Visual C++
- // ReportCustomHeapView.cpp : implementation of the CReportCustomHeapView class
- //
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "ReportCustomHeap.h"
- #include "ReportCustomHeapDoc.h"
- #include "ReportCustomHeapView.h"
- #include "MainFrm.h"
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
- #endif
- #define COLUMN_TEXT 0
- #define COLUMN_NUMBER 2
- #define COLUMN_VARIANT 4
- // XTP_DECLARE_HEAP_ALLOCATOR(CReportStringAllocator)
- // typedef CXTPHeapStringT<CReportStringAllocator> CReportString;
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CReportCustomHeapView
- IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CReportCustomHeapView, CXTPReportView)
- BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CReportCustomHeapView, CXTPReportView)
- //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CReportCustomHeapView)
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CReportCustomHeapView construction/destruction
- CReportCustomHeapView::CReportCustomHeapView()
- {
- // TODO: add construction code here
- }
- CReportCustomHeapView::~CReportCustomHeapView()
- {
- }
- BOOL CReportCustomHeapView::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs)
- {
- // TODO: Modify the Window class or styles here by modifying
- // the CREATESTRUCT cs
- return CView::PreCreateWindow(cs);
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CReportCustomHeapView printing
- BOOL CReportCustomHeapView::OnPreparePrinting(CPrintInfo* pInfo)
- {
- // default preparation
- return DoPreparePrinting(pInfo);
- }
- void CReportCustomHeapView::OnBeginPrinting(CDC* /*pDC*/, CPrintInfo* /*pInfo*/)
- {
- // TODO: add extra initialization before printing
- }
- void CReportCustomHeapView::OnEndPrinting(CDC* /*pDC*/, CPrintInfo* /*pInfo*/)
- {
- // TODO: add cleanup after printing
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CReportCustomHeapView diagnostics
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- void CReportCustomHeapView::AssertValid() const
- {
- CView::AssertValid();
- }
- void CReportCustomHeapView::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const
- {
- CView::Dump(dc);
- }
- CReportCustomHeapDoc* CReportCustomHeapView::GetDocument() // non-debug version is inline
- {
- ASSERT(m_pDocument->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CReportCustomHeapDoc)));
- return (CReportCustomHeapDoc*)m_pDocument;
- }
- #endif //_DEBUG
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CReportCustomHeapView message handlers
- void CReportCustomHeapView::OnInitialUpdate()
- {
- CXTPReportView::OnInitialUpdate();
- // GetReportCtrl().ShowHeader();
- CXTPReportControl& wndReport = GetReportCtrl();
- wndReport.GetReportHeader()->SetAutoColumnSizing(FALSE);
- //wndReport.AllowEdit(TRUE);
- //wndReport.FocusSubItems(TRUE);
- wndReport.ShowGroupBy();
- wndReport.EnableDragDrop(_T("ReportCustomGeapSample"), xtpReportAllowDrag | xtpReportAllowDrop);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- wndReport.AddColumn(new CXTPReportColumn(COLUMN_TEXT, _T("Text"), 150));
- wndReport.AddColumn(new CXTPReportColumn(COLUMN_COSTRAINT, _T("Constraint"), 80, FALSE));
- wndReport.AddColumn(new CXTPReportColumn(COLUMN_NUMBER, _T("Number"), 100));
- wndReport.AddColumn(new CXTPReportColumn(COLUMN_DATETIME, _T("Date"), 150));
- wndReport.AddColumn(new CXTPReportColumn(COLUMN_VARIANT, _T("VARIANT"), 180));
- for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
- {
- wndReport.AddColumn(new CXTPReportColumn(COLUMN_VARIANT + i + 1, _T("Text"), 150));
- wndReport.AddColumn(new CXTPReportColumn(COLUMN_VARIANT + i + 2, _T("Number"), 70));
- wndReport.AddColumn(new CXTPReportColumn(COLUMN_VARIANT + i + 3, _T("Date"), 150));
- }
- wndReport.GetColumns()->GetAt(COLUMN_COSTRAINT)->GetEditOptions()->m_bConstraintEdit = TRUE;
- wndReport.GetColumns()->GetAt(COLUMN_COSTRAINT)->GetEditOptions()->AddComboButton();
- wndReport.GetColumns()->GetAt(COLUMN_COSTRAINT)->GetEditOptions()->AddConstraint(_T("State 1"), 1);
- wndReport.GetColumns()->GetAt(COLUMN_COSTRAINT)->GetEditOptions()->AddConstraint(_T("State 2"), 2);
- wndReport.GetColumns()->GetAt(COLUMN_COSTRAINT)->GetEditOptions()->AddConstraint(_T("State 3"), 3);
- }
- void CReportCustomHeapView::AddRecord(int nState, LPCTSTR pcszText, double dNumber,
- const COleDateTime& dtDate, const COleVariant& varVariant)
- {
- static const CString cstrNumberFormat(_T("%06.3f"));
- CXTPReportRecord* pRec = new CXTPReportRecord;
- CString strConstraint = GetReportCtrl().GetColumns()->GetAt(COLUMN_COSTRAINT)->GetEditOptions()->GetConstraints()->GetAt(nState)->m_strConstraint;
- pRec->AddItem(new CXTPReportRecordItemText(pcszText));
- pRec->AddItem(new CXTPReportRecordItemText(strConstraint));
- pRec->AddItem(new CXTPReportRecordItemNumber(dNumber, cstrNumberFormat));
- pRec->AddItem(new CXTPReportRecordItemDateTime(dtDate));
- pRec->AddItem(new CXTPReportRecordItemVariant(varVariant));
- for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
- {
- pRec->AddItem(new CXTPReportRecordItemText(pcszText));
- pRec->AddItem(new CXTPReportRecordItemNumber(dNumber, cstrNumberFormat));
- pRec->AddItem(new CXTPReportRecordItemDateTime(dtDate));
- }
- CString strPreviewText;
- strPreviewText.Format(_T("%s, %s, %s, %s, %s"),
- pRec->GetItem(0)->GetCaption(NULL),
- pRec->GetItem(1)->GetCaption(NULL),
- pRec->GetItem(2)->GetCaption(NULL),
- pRec->GetItem(3)->GetCaption(NULL),
- pRec->GetItem(4)->GetCaption(NULL));
- CXTPReportRecordItemPreview* pPreviewItem = new CXTPReportRecordItemPreview(strPreviewText);
- pRec->SetPreviewItem(pPreviewItem);
- GetReportCtrl().AddRecord(pRec);
- }
- void CReportCustomHeapView::AddRecords(int nCountToAdd)
- {
- CWaitCursor _wc;
- DWORD dwTime0 = ::GetTickCount();
- int nRecords0 = GetReportCtrl().GetRecords()->GetCount();
- CString strText;
- COleVariant varVariant;
- CWnd* pStatusBap = &((CMainFrame*)AfxGetMainWnd())->m_wndStatusBar;
- for (int i = 0; i < nCountToAdd; i++)
- {
- int n = nRecords0 + i;
- int nState = n % 3;
- strText.Format(_T("[%d] - Test TEXT item"), n+1);
- // just for test
- double dNumber = 77.77 * (n+11) / (double)(n / 7.11 + 1.1);
- COleDateTime dtDate(2000 + ((n%2) ? 1 : -1) * i % 400, n % 12 + 1, n % 28 + 1,
- n * 7 % 24, n * 31 % 60, n * 11 % 60);
- if (n%2 == 0)
- {
- varVariant = (long)nState;
- }
- else if (n%3 == 0)
- {
- varVariant = dtDate;
- }
- else if (n%5 == 0)
- {
- varVariant = strText;
- }
- else
- {
- varVariant = _T("this is a VARIANT field");
- }
- AddRecord(nState, strText, dNumber, dtDate, varVariant);
- if (i % 2500 == 0)
- {
- CString str;
- str.Format(_T("Adding Records %d %%"), (i + 1) * 100 / nCountToAdd);
- pStatusBap->SetWindowText(str);
- pStatusBap->UpdateWindow();
- }
- }
- pStatusBap->SetWindowText(_T(""));
- DWORD dwTime1 = ::GetTickCount();
- GetReportCtrl().Populate();
- DWORD dwTime2 = ::GetTickCount();
- UpdateTitle(dwTime1 - dwTime0, dwTime2 - dwTime1);
- }
- class CBatchReportRecord : public CXTPBatchAllocObjT<CXTPReportRecord, CBatchReportRecord_Data>
- {
- public:
- CBatchReportRecord()
- {
- // nGrowBy parameter set to expected items count to avoid additional re-allocations.
- m_arrItems.SetSize(0, 20);
- AddItem(&m_itemText1);
- AddItem(&m_itemText2);
- AddItem(&m_itemNumber1);
- AddItem(&m_itemDateTime);
- AddItem(&m_itemVariant);
- for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
- {
- AddItem(&m_itemTextA[i]);
- AddItem(&m_itemNumberA[i]);
- AddItem(&m_itemDateTimeA[i]);
- }
- }
- ~CBatchReportRecord()
- {
- m_arrItems.RemoveAll(); // don't call delete for each item.
- }
- public:
- CXTPReportRecordItemText m_itemText1;
- CXTPReportRecordItemText m_itemText2;
- CXTPReportRecordItemNumber m_itemNumber1;
- CXTPReportRecordItemDateTime m_itemDateTime;
- CXTPReportRecordItemVariant m_itemVariant;
- CXTPReportRecordItemText m_itemTextA[5];
- CXTPReportRecordItemNumber m_itemNumberA[5];
- CXTPReportRecordItemDateTime m_itemDateTimeA[5];
- };
- XTP_IMPLEMENT_BATCH_ALLOC_OBJ_DATA(CBatchReportRecord_Data, CBatchReportRecord, TRUE);
- void CReportCustomHeapView::BatchAddRecords(int nCountToAdd)
- {
- // CBatchReportRecord_Data::m_bDestroyEmptyBlocksOnFree = TRUE;
- // CBatchReportRecord_Data::m_bDestroyLastEmptyBlockOnFree = TRUE;
- // CBatchReportRecord_Data::m_nBlockSize = 5000;
- CWaitCursor _wc;
- DWORD dwTime0 = ::GetTickCount();
- int i;
- int nRecords0 = GetReportCtrl().GetRecords()->GetCount();
- CString strText;
- COleVariant varVariant;
- CWnd* pStatusBap = &((CMainFrame*)AfxGetMainWnd())->m_wndStatusBar;
- // Expand array size once to avoid additional re-allocations.
- GetReportCtrl().GetRecords()->SetSize(nRecords0 + nCountToAdd, 10000);
- for (i = 0; i < nCountToAdd; i++)
- {
- CBatchReportRecord* pRec = new CBatchReportRecord();
- //GetReportCtrl().GetRecords()->Add(pRec);
- // Set new records to array which was previously expanded by SetSize.
- GetReportCtrl().GetRecords()->SetAt(nRecords0 + i, pRec);
- int n = nRecords0 + i;
- int nState = n % 3;
- strText.Format(_T("[%d] - Test TEXT item"), n+1);
- // just for test
- double dNumber = 77.77 * (n+11) / (double)(n / 7.11 + 1.1);
- COleDateTime dtDate(2000 + ((n%2) ? 1 : -1) * i % 400, n % 12 + 1, n % 28 + 1,
- n * 7 % 24, n * 31 % 60, n * 11 % 60);
- if (n%2 == 0)
- {
- varVariant = (long)nState;
- }
- else if (n%3 == 0)
- {
- varVariant = dtDate;
- }
- else if (n%5 == 0)
- {
- varVariant = strText;
- }
- else
- {
- varVariant = _T("this is a VARIANT field");
- }
- static const CString cstrNumberFormat(_T("%06.3f"));
- CString strConstraint = GetReportCtrl().GetColumns()->GetAt(COLUMN_COSTRAINT)->GetEditOptions()->GetConstraints()->GetAt(nState)->m_strConstraint;
- pRec->m_itemText1.SetValue(strText);
- pRec->m_itemText2.SetValue(strConstraint);
- pRec->m_itemNumber1.SetValue(dNumber);
- pRec->m_itemNumber1.SetFormatString(cstrNumberFormat);
- pRec->m_itemDateTime.SetValue(dtDate);
- pRec->m_itemVariant.SetValue(varVariant);
- for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
- {
- pRec->m_itemTextA[j].SetValue(strText);
- pRec->m_itemNumberA[j].SetValue(dNumber);
- pRec->m_itemDateTimeA[j].SetValue(dtDate);
- }
- if (i % 2500 == 0)
- {
- CString str;
- str.Format(_T("Adding Records %d %%"), (i + 1) * 100 / nCountToAdd);
- pStatusBap->SetWindowText(str);
- pStatusBap->UpdateWindow();
- }
- }
- pStatusBap->SetWindowText(_T(""));
- DWORD dwTime1 = ::GetTickCount();
- GetReportCtrl().Populate();
- DWORD dwTime2 = ::GetTickCount();
- UpdateTitle(dwTime1 - dwTime0, dwTime2 - dwTime1);
- }
- void CReportCustomHeapView::UpdateTitle(DWORD dwAddTime, DWORD dwPopulateTime)
- {
- int nRecordsCount = GetReportCtrl().GetRecords()->GetCount();
- CString strTitleNew, strTitle = GetDocument()->GetTitle();
- strTitle = strTitle.SpanExcluding(_T("-"));
- strTitle.TrimRight();
- if (dwPopulateTime != (DWORD)-1)
- {
- strTitleNew.Format(_T("%s - records count [%d], Operation time %.3f sec (add/remove records = %.3f sec, populate = %.3f sec)"),
- strTitle, nRecordsCount,
- (double)(dwAddTime + dwPopulateTime) / 1000.0,
- (double)dwAddTime / 1000.0, (double)dwPopulateTime / 1000.0);
- }
- else
- {
- strTitleNew.Format(_T("%s - records count [%d], Operation %.3f sec"),
- strTitle, nRecordsCount, (double)(dwAddTime) / 1000.0);
- }
- GetDocument()->SetTitle(strTitleNew);
- // strTitle.Format(_T("Allocators: Refs (heap handle) Data = %d (%x), Row = %d (%x), Str = %d (%x)"),
- // CXTPReportDataAllocator::ms_dwRefs, CXTPReportDataAllocator::ms_hCustomHeap,
- // CXTPReportRowAllocator::ms_dwRefs, CXTPReportRowAllocator::ms_hCustomHeap,
- // CXTPReportStringAllocator::ms_dwRefs, CXTPReportStringAllocator::ms_hCustomHeap);
- //
- // CWnd* pStatusBap = &((CMainFrame*)AfxGetMainWnd())->m_wndStatusBar;
- // pStatusBap->SetWindowText(strTitle);
- }
- void CReportCustomHeapView::OnViewPreviewMode()
- {
- GetReportCtrl().EnablePreviewMode(!GetReportCtrl().IsPreviewMode());
- GetReportCtrl().AdjustScrollBars();
- GetReportCtrl().RedrawControl();
- }
- void CReportCustomHeapView::OnUpdateViewPreviewMode(CCmdUI* pCmdUI)
- {
- pCmdUI->SetCheck(GetReportCtrl().IsPreviewMode());
- }
- void CReportCustomHeapView::OnAdd10kRecords()
- {
- // GetReportCtrl().ResetContent();
- AddRecords(10000);
- }
- void CReportCustomHeapView::OnAdd20kRecords()
- {
- // GetReportCtrl().ResetContent();
- AddRecords(20000);
- }
- void CReportCustomHeapView::OnBatchAdd10kRecords()
- {
- // GetReportCtrl().ResetContent();
- BatchAddRecords(10000);
- }
- void CReportCustomHeapView::OnBatchAdd20kRecords()
- {
- // GetReportCtrl().ResetContent();
- BatchAddRecords(20000);
- }
- void CReportCustomHeapView::OnRemoveAllRecords()
- {
- CWaitCursor _wc;
- DWORD dwTime0 = ::GetTickCount();
- //GetReportCtrl().GetRecords()->RemoveAll();
- GetReportCtrl().ResetContent();
- DWORD dwTime1 = ::GetTickCount();
- //GetReportCtrl().Populate();
- //DWORD dwTime2 = ::GetTickCount();
- UpdateTitle(dwTime1 - dwTime0, (DWORD)-1);
- }
- void CReportCustomHeapView::OnRemoveHalfRecords()
- {
- CWaitCursor _wc;
- DWORD dwTime0 = ::GetTickCount();
- CXTPReportRecords* pRecords = GetReportCtrl().GetRecords();
- int nRecordsToDel = pRecords->GetCount() / 2 + 1;
- CWnd* pStatusBap = &((CMainFrame*)AfxGetMainWnd())->m_wndStatusBar;
- for (int i = 0; i < nRecordsToDel && pRecords->GetCount(); i++)
- {
- int nRand = (int)RAND_S();
- int nIndex = (pRecords->GetCount() * nRand) % pRecords->GetCount();
- if (nIndex >= 0 && nIndex < pRecords->GetCount())
- pRecords->RemoveAt(nIndex);
- if (i % 500 == 0)
- {
- CString str;
- str.Format(_T("Removing Records %d %%"), (i + 1) * 100 / nRecordsToDel);
- pStatusBap->SetWindowText(str);
- pStatusBap->UpdateWindow();
- }
- }
- pStatusBap->SetWindowText(_T(""));
- DWORD dwTime1 = ::GetTickCount();
- GetReportCtrl().Populate();
- DWORD dwTime2 = ::GetTickCount();
- UpdateTitle(dwTime1 - dwTime0, dwTime2 - dwTime1);
- }
- void CReportCustomHeapView::OnFreeExtraBatchData()
- {
- CBatchReportRecord::FreeExtraData();
- CXTPReportControl::FreeRowBatchExtraData();
- }