资源名称:IE_VB.rar [点击查看]
Visual Basic
- ' If tmpNode.Tag <> "Root" Then
- ' tvwFavorite.ToolTipText = tmpNode.Tag
- ' Else
- ' tvwFavorite.ToolTipText = ""
- ' End If
- ' Else
- ' tvwFavorite.ToolTipText = ""
- 'End If
- 'End Sub
- '
- 'Private Sub tvwFavorite_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
- 'If Button = vbRightButton Then
- ' Dim tmpNode As Node
- ' Set tmpNode = tvwFavorite.HitTest(x, y)
- ' If Not (tmpNode Is Nothing) Then
- '
- ' tvwPopItemKey = tmpNode.Key
- ' If tmpNode.Tag = "Root" Then
- ' mnuPopOpenInNewWindow.Visible = False
- ' mnuPopDeleteFavorite.Enabled = False
- ' Else
- ' mnuPopOpenInNewWindow.Visible = True
- ' mnuPopDeleteFavorite.Enabled = True
- ' End If
- ' Me.PopupMenu mnuPopFavorite
- ' End If
- ' Button = 0
- 'End If
- 'End Sub
- '
- 'Private Sub tvwFavorite_NodeClick(ByVal Node As MSComctlLib.Node)
- ''If Node.Tag = "Root" Then
- '' If Not loadSubInfo(Node.index).isLoadSub Then
- '' Call seedFile(Node.Key, loadSubInfo(Node.index).hwnd)
- '' loadSubInfo(Node.index).isLoadSub = True
- '' Node.Expanded = True
- '' End If
- '' Else
- '' If Not tlbOther.Buttons("locknew").Value Then webbState(gActiveWebIndex).isFirst = 1
- '' wbbMe(gActiveWebIndex).Navigate Node.Tag
- ''End If
- '
- 'End Sub
- Public Sub UnloadBrowser(ByVal index As Long)
- Dim ulUrl As String, ulTitle As String
- On Error GoTo due
- 'If loaded > 1 Then
- 'If webbState(index).isLoaded Then
- If Not webbState(index) Is Nothing Then
- 'webbState(index).isLoaded = False
- ulUrl = webbState(index).webForm.GetWebUrl
- ulTitle = webbState(index).webForm.GetWebTitle
- isUnloadByFunction = True
- Dim tmpIndex As Integer
- Dim i As Integer
- Dim tmpLeft As Single, tmpWidth As Single, tOrder As Integer
- If index = gActiveWebIndex Then
- gActiveWebIndex = 0
- 'lstOrder.RemoveItem (0)
- 'gActiveWebIndex = lstOrder.List(0)
- Else
- ' For i = 0 To lstOrder.ListCount - 1
- ' If lstOrder.List(i) = LTrim$(Str(index)) Then
- ' lstOrder.RemoveItem (i)
- ' Exit For
- ' End If
- ' Next i
- End If
- If loadedBrowserCount > 1 Then
- isTabClick = False
- 'Call SwitchTabs(Val(lstOrder.List(0)), index)
- 'webbState(Val(lstOrder.List(0))).webForm.ZOrder
- Else
- gActiveWebIndex = 0
- End If
- If webbState(index).TabBtn.Selected Then selectedTabsCount = selectedTabsCount - 1
- 'Debug.Print "unloadbrowser:"; webbState(index).TabBtn.TagL, webbState(index).TabBtn.index
- TabBar.RemoveByIndex webbState(index).TabBtn.index
- Set webbState(index).TabBtn = Nothing
- Unload webbState(index).webForm
- Set webbState(index).webForm = Nothing
- Set webbState(index) = Nothing
- ' webbState(index).isFirst = 0
- '================= controls no use ======================
- ' tOrder = webbState(index).tabOrder
- ' tmpWidth = webbState(index).webTab.pWidth
- '
- ' For i = 1 To browserCount
- ' If webbState(i).isLoaded Then
- ' If webbState(i).tabOrder > tOrder Then
- ' webbState(i).webTab.pLeft = webbState(i).webTab.pLeft - tmpWidth
- ' webbState(i).tabOrder = webbState(i).tabOrder - 1
- ' End If
- ' End If
- ' Next
- '
- ' If webbState(index).webTab.Selected Then selectedTabsCount = selectedTabsCount - 1
- ' Unload cochkButton(index)
- '
- '
- ' Set webbState(index).webTab = Nothing
- '=========================================================
- loadedBrowserCount = loadedBrowserCount - 1
- fraHoldOpt.width = loadedBrowserCount * tabLength
- If tabsPos > loadedBrowserCount Then tabsPos = loadedBrowserCount
- Call refreshTab
- ClosedPages.Add ulTitle, ulUrl
- 'Call load_close_menu(ulUrl, ulTitle)
- Call EnableButtons
- End If
- Exit Sub
- due:
- ErrorLog.AddLog Err.Description & Str(Err.Number) & Chr(9) & "Unload Function"
- Resume Next
- End Sub
- Private Function GetFoldName(newPath As String) As String
- Dim tmpPos As Integer
- tmpPos = InStr(1, newPath, "")
- If tmpPos = 0 Then
- GetFoldName = newPath
- Exit Function
- End If
- '递归调用
- GetFoldName = GetFoldName(Right$(newPath, Len(newPath) - tmpPos))
- End Function
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' Procedure : SeekFavoriteFolder
- ' DateTime : 2005-5-13 22:53
- ' Author : Lingll
- ' Purpose : 调用 SeekFold ,SeekFile
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Public Sub SeekFavoriteFolder( _
- ByVal newFold As String, hMainMnu As Long, Optional extPos As Integer = 0, _
- Optional NotRoot As Boolean = True, Optional hParent&)
- Call SeekFolder(newFold, hMainMnu, extPos, NotRoot, hParent)
- Call SeekFile(newFold, hMainMnu, extPos, NotRoot, hParent)
- End Sub
- Private Sub SeekFolder(ByVal newFold As String, hMainMnu As Long, Optional extPos As Integer = 0, _
- Optional NotRoot As Boolean = True, Optional hParent&)
- Dim i As Integer
- Dim hSubMnu As Long
- Dim tmpStr As String
- 'Dim tmpNode As Node
- Dim hNode&
- Dim tFolders() As String
- Dim tFldCnt As Long
- If Right(newFold, 1) <> "" Then
- newFold = newFold & ""
- End If
- Call FindFilesAPI(newFold, "*", tFldCnt, tFolders, False, gFavoriteShowHidden = 1)
- SortString tFolders, 1, tFldCnt, True
- For i = 1 To tFldCnt
- tmpStr = tFolders(i)
- hSubMnu = CreatePopupMenu
- SetMenuParam hSubMnu, MenuData_FavoriteMenu
- If Not m_cTvwFav Is Nothing Then
- If NotRoot Then
- hNode = m_cTvwFav.AddItem(tmpStr, hParent, , 4, 4, 1, subMenuCount + 1)
- Else
- hNode = m_cTvwFav.AddItem(tmpStr, , , 4, 4, 1, subMenuCount + 1)
- End If
- End If
- Call AppendMenu(hMainMnu, MF_POPUP Or MF_STRING, hSubMnu, Mid2(tmpStr, , MaxMenuCharLength, "..."))
- Call gODrawMenu.RstMenu(hMainMnu, i + extPos - 1, , ImgIx_Icon_Folder, ImgIx_Icon_Folder_Open, , , "fav")
- subMenuCount = subMenuCount + 1
- If subMenuCount > Max_subMenuCount Then
- Max_subMenuCount = Max_subMenuCount + 10
- ReDim Preserve loadSubInfo(0 To Max_subMenuCount)
- End If
- With loadSubInfo(subMenuCount)
- .Title = tmpStr
- .hWnd = hSubMnu
- .path = newFold & tFolders(i)
- .isLoadSub = False
- .hNode = hNode
- End With
- '递归调用
- 'Call SeekFold(newFold & tFolders(i), hSubMnu, , , hNode)
- Next
- AppendMenu hMainMnu, MF_SEPARATOR, 0&, ""
- AppendMenu hMainMnu, MF_STRING, 9998, "打开本层链接"
- AppendMenu hMainMnu, MF_STRING, 9999, "分离本层链接"
- 'Dim i As Integer ', j As Integer
- 'Dim hSubMnu As Long
- 'Dim tmpStr As String
- ''Dim tmpNode As Node
- '
- 'Dim hNode&
- '
- 'Dir1.path = newFold
- '
- 'For i = 0 To Dir1.ListCount - 1
- ' Dir1.path = newFold
- ' tmpStr = GetFoldName(Dir1.List(i))
- ' hSubMnu = CreatePopupMenu
- '
- ' If Not m_cTvwFav Is Nothing Then
- ' If NotRoot Then
- ' hNode = m_cTvwFav.AddItem(tmpStr, hParent, , 4, 4, 1, subMenuCount + 1)
- ' Else
- ' hNode = m_cTvwFav.AddItem(tmpStr, , , 4, 4, 1, subMenuCount + 1)
- ' End If
- ' End If
- '
- '' If NotRoot Then
- '' Set tmpNode = tvwFavorite.Nodes.Add(Dir1.List(-1), tvwChild, Dir1.List(i), tmpStr, ImgK_Icon_Folder) ' "folder")
- '' Else
- '' Set tmpNode = tvwFavorite.Nodes.Add(, , Dir1.List(i), tmpStr, ImgK_Icon_Folder) ' "folder" )
- '' End If
- '' tmpNode.Tag = "Root"
- '
- ' Call AppendMenu(hMainMnu, MF_POPUP Or MF_STRING, hSubMnu, Mid2(tmpStr, , MaxMenuCharLength, "..."))
- ' Call gODrawMenu.RstMenu(hMainMnu, i + extPos, , ImgIx_Icon_Folder, ImgIx_Icon_Folder_Open, , , "fav")
- '
- '
- ' subMenuCount = subMenuCount + 1
- ' If subMenuCount > Max_subMenuCount Then
- ' Max_subMenuCount = Max_subMenuCount + 10
- ' ReDim Preserve loadSubInfo(0 To Max_subMenuCount)
- ' End If
- '
- '
- ' With loadSubInfo(subMenuCount)
- ' .Title = tmpStr
- ' .hwnd = hSubMnu
- ' .path = Dir1.List(i)
- ' .isLoadSub = False
- ' .hNode = hNode
- ' End With
- '
- ' '递归调用
- ' 'Call SeekFold(Dir1.List(i), hSubMnu)
- ' Call SeekFold(Dir1.List(i), hSubMnu, , , hNode)
- 'Next
- 'AppendMenu hMainMnu, MF_SEPARATOR, 0&, ""
- 'AppendMenu hMainMnu, MF_STRING, 9998, "打开本层链接"
- 'AppendMenu hMainMnu, MF_STRING, 9999, "分离本层链接"
- '
- End Sub
- Public Sub favConet(newUrl As String, Optional newWindow As Boolean = True)
- If newWindow Or loadedBrowserCount < 1 Then
- Call NewWebbrowser(newUrl)
- Else
- webbState(gActiveWebIndex).webForm.Navigate newUrl, False
- End If
- End Sub
- Public Sub SeekFile(ByVal newFold As String, hMainMnu As Long, Optional extPos As Integer = 0, _
- Optional NotRoot As Boolean = True, Optional hParent&)
- On Error Resume Next
- Dim tmpName As String, j&
- Dim tIniFile As cINIFile
- Dim tMenuCnt As Long
- Dim tFiles() As String
- Dim tFleCnt As Long
- Set tIniFile = New cINIFile
- If Right$(newFold, 1) <> "" Then
- newFold = newFold & ""
- End If
- Call FindFilesAPI(newFold, "*.url", tFleCnt, tFiles, True, gFavoriteShowHidden = 1)
- SortString tFiles, 1, tFleCnt, True
- For j = 1 To tFleCnt
- itemMenuCount = itemMenuCount + 1
- If itemMenuCount > Max_itemMenuCount Then
- Max_itemMenuCount = Max_itemMenuCount + 50
- ReDim Preserve favoriteInfo(0 To Max_itemMenuCount)
- End If
- tmpName = Left$(tFiles(j), Len(tFiles(j)) - 4)
- With favoriteInfo(itemMenuCount)
- .path = newFold & tFiles(j)
- .Title = tmpName
- .hSubMenu = hMainMnu
- End With
- Call InsertMenu(hMainMnu, extPos + j - 1, MF_BYPOSITION Or MF_STRING, itemMenuCount + MenuIDOffset, Mid2(tmpName, , MaxMenuCharLength, "..."))
- Call gODrawMenu.RstMenu(hMainMnu, CLng(extPos + j - 1), , ImgIx_Icon_Url, , , , "fav")
- favoriteInfo(itemMenuCount).url = tIniFile.ReadKey("InternetShortcut", "URL", "", newFold & tFiles(j))
- If Not m_cTvwFav Is Nothing Then
- If NotRoot Then
- m_cTvwFav.AddItem tmpName, hParent, , 6, 6, 0, itemMenuCount
- Else
- m_cTvwFav.AddItem tmpName, , , 6, 6, 0, itemMenuCount
- End If
- End If
- ' If NotRoot Then
- ' Set tmpNode = tvwFavorite.Nodes.Add(newFold, tvwChild, tmpNewFold + File1.List(j), tmpName, "url")
- ' Else
- ' Set tmpNode = tvwFavorite.Nodes.Add(, , tmpNewFold + File1.List(j), tmpName, ImgK_Icon_Url) ' "url")
- ' End If
- ' tmpNode.Tag = favoriteInfo(itemMenuCount).Url
- Next
- tMenuCnt = GetMenuItemCount(hMainMnu)
- If (tMenuCnt <= 3) And NotRoot Then
- Call InsertMenu(hMainMnu, 0, MF_BYPOSITION Or MF_STRING, 0, "(空)")
- For j = 0 To tMenuCnt
- Call EnableMenuItem(hMainMnu, j, MF_BYPOSITION Or MF_GRAYED)
- Next j
- End If
- If gFavoriteSinglLineMenu = 0 Then
- Call BreakMenu(hMainMnu)
- End If
- 'Dim tmpName As String, j As Integer ', n As Integer
- 'Dim tmpNewFold As String
- ''Dim tmpNode As Node
- 'Dim tIniFile As cINIFile
- 'Set tIniFile = New cINIFile
- '
- 'File1.path = newFold
- 'File1.Refresh
- 'For j = 0 To File1.ListCount - 1
- ' itemMenuCount = itemMenuCount + 1
- ' If itemMenuCount > Max_itemMenuCount Then
- ' Max_itemMenuCount = Max_itemMenuCount + 50
- ' ReDim Preserve favoriteInfo(0 To Max_itemMenuCount)
- ' End If
- '
- '
- ' tmpName = File1.List(j)
- ' With favoriteInfo(itemMenuCount)
- ' .path = tmpName
- ' tmpName = Mid(tmpName, 1, Len(tmpName) - 4)
- ' .Title = tmpName
- ' .hSubMenu = hMainMnu
- ' End With
- '
- ' Call InsertMenu(hMainMnu, extPos + j, MF_BYPOSITION Or MF_STRING, itemMenuCount + MenuIDOffset, Mid2(tmpName, , MaxMenuCharLength, "..."))
- '
- ' Call gODrawMenu.RstMenu(hMainMnu, CLng(extPos + j), , ImgIx_Icon_Url, , , , "fav")
- '
- ' favoriteInfo(itemMenuCount).Url = tIniFile.ReadKey("InternetShortcut", "URL", "", File1.path + "" + File1.List(j))
- '
- '
- '
- ' If Right(newFold, 1) <> "" Then tmpNewFold = newFold + "" Else tmpNewFold = newFold
- ' favoriteInfo(itemMenuCount).path = tmpNewFold & File1.List(j)
- '
- ' If Not m_cTvwFav Is Nothing Then
- ' If NotRoot Then
- ' m_cTvwFav.AddItem tmpName, hParent, , 6, 6, 0, itemMenuCount
- ' Else
- ' m_cTvwFav.AddItem tmpName, , , 6, 6, 0, itemMenuCount
- ' End If
- ' End If
- '
- '' If NotRoot Then
- '' Set tmpNode = tvwFavorite.Nodes.Add(newFold, tvwChild, tmpNewFold + File1.List(j), tmpName, "url")
- '' Else
- '' Set tmpNode = tvwFavorite.Nodes.Add(, , tmpNewFold + File1.List(j), tmpName, ImgK_Icon_Url) ' "url")
- '' End If
- '' tmpNode.Tag = favoriteInfo(itemMenuCount).Url
- '
- 'Next
- '
- 'Dim tmpCount As Long
- 'If GetMenuItemCount(hMainMnu) < 1 And NotRoot Then
- ' Call AppendMenu(hMainMnu, MF_BYPOSITION, 0, "(空)")
- ' Call EnableMenuItem(hMainMnu, 0, MF_BYPOSITION + MF_GRAYED)
- '
- 'End If
- End Sub
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' Procedure : BreakMenu
- ' DateTime : 2005-4-19 22:54
- ' Author : Lingll
- ' Purpose :
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Private Sub BreakMenu(vHMenu&)
- Dim tMH&
- Dim tScH&, tMaxItem&
- Dim tForCnt&
- Dim tMenuCnt&
- Dim i&
- tMenuCnt = GetMenuItemCount(vHMenu)
- tMH = GetMenuItemHeight
- tScH = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN) - 50
- tMaxItem = Int(tScH / tMH)
- For i = tMaxItem - 1 To tMenuCnt - 1 Step tMaxItem
- Next i
- End Sub
- Public Function NewWebbrowser( _
- Optional ByVal newUrl As String = "", _
- Optional nForm As frmBrowser = Nothing, _
- Optional nNewWinodwInBack As Boolean = False, _
- Optional nEnableNewInBack As Boolean = False, _
- Optional nTabIndex& = -1, _
- Optional noNavigate As Boolean = False _
- ) As Long
- On Error GoTo due:
- Dim i As Long, j As Long
- '判断是否用newurl做连接
- Dim useUrl As Boolean
- Dim newB As frmBrowser
- If nEnableNewInBack Then
- Else
- nNewWinodwInBack = (isLockPresentWeb = 1) Or vkPress(VK_CONTROL)
- End If
- If loadedBrowserCount >= browserCount Then
- MsgBox "max limit"
- Exit Function
- End If
- useUrl = (nForm Is Nothing)
- If nForm Is Nothing Then
- newUrl = Trim$(newUrl)
- If newUrl = "" Then newUrl = "about:blank"
- Set newB = New frmBrowser
- Load newB
- 'Call newB.Navigate(newUrl, False)
- ' If newB.Navigate2(newUrl) Then
- ' Else
- ' Unload newB
- ' Exit Function
- ' End If
- Else
- Set newB = nForm
- End If
- For i = 1 To browserCount
- 'If Not webbState(i).isLoaded Then
- If webbState(i) Is Nothing Then
- 'webbState(i).isLoaded = True
- Set webbState(i) = New cLBrowser
- webbState(i).IniMe TabBar, newB
- 'webbState(i).tabOrder = loadedBrowserCount + 1
- ' If nForm Is Nothing Then
- ' Set newB = New frmBrowser
- ' Else
- ' Set newB = nForm
- ' End If
- 'newB.CanNotShow = False
- ' === controls no use ==========
- ' Load cochkButton(i) '提前加载,避免 frmBrowser.FormActive() 出错
- ' =====================================
- Set webbState(i).TabBtn = TabBar.Add("", cbtsCheck, i, , nTabIndex)
- newB.tagIndex = i
- Dim tPreState&
- If loadedBrowserCount <= 0 Then
- ShowWindow newB.hWnd, SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED
- Else
- 'If isLockPresentWeb = 1 Or vkPress(VK_CONTROL) Then
- tPreState = webbState(gActiveWebIndex).webForm.WindowState
- nNewWinodwInBack = nNewWinodwInBack And (tPreState <> vbMinimized)
- If nNewWinodwInBack Then
- Dim preHwnd As Long
- preHwnd = webbState(gActiveWebIndex).webForm.hWnd
- If Not newB.HaveSetRect Then
- If tPreState = vbNormal Then
- ShowWindow newB.hWnd, SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE
- Else
- NOExeActive = True
- 'newB.NoActive = True
- SendMessageLng hMDIClient, WM_SETREDRAW, 0&, ByVal 0&
- ShowWindow newB.hWnd, SW_MAXIMIZE
- End If
- 'SetWindowPos newB.hwnd, preHwnd, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOACTIVATE Or SWP_NOSIZE Or SWP_NOMOVE
- BringWindowToTop preHwnd
- SendMessageLng hMDIClient, WM_SETREDRAW, 1&, ByVal 0&
- NOExeActive = False
- Else
- SetWindowPos newB.hWnd, preHwnd, 0, 0, newB.GetSetWinWidth, newB.GetSetWinHeight, SWP_NOMOVE Or SWP_SHOWWINDOW Or SWP_NOACTIVATE
- End If
- Else
- If Not newB.HaveSetRect Then
- If tPreState = vbNormal Then
- ShowWindow newB.hWnd, SW_SHOWNORMAL
- Else
- ShowWindow newB.hWnd, SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED
- End If
- BringWindowToTop newB.hWnd
- Else
- SetWindowPos newB.hWnd, HWND_TOP, 0, 0, newB.GetSetWinWidth, newB.GetSetWinHeight, SWP_NOMOVE Or SWP_SHOWWINDOW
- End If
- End If
- End If
- Set webbState(i).webForm = newB
- ' webbState(i).isFirst = 1
- 'webbState(i).fontSize = 2
- ' ======== controls no use ==================
- ' Dim tmpOptLeft As Single
- ' Dim tmpOptIndex As Single
- ' tmpOptLeft = -cochkButton(tmpOptIndex).pWidth
- '
- ' For j = 1 To browserCount
- ' If webbState(j).isLoaded And j <> i Then
- ' If tmpOptLeft < cochkButton(j).pLeft Then
- ' tmpOptLeft = cochkButton(j).pLeft
- ' tmpOptIndex = j
- ' End If
- ' End If
- ' Next
- '
- '
- '
- ' cochkButton(i).pVisible = False
- ' cochkButton(i).CreateFace
- ' 'Set cochkButton(i).PictureIN = ProgressIcon(0)
- ' With cochkButton(i)
- ' .pLeft = tmpOptLeft + cochkButton(tmpOptIndex).pWidth
- ' '.pVisible = True
- ' End With
- ' ======================================================
- 'If isLockPresentWeb = 0 And Not vkPress(VK_CONTROL) Then
- If Not nNewWinodwInBack Then
- 'If loadedBrowserCount > 0 Then cochkButton(gActiveWebIndex).Checked = False
- 'lstOrder.AddItem i, 0
- gActiveWebIndex = i
- ' cochkButton(i).Checked = True
- Else
- If loadedBrowserCount > 0 Then
- 'cochkButton(gActiveWebIndex).Checked = True
- 'lstOrder.AddItem i, 1
- 'cochkButton(i).Checked = False
- Else
- 'lstOrder.AddItem i
- 'cochkButton(i).Checked = True
- gActiveWebIndex = i
- End If
- End If
- '======= control no use ============
- 'Set webbState(i).webTab = cochkButton(i)
- '===================================
- Exit For
- End If
- Next i
- If useUrl And (Not noNavigate) Then
- 'newB.webMe.Navigate2 newUrl
- Call newB.Navigate(newUrl, False)
- End If
- 'If useUrl Then
- ' newUrl = Trim$(newUrl)
- ' If newUrl = "" Then newUrl = "about:blank"
- ' newB.Navigate newUrl
- 'End If
- 'On Error Resume Next
- loadedBrowserCount = loadedBrowserCount + 1
- fraHoldOpt.width = tabLength * loadedBrowserCount
- Call refreshTab
- Call EnableButtons
- isTabClick = True
- NewWebbrowser = i
- Exit Function
- due:
- ErrorLog.AddLog "new window" & Chr(9) & Err.Description & Str(Err.Number)
- Resume Next
- End Function
- Private Sub resizeFramFravorite()
- On Error Resume Next
- 'Dim tRight&
- With pctHoldFavorite
- .Left = 0
- .Top = 0
- .width = pctSideBar.width - fraMove.width
- .height = pctSideBar.height
- End With
- fraMove.Left = pctHoldFavorite.width
- fraMove.height = pctSideBar.height
- fraMove.Top = 0 ' -fraFavorite.Height
- End Sub
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' Procedure : RefreshFavorite
- ' DateTime : 2005-4-19 18:27
- ' Author : Lingll
- ' Purpose : 刷新收藏夹
- ' vLevel=0,不更新根路径,1,全面刷新
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Public Sub RefreshFavorite(Optional vLevel As Long = 1)
- Dim i As Long, menu_Count As Long
- Dim tPath As String * MAX_PATH
- Max_itemMenuCount = 500
- Max_subMenuCount = 100
- If vLevel = 1 Then
- If gFavoriteUseDefaultPath Then
- Call SHGetSpecialFolderPathW(0&, tPath, CSIDL_FAVORITES, 0)
- favoritePath = SysAllocString(StrPtr(tPath))
- Else
- favoritePath = gFavoriteCustomPath
- End If
- End If
- If m_cTvwFav Is Nothing Then
- Call IniFavoriteTree
- Else
- m_cTvwFav.Clear
- End If
- 'tvwFavorite.Nodes.Clear
- gODrawMenu.RemoveMulODMenu "fav"
- menu_Count = GetMenuItemCount(hMnuFavorite)
- For i = menu_Count - 1 To FavoriteMenuPosOffset Step -1
- DeleteMenu hMnuFavorite, i, MF_BYPOSITION
- Next
- ReDim loadSubInfo(0 To Max_subMenuCount)
- ReDim favoriteInfo(0 To Max_itemMenuCount)
- subMenuCount = 0
- itemMenuCount = 0
- loadSubInfo(0).isLoadSub = False
- loadSubInfo(0).hWnd = hMnuFavorite
- loadSubInfo(0).path = favoritePath
- loadSubInfo(0).Title = "收藏"
- 'Call SeekFold(favoritePath, hMnuFavorite, FavoriteMenuPosOffset, False)
- 'Call SeekFavoriteFolder(favoritePath, hMnuFavorite, FavoriteMenuPosOffset, False)
- 'Call mnuFavorite_Click
- End Sub
- Private Sub SaveProxy()
- Dim i&
- Dim tStg As cStorage
- Set tStg = New cStorage
- If tStg.OpenFile(AppPath & File_Config, StgName_Proxy) Then
- tStg.PutInteger proxyDataCount
- For i = 1 To proxyDataCount
- tStg.WriteString proxyData(i).proxyName, 2
- tStg.WriteString proxyData(i).address, 2
- tStg.WriteString proxyData(i).port, 1
- tStg.PutInteger proxyData(i).isByPass, 1
- tStg.WriteString proxyData(i).bypass
- Next i
- tStg.CloseFile
- End If
- End Sub
- '========================================================
- 'Private Sub SaveProxy()
- 'Dim i&
- 'Dim tFile As cBinaryFile
- 'Set tFile = New cBinaryFile
- '
- '
- 'Dim hFile As Long
- 'On Error GoTo drr
- '
- 'Name AppPath & "proxy.dat" As AppPath & "proxy.bak"
- 'hFile = FreeFile
- 'With tFile
- ' .OpenFile AppPath & "proxy.dat"
- ' .PutLng proxyDataCount
- ' For i = 1 To proxyDataCount
- ' .WriteStringInt proxyData(i).proxyName
- ' .WriteStringInt proxyData(i).address
- ' .WriteStringByt proxyData(i).port
- ' .PutByte proxyData(i).isByPass
- ' .WriteStringLng proxyData(i).bypass
- '
- ' Next i
- ' .CloseFile
- 'End With
- ''Open fullpath + "proxy.dat" For Binary As hFile 'Len = Len(proxyData(0))
- '' Put hFile, , proxyDataCount
- '' If proxyDataCount > 0 Then
- '' Dim i As Integer
- '' For i = 1 To proxyDataCount
- ''
- '' Put hFile, , proxyData(i)
- '' Next
- '' End If
- ''Close hFile
- '
- 'Exit Sub
- '
- 'drr:
- 'If Err.Number = 58 Then
- ' Kill AppPath & "proxy.bak"
- ' Resume
- ' ElseIf Err.Number = 53 Then
- ' Resume Next
- 'End If
- 'End Sub
- Private Sub refreshTab()
- If fraHoldOpt.width > pctTabs.width Then
- If tabsPos > 1 Then
- 'myButtonGoLeft.pVisible = True
- pctTabGoLeft.Visible = True
- 'myButtonGoLeft.TipText = "左面还有" & LTrim(Str(tabsPos - 1)) & "个页面"
- TabGoLeftBar.Buttons(1).tiptext = "左面还有" & LTrim(Str(tabsPos - 1)) & "个页面"
- fraHoldOpt.Left = -tabLength * (tabsPos - 1) + mTabGoLRWidth * 15 ' myButtonGoLeft.pWidth
- Else
- timerMoveTab.Enabled = False
- 'myButtonGoLeft.pVisible = False
- pctTabGoLeft.Visible = False
- fraHoldOpt.Left = 0
- End If
- If fraHoldOpt.width + fraHoldOpt.Left > pctTabs.width Then
- 'With myButtonGoRight
- '.pVisible = True
- pctTabGoRight.Visible = True
- Dim rTabCount As Long
- rTabCount = (fraHoldOpt.width + fraHoldOpt.Left - pctTabs.width) / tabLength
- TabGoRightBar.Buttons(1).tiptext = "右面还有" & LTrim(Str(rTabCount)) & "个页面"
- '.pLeft = pctTabs.width - .pWidth
- pctTabGoRight.Left = pctTabs.width - mTabGoLRWidth * 15
- 'End With
- Else
- 'myButtonGoRight.pVisible = False
- pctTabGoRight.Visible = False
- timerMoveTab.Enabled = False
- End If
- Else
- ' myButtonGoLeft.pVisible = False
- ' myButtonGoRight.pVisible = False
- pctTabGoLeft.Visible = False
- pctTabGoRight.Visible = False
- timerMoveTab.Enabled = False
- fraHoldOpt.Left = 0
- tabsPos = 1
- End If
- End Sub
- '关闭被选择的页面
- Private Sub CloseMulTab(Optional isInvert As Boolean = False)
- Dim i As Long
- Dim canCall As Boolean
- For i = 1 To browserCount
- 'If webbState(i).isLoaded Then
- If Not webbState(i) Is Nothing Then
- ' canCall = (webbState(i).webTab.Selected Or i = gActiveWebIndex) Xor isInvert
- 'canCall = webbState(i).webTab.Selected Xor isInvert
- canCall = webbState(i).TabBtn.Selected Xor isInvert
- If canCall Then
- Call UnloadBrowser(i)
- End If
- End If
- Next i
- End Sub
- Public Sub popMenuLockToolBar()
- 'Me.PopupMenu mnuToolBar ' mnuCbrPopMenu
- pMnu_ViewToolbar.Popup2 Me.hWnd, , , , TPM_LEFTALIGN
- End Sub
- 'Private Function load_close_menu(Url As String, Title As String) As Boolean
- ''If LCase(Url) = "about:blank" Or Url = "" Then Exit Function
- ''Dim canAdd As Boolean
- ''Dim repeatIndex As Integer
- ''Dim i As Integer
- ''If Trim(Title) = "" Then Title = Url
- ''Title = CutString(Title, 30, " ...")
- ''repeatIndex = 0
- ''For i = 1 To re_closepage_count
- '' If Url = mnuRecent_ClosePage(i).Tag And Title = mnuRecent_ClosePage(i).Caption Then
- '' repeatIndex = i
- '' Exit For
- '' End If
- ''Next
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''If repeatIndex = 0 Then
- '' re_closepage_count = re_closepage_count + 1
- '' If re_closepage_count > max_re_closepage Then re_closepage_count = max_re_closepage
- '' repeatIndex = re_closepage_count
- ''End If
- ''
- ''For i = repeatIndex To 2 Step -1
- '' mnuRecent_ClosePage(i).Tag = mnuRecent_ClosePage(i - 1).Tag
- '' mnuRecent_ClosePage(i).Caption = mnuRecent_ClosePage(i - 1).Caption
- '' mnuRecent_ClosePage(i).Visible = True
- ''Next i
- ''
- ''mnuRecent_ClosePage(1).Visible = True
- ''mnuRecent_ClosePage(1).Tag = Url
- ''mnuRecent_ClosePage(1).Caption = Title
- ''mnuRecent_ClosePage(1).Visible = True
- ''If re_closepage_count > 0 Then mnuRecent_ClosePage(0).Visible = False
- ''
- '''Dim tButton As MSComctlLib.Button, tButtonMenu As MSComctlLib.ButtonMenu
- '''Set tButton = tlbMe.Buttons(TbrK_Main_RecentClose)
- '''tButton.ButtonMenus.Clear
- '''pMnu_Reopen.ClearItems
- ''
- '''For i = 0 To re_closepage_count
- ''' If mnuRecent_ClosePage(i).Visible Then
- ''' pMnu_Reopen.Add mnuRecent_ClosePage(i).Caption
- '''
- ''' 'Set tButtonMenu = tButton.ButtonMenus.Add(, , mnuRecent_ClosePage(i).Caption)
- ''' 'tButtonMenu.Tag = mnuRecent_ClosePage(i).Tag
- ''' End If
- '''Next i
- ''
- '''If re_closepage_count > 0 Then
- ''' tButton.Image = "RecentCloseFull"
- ''' MoveWindow myRebar.hWnd, 0, 0, 100, 100, True
- '''Else
- ''' tButton.Image = "RecentCloseEmpty"
- '''End If
- 'End Function
- Public Sub NextLastTab(ByVal movenext As Boolean)
- Dim t_int As Integer, i As Integer
- If movenext Then
- 't_int = webbState(gActiveWebIndex).tabOrder + 1
- t_int = webbState(gActiveWebIndex).TabBtn.index + 1
- If t_int > loadedBrowserCount Then t_int = 1
- Else
- 't_int = webbState(gActiveWebIndex).tabOrder - 1
- t_int = webbState(gActiveWebIndex).TabBtn.index - 1
- If t_int < 1 Then t_int = loadedBrowserCount
- End If
- For i = 1 To browserCount
- 'If webbState(i).isLoaded Then
- If Not webbState(i) Is Nothing Then
- 'If webbState(i).tabOrder = t_int Then
- If webbState(i).TabBtn.index = t_int Then
- ' webbState(i).webForm.ZOrder
- Call SwitchTabs(i)
- End If
- End If
- Next i
- End Sub
- Private Sub UnloadBrowsers(ByVal orderBegin As Integer, ByVal orderEnd As Integer)
- On Error GoTo due:
- If orderBegin > orderEnd Then Exit Sub
- Dim i As Integer
- Dim tLen As Integer
- Dim tLstI As Integer
- tLen = orderEnd - orderBegin + 1
- For i = 1 To browserCount
- If Not webbState(i) Is Nothing Then
- If Not webbState(i).Hided Then
- If webbState(i).TabBtn.index >= orderBegin And webbState(i).TabBtn.index <= orderEnd Then
- ClosedPages.Add webbState(i).webForm.GetWebTitle, webbState(i).webForm.GetWebUrl
- isUnloadByFunction = True
- Unload webbState(i).webForm
- Set webbState(i).webForm = Nothing
- webbState(i).Tag = "ul"
- End If
- End If
- End If
- Next i
- For i = 1 To browserCount
- If Not webbState(i) Is Nothing Then
- If webbState(i).Tag = "ul" Then
- TabBar.RemoveByIndex webbState(i).TabBtn.index
- Set webbState(i) = Nothing
- End If
- End If
- Next i
- loadedBrowserCount = loadedBrowserCount - tLen
- 'For i = loadedBrowserCount - 1 To 0 Step -1
- ' tLstI = CInt(lstOrder.List(i))
- ' 'If webbState(tLstI).tabOrder >= orderBegin And webbState(tLstI).tabOrder <= orderEnd Then
- ' 'If webbState(tLstI).tabOrder = 0 Then
- ' 'If Not webbState(tLstI).isLoaded Then
- ' If Not webbState(tLstI) Is Nothing Then
- ' If webbState(tLstI).Tag = "1" Then
- ' Debug.Print "tlsti:"; tLstI
- ' TabBar.RemoveByIndex webbState(tLstI).TabBtn.index
- ' 'TabBar.RemoveByButtonObj webbState(tLstI).TabBtn
- ' Set webbState(tLstI).TabBtn = Nothing
- '
- ' lstOrder.RemoveItem i
- '
- ' Set webbState(tLstI) = Nothing
- ' End If
- ' End If
- 'Next i
- 'loadedBrowserCount = loadedBrowserCount - tLen
- fraHoldOpt.width = tabLength * loadedBrowserCount
- 'gActiveWebIndex = lstOrder.List(0)
- 'Debug.Print "lstOrder.ListCount:"; lstOrder.ListCount
- 'webbState(CInt(lstOrder.List(0))).webForm.ZOrder
- Call refreshTab
- Call EnableButtons
- Exit Sub
- due:
- ErrorLog.AddLog "unloadBrowsers" & Chr(9) & Err.Description & Str(Err.Number)
- Resume Next
- End Sub
- 'Private Function CutString(nStr As String, nBits As Long, Add As String) As String
- 'Dim tstr As String
- 'tstr = StrConv(nStr, vbFromUnicode)
- 'If LenB(tstr) > nBits Then
- ' CutString = StrConv(LeftB(tstr, nBits), vbUnicode) & Add
- 'Else
- ' CutString = nStr
- 'End If
- '
- 'End Function
- Private Sub SavePagez() 'Optional nFile As String = "")
- Dim i As Long
- Dim turl As String
- Dim n As Long
- Dim tIni As cINIFile
- Set tIni = New cINIFile
- With tIni
- .IniFile = AppPath & MainIniName
- .DeleteSection "PageGroupTmp"
- .WriteKey "PageGroupTmp", "Count", Str$(loadedBrowserCount)
- n = 0
- For i = 1 To browserCount
- 'If webbState(i).isLoaded Then
- If Not webbState(i) Is Nothing Then
- n = n + 1
- turl = webbState(i).webForm.GetWebUrl
- .WriteKey "PageGroupTmp", "URL" & LTrim$(Str(n)), turl
- End If
- Next i
- End With
- End Sub
- Private Sub LoadPagez() 'Optional nFile As String = "")
- 'Dim fn As Long
- Dim i As Long
- 'Dim tLen As Long
- Dim turl As String
- Dim pageCnt&
- 'If nFile = "" Then
- ' nFile = App.Path & "pages.dat"
- 'End If
- 'fn = FreeFile
- 'Open nFile For Binary As fn
- ' Get fn, , pageCnt
- ' For i = 1 To pageCnt
- ' Get fn, , tLen
- ' tUrl = StrConv(InputB(tLen, fn), vbUnicode)
- ' Call NewWebbrowser(tUrl)
- ' Next i
- 'Close fn
- '
- Dim tIni As cINIFile
- Set tIni = New cINIFile
- With tIni
- .IniFile = AppPath & MainIniName
- pageCnt = Val(LTrim(.ReadKey("PageGroupTmp", "Count", "0")))
- Debug.Print pageCnt
- For i = 1 To pageCnt
- turl = .ReadKey("PageGroupTmp", "URL" & LTrim(Str(i)), "about:blank")
- Call NewWebbrowser(turl)
- Next i
- End With
- End Sub
- '========= begin ======== 最近访问的收藏 ==============
- Public Sub ClickFavorite(nTitle As String, ByVal nUrl As String)
- Const iniMark& = 20
- 'Const addMark& = 3
- 'Const addMark2& = 2
- 'Const addMarkTop& = 1
- Const subMark& = 1
- Const addRuleCnt& = 4
- Dim addMark(0 To addRuleCnt - 1) As Long
- Dim addMarkPos(0 To addRuleCnt - 1) As Long
- addMark(0) = 4
- addMark(1) = 3
- addMark(2) = 2
- addMark(3) = 1
- addMarkPos(0) = 0
- addMarkPos(1) = 30
- addMarkPos(2) = 50
- addMarkPos(3) = 60
- Dim i&, j&, index&, ti&, clickUrlIndex&
- Dim isNewUrl As Boolean, firstBiger As Boolean
- isNewUrl = True
- nUrl = Trim(nUrl)
- For i = 1 To moreFavCount
- If moreFavorite(moreFavOrder(i)).mark > -1 Then
- If nUrl = moreFavorite(moreFavOrder(i)).url Then
- isNewUrl = False
- index = i
- Exit For
- End If
- End If
- Next i
- If isNewUrl Then
- moreFavCount = moreFavCount + 1
- ReDim Preserve moreFavorite(0 To moreFavCount)
- ReDim Preserve moreFavOrder(0 To moreFavCount)
- With moreFavorite(moreFavCount)
- .mark = iniMark
- .Title = nTitle
- .url = nUrl
- End With
- moreFavOrder(moreFavCount) = moreFavCount
- firstBiger = True
- For i = moreFavCount - 1 To 1 Step -1
- ti = moreFavOrder(i)
- If moreFavorite(ti).mark > -1 Then
- moreFavorite(ti).mark = moreFavorite(ti).mark - subMark
- If moreFavorite(ti).mark <= iniMark And moreFavorite(ti).mark > -1 Then
- moreFavOrder(i + 1) = ti
- moreFavOrder(i) = moreFavCount
- ElseIf moreFavorite(ti).mark > iniMark And firstBiger Then
- moreFavOrder(i + 1) = moreFavCount
- firstBiger = False
- End If
- End If
- If moreFavorite(ti).mark < 0 And firstBiger Then
- moreFavOrder(i + 1) = ti
- moreFavOrder(i) = moreFavCount
- End If
- Next i
- Else
- 'If index > 1 Then
- clickUrlIndex = moreFavOrder(index)
- For i = moreFavCount To 1 Step -1
- ti = moreFavOrder(i)
- If i <> index Then
- If moreFavorite(ti).mark > -1 Then
- moreFavorite(ti).mark = moreFavorite(ti).mark - subMark
- End If
- Else
- For j = addRuleCnt - 1 To 0 Step -1
- If moreFavorite(ti).mark >= addMarkPos(j) Then
- moreFavorite(ti).mark = moreFavorite(ti).mark + addMark(j)
- Exit For
- End If
- Next j
- ' If index > 2 Then
- ' moreFavorite(Ti).mark = moreFavorite(Ti).mark + addMark
- ' ElseIf index > 1 Then
- ' moreFavorite(Ti).mark = moreFavorite(Ti).mark + addMark2
- ' Else
- ' moreFavorite(Ti).mark = moreFavorite(Ti).mark + addMarkTop
- ' End If
- End If
- If i < index Then
- If moreFavorite(ti).mark < moreFavorite(clickUrlIndex).mark Then
- moreFavOrder(i + 1) = ti
- moreFavOrder(i) = clickUrlIndex
- End If
- End If
- Next i
- 'End If
- End If
- Call RefreshMoreFavMenu
- End Sub
- Private Sub RefreshMoreFavMenu()
- On Error GoTo due
- Dim i&, ti&, tcnt&
- 'tcnt = SMenus.Count
- 'For i = tcnt To 1 Step -1
- ' If SMenus(i).Tag = "mfa" Then
- ' SMenus.Remove i
- ' End If
- 'Next i
- gODrawMenu.RemoveMulODMenu "mfa"
- 'mnuRecent_MoreFav(0).Visible = True
- 'For i = 1 To moreFavMenuCount
- ' 'Unload mnuRecent_MoreFav(i)
- ' SMenus.Remove "fav" & Str(i)
- 'Next i
- moreFavMenuCount = 0
- pMnu_MoreFavorite.ClearItems
- If moreFavCount > 0 Then
- For i = 1 To moreFavCount
- ti = moreFavOrder(i)
- If moreFavorite(ti).mark > -1 Then
- moreFavMenuCount = moreFavMenuCount + 1
- pMnu_MoreFavorite.Add Mid2(moreFavorite(ti).Title, , 30, " ..."), , ti + IdOffset_MoreFavorite
- ' Load mnuRecent_MoreFav(moreFavMenuCount)
- ' With mnuRecent_MoreFav(moreFavMenuCount)
- ' .Enabled = True
- ' .Visible = True
- ' .Caption = Mid2(moreFavorite(ti).Title, , 30, " ...") '& Str(moreFavorite(Ti).mark)
- ' .Tag = moreFavorite(ti).Url
- ' End With
- gODrawMenu.RstMenu hMnuMoreFav, moreFavMenuCount - 1, "", ImgIx_Icon_Url, , , , "mfa"
- End If
- Next i
- Else
- pMnu_MoreFavorite.Add "空", pmsString Or pmsDisabled
- End If
- pMnu_MoreFavorite.Add "", pmsSeparator
- pMnu_MoreFavorite.Add "清空", , IDM_Main_Favorite_MoreFavs_Clear
- 'If moreFavMenuCount > 0 Then
- ' mnuRecent_MoreFav(0).Visible = False
- ' mnuFavorite_MoreFavs_Clear.Visible = True
- ' mnuFavorite_MoreFavs_none1.Visible = True
- 'Else
- ' mnuRecent_MoreFav(0).Visible = True
- ' mnuFavorite_MoreFavs_Clear.Visible = False
- ' mnuFavorite_MoreFavs_none1.Visible = False
- 'End If
- 'If moreFavCount > 0 Then
- ' For i = 1 To moreFavCount
- ' ti = moreFavOrder(i)
- ' If moreFavorite(ti).mark > -1 Then
- ' moreFavMenuCount = moreFavMenuCount + 1
- ' Load mnuRecent_MoreFav(moreFavMenuCount)
- ' With mnuRecent_MoreFav(moreFavMenuCount)
- ' .Enabled = True
- ' .Visible = True
- ' .Caption = Mid2(moreFavorite(ti).Title, , 30, " ...") '& Str(moreFavorite(Ti).mark)
- ' .Tag = moreFavorite(ti).Url
- ' End With
- ' 'RstMenu hMnuMoreFav, i, "fav" & Str(i), ImgK_Icon_Url
- ' End If
- ' Next i
- 'End If
- 'If moreFavMenuCount > 0 Then
- ' mnuRecent_MoreFav(0).Visible = False
- ' mnuFavorite_MoreFavs_Clear.Visible = True
- ' mnuFavorite_MoreFavs_none1.Visible = True
- 'Else
- ' mnuRecent_MoreFav(0).Visible = True
- ' mnuFavorite_MoreFavs_Clear.Visible = False
- ' mnuFavorite_MoreFavs_none1.Visible = False
- 'End If
- Exit Sub
- due:
- ErrorLog.AddLog "RefreshMoreFavMenu" & Chr(9) & Err.Description & Chr(9) & Err.Number
- Resume Next
- End Sub
- Private Sub SaveMoreFavInfo()
- Dim tStg As cStorage
- Dim i&, ti&
- Dim tMenuCnt&
- tMenuCnt = 0
- Set tStg = New cStorage
- If tStg.OpenFile(AppPath & File_Config, StgName_MoreFav) Then
- tStg.PutInteger tMenuCnt
- For i = 1 To moreFavCount
- ti = moreFavOrder(i)
- If moreFavorite(ti).mark > -1 Then
- tMenuCnt = tMenuCnt + 1
- tStg.PutInteger moreFavorite(ti).mark
- tStg.WriteString moreFavorite(ti).Title
- tStg.WriteString moreFavorite(ti).url
- End If
- Next i
- tStg.SeekTo 0
- tStg.PutInteger tMenuCnt
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub LoadMoreFavInfo()
- Dim tStg As cStorage
- Dim i&
- Set tStg = New cStorage
- If tStg.OpenFile(AppPath & File_Config, StgName_MoreFav) Then
- moreFavCount = tStg.GetInteger()
- ReDim moreFavorite(0 To moreFavCount)
- ReDim moreFavOrder(0 To moreFavCount)
- For i = 1 To moreFavCount
- moreFavOrder(i) = i
- With moreFavorite(i)
- .mark = tStg.GetInteger()
- .Title = tStg.GetString()
- .url = tStg.GetString()
- End With
- Next i
- tStg.CloseFile
- Else
- moreFavCount = 0
- ReDim moreFavorite(0 To moreFavCount)
- ReDim moreFavOrder(0 To moreFavCount)
- End If
- Call RefreshMoreFavMenu
- End Sub
- '=========== 最近访问的收藏 =========== End ===============
- '=========== begin =========== 搜索列表 ==============
- Private Sub LoadSearchurlFromINI()
- Dim i&, tIniFile As cINIFile
- 'Dim IniFile As String
- Set tIniFile = New cINIFile
- With tIniFile
- .IniFile = AppPath & MainIniName
- FirstLoadSearchurl = Val(.ReadKey("Search Url", "FirstLoad", "1"))
- If FirstLoadSearchurl = 1 Then
- SearchurlCount = defSearchCount
- ReDim searchUrl(0 To SearchurlCount)
- For i = 1 To SearchurlCount
- searchUrl(i) = def_searchurl(i)
- Next i
- FirstLoadSearchurl = 0
- Else
- SearchurlCount = Val(.ReadKey("Search Url", "Count", "0"))
- ReDim searchUrl(0 To SearchurlCount)
- For i = 1 To SearchurlCount
- searchUrl(i).Title = .ReadKey("Search Url", "Title" & LTrim(Str(i)), "0")
- searchUrl(i).url = .ReadKey("Search Url", "URL" & LTrim(Str(i)), "0")
- Next i
- End If
- End With
- End Sub
- Private Sub SaveSearchurlToINI()
- Dim i&, tIniFile As cINIFile
- Set tIniFile = New cINIFile
- With tIniFile
- .IniFile = AppPath & MainIniName
- Call .DeleteSection("Search Url")
- Call .WriteKey("Search Url", "FirstLoad", Str$(FirstLoadSearchurl))
- Call .WriteKey("Search Url", "Count", Str$(SearchurlCount))
- 'SearchurlCount = Val(.ReadKey("Search Url", "Count", "0"))
- For i = 1 To SearchurlCount
- Call .WriteKey("Search Url", "Title" & LTrim$(Str(i)), searchUrl(i).Title)
- Call .WriteKey("Search Url", "URL" & LTrim$(Str(i)), searchUrl(i).url)
- Next i
- End With
- End Sub
- Public Sub LoadSearchurlMenu()
- Dim i&
- Dim asKey$
- For i = 1 To SearchurlCount
- If i < 11 Then
- asKey = "&" & LTrim$(Str(i Mod 10)) & " "
- Else
- asKey = " "
- End If
- mPopmnuTurnTo.Add asKey & searchUrl(i).Title, , i + mOffset_Turnto
- ' Load mnuTurnTo_Search(i)
- '
- ' mnuTurnTo_Search(i).Caption = asKey & searchUrl(i).Title
- Next i
- End Sub
- Public Sub RemoveSearchurlMenu()
- 'Dim i&
- Call mPopmnuTurnTo.RemoveItems(4, mPopmnuTurnTo.GetItemCount - 1)
- 'For i = 1 To SearchurlCount
- ' Unload mnuTurnTo_Search(i)
- 'Next i
- End Sub
- '=========== 搜索列表 ============== END ==============
- '保存地址栏键盘
- Private Sub SaveAddbarKey()
- Dim tIniFile As cINIFile
- Set tIniFile = New cINIFile
- With tIniFile
- .IniFile = AppPath & MainIniName
- Call .WriteKey("Addbar Key", "Enter", Str(AddBarShortKey_Enter))
- Call .WriteKey("Addbar Key", "Shift", Str(AddBarShortKey_Shift))
- Call .WriteKey("Addbar Key", "Ctrl", Str(AddBarShortKey_Ctrl))
- Call .WriteKey("Addbar Key", "Alt", Str(AddBarShortKey_Alt))
- Call .WriteKey("Addbar Key", "CtrlShift", Str(AddBarShortKey_CtrlShift))
- Call .WriteKey("Addbar Key", "AltShift", Str(AddBarShortKey_AltShift))
- End With
- End Sub
- '读取地址栏键盘
- Private Sub LoadAddbarKey()
- Dim tIniFile As cINIFile
- Set tIniFile = New cINIFile
- With tIniFile
- .IniFile = AppPath & MainIniName
- AddBarShortKey_Enter = .ReadKey("Addbar Key", "Enter", "-3")
- AddBarShortKey_Shift = .ReadKey("Addbar Key", "Shift", "-2")
- AddBarShortKey_Ctrl = .ReadKey("Addbar Key", "Ctrl", "0")
- AddBarShortKey_Alt = .ReadKey("Addbar Key", "Alt", "0")
- AddBarShortKey_CtrlShift = .ReadKey("Addbar Key", "CtrlShift", "0")
- AddBarShortKey_AltShift = .ReadKey("Addbar Key", "AltShift", "0")
- End With
- End Sub
- Public Property Get ShowFavorite() As Long ' MSComctlLib.ValueConstants
- ShowFavorite = m_ShowFavorite
- End Property
- '是否显示边栏,显示哪个,
- '0,不显示
- '>0,显示id(菜单)对应的边栏
- '<0,显示
- Public Property Let ShowFavorite(ByVal vNewValue As Long) ' MSComctlLib.ValueConstants)
- On Error Resume Next
- m_ShowFavorite = vNewValue
- 'm_cTbrMain.CheckButton TbrID_Main_Favorites, m_ShowFavorite = 1
- Select Case vNewValue
- Case Is <> 0
- If vNewValue > 0 Then
- m_ShowFavorite = vNewValue
- Else
- m_ShowFavorite = Abs(m_ShowFavorite)
- End If
- Call ShowSideband(m_ShowFavorite)
- If vNewValue = IDM_Main_View_SideBand_Favorite Then
- If Not loadSubInfo(0).isLoadSub Then
- Call SeekFavoriteFolder(favoritePath, loadSubInfo(0).hWnd, FavoriteMenuPosOffset, False)
- loadSubInfo(0).isLoadSub = True
- End If
- End If
- If FloatFavorite = 1 Then
- pctSideBar.Visible = True
- Call resizeFramFravorite
- Else
- frmFloatFavorite.Show , Me
- End If
- Case 0
- m_ShowFavorite = -Abs(m_ShowFavorite)
- If FloatFavorite = 1 Then
- pctSideBar.Visible = False
- Else
- frmFloatFavorite.Hide
- End If
- pMnu_ViewSideBand.UnCheckAll
- m_cTbrMain.CheckButton TbrID_Main_Favorites, False
- End Select
- End Property
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' Procedure : ShowSideband
- ' DateTime : 2005-5-31 16:09
- ' Author : Lingll
- ' Purpose :
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Private Sub ShowSideband(id&)
- Dim tIndex&, i&
- Debug.Print "side band"
- tIndex = id - IdOffset_ViewSideBand
- For i = 1 To gPluginSBCnt
- gPluginsSideBand(i).ShowBand False
- Next i
- pMnu_ViewSideBand.UnCheckAll
- If id = IDM_Main_View_SideBand_Favorite Then
- m_cTvwFav.Visible = True
- lblSideBand.Caption = "收藏夹"
- pMnu_ViewSideBand.CheckItem IDM_Main_View_SideBand_Favorite, True
- m_cTbrMain.CheckButton TbrID_Main_Favorites, True
- Else
- If tIndex > 0 And tIndex <= gPluginSBCnt Then
- m_cTvwFav.Visible = False
- Call gPluginsSideBand(tIndex).ShowBand(True)
- lblSideBand.Caption = gPluginsSideBand(tIndex).Title
- pMnu_ViewSideBand.CheckItem id, True
- End If
- Call m_cTbrMain.CheckButton(TbrID_Main_Favorites, False)
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub LoadProxy()
- Dim i&
- Dim tStg As cStorage
- ReDim proxyData(0 To 0)
- Set tStg = New cStorage
- If tStg.OpenFile(AppPath & File_Config, StgName_Proxy) Then
- proxyDataCount = tStg.GetInteger()
- ReDim proxyData(0 To proxyDataCount)
- For i = 1 To proxyDataCount
- proxyData(i).proxyName = tStg.GetString(2)
- proxyData(i).address = tStg.GetString(2)
- proxyData(i).port = tStg.GetString(1)
- proxyData(i).isByPass = tStg.GetInteger(1)
- proxyData(i).bypass = tStg.GetString()
- Next i
- Else
- ReDim proxyData(0 To 0)
- proxyDataCount = 0
- End If
- End Sub
- '===============================================================
- 'Private Sub LoadProxy()
- '
- ''ReDim proxyData(0 To 0)
- ''Dim hFile As Long
- ''Dim tproxyDataCount As Integer
- ''hFile = FreeFile
- ''Open AppPath & "proxy.dat" For Binary As hFile 'Len = Len(proxyData(0))
- '' Get hFile, , tproxyDataCount
- '' proxyDataCount = tproxyDataCount
- '' If proxyDataCount > 0 Then
- '' ReDim proxyData(0 To proxyDataCount)
- '' Dim i As Integer
- '' For i = 1 To proxyDataCount
- '' Get hFile, , proxyData(i)
- '' With proxyData(i)
- '' .proxyName = Replace(.proxyName, vbNullChar, Chr$(32))
- '' .address = Replace(.address, vbNullChar, Chr$(32))
- '' .bypass = Replace(.bypass, vbNullChar, Chr$(32))
- '' .port = Replace(.port, vbNullChar, Chr$(32))
- '' End With
- '' Next
- '' End If
- ''Close hFile
- '
- 'On Error GoTo due
- '
- 'ReDim proxyData(0 To 0)
- ''Dim hFile As Long
- ''hFile = FreeFile
- 'Dim i&
- 'Dim tFile As cBinaryFile
- '
- 'Set tFile = New cBinaryFile
- 'With tFile
- ' .OpenFile AppPath & "proxy.dat"
- ' proxyDataCount = .GetLng
- ' ReDim proxyData(0 To proxyDataCount)
- ' For i = 1 To proxyDataCount
- ' .ReadStringInt proxyData(i).proxyName
- ' .ReadStringInt proxyData(i).address
- ' .ReadStringLngByt proxyData(i).port
- ' proxyData(i).isByPass = .GetByte
- ' .ReadStringLng proxyData(i).bypass
- ' Next i
- 'End With
- ''Open AppPath & "proxy.dat" For Binary As hFile 'Len = Len(proxyData(0))
- '' Get hFile, , tproxyDataCount
- '' proxyDataCount = tproxyDataCount
- '' If proxyDataCount > 0 Then
- '' ReDim proxyData(0 To proxyDataCount)
- '' Dim i As Integer
- '' For i = 1 To proxyDataCount
- '' Get hFile, , proxyData(i)
- '' With proxyData(i)
- '' .proxyName = Replace(.proxyName, vbNullChar, Chr$(32))
- '' .address = Replace(.address, vbNullChar, Chr$(32))
- '' .bypass = Replace(.bypass, vbNullChar, Chr$(32))
- '' .port = Replace(.port, vbNullChar, Chr$(32))
- '' End With
- '' Next
- '' End If
- ''Close hFile
- 'Exit Sub
- '
- 'due:
- ' ReDim proxyData(0 To 0)
- ' proxyDataCount = 0
- 'End Sub
- Public Sub LoadSettingsFromIni()
- 'Dim i&, tmpVal&
- Dim tIniFile As cINIFile
- Set tIniFile = New cINIFile
- With tIniFile
- .IniFile = AppPath & MainIniName
- IsUseProxy = .ReadKey("Proxy", "UseProxy", "1")
- ProxySelected = .ReadKey("Proxy", "UseIndex", "0")
- isLockPresentWeb = .ReadKey("Other", "LockPresentWeb", "0")
- PreventPopWindow = .ReadKey("Other", "PreventPopWindow", "2")
- 'gOffline = .ReadKey("Other", "Offline", "0")
- DragDropSaveImageFolder = .ReadKey("Other", "DragDropSaveImageFolder", "")
- DragDropSaveTextFolder = .ReadKey("Other", "DragDropSaveTextFolder", "")
- EnableUrlFilter = .ReadKey("Other", "EnableUrlFilter", "1")
- gEnablePageRule = .ReadKey("Other", "EnablePageRule", "1")
- '收藏夹
- gFavoriteUseDefaultPath = .ReadInt("Favorite", "UseDefaultPath", 1)
- gFavoriteCustomPath = .ReadKey("Favorite", "CustomPath")
- gFavoriteSinglLineMenu = .ReadInt("Favorite", "SinglLineMenu", 1)
- gFavoriteShowHidden = .ReadInt("Favorite", "ShowHiddenFile", 0)
- ScrollRate = .ReadKey("MouseEvent", "ScrollRate", "2")
- ScrollRate2 = .ReadKey("MouseEvent", "ScrollRate2", "4")
- RollInvert = .ReadKey("MouseEvent", "RollInvert", "0")
- Rollmode = .ReadKey("MouseEvent", "Rollmode", "0")
- EnableDragLink = .ReadKey("MouseEvent", "EnableDragLink", "1")
- ' For i = 0 To mouseEventCount - 1
- ' mouse_event_prc(i).InsideIndex = CLng(.ReadKey("MouseEvent", "Event" & LTrim$(Str(i)), Str(def_mouse_event(i))))
- ' Next i
- mouse_event_leftright.InsideIndex = CLng(.ReadKey("MouseEvent", "Event_LeftRight", Str(def_mouse_event_leftright)))
- mouse_event_rightleft.InsideIndex = CLng(.ReadKey("MouseEvent", "Event_RightLeft", Str(def_mouse_event_rightleft)))
- SaveWhenExit = .ReadKey("Other", "SaveWhenExit", "1")
- End With
- preSaveWhenExit = SaveWhenExit
- If proxyDataCount < 0 Then
- IsUseProxy = 0
- ProxySelected = 0
- End If
- If ProxySelected > proxyDataCount Then ProxySelected = proxyDataCount
- Call LoadSearchurlFromINI
- Call LoadDragDropSetting
- Call LoadAddbarKey
- Call LoadPlugin
- End Sub
- Public Sub SaveSettingsToIni(Optional nExit As Boolean = True)
- Dim tIniFile As cINIFile
- If SaveWhenExit = 1 Or (Not nExit) Then
- Set tIniFile = New cINIFile
- 'If mnuNoProxy.Checked Then IsUseProxy = 0 Else IsUseProxy = 1
- With tIniFile
- .IniFile = AppPath & MainIniName
- Call .WriteKey("Proxy", "UseProxy", Str$(IsUseProxy))
- Call .WriteKey("Proxy", "UseIndex", Str$(ProxySelected))
- Call .WriteKey("Other", "LockPresentWeb", Str$(isLockPresentWeb))
- Call .WriteKey("Other", "PreventPopWindow", Str$(PreventPopWindow))
- ' Call .WriteKey("Other", "Offline", Str$(gOffline))
- Call .WriteKey("Other", "DragDropSaveImageFolder", DragDropSaveImageFolder)
- Call .WriteKey("Other", "DragDropSaveTextFolder", DragDropSaveTextFolder)
- Call .WriteKey("Other", "EnableUrlFilter", Str$(EnableUrlFilter))
- Call .WriteKey("Other", "EnablePageRule", Str$(gEnablePageRule))
- Call .WriteKey("Favorite", "UseDefaultPath", Str$(gFavoriteUseDefaultPath))
- Call .WriteKey("Favorite", "CustomPath", gFavoriteCustomPath)
- Call .WriteKey("Favorite", "SinglLineMenu", Str$(gFavoriteSinglLineMenu))
- Call .WriteKey("Favorite", "ShowHiddenFile", Str$(gFavoriteShowHidden))
- Call .WriteKey("MouseEvent", "ScrollRate", Str$(ScrollRate))
- Call .WriteKey("MouseEvent", "ScrollRate2", Str$(ScrollRate2))
- Call .WriteKey("MouseEvent", "RollInvert", Str$(RollInvert))
- Call .WriteKey("MouseEvent", "Rollmode", Str$(Rollmode))
- Call .WriteKey("MouseEvent", "EnableDragLink", Str$(EnableDragLink))
- ' For i = 0 To mouseEventCount - 1
- ' Call .WriteKey("MouseEvent", "Event" & LTrim$(Str(i)), Str$(mouse_event_prc(i).InsideIndex))
- ' Next i
- Call .WriteKey("MouseEvent", "Event_LeftRight", Str$(mouse_event_leftright.InsideIndex))
- Call .WriteKey("MouseEvent", "Event_RightLeft", Str$(mouse_event_rightleft.InsideIndex))
- End With
- Call MouseHand.Save(AppPath & MainIniName)
- Call SaveDragDropSetting
- Call SaveSearchurlToINI
- Call SaveAddbarKey
- ' Call SaveExTools
- Call SaveDownloadControl
- Call SaveToolbarButtonPos
- Call SaveSearchEgn
- Call SaveMulSearchEgn
- Call SavePlugin
- Call SaveDownManager
- End If
- If preSaveWhenExit <> SaveWhenExit Then
- Call tIniFile.WriteKey("Other", "SaveWhenExit", Str$(SaveWhenExit))
- End If
- Call SaveMoreFavInfo
- Call SaveUrlFilter
- Call SavePageRule
- End Sub
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' Procedure : SaveToolbarButtonPos
- ' DateTime : 2005-8-9 22:57
- ' Author : Lingll
- ' Purpose : 保存工具栏按钮
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Private Sub SaveToolbarButtonPos()
- Dim tArr() As cButtonPosInfo
- tArr = m_cTbrMain.p_colBff("desarr")
- Call SaveTbrButtonPos("main", tArr)
- tArr = m_cTbrSmall.p_colBff("desarr")
- Call SaveTbrButtonPos("small", tArr)
- End Sub
- Public Sub SwitchTabs(ByVal index As Long, Optional ByVal oldIndex As Long = 0)
- On Error GoTo due
- 'Dim prehwd As Long
- Dim newhwd As Long
- 'Dim preIndex As Long
- Dim newIndex As Long
- If oldIndex = 0 Then oldIndex = gActiveWebIndex
- If oldIndex = 0 Then Exit Sub
- Debug.Print "switchtab", index, oldIndex
- If webbState(oldIndex).webForm.WindowState = 2 Then
- 'preIndex = oldIndex
- newIndex = index
- 'prehwd = webbState(oldIndex).webForm.hwnd
- newhwd = webbState(index).webForm.hWnd
- SendMessageLng hMDIClient, WM_SETREDRAW, 0&, ByVal 0&
- BringWindowToTop (newhwd)
- SendMessageLng hMDIClient, WM_SETREDRAW, 1&, ByVal 0&
- RedrawWindow newhwd, ByVal 0&, 0&, _
- Else
- 'webbState(index).webForm.SetFocus
- BringWindowToTop webbState(index).webForm.hWnd
- End If
- Exit Sub
- due:
- ErrorLog.AddLog "switch " & vbTab & Err.Description
- Resume Next
- End Sub
- Public Sub ChangeStatusText(nText As String, Optional ByVal index As Long = 0)
- 'SendMessage stabMe.Hwnd, SB_SETTEXTA, index, ByVal nText
- If Not m_cSsbar Is Nothing Then
- m_cSsbar.SetText index, nText
- End If
- End Sub
- ''获取关闭页面信息
- 'Public Sub GetClosePages(nUrls() As String, nTitles() As String, nCount As Long)
- 'Dim i&
- 'nCount = re_closepage_count
- 'ReDim nUrls(0 To re_closepage_count)
- 'ReDim nTitles(0 To re_closepage_count)
- 'For i = 1 To re_closepage_count
- ' nUrls(i) = mnuRecent_ClosePage(i).Tag
- ' nTitles(i) = mnuRecent_ClosePage(i).Caption
- 'Next i
- 'End Sub
- Private Sub EnableButtons()
- Dim nEnabled As Boolean
- nEnabled = (loadedBrowserCount > 0)
- If Not m_cTbrMain Is Nothing Then
- With m_cTbrMain
- If Not nEnabled Then
- Call .EnableButton(TbrID_Main_Back, nEnabled)
- Call .EnableButton(TbrID_Main_Forward, nEnabled)
- Call .CheckButton(TbrID_Main_AutoPreventPop, False)
- End If
- Call .EnableButton(TbrID_Main_Refresh, nEnabled)
- Call .EnableButton(TbrID_Main_Stop, nEnabled)
- Call .EnableButton(TbrID_Main_FontSize, nEnabled)
- Call .EnableButton(TbrID_Main_AutoPreventPop, nEnabled)
- Call .EnableButton(TbrID_Main_DLCtrl, nEnabled)
- End With
- End If
- 'With tlbMe
- ' If Not nEnabled Then
- ' .Buttons(TbrK_Main_Back).Enabled = nEnabled
- ' .Buttons(TbrK_Main_Forward).Enabled = nEnabled
- ' .Buttons(TbrK_Main_AutoPreventPop).Value = tbrUnpressed
- ' Call m_cTbrSmall.CheckButton(TbrID_Small_LockNew, False)
- ' 'tlbOther.Buttons(TbrK_Small_LockNew).Value = tbrUnpressed
- ' End If
- ' .Buttons(TbrK_Main_Refresh).Enabled = nEnabled
- ' .Buttons(TbrK_Main_Stop).Enabled = nEnabled
- ' .Buttons(TbrK_Main_FontSize).Enabled = nEnabled
- ' .Buttons(TbrK_Main_AutoPreventPop).Enabled = nEnabled
- ' .Buttons(TbrK_Main_BlockElement).Enabled = nEnabled
- 'End With
- If Not m_cTbrSmall Is Nothing Then
- With m_cTbrSmall
- If Not nEnabled Then
- Call .CheckButton(TbrID_Small_LockNew, False)
- End If
- Call .EnableButton(TbrID_Small_LockNew, nEnabled)
- Call .EnableButton(TbrID_Small_NextTab, nEnabled)
- Call .EnableButton(TbrID_Small_LastTab, nEnabled)
- Call .EnableButton(TbrID_Small_Max, nEnabled)
- Call .EnableButton(TbrID_Small_Min, nEnabled)
- Call .EnableButton(TbrID_Small_NextTab, nEnabled)
- Call .EnableButton(TbrID_Small_Close, nEnabled)
- End With
- End If
- 'With tlbOther
- ' .Buttons(TbrK_Small_LockNew).Enabled = nEnabled
- ' .Buttons(TbrK_Small_NextTab).Enabled = nEnabled
- ' .Buttons(TbrK_Small_LastTab).Enabled = nEnabled
- ' .Buttons(TbrK_Small_Max).Enabled = nEnabled
- ' .Buttons(TbrK_Small_Min).Enabled = nEnabled
- ' .Buttons(TbrK_Small_NextTab).Enabled = nEnabled
- ' .Buttons(TbrK_Small_Close).Enabled = nEnabled
- 'End With
- With mcTbrSearch
- If nEnabled Then
- .SetButtonState TbrID_Search_Find, TBSTATE_ENABLED
- .SetButtonState TbrID_Search_HeightLight, TBSTATE_ENABLED
- Else
- .SetButtonState TbrID_Search_Find, 0
- .SetButtonState TbrID_Search_HeightLight, 0
- End If
- End With
- 'With tbrSearch
- ' .Buttons(TbrK_Search_Find).Enabled = nEnabled
- ' .Buttons(TbrK_Search_HeightLight).Enabled = nEnabled
- 'End With
- If loadedBrowserCount <= 0 Then
- Call ChangeCaption
- End If
- End Sub
- '设置搜索栏button
- Public Sub SetSearchbarButtons()
- With mcTbrSearch
- If gSearchEgnCount > 0 Then
- .SetButtonCaption TbrID_Search_Search, gSearchEgn(gDefaultEgn).Title
- .SetButtonState TbrID_Search_Search, TBSTATE_ENABLED
- Else
- .SetButtonCaption TbrID_Search_Search, ""
- .SetButtonState TbrID_Search_Search, 0
- End If
- If gMulSearchCount > 0 Then
- .SetButtonCaption TbrID_Search_MulSearch, gMulSearch(gDefaultMulEgn).Title
- .SetButtonState TbrID_Search_MulSearch, TBSTATE_ENABLED
- Else
- .SetButtonCaption TbrID_Search_MulSearch, ""
- .SetButtonState TbrID_Search_MulSearch, 0
- End If
- End With
- Call ResizeTbrSearch
- End Sub
- 'Public Property Get hMenu() As Long
- 'hMenu = mHMenu
- 'End Property
- Private Sub LoadFavoriteMenu()
- 'Dim favPath As String
- 'favPath = favoritePath
- hMnuFavorite = GetSubMenu(mHMenu, 2)
- hMnuMoreFav = GetSubMenu(hMnuFavorite, 2)
- hMnuReopen = GetSubMenu(hMnuFavorite, 3)
- 'loadSubInfo(0).hwnd = hMnuFavorite
- 'loadSubInfo(0).path = favPath
- 'loadSubInfo(0).Title = "收藏"
- '
- '
- 'Call SeekFold(favPath, hMnuFavorite, FavoriteMenuPosOffset, False)
- End Sub
- 'Public Property Get MainMenuItemCount() As Long
- 'MainMenuItemCount = mMainMenuItemCount
- 'End Property
- '
- 'Public Function GetCurrentMenuItemCount() As Long
- 'GetCurrentMenuItemCount = GetMenuItemCount(mHMenu)
- 'End Function
- Public Property Let LocationURLText(ByVal vNewValue As String)
- If Not addbarGetFocus Then
- Call SetWindowText(cmbAdd.hWnd, vNewValue)
- End If
- End Property
- Public Sub NewIE(Optional url As String = "")
- Dim tIE As New SHDocVw.InternetExplorer
- If url = "" Then
- tIE.Navigate "about:blank"
- Else
- tIE.Navigate url
- End If
- tIE.Visible = True
- End Sub
- Public Sub ExpandNode(hItem&, nExpanded As Boolean)
- 'mvTvwFavorite.ExpandNode tvwFavorite.Nodes(nKey), nExpanded
- mvTvwFavorite.ExpandNode hItem, nExpanded
- End Sub
- Public Sub ShowMe(nShow As Boolean)
- Debug.Print "fratitlebutton.Visible ", fraTitleButton.Visible
- If nShow Then
- Me.Show
- Me.WindowState = mWindowState
- fraTitleButton.Visible = True
- mySysTray.InTray = False
- Call UnregisterHotKey(Me.hWnd, 1)
- Else
- mWindowState = Me.WindowState
- Me.WindowState = vbMinimized
- Me.Hide
- fraTitleButton.Visible = False
- mySysTray.InTray = True
- Call RegisterHotKey(Me.hWnd, 1, MOD_CONTROL, VK_F8)
- End If
- Debug.Print "fratitlebutton.Visible2 ", fraTitleButton.Visible
- End Sub
- ''加载"外部工具"菜单
- 'Public Sub LoadExToolsMenu()
- 'Dim i&, ub&, tstr$
- '
- 'With pMnu_OuterTools
- ' .ClearItems
- '
- ' If ExToolsCount > 0 Then
- ' For i = 1 To ExToolsCount
- ' If i < 10 Then
- ' tstr = "&" & LTrim(Str(i)) & " "
- ' Else
- ' tstr = Space(3)
- ' End If
- ' .Add tstr & ExTools(i).Caption, , i + IdOffset_OuterTools
- ' Next i
- ' Else
- ' .Add "(空)", pmsString Or pmsDisabled
- ' End If
- '
- ' .Add "", pmsSeparator
- ' .Add "下载批量文件(flashget)...", , IDM_Main_OuterTools_FlashgetDownload
- '
- 'End With
- 'ub = mnuOutToolsItems.UBound
- 'mnuOutToolsItems(0).Visible = True
- 'For i = 1 To ub
- ' Unload mnuOutToolsItems(i)
- 'Next i
- 'For i = 1 To ExToolsCount
- ' Load mnuOutToolsItems(i)
- ' If i < 10 Then
- ' tstr = "&" & LTrim(Str(i)) & " "
- ' Else
- ' tstr = Space(3)
- ' End If
- ' mnuOutToolsItems(i).Caption = tstr & ExTools(i).Caption
- ' mnuOutToolsItems(i).Enabled = True
- ' mnuOutToolsItems(i).Visible = True
- 'Next i
- 'If ExToolsCount > 0 Then
- ' mnuOutToolsItems(0).Visible = False
- 'End If
- 'End Sub
- Private Sub OpenClipboardUrl()
- Dim tstr$
- tstr = Trim(Clipboard.GetText)
- tstr = Replace(tstr, " ", "")
- tstr = Replace(tstr, Chr(10) & Chr(13), "")
- Call NewWebbrowser(tstr)
- End Sub
- '初始化ImageList
- Private Sub IniImglst()
- Dim tImg As cImgEx
- 'Dim tDskDc&
- Set tImg = New cImgEx
- 'tDskDc = GetDC(0)
- ''ImageList_AddMasked ImageList_tblMe.hImageList, LoadImageEx(IDB_MainBar, "gif").handle, RGB(255, 0, 255)
- 'tImg.Create 260, 20, tDskDc
- 'tImg.CopyByBmp LoadImageEx(IDB_MainBar, "gif").handle
- 'With ImageList_tblMe.ListImages
- ' .Add , ImgK_Main_New, tImg.ExtractImg2(20, 20, 0)
- ' .Add , ImgK_Main_Back, tImg.ExtractImg2(20, 20, 1)
- ' .Add , ImgK_Main_Forward, tImg.ExtractImg2(20, 20, 2)
- ' .Add , ImgK_Main_Stop, tImg.ExtractImg2(20, 20, 3)
- ' .Add , ImgK_Main_Refresh, tImg.ExtractImg2(20, 20, 4)
- ' .Add , ImgK_Main_Favorites, tImg.ExtractImg2(20, 20, 5)
- ' .Add , ImgK_Main_Proxy, tImg.ExtractImg2(20, 20, 6)
- ' .Add , ImgK_Main_FontSize, tImg.ExtractImg2(20, 20, 7)
- ' .Add , ImgK_Main_AutoPreventPop, tImg.ExtractImg2(20, 20, 8)
- '
- ' .Add , ImgK_Main_RecentClose, tImg.ExtractImg2(20, 20, 9)
- ' .Add , ImgK_Main_BlockElement, tImg.ExtractImg2(20, 20, 10)
- ' .Add , ImgK_Main_Option, tImg.ExtractImg2(20, 20, 11)
- ' .Add , ImgK_Main_FullScreen, tImg.ExtractImg2(20, 20, 12)
- '
- 'End With
- '
- '
- '
- 'tImg.Create 260, 20, tDskDc
- 'tImg.CopyByBmp LoadImageEx(IDB_MainBar_Gray, "gif").handle
- 'With ImageList_tblMe_gray.ListImages
- ' .Add , ImgK_Main_New, tImg.ExtractImg2(20, 20, 0)
- ' .Add , ImgK_Main_Back, tImg.ExtractImg2(20, 20, 1)
- ' .Add , ImgK_Main_Forward, tImg.ExtractImg2(20, 20, 2)
- ' .Add , ImgK_Main_Stop, tImg.ExtractImg2(20, 20, 3)
- ' .Add , ImgK_Main_Refresh, tImg.ExtractImg2(20, 20, 4)
- ' .Add , ImgK_Main_Favorites, tImg.ExtractImg2(20, 20, 5)
- ' .Add , ImgK_Main_Proxy, tImg.ExtractImg2(20, 20, 6)
- ' .Add , ImgK_Main_FontSize, tImg.ExtractImg2(20, 20, 7)
- ' .Add , ImgK_Main_AutoPreventPop, tImg.ExtractImg2(20, 20, 8)
- ' .Add , ImgK_Main_RecentClose, tImg.ExtractImg2(20, 20, 9)
- ' .Add , ImgK_Main_BlockElement, tImg.ExtractImg2(20, 20, 10)
- ' .Add , ImgK_Main_Option, tImg.ExtractImg2(20, 20, 11)
- ' .Add , ImgK_Main_FullScreen, tImg.ExtractImg2(20, 20, 12)
- 'End With
- 'Set IcoImgList = ImageList_Menu
- 'Set gODrawMenu.IcoImgList = ImageList_Menu
- gODrawMenu.IniImageList LoadImageEx(IDB_MenuIcon, "gif").handle, 16, 16
- gODrawMenu.IniImageList LoadImageEx(IDB_PluginIcon, "gif").handle, 16, 16, "plugin"
- 'With ImageList_Menu.ListImages
- ' .Add , ImgK_Icon_Folder, LoadResPicture(IDI_Folder, vbResBitmap)
- ' .Add , ImgK_Icon_Url, LoadResPicture(IDI_Url, vbResBitmap)
- ' '.Add , ImgK_Icon_Reopen, LoadResPicture(IDI_Fav_Reopen, vbResBitmap)
- ' '.Add , ImgK_Icon_AddFav, LoadResPicture(IDI_Fav_Add, vbResBitmap)
- ' '.Add , ImgK_Icon_FavFav, LoadResPicture(IDI_Fav_Fav, vbResBitmap)
- ' .Add , ImgK_Icon_Folder_Open, LoadResPicture(IDI_Folder_Open, vbResBitmap)
- ' '.Add , ImgK_Icon_AddFav_Gray, LoadResPicture(IDI_Fav_Add_Gray, vbResBitmap)
- 'End With
- 'tImg.Create 91, 13, tDskDc
- 'tImg.CopyByBmp LoadImageEx(IDB_OtherBar, "gif").handle
- 'With ImageList_tlbOther.ListImages
- ' .Add , ImgK_Small_LastTab, tImg.ExtractImg(0, 0, 13, 13)
- ' .Add , ImgK_Small_NextTab, tImg.ExtractImg(13, 0, 13, 13)
- ' .Add , ImgK_Small_Min, tImg.ExtractImg(26, 0, 13, 13)
- ' .Add , ImgK_Small_Max, tImg.ExtractImg(39, 0, 13, 13)
- ' .Add , ImgK_Small_Close, tImg.ExtractImg(52, 0, 13, 13)
- ' .Add , ImgK_Small_LockPresent, tImg.ExtractImg(65, 0, 13, 13)
- ' .Add , ImgK_Small_LockNew, tImg.ExtractImg(78, 0, 13, 13)
- 'End With
- 'tImg.Create 48, 16, tDskDc
- 'tImg.CopyByBmp LoadImageEx(IDB_SearchBar, "gif").handle
- 'With ImageList_Search.ListImages
- ' .Add , ImgK_Search_Search, tImg.ExtractImg(0, 0, 16, 16)
- ' .Add , ImgK_Search_HeightLight, tImg.ExtractImg(16, 0, 16, 16)
- ' .Add , ImgK_Search_Find, tImg.ExtractImg(32, 0, 16, 16)
- '
- '' .Add , ImgK_Search_Search, LoadResPicture(IDB_Search_Search, vbResBitmap)
- '' .Add , ImgK_Search_HeightLight, LoadResPicture(IDB_Search_HeightLight, vbResBitmap)
- '' .Add , ImgK_Search_Find, LoadResPicture(IDB_Search_Find, vbResBitmap)
- 'End With
- 'Call ReleaseDC(0, tDskDc)
- End Sub
- '初始化主工具栏
- Private Sub IniToolbar()
- Dim i& ', tBtn As MSComctlLib.Button
- Dim tcnt&
- Call LoadMainMenu
- Set mcTbrMainMenu = CreateCmmCtrl(strCLSID_cToolBar) ' New cToolBar
- With mcTbrMainMenu
- .CreateToolbar 0, False, False, 0, 15, TBSTYLE_Default Xor TBSTYLE_TOOLTIPS, 0
- .SetPadding 5, 4
- tcnt = GetMenuItemCount(gHMainMenu)
- For i = 0 To tcnt - 1
- .AddButton i + 100, GetMenuTextVb(gHMainMenu, i), , BTNS_AUTOSIZE Or BTNS_DROPDOWN
- Next i
- End With
- 'mHwndTbrMain = FindWindowEx(tlbMe.hwnd, 0&, "msvb_lib_toolbar", vbNullString)
- 'With tlbMe
- ' .ImageList = ImageList_tblMe
- ' .DisabledImageList = ImageList_tblMe_gray
- '
- ' Set tBtn = .Buttons.Add(, TbrK_Main_New, , tbrDropdown, ImgK_Main_New)
- ' tBtn.ToolTipText = "新建"
- ' tBtn.Description = "新建"
- ' tBtn.ButtonMenus.Add , "newblankpage", "空白页"
- ' tBtn.ButtonMenus.Add , "newpresentpage", "当前页"
- ' tBtn.ButtonMenus.Add , "newclipboard", "剪贴板"
- ' tBtn.ButtonMenus.Add , , "-"
- ' tBtn.ButtonMenus.Add , "newIEblank", "IE(空白)"
- ' tBtn.ButtonMenus.Add , "newIEpresent", "IE(当前)"
- '
- ' 'For i = 2 To 6
- ' ' .Buttons.Add , ImageList_tblMe.ListImages(i).Key, , , i
- ' 'Next
- '
- ' Set tBtn = .Buttons.Add(, TbrK_Main_Back, , tbrDropdown, ImgK_Main_Back)
- ' tBtn.ToolTipText = "后退"
- ' tBtn.Description = "后退"
- '
- ' Set tBtn = .Buttons.Add(, TbrK_Main_Forward, , tbrDropdown, ImgK_Main_Forward)
- ' 'tBtn.Style = tbrDropdown
- ' tBtn.ToolTipText = "前进"
- ' tBtn.Description = "前进"
- '
- ' Set tBtn = .Buttons.Add(, TbrK_Main_Stop, , , ImgK_Main_Stop) ' .Buttons("stop")
- ' tBtn.ToolTipText = "停止"
- ' tBtn.Description = "停止"
- '
- ' Set tBtn = .Buttons.Add(, TbrK_Main_Refresh, , , ImgK_Main_Refresh) '.Buttons("refresh")
- ' tBtn.ToolTipText = "刷新"
- ' tBtn.Description = "刷新"
- '
- ' Set tBtn = .Buttons.Add(, TbrK_Main_Favorites, , tbrDropdown, ImgK_Main_Favorites) ' .Buttons("favorites")
- ' 'tBtn.Style = tbrDropdown
- ' tBtn.ToolTipText = "收藏"
- ' tBtn.Description = "收藏"
- '
- ' Set tBtn = .Buttons.Add(, TbrK_Main_Proxy, , tbrDropdown, ImgK_Main_Proxy)
- ' tBtn.ToolTipText = "代理"
- ' tBtn.Description = "代理"
- '
- ' Set tBtn = .Buttons.Add(, TbrK_Main_FontSize, , , ImgK_Main_FontSize)
- ' tBtn.ToolTipText = "文字大小"
- ' tBtn.Description = "文字大小"
- '
- ' Set tBtn = .Buttons.Add(, TbrK_Main_AutoPreventPop, , tbrDropdown, ImgK_Main_AutoPreventPop)
- ' tBtn.ToolTipText = "自动过滤(当前窗口)"
- ' tBtn.Description = "自动过滤(当前窗口)"
- '
- '
- ' Set tBtn = .Buttons.Add(, TbrK_Main_RecentClose, , tbrDropdown, ImgK_Main_RecentClose)
- ' 'tBtn.ButtonMenus.Add , , "(空)"
- ' 'tBtn.ButtonMenus(1).Enabled = False
- ' tBtn.ToolTipText = "最近关闭的页面"
- ' tBtn.Description = "最近关闭的页面"
- '
- '
- ' Set tBtn = .Buttons.Add(, TbrK_Main_BlockElement, , tbrDropdown, ImgK_Main_BlockElement)
- ' tBtn.ToolTipText = "下载控制(当前窗口)"
- ' tBtn.Description = "下载控制(当前窗口)"
- '
- ' Set tBtn = .Buttons.Add(, TbrK_Main_Option, , tbrDropdown, ImgK_Main_Option)
- ' tBtn.ToolTipText = "选项"
- ' tBtn.Description = "选项"
- '
- ' Set tBtn = .Buttons.Add(, TbrK_Main_FullScreen, , , ImgK_Main_FullScreen)
- ' tBtn.ToolTipText = "全屏"
- ' tBtn.Description = "全屏"
- '
- ' For i = 0 To gTbrMainBtnCnt - 1
- ' .Buttons(i + 1).Visible = (gTbrMainBtnShow(i) = 1)
- ' Next i
- 'End With
- 'mTbrOtherHwnd = FindWindowEx(tlbOther.hwnd, 0&, "msvb_lib_toolbar", vbNullString)
- 'With tlbOther
- ' .ImageList = ImageList_tlbOther
- '' For i = 1 To 5
- '' .Buttons.Add , ImageList_tlbOther.ListImages(i).Key, , , i
- '' Next
- '
- ' Set tBtn = .Buttons.Add(, TbrK_Small_LastTab, , , ImgK_Small_LastTab) ' .Buttons("lasttab")
- ' tBtn.ToolTipText = "上一窗口"
- ' tBtn.Description = "上一窗口"
- '
- ' Set tBtn = .Buttons.Add(, TbrK_Small_NextTab, , , ImgK_Small_NextTab) '.Buttons("nexttab")
- ' tBtn.ToolTipText = "下一窗口"
- ' tBtn.Description = "下一窗口"
- '
- ' Set tBtn = .Buttons.Add(, TbrK_Small_Min, , , ImgK_Small_Min)
- ' tBtn.ToolTipText = "最小化|还原"
- ' tBtn.Description = "最小化|还原"
- '
- ' Set tBtn = .Buttons.Add(, TbrK_Small_Max, , tbrDropdown, ImgK_Small_Max)
- ' tBtn.ToolTipText = "最大化|还原"
- ' tBtn.Description = "最大化|还原"
- ' tBtn.ButtonMenus.Add , "restoreall", "还原所有(&R)"
- ' tBtn.ButtonMenus.Add , "maxall", "最大化所有(&X)"
- '
- '
- ' Set tBtn = .Buttons.Add(, TbrK_Small_Close, , tbrDropdown, ImgK_Small_Close) ' .Buttons("close")
- ' 'tBtn.Style = tbrDropdown
- ' tBtn.ToolTipText = "关闭当前页"
- ' tBtn.Description = "关闭当前页"
- ' tBtn.ButtonMenus.Add , "closeother", "反向"
- ' tBtn.ButtonMenus.Add , "closelike", "类似"
- ' 'tBtn.ButtonMenus("closelike").Enabled = False
- ' tBtn.ButtonMenus.Add , "closeall", "所有"
- ' tBtn.ButtonMenus.Add , , "-"
- ' tBtn.ButtonMenus.Add , "close", "当前"
- '
- '
- '
- ' Set tBtn = .Buttons.Add(, , , tbrSeparator)
- ' tBtn.Description = "分隔符"
- '
- ' Set tBtn = .Buttons.Add(, TbrK_Small_LockPresent, , tbrCheck, ImgK_Small_LockPresent) ' .Buttons("lockpresent")
- ' 'tBtn.Style = tbrCheck
- ' tBtn.Value = isLockPresentWeb
- ' tBtn.ToolTipText = "不激活新窗口"
- ' tBtn.Description = "不激活新窗口"
- '
- '
- ' Set tBtn = .Buttons.Add(, TbrK_Small_LockNew, , tbrCheck, ImgK_Small_LockNew) ' .Buttons("locknew")
- ' 'tBtn.Style = tbrCheck
- ' tBtn.ToolTipText = "总在新窗口打开"
- ' tBtn.Description = "总在新窗口打开"
- '
- '
- ' For i = 0 To gTbrSmallBtnCnt - 1
- ' .Buttons(i + 1).Visible = (gTbrSmallBtnShow(i) = 1)
- ' Next i
- '
- '' .Left = 30
- '' .Top = 0
- 'End With
- '搜索栏
- 'mTbrSearchHwnd = FindWindowEx(tbrSearch.hwnd, 0&, "msvb_lib_toolbar", vbNullString)
- 'With tbrSearch
- ' .ImageList = ImageList_Search
- ' Set tBtn = .Buttons.Add(, TbrK_Search_Search, , tbrDropdown, ImgK_Search_Search)
- ' 'tBtn.Caption = "gh"
- ' tBtn.ToolTipText = "多引擎搜索"
- '
- ' Set tBtn = .Buttons.Add(, TbrK_Search_HeightLight, , , ImgK_Search_HeightLight)
- ' tBtn.ToolTipText = "高亮关键字"
- '
- ' Set tBtn = .Buttons.Add(, TbrK_Search_Find, , , ImgK_Search_Find)
- ' tBtn.ToolTipText = "页面中查找(F3)"
- '
- '
- '' SendMessage mTbrSearchHwnd, TB_SETSTYLE, 0, _
- '' ByVal (SendMessage(mTbrSearchHwnd, TB_GETSTYLE, 0, 0) Or TBSTYLE_LIST)
- '' SendMessage mTbrSearchHwnd, TB_SETEXTENDEDSTYLE, 0&, _
- '' ByVal (SendMessage(mTbrSearchHwnd, TB_GETEXTENDEDSTYLE, 0, 0) Or TBSTYLE_EX_MIXEDBUTTONS)
- ''
- '' ChangeTbrbtnCaption mTbrSearchHwnd, 101, "高亮关键字", False
- '' ChangeTbrbtnCaption mTbrSearchHwnd, 102, "页面中查找(F3)", False
- '
- '
- ' .Width = GetTbrWidth(tbrSearch) * 15
- 'End With
- Set mcTbrSearch = CreateCmmCtrl(strCLSID_cToolBar) ' New cToolBar
- With mcTbrSearch
- .CreateToolbar pctReBar.hWnd, True, True, 16, 16, , TBSTYLE_EX_Default Or TBSTYLE_EX_MIXEDBUTTONS
- .AddImages LoadImageEx(IDB_SearchBar, "gif").handle, RGB(255, 0, 255)
- .AddButton TbrID_Search_Combo, "", 30, BTNS_SEP
- ' If gSearchEgnCount > 0 Then
- ' .SetButtonCaption TbrID_Search_Search, gSearchEgn(gDefaultEgn).Title
- ' Else
- ' .SetButtonState TbrID_Search_Search, 0
- ' End If
- ' If gMulSearchCount > 0 Then
- ' .SetButtonCaption TbrID_Search_MulSearch, gMulSearch(gDefaultMulEgn).Title
- ' Else
- ' .SetButtonState TbrID_Search_MulSearch, 0
- ' End If
- .AddButton TbrID_Search_HeightLight, "高亮关键字", 2
- .AddButton TbrID_Search_Find, "页面中查找(F3)", 3
- SetParent cmbSearch.hWnd, .hwndToolbar
- End With
- Call SetSearchbarButtons
- 'With tlbFavorite
- ' .ImageList = ImageList_tlbOther
- ' .Buttons.Add , "lock", , , ImgK_Small_LockPresent
- ' .Buttons.Add , "close", , , ImgK_Small_Close
- ' .Buttons("lock").Style = tbrCheck
- ' .Buttons("lock").Value = tbrPressed
- ' .Width = .ButtonWidth * 2
- 'End With
- Call IniMainTbr
- Call IniSideBarTbr
- Call IniSmallTbr
- End Sub
- ''获得toolbar最小长度
- 'Private Function GetTbrWidth(nTbr As MSComctlLib.ToolBar) As Long
- 'Dim tBtn As MSComctlLib.Button
- 'Dim tLen&
- 'For Each tBtn In nTbr.Buttons
- ' tLen = tLen + tBtn.Width
- 'Next tBtn
- 'GetTbrWidth = tLen / 15
- 'End Function
- Private Function GetTbrWidth2(nTbr As cToolBar) As Long
- Dim tR&
- With nTbr
- .GetBtnRect .GetButton(.ButtonCount - 1, False), , , tR
- End With
- GetTbrWidth2 = tR
- End Function
- 'resize small tool bar
- Public Function ResizeTbr()
- Dim tLen&, tR&
- With m_cTbrSmall
- .GetBtnRect .GetButton(.ButtonCount - 1, False), , , tR
- End With
- tLen = tR ' GetTbrWidth(tlbOther)
- m_cRebar.SetBandChildSize ID_Band_SmallTbr, 20, 19, , , , False
- m_cRebar.SetBandWidth m_cRebar.IdToIndex(ID_Band_SmallTbr), tLen
- 'tLen = GetTbrWidth(tlbMe)
- 'myRebar.SizeBand ID_Band_MainTbr, 0, 26, Screen.Width / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX, True
- 'myRebar.SizeBand ID_Band_MainTbr, 0, 26, tLen, True
- End Function
- '关闭所有窗口
- Public Sub CloseAllTabs()
- Debug.Print "closeall"
- If loadedBrowserCount > 0 Then
- If MsgBox("关闭所有窗口?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion) = vbYes Then
- 'Call UnloadBrowsers(1, webbState(gActiveWebIndex).tabOrder - 1)
- Call UnloadBrowsers(1, webbState(gActiveWebIndex).TabBtn.index - 1)
- Call UnloadBrowsers(2, loadedBrowserCount)
- Call UnloadBrowser(gActiveWebIndex)
- End If
- End If
- End Sub
- '关闭相似页面
- Private Sub CloseLikeTabs(ByVal nIndex As Long)
- Dim tFrm As frmCloseLike
- Set tFrm = New frmCloseLike
- Load tFrm
- tFrm.IniMe nIndex, Me
- End Sub
- Private Sub IniPopMenu()
- 'Set mBlockElementPopMenu = New cPopMenu
- 'With mBlockElementPopMenu
- ' .Create
- ' .Add "下载图片", , 101
- ' .Add "下载音乐", , 102
- ' .Add "下载视频", , 103
- ' .Add "允许脚本", , 104
- ' .Add "允许ActiveX", , 105
- ' .Add "允许JavaApplet", , 106
- ' .Add "下载ActiveX", , 107
- ' .Add "", pmsSeparator
- ' .Add "全部开启", pmsString, 201
- ' .Add "全部关闭", pmsString, 202
- 'End With
- Set mPopmnuAutoBlockPopwin = New cPopMenu
- With mPopmnuAutoBlockPopwin
- .Create
- .Add "宽松", , 101
- .Add "一般", , 102
- .Add "严格", , 103
- End With
- Dim tHmnu&
- tHmnu = LoadMenuVB(400)
- Set mPopmnuTabpop = New cPopMenu
- With mPopmnuTabpop
- .Create GetSubMenu(tHmnu, 0)
- .Parent = Me.hWnd
- .EnableItem mIDM_Tabs_AddFavor, False
- End With
- RemoveMenu tHmnu, 0, MF_BYPOSITION
- Set mPopmnuSystray = New cPopMenu
- With mPopmnuSystray
- .Create GetSubMenu(tHmnu, 0)
- .SetDefault 101
- .Parent = Me.hWnd
- End With
- RemoveMenu tHmnu, 0, MF_BYPOSITION
- Set mPopmnuTurnTo = New cPopMenu
- With mPopmnuTurnTo
- .Create GetSubMenu(tHmnu, 0)
- .Parent = Me.hWnd
- .SetDefault mIDM_Turnto_TT
- '.EnableItem mIDM_Turnto_GoUp, False
- End With
- RemoveMenu tHmnu, 0, MF_BYPOSITION
- DestroyMenu tHmnu
- End Sub
- ''弹出"下载控制"按钮下拉菜单
- 'Private Sub ShowBlockElementMenu(x&, y&)
- '''Dim tPt As POINTAPI
- ''Dim tFrm As frmBrowser
- ''Dim tId As Long
- ''
- '''tPt = GetTbrDropDownPoint(mHwndTbrMain, tlbMe.Buttons(TbrK_Main_BlockElement).index - 1)
- ''Set tFrm = webbState(gActiveWebIndex).webForm
- ''With mBlockElementPopMenu
- '' .CheckItem 0, tFrm.DL_Image, False
- '' .CheckItem 1, tFrm.DL_BgSound, False
- '' .CheckItem 2, tFrm.DL_Video, False
- '' .CheckItem 3, tFrm.DL_Script, False
- '' .CheckItem 4, tFrm.DL_ActiveX, False
- '' .CheckItem 5, tFrm.DL_JavaApplet, False
- '' .CheckItem 6, tFrm.Dl_DlActiveX, False
- '' tId = .Popup2(Me.hWnd, False, x, y)
- ''
- '' Select Case tId
- '' Case 101
- '' tFrm.DL_Image = Not tFrm.DL_Image
- '' Case 102
- '' tFrm.DL_BgSound = Not tFrm.DL_BgSound
- '' Case 103
- '' tFrm.DL_Video = Not tFrm.DL_Video
- '' Case 104
- '' tFrm.DL_Script = Not tFrm.DL_Script
- '' Case 105
- '' tFrm.DL_ActiveX = Not tFrm.DL_ActiveX
- '' Case 106
- '' tFrm.DL_JavaApplet = Not tFrm.DL_JavaApplet
- '' Case 107
- '' tFrm.Dl_DlActiveX = Not tFrm.Dl_DlActiveX
- '' Case 201
- '' tFrm.Dl_EnableAll True
- '' Case 202
- '' tFrm.Dl_EnableAll False
- '' End Select
- ''End With
- 'End Sub
- 'Private Sub ShowFontSizeMenu()
- 'Dim tPt As POINTAPI
- 'tPt = GetTbrDropDownPoint(mHwndTbrMain, tlbMe.Buttons(TbrK_Main_FontSize).index - 1)
- 'pMnu_FontSize.Popup2 Me.hwnd, False, tPt.x, tPt.y, TPM_LEFTALIGN
- ''ScreenToClient Me.hwnd, tpt
- ''Me.PopupMenu mnuFontSize, , tpt.x * 15, tpt.y * 15
- 'End Sub
- ''获得toolbar按钮左下角屏幕坐标
- 'Private Function GetTbrDropDownPoint(nHtbr As Long, nPos As Long) As POINTAPI
- 'Dim tBifo As TBBUTTON
- 'Dim trc As RECT
- 'Dim tPt As POINTAPI
- 'SendMessage nHtbr, TB_GETBUTTON, nPos, tBifo
- 'SendMessage nHtbr, TB_GETRECT, tBifo.idCommand, trc
- 'tPt.x = trc.Left: tPt.y = trc.Bottom
- 'ClientToScreen nHtbr, tPt
- 'GetTbrDropDownPoint = tPt
- 'End Function
- '替换地址栏,转换为预设的地址(自动完成地址,例如搜索,域名)
- Private Sub ReplaceAddress(nIndex As Long)
- Dim turl As String
- If nIndex > 0 And nIndex <= SearchurlCount Then
- turl = Replace$(searchUrl(nIndex).url, SearchUrlKeywordFlag, cmbAdd.Text)
- Call OpenAddressUrl(True, , turl)
- 'Call NewWebbrowser(tUrl)
- End If
- End Sub
- '打开搜索页
- Private Sub OpenSearchPage(nIndex As Long)
- Dim turl As String
- If nIndex > 0 And nIndex <= gSearchEgnCount Then
- If Trim(gSearchEgn(nIndex).url) <> "-" Then
- turl = Replace$(gSearchEgn(nIndex).url, SearchUrlKeywordFlag, cmbSearch.Text)
- Call NewWebbrowser(turl)
- Call AddSearchList(cmbSearch.Text)
- End If
- End If
- End Sub
- '打开搜索页(多页面)
- Private Sub OpenMulSearchPage(nIndex As Long)
- On Error Resume Next
- Dim i&
- If nIndex > 0 And nIndex <= gMulSearchCount Then
- For i = 1 To gMulSearch(nIndex).Count
- If gMulSearch(nIndex).UseMul(i) Then
- Call OpenSearchPage(i)
- End If
- Next i
- End If
- End Sub
- '设置"自动过滤"按钮状态
- Public Sub SetTbrBtnState_AutoPvntPop(nValue As Long) 'MSComctlLib.ValueConstants)
- 'tlbMe.Buttons(TbrK_Main_AutoPreventPop).Value = nValue
- If Not m_cTbrMain Is Nothing Then
- m_cTbrMain.CheckButton TbrID_Main_AutoPreventPop, nValue = 1
- End If
- End Sub
- '关闭页面,包括关闭被选择的页面
- Public Sub ClosePage()
- If loadedBrowserCount > 0 Then
- If selectedTabsCount <= 0 Then
- Call UnloadBrowser(gActiveWebIndex)
- ElseIf selectedTabsCount > 0 Then
- Call CloseMulTab
- End If
- End If
- End Sub
- ''重新加载脚本
- 'Private Sub ReloadScript()
- 'Call LoadAllScriptFile
- 'Call LoadScriptMenu
- 'End Sub
- ''加载脚本菜单
- 'Private Sub LoadScriptMenu()
- 'Dim i&, tcnt&
- '
- 'With pMnu_Plugin_Scripts
- ' If .GetItemCount > 2 Then
- ' .RemoveItems 0, .GetItemCount - 4
- ' End If
- '
- ' For i = gScriptCnt To 1 Step -1
- ' .Add2 gScripts(i).Title, 0, , , i + IdOffset_Plugin_Script
- ' Next i
- '
- ' If gScriptCnt > 0 Then
- '
- ' Else
- ' .Add2 "(空)", 0, , pmsString Or pmsDisabled
- ' End If
- '
- 'End With
- 'Dim tMenu As VB.Menu
- 'mnuTabs_Scripts_Item(0).Visible = True
- 'For Each tMenu In mnuTabs_Scripts_Item
- ' If tMenu.index <> 0 Then
- ' Unload tMenu
- ' End If
- 'Next tMenu
- '
- 'For i = 1 To gScriptCnt
- ' Load mnuTabs_Scripts_Item(i)
- ' With mnuTabs_Scripts_Item(i)
- ' .Caption = gScripts(i).Title
- ' .Visible = True
- ' .Enabled = True
- ' End With
- 'Next i
- '
- 'If gScriptCnt > 0 Then
- ' mnuTabs_Scripts_Item(0).Visible = False
- 'Else
- ' mnuTabs_Scripts_Item(0).Visible = True
- ' mnuTabs_Scripts_Item(0).Enabled = False
- 'End If
- 'End Sub
- ''弹出最近关闭下拉菜单
- 'Private Sub ShowReopenButtonMenu(index&)
- 'Dim tPt As POINTAPI
- 'Dim rId&
- '
- 'tPt = GetTbrDropDownPoint(mHwndTbrMain, index - 1)
- 'rId = pMnu_Reopen.Popup2(Me.hwnd, False, tPt.x, tPt.y, TPM_LEFTALIGN)
- '
- ''Call OpenReopen(rId)
- '
- ''Call ScreenToClient(Me.hwnd, tpt)
- ''Me.PopupMenu mnuRecent_ClosePages, , tpt.X * 15, tpt.Y * 15
- '
- ''If rId > 0 Then
- '' Call NewWebbrowser(ClosedPages.GetUrl(rId))
- ''End If
- 'End Sub
- '弹出选项按钮的下拉菜单
- Private Sub ShowOptionButtonMenu(x&, y&)
- Dim rId&
- Dim i&
- Const pgoffset As Long = 1000
- With pMnu_Option_Dlctrl
- .CheckItem IDP_Opt_Dltl_Image, gDL_Image
- .CheckItem IDP_Opt_Dltl_ActiveX, gDL_ActiveX
- .CheckItem IDP_Opt_Dltl_JavaApplet, gDL_JavaApplet
- .CheckItem IDP_Opt_Dltl_Music, gDL_BgSound
- .CheckItem IDP_Opt_Dltl_DlActiveX, gDl_DlActiveX
- .CheckItem IDP_Opt_Dltl_Script, gDL_Script
- .CheckItem IDP_Opt_Dltl_Video, gDL_Video
- End With
- With pMnu_Option_Pagerule
- .ClearItems
- For i = 1 To PageRuleCnt
- .Add PageRule(i).Title, , pgoffset + i
- .CheckItem pgoffset + i, PageRule(i).Enabled = 1
- Next i
- .Add "", pmsSeparator
- .Add "开启", , IDP_Opt_Pgr_Enabled
- .CheckItem IDP_Opt_Pgr_Enabled, gEnablePageRule = 1
- End With
- With pMnu_Option_Main
- .CheckItem IDP_Opt_AutoPreventPop, PreventPopWindow > 0
- .CheckItem IDP_Opt_UrlFilter, EnableUrlFilter = 1
- .CheckItem IDP_Opt_EnableDragDrop, EnableDragLink = 1
- End With
- 'tPt = GetTbrDropDownPoint(mHwndTbrMain, index - 1)
- rId = pMnu_Option_Main.Popup2(Me.hWnd, False, x, y)
- Select Case rId
- Case IDP_Opt_Dltl_ActiveX
- gDL_ActiveX = Not gDL_ActiveX
- Case IDP_Opt_Dltl_Image
- gDL_Image = Not gDL_Image
- Case IDP_Opt_Dltl_JavaApplet
- gDL_JavaApplet = Not gDL_JavaApplet
- Case IDP_Opt_Dltl_Music
- gDL_BgSound = Not gDL_BgSound
- Case IDP_Opt_Dltl_DlActiveX
- gDl_DlActiveX = Not gDl_DlActiveX
- Case IDP_Opt_Dltl_Script
- gDL_Script = Not gDL_Script
- Case IDP_Opt_Dltl_Video
- gDL_Video = Not gDL_Video
- '=================================
- Case IDP_Opt_Pgr_Enabled
- If gEnablePageRule = 1 Then
- gEnablePageRule = 0
- Else
- gEnablePageRule = 1
- End If
- Case Is > pgoffset
- If PageRule(rId - pgoffset).Enabled = 1 Then
- PageRule(rId - pgoffset).Enabled = 0
- Else
- PageRule(rId - pgoffset).Enabled = 1
- End If
- '=================================
- Case IDP_Opt_AutoPreventPop
- If PreventPopWindow > 0 Then
- PreventPopWindow = 0
- Else
- PreventPopWindow = 2
- End If
- Case IDP_Opt_UrlFilter
- If EnableUrlFilter = 1 Then
- EnableUrlFilter = 0
- Else
- EnableUrlFilter = 1
- End If
- Case IDP_Opt_EnableDragDrop
- If EnableDragLink = 1 Then
- EnableDragLink = 0
- Else
- EnableDragLink = 1
- End If
- Case IDP_Opt_SaveNow
- Call SaveSettingsToIni(False)
- End Select
- End Sub
- Public Sub EnableOptionButton(nEnabled As Boolean)
- 'tlbMe.Buttons(TbrK_Main_Option).Enabled = nEnabled
- On Error Resume Next
- Call m_cTbrMain.EnableButton(TbrID_Main_Option, nEnabled)
- End Sub
- '改变主窗口标题
- Public Sub ChangeCaption(Optional nTitle$)
- Dim tTle$
- nTitle = Trim(nTitle)
- If nTitle <> "" Then
- tTle = nTitle & " - " & meCaption
- Else
- tTle = meCaption
- End If
- If gFullScreenMode Then
- mTempCaption = tTle
- Else
- Me.Caption = tTle
- End If
- End Sub
- '将pcitruebox放到combo里
- 'Private Sub HackCombobox(nHCmb&, nHPct&)
- 'Dim hEdit&
- 'Dim trc As RECT, tPt As POINTAPI
- '
- 'hEdit = FindWindowEx(nHCmb, 0, "EDIT", vbNullString)
- '
- 'GetWindowRect hEdit, trc
- 'tPt.x = trc.Left: tPt.y = trc.Top
- 'ScreenToClient nHCmb, tPt
- 'If tPt.x < 20 Then
- ' Call MoveWindow(hEdit, tPt.x + 20, tPt.y, trc.Right - trc.Left - 20, trc.Bottom - trc.Top, 1)
- 'End If
- '
- 'If nHPct <> 0 Then
- ' SetParent nHPct, nHCmb
- ' If tPt.x < 20 Then
- ' MoveWindow nHPct, tPt.x, tPt.y, 16, 16, 1
- ' End If
- 'End If
- 'End Sub
- '查找页面关键字,供外部使用
- Public Sub FindKeyWord()
- If loadedBrowserCount > 0 Then
- webbState(gActiveWebIndex).webForm.FindWord (cmbSearch.Text)
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub TrnToBtnBar_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Long, y As Long, btn As cButton)
- turntoX = x: turntoY = y
- turntoCan = True
- turntoButtonDown = True
- End Sub
- Private Sub TrnToBtnBar_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Long, y As Long, btn As cButton)
- On Error Resume Next
- Dim tWRC As RECT
- Dim tId&
- If Button = vbLeftButton Then
- If Abs(x - turntoX) > 4 Or Abs(y - turntoY) > 4 Then
- turntoCan = False
- Call GetWindowRect(pctTurnBtn.hWnd, tWRC)
- tXY.x = tWRC.Left: tXY.y = tWRC.Bottom + 1
- 'Call ScreenToClient(Me.hwnd, tXY)
- 'btn.ButtonState = cbtnNormal
- 'Me.PopupMenu mnuTurnto, 0, tXY.x * 15, tXY.y * 15
- tId = mPopmnuTurnTo.Popup(False, tXY.x, tXY.y)
- Call DoTurntoMenu(tId)
- 'cbnTurnto.Refresh
- btn.ButtonState = cbtnNormal
- turntoButtonDown = False
- addbarGetFocus = False
- End If
- End If
- End Sub
- '处理"转到"按钮菜单
- Private Sub DoTurntoMenu(id&)
- Select Case id
- Case mIDM_Turnto_TT
- Call OpenAddressUrl(False)
- Case mIDM_Turnto_NewTab
- Call OpenAddressUrl(True)
- Case mIDM_Turnto_NewIE
- Call NewIE(cmbAdd.Text)
- Case mIDM_Turnto_GoUp
- Call Turnto_GoUp
- Case Else
- Call ReplaceAddress(CLng(id - mOffset_Turnto))
- End Select
- End Sub
- Private Sub Turnto_GoUp()
- Dim turl$
- If GetUpUrl(cmbAdd.Text, turl) Then
- If vkPress(VK_SHIFT) Then
- cmbAdd.Text = turl
- Else
- If loadedBrowserCount > 0 Then
- webbState(gActiveWebIndex).webForm.Navigate turl
- Else
- cmbAdd.Text = turl
- End If
- End If
- End If
- End Sub
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' Procedure : GetUpUrl
- ' DateTime : 2005-8-15 23:37
- ' Author : Lingll
- ' Purpose : 获取上一级地址
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Private Function GetUpUrl(ByVal vUrl$, vUperUrl$) As Boolean
- Dim tPos&, tBPos&
- Dim tPoPos&
- Dim tRtn As Boolean
- tBPos = InStr(1, vUrl, "//")
- If Right$(vUrl, 1) = "/" Then
- tPos = InStrRev(vUrl, "/", Len(vUrl) - 1)
- Else
- tPos = InStrRev(vUrl, "/")
- End If
- tRtn = False
- If tPos > 0 Then
- If tPos > tBPos + 1 Or tBPos = 0 Then
- vUperUrl = Left$(vUrl, tPos)
- tRtn = True
- Else
- If tBPos > 0 Then
- tPoPos = InStr(tBPos, vUrl, ".")
- If tPoPos > 0 Then
- If LCase(Mid(vUrl, tBPos + 2, tPoPos - tBPos - 2)) <> "www" Then
- vUperUrl = Left$(vUrl, tBPos + 1) & "www" & Mid(vUrl, tPoPos)
- tRtn = True
- End If
- End If
- End If
- End If
- End If
- GetUpUrl = tRtn
- End Function
- Private Sub TrnToBtnBar_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Long, y As Long, btn As cButton)
- If turntoCan Then
- If Button = vbLeftButton Then
- If Abs(x - turntoX) < 4 And Abs(y - turntoY) < 4 Then
- cmbAdd.AddItem cmbAdd.Text
- If loadedBrowserCount > 0 Then
- webbState(gActiveWebIndex).webForm.Navigate cmbAdd.Text, False
- Else
- Call NewWebbrowser(cmbAdd.Text)
- End If
- turntoButtonDown = False
- addbarGetFocus = False
- End If
- End If
- End If
- End Sub
- '处理收藏夹菜单弹出子菜单时
- Public Sub SubCls_INITMENUPOPUP(ByVal wParam As Long)
- Dim i&, tcnt&
- Select Case GetMenuParam(wParam)
- Case MenuData_MainMenu
- tcnt = GetMenuItemCount(gHMainMenu)
- For i = 0 To tcnt - 1
- If wParam = GetSubMenu(gHMainMenu, i) Then
- Call SetMainMenuState(i)
- Exit For
- End If
- Next i
- Case MenuData_FavoriteMenu
- For i = 1 To subMenuCount
- If wParam = loadSubInfo(i).hWnd And (Not loadSubInfo(i).isLoadSub) Then
- 'SeedFile loadSubInfo(i).path, loadSubInfo(i).hWnd, , , loadSubInfo(i).hNode
- Call SeekFavoriteFolder(loadSubInfo(i).path, loadSubInfo(i).hWnd, , , loadSubInfo(i).hNode)
- loadSubInfo(i).isLoadSub = True
- Exit For
- End If
- Next i
- Case Else
- If wParam = pMnu_DlCtl.hWnd Then
- Call SetDlCtrlMenuState
- End If
- End Select
- mSelectedIsSubmenu = False
- mSelectedMenu = wParam
- End Sub
- '
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' Procedure : SetDlCtrlMenuState
- ' DateTime : 2005-6-21 12:39
- ' Author : Lingll
- ' Purpose : 处理DlCtrl菜单状态
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Private Sub SetDlCtrlMenuState()
- Dim tFrm As frmBrowser
- Set tFrm = webbState(gActiveWebIndex).webForm
- With pMnu_DlCtl
- .CheckItem 0, tFrm.DL_Image, False
- .CheckItem 1, tFrm.DL_BgSound, False
- .CheckItem 2, tFrm.DL_Video, False
- .CheckItem 3, tFrm.DL_Script, False
- .CheckItem 4, tFrm.DL_ActiveX, False
- .CheckItem 5, tFrm.DL_JavaApplet, False
- .CheckItem 6, tFrm.Dl_DlActiveX, False
- End With
- End Sub
- '处理收藏夹菜单选择时
- Public Sub SubCls_MENUSELECT(ByVal wParam&, ByVal lParam&)
- Dim tMnuStyle&, tMnuId&
- Dim urlIndex&
- tMnuStyle = (wParam And &HFFFF0000) / &H10000
- If (tMnuStyle And MF_POPUP) <> MF_POPUP Then
- tMnuId = wParam And &HFFFF&
- urlIndex = tMnuId - MenuIDOffset
- If urlIndex >= 1 And urlIndex <= itemMenuCount Then
- ChangeStatusText favoriteInfo(urlIndex).url
- Else
- ChangeStatusText ""
- End If
- Else
- ChangeStatusText ""
- End If
- mSelectedIsSubmenu = _
- (((wParam / &H10000) And MF_POPUP) <> 0) And _
- (((wParam / &H10000) And MF_GRAYED) = 0)
- mSelectedMenu = lParam
- End Sub
- '处理 收藏夹菜单的 WM_COMMAND
- Public Sub SubCls_COMMAND(ByVal wParam&, hSubMenu&)
- Dim notRun As Boolean
- Dim SelectIndex As Long
- notRun = True
- SelectIndex = wParam - MenuIDOffset
- If SelectIndex >= 1 And SelectIndex <= itemMenuCount Then
- If (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT) And &H8000) = 0 Then
- favConet favoriteInfo(SelectIndex).url
- ClickFavorite favoriteInfo(SelectIndex).Title, favoriteInfo(SelectIndex).url
- Else
- favConet favoriteInfo(SelectIndex).url, False
- ClickFavorite favoriteInfo(SelectIndex).Title, favoriteInfo(SelectIndex).url
- End If
- Else
- Select Case wParam
- Case 9999
- Call ShowFloatSubFav(hSubMenu)
- Case 9998
- Call OpenAllLink(hSubMenu)
- End Select
- End If
- End Sub
- Public Sub SubCls_MoveSize()
- If Not gFullScreenMode Then
- Dim bX As Long, bY As Long
- tTitleBar.cbSize = Len(tTitleBar)
- Call GetTitleBarInfo(Me.hWnd, tTitleBar)
- bX = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSIZE) - 2
- bY = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSIZE) - 4
- MoveWindow fraTitleButton.hWnd, tTitleBar.rcTitleBar.Right - 4 * bX - 2 - 2 - 3, tTitleBar.rcTitleBar.Top + 2, bX, bY, 1
- MoveWindow cmdTray.hWnd, 0, 0, bX, bY, 1
- End If
- End Sub
- '系统颜色改变时
- Public Sub UpdateButtonColor()
- TabBar.Refresh
- TrnToBtnBar.Refresh
- TabGoLeftBar.Refresh
- TabGoRightBar.Refresh
- m_cRebar.UpdateSystemColor
- End Sub
- '##########################################
- '==== 主菜单 模拟菜单 相关函数 =========
- Public Sub DropMenu_MouseMove(x&, y&)
- Dim tPos&, tId&
- 'Dim tTop&, tLeft&
- If WindowFromPoint(x, y) = mcTbrMainMenu.hwndToolbar Then
- tPos = mcTbrMainMenu.Hittest(x, y)
- If tPos >= 0 Then
- tId = mcTbrMainMenu.GetButton(tPos, False)
- If mDropdownId <> tId Then
- If tId > 0 Then
- mPopId = tId
- PostMessage Me.hWnd, WM_CANCELMODE, 0, 0
- End If
- End If
- End If
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub DropMenu_EnuDropDown(id&)
- Dim tx&, ty&
- mcTbrMainMenu.GetBtnRect id, tx, ty
- PostMessage mcTbrMainMenu.hwndToolbar, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, MK_LBUTTON, ByVal (ty * &H10000 + tx)
- PostMessage mcTbrMainMenu.hwndToolbar, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, MK_LBUTTON, ByVal (ty * &H10000 + tx)
- End Sub
- Private Sub DropMenu_EnuDropDown2(id&)
- Dim tx&, ty&
- mcTbrMainMenu.GetBtnRect id, tx, ty
- PostMessage mcTbrMainMenu.hwndToolbar, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, MK_LBUTTON, ByVal (ty * &H10000 + tx)
- End Sub
- Public Sub DropMenu_ShowNextMenu(nNext As Boolean)
- Dim tPos&, tcnt&
- tPos = mcTbrMainMenu.GetButton(mDropdownId, True)
- If tPos >= 0 Then
- tcnt = mcTbrMainMenu.ButtonCount
- If nNext Then
- tPos = tPos + 1
- If tPos >= tcnt Then tPos = 0
- Else
- tPos = tPos - 1
- If tPos < 0 Then tPos = tcnt - 1
- End If
- If mSelectedIsSubmenu And nNext Then
- ElseIf (mSelectedMenu <> mDropMenuHwnd) And (Not nNext) Then
- Else
- mPopId = mcTbrMainMenu.GetButton(tPos, False)
- PostMessage Me.hWnd, WM_CANCELMODE, 0, 0
- End If
- End If
- End Sub
- Public Function DropMenu_KeyDown(KeyCode&, lParam&) As Long
- Dim rtn&
- Dim tId&
- 'Dim tnr As NMTOOLBAR_id
- tId = -1
- rtn = 0
- 'Debug.Print "keydown", KeyCode, (lParam And &H40000000) = 0
- If KeyCode = VK_MENU Then
- Call GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyTab)
- If vkPress(VK_CONTROL) Or vkPress(VK_SHIFT) Then
- mCanTrackPopMenu = False
- Else
- mCanTrackPopMenu = True
- End If
- Else
- If (lParam And &H20000000) <> 0 Then
- mCanTrackPopMenu = False
- End If
- End If
- If mInDropDown Then
- If KeyCode = VK_MENU Then
- mDropDownPressMenu = True
- End If
- Else
- If KeyCode = VK_MENU Or KeyCode = VK_ESCAPE Then
- If mInHotTack Then
- mcTbrMainMenu.SetHotButton (-1)
- mInHotTack = (KeyCode = VK_MENU)
- rtn = 1
- End If
- Else
- 'If vkPress(VK_MENU) Then
- If (lParam And &H20000000) <> 0 Then
- If mcTbrMainMenu.GetAcceleratorButton(KeyCode, tId) Then
- If tId > 0 Then
- rtn = 1
- DropMenu_EnuDropDown2 tId
- End If
- End If
- Else
- If mInHotTack Then
- Select Case KeyCode
- Case VK_LEFT
- Call DropMenu_HotTackNext(False)
- rtn = 1
- Call DropMenu_HotTackNext(True)
- rtn = 1
- Call DropMenu_DropHotTack
- rtn = 1
- Case Else
- If mcTbrMainMenu.GetAcceleratorButton(KeyCode, tId) Then
- If tId > 0 Then
- mcTbrMainMenu.SetHotButton (-1)
- rtn = 1
- Call DropMenu_EnuDropDown2(tId)
- End If
- End If
- End Select
- Else
- rtn = DropMenu_DoHotkey(KeyCode, lParam)
- End If
- End If
- End If
- End If
- If mInHotTack Then rtn = 1
- DropMenu_KeyDown = rtn
- End Function
- Private Function DropMenu_DoHotkey(KeyCode&, lParam&) As Long
- Dim rtn&
- rtn = 0
- Select Case KeyCode
- Case vbKeyF6
- If vkPress(VK_CONTROL) Then
- cmbSearch.SetFocus
- rtn = 1
- Else
- cmbAdd.SetFocus
- rtn = 1
- End If
- Case vbKeyF3
- If vkPress(VK_CONTROL) Then
- Call mnuViewSlide_Click
- Else
- Call FindKeyWord
- End If
- Case vbKeyF4
- Call mnuCloseTab_Click
- Case vbKeyF8
- If vkPress(VK_CONTROL) Then
- Call mnuViewHide_Click
- End If
- Case vbKeyF9
- Call mnuView_FullScreen_Click
- Case vbKeyB
- If vkPress(VK_CONTROL) Then
- Call mnuNewB_Click
- End If
- Case vbKeyO
- If vkPress(VK_CONTROL) Then
- Call mnuOpen_Click
- End If
- Case vbKeyS
- If vkPress(VK_CONTROL) Then
- Call mnuSaveAs_Click
- End If
- Case vbKeyE
- If vkPress(VK_CONTROL) Then
- Call mnuTabs_NoObject_Click
- End If
- Case vbKeyW
- If vkPress(VK_CONTROL) Then
- Call mnuTabs_NoFloat_Click
- End If
- Case vbKeyH
- If vkPress(VK_CONTROL) Then
- Call mnuClearMouseLimit_Click
- End If
- Case vbKeyTab
- If vkPress(VK_CONTROL) Then
- If vkPress(VK_SHIFT) Then
- Call NextLastTab(False)
- rtn = 1
- Else
- Call NextLastTab(True)
- rtn = 1
- End If
- End If
- End Select
- DropMenu_DoHotkey = rtn
- End Function
- Private Sub DropMenu_HotTackNext(isNext As Boolean)
- Dim tPos&, tcnt&
- tPos = mcTbrMainMenu.GetHotButton
- If tPos >= 0 Then
- tcnt = mcTbrMainMenu.ButtonCount
- If isNext Then
- tPos = tPos + 1
- If tPos >= tcnt Then tPos = 0
- Else
- tPos = tPos - 1
- If tPos < 0 Then tPos = tcnt - 1
- End If
- mcTbrMainMenu.SetHotButton tPos
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub DropMenu_DropHotTack()
- Dim tPos& ', tId&
- tPos = mcTbrMainMenu.GetHotButton
- If tPos >= 0 Then
- mcTbrMainMenu.SetHotButton -1
- DropMenu_EnuDropDown2 mcTbrMainMenu.GetButton(tPos, False)
- End If
- End Sub
- Public Function DropMenu_KeyUp(KeyCode&, lParam&) As Long
- Dim rtn&
- rtn = 0
- If Not mInDropDown Then
- If mDropDownPressMenu Then
- mDropDownPressMenu = False
- Else
- If KeyCode = VK_MENU And mCanTrackPopMenu Then
- 'Debug.Print GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyTab) And &H1&
- If (GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyTab) And &H1&) = 0 Then
- If mInHotTack Then
- mInHotTack = False
- rtn = 1
- Else
- mcTbrMainMenu.SetHotButton (0)
- mInHotTack = True
- rtn = 1
- End If
- End If
- End If
- End If
- End If
- DropMenu_KeyUp = rtn
- End Function
- '##########################################
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- '######################################################
- '======== common controls ====================
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' Procedure : IniStatusBar
- ' DateTime : 2005-3-27 23:37
- ' Author : Lingll
- ' Purpose :
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Private Sub IniStatusBar()
- pctHoldStatus.height = 18 * 15
- Set m_cSsbar = CreateCmmCtrl(strCLSID_cStatusbar32) ' New cStatusbar32
- With m_cSsbar
- .Create pctHoldStatus.hWnd, , False
- .SetMinHeight 16
- Call SetStatusParts
- End With
- End Sub
- Private Sub SetStatusParts()
- Dim tRc As mAPIs.RECT
- Dim tW(0 To 1) As Long
- If Not m_cSsbar Is Nothing Then
- Call mAPIs.GetWindowRect(m_cSsbar.hWnd, tRc)
- tW(0) = tRc.Right - tRc.Left - 100
- If tW(0) < 0 Then
- tW(0) = (tRc.Right - tRc.Left) / 2
- End If
- tW(1) = -1
- m_cSsbar.SetParts 2, tW
- End If
- End Sub
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' Procedure : IniRebar
- ' DateTime : 2005-8-2 01:05
- ' Author : Lingll
- ' Purpose :
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Private Sub IniRebar()
- Dim tW&, tH&
- Set m_cRebar = CreateCmmCtrl(strCLSID_cRebar)
- With m_cRebar
- .Create pctReBar.hWnd, 0, 0, pctReBar.ScaleWidth, pctReBar.ScaleHeight, RBS_Default
- '菜单栏
- mcTbrMainMenu.GetTbrMaxSize tW, tH
- .AddBands ID_Band_MainMenu, mcTbrMainMenu.hwndToolbar, RBBS_USECHEVRON, _
- GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) - GetTbrWidth2(m_cTbrSmall) - 20, _
- tW
- '小工具栏
- m_cTbrSmall.GetTbrMaxSize tW, tH
- .AddBands ID_Band_SmallTbr, m_cTbrSmall.hwndMsgwin, RBBS_USECHEVRON, _
- GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN), tW
- '主工具栏
- .AddBands ID_Band_MainTbr, m_cTbrMain.hwndMsgwin, RBBS_BREAK
- '地址栏
- .AddBands ID_Band_Address, pctAddress.hWnd, RBBS_BREAK, _
- GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) * 3 / 5, , "地址"
- '搜索栏
- .AddBands ID_Band_SearchTbr, mcTbrSearch.hwndMsgwin, , _
- GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) * 2 / 5, , "搜索"
- '标签栏
- .AddBands ID_Band_Tabs, pctTabs.hWnd, RBBS_BREAK
- .SetBandChildSize ID_Band_MainMenu, 50, 21, , , , False
- .SetBandChildSize ID_Band_MainTbr, 30, 26, , , , False
- .SetBandChildSize ID_Band_Address, 0, 22, , , , False
- .SetBandChildSize ID_Band_Tabs, 0, 20, , , , False
- .SetBandChildSize ID_Band_SearchTbr, 0, 22, , , , False
- Call ResizeTbr
- End With
- End Sub
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' Procedure : IniFavoriteTree
- ' DateTime : 2005-3-28 18:12
- ' Author : Lingll
- ' Purpose :
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Private Sub IniFavoriteTree()
- Set m_cTvwFav = CreateCmmCtrl(strCLSID_cTreeView32) ' New cTreeView32
- With m_cTvwFav
- .Create pctSideBandHold.hWnd, _
- 0, 0, 100, 100
- .SetImageList TVSIL_NORMAL, 0, 16, 16, LoadImageEx(IDB_MenuIcon, "gif").handle, &HFF00FF
- .SetToopTipTopMost
- End With
- End Sub
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' Procedure : IniSideBarFavTbr
- ' DateTime : 2005-3-29 16:00
- ' Author : Lingll
- ' Purpose : 初始化边栏工具栏
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Private Sub IniSideBarTbr()
- Set m_cTbrSidebar = CreateCmmCtrl(strCLSID_cToolBar) ' New cToolBar
- With m_cTbrSidebar
- .CreateToolbar pctHoldFavorite.hWnd, True, True, 13, 13, , TBSTYLE_EX_Default Or TBSTYLE_EX_MIXEDBUTTONS
- .AddImages LoadImageEx(IDB_OtherBar, "gif").handle, &HFF00FF
- .AddButton 101, "float", 5, BTNS_AUTOSIZE Or BTNS_CHECK
- .AddButton 102, "关闭", 4
- .SetMaxSize
- .SetToopTipTopMost
- End With
- End Sub
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' Procedure : IniSmallTbr
- ' DateTime : 2005-3-29 20:19
- ' Author : Lingll
- ' Purpose : 初始化小工具栏
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Private Sub IniSmallTbr()
- Dim tPop As cPopMenu
- Dim tDesc(0 To 7) As cButtonPosInfo ' String
- Dim i&
- Set m_cTbrSmall = CreateCmmCtrl(strCLSID_cToolBar) ' New cToolBar
- With m_cTbrSmall
- .CreateToolbar pctReBar.hWnd, True, True, 13, 13, , TBSTYLE_EX_Default Or TBSTYLE_EX_MIXEDBUTTONS
- .AddImages LoadImageEx(IDB_OtherBar, "gif"), &HFF00FF
- .AddButton TbrID_Small_LastTab, "上一窗口", 0
- .AddButton TbrID_Small_NextTab, "下一窗口", 1
- .AddButton TbrID_Small_Min, "最小化|还原", 2
- .AddButton TbrID_Small_Max, "最大化|还原", 3, BTNS_DROPDOWN Or BTNS_AUTOSIZE
- .AddButton TbrID_Small_Close, "关闭当前页", 4, BTNS_DROPDOWN Or BTNS_AUTOSIZE
- .AddButton 106, vbNullString, 0, BTNS_SEP
- .AddButton TbrID_Small_LockPresent, "不激活新窗口", 5, BTNS_CHECK Or BTNS_AUTOSIZE
- .CheckButton TbrID_Small_LockPresent, isLockPresentWeb = 1
- .AddButton TbrID_Small_LockNew, "总在新窗口打开", 6, BTNS_AUTOSIZE Or BTNS_CHECK
- End With
- Set tPop = New cPopMenu
- With tPop
- .Create
- .Add "还原所有(&R)", , 101
- .Add "最大化所有(&X)", , 102
- End With
- m_cTbrSmall.p_colBff.Add tPop, "max"
- Set tPop = New cPopMenu
- With tPop
- .Create
- .Add "反向", , 101
- .Add "类似", , 102
- .Add "所有", , 103
- .Add vbNullString, pmsSeparator
- .Add "当前", , 104, True
- End With
- m_cTbrSmall.p_colBff.Add tPop, "close"
- For i = 0 To 7
- Set tDesc(i) = New cButtonPosInfo
- tDesc(i).o_Pos = i
- Next i
- Dim tArr() As Long
- Call LoadTbrButtonPos("small", tArr)
- tDesc(0).IniMe "上一窗口", TbrID_Small_LastTab, tArr(0)
- tDesc(1).IniMe "下一窗口", TbrID_Small_NextTab, tArr(1)
- tDesc(2).IniMe "最小化|还原", TbrID_Small_Min, tArr(2)
- tDesc(3).IniMe "最大化|还原", TbrID_Small_Max, tArr(3)
- tDesc(4).IniMe "关闭当前页", TbrID_Small_Close, tArr(4)
- tDesc(5).IniMe "----", 106, tArr(5)
- tDesc(6).IniMe "不激活新窗口", TbrID_Small_LockPresent, tArr(6)
- tDesc(7).IniMe "总在新窗口打开", TbrID_Small_LockNew, tArr(7)
- For i = 0 To gTbrSmallBtnCnt - 1
- m_cTbrSmall.ShowButton m_cTbrSmall.GetButton(i, False), gTbrSmallBtnShow(i) = 1
- Next i
- Dim tBif As New cButtonPosInfo
- tBif.SortByPos tDesc
- m_cTbrSmall.p_colBff.Add tDesc, "desarr"
- For i = 0 To gTbrSmallBtnCnt - 1
- m_cTbrSmall.MoveButton m_cTbrSmall.GetButton(tDesc(i).id, True), i
- m_cTbrSmall.ShowButton tDesc(i).id, tDesc(i).vis
- Next i
- End Sub
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' Procedure : IniMainTbr
- ' DateTime : 2005-3-29 20:20
- ' Author : Lingll
- ' Purpose : 初始化主工具栏
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Private Sub IniMainTbr()
- Dim tPop As cPopMenu
- Dim tDesc(0 To gTbrMainBtnCnt - 1) As cButtonPosInfo ' String
- Dim i&
- Set m_cTbrMain = CreateCmmCtrl(strCLSID_cToolBar) ' New cToolBar
- With m_cTbrMain
- .CreateToolbar pctReBar.hWnd, True, True, 20, 20, , TBSTYLE_EX_Default Or TBSTYLE_EX_MIXEDBUTTONS
- .AddImages LoadImageEx(IDB_MainBar, "gif").handle, &HFF00FF
- .SetImageList TBI_ImglstType_Gray, 0, 20, 20, LoadImageEx(IDB_MainBar_Gray, "gif").handle, &HFF00FF
- .AddButton TbrID_Main_New, "新建", 0, BTNS_AUTOSIZE Or BTNS_DROPDOWN
- .AddButton TbrID_Main_Back, "后退", 1, BTNS_AUTOSIZE Or BTNS_DROPDOWN
- .AddButton TbrID_Main_Forward, "前进", 2, BTNS_AUTOSIZE Or BTNS_DROPDOWN
- .AddButton TbrID_Main_Stop, "停止", 3
- .AddButton TbrID_Main_Refresh, "刷新", 4
- .AddButton TbrID_Main_Favorites, "收藏", 5, BTNS_AUTOSIZE Or BTNS_DROPDOWN
- .AddButton TbrID_Main_Proxy, "代理", 6, BTNS_AUTOSIZE Or BTNS_DROPDOWN
- .AddButton TbrID_Main_FontSize, "文字大小", 7, BTNS_AUTOSIZE Or BTNS_WHOLEDROPDOWN
- .AddButton TbrID_Main_AutoPreventPop, "自动过滤(当前窗口)", 8, BTNS_AUTOSIZE Or BTNS_DROPDOWN
- .AddButton TbrID_Main_Reopen, "最近关闭的页面", 9, BTNS_AUTOSIZE Or BTNS_DROPDOWN
- .AddButton TbrID_Main_DLCtrl, "下载控制(当前窗口)", 10, BTNS_AUTOSIZE Or BTNS_WHOLEDROPDOWN
- .AddButton TbrID_Main_Option, "选项", 11, BTNS_AUTOSIZE Or BTNS_DROPDOWN
- .AddButton TbrID_Main_FullScreen, "全屏", 12
- .AddButton TbrID_Main_SideBand, "侧边栏", 13, BTNS_AUTOSIZE Or BTNS_WHOLEDROPDOWN
- End With
- Set tPop = New cPopMenu
- With tPop
- .Create
- .Add "空白页", , 1, True
- .Add "当前页", , 2
- .Add "剪贴板", , 3
- .Add vbNullString, pmsSeparator
- .Add "IE(空白)", , 4
- .Add "IE(当前)", , 5
- End With
- m_cTbrMain.p_colBff.Add tPop, "new"
- Set tPop = New cPopMenu
- tPop.Create
- m_cTbrMain.p_colBff.Add tPop, "back"
- Set tPop = New cPopMenu
- tPop.Create
- m_cTbrMain.p_colBff.Add tPop, "forward"
- For i = 0 To gTbrMainBtnCnt - 1
- Set tDesc(i) = New cButtonPosInfo
- tDesc(i).o_Pos = i
- Next i
- Dim tArr() As Long
- Call LoadTbrButtonPos("main", tArr)
- tDesc(0).IniMe "新建", TbrID_Main_New, tArr(0)
- tDesc(1).IniMe "后退", TbrID_Main_Back, tArr(1)
- tDesc(2).IniMe "前进", TbrID_Main_Forward, tArr(2)
- tDesc(3).IniMe "停止", TbrID_Main_Stop, tArr(3)
- tDesc(4).IniMe "刷新", TbrID_Main_Refresh, tArr(4)
- tDesc(5).IniMe "收藏", TbrID_Main_Favorites, tArr(5)
- tDesc(6).IniMe "代理", TbrID_Main_Proxy, tArr(6)
- tDesc(7).IniMe "文字大小", TbrID_Main_FontSize, tArr(7)
- tDesc(8).IniMe "自动过滤(当前窗口)", TbrID_Main_AutoPreventPop, tArr(8)
- tDesc(9).IniMe "最近关闭的页面", TbrID_Main_Reopen, tArr(9)
- tDesc(10).IniMe "下载控制(当前窗口)", TbrID_Main_DLCtrl, tArr(10)
- tDesc(11).IniMe "选项", TbrID_Main_Option, tArr(11)
- tDesc(12).IniMe "全屏", TbrID_Main_FullScreen, tArr(12)
- tDesc(13).IniMe "侧边栏", TbrID_Main_SideBand, tArr(13)
- Dim tBif As New cButtonPosInfo
- tBif.SortByPos tDesc
- m_cTbrMain.p_colBff.Add tDesc, "desarr"
- For i = 0 To gTbrMainBtnCnt - 1
- m_cTbrMain.MoveButton m_cTbrMain.GetButton(tDesc(i).id, True), i
- m_cTbrMain.ShowButton tDesc(i).id, tDesc(i).vis
- Next i
- 'For i = 0 To gTbrMainBtnCnt - 1
- ' m_cTbrMain.ShowButton m_cTbrMain.GetButton(i, False), gTbrMainBtnShow(i) = 1
- 'Next i
- End Sub
- '#####################################################
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' Procedure : LoadAddUrlz
- ' DateTime : 2005-4-15 21:34
- ' Author : Lingll
- ' Purpose : 添加地址栏输入历史记录
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Private Sub LoadAddUrlz()
- Dim tCoN As Collection, tCoTy As Collection
- Dim i&, tstr$, tType&
- Dim tcnt&
- cmbAdd.Clear
- Call EnumRegValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "SoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerTypedUrls", _
- tCoN, tCoTy)
- tcnt = tCoN.Count
- For i = 1 To tcnt
- tstr = tCoN(i)
- tType = tCoTy(i)
- If tType = REG_SZ Then
- cmbAdd.AddItem QueryValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "SoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerTypedUrls", tstr)
- End If
- Next i
- gAddUrlCnt = cmbAdd.ListCount
- ReDim gAddUrlz(0 To gAddUrlCnt)
- For i = 1 To gAddUrlCnt
- gAddUrlz(i) = cmbAdd.List(i - 1)
- Next i
- End Sub
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' Procedure : SaveAddUrlz
- ' DateTime : 2005-4-15 22:08
- ' Author : Lingll
- ' Purpose : 保存地址栏输入历史记录
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Private Sub SaveAddUrlz()
- Dim i&
- Dim hKey&
- If RegOpenKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "SoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerTypedUrls", hKey) = 0 Then
- SHDeleteKey HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "SoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerTypedUrls"
- End If
- RegCreateKey HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "SoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerTypedUrls", hKey
- If hKey <> 0 Then
- For i = 1 To gAddUrlCnt
- RegSetValueExString hKey, "url" & LTrim$(Str$(i)), 0, REG_SZ, gAddUrlz(i), LenB(gAddUrlz(i))
- Next i
- End If
- End Sub
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' Procedure : AddAddbarUrl
- ' DateTime : 2005-4-15 22:31
- ' Author : Lingll
- ' Purpose : 添加地址栏历史记录
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Private Sub AddAddbarUrl(vUrl$)
- Dim i&
- Dim turl$
- Dim inOldIndex&
- vUrl = Trim$(vUrl)
- If LenB(vUrl) = 0 Then Exit Sub
- turl = LCase$(vUrl)
- inOldIndex = 0
- For i = 1 To gAddUrlCnt
- If LCase$(gAddUrlz(i)) = turl Then
- inOldIndex = i
- End If
- Next i
- If inOldIndex > 0 Then
- Else
- gAddUrlCnt = gAddUrlCnt + 1
- ReDim Preserve gAddUrlz(0 To gAddUrlCnt)
- gAddUrlz(gAddUrlCnt) = vUrl
- inOldIndex = gAddUrlCnt
- End If
- For i = inOldIndex To 2 Step -1
- SwapData VarPtr(gAddUrlz(i)), VarPtr(gAddUrlz(i - 1))
- Next i
- If inOldIndex = 1 And gAddUrlCnt > 1 Then
- Else
- cmbAdd.Clear
- For i = 1 To gAddUrlCnt
- cmbAdd.AddItem gAddUrlz(i)
- Next i
- End If
- End Sub
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' Procedure : GetWindowOrder
- ' DateTime : 2005-4-16 12:06
- ' Author : Lingll
- ' Purpose : 获得窗口zorder表
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Private Sub GetWindowOrder(coOrder As Collection)
- Dim tHwnd&
- If coOrder Is Nothing Then
- Set coOrder = New Collection
- End If
- If loadedBrowserCount > 0 Then
- tHwnd = webbState(gActiveWebIndex).webForm.hWnd
- While tHwnd <> 0
- coOrder.Add tHwnd
- tHwnd = GetWindow(tHwnd, GW_HWNDNEXT)
- Wend
- End If
- End Sub
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' Procedure : SideBandParentHwnd
- ' DateTime : 2005-5-30 00:47
- ' Author : Lingll
- ' Purpose : hwnd of side band
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Public Property Get SideBandParentHwnd() As Long
- SideBandParentHwnd = pctSideBandHold.hWnd
- End Property
- Public Sub SetSidebandSize(vBand As cPluginSideband)
- vBand.Resize 0, 0, _
- pctSideBandHold.ScaleWidth, _
- pctSideBandHold.ScaleHeight
- End Sub
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' Procedure : UnloadPlugins
- ' DateTime : 2005-6-14 21:25
- ' Author : Lingll
- ' Purpose : 卸载插件
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Private Sub UnloadPlugins()
- Dim i&
- For i = 1 To gPluginCnt
- Set gPlugins(i) = Nothing
- Next i
- For i = 1 To gPluginSBCnt
- Set gPluginsSideBand(i) = Nothing
- Next i
- End Sub