- // SearchThread.cpp : implementation file
- //
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "grep.h"
- #include "SearchThread.h"
- #include "SearchOptions.h"
- #include "MainFrm.h"
- #include "GrepView.h"
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
- #endif
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CSearchThread
- IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CSearchThread, CWinThread)
- long GetLineNumber(TCHAR* lpszFileBuffer, int nIndex)
- {
- long nLine = 1;
- while (nIndex--)
- {
- if (*lpszFileBuffer == _T('n')) nLine++;
- lpszFileBuffer++;
- }
- return nLine;
- }
- void CSearchThread::AddRecord(CXTPReportControl& wndControl, TCHAR* lpszFileBuffer, TCHAR* lpszEndBuffer, long nIndex, long nLength,
- CString strMatch, CString strReplace, CString strPath, CFileFind& finder)
- {
- TCHAR* lpszMatch = lpszFileBuffer + nIndex;
- TCHAR* lpszMatchBeginLine = lpszMatch;
- TCHAR* lpszMatchEndLine = lpszMatchBeginLine + nLength;
- int nMaxPreview = 80;
- while (nMaxPreview-- && lpszMatchBeginLine != lpszFileBuffer && *(lpszMatchBeginLine - 1) != 'n')
- lpszMatchBeginLine--;
- if (*lpszMatchEndLine != 'n')
- {
- nMaxPreview = 80;
- while (nMaxPreview-- && lpszMatchEndLine != lpszEndBuffer && *(lpszMatchEndLine + 1) != 'n' )
- lpszMatchEndLine++;
- }
- TCHAR tchEndLine = *lpszMatchEndLine;
- *lpszMatchEndLine = ' ';
- CString strBeginLine;
- long nBeginLineLength = long(lpszMatch - lpszMatchBeginLine);
- STRNCPY_S(strBeginLine.GetBufferSetLength(nBeginLineLength), nBeginLineLength + 1, lpszMatchBeginLine, nBeginLineLength);
- CString strEndLine;
- long nEndLineLength = long(lpszMatchEndLine - lpszMatch - nLength);
- STRNCPY_S(strEndLine.GetBufferSetLength(nEndLineLength), nEndLineLength + 1, lpszMatch + nLength, nEndLineLength);
- wndControl.AddRecord(new CGrepRecord
- (finder.GetFilePath(), strPath, finder.GetFileName(), strMatch,
- GetLineNumber(lpszFileBuffer, nIndex),
- strBeginLine + strMatch + strEndLine,
- strBeginLine + strReplace + strEndLine, nIndex, nLength, strReplace));
- *lpszMatchEndLine = tchEndLine;
- m_searchResult.nMatchingLines++;
- }
- void CSearchThread::SetMessageText()
- {
- CString strMessage;
- strMessage.Format(_T("Matching lines: %i Matching files: %i Total files searched: %i"),
- m_searchResult.nMatchingLines, m_searchResult.nMatchingFiles, m_searchResult.nTotalFiles);
- m_pMainFrame->SetMessageText(strMessage);
- m_pMainFrame->DelayPopulate();
- }
- #ifdef _UNICODE
- #define CT2BSTR(x) (BSTR)(LPCWSTR)x
- #else
- #define CT2BSTR(x) (BSTR)A2CW(x)
- #endif
- int FindNext(const CString& str, const CString& strFind, int nIndex, CSearchOptions* pOptions)
- {
- nIndex = FIND_S(str, strFind, nIndex);
- if (!pOptions->m_bMatchWholeWords)
- return nIndex;
- static LPCTSTR szSeps = _T("() t<>{}:;,.=%"'!@#$^&*-\|[]/?rn");
- while (nIndex != -1)
- {
- BOOL bSepAfter = FALSE;
- BOOL bSepBefore = FALSE;
- if (nIndex + strFind.GetLength() >= str.GetLength())
- bSepAfter = TRUE;
- else
- bSepAfter = (_tcschr(szSeps, str[nIndex + strFind.GetLength()]) != 0);
- if (nIndex == 0)
- bSepBefore = TRUE;
- else
- bSepBefore = (_tcschr(szSeps, str[nIndex - 1]) != 0);
- if (bSepAfter && bSepBefore)
- return nIndex;
- nIndex = FIND_S(str, strFind, nIndex + 1);
- }
- return nIndex;
- }
- BOOL CSearchThread::ProcessFile(CString strPath, CFileFind& finder)
- {
- if (!m_pReportControl)
- return FALSE;
- CSearchOptions* pOptions = GetSearchOptions();
- ASSERT(pOptions);
- CFile file;
- if (!file.Open(finder.GetFilePath(), CFile::modeRead))
- return TRUE;
- DWORD dwCount = (DWORD)file.GetLength();
- char* pchData = new char[dwCount + 1];
- file.Read(pchData, dwCount);
- pchData[dwCount] = 0;
- #ifdef _UNICODE
- TCHAR* lpszFileBuffer = new TCHAR[dwCount + 1];
- _mbstowcsz(lpszFileBuffer, pchData, dwCount+1);
- #else
- char* lpszFileBuffer = pchData;
- #endif
- file.Close();
- TCHAR* lpszEndBuffer = lpszFileBuffer + dwCount;
- BOOL bContinue = TRUE;
- if (!pOptions->pRegExp)
- {
- CString str(lpszFileBuffer);
- CString strFind = pOptions->m_strFind;
- if (!pOptions->m_bMatchCase)
- {
- str.MakeLower();
- strFind.MakeLower();
- }
- int nLength = strFind.GetLength();
- int nIndex = FindNext(str, strFind, 0, pOptions);
- if (nIndex != -1)
- {
- m_searchResult.nMatchingFiles++;
- }
- while (nIndex != -1)
- {
- CString strMatch;
- STRNCPY_S(strMatch.GetBufferSetLength(nLength), nLength + 1, lpszFileBuffer + nIndex, nLength);
- if (m_bCancel)
- {
- bContinue = FALSE;
- break;
- }
- CString strReplace = pOptions->m_strReplace;
- AddRecord(*m_pReportControl, lpszFileBuffer, lpszEndBuffer, nIndex, nLength,
- strMatch, strReplace, strPath, finder);
- nIndex = FindNext(str, strFind, nIndex + 1, pOptions);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- try
- {
- #ifndef _UNICODE
- BSTR bstrBuffer = new WCHAR[dwCount + 1];
- _mbstowcsz(bstrBuffer, lpszFileBuffer, dwCount+1);
- #else
- BSTR bstrBuffer = (BSTR)lpszFileBuffer;
- #endif
- IMatchCollectionPtr MatchesPtr = pOptions->pRegExp->Execute(bstrBuffer);
- int nCount = MatchesPtr.GetInterfacePtr()? MatchesPtr->Count: 0;
- if (nCount > 0)
- {
- m_searchResult.nMatchingFiles++;
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
- {
- IMatchPtr MatchPtr = MatchesPtr->Item[i];
- int nIndex = MatchPtr->FirstIndex;
- int nLength =MatchPtr->Length;
- CString strMatch;
- STRNCPY_S(strMatch.GetBufferSetLength(nLength), nLength + 1, lpszFileBuffer + nIndex, nLength);
- _bstr_t bstrResult =pOptions->pRegExp->Replace(CT2BSTR(strMatch), CT2BSTR(pOptions->m_strReplace));
- CString strReplace = (LPCWSTR)bstrResult;
- if (m_bCancel)
- {
- bContinue = FALSE;
- break;
- }
- AddRecord(*m_pReportControl, lpszFileBuffer, lpszEndBuffer, nIndex, nLength,
- strMatch, strReplace, strPath, finder);
- }
- #ifndef _UNICODE
- delete[] bstrBuffer;
- #endif
- }
- catch (_com_error& e)
- {
- CString strDescription(BSTR(e.Description()));
- if (strDescription.IsEmpty())
- strDescription = _T("Error in regular expression.");
- strDescription += " Continue?";
- bContinue = AfxMessageBox(strDescription, MB_YESNO) == IDNO? FALSE: TRUE;
- }
- }
- delete[] lpszFileBuffer;
- #ifdef _UNICODE
- delete[] pchData;
- #endif
- if (bContinue)
- {
- SetMessageText();
- }
- return bContinue;
- }
- BOOL MatchFileType(CString strFileName, CString strMask)
- {
- if (strMask == _T("*.*"))
- return TRUE;
- strMask.MakeLower();
- strFileName.MakeLower();
- strFileName += _T(";");
- strMask += _T(";");
- CString str = strMask;
- while (str != _T(";") && str != _T(""))
- {
- int nIndex = str.Find(_T(';'));
- if (nIndex != -1)
- {
- strMask = str.Mid(nIndex + 1);
- str = str.Left(nIndex + 1);
- }
- else
- {
- strMask.Empty();
- }
- REPLACE_S(str, _T("*;"), _T(""));
- REPLACE_S(str, _T(";*"), _T(""));
- REPLACE_S(str, _T("*"), _T(""));
- if (strFileName.Find(str) >= 0)
- return TRUE;
- str = strMask;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- BOOL CSearchThread::ProcessPath(CString strPath)
- {
- CFileFind finder;
- CString strWildcard = strPath + _T("\*.*") ;
- // start working for files
- BOOL bWorking = finder.FindFile(strWildcard);
- while (bWorking)
- {
- bWorking = finder.FindNextFile();
- // skip . and .. files; otherwise, we'd
- // recur infinitely!
- if (finder.IsDots())
- continue;
- // if it's a directory, recursively search it
- if (finder.IsDirectory())
- {
- if (GetSearchOptions()->m_bIncludeSubFolders)
- {
- if (GetSearchOptions()->m_bFindInHiddenFiles || !finder.IsHidden())
- {
- if (!ProcessPath(finder.GetFilePath()))
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (MatchFileType(finder.GetFileName(), GetSearchOptions()->m_strFileTypes))
- {
- if (GetSearchOptions()->m_bFindInHiddenFiles || !finder.IsHidden())
- {
- m_searchResult.nTotalFiles++;
- if (!ProcessFile(strPath, finder))
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- if (m_bCancel)
- return FALSE;
- }
- finder.Close();
- return TRUE;
- }
- CSearchThread::CSearchThread()
- {
- m_pMainFrame = NULL;
- m_pReportControl = NULL;
- m_bAutoDelete = TRUE;
- m_bCancel = FALSE;
- ZeroMemory(&m_searchResult, sizeof(SEARCH_RESULT));
- }
- CSearchThread::~CSearchThread()
- {
- }
- BOOL CSearchThread::InitInstance()
- {
- AfxOleInit();
- IRegExpPtr regExp;
- CSearchOptions* pOptions = GetSearchOptions();
- ASSERT(pOptions);
- if (pOptions->m_bRegularExpressions)
- {
- HRESULT hr = regExp.CreateInstance(__uuidof(RegExp));
- if (FAILED(hr))
- {
- AfxMessageBox(_T("RegExp not found"));
- }
- else
- {
- pOptions->pRegExp = regExp;
- regExp->Global = VARIANT_TRUE;
- regExp->IgnoreCase = pOptions->m_bMatchCase? VARIANT_FALSE: VARIANT_TRUE;
- regExp->Pattern = _bstr_t(CT2BSTR(pOptions->m_strFind));
- }
- }
- ProcessPath(pOptions->m_strPath);
- pOptions->pRegExp = 0;
- // TODO: perform and per-thread initialization here
- return FALSE;
- }
- int CSearchThread::ExitInstance()
- {
- m_pMainFrame->PostMessage(WM_SEARCHFINISHED);
- // TODO: perform any per-thread cleanup here
- return CWinThread::ExitInstance();
- }
- BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CSearchThread, CWinThread)
- //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CSearchThread)
- // NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove mapping macros here.
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CSearchThread message handlers