资源名称:IE_VB.rar [点击查看]
Visual Basic
- Attribute VB_Name = "mMouseHook"
- Option Explicit
- '##### keyboard and mouse hook ##################
- Public Type POINTAPI
- x As Long
- y As Long
- End Type
- hwnd As Long
- wHitTestCode As Long
- dwExtraInfo As Long
- End Type
- Public Declare Function CallNextHookEx Lib "user32" _
- (ByVal hHook As Long, _
- ByVal ncode As Long, _
- ByVal wParam As Long, _
- ByVal lParam As Long) As Long
- Public Declare Function SetWindowsHookEx Lib "user32" _
- Alias "SetWindowsHookExA" _
- (ByVal idHook As Long, _
- ByVal lpfn As Long, _
- ByVal hmod As Long, _
- ByVal dwThreadId As Long) As Long
- Public Declare Function UnhookWindowsHookEx Lib "user32" _
- (ByVal hHook As Long) As Long
- Public Const WH_KEYBOARD As Long = 2
- Public Const WH_MOUSE As Long = 7
- Public Const HC_SYSMODALOFF = 5
- Public Const HC_SYSMODALON = 4
- Public Const HC_SKIP = 2
- Public Const HC_GETNEXT = 1
- Public Const HC_ACTION = 0
- Public Const HC_NOREMOVE As Long = 3
- '##########################################
- Public Const HTCLIENT As Long = 1
- Private hKeyboardHook As Long
- Private hMouseHook As Long
- Private Declare Function WindowFromPoint Lib "user32" (ByVal xPoint As Long, ByVal yPoint As Long) As Long
- Private Const KF_UP As Long = &H80000000
- Private ClassNameFlag As Long
- Dim pX As Long, pY As Long
- Dim afterBF As Boolean
- Dim nowCur As Integer
- Dim hPreCur As Long
- Private Const smallGap As Integer = 3 * 3
- Private mbtnDown As Boolean
- Private PointFormFrame As Object
- Private InRollMode As Boolean
- '右键点击的页面
- Private hDoWeb As Long
- Private DownClassName As String
- Private BeginFucntion As Boolean
- Private BeginMouseEvent As Boolean
- '是否正在拖动网页内容
- Public WebDraging As Boolean
- '鼠标手势等变量
- 'Public MouseHand As New cMouseEvent
- Const ptGap As Single = 5 * 5
- Dim preDir As Long
- Private mHand(0 To 2) As Byte
- Private mHandPoint As Long
- '######### mouse hook #############
- Public Sub InstallMouseHook()
- hMouseHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_MOUSE, AddressOf MouseHookProc, _
- App.hInstance, App.ThreadID)
- End Sub
- Public Function MouseHookProc(ByVal iCode As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long
- Dim Cancel As Boolean
- Cancel = False
- Dim i&
- Dim tHWindowFromPoint As Long
- Dim webRect As RECT
- 'Dim tClassName As String
- If iCode = HC_ACTION Then
- CopyMemory nMouseInfo, ByVal lParam, Len(nMouseInfo)
- tPt =
- If IsWebCtrl(nMouseInfo.hwnd) Then
- ScreenToClient nMouseInfo.hwnd, tPt
- Cancel = HandelWeb(nMouseInfo.hwnd, wParam, tPt,
- End If
- End If
- If Cancel Then
- MouseHookProc = 1
- Else
- MouseHookProc = CallNextHookEx(hMouseHook, iCode, wParam, lParam)
- End If
- End Function
- Public Sub UninstallMouseHook()
- If hMouseHook <> 0 Then
- Call UnhookWindowsHookEx(hMouseHook)
- End If
- hMouseHook = 0
- End Sub
- 'Private Function HandelWeb(wParam As Long, hWeb As Long, mPt As POINTAPI, screenPt As POINTAPI) As Boolean
- Private Function HandelWeb(hWeb As Long, wParam As Long, mPt As POINTAPI, screenPt As POINTAPI) As Boolean
- On Error GoTo due
- Dim rtn As Boolean
- Dim xpos As Long, ypos As Long, cx As Long, cy As Long
- rtn = False
- Select Case wParam
- If vkPress(VK_RBUTTON) Then
- If BeginFucntion Then
- Dim tDir As Long: tDir = -1
- xpos = mPt.x: ypos = mPt.y
- cx = xpos - pX: cy = -(ypos - pY)
- If Not BeginMouseEvent Then
- If cx * cx + cy * cy > smallGap Then
- BeginMouseEvent = True
- End If
- End If
- If BeginMouseEvent Then
- Call GetMouseEvent(mPt)
- End If
- End If
- rtn = True
- End If
- If vkPress(VK_RBUTTON) Then
- rtn = True
- BeginFucntion = True
- pX = mPt.x: pY = mPt.y
- preDir = -1
- mHand(0) = 0: mHand(1) = 0: mHand(2) = 0
- mHandPoint = 0
- End If
- rtn = True
- If BeginFucntion Then
- BeginFucntion = False
- If BeginMouseEvent Then
- Call HandleMouseEvent2(mPt, hWeb)
- BeginMouseEvent = False
- Else
- Call PostMessage(hWeb, WM_RBUTTONDOWN, _
- MK_RBUTTON, ByVal MAKELONG(mPt.x, mPt.y))
- Call PostMessage(hWeb, WM_RBUTTONUP, _
- MK_RBUTTON, ByVal MAKELONG(mPt.x, mPt.y))
- End If
- End If
- End Select
- 'If wParam = WM_LBUTTONDOWN Or wParam = WM_RBUTTONDOWN Then InRollMode = False
- HandelWeb = rtn 'true: cancel ; false : normal
- Exit Function
- due:
- ' ErrorLog.AddLog "handelweb" & Chr(9) & Err.Description
- Resume Next
- End Function
- 'Private Sub MoveDocument(mPt As POINTAPI)
- ' Dim tRate As Long
- ' Dim cx As Long, cy As Long
- '
- ' If RollInvert = 0 Then
- ' tRate = 1
- ' Else
- ' tRate = -1
- ' End If
- ' If vkPress(VK_CONTROL) Then
- ' cx = (mPt.x - pX) * ScrollRate2 * tRate
- ' cy = (mPt.y - pY) * ScrollRate2 * tRate
- ' Else
- ' cx = (mPt.x - pX) * ScrollRate * tRate
- ' cy = (mPt.y - pY) * ScrollRate * tRate
- ' End If
- ' 'nWebForm.webMe.Document.parentwindow.scrollby cx, cy
- ' If Not PointFormFrame Is Nothing Then
- '
- ' PointFormFrame.scrollBy cx, cy
- ' pX = mPt.x: pY = mPt.y
- ' End If
- 'End Sub
- '
- Private Sub HandleMouseEvent2(mPt As POINTAPI, nHwnd As Long)
- On Error Resume Next
- If mHandPoint = 1 Then
- Select Case mHand(0)
- Case 1 'right
- IEBrowser.GoForward
- Case 2 'up
- IEBrowser.Refresh
- Case 3 'left
- IEBrowser.GoBack
- Case 4 'down
- SendMessage IEBrowser.hwnd, WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_CLOSE, 0&
- End Select
- End If
- End Sub
- Public Function GetMouseEvent(nPt As POINTAPI) As Long
- Dim cx&, cy&
- Dim rtn&
- rtn = -1
- cx = nPt.x - pX: cy = -(nPt.y - pY)
- If cx * cx + cy * cy > ptGap Then
- If cx > 0 And Abs(cy) <= cx Then
- rtn = 1
- ElseIf cy > 0 And Abs(cx) <= cy Then
- rtn = 2
- ElseIf cx < 0 And Abs(cy) <= Abs(cx) Then
- rtn = 3
- ElseIf cy < 0 And Abs(cx) <= Abs(cy) Then
- rtn = 4
- End If
- 'mPt = nPt
- pX = nPt.x: pY = nPt.y
- If preDir <> rtn Then
- If mHandPoint < 3 Then
- mHandPoint = mHandPoint + 1
- mHand(mHandPoint - 1) = rtn
- Else
- mHandPoint = 4
- End If
- preDir = rtn
- End If
- End If
- GetMouseEvent = rtn
- End Function
- 'Public Function DebugDir(ByVal nDir&) As String
- 'Dim tstr$
- 'Select Case nDir
- ' Case 1
- ' tstr = "右"
- ' Case 2
- ' tstr = "上"
- ' Case 3
- ' tstr = "左"
- ' Case 4
- ' tstr = "下"
- ' Case Else
- ' tstr = ""
- 'End Select
- 'Debug.Print Timer, tstr
- 'DebugDir = tstr
- 'End Function