资源名称:IE_VB.rar [点击查看]
Visual Basic
- Attribute VB_Name = "modFunctionDelegator"
- '***************************************************************
- ' (c) Copyright 2000 Matthew J. Curland
- '
- ' This file is from the CD-ROM accompanying the book:
- ' Advanced Visual Basic 6: Power Techniques for Everyday Programs
- ' Author: Matthew Curland
- ' Published by: Addison-Wesley, July 2000
- ' ISBN: 0-201-70712-8
- '
- '
- ' You are entitled to license free distribution of any application
- ' that uses this file if you own a copy of the book, or if you
- ' have obtained the file from a source approved by the author. You
- ' may redistribute this file only with express written permission
- ' of the author.
- '
- ' This file depends on:
- ' References:
- ' VBoostTypes6.olb (VBoost Object Types (6.0))
- ' Files:
- ' None
- ' Minimal VBoost conditionals:
- ' None
- ' Conditional Compilation Values:
- ' FUNCTIONDELEGATOR_NOSTACK = 1 'eliminates support for NewDelegator
- ' FUNCTIONDELEGATOR_NOHEAP = 1 'eliminates support for InitDelegator
- '
- ' This file is discussed in Chapter 11.
- '***************************************************************
- Option Explicit
- 'Here's the magic asm for doing the function pointer call.
- 'The stack comes in with the following:
- 'esp: return address
- 'esp + 4: this pointer for FunctionDelegator
- 'All that we need to do is remove the this pointer from the
- 'stack, replace it with the return address, then jmp to the
- 'correct function. In other words, we're just squeezing the
- 'this pointer completely out of the picture.
- 'The code is:
- 'pop ecx (stores return address)
- 'pop eax (gets the this pointer)
- 'push ecx (restores the return address)
- 'jmp DWORD PTR [eax + 4] (jump to address at this + 4, 3 byte instruction)
- 'The corresponding byte stream for this is: 59 58 51 FF 60 04
- 'We pad these six bytes with two int 3 commands (CC CC) to get eight
- 'bytes, which can be stored in a Currency constant.
- 'Note that the memory location of this constant is not executable, so
- 'it must be copied into a currency variable. The address of the variable
- 'is then used as the forwarding function.
- Private Const cDelegateASM As Currency = -368956918007638.6215@
- Private m_DelegateASM As Currency
- Private Type DelegatorVTables
- VTable(7) As Long 'OKQI vtable in 0 to 3, FailQI vtable in 4 to 7
- End Type
- 'Structure for a stack allocated Delegator
- Private m_VTables As DelegatorVTables
- Private m_pVTableOKQI As Long 'Pointer to vtable, no allocation version
- Private m_pVTableFailQI As Long 'Pointer to vtable, no allocation version
- Public Type FunctionDelegator
- pVTable As Long 'This has to stay at offset 0
- pfn As Long 'This has to stay at offset 4
- End Type
- 'Structure for a heap allocated Delegator
- Private m_VTablesHeapAlloc As DelegatorVTables
- Private m_pVTableHeapAllocOKQI As Long 'Pointer to vtable, heap version
- Private m_pVTableHeapAllocFailQI As Long 'Pointer to vtable, heap version
- Private Type FunctionDelegatorHeapAlloc
- pVTable As Long 'This has to stay at offset 0
- pfn As Long 'This has to stay at offset 4
- cRefs As Long
- End Type
- 'Functions to initialize a Delegator object on an existing FunctionDelegator
- Public Function InitDelegator(Delegator As FunctionDelegator, Optional ByVal pfn As Long) As IUnknown
- If m_pVTableOKQI = 0 Then InitVTables
- With Delegator
- .pVTable = m_pVTableOKQI
- .pfn = pfn
- End With
- CopyMemory InitDelegator, VarPtr(Delegator), 4
- End Function
- Private Sub InitVTables()
- Dim pAddRefRelease As Long
- With m_VTables
- .VTable(0) = FuncAddr(AddressOf QueryInterfaceOK)
- .VTable(4) = FuncAddr(AddressOf QueryInterfaceFail)
- pAddRefRelease = FuncAddr(AddressOf AddRefRelease)
- .VTable(1) = pAddRefRelease
- .VTable(5) = pAddRefRelease
- .VTable(2) = pAddRefRelease
- .VTable(6) = pAddRefRelease
- m_DelegateASM = cDelegateASM
- .VTable(3) = VarPtr(m_DelegateASM)
- .VTable(7) = .VTable(3)
- m_pVTableOKQI = VarPtr(.VTable(0))
- m_pVTableFailQI = VarPtr(.VTable(4))
- End With
- End Sub
- Private Function QueryInterfaceOK(This As FunctionDelegator, riid As Long, pvObj As Long) As Long
- pvObj = VarPtr(This)
- This.pVTable = m_pVTableFailQI
- End Function
- Private Function AddRefRelease(ByVal This As Long) As Long
- 'Nothing to do, memory not refcounted
- End Function
- 'Functions to create a refcounted version of the function pointer wrapper object
- Public Function NewDelegator(ByVal pfn As Long) As IUnknown
- Dim Struct As FunctionDelegatorHeapAlloc
- Dim ThisPtr As Long
- If m_pVTableHeapAllocOKQI = 0 Then InitHeapAllocVTables
- With Struct
- ThisPtr = CoTaskMemAlloc(LenB(Struct))
- If ThisPtr = 0 Then Err.Raise 7
- .pVTable = m_pVTableHeapAllocOKQI
- .cRefs = 1
- .pfn = pfn
- CopyMemory ByVal ThisPtr, Struct, LenB(Struct)
- CopyMemory NewDelegator, ThisPtr, 4
- End With
- End Function
- Private Sub InitHeapAllocVTables()
- With m_VTablesHeapAlloc
- .VTable(0) = FuncAddr(AddressOf QueryInterfaceHeapAllocOK)
- .VTable(4) = FuncAddr(AddressOf QueryInterfaceFail)
- .VTable(1) = FuncAddr(AddressOf AddRefHeapAlloc)
- .VTable(5) = .VTable(1)
- .VTable(2) = FuncAddr(AddressOf ReleaseHeapAlloc)
- .VTable(6) = .VTable(2)
- m_DelegateASM = cDelegateASM
- .VTable(3) = VarPtr(m_DelegateASM)
- .VTable(7) = .VTable(3)
- m_pVTableHeapAllocOKQI = VarPtr(.VTable(0))
- m_pVTableHeapAllocFailQI = VarPtr(.VTable(4))
- End With
- End Sub
- Private Function QueryInterfaceHeapAllocOK(This As FunctionDelegatorHeapAlloc, riid As Long, pvObj As Long) As Long
- With This
- pvObj = VarPtr(.pVTable)
- .cRefs = .cRefs + 1
- .pVTable = m_pVTableHeapAllocFailQI
- End With
- End Function
- Private Function AddRefHeapAlloc(This As FunctionDelegatorHeapAlloc) As Long
- With This
- .cRefs = .cRefs + 1
- AddRefHeapAlloc = .cRefs
- End With
- End Function
- Private Function ReleaseHeapAlloc(This As FunctionDelegatorHeapAlloc) As Long
- With This
- .cRefs = .cRefs - 1
- ReleaseHeapAlloc = .cRefs
- If .cRefs = 0 Then
- 'Don't try to step over FreeBuffer, we're freeing
- 'This, and the debugger could die.
- CoTaskMemFree VarPtr(.pVTable)
- End If
- End With
- End Function
- Private Function QueryInterfaceFail(ByVal This As Long, riid As Long, pvObj As Long) As Long
- pvObj = 0
- QueryInterfaceFail = E_NOINTERFACE
- End Function
- Private Function FuncAddr(ByVal pfn As Long) As Long
- FuncAddr = pfn
- End Function