- // MessageRecord.h: interface for the CMessageRecord class.
- //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #if !defined(AFX_MESSAGERECORD_H__AFFF918D_1624_41E5_8902_81B1F0C749BA__INCLUDED_)
- #define AFX_MESSAGERECORD_H__AFFF918D_1624_41E5_8902_81B1F0C749BA__INCLUDED_
- #if _MSC_VER > 1000
- #pragma once
- #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
- class CReportSampleView;
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Customized record item, used for displaying prices.
- class CMessageRecordItemPrice : public CXTPReportRecordItemNumber
- {
- DECLARE_SERIAL(CMessageRecordItemPrice)
- public:
- // Constructs record item with the initial decimal price value.
- CMessageRecordItemPrice(double dValue = .0);
- // Provides custom group captions depending on the price.
- virtual CString GetGroupCaption(CXTPReportColumn* pColumn);
- // Provides custom group values comparison based on price value,
- // instead of based on captions.
- virtual int CompareGroupCaption(CXTPReportColumn* pColumn, CXTPReportRecordItem* pItem);
- };
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Customized record item, used for displaying checkboxes.
- class CMessageRecordItemCheck : public CXTPReportRecordItem
- {
- DECLARE_SERIAL(CMessageRecordItemCheck)
- public:
- // Constructs record item with the initial checkbox value.
- CMessageRecordItemCheck(BOOL bCheck = FALSE);
- // Provides custom group captions depending on checkbox value.
- // Returns caption string ID to be read from application resources.
- virtual int GetGroupCaptionID(CXTPReportColumn* pColumn);
- // Provides custom records comparison by this item based on checkbox value,
- // instead of based on captions.
- virtual int Compare(CXTPReportColumn* pColumn, CXTPReportRecordItem* pItem);
- };
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Enumerates possible Message Importance values for using by
- // CMessageRecordItemImportance class
- {
- msgImportanceNormal,
- msgImportanceHigh,
- msgImportanceLow
- };
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Customized record item, used for displaying importance icons.
- class CMessageRecordItemImportance : public CXTPReportRecordItem
- {
- DECLARE_SERIAL(CMessageRecordItemImportance)
- public:
- // Constructs record item with the initial value.
- CMessageRecordItemImportance(MESSAGE_IMPORTANCE eImportance = msgImportanceNormal);
- virtual void DoPropExchange(CXTPPropExchange* pPX);
- protected:
- MESSAGE_IMPORTANCE m_eImportance; // Message importance
- };
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Customized record item, used for displaying attachments icons.
- class CMessageRecordItemAttachment : public CXTPReportRecordItem
- {
- DECLARE_SERIAL(CMessageRecordItemAttachment)
- public:
- // Constructs record item with the initial value.
- CMessageRecordItemAttachment(BOOL bHasAttachment = FALSE);
- virtual void DoPropExchange(CXTPPropExchange* pPX);
- protected:
- BOOL m_bHasAttachment; // TRUE when message has attachments, FALSE otherwise.
- };
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Customized record item, used for displaying read/unread icons.
- class CMessageRecordItemIcon : public CXTPReportRecordItem
- {
- DECLARE_SERIAL(CMessageRecordItemIcon)
- public:
- // Constructs record item with the initial read/unread value.
- CMessageRecordItemIcon(BOOL bRead = FALSE);
- // Provides custom group captions depending on the read/unread value.
- virtual CString GetGroupCaption(CXTPReportColumn* pColumn);
- // Provides custom group values comparison based on read/unread value,
- // instead of based on captions.
- virtual int CompareGroupCaption(CXTPReportColumn* pColumn, CXTPReportRecordItem* pItem);
- // Updates record item icon index depending on read/unread value.
- void UpdateReadIcon();
- // Provides custom records comparison by this item based on read/unread value,
- // instead of based on captions.
- int Compare(CXTPReportColumn* pColumn, CXTPReportRecordItem* pItem);
- virtual void DoPropExchange(CXTPPropExchange* pPX);
- public:
- BOOL m_bRead; // TRUE for read, FALSE for unread.
- };
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Customized record Date/Time item.
- // Main customization purpose is overriding GetGroupCaptionID and providing
- // application-specific caption when Report control data is grouped via this item.
- class CMessageRecordItemDate : public CXTPReportRecordItemDateTime
- {
- DECLARE_SERIAL(CMessageRecordItemDate)
- public:
- // Construct record item from COleDateTime value.
- CMessageRecordItemDate(COleDateTime odtValue = COleDateTime::GetCurrentTime());
- // Provides custom group captions depending on the item date value.
- virtual int GetGroupCaptionID(CXTPReportColumn* pColumn);
- };
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // This class is your main custom Record class which you'll manipulate with.
- // It contains any kind of specific methods like different types of constructors,
- // any additional custom data as class members, any data manipulation methods.
- class CMessageRecord : public CXTPReportRecord
- {
- DECLARE_SERIAL(CMessageRecord)
- public:
- // Construct record object using empty values on each field
- CMessageRecord();
- // Construct record object from detailed values on each field
- CMessageRecord(
- MESSAGE_IMPORTANCE eImportance, BOOL bChecked, int nAttachmentBitmap,
- CString strFromName, CString strSubject,
- COleDateTime odtSent, int nMessageSize, BOOL bRead,
- double dPrice, COleDateTime odtReceived, COleDateTime odtCreated,
- CString strConversation, CString strContact, CString strMessage,
- CString strCC, CString strCategories, CString strAutoforward,
- CString strDoNotAutoarch, CString strDueBy,
- CString strPreview
- );
- // Clean up internal objects
- virtual ~CMessageRecord();
- // Create record fields using empty values
- virtual void CreateItems();
- // Set message as read
- BOOL SetRead();
- // Overridden callback method, where we can customize any drawing item metrics.
- virtual void DoPropExchange(CXTPPropExchange* pPX);
- CMessageRecordItemIcon* m_pItemIcon; // Display read/unread icon.
- CMessageRecordItemDate* m_pItemReceived;// Contains message receive time.
- CXTPReportRecordItem* m_pItemSize; // Message size.
- // We are storing pointer to this item for further use.
- };
- #endif // !defined(AFX_MESSAGERECORD_H__AFFF918D_1624_41E5_8902_81B1F0C749BA__INCLUDED_)