
- name = c_HTML_ScriptBlock
- parent = c_HTML
- previous:class = c_HTML_ScriptBlock_start
- end:separators = '</SCRIPT>'
- txt:colorFG = 0x0000FF
- DisplayName = 'HTML Script Block'
- // txt:Bold = 1
- //:lexClass
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- lexClass:
- name = c_HTMLelement_SCRIPT_lang
- parent = c_HTML_ScriptBlock
- previous:tag = ' ', 't', @eol
- token:tag = 'LANGUAGE'
- token:end:separators = ' ', 't', '=', @eol
- txt:colorFG = 0xF00000
- DisplayName = 'HTML Element Script Language'
- //:lexClass
- lexClass:
- name = c_HTMLelement_SCRIPT_lang2
- parent = c_HTML_ScriptBlock
- previous:tag = ' ', 't', @eol
- token:tag = 'TYPE'
- token:end:separators = ' ', 't', '=', @eol
- txt:colorFG = 0xF00000
- DisplayName = 'HTML Element Script Language'
- //:lexClass
- lexClass:
- name = c_HTMLelement_SCRIPT_lang_VB_start
- parent = c_HTML_ScriptBlock
- previous:class = c_HTMLelement_SCRIPT_lang, c_HTMLelement_SCRIPT_lang2
- previous:tag = '='
- previous:tag:separators = ' ', 't', @eol
- token:tag = 'VBScript', '"VBScript"', ''VBScript'', 'text/VBScript', '"text/VBScript"'
- Token:end:separators = ' ', 't', '>', @EOL
- txt:colorFG = 0x0000FF
- DisplayName = 'HTML Element Script Language VB (start)'
- //:lexClass
- lexClass:
- name = c_HTMLelement_SCRIPT_lang_VB // c_HTMLelement_SCRIPT_lang_JS
- parent = c_HTML_ScriptBlock
- previous:class = c_HTMLelement_SCRIPT_lang_VB_start
- end:separators = '</SCRIPT>'
- txt:colorFG = 0x000000
- DisplayName = 'HTML Element Script Language VB'
- //:lexClass
- lexClass:
- name = c_HTMLelement_SCRIPT_lang_JS_start
- parent = c_HTML_ScriptBlock
- previous:class = c_HTMLelement_SCRIPT_lang, c_HTMLelement_SCRIPT_lang2
- previous:tag = '='
- previous:tag:separators = ' ', 't', @eol
- token:tag = 'JScript', '"JScript"', ''JScript''
- token:tag = 'JavaScript', '"JavaScript"', ''JavaScript''
- token:tag = 'text/javascript', '"text/javascript"'
- Token:end:separators = ' ', 't', '>', @EOL
- txt:colorFG = 0x0000FF
- DisplayName = 'HTML Element Script Language JS (start)'
- //:lexClass
- lexClass:
- name = c_HTMLelement_SCRIPT_lang_JS
- parent = c_HTML_ScriptBlock
- previous:class = c_HTMLelement_SCRIPT_lang_JS_start
- //previous:class = c_HTMLelement_SCRIPT_lang_defaultJS
- end:separators = '</SCRIPT>'
- //txt:Underline = 1
- DisplayName = 'HTML Element Script Language JS'
- //:lexClass
- lexClass:
- name = c_HTMLelement_SCRIPT_lang_other_start1
- parent = c_HTML_ScriptBlock
- previous:class = c_HTMLelement_SCRIPT_lang, c_HTMLelement_SCRIPT_lang2
- previous:tag = '='
- previous:tag:separators = ' ', 't', @eol
- start:Tag = @alpha
- end:separators = @alpha:not
- txt:colorFG = 0x0000FF
- DisplayName = 'HTML Element Script Language (other start 1)'
- //:lexClass
- lexClass:
- name = c_HTMLelement_SCRIPT_lang_other_start2
- parent = c_HTML_ScriptBlock
- previous:class = c_HTMLelement_SCRIPT_lang, c_HTMLelement_SCRIPT_lang2
- previous:tag = '='
- previous:tag:separators = ' ', 't', @eol
- start:Tag = '"', @eol
- end:tag = '"', @eol
- txt:colorFG = 0x0000FF
- DisplayName = 'HTML Element Script Language (other start 2)'
- //:lexClass
- lexClass:
- name = c_HTMLelement_SCRIPT_lang_other_start3
- parent = c_HTML_ScriptBlock
- previous:class = c_HTMLelement_SCRIPT_lang,c_HTMLelement_SCRIPT_lang2
- previous:tag = '='
- previous:tag:separators = ' ', 't', @eol
- start:Tag = ''', @eol
- end:Tag = ''', @eol
- txt:colorFG = 0x0000FF
- DisplayName = 'HTML Element Script Language (other start 3)'
- //:lexClass
- lexClass:
- name = c_HTMLelement_SCRIPT_lang_other
- parent = c_HTML_ScriptBlock
- previous:class = c_HTMLelement_SCRIPT_lang_other_start1
- previous:class = c_HTMLelement_SCRIPT_lang_other_start2
- previous:class = c_HTMLelement_SCRIPT_lang_other_start3
- end:separators = '</SCRIPT>'
- txt:colorFG = 0x848484
- DisplayName = 'HTML Element Script Language (other)'
- //:lexClass
- lexClass:
- name = c_HTMLelement_SCRIPT_HeadrerTail
- parent = c_HTMLelement_SCRIPT_lang_VB, c_HTMLelement_SCRIPT_lang_JS
- parent = c_HTMLelement_SCRIPT_lang_other
- previous:class = c_HTMLelement_SCRIPT_lang_VB, c_HTMLelement_SCRIPT_lang_JS
- previous:class = c_HTMLelement_SCRIPT_lang_other
- end:tag = '>'
- txt:colorFG = 0x0000FF
- DisplayName = 'HTML Element Script Header Tail'
- //:lexClass
- lexClass:
- name = c_HTMLelement_SCRIPT_lang_defaultJS
- parent = c_HTML_ScriptBlock
- Token:tag = '>'
- txt:colorFG = 0x0000FF
- DisplayName = 'HTML Element Script Language Default'
- //:lexClass
- lexClass:
- name = c_JScriptBlock
- parent = c_HTMLelement_SCRIPT_lang_JS, c_HTML_ScriptBlock
- previous:class = c_HTMLelement_SCRIPT_HeadrerTail, c_HTMLelement_SCRIPT_lang_defaultJS
- previous:class = c_HTML_ScriptBlock_PropName,
- previous:class = c_HTML_ScriptBlock_PropValue_str1, c_HTML_ScriptBlock_PropValue_str2
- previous:tag = '>'
- end:separators = '</SCRIPT>'
- txt:colorFG = 0x000000
- DisplayName = 'Java Script Block'
- //:lexClass
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- lexClass:
- name = c_HTML_ScriptBlock_PropName
- ParseOnScreen = 0
- parent = c_HTML_ScriptBlock, c_HTMLelement_SCRIPT_HeadrerTail
- previous:tag = ' ', 't', @eol
- children = 0
- start:tag = @alpha
- end:separators = ' ', 't', '=', '>', @eol, '</SCRIPT>'
- txt:colorFG = 0xFF0000
- DisplayName = 'HTML Script Block Property Name'
- //:lexClass
- lexClass:
- name = c_HTML_ScriptBlock_PropValue_str1
- ParseOnScreen = 0
- parent = c_HTML_ScriptBlock, c_HTMLelement_SCRIPT_HeadrerTail
- children = 0 // URL
- start:Tag = '"', @eol
- end:Tag = '"', @eol
- txt:colorFG = 0x0000FF
- DisplayName = 'HTML Script Block Property Value (dobule quote)'
- //:lexClass
- lexClass:
- name = c_HTML_ScriptBlock_PropValue_str2
- ParseOnScreen = 0
- parent = c_HTML_ScriptBlock, c_HTMLelement_SCRIPT_HeadrerTail
- children = 0 // URL
- start:Tag =''', @eol
- end:Tag =''', @eol
- txt:colorFG = 0x0000FF
- DisplayName = 'HTML Script Block Property Value (single quote)'
- //:lexClass
- lexClass:
- name = c_VBScriptBlock1
- parent = c_ASP_VBScriptBlock //, c_HTMLelement_SCRIPT_lang_VB
- previous:tag = '<%' //, '>'
- previous:tag:separators = ' ', 't', @eol
- end:separators = '%>' //, '</SCRIPT>'
- txt:colorFG = 0x000000
- txt:colorBK = 0xFFFFFF
- DisplayName = 'VB Script Block 1'
- //:lexClass
- lexClass:
- name = c_VBScriptBlock2
- parent = c_HTMLelement_SCRIPT_lang_VB
- previous:tag = '>'
- previous:tag:separators = ' ', 't', @eol
- end:separators = '</SCRIPT>'
- txt:colorFG = 0x000000
- txt:colorBK = 0xFFFFFF
- DisplayName = 'VB Script Block 2'
- //:lexClass
- lexClass:
- name = c_HTMLelement
- parent = c_HTML
- //previous:tag = '<!', '</', '<'
- previous:class = c_HTMLelement_start
- end:separators = '>'
- txt:colorFG = 0x0000FF
- DisplayName = 'HTML Element'
- //:lexClass
- lexClass:
- name = c_HTMLelement_KnownNames
- ParseOnScreen = 0
- parent = c_HTMLelement
- previous:tag = '<', '</', '<!'
- children = 0
- Token:Tag = 'abbr', 'above', 'acronym', 'address', 'applet', 'array', 'area', 'a'
- Token:Tag = 'basefont', 'base', 'bdo', 'bgsound', 'big', 'blink', 'blockquote'
- Token:Tag = 'body', 'box', 'br', 'button', 'b'
- Token:Tag = 'caption', 'center', 'cite', 'code', 'colgroup', 'comment', 'col'
- Token:Tag = 'dd', 'del', 'dfn', 'dir', 'div', 'dl', 'dt', 'embed', 'em'
- Token:Tag = 'fieldset', 'fig', 'font', 'form', 'frame', 'frameset'
- Token:Tag = 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'head', 'hr', 'html'
- Token:Tag = 'id', 'iframe', 'ilayer', 'img', 'input', 'ins', 'isindex', 'i'
- Token:Tag = 'kbd', 'label', 'layer', 'legend', 'link', 'listing', 'li'
- Token:Tag = 'map', 'marquee', 'menu', 'meta', 'multicol'
- Token:Tag = 'nextid', 'nobr', 'noframes', 'nolayer', 'note', 'noscript'
- Token:Tag = 'object', 'ol', 'option', 'keygen', 'optgroup', 'param', 'pre', 'p'
- Token:Tag = 'quote', 'q', 'range', 'root', 'samp', 'select', 'small', 'script'
- Token:Tag = 'sound', 'spacer', 'span', 'sqrt', 'strike', 'strong', 'style', 'sub', 'sup', 's'
- Token:Tag = 'table', 'tbody', 'td', 'textarea', 'text', 'tfoot', 'thead', 'title', 'tr', 'tt', 'th'
- Token:Tag = 'ul', 'u', 'var', 'wbr', 'xmp'
- Token:end:separators = ' ', 't', '>', @eol
- txt:colorFG = 0x840000
- DisplayName = 'HTML Element Known Names'
- //:lexClass
- lexClass:
- name = c_HTMLelementName
- ParseOnScreen = 0
- parent = c_HTMLelement
- previous:tag = '<', '</', '<!'
- children = 0
- start:tag = @alpha
- skip:tag = @digit
- end:separators = @alpha:not
- txt:colorFG = 0x840000
- txt:italic = 1
- DisplayName = 'HTML Element Name'
- //:lexClass
- lexClass:
- name = c_HTMLelementPropName
- ParseOnScreen = 0
- parent = c_HTMLelement,
- previous:tag = ' ', 't', @eol, '>'
- children = 0
- start:tag = @alpha
- end:separators = ' ', 't', '=', '>', @eol
- txt:colorFG = 0xFF0000
- DisplayName = 'HTML Element Property Name'
- //:lexClass
- lexClass:
- name = c_HTMLelementPropValue_str1
- ParseOnScreen = 0
- parent = c_HTMLelement, c_HTMLelement_SCRIPT, c_HTMLelement_SCRIPT_HeadrerTail
- children = c_ASP_VBScriptBlock
- start:Tag = '"'
- end:Tag = '"'
- txt:colorFG = 0x0000FF
- DisplayName = 'HTML Element Property Value (double quote)'
- //:lexClass
- lexClass:
- name = c_HTMLelementPropValue_str2
- ParseOnScreen = 0
- parent = c_HTMLelement, c_HTMLelement_SCRIPT, c_HTMLelement_SCRIPT_HeadrerTail
- children = c_ASP_VBScriptBlock
- start:Tag ='''
- end:Tag ='''
- txt:colorFG = 0x0000FF
- DisplayName = 'HTML Element Property Value (single quote)'
- //:lexClass
- //=============================================================================
- //*** VB, VB Script colorization *** ==========================================
- //=============================================================================
- lexClass:
- name = c_VBScriptComment
- parent = c_VBScriptBlock1, c_VBScriptBlock2
- start:Tag = '''
- end:separators = '%>', @EOL
- txt:colorFG = 0x008200
- DisplayName = 'VB Script Comment)'
- //:lexClass
- lexClass:
- name = c_VBScriptStr
- parent = c_VBScriptBlock1, c_VBScriptBlock2
- ParseOnScreen = 0
- start:Tag ='"'
- end:Tag ='"', @EOL
- txt:colorFG = 0x840000
- DisplayName = 'VB Script String)'
- //:lexClass
- lexClass:
- name = c_VBScriptNumber10
- parent = c_VBScriptBlock1, c_VBScriptBlock2
- ParseOnScreen = 1
- previous:tag = @specs, ' ', 't', @EOL
- start:Tag = @digit
- end:separators = @digit:not
- txt:colorFG = 0x008284
- DisplayName = 'VB Script Number)'
- //:lexClass
- lexClass:
- name = c_VBScript_Language_Keywords
- parent = c_VBScriptBlock1, c_VBScriptBlock2
- ParseOnScreen = 0
- token:start:separators = ' ','t', '<%=', '<%', '>', @eol
- token:end:separators = ' ','t', '%>', '<', '(', @eol
- txt:colorFG = 0x0000FF
- txt:Bold = 1
- token:tag = 'And'
- token:tag = 'ByVal', 'ByRef'
- token:tag = 'Call', 'Case'
- token:tag = 'Dim'
- token:tag = 'Error', 'ElseIf', 'Else', 'End', 'Erase', 'Exit', 'Eqv', 'Explicit'
- token:tag = 'For', 'Function'
- token:tag = 'In', 'If', 'Is', 'Imp'
- token:tag = 'Like'
- token:tag = 'Mod'
- token:tag = 'Nothing', 'New', 'Next', 'Not'
- token:tag = 'Option', 'On', 'Or'
- token:tag = 'Preserve', 'Private', 'Public'
- token:tag = 'ReDim', 'Raise', 'Resume'
- token:tag = 'Set', 'Step', 'Sub'
- token:tag = 'Then', 'To'
- token:tag = 'Until'
- token:tag = 'Xor'
- token:tag = 'With', 'Wend', 'While'
- DisplayName = 'VB Script Keywords)'
- //:lexClass
- lexClass:
- name = c_VBScript_Functions
- parent = c_VBScriptBlock1, c_VBScriptBlock2
- ParseOnScreen = 0
- token:start:separators = ' ', 't', '<%=', '<%', '>', '(', @eol
- token:end:separators = ' ', 't', '%>', '<', '(', ')', @eol
- txt:colorFG = 0x0000FF
- token:tag = 'Abs'
- token:tag = 'Array'
- token:tag = 'Asc'
- token:tag = 'Atn'
- token:tag = 'CBool'
- token:tag = 'CByte'
- token:tag = 'CCur'
- token:tag = 'CDate'
- token:tag = 'CDbl'
- token:tag = 'Chr'
- token:tag = 'CInt'
- token:tag = 'CLng'
- token:tag = 'Const'
- token:tag = 'Cos'
- token:tag = 'CreateObject'
- token:tag = 'CSng'
- token:tag = 'CStr'
- token:tag = 'Date'
- token:tag = 'DateAdd'
- token:tag = 'DateDiff'
- token:tag = 'DatePart'
- token:tag = 'DateSerial'
- token:tag = 'DateValue'
- token:tag = 'Day'
- token:tag = 'Exp'
- token:tag = 'Filter'
- token:tag = 'Fix'
- token:tag = 'FormatCurrency'
- token:tag = 'FormatDateTime'
- token:tag = 'FormatNumber'
- token:tag = 'FormatPercent'
- token:tag = 'GetObject'
- token:tag = 'Hex'
- token:tag = 'Hour'
- token:tag = 'InputBox'
- token:tag = 'InStr'
- token:tag = 'InStrRev'
- token:tag = 'Int'
- token:tag = 'IsArray'
- token:tag = 'IsDate'
- token:tag = 'IsEmpty'
- token:tag = 'IsNull'
- token:tag = 'IsNumeric'
- token:tag = 'IsObject'
- token:tag = 'Join'
- token:tag = 'LBound'
- token:tag = 'LCase'
- token:tag = 'Left'
- token:tag = 'Len'
- token:tag = 'LoadPicture'
- token:tag = 'Log'
- token:tag = 'LTrim'
- token:tag = 'Mid'
- token:tag = 'Minute'
- token:tag = 'Month'
- token:tag = 'MonthName'
- token:tag = 'MsgBox'
- token:tag = 'Now'
- token:tag = 'Oct'
- token:tag = 'Replace'
- token:tag = 'Right'
- token:tag = 'Rnd'
- token:tag = 'Round'
- token:tag = 'RTrim'
- token:tag = 'ScriptEngine'
- token:tag = 'ScriptEngineBuildVersion'
- token:tag = 'ScriptEngineMajorVersion'
- token:tag = 'ScriptEngineMinorVersion'
- token:tag = 'Second'
- token:tag = 'Sgn'
- token:tag = 'Sin'
- token:tag = 'Space'
- token:tag = 'Split'
- token:tag = 'Sqr'
- token:tag = 'StrComp'
- token:tag = 'StrReverse'
- token:tag = 'String'
- token:tag = 'Tan'
- token:tag = 'Time'
- token:tag = 'TimeSerial'
- token:tag = 'TimeValue'
- token:tag = 'Trim'
- token:tag = 'TypeName'
- token:tag = 'UBound'
- token:tag = 'UCase'
- token:tag = 'VarType'
- token:tag = 'Weekday'
- token:tag = 'WeekdayName'
- token:tag = 'Year'
- token:tag = 'empty'
- token:tag = 'True'
- token:tag = 'false'
- token:tag = 'null'
- DisplayName = 'VB Script Functions)'
- //:lexClass
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Operators Arithmetic
- // "^"
- // "*"
- // "/"
- // ""
- // "+"
- // "-"
- // "&"
- // Operators Comparison
- // "="
- // "<>"
- // "<"
- // "<="
- // ">"
- // ">="
- // Operators Logical
- // "~"
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //=============================================================================
- //*** Java, J Script colorization *** ==========================================
- //=============================================================================
- lexClass:
- name = c_JScriptCommentSL
- parent = c_JScriptBlock
- children = 0
- start:Tag = '//'
- end:separators = @EOL
- txt:colorFG = 0x008200
- DisplayName = 'Java Script Comment (single line)'
- //:lexClass
- lexClass:
- name = c_JScriptCommentML
- parent = c_JScriptBlock
- children = 0
- start:Tag = '/*'
- end:Tag = '*/'
- txt:colorFG = 0x008200
- DisplayName = 'Java Script Comment (multi-line)'
- //:lexClass
- lexClass:
- name = c_JScriptStr1
- parent = c_JScriptBlock
- //ParseOnScreen = 0
- start:Tag ='"'
- end:Tag ='"', @EOL
- txt:colorFG = 0x840000
- DisplayName = 'Java Script String (double quote)'
- //:lexClass
- lexClass:
- name = c_JScriptStr
- parent = c_JScriptBlock
- //ParseOnScreen = 0
- start:Tag ='''
- end:Tag =''', @EOL
- txt:colorFG = 0x840000
- DisplayName = 'Java Script String (single quote)'
- //:lexClass
- //lexClass:
- // name = c_JScriptHTMLcomment
- // parent = c_JScriptBlock
- // start:Tag = '<!--'
- // end:Tag = '-->'
- // txt:colorFG = 0x808080
- ////:lexClass
- lexClass:
- name = c_JScriptNumber10
- parent = c_JScriptBlock
- ParseOnScreen = 1
- previous:tag = @specs, ' ', 't', @EOL
- start:Tag = @digit
- end:separators = @digit:not
- txt:colorFG = 0x008284
- DisplayName = 'Java Script Number'
- //:lexClass
- lexClass:
- name = c_JScript_Language_Keywords0
- parent = c_JScriptBlock
- ParseOnScreen = 0
- token:start:separators = ' ', 't', '<%=', '<%', @specs, @eol
- token:end:separators = ' ', 't', '%>', @specs, @eol
- txt:colorFG = 0x0000FF
- txt:Bold = 1
- token:tag = 'break'
- token:tag = 'case'
- token:tag = 'catch'
- token:tag = 'const'
- token:tag = 'continue'
- token:tag = 'do'
- token:tag = 'else'
- token:tag = 'finally'
- token:tag = 'for'
- token:tag = 'function'
- token:tag = 'if'
- token:tag = 'in'
- token:tag = 'instanceof'
- token:tag = 'new'
- token:tag = 'return'
- token:tag = 'switch'
- token:tag = 'this'
- token:tag = 'throw'
- token:tag = 'try'
- token:tag = 'typeof'
- token:tag = 'var'
- token:tag = 'while'
- token:tag = 'with'
- token:tag = 'True'
- token:tag = 'false'
- token:tag = 'null'
- DisplayName = 'Java Script Keywords'
- //:lexClass