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- <Hyperlink Foreground="White">Windows Home</Hyperlink> |
- <Hyperlink Foreground="White">Secutity</Hyperlink> |
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- <Italic>Exploring Windows</Italic> brings you tips, tricks, downloads, and updates to help you get the most out of Windows. Was this newsletter forwarded to you?
- <Hyperlink>Subscribe to Exploring Windows.</Hyperlink>
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- <Run FontSize="16" FontWeight="Bold">Get the perfect PC present</Run>
- <LineBreak/>
- Whether you're buying a new PC for someone else or looking for cool accessories, get what you need to make the holidays bright.
- </TextBlock>
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- <Run FontWeight="Bold">Have a fantastic PC</Run>
- <LineBreak/><Run Foreground="#3c63d9" FontWeight="Bold">»</Run> <Hyperlink>Enhance your PC experience for free. See how.</Hyperlink>
- <LineBreak/><Run Foreground="#3c63d9" FontWeight="Bold">»</Run> <Hyperlink>See cool new PCs designed specifically for Windows Vista</Hyperlink>
- <LineBreak/><Run Foreground="#3c63d9" FontWeight="Bold">»</Run> <Hyperlink>Check out SeniorPCs--PCs specifically geared for easier senior living</Hyperlink>
- </TextBlock>
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- <Run FontWeight="Bold">Take advantage of special offers</Run>
- <LineBreak/><Run Foreground="#3c63d9" FontWeight="Bold">»</Run> <Hyperlink>Shop safer and enter to win a $10,000 shopping spree</Hyperlink>
- <LineBreak/><Run Foreground="#3c63d9" FontWeight="Bold">»</Run> <Hyperlink>50% off ALL PC download games on MSN (limited-time offer)</Hyperlink>
- <LineBreak/><Run Foreground="#3c63d9" FontWeight="Bold">»</Run> <Hyperlink>Enter to win Certified for Windows Vista products (expires Dec. 31)</Hyperlink>
- </TextBlock>
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- <Run FontWeight="Bold" FontSize="14">What's new</Run>
- <LineBreak/><Hyperlink FontWeight="Bold" >Free holiday ringtones and wallpapers </Hyperlink>
- <LineBreak/>Get in the holiday mood with these cool new ringtones and wintry wallpapers for your Windows Mobile phone.
- </TextBlock>
- <TextBlock TextWrapping="Wrap" Margin="25, 10, 10, 10" >
- <Hyperlink FontWeight="Bold" >The world's first "stay-at-home" server </Hyperlink>
- <LineBreak/>Organize, share, and protect your family's documents, photos, videos, and music with Windows Home Server. Learn more and explore a home connected by this new software room by room.
- </TextBlock>
- <TextBlock TextWrapping="Wrap" Margin="25, 10, 10, 10" >
- <Hyperlink FontWeight="Bold" >New Microsoft hardware for work and play</Hyperlink>
- <LineBreak/>The <Hyperlink>Wireless Entertainment Desktop 7000</Hyperlink> with rechargeable mouse delivers top-notch performance from up to 30 feet away. The <Hyperlink>Mobile Memory Mouse 8000</Hyperlink> is also a fully functional 1-GB flash drive, so you can use it to store and transfer files.
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- <Border Background="#e1f6ff" Padding="5, 5, 5, 15">
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- <Bold>Windows websites</Bold>
- <LineBreak/><Hyperlink>Windows Vista</Hyperlink>
- <LineBreak/><Hyperlink>Windows XP</Hyperlink>
- <LineBreak/><Hyperlink>Earlier Windows versions</Hyperlink>
- </TextBlock>
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- <TextBlock TextWrapping="Wrap">
- <Bold>Technical troubleshooter</Bold>
- <LineBreak/><LineBreak/><Bold>Problem:</Bold> You want to use the Disk Cleanup tool in Windows XP to improve your PC's performance, but you aren't sure how.
- <LineBreak/><LineBreak/><Bold>Solution:</Bold> Find out how Disk Cleanup works and how to use it to remove files, Windows components, programs, and more.
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- <Run FontWeight="Bold" FontSize="14">Tips and tricks</Run>
- <LineBreak/> <Run FontWeight="Bold" FontSize="13">For Windows Vista</Run>
- <LineBreak/><Hyperlink FontWeight="Bold" >Burn your holiday videos to DVD </Hyperlink>
- <LineBreak/>Once you've shot your holiday videos, share them by creating a DVD in Windows DVD Maker, a cool feature in Windows Vista Home Premium and Windows Vista Ultimate.
- </TextBlock>
- <TextBlock TextWrapping="Wrap" Margin="25, 10, 10, 0" >
- <Hyperlink FontWeight="Bold" >Optimize Windows Vista for better performance </Hyperlink>
- <LineBreak/>Use any of these simple ways to help speed up Windows Vista and make your PC run faster--even without upgrading your hardware.
- </TextBlock>
- <TextBlock TextWrapping="Wrap" Margin="25, 10, 10, 0" >
- <Run FontWeight="Bold" FontSize="13">For Windows XP</Run>
- <LineBreak/><Hyperlink FontWeight="Bold">Create a video greeting card </Hyperlink>
- <LineBreak/>Send your holiday wishes afar or close to home this season with a custom video. Learn how using Windows Movie Maker in Windows XP.
- </TextBlock>
- <TextBlock TextWrapping="Wrap" Margin="25, 10, 10, 0" >
- <Hyperlink FontWeight="Bold" >Protect your network from viruses and malicious software </Hyperlink>
- <LineBreak/>Help keep unauthorized people and software--such as hackers, viruses, and worms--from connecting to your home network.
- </TextBlock>
- <Rectangle Margin="25, 10, 10, 10" Fill="#cccccc" Height="1"/>
- <TextBlock TextWrapping="Wrap" Margin="25, 10, 10, 25" FontSize="10" >
- To cancel your subscription to this newsletter, reply to this message with the word UNSUBSCRIBE in the Subject line. You can also unsubscribe <Hyperlink>here.</Hyperlink> You can manage all your Microsoft.com communication preferences at this site.
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- <Hyperlink Foreground="White">Windows Home</Hyperlink> |
- <Hyperlink Foreground="White">Secutity</Hyperlink> |
- <Hyperlink Foreground="White">Support</Hyperlink> |
- <Hyperlink Foreground="White">Unsubscribe</Hyperlink>
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