- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // File: d3dcalls.c
- //
- // Calls to Direct3D objects needed for rendering. Part of D3DApp.
- //
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- // Borland CBuilder3 doesn't support nameless unions...
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "XMudClient.h"
- #include "d3dappi.h"
- //**************************************************************************
- // Creation of D3D
- //*************************************************************************
- BOOL D3DAppICreateD3D(void)
- {
- LastError = d3dappi.lpDD->QueryInterface(IID_IDirect3D2, (LPVOID*)&d3dappi.lpD3D);
- if (LastError != DD_OK)
- {
- D3DAppISetErrorString("Creation of IDirect3D failed.n%s",
- D3DAppErrorToString(LastError));
- goto exit_with_error;
- }
- return TRUE;
- exit_with_error:
- return FALSE;
- }
- /***************************************************************************/
- /* D3D Device Enumeration */
- /***************************************************************************/
- /*
- * enumDeviceFunc
- * Device enumeration callback. Record information about the D3D device
- * reported by D3D.
- */
- static HRESULT
- WINAPI enumDeviceFunc(LPGUID lpGuid, LPSTR lpDeviceDescription,
- {
- lpContext = lpContext;
- /*
- * Don't accept any hardware D3D devices if emulation only option is set
- */
- if (lpHWDesc->dcmColorModel && d3dappi.bOnlyEmulation)
- return D3DENUMRET_OK;
- /*
- * Record the D3D driver's inforamation
- */
- memcpy(&d3dappi.Driver[d3dappi.NumDrivers].Guid, lpGuid, sizeof(GUID));
- lstrcpy(d3dappi.Driver[d3dappi.NumDrivers].About, lpDeviceDescription);
- lstrcpy(d3dappi.Driver[d3dappi.NumDrivers].Name, lpDeviceName);
- /*
- * Is this a hardware device or software emulation? Checking the color
- * model for a valid model works.
- */
- if (lpHWDesc->dcmColorModel) {
- d3dappi.Driver[d3dappi.NumDrivers].bIsHardware = TRUE;
- memcpy(&d3dappi.Driver[d3dappi.NumDrivers].Desc, lpHWDesc,
- sizeof(D3DDEVICEDESC));
- } else {
- d3dappi.Driver[d3dappi.NumDrivers].bIsHardware = FALSE;
- memcpy(&d3dappi.Driver[d3dappi.NumDrivers].Desc, lpHELDesc,
- sizeof(D3DDEVICEDESC));
- }
- /*
- * Does this driver do texture mapping?
- */
- d3dappi.Driver[d3dappi.NumDrivers].bDoesTextures =
- (d3dappi.Driver[d3dappi.NumDrivers].Desc.dpcTriCaps.dwTextureCaps &
- /*
- * Can this driver use a z-buffer?
- */
- d3dappi.Driver[d3dappi.NumDrivers].bDoesZBuffer =
- d3dappi.Driver[d3dappi.NumDrivers].Desc.dwDeviceZBufferBitDepth
- /*
- * Can this driver render to the Windows display depth
- */
- d3dappi.Driver[d3dappi.NumDrivers].bCanDoWindow =
- (d3dappi.Driver[d3dappi.NumDrivers].Desc.dwDeviceRenderBitDepth &
- D3DAppIBPPToDDBD(d3dappi.WindowsDisplay.bpp)) ? TRUE : FALSE;
- if (!d3dappi.bIsPrimary)
- d3dappi.Driver[d3dappi.NumDrivers].bCanDoWindow = FALSE;
- d3dappi.NumDrivers++;
- if (d3dappi.NumDrivers == D3DAPP_MAXD3DDRIVERS)
- return (D3DENUMRET_OK);
- }
- /*
- * D3DAppIEnumDevices
- * Get the available drivers from Direct3D by enumeration.
- */
- BOOL D3DAppIEnumDevices(void)
- {
- d3dappi.NumDrivers = 0;
- LastError = d3dappi.lpD3D->EnumDevices(enumDeviceFunc, NULL);
- if (LastError != DD_OK)
- {
- D3DAppISetErrorString("Enumeration of drivers failed.n%s",
- D3DAppErrorToString(LastError));
- return FALSE;
- }
- d3dappi.CurrDriver = 0;
- return TRUE;
- }
- //***************************************************************************/
- //* Enumeration of texure format */
- //***************************************************************************/
- //
- // EnumTextureFormatsCallback
- // Record information about each texture format the current D3D driver can
- // support. Choose one as the default format (paletted formats are prefered)
- // and return it through lpContext.
- //
- static HRESULT CALLBACK EnumTextureFormatsCallback(LPDDSURFACEDESC lpDDSD, LPVOID lpContext)
- {
- unsigned long m;
- int r, g, b;
- int *lpStartFormat = (int *)lpContext;
- //
- // Record the DDSURFACEDESC of this texture format
- //
- memset(&d3dappi.TextureFormat[d3dappi.NumTextureFormats], 0,
- sizeof(D3DAppTextureFormat));
- memcpy(&d3dappi.TextureFormat[d3dappi.NumTextureFormats].ddsd, lpDDSD,
- //
- // Is this format palettized? How many bits? Otherwise, how many RGB
- // bits?
- //
- if (lpDDSD->ddpfPixelFormat.dwFlags & DDPF_PALETTEINDEXED8)
- {
- d3dappi.TextureFormat[d3dappi.NumTextureFormats].bPalettized = TRUE;
- d3dappi.TextureFormat[d3dappi.NumTextureFormats].IndexBPP = 8;
- }
- else if (lpDDSD->ddpfPixelFormat.dwFlags & DDPF_PALETTEINDEXED4)
- {
- d3dappi.TextureFormat[d3dappi.NumTextureFormats].bPalettized = TRUE;
- d3dappi.TextureFormat[d3dappi.NumTextureFormats].IndexBPP = 4;
- }
- else if (lpDDSD->ddpfPixelFormat.dwFlags & DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS)
- {
- //
- // The sample apps don't currently understand
- // the alpha bit - just filter this format
- // away for now.
- //
- return DDENUMRET_OK;
- }
- else
- {
- d3dappi.TextureFormat[d3dappi.NumTextureFormats].bPalettized = FALSE;
- d3dappi.TextureFormat[d3dappi.NumTextureFormats].IndexBPP = 0;
- for (r = 0, m = lpDDSD->ddpfPixelFormat.dwRBitMask; !(m & 1);
- r++, m >>= 1);
- for (r = 0; m & 1; r++, m >>= 1);
- for (g = 0, m = lpDDSD->ddpfPixelFormat.dwGBitMask; !(m & 1);
- g++, m >>= 1);
- for (g = 0; m & 1; g++, m >>= 1);
- for (b = 0, m = lpDDSD->ddpfPixelFormat.dwBBitMask; !(m & 1);
- b++, m >>= 1);
- for (b = 0; m & 1; b++, m >>= 1);
- d3dappi.TextureFormat[d3dappi.NumTextureFormats].RedBPP = r;
- d3dappi.TextureFormat[d3dappi.NumTextureFormats].GreenBPP = g;
- d3dappi.TextureFormat[d3dappi.NumTextureFormats].BlueBPP = b;
- }
- //
- // If lpStarFormat is -1, this is the first format. Select it.
- //
- if (*lpStartFormat == -1)
- *lpStartFormat = d3dappi.NumTextureFormats;
- //
- // If this format is paletted, select it.
- //
- if (d3dappi.TextureFormat[d3dappi.NumTextureFormats].bPalettized)
- {
- *lpStartFormat = d3dappi.NumTextureFormats;
- }
- d3dappi.NumTextureFormats++;
- return DDENUMRET_OK;
- }
- //
- // D3DAppIEnumTextureFormats
- // Get a list of available texture map formats from the Direct3D driver by
- // enumeration. Choose a default format (paletted is prefered).
- //
- BOOL D3DAppIEnumTextureFormats(void)
- {
- int StartFormat;
- //
- // Set the default format to -1 to let the callback know it's being
- // called for the first time.
- //
- StartFormat = -1;
- d3dappi.NumTextureFormats = 0;
- LastError = d3dappi.lpD3DDevice->EnumTextureFormats(EnumTextureFormatsCallback, (LPVOID)&StartFormat);
- if (LastError != DD_OK)
- {
- D3DAppISetErrorString("Enumeration of texture formats failed.n%s",
- D3DAppErrorToString(LastError));
- return FALSE;
- }
- memcpy(&d3dappi.ThisTextureFormat, &d3dappi.TextureFormat[StartFormat], sizeof(D3DAppTextureFormat));
- d3dappi.CurrTextureFormat = StartFormat;
- return TRUE;
- }
- /***************************************************************************/
- /* Device creation */
- /***************************************************************************/
- /*
- * D3DAppICreateDevice
- * Create the D3D device and enumerate the texture formats
- */
- BOOL D3DAppICreateDevice(int driver)
- {
- RELEASE(d3dappi.lpD3DDevice);
- if (d3dappi.Driver[driver].bIsHardware && !d3dappi.bBackBufferInVideo) {
- D3DAppISetErrorString("Could not fit the rendering surfaces in video memory for this hardware device.n");
- goto exit_with_error;
- }
- d3dappi.CurrDriver = driver;
- memcpy(&d3dappi.ThisDriver, &d3dappi.Driver[driver], sizeof(D3DAppD3DDriver));
- LastError = d3dappi.lpD3D->CreateDevice(d3dappi.Driver[driver].Guid,
- d3dappi.lpBackBuffer,
- &d3dappi.lpD3DDevice);
- if (LastError != DD_OK)
- {
- D3DAppISetErrorString("Create D3D device failed.n%s",
- D3DAppErrorToString(LastError));
- goto exit_with_error;
- }
- d3dappi.CurrDriver = driver;
- d3dappi.NumTextureFormats = 0;
- if (d3dappi.Driver[driver].bDoesTextures)
- {
- if (!D3DAppIEnumTextureFormats())
- goto exit_with_error;
- }
- return TRUE;
- exit_with_error:
- RELEASE(d3dappi.lpD3DDevice);
- return FALSE;
- }
- /***************************************************************************/
- /* Setting the render state */
- /***************************************************************************/
- /*
- * D3DAppISetRenderState
- * Set the render state and light state for the current viewport.
- */
- BOOL D3DAppISetRenderState()
- {
- // return TRUE;//[1999.9.1]
- //
- // Set render state
- //
- d3dappi.lpD3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_SHADEMODE, d3dapprs.ShadeMode);
- d3dappi.lpD3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_TEXTUREPERSPECTIVE, d3dapprs.bPerspCorrect);
- d3dappi.lpD3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_ZENABLE, d3dapprs.bZBufferOn && d3dappi.ThisDriver.bDoesZBuffer);
- d3dappi.lpD3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_ZWRITEENABLE, d3dapprs.bZBufferOn);
- d3dappi.lpD3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_ZFUNC, D3DCMP_LESSEQUAL);
- d3dappi.lpD3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_TEXTUREMAG, d3dapprs.TextureFilter);
- d3dappi.lpD3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_TEXTUREMIN, d3dapprs.TextureFilter);
- // d3dappi.lpD3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_TEXTUREMAPBLEND, d3dapprs.TextureBlend);
- d3dappi.lpD3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_FILLMODE, d3dapprs.FillMode);
- d3dappi.lpD3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_DITHERENABLE, d3dapprs.bDithering);
- d3dappi.lpD3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_SPECULARENABLE, d3dapprs.bSpecular);
- d3dappi.lpD3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_ANTIALIAS, d3dapprs.bAntialiasing);
- d3dappi.lpD3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_FOGENABLE, d3dapprs.bFogEnabled);
- d3dappi.lpD3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_FOGCOLOR, d3dapprs.FogColor);
- d3dappi.lpD3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_BLENDENABLE, TRUE);
- /*
- * Set light state
- */
- d3dappi.lpD3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_FOGTABLEMODE, d3dapprs.bFogEnabled ? d3dapprs.FogMode : D3DFOG_NONE);
- d3dappi.lpD3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_FOGTABLESTART, *(unsigned long*)&d3dapprs.FogStart);
- d3dappi.lpD3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_FOGTABLEEND, *(unsigned long*)&d3dapprs.FogEnd);
- return TRUE;
- }