资源名称:IE_VB.rar [点击查看]
Visual Basic
- 'Private Sub cmdExtoolDel_Click()
- 'Dim tIndex&, tItem As MSComctlLib.ListItem
- 'Dim i&
- 'Set tItem = lvwExtoolListall.SelectedItem
- 'If Not tItem Is Nothing Then
- ' tIndex = tItem.index
- ' mExToolsCount = mExToolsCount - 1
- ' For i = tIndex To mExToolsCount
- ' mExTools(i) = mExTools(i + 1)
- ' Next i
- ' lvwExtoolListall.ListItems.Remove tIndex
- ' If mExToolsCount > 0 Then
- ' If tIndex <= mExToolsCount Then
- ' lvwExtoolListall.ListItems(tIndex).Selected = True
- ' Call ClickExtoolItem(tIndex)
- ' Else
- ' lvwExtoolListall.ListItems(mExToolsCount).Selected = True
- ' Call ClickExtoolItem(mExToolsCount)
- ' End If
- ' End If
- 'End If
- 'End Sub
- '
- 'Private Sub cmdExtoolDown_Click()
- 'Dim tItem As MSComctlLib.ListItem
- 'Set tItem = lvwExtoolListall.SelectedItem
- 'If Not tItem Is Nothing Then
- ' Call MoveExtoolItem(tItem.index, 1)
- 'End If
- 'End Sub
- 'Private Sub cmdExtoolOk_Click()
- 'Dim i&
- 'ExToolsCount = mExToolsCount
- 'ReDim ExTools(0 To ExToolsCount)
- 'For i = 1 To ExToolsCount
- ' ExTools(i) = mExTools(i)
- 'Next i
- 'Call gMainForm.LoadExToolsMenu
- 'MsgBox "Finish", vbOKOnly
- 'End Sub
- 'Private Sub cmdExtoolUp_Click()
- 'Dim tItem As MSComctlLib.ListItem
- 'Set tItem = lvwExtoolListall.SelectedItem
- 'If Not tItem Is Nothing Then
- ' Call MoveExtoolItem(tItem.index, -1)
- 'End If
- 'End Sub
- Private Sub cmdFilterOK_Click()
- Dim i&
- UrlFilterCount = lstFliterList.ListCount
- ReDim UrlFilter(0 To UrlFilterCount)
- For i = 1 To UrlFilterCount
- UrlFilter(i) = lstFliterList.List(i - 1)
- Next i
- End Sub
- Private Sub cmdMouseHandAdd_Click()
- Dim tItem&
- MouseHand.AddHand
- With m_cLvwMouseHand
- tItem = .AddItem("鼠标手势:")
- .SetItemText "(无)", tItem, 1
- .SelectItem tItem, True
- End With
- 'Dim tItem As MSComctlLib.ListItem
- 'MouseHand.AddHand
- 'With lvwMouseHand
- ' Set tItem = .ListItems.Add(, , "鼠标手势:")
- ' tItem.SubItems(1) = "(无)"
- ' Set .SelectedItem = tItem
- ' Call lvwMouseHand_ItemClick(tItem)
- 'End With
- End Sub
- Private Sub cmdMouseHandDel_Click()
- Dim tItem&
- Dim tIndex&
- tItem = m_cLvwMouseHand.GetNextItem(-1, LVNI_SELECTED)
- If tItem >= 0 Then
- tIndex = tItem + 1
- If MouseHand.RemoveHand(tIndex) Then
- m_cLvwMouseHand.DelItem tItem
- If m_cLvwMouseHand.GetItemCount < tIndex Then
- tItem = m_cLvwMouseHand.GetItemCount - 1
- End If
- If tItem >= 0 Then
- m_cLvwMouseHand.SelectItem tItem, True
- End If
- End If
- End If
- 'Dim tItem As MSComctlLib.ListItem
- 'Dim tIndex&
- 'Set tItem = lvwMouseHand.SelectedItem
- 'If Not tItem Is Nothing Then
- ' tIndex = tItem.index
- ' If MouseHand.RemoveHand(tIndex) Then
- ' lvwMouseHand.ListItems.Remove tIndex
- ' If lvwMouseHand.ListItems.Count < tIndex Then
- ' tIndex = lvwMouseHand.ListItems.Count
- ' End If
- ' If tIndex > 0 Then
- ' Set tItem = lvwMouseHand.ListItems(tIndex)
- ' Set lvwMouseHand.SelectedItem = tItem
- ' Call lvwMouseHand_ItemClick(tItem)
- ' End If
- ' End If
- 'End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub cmdMouseHandDir_Click(index As Integer)
- If Len(labMouseHandShow.Caption) < 3 Then
- labMouseHandShow.Caption = labMouseHandShow.Caption & _
- cmdMouseHandDir(index).Caption
- mHand(Len(labMouseHandShow.Caption) - 1) = index + 1
- Debug.Print mHand(0), mHand(1), mHand(2)
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub cmdMouseHandDirBlank_Click()
- If labMouseHandShow.Caption <> "" Then
- labMouseHandShow.Caption = Left(labMouseHandShow.Caption, _
- Len(labMouseHandShow.Caption) - 1)
- mHand(Len(labMouseHandShow.Caption)) = 0
- Debug.Print mHand(0), mHand(1), mHand(2)
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub cmdMouseHandUpdateHand_Click()
- Dim tItem&
- tItem = m_cLvwMouseHand.GetNextItem(-1, LVNI_SELECTED)
- If tItem >= 0 Then
- Call MouseHand.ChangeHand_ByIndex(tItem + 1, VarPtr(mHand(0)))
- MouseHand.GetHand tItem + 1, VarPtr(mHand(0))
- Call ShowMouseHand
- m_cLvwMouseHand.SetItemText MouseHand.GetDescription(tItem + 1), tItem
- End If
- 'Dim tItem As MSComctlLib.ListItem
- 'Set tItem = lvwMouseHand.SelectedItem
- 'If Not tItem Is Nothing Then
- ' Debug.Print MouseHand.ChangeHand_ByIndex(tItem.index, VarPtr(mHand(0)))
- ' MouseHand.GetHand tItem.index, VarPtr(mHand(0))
- ' Call ShowMouseHand
- '
- ' tItem.Text = MouseHand.GetDescription(tItem.index)
- 'End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub cmdPageRuleAdd_Click()
- mPageRuleCnt = mPageRuleCnt + 1
- ReDim Preserve mPageRule(0 To mPageRuleCnt)
- With mPageRule(mPageRuleCnt)
- .Title = "新建规则"
- .Enabled = 1
- .Inherit = True
- .ForceChange = False
- .AllwaysOpenNew = False
- .AutoPreventPop = PreventPopWindow
- .DL_Image = gDL_Image
- .DL_BgSound = gDL_BgSound
- .DL_Video = gDL_Video
- .DL_ActiveX = gDL_ActiveX
- .DL_Script = gDL_Script
- .DL_JavaApplet = gDL_JavaApplet
- .OutExeParam = "%url%"
- .OutExePath = ""
- .Urls = ""
- .Type = 0
- lstPageRuleList.AddItem .Title
- End With
- lstPageRuleList.ListIndex = lstPageRuleList.ListCount - 1
- lstPageRuleList.Selected(lstPageRuleList.ListCount - 1) = True
- txtPageRuleTitle.SetFocus
- End Sub
- Private Sub cmdPageRuleBrowse_Click()
- Dim tOpen As OpenSaveDlg
- Set tOpen = New OpenSaveDlg
- With tOpen
- .Filter = "*.exe|*.exe|*.*|*.*"
- If .ShowOpen(Me.hWnd) Then
- txtPageRuleExepath.Text = .FileName
- End If
- End With
- txtPageRuleExepath.SetFocus
- End Sub
- Private Sub cmdPageRuleDel_Click()
- Dim tIndex&, i&
- tIndex = lstPageRuleList.ListIndex
- If tIndex >= 0 Then
- For i = tIndex + 1 To mPageRuleCnt - 1
- mPageRule(i) = mPageRule(i + 1)
- Next i
- mPageRuleCnt = mPageRuleCnt - 1
- 'ReDim Preserve mPageRule(0 To mPageRuleCnt)
- lstPageRuleList.RemoveItem tIndex
- If tIndex + 1 <= mPageRuleCnt Then
- lstPageRuleList.ListIndex = tIndex
- Else
- lstPageRuleList.ListIndex = mPageRuleCnt - 1
- End If
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub cmdPageRuleMoveDown_Click()
- Dim tIndex& ', i&
- tIndex = lstPageRuleList.ListIndex
- If tIndex >= 0 And tIndex < lstPageRuleList.ListCount - 1 Then
- Call SwitchPageRule(tIndex + 1, tIndex)
- lstPageRuleList.List(tIndex) = mPageRule(tIndex + 1).Title
- lstPageRuleList.List(tIndex - 1) = mPageRule(tIndex).Title
- lstPageRuleList.ListIndex = tIndex - 1
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub cmdPageRuleMoveUp_Click()
- Dim tIndex& ', i&
- tIndex = lstPageRuleList.ListIndex
- If tIndex > 0 Then
- Call SwitchPageRule(tIndex + 1, tIndex)
- lstPageRuleList.List(tIndex) = mPageRule(tIndex + 1).Title
- lstPageRuleList.List(tIndex - 1) = mPageRule(tIndex).Title
- lstPageRuleList.ListIndex = tIndex - 1
- End If
- End Sub
- '互相交换两个PageRule
- Private Sub SwitchPageRule(index1&, index2&)
- Dim tPageRule As mTypPageRule
- tPageRule = mPageRule(index1)
- mPageRule(index1) = mPageRule(index2)
- mPageRule(index2) = tPageRule
- End Sub
- Private Sub cmdPageRuleOk_Click()
- Dim i&, j&, tcnt&, tstr$
- PageRuleCnt = mPageRuleCnt
- ReDim PageRule(0 To PageRuleCnt)
- For i = 1 To PageRuleCnt
- With PageRule(i)
- .Title = mPageRule(i).Title
- .Enabled = mPageRule(i).Enabled
- .Type = mPageRule(i).Type
- tstr = LCase(mPageRule(i).Urls)
- tstr = Replace(tstr, Chr(13) & Chr(10), "")
- tstr = Replace(tstr, " ", "")
- .Urls = Split(tstr, ";")
- .UrlCnt = UBound(.Urls) + 1
- tcnt = 0
- For j = 0 To .UrlCnt - 1
- If Trim$(.Urls(j)) <> "" Then
- tcnt = tcnt + 1
- If tcnt < j + 1 Then
- .Urls(tcnt - 1) = .Urls(j)
- End If
- End If
- Next j
- .UrlCnt = tcnt
- If .UrlCnt > 0 Then
- ReDim Preserve .Urls(0 To .UrlCnt - 1)
- End If
- If .Type = 0 Then
- .AutoPreventPop = mPageRule(i).AutoPreventPop
- .DL_ActiveX = mPageRule(i).DL_ActiveX
- .DL_BgSound = mPageRule(i).DL_BgSound
- .DL_Image = mPageRule(i).DL_Image
- .DL_Video = mPageRule(i).DL_Video
- .DL_JavaApplet = mPageRule(i).DL_JavaApplet
- .DL_Script = mPageRule(i).DL_Script
- .AllwaysOpenNew = mPageRule(i).AllwaysOpenNew
- .Inherit = mPageRule(i).Inherit
- .ForceChange = mPageRule(i).ForceChange
- Else
- .OutExeParam = mPageRule(i).OutExeParam
- .OutExePath = mPageRule(i).OutExePath
- End If
- End With
- Next i
- MsgBox "已修改", vbOKOnly + vbInformation
- End Sub
- Private Sub cmdPlugin_Apply_Click()
- Call PluginControlApplyChange
- End Sub
- Private Sub cmdPlugin_Browse_Click()
- Dim tOL As OpenSaveDlg
- Set tOL = New OpenSaveDlg
- Select Case m_cTabPluginTypes.SelectIndex
- Case 0
- tOL.InitDir = App.path & "plugin"
- tOL.Filter = "*.ini,*.exe|*.ini;*.exe"
- Case 1
- tOL.InitDir = App.path & "pluginsideband"
- tOL.Filter = "*.ini|*.ini"
- Case 2
- End Select
- If tOL.ShowOpen(Me.hWnd) Then
- txtPlugin_Command.Text = tOL.FileName
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub cmdSave_Click()
- Call gMainForm.SaveSettingsToIni(False)
- End Sub
- 'Private Sub cmdSearchAdd_Click()
- ''mSearchurlCount = mSearchurlCount + 1
- ''ReDim Preserve mSearchUrl(0 To mSearchurlCount)
- ''mSearchUrl(mSearchurlCount).Title = "新建"
- ''lstSearchUrl.AddItem "新建"
- ''lstSearchUrl.ListIndex = mSearchurlCount - 1
- ''lstSearchUrl.Selected(mSearchurlCount - 1) = True
- ''
- ''Call Show_Listbox_HScrollebar(lstSearchUrl)
- '
- 'End Sub
- Private Sub cmdSearchbarAdd_Click()
- Dim tItem&
- mSearchEgnCount = mSearchEgnCount + 1
- ReDim Preserve mSearchEgn(0 To mSearchEgnCount)
- tItem = m_cLvwSearchBar.AddItem("")
- Call m_cLvwSearchBar.SelectItem(tItem, True)
- txtSearchBarTitle.SetFocus
- 'Dim tItem As MSComctlLib.ListItem
- 'mSearchEgnCount = mSearchEgnCount + 1
- 'ReDim Preserve mSearchEgn(0 To mSearchEgnCount)
- 'Set tItem = lvwSearchBar.ListItems.Add()
- 'tItem.Selected = True
- ''Set lvwSearchBar.SelectedItem = tItem
- 'Call lvwSearchBar_ItemClick(tItem)
- 'txtSearchBarTitle.SetFocus
- End Sub
- Private Sub cmdSearchbarApply_Click()
- Dim i&
- 'Dim tTle$
- gSearchEgnCount = mSearchEgnCount
- ReDim gSearchEgn(0 To gSearchEgnCount)
- pMnu_Searchbar.ClearItems
- For i = 1 To gSearchEgnCount
- gSearchEgn(i) = mSearchEgn(i)
- Next i
- If gSearchEgnCount > 0 Then
- If gDefaultEgn <= 0 Or gDefaultEgn > gSearchEgnCount Then
- gDefaultEgn = 1
- End If
- Else
- gDefaultEgn = 0
- End If
- '多引擎
- gMulSearchCount = mMulSearchCount
- ReDim gMulSearch(0 To gMulSearchCount)
- For i = 1 To gMulSearchCount
- gMulSearch(i) = mMulSearch(i)
- If gMulSearch(i).Count <> gSearchEgnCount Then
- gMulSearch(i).Count = gSearchEgnCount
- ReDim Preserve gMulSearch(i).UseMul(0 To gSearchEgnCount)
- End If
- Next i
- If gMulSearchCount > 0 Then
- If gDefaultMulEgn <= 0 Or gDefaultMulEgn > gMulSearchCount Then
- gDefaultMulEgn = 1
- End If
- Else
- gDefaultMulEgn = 0
- End If
- Call LoadSearchEgnMenu
- Call LoadMulSearchEgnMenu
- Call gMainForm.SetSearchbarButtons
- End Sub
- Private Sub cmdSearchbarDel_Click()
- Dim tItem&
- Dim tIndex&, i&
- tItem = m_cLvwSearchBar.GetNextItem(-1, LVNI_SELECTED)
- If tItem >= 0 Then
- tIndex = tItem + 1
- For i = tIndex To mSearchEgnCount - 1
- mSearchEgn(i) = mSearchEgn(i + 1)
- Next i
- m_cLvwSearchBar.DelItem tItem
- With mSearchEgn(mSearchEgnCount)
- .Title = ""
- .Url = ""
- End With
- mSearchEgnCount = mSearchEgnCount - 1
- 'ReDim Preserve mSearchEgn(0 To mSearchEgnCount - 1)
- If mSearchEgnCount < tIndex And mSearchEgnCount > 0 Then
- m_cLvwSearchBar.SelectItem mSearchEgnCount - 1, True
- End If
- 'Call lvwSearchBar_ItemClick(tItem)
- End If
- 'Dim tItem As MSComctlLib.ListItem
- 'Dim tIndex&, i&
- 'Set tItem = lvwSearchBar.SelectedItem
- 'If Not tItem Is Nothing Then
- ' tIndex = tItem.index
- ' For i = tIndex To mSearchEgnCount - 1
- ' mSearchEgn(i) = mSearchEgn(i + 1)
- ' Next i
- ' lvwSearchBar.ListItems.Remove mSearchEgnCount
- '
- ' With mSearchEgn(mSearchEgnCount)
- ' '.MulSearch = False
- ' .Title = ""
- ' .Url = ""
- ' End With
- '
- ' mSearchEgnCount = mSearchEgnCount - 1
- ' 'ReDim Preserve mSearchEgn(0 To mSearchEgnCount - 1)
- '
- ' If mSearchEgnCount < tIndex And mSearchEgnCount > 0 Then
- ' Set tItem = lvwSearchBar.ListItems(mSearchEgnCount)
- ' tItem.Selected = True
- ' End If
- ' Call lvwSearchBar_ItemClick(tItem)
- 'End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub cmdSearchbarMoveDown_Click()
- Dim tItem&
- Dim tIndex&, tEgn As UrlSimpleInfo
- tItem = m_cLvwSearchBar.GetNextItem(-1, LVNI_SELECTED)
- If tItem >= 0 Then
- tIndex = tItem + 1
- If (tIndex < mSearchEgnCount) And (mSearchEgnCount > 1) Then
- tEgn = mSearchEgn(tIndex)
- mSearchEgn(tIndex) = mSearchEgn(tIndex + 1)
- mSearchEgn(tIndex + 1) = tEgn
- With mSearchEgn(tIndex)
- 'tItem.Checked = .MulSearch
- m_cLvwSearchBar.SetItemText .Title, tItem, 1
- m_cLvwSearchBar.SetItemText .Url, tItem, 2
- End With
- tItem = tItem + 1
- With mSearchEgn(tIndex + 1)
- 'tItem.Checked = .MulSearch
- m_cLvwSearchBar.SetItemText .Title, tItem, 1
- m_cLvwSearchBar.SetItemText .Url, tItem, 2
- End With
- Call m_cLvwSearchBar.SelectItem(tItem, True)
- 'Call lvwSearchBar_ItemClick(tItem)
- End If
- End If
- 'Dim tItem As MSComctlLib.ListItem
- 'Dim tIndex&, tEgn As typSearchEngine
- 'Set tItem = lvwSearchBar.SelectedItem
- 'If Not tItem Is Nothing Then
- ' tIndex = tItem.index
- ' If (tIndex < mSearchEgnCount) And (mSearchEgnCount > 1) Then
- ' tEgn = mSearchEgn(tIndex)
- ' mSearchEgn(tIndex) = mSearchEgn(tIndex + 1)
- ' mSearchEgn(tIndex + 1) = tEgn
- '
- ' With mSearchEgn(tIndex)
- ' 'tItem.Checked = .MulSearch
- ' tItem.SubItems(1) = .Title
- ' tItem.SubItems(2) = .Url
- ' End With
- '
- ' Set tItem = lvwSearchBar.ListItems(tIndex + 1)
- ' With mSearchEgn(tIndex + 1)
- ' 'tItem.Checked = .MulSearch
- ' tItem.SubItems(1) = .Title
- ' tItem.SubItems(2) = .Url
- ' End With
- '
- ' tItem.Selected = True
- ' Call lvwSearchBar_ItemClick(tItem)
- '
- ' End If
- 'End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub cmdSearchbarMoveup_Click()
- Dim tItem&
- Dim tIndex&, tEgn As UrlSimpleInfo
- tItem = m_cLvwSearchBar.GetNextItem(-1, LVNI_SELECTED)
- Debug.Print m_cLvwSearchBar.GetSelectedCount, tItem
- If tItem >= 0 Then
- tIndex = tItem + 1
- If (tIndex > 1) And (mSearchEgnCount > 1) Then
- tEgn = mSearchEgn(tIndex)
- mSearchEgn(tIndex) = mSearchEgn(tIndex - 1)
- mSearchEgn(tIndex - 1) = tEgn
- With mSearchEgn(tIndex)
- 'tItem.Checked = .MulSearch
- m_cLvwSearchBar.SetItemText .Title, tItem, 1
- m_cLvwSearchBar.SetItemText .Url, tItem, 2
- End With
- tItem = tItem - 1
- With mSearchEgn(tIndex - 1)
- 'tItem.Checked = .MulSearch
- m_cLvwSearchBar.SetItemText .Title, tItem, 1
- m_cLvwSearchBar.SetItemText .Url, tItem, 2
- End With
- m_cLvwSearchBar.SelectItem tItem, True
- 'Call lvwSearchBar_ItemClick(tItem)
- End If
- End If
- 'Dim tItem As MSComctlLib.ListItem
- 'Dim tIndex&, tEgn As typSearchEngine
- 'Set tItem = lvwSearchBar.SelectedItem
- 'If Not tItem Is Nothing Then
- ' tIndex = tItem.index
- ' If (tIndex > 1) And (mSearchEgnCount > 1) Then
- ' tEgn = mSearchEgn(tIndex)
- ' mSearchEgn(tIndex) = mSearchEgn(tIndex - 1)
- ' mSearchEgn(tIndex - 1) = tEgn
- '
- ' With mSearchEgn(tIndex)
- ' 'tItem.Checked = .MulSearch
- ' tItem.SubItems(1) = .Title
- ' tItem.SubItems(2) = .Url
- ' End With
- '
- ' Set tItem = lvwSearchBar.ListItems(tIndex - 1)
- ' With mSearchEgn(tIndex - 1)
- ' 'tItem.Checked = .MulSearch
- ' tItem.SubItems(1) = .Title
- ' tItem.SubItems(2) = .Url
- ' End With
- '
- ' tItem.Selected = True
- ' Call lvwSearchBar_ItemClick(tItem)
- '
- ' End If
- 'End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub cmdSearchbarMulegnDel_Click()
- Dim i&, tIndex&
- tIndex = cmbSearchbarMulegn.ListIndex + 1
- If tIndex > 0 Then
- For i = tIndex To mMulSearchCount - 1
- mMulSearch(i) = mMulSearch(i + 1)
- Next i
- mMulSearchCount = mMulSearchCount - 1
- cmbSearchbarMulegn.RemoveItem tIndex - 1
- ReDim Preserve mMulSearch(0 To mMulSearchCount)
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub cmdSearchbarMulegnNew_Click()
- Dim tTitle$
- tTitle = Trim$(InputBox("输入标题:", "新建方案"))
- If tTitle <> "" Then
- mMulSearchCount = mMulSearchCount + 1
- ReDim Preserve mMulSearch(0 To mMulSearchCount)
- With mMulSearch(mMulSearchCount)
- .Title = tTitle
- .Count = mSearchEgnCount
- ReDim .UseMul(0 To mSearchEgnCount)
- End With
- cmbSearchbarMulegn.AddItem tTitle
- cmbSearchbarMulegn.ListIndex = mMulSearchCount - 1
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub cmdSearchbarMulegnRename_Click()
- Dim tTitle$
- If cmbSearchbarMulegn.ListIndex >= 0 Then
- tTitle = Trim$(InputBox("输入新标题", "重命名", cmbSearchbarMulegn.Text))
- If tTitle <> "" Then
- mMulSearch(cmbSearchbarMulegn.ListIndex + 1).Title = tTitle
- cmbSearchbarMulegn.List(cmbSearchbarMulegn.ListIndex) = tTitle
- End If
- End If
- End Sub
- 'Private Sub cmdSearchMoveDown_Click()
- ''Dim tLstIndex As Long
- ''Dim tInfo As typSearchUrl
- ''If mSearchurlCount > 0 Then
- '' tLstIndex = lstSearchUrl.ListIndex
- '' If tLstIndex < mSearchurlCount - 1 Then
- '' tInfo = mSearchUrl(tLstIndex + 2)
- '' mSearchUrl(tLstIndex + 2) = mSearchUrl(tLstIndex + 1)
- '' mSearchUrl(tLstIndex + 1) = tInfo
- ''
- '' lstSearchUrl.List(tLstIndex + 1) = mSearchUrl(tLstIndex + 2).Title
- '' lstSearchUrl.List(tLstIndex) = mSearchUrl(tLstIndex + 1).Title
- ''
- '' lstSearchUrl.ListIndex = tLstIndex + 1
- '' End If
- ''End If
- 'End Sub
- 'Private Sub cmdSearchMoveUp_Click()
- ''Dim tLstIndex As Long
- ''Dim tInfo As typSearchUrl
- ''If mSearchurlCount > 0 Then
- '' tLstIndex = lstSearchUrl.ListIndex
- '' If tLstIndex > 0 Then
- '' tInfo = mSearchUrl(tLstIndex)
- '' mSearchUrl(tLstIndex) = mSearchUrl(tLstIndex + 1)
- '' mSearchUrl(tLstIndex + 1) = tInfo
- ''
- '' lstSearchUrl.List(tLstIndex - 1) = mSearchUrl(tLstIndex).Title
- '' lstSearchUrl.List(tLstIndex) = mSearchUrl(tLstIndex + 1).Title
- ''
- '' lstSearchUrl.ListIndex = tLstIndex - 1
- '' End If
- ''End If
- 'End Sub
- Private Sub cmdSearchOk_Click()
- Dim i&
- Call gMainForm.RemoveSearchurlMenu
- SearchurlCount = mSearchurlCount
- ReDim searchUrl(0 To SearchurlCount)
- For i = 1 To SearchurlCount
- searchUrl(i) = mSearchUrl(i)
- Next i
- Call gMainForm.LoadSearchurlMenu
- Call LoadAddbarEvent
- Call cobAddbarShortkey_Click
- End Sub
- 'Private Sub cmdSearchRemove_Click()
- ''Dim i&
- ''Dim tIndex&
- ''If mSearchurlCount > 0 Then
- '' tIndex = lstSearchUrl.ListIndex + 1
- ''
- '' For i = tIndex To mSearchurlCount - 1
- '' mSearchUrl(i) = mSearchUrl(i + 1)
- '' Next i
- '' mSearchurlCount = mSearchurlCount - 1
- '' ReDim Preserve mSearchUrl(0 To mSearchurlCount)
- ''
- '' lstSearchUrl.RemoveItem tIndex - 1
- '' If tIndex > mSearchurlCount Then
- '' lstSearchUrl.ListIndex = mSearchurlCount - 1
- '' Else
- '' lstSearchUrl.ListIndex = tIndex - 1
- '' End If
- ''
- '' Call Show_Listbox_HScrollebar(lstSearchUrl)
- ''
- ''End If
- 'End Sub
- Private Sub cobAddbarEvent_Click()
- Dim tId As Long
- tId = cobAddbarEvent.ListIndex
- If tId > 4 Then
- tId = tId - 4
- ElseIf tId <= 4 And tId > 0 Then
- tId = tId - 5
- End If
- Select Case cobAddbarShortkey.ListIndex
- Case 0
- AddBarShortKey_Enter = tId
- Case 1
- AddBarShortKey_Shift = tId
- Case 2
- AddBarShortKey_Ctrl = tId
- Case 3
- AddBarShortKey_Alt = tId
- Case 4
- AddBarShortKey_CtrlShift = tId
- Case 5
- AddBarShortKey_AltShift = tId
- End Select
- End Sub
- Private Sub cobAddbarShortkey_Click()
- Dim tId As Long
- Select Case cobAddbarShortkey.ListIndex
- Case 0
- tId = AddBarShortKey_Enter
- Case 1
- tId = AddBarShortKey_Shift
- Case 2
- tId = AddBarShortKey_Ctrl
- Case 3
- tId = AddBarShortKey_Alt
- Case 4
- tId = AddBarShortKey_CtrlShift
- Case 5
- tId = AddBarShortKey_AltShift
- End Select
- If tId < 0 Then
- tId = tId + 5
- ElseIf tId > 0 Then
- If tId > SearchurlCount Then
- tId = 0
- Else
- tId = tId + 4
- End If
- End If
- Debug.Print tId
- cobAddbarEvent.ListIndex = tId
- End Sub
- Private Sub cobPvnPop_Click()
- PreventPopWindow = cobPvnPop.ListIndex
- End Sub
- Private Sub Form_Initialize()
- mLoading = True
- End Sub
- Private Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
- If KeyCode = vbKeyEscape Then Unload Me
- End Sub
- Private Sub Form_Load()
- gMainForm.EnableOptionButton False
- chkSaveWhenExit.Value = SaveWhenExit
- 'chkPvnPop.Value = PreventPopWindow
- cobPvnPop.AddItem "不过滤"
- cobPvnPop.AddItem "宽松"
- cobPvnPop.AddItem "一般"
- cobPvnPop.AddItem "严格"
- cobPvnPop.ListIndex = PreventPopWindow
- txtDragDropImageSavePath.Text = DragDropSaveImageFolder
- txtDragDropTextSavePath.Text = DragDropSaveTextFolder
- Call IniAddBarPage
- 'Call IniSearchBar
- Call IniSearchLvw
- Call IniMulSearch
- 'Call IniExTools
- Call IniControls
- Call mcUDScrollRate.Create(True, fraScrollSpeed.hWnd, _
- txtScrollRate1.hWnd, , 9, 1, ScrollRate)
- Call mcUDScrollRate2.Create(True, fraScrollSpeed.hWnd, _
- txtScrollRate2.hWnd, , 9, 1, ScrollRate2)
- chkInvertDir.Value = RollInvert
- If Rollmode = 0 Then
- optRollmodeDown.Value = True
- Else
- optRollmodeClick.Value = True
- End If
- chkDragLink.Value = EnableDragLink
- Call IniMouseEventCombo
- Call iniUrlFilter
- Call iniAddbarShortkey
- Call LoadDlctlOption
- Call IniPageRuleTab
- Call IniMouseHand
- Call IniDragDrop
- Call IniPluginControl
- Call IniFavoriteControl
- Call IniDownload
- mLoading = False
- End Sub
- Private Sub Form_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer)
- Set m_cTabMain = Nothing
- Set m_cTabMouse = Nothing
- Set m_cTabPluginTypes = Nothing
- Set m_cLvwSearchBar = Nothing
- Set m_cLvwMouseHand = Nothing
- gMainForm.EnableOptionButton True
- End Sub
- Private Sub lstFliterList_Click()
- txtAddFliter.Text = lstFliterList.Text
- End Sub
- Private Sub lstPageRuleList_Click()
- Dim tIndex&
- If mLoading Then Exit Sub
- tIndex = lstPageRuleList.ListIndex + 1
- If tIndex > 0 And lstPageRuleList.ListCount > 0 Then
- With mPageRule(tIndex)
- txtPageRuleTitle.Text = .Title
- txtPageRuleUrls = .Urls
- optPageRuleType(.Type).Value = True
- If .Type = 0 Then
- cmbPageRuleAuitpPrv.ListIndex = .AutoPreventPop
- 'chkPageRuleOpenNew.Value = BooleanToBool(.AllwaysOpenNew)
- chkPageRuleOpenNew.Value = BooleanToBool(.AllwaysOpenNew)
- chkPageRuleInherit.Value = BooleanToBool(.Inherit)
- chkPageRuleForceChange.Value = BooleanToBool(.ForceChange)
- chkPageRuleDlctl(0).Value = BooleanToBool(.DL_Image)
- chkPageRuleDlctl(1).Value = BooleanToBool(.DL_BgSound)
- chkPageRuleDlctl(2).Value = BooleanToBool(.DL_Video)
- chkPageRuleDlctl(3).Value = BooleanToBool(.DL_Script)
- chkPageRuleDlctl(4).Value = BooleanToBool(.DL_ActiveX)
- chkPageRuleDlctl(5).Value = BooleanToBool(.DL_JavaApplet)
- ' If .AllwaysOpenNew Then
- ' chkPageRuleOpenNew.Value = 1
- ' Else
- ' chkPageRuleOpenNew.Value = 0
- ' End If
- '
- ' If .Inherit Then
- ' chkPageRuleInherit.Value = 1
- ' Else
- ' chkPageRuleInherit.Value = 0
- ' End If
- '
- ' If .ForceChange Then
- ' chkPageRuleForceChange.Value = 1
- ' Else
- ' chkPageRuleForceChange.Value = 0
- ' End If
- '
- ' If .DL_Image Then
- ' chkPageRuleDlctl(0).Value = 1
- ' Else
- ' chkPageRuleDlctl(0).Value = 0
- ' End If
- '
- ' If .DL_BgSound Then
- ' chkPageRuleDlctl(1).Value = 1
- ' Else
- ' chkPageRuleDlctl(1).Value = 0
- ' End If
- '
- ' If .DL_Video Then
- ' chkPageRuleDlctl(2).Value = 1
- ' Else
- ' chkPageRuleDlctl(2).Value = 0
- ' End If
- '
- ' If .DL_Script Then
- ' chkPageRuleDlctl(3).Value = 1
- ' Else
- ' chkPageRuleDlctl(3).Value = 0
- ' End If
- '
- ' If .DL_ActiveX Then
- ' chkPageRuleDlctl(4).Value = 1
- ' Else
- ' chkPageRuleDlctl(4).Value = 0
- ' End If
- '
- ' If .DL_JavaApplet Then
- ' chkPageRuleDlctl(5).Value = 1
- ' Else
- ' chkPageRuleDlctl(5).Value = 0
- ' End If
- Else
- txtPageRuleExepath.Text = .OutExePath
- txtPageRuleParam.Text = .OutExeParam
- End If
- End With
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub lstPageRuleList_ItemCheck(Item As Integer)
- Dim tIndex&
- If mLoading Then Exit Sub
- tIndex = lstPageRuleList.ListIndex
- If tIndex >= 0 And lstPageRuleList.ListCount > 0 Then
- If lstPageRuleList.Selected(tIndex) Then
- mPageRule(tIndex + 1).Enabled = 1
- Else
- mPageRule(tIndex + 1).Enabled = 0
- End If
- End If
- Debug.Print mPageRule(tIndex + 1).Enabled
- End Sub
- 'Private Sub lstSearchUrl_Click()
- ''Dim tIndex&
- ''tIndex = lstSearchUrl.ListIndex + 1
- ''txtSearchTitle.Text = mSearchUrl(tIndex).Title
- ''txtSearchUrl.Text = mSearchUrl(tIndex).Url
- '
- 'End Sub
- 'Private Sub lvwExtoolListall_ItemClick(ByVal item As MSComctlLib.ListItem)
- 'Dim tIndex&
- 'tIndex = item.index
- 'lvwExtoolListall.SelectedItem = item
- 'Call ClickExtoolItem(tIndex)
- 'End Sub
- 'Private Sub lvwMouseHand_ItemClick(ByVal item As MSComctlLib.ListItem)
- 'Dim tObj As cCallByName
- ''Dim tDescription$, tHandShow$, tInsideIndex&, tEventText$
- ''MouseHand.GetInfo_ByIndex item.index, tDescription, tHandShow, tInsideIndex, tEventText
- ''cmbMouseHandEventList.ListIndex = tInsideIndex
- ''labMouseHandShow.Text = tHandShow
- '
- 'Set tObj = MouseHand.GetCallObject_ByIndex(item.index)
- 'If Not tObj Is Nothing Then
- ' 'cmbMouseHandEventList.ListIndex = tObj.InsideIndex
- ' Call ShowMouseHandOrder(tObj)
- ' MouseHand.GetHand item.index, VarPtr(mHand(0))
- ' Call ShowMouseHand
- 'End If
- '
- 'Debug.Print mHand(0), mHand(1), mHand(2)
- '
- 'End Sub
- Private Sub m_cLvwMouseHand_ItemChange(vIndex As Long, uNewState As clveLVIS, uOldState As clveLVIS)
- Dim tObj As cCallByName
- If (uNewState And LVIS_SELECTED) <> 0 Then
- Set tObj = MouseHand.GetCallObject_ByIndex(vIndex + 1)
- If Not tObj Is Nothing Then
- Call ShowMouseHandOrder(tObj)
- MouseHand.GetHand vIndex + 1, VarPtr(mHand(0))
- Call ShowMouseHand
- End If
- End If
- End Sub
- 'Private Sub lvwSearchBar_ItemCheck(ByVal item As MSComctlLib.ListItem)
- 'On Error Resume Next
- 'Dim tIndex&, tIndex2&
- 'tIndex = item.index
- ''mSearchEgn(tIndex).MulSearch = item.Checked
- '
- 'tIndex2 = cmbSearchbarMulegn.ListIndex + 1
- 'If tIndex2 > 0 Then
- ' With mMulSearch(tIndex2)
- ' If tIndex > .Count Then
- ' .Count = mSearchEgnCount
- ' ReDim Preserve .UseMul(0 To .Count)
- ' End If
- ' .UseMul(tIndex) = item.Checked
- ' End With
- 'End If
- '
- '
- ''txtSearchBarTitle.Text = mSearchEgn(tIndex).Title
- ''txtSearchBarUrl.Text = mSearchEgn(tIndex).Url
- 'End Sub
- Private Sub m_cLvwSearchBar_ItemChange(vIndex As Long, uNewState As clveLVIS, uOldState As clveLVIS)
- On Error Resume Next
- 'selected change
- If (uNewState And LVIS_SELECTED) <> 0 Then
- m_Sch_ChangeLock = True
- txtSearchBarTitle.Text = mSearchEgn(vIndex + 1).Title
- txtSearchBarUrl.Text = mSearchEgn(vIndex + 1).Url
- m_Sch_ChangeLock = False
- End If
- 'check change
- If (uNewState And LVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK) <> 0 Then
- Dim tIndex&, tIndex2&
- tIndex = vIndex + 1
- tIndex2 = cmbSearchbarMulegn.ListIndex + 1
- If tIndex2 > 0 Then
- With mMulSearch(tIndex2)
- If tIndex > .Count Then
- .Count = mSearchEgnCount
- ReDim Preserve .UseMul(0 To .Count)
- End If
- .UseMul(tIndex) = m_cLvwSearchBar.GetCheckState(vIndex)
- End With
- End If
- End If
- 'On Error Resume Next
- 'Dim tIndex&, tIndex2&
- 'tIndex = item.index
- ''mSearchEgn(tIndex).MulSearch = item.Checked
- '
- 'tIndex2 = cmbSearchbarMulegn.ListIndex + 1
- 'If tIndex2 > 0 Then
- ' With mMulSearch(tIndex2)
- ' If tIndex > .Count Then
- ' .Count = mSearchEgnCount
- ' ReDim Preserve .UseMul(0 To .Count)
- ' End If
- ' .UseMul(tIndex) = item.Checked
- ' End With
- 'End If
- End Sub
- 'Private Sub lvwSearchBar_ItemClick(ByVal item As MSComctlLib.ListItem)
- 'On Error Resume Next
- 'Dim tIndex&
- 'tIndex = item.index
- 'txtSearchBarTitle.Text = mSearchEgn(tIndex).Title
- 'txtSearchBarUrl.Text = mSearchEgn(tIndex).Url
- 'End Sub
- Private Sub m_cTabMain_Changed(vPos As Long)
- Dim i&
- For i = 0 To frameCnt - 1
- fraOption(i).Visible = False
- Next i
- fraOption(vPos).Visible = True
- End Sub
- Private Sub m_cTabMouse_Changed(vPos As Long)
- If vPos = 0 Then
- fraMouse(0).Visible = True
- fraMouse(1).Visible = False
- Else
- fraMouse(0).Visible = False
- fraMouse(1).Visible = True
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub m_cTabPluginTypes_Changed(vPos As Long)
- Dim i&
- lstPlugin_List.Clear
- Select Case vPos
- Case 0
- For i = 1 To mPluginCnt
- lstPlugin_List.AddItem mPlugins(i).Title
- lstPlugin_List.Selected(i - 1) = mPlugins(i).VisInMenu
- Next i
- Case 1
- For i = 1 To mPlugins_SBCnt
- lstPlugin_List.AddItem mPlugins_SideBand(i).Title
- lstPlugin_List.Selected(i - 1) = mPlugins_SideBand(i).VisInMenu
- Next i
- Case 2
- End Select
- If lstPlugin_List.ListCount > 0 Then
- lstPlugin_List.ListIndex = 0
- Call mPluginControls_ListClick(0)
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub mAddBarControls_AddItem(Cancel As Boolean, newData As String)
- mSearchurlCount = mSearchurlCount + 1
- ReDim Preserve mSearchUrl(0 To mSearchurlCount)
- mSearchUrl(mSearchurlCount).Title = "新建"
- newData = "新建"
- 'lstSearchUrl.AddItem "新建"
- 'lstSearchUrl.ListIndex = mSearchurlCount - 1
- 'lstSearchUrl.Selected(mSearchurlCount - 1) = True
- 'Call Show_Listbox_HScrollebar(lstSearchUrl)
- End Sub
- Private Sub mAddBarControls_AddItemAfter()
- Call Show_Listbox_HScrollebar(lstSearchUrl)
- End Sub
- Private Sub mAddBarControls_DelItem(Cancel As Boolean, vIndex As Long)
- Dim i&
- Dim tIndex&
- If mSearchurlCount > 0 Then
- tIndex = vIndex + 1
- For i = tIndex To mSearchurlCount - 1
- mSearchUrl(i) = mSearchUrl(i + 1)
- Next i
- mSearchurlCount = mSearchurlCount - 1
- ReDim Preserve mSearchUrl(0 To mSearchurlCount)
- ' lstSearchUrl.RemoveItem tIndex - 1
- ' If tIndex > mSearchurlCount Then
- ' lstSearchUrl.ListIndex = mSearchurlCount - 1
- ' Else
- ' lstSearchUrl.ListIndex = tIndex - 1
- ' End If
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub mAddBarControls_DelItemAfter()
- Call Show_Listbox_HScrollebar(lstSearchUrl)
- End Sub
- Private Sub mAddBarControls_ListClick(index As Long)
- Dim tIndex&
- tIndex = index + 1
- txtSearchTitle.Text = mSearchUrl(tIndex).Title
- txtSearchUrl.Text = mSearchUrl(tIndex).Url
- End Sub
- Private Sub mAddBarControls_MoveDown(iUp As Long, iDown As Long, ptUp As Long, ptDown As Long, lenData As Long)
- If iUp >= 0 And iUp < mSearchurlCount And _
- iDown >= 0 And iDown < mSearchurlCount Then
- ptUp = VarPtr(mSearchUrl(iUp + 1))
- ptDown = VarPtr(mSearchUrl(iDown + 1))
- lenData = 8
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub mAddBarControls_MoveUp(iUp As Long, iDown As Long, ptUp As Long, ptDown As Long, lenData As Long)
- If iUp >= 0 And iUp < mSearchurlCount And _
- iDown >= 0 And iDown < mSearchurlCount Then
- ptUp = VarPtr(mSearchUrl(iUp + 1))
- ptDown = VarPtr(mSearchUrl(iDown + 1))
- lenData = 8
- End If
- 'Dim tLstIndex As Long
- 'Dim tInfo As typSearchUrl
- 'If mSearchurlCount > 0 Then
- ' tLstIndex = lstSearchUrl.ListIndex
- ' If tLstIndex > 0 Then
- ' tInfo = mSearchUrl(tLstIndex)
- ' mSearchUrl(tLstIndex) = mSearchUrl(tLstIndex + 1)
- ' mSearchUrl(tLstIndex + 1) = tInfo
- '
- ' lstSearchUrl.List(tLstIndex - 1) = mSearchUrl(tLstIndex).Title
- ' lstSearchUrl.List(tLstIndex) = mSearchUrl(tLstIndex + 1).Title
- '
- ' lstSearchUrl.ListIndex = tLstIndex - 1
- ' End If
- 'End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub mPluginControls_AddItem(Cancel As Boolean, newData As String)
- newData = "new plugin"
- Dim tType$, tTitle$, tPath$
- If GetPluginInfo(tType, tTitle, tPath) Then
- Select Case tType
- Case "command"
- m_cTabPluginTypes.SelectIndex = 0
- m_cTabPluginTypes_Changed 0
- Case "sideband"
- m_cTabPluginTypes.SelectIndex = 1
- m_cTabPluginTypes_Changed 1
- Case Else
- MsgBox "some error", vbOKOnly Or vbInformation
- Cancel = True
- Exit Sub
- End Select
- ' txtPlugin_Title.Text = tTitle
- ' txtPlugin_Command.Text = tPath
- newData = tTitle
- Select Case m_cTabPluginTypes.SelectIndex
- Case 0
- mPluginCnt = mPluginCnt + 1
- ReDim Preserve mPlugins(0 To mPluginCnt)
- With mPlugins(mPluginCnt)
- .Title = tTitle
- .Command = tPath
- .Param = vbNullString
- End With
- Case 1
- mPlugins_SBCnt = mPlugins_SBCnt + 1
- ReDim Preserve mPlugins_SideBand(0 To mPlugins_SBCnt)
- With mPlugins_SideBand(mPlugins_SBCnt)
- .Title = tTitle
- .Command = tPath
- .Param = vbNullString
- End With
- Case 2
- Cancel = True
- End Select
- Else
- Cancel = True
- End If
- End Sub
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' Procedure : GetPluginInfo
- ' DateTime : 2005-8-7 00:40
- ' Author : Lingll
- ' Purpose :
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Private Function GetPluginInfo(vType$, vTitle$, vPath$) As Boolean
- Dim tIni As cINIFile
- Dim tOL As OpenSaveDlg
- Set tOL = New OpenSaveDlg
- tOL.InitDir = App.path & "plugin"
- tOL.Filter = "*.ini|*.ini|*.exe,*.com|*.exe;*.com|*.*|*.*"
- If tOL.ShowOpen(Me.hWnd) Then
- Select Case LCase(GetExtendName(tOL.FileName))
- Case "ini"
- Set tIni = New cINIFile
- tIni.IniFile = tOL.FileName
- GetPluginInfo = False
- If tIni.ReadKey("General", "Flag") = LEPluginFlag Then
- vType = LCase(tIni.ReadKey("General", "PluginType"))
- Select Case vType
- Case "command", "sideband" ' ,"toolbar"
- vTitle = tIni.ReadKey("General", "Title")
- vPath = tOL.FileName
- GetPluginInfo = True
- Case Else
- End Select
- End If
- Case Else
- vType = "command"
- vTitle = tOL.FileTitle
- vPath = tOL.FileName
- GetPluginInfo = True
- End Select
- Else
- GetPluginInfo = False
- End If
- End Function
- Private Sub mPluginControls_DelItem(Cancel As Boolean, vIndex As Long)
- Dim i&
- Select Case m_cTabPluginTypes.SelectIndex
- Case 0
- If mPluginCnt > 0 Then
- For i = vIndex + 1 To mPluginCnt - 1
- mPlugins(i) = mPlugins(i + 1)
- Next i
- mPluginCnt = mPluginCnt - 1
- End If
- Case 1
- If mPlugins_SBCnt > 0 Then
- For i = vIndex + 1 To mPlugins_SBCnt - 1
- mPlugins_SideBand(i) = mPlugins_SideBand(i + 1)
- Next i
- mPlugins_SBCnt = mPlugins_SBCnt - 1
- End If
- Case 2
- Cancel = True
- End Select
- End Sub
- Private Sub mPluginControls_ListCheck(ByVal index As Long, vChecked As Boolean)
- Select Case m_cTabPluginTypes.SelectIndex
- Case 0
- If index >= 0 And index < mPluginCnt Then
- mPlugins(index + 1).VisInMenu = vChecked
- End If
- Case 1
- If index >= 0 And index < mPlugins_SBCnt Then
- mPlugins_SideBand(index + 1).VisInMenu = vChecked
- End If
- Case 2
- End Select
- End Sub
- Private Sub mPluginControls_ListClick(index As Long)
- Select Case m_cTabPluginTypes.SelectIndex
- Case 0
- txtPlugin_Title.Text = mPlugins(index + 1).Title
- txtPlugin_Command.Text = mPlugins(index + 1).Command
- txtPlugin_Param.Text = mPlugins(index + 1).Param
- Case 1
- txtPlugin_Title.Text = mPlugins_SideBand(index + 1).Title
- txtPlugin_Command.Text = mPlugins_SideBand(index + 1).Command
- txtPlugin_Param.Text = mPlugins_SideBand(index + 1).Param
- Case 2
- End Select
- End Sub
- Private Sub mPluginControls_MoveDown(iUp As Long, iDown As Long, ptUp As Long, _
- ptDown As Long, lenData As Long)
- Select Case m_cTabPluginTypes.SelectIndex
- Case 0
- If iUp >= 0 And iUp < mPluginCnt And _
- iDown >= 0 And iDown < mPluginCnt Then
- ptUp = VarPtr(mPlugins(iUp + 1))
- ptDown = VarPtr(mPlugins(iDown + 1))
- lenData = Len(mPlugins(iUp + 1))
- End If
- Case 1
- If iUp >= 0 And iUp < mPlugins_SBCnt And _
- iDown >= 0 And iDown < mPlugins_SBCnt Then
- ptUp = VarPtr(mPlugins_SideBand(iUp + 1))
- ptDown = VarPtr(mPlugins_SideBand(iDown + 1))
- lenData = Len(mPlugins_SideBand(iUp + 1))
- End If
- Case 2
- End Select
- End Sub
- Private Sub mPluginControls_MoveUp(iUp As Long, iDown As Long, ptUp As Long, ptDown As Long, lenData As Long)
- Select Case m_cTabPluginTypes.SelectIndex
- Case 0
- If iUp >= 0 And iUp < mPluginCnt And _
- iDown >= 0 And iDown < mPluginCnt Then
- ptUp = VarPtr(mPlugins(iUp + 1))
- ptDown = VarPtr(mPlugins(iDown + 1))
- lenData = Len(mPlugins(iUp + 1))
- End If
- Case 1
- If iUp >= 0 And iUp < mPlugins_SBCnt And _
- iDown >= 0 And iDown < mPlugins_SBCnt Then
- ptUp = VarPtr(mPlugins_SideBand(iUp + 1))
- ptDown = VarPtr(mPlugins_SideBand(iDown + 1))
- lenData = Len(mPlugins_SideBand(iUp + 1))
- End If
- Case 2
- End Select
- End Sub
- Private Sub optFavorite_Path_Cus_Click()
- txtFavorite_Path.Enabled = True
- cmdFavorite_Browse.Enabled = True
- m_FavoriteUseDefaultPath = 0
- End Sub
- Private Sub optFavorite_Path_Default_Click()
- txtFavorite_Path.Enabled = False
- cmdFavorite_Browse.Enabled = False
- m_FavoriteUseDefaultPath = 1
- End Sub
- Private Sub optPageRuleType_Click(index As Integer)
- fraPageRuleType(0).Visible = False
- fraPageRuleType(1).Visible = False
- fraPageRuleType(index).Visible = True
- Dim tIndex&
- tIndex = lstPageRuleList.ListIndex
- If tIndex >= 0 Then
- mPageRule(tIndex + 1).Type = index
- Call lstPageRuleList_Click
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub optRollmodeClick_Click()
- Rollmode = 1
- End Sub
- Private Sub optRollmodeDown_Click()
- Rollmode = 0
- End Sub
- 'Private Sub TabMain_Click()
- 'Dim i&
- 'Dim tIndex&
- 'tIndex = TabMain.SelectedItem.index - 1
- 'For i = 0 To frameCnt - 1
- ' fraOption(i).Visible = False
- 'Next i
- 'fraOption(tIndex).Visible = True
- 'End Sub
- 'Private Sub tabMouse_Click()
- ''Dim i&
- 'Dim tIndex&
- 'tIndex = tabMouse.SelectedItem.index - 1
- 'If tIndex = 0 Then
- ' fraMouse(0).Visible = True
- ' fraMouse(1).Visible = False
- 'Else
- ' fraMouse(0).Visible = False
- ' fraMouse(1).Visible = True
- 'End If
- 'End Sub
- Private Sub txtAddFliter_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
- If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then
- Call cmdAddFliter_Click
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub txtDragDropImageSavePath_Change()
- DragDropSaveImageFolder = txtDragDropImageSavePath.Text
- End Sub
- Private Sub txtDragDropImageSavePath_OLEDragDrop(Data As DataObject, Effect As Long, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
- 'Dim nfs As New nFileSysObj
- 'If nfs.nFolderExists(Data.Files(1)) Then
- If FileExist(Data.Files(1), False) Then
- txtDragDropImageSavePath.Text = Data.Files(1)
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub txtDragDropImageSavePath_OLEDragOver(Data As DataObject, Effect As Long, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single, State As Integer)
- If Not Data.GetFormat(vbCFFiles) Then Effect = 0
- End Sub
- Private Sub txtDragDropTextSavePath_Change()
- DragDropSaveTextFolder = txtDragDropTextSavePath.Text
- End Sub
- Private Sub txtDragDropTextSavePath_OLEDragDrop(Data As DataObject, Effect As Long, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
- 'Dim nfs As New nFileSysObj
- 'If nfs.nFolderExists(Data.Files(1)) Then
- If FileExist(Data.Files(1), False) Then
- txtDragDropTextSavePath.Text = Data.Files(1)
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub txtDragDropTextSavePath_OLEDragOver(Data As DataObject, Effect As Long, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single, State As Integer)
- If Not Data.GetFormat(vbCFFiles) Then Effect = 0
- End Sub
- '初始化"地址栏"页
- Private Sub IniAddBarPage() ' IniSearchurl()
- Dim i&
- mSearchurlCount = SearchurlCount
- ReDim mSearchUrl(0 To mSearchurlCount)
- For i = 1 To mSearchurlCount
- mSearchUrl(i) = searchUrl(i)
- lstSearchUrl.AddItem mSearchUrl(i).Title
- Next i
- Set mAddBarControls = New cListMove
- mAddBarControls.IniMe lstSearchUrl, cmdSearchMoveUp, cmdSearchMoveDown, cmdSearchAdd, cmdSearchRemove
- If mSearchurlCount > 0 Then
- lstSearchUrl.ListIndex = 0
- 'lstSearchUrl.Selected(0) = True
- Call Show_Listbox_HScrollebar(lstSearchUrl)
- End If
- End Sub
- ''初始化"搜索栏"页
- 'Private Sub IniSearchBar()
- ''Dim tItem As MSComctlLib.ListItem
- ''Dim i&
- ''
- ''With lvwSearchBar
- '' .FullRowSelect = True
- '' .LabelEdit = lvwManual
- '' .View = lvwReport
- '' .Checkboxes = True
- '' .HideSelection = False
- ''
- '' .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "多引擎搜索", 1050
- '' .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "名称", 1200
- '' .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "地址", 3000
- ''
- '' mSearchEgnCount = gSearchEgnCount
- '' ReDim mSearchEgn(0 To mSearchEgnCount)
- ''
- '' For i = 1 To mSearchEgnCount
- '' mSearchEgn(i) = gSearchEgn(i)
- ''
- '' Set tItem = .ListItems.Add()
- '' 'tItem.Checked = mSearchEgn(i).MulSearch
- '' tItem.SubItems(1) = mSearchEgn(i).Title
- '' tItem.SubItems(2) = mSearchEgn(i).Url
- '' Next i
- ''
- '' If mSearchEgnCount > 0 Then
- '' .ListItems(1).Selected = True
- '' txtSearchBarTitle.Text = mSearchEgn(1).Title
- '' txtSearchBarUrl.Text = mSearchEgn(1).Url
- '' Else
- '' txtSearchBarTitle.Text = ""
- '' txtSearchBarUrl.Text = ""
- '' End If
- ''
- ''End With
- 'End Sub
- '初始化"多引擎搜索"
- Private Sub IniMulSearch()
- Dim i&
- mMulSearchCount = gMulSearchCount
- ReDim mMulSearch(0 To mMulSearchCount)
- For i = 1 To mMulSearchCount
- mMulSearch(i) = gMulSearch(i)
- cmbSearchbarMulegn.AddItem mMulSearch(i).Title
- Next i
- If mMulSearchCount > 0 Then
- cmbSearchbarMulegn.ListIndex = 0
- End If
- End Sub
- ''====ExTools===============================
- 'Private Sub IniExTools()
- 'Dim i&, tItem As MSComctlLib.ListItem
- 'mExToolsCount = ExToolsCount
- 'ReDim mExTools(0 To mExToolsCount)
- '
- 'With lvwExtoolListall
- ' .View = lvwReport
- ' .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "名称"
- ' .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "路径"
- ' .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "参数"
- ' .ColumnHeaders(1).Width = 1000
- ' .ColumnHeaders(2).Width = .Width - 2500
- ' .ColumnHeaders(3).Width = 1400
- ' For i = 1 To mExToolsCount
- ' mExTools(i) = ExTools(i)
- ' Set tItem = .ListItems.Add(, , mExTools(i).Caption)
- ' tItem.SubItems(1) = mExTools(i).path
- ' tItem.SubItems(2) = mExTools(i).Param
- ' Next i
- ' If mExToolsCount > 0 Then
- ' .ListItems(1).Selected = True
- ' Call ClickExtoolItem(1)
- ' End If
- 'End With
- 'End Sub
- '
- 'Private Sub RefreshExTools(nType As String)
- 'Dim tSelItem As MSComctlLib.ListItem
- 'Dim tIndex&
- 'Set tSelItem = lvwExtoolListall.SelectedItem
- 'If Not tSelItem Is Nothing Then
- ' tIndex = tSelItem.index
- ' Select Case nType
- ' Case "Caption"
- ' mExTools(tIndex).Caption = txtExtoolCaption.Text
- ' tSelItem.Text = mExTools(tIndex).Caption
- ' Case "Path"
- ' mExTools(tIndex).path = txtExtoolPath.Text
- ' tSelItem.SubItems(1) = mExTools(tIndex).path
- ' Case "Param"
- ' mExTools(tIndex).Param = txtExtoolParam.Text
- ' tSelItem.SubItems(2) = mExTools(tIndex).Param
- ' End Select
- 'End If
- 'End Sub
- '
- 'Private Sub ClickExtoolItem(nIndex As Long)
- 'txtExtoolCaption.Text = mExTools(nIndex).Caption
- 'txtExtoolPath.Text = mExTools(nIndex).path
- 'txtExtoolParam.Text = mExTools(nIndex).Param
- 'End Sub
- '
- 'Private Sub MoveExtoolItem(nIndex&, nPos&)
- 'Dim tIfo As typExTool
- 'Dim nIndex2&
- 'nIndex2 = nIndex + nPos
- 'If nIndex2 > 0 And nIndex2 <= mExToolsCount Then
- ' tIfo = mExTools(nIndex)
- ' mExTools(nIndex) = mExTools(nIndex2)
- ' mExTools(nIndex2) = tIfo
- '
- ' Call ExtoolToLvwitem(mExTools(nIndex), _
- ' lvwExtoolListall.ListItems(nIndex))
- ' Call ExtoolToLvwitem(mExTools(nIndex2), _
- ' lvwExtoolListall.ListItems(nIndex2))
- ' lvwExtoolListall.ListItems(nIndex2).Selected = True
- 'End If
- 'End Sub
- '
- ''Private Sub ExtoolToLvwitem(nInf As typExTool, nItem As MSComctlLib.ListItem)
- ''nItem.Text = nInf.Caption
- ''nItem.SubItems(1) = nInf.path
- ''nItem.SubItems(2) = nInf.Param
- ''End Sub
- '
- 'Private Sub txtExtoolCaption_Change()
- 'Call RefreshExTools("Caption")
- 'End Sub
- '
- 'Private Sub txtExtoolParam_Change()
- 'Call RefreshExTools("Param")
- 'End Sub
- '
- 'Private Sub txtExtoolPath_Change()
- 'Call RefreshExTools("Path")
- 'End Sub
- ''========ExTools====== END ======================
- Private Sub txtFavorite_Path_Change()
- m_FavoriteCustomPath = txtFavorite_Path.Text
- End Sub
- Private Sub txtPageRuleExepath_Validate(Cancel As Boolean)
- Dim tIndex&
- tIndex = lstPageRuleList.ListIndex
- If tIndex >= 0 Then
- mPageRule(tIndex + 1).OutExePath = txtPageRuleExepath.Text
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub txtPageRuleParam_Validate(Cancel As Boolean)
- Dim tIndex&
- tIndex = lstPageRuleList.ListIndex
- If tIndex >= 0 Then
- mPageRule(tIndex + 1).OutExeParam = txtPageRuleParam.Text
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub txtPageRuleTitle_Change()
- Dim tIndex&
- tIndex = lstPageRuleList.ListIndex
- If tIndex >= 0 Then
- mPageRule(tIndex + 1).Title = txtPageRuleTitle.Text
- lstPageRuleList.List(tIndex) = txtPageRuleTitle.Text
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub txtPageRuleTitle_GotFocus()
- With txtPageRuleTitle
- .SelStart = 0
- .SelLength = Len(.Text)
- End With
- End Sub
- Private Sub txtPageRuleUrls_Validate(Cancel As Boolean)
- Dim tIndex&
- tIndex = lstPageRuleList.ListIndex
- If tIndex >= 0 Then
- mPageRule(tIndex + 1).Urls = txtPageRuleUrls.Text
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub txtPlugin_Command_Change()
- Dim tIndex&
- tIndex = lstPlugin_List.ListIndex
- If tIndex >= 0 Then
- Select Case m_cTabPluginTypes.SelectIndex
- Case 0
- mPlugins(tIndex + 1).Command = txtPlugin_Command.Text
- Case 1
- mPlugins_SideBand(tIndex + 1).Command = txtPlugin_Command.Text
- Case 2
- End Select
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub txtPlugin_Param_Change()
- Dim tIndex&
- tIndex = lstPlugin_List.ListIndex
- If tIndex >= 0 Then
- Select Case m_cTabPluginTypes.SelectIndex
- Case 0
- mPlugins(tIndex + 1).Param = txtPlugin_Param.Text
- Case 1
- mPlugins_SideBand(tIndex + 1).Param = txtPlugin_Param.Text
- Case 2
- End Select
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub txtPlugin_Title_Change()
- Dim tIndex&
- tIndex = lstPlugin_List.ListIndex
- If tIndex >= 0 Then
- Select Case m_cTabPluginTypes.SelectIndex
- Case 0
- mPlugins(tIndex + 1).Title = txtPlugin_Title.Text
- lstPlugin_List.List(tIndex) = mPlugins(tIndex + 1).Title
- Case 1
- mPlugins_SideBand(tIndex + 1).Title = txtPlugin_Title.Text
- lstPlugin_List.List(tIndex) = mPlugins_SideBand(tIndex + 1).Title
- Case 2
- End Select
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub txtScrollRate1_Change()
- ScrollRate = Val(txtScrollRate1.Text)
- End Sub
- Private Sub txtScrollRate2_Change()
- ScrollRate2 = Val(txtScrollRate2.Text)
- End Sub
- Private Sub txtSearchBarTitle_Change()
- Dim tIndex&
- Dim tItem&
- If m_Sch_ChangeLock Then Exit Sub
- If Not m_cLvwSearchBar Is Nothing Then
- tItem = m_cLvwSearchBar.GetNextItem(-1, LVNI_SELECTED)
- If tItem >= 0 Then
- tIndex = tItem + 1
- mSearchEgn(tIndex).Title = txtSearchBarTitle.Text
- Call m_cLvwSearchBar.SetItemText( _
- mSearchEgn(tIndex).Title, tItem, 1)
- End If
- End If
- 'Dim tIndex&
- 'Dim tItem As MSComctlLib.ListItem
- 'Set tItem = lvwSearchBar.SelectedItem
- 'If Not tItem Is Nothing Then
- ' tIndex = tItem.index
- ' mSearchEgn(tIndex).Title = txtSearchBarTitle.Text
- ' tItem.SubItems(1) = mSearchEgn(tIndex).Title
- 'End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub txtSearchBarUrl_Change()
- Dim tIndex&
- Dim tItem&
- If m_Sch_ChangeLock Then Exit Sub
- If Not m_cLvwSearchBar Is Nothing Then
- tItem = m_cLvwSearchBar.GetNextItem(-1, LVNI_SELECTED)
- If tItem >= 0 Then
- tIndex = tItem + 1
- mSearchEgn(tIndex).Url = txtSearchBarUrl.Text
- Call m_cLvwSearchBar.SetItemText( _
- mSearchEgn(tIndex).Url, tItem, 2)
- End If
- End If
- 'Dim tIndex&
- 'Dim tItem As MSComctlLib.ListItem
- 'Set tItem = lvwSearchBar.SelectedItem
- 'If Not tItem Is Nothing Then
- ' tIndex = tItem.index
- ' mSearchEgn(tIndex).Url = txtSearchBarUrl.Text
- ' tItem.SubItems(2) = mSearchEgn(tIndex).Url
- 'End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub txtSearchTitle_Change()
- Dim tIndex As Long
- tIndex = lstSearchUrl.ListIndex
- mSearchUrl(tIndex + 1).Title = txtSearchTitle.Text
- lstSearchUrl.List(tIndex) = mSearchUrl(tIndex + 1).Title
- Call Show_Listbox_HScrollebar(lstSearchUrl)
- End Sub
- Private Sub txtSearchUrl_Change()
- Dim tIndex As Long
- tIndex = lstSearchUrl.ListIndex
- mSearchUrl(tIndex + 1).Url = txtSearchUrl.Text
- End Sub
- Private Sub IniControls()
- 'Dim i&
- Me.width = 5700
- Me.height = 4500 + 450 + 300 + 600
- Call IniMainTab
- Call IniMouseTab
- Call IniPluginTab
- 'With TabMain
- ' .Left = 0
- ' .Top = 0
- ' .Width = Me.ScaleWidth
- ' .Height = Me.ScaleHeight
- 'End With
- '
- 'Dim i&
- '
- 'With TabMain.Tabs
- ' .Clear
- ' .Add , , "一般"
- ' .Add , , "过滤"
- ' .Add , , "地址栏" '"搜索"
- ' .Add , , "页面规则"
- ' .Add , , "鼠标设置"
- ' '.Add , , "外部工具"
- ' .Add , , "插件" '"群组"
- ' .Add , , "拖拽"
- '
- ' .Add , , "搜索栏"
- ' 'TabMain.Tabs.Add , , "鼠标(2)"
- 'End With
- 'For i = 0 To frameCnt - 1
- ' With fraOption(i)
- ' .BackColor = &H8000000F
- ' .Top = TabMain.clientTop
- ' .Left = TabMain.clientLeft
- ' .Width = TabMain.clientWidth
- ' .Height = TabMain.clientHeight
- '
- ' .Visible = False
- ' End With
- 'Next i
- 'fraOption(0).Visible = True
- 'With tabMouse.Tabs
- ' .Clear
- ' .Add , , "一般"
- ' .Add , , "鼠标手势"
- 'End With
- 'With fraOption(4)
- ' tabMouse.Move 0, 60, .Width, .Height - 60
- 'End With
- 'For i = 0 To 1
- ' With fraMouse(i)
- ' .BackColor = &H8000000F
- ' .Top = tabMouse.clientTop
- ' .Left = tabMouse.clientLeft
- ' .Width = tabMouse.clientWidth
- ' .Height = tabMouse.clientHeight
- '
- ' .Visible = False
- ' End With
- 'Next i
- 'fraMouse(0).Visible = True
- End Sub
- Private Sub IniMouseEventCombo()
- Dim i& ', j&
- 'For i = 0 To 7
- ' With cmbMouseEventProc(i)
- ' For j = 0 To mouse_event_prc(i).SubCount
- ' .AddItem mouse_event_prc(i).GetEventText(j)
- ' Next j
- ' .ListIndex = mouse_event_prc(i).InsideIndex
- ' End With
- 'Next i
- For i = 0 To mouse_event_leftright.SubCount
- cmbMouseEventLeftRight.AddItem mouse_event_leftright.GetEventText(i)
- cmbMouseEventRightLeft.AddItem mouse_event_leftright.GetEventText(i)
- Next i
- cmbMouseEventLeftRight.ListIndex = mouse_event_leftright.InsideIndex
- cmbMouseEventRightLeft.ListIndex = mouse_event_rightleft.InsideIndex
- End Sub
- Private Sub iniUrlFilter()
- Dim i&
- lstFliterList.Clear
- For i = 1 To UrlFilterCount
- lstFliterList.AddItem UrlFilter(i)
- Next i
- Call Show_Listbox_HScrollebar(lstFliterList)
- chkFliterEnable.Value = EnableUrlFilter
- End Sub
- Private Sub iniAddbarShortkey()
- With cobAddbarShortkey
- .AddItem "Enter"
- .AddItem "Shift + Enter"
- .AddItem "Ctrl + Enter"
- .AddItem "Alt + Enter"
- .AddItem "Ctrl + Shift + Enter"
- '.AddItem "Ctrl + Alt + Enter"
- .AddItem "Shift + Alt + Enter"
- End With
- Call LoadAddbarEvent
- cobAddbarShortkey.ListIndex = 0
- End Sub
- Private Sub LoadAddbarEvent()
- Dim i&
- cobAddbarEvent.Clear
- With cobAddbarEvent
- .AddItem "(无)"
- .AddItem "当前页"
- .AddItem "上一级"
- .AddItem "新建页"
- .AddItem "打开IE"
- End With
- For i = 1 To mSearchurlCount
- cobAddbarEvent.AddItem mSearchUrl(i).Title
- Next i
- End Sub
- '加载下载控制选项
- Private Sub LoadDlctlOption()
- chkGDlctl(0).Value = BooleanToBool(gDL_Image)
- chkGDlctl(1).Value = BooleanToBool(gDL_BgSound)
- chkGDlctl(2).Value = BooleanToBool(gDL_Video)
- chkGDlctl(3).Value = BooleanToBool(gDL_Script)
- chkGDlctl(4).Value = BooleanToBool(gDL_ActiveX)
- chkGDlctl(5).Value = BooleanToBool(gDL_JavaApplet)
- chkGDlctl(6).Value = BooleanToBool(gDl_DlActiveX)
- 'If gDL_Image Then
- ' chkGDlctl(0).Value = 1
- 'Else
- ' chkGDlctl(0).Value = 0
- 'End If
- '
- 'If gDL_BgSound Then
- ' chkGDlctl(1).Value = 1
- 'Else
- ' chkGDlctl(1).Value = 0
- 'End If
- '
- 'If gDL_Video Then
- ' chkGDlctl(2).Value = 1
- 'Else
- ' chkGDlctl(2).Value = 0
- 'End If
- '
- 'If gDL_Script Then
- ' chkGDlctl(3).Value = 1
- 'Else
- ' chkGDlctl(3).Value = 0
- 'End If
- '
- 'If gDL_ActiveX Then
- ' chkGDlctl(4).Value = 1
- 'Else
- ' chkGDlctl(4).Value = 0
- 'End If
- '
- 'If gDL_JavaApplet Then
- ' chkGDlctl(5).Value = 1
- 'Else
- ' chkGDlctl(5).Value = 0
- 'End If
- '
- 'If gDl_NoDlActiveX Then
- ' chkGDlctl(6).Value = 1
- 'Else
- ' chkGDlctl(6).Value = 0
- 'End If
- End Sub
- '初始化"页面规则"页
- Private Sub IniPageRuleTab()
- Dim i&, j&
- mPageRuleCnt = PageRuleCnt
- ReDim mPageRule(0 To mPageRuleCnt)
- For i = 1 To mPageRuleCnt
- With mPageRule(i)
- .Title = PageRule(i).Title
- .Enabled = PageRule(i).Enabled
- .Type = PageRule(i).Type
- .Urls = ""
- For j = 0 To PageRule(i).UrlCnt - 1
- .Urls = .Urls & PageRule(i).Urls(j)
- If j < PageRule(i).UrlCnt - 1 Then
- .Urls = .Urls & ";" & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
- End If
- Next j
- If .Type = 0 Then
- .AutoPreventPop = PageRule(i).AutoPreventPop
- .DL_ActiveX = PageRule(i).DL_ActiveX
- .DL_BgSound = PageRule(i).DL_BgSound
- .DL_Image = PageRule(i).DL_Image
- .DL_Video = PageRule(i).DL_Video
- .DL_JavaApplet = PageRule(i).DL_JavaApplet
- .DL_Script = PageRule(i).DL_Script
- .AllwaysOpenNew = PageRule(i).AllwaysOpenNew
- .Inherit = PageRule(i).Inherit
- .ForceChange = PageRule(i).ForceChange
- Else
- .OutExeParam = PageRule(i).OutExeParam
- .OutExePath = PageRule(i).OutExePath
- End If
- End With
- Next i
- With cmbPageRuleAuitpPrv
- .AddItem "不过滤"
- .AddItem "宽松"
- .AddItem "一般"
- .AddItem "严格"
- End With
- txtPageRuleExepath.Text = ""
- txtPageRuleParam.Text = ""
- txtPageRuleTitle.Text = ""
- txtPageRuleUrls.Text = ""
- optPageRuleType(0).Value = True
- lstPageRuleList.ListIndex = -1
- For i = 1 To PageRuleCnt
- lstPageRuleList.AddItem PageRule(i).Title
- lstPageRuleList.Selected(i - 1) = (mPageRule(i).Enabled = 1)
- Next i
- lstPageRuleList.ListIndex = -1
- chkPageRuleEnable.Value = gEnablePageRule
- End Sub
- '初始化鼠标手势设置的控件
- Private Sub IniMouseHand()
- Dim i&
- 'Dim tCn As cCallByName
- 'Dim tItem As MSComctlLib.ListItem
- Dim tDescription$, tHandShow$, tInsideIndex&, tEventText$
- Dim tcnt&
- DirFlag(0) = ""
- DirFlag(1) = "→"
- DirFlag(2) = "↑"
- DirFlag(3) = "←"
- DirFlag(4) = "↓"
- Call IniMouseHandLvw
- 'With lvwMouseHand
- ' .View = lvwReport
- ' .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "名称", .Width / 2 - 600
- ' .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "命令", .Width / 2
- '
- ' '.ListItems.Add , , "按着左键单击右键"
- ' tcnt = MouseHand.GetHandCount
- ' For i = 1 To tcnt
- ' Call MouseHand.GetInfo_ByIndex(i, tDescription, tHandShow, tInsideIndex, tEventText)
- ' Set tItem = .ListItems.Add(, , tDescription)
- ' tItem.SubItems(1) = tEventText
- ' Next i
- 'End With
- 'Set tCn = New cCallByName
- 'For i = 0 To tCn.SubCount
- ' cmbMouseHandEventList.AddItem tCn.GetEventText(i)
- 'Next i
- With cmbMouseHandEventType
- .AddItem "一般"
- .AddItem "插件"
- End With
- End Sub
- Private Sub ShowMouseHandOrder(nObj As cCallByName)
- On Error Resume Next
- 'If nObj.InsideIndex = nObj.GetScriptIndex Then 'script mode
- If nObj.InsideIndex = nObj.GetPluginIndex Then 'script mode
- cmbMouseHandEventType.ListIndex = 1
- ' Call ShowInCombo_Script
- Call ShowInCombo_Plugin
- ' If nObj.ScriptIndex > gScriptCnt Then
- ' nObj.ScriptIndex = gScriptCnt
- ' End If
- If nObj.PluginIndex > gPluginCnt Then
- nObj.PluginIndex = gPluginCnt
- End If
- 'cmbMouseHandEventList.ListIndex = nObj.ScriptIndex - 1
- cmbMouseHandEventList.ListIndex = nObj.PluginIndex - 1
- Else
- cmbMouseHandEventType.ListIndex = 0
- Call ShowInCombo_Order
- cmbMouseHandEventList.ListIndex = nObj.InsideIndex
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub ShowInCombo_Order()
- Dim tObj As New cCallByName
- Dim i&
- cmbMouseHandEventList.Clear
- For i = 0 To tObj.SubCount
- cmbMouseHandEventList.AddItem tObj.GetEventText(i)
- Next i
- End Sub
- Private Sub ShowInCombo_Plugin()
- Dim i&
- cmbMouseHandEventList.Clear
- For i = 1 To gPluginCnt
- cmbMouseHandEventList.AddItem gPlugins(i).Title
- Next i
- End Sub
- 'Private Sub ShowInCombo_Script()
- ''Dim i&
- ''cmbMouseHandEventList.Clear
- ''For i = 1 To gScriptCnt
- '' cmbMouseHandEventList.AddItem gScripts(i).Title
- ''Next i
- 'End Sub
- '显示鼠标手势
- Private Sub ShowMouseHand()
- Dim tstr$
- tstr = DirFlag(mHand(0)) & DirFlag(mHand(1)) & DirFlag(mHand(2))
- labMouseHandShow.Caption = tstr
- End Sub
- '初始化拖拽控件
- Private Sub IniDragDrop()
- Dim i& ', j&
- For i = 0 To 3
- txtDragDropLink(i).Text = gDDEventLink(i).EventText
- txtDragDropText(i).Text = gDDEventText(i).EventText
- txtDragDropImage(i).Text = gDDEventImage(i).EventText
- Next i
- End Sub
- '改变拖拽设置
- Private Sub ChangeDragDropSetup( _
- nTxt As VB.TextBox, nObj As cDragDropEvent)
- Call nObj.PopMenuInSetup(Me.hWnd)
- nTxt.Text = nObj.EventText
- End Sub
- '================ Plugin zzzzz ======================
- Private Sub IniPluginControl()
- Dim i&
- mPluginCnt = gPluginCnt
- ReDim mPlugins(0 To mPluginCnt)
- For i = 1 To mPluginCnt
- mPlugins(i).Title = gPlugins(i).Title
- mPlugins(i).Command = gPlugins(i).FileName
- mPlugins(i).Param = gPlugins(i).Param
- mPlugins(i).VisInMenu = (gPlugins(i).VisInMenu = 1)
- lstPlugin_List.AddItem mPlugins(i).Title
- lstPlugin_List.Selected(i - 1) = mPlugins(i).VisInMenu
- Next i
- Set mPluginControls = New cListMove
- mPluginControls.IniMe lstPlugin_List, cmdPlugin_MoveUp, cmdPlugin_MoveDown, cmdPlugin_Add, cmdPlugin_Del
- If mPluginCnt > 0 Then
- lstPlugin_List.ListIndex = 0
- End If
- mPlugins_SBCnt = gPluginSBCnt
- ReDim mPlugins_SideBand(0 To mPlugins_SBCnt)
- For i = 1 To mPlugins_SBCnt
- With mPlugins_SideBand(i)
- .Title = gPluginsSideBand(i).Title
- .Command = gPluginsSideBand(i).FileName
- .Param = gPluginsSideBand(i).Param
- .VisInMenu = (gPluginsSideBand(i).VisInMenu = 1)
- End With
- Next i
- End Sub
- Private Sub PluginControlApplyChange()
- Select Case m_cTabPluginTypes.SelectIndex
- Case 0
- Call PluginControlApplyChange_Command
- Case 1
- Call PluginControlApplyChange_SideBand
- Case 2
- Call PluginControlApplyChange_ToolBand
- End Select
- End Sub
- Private Sub PluginControlApplyChange_Command()
- Dim i&
- gPluginCnt = mPluginCnt
- ReDim gPlugins(0 To gPluginCnt)
- For i = 1 To gPluginCnt
- Set gPlugins(i) = New cPluginData
- gPlugins(i).Title = mPlugins(i).Title
- gPlugins(i).FileName = mPlugins(i).Command
- gPlugins(i).Param = mPlugins(i).Param
- gPlugins(i).VisInMenu = BooleanToBool(mPlugins(i).VisInMenu)
- Next i
- Set gPlugins(0) = New cPluginData
- Call mPlugin.ReloadPluginData
- Call mPlugin.LoadPluginsMenu
- End Sub
- Private Sub PluginControlApplyChange_SideBand()
- Dim i&
- gPluginSBCnt = mPlugins_SBCnt
- ReDim gPluginsSideBand(0 To gPluginSBCnt)
- For i = 1 To gPluginSBCnt
- Set gPluginsSideBand(i) = New cPluginSideband
- With mPlugins_SideBand(i)
- gPluginsSideBand(i).Title = .Title
- gPluginsSideBand(i).FileName = .Command
- gPluginsSideBand(i).Param = .Param
- gPluginsSideBand(i).VisInMenu = BooleanToBool(.VisInMenu)
- End With
- Next i
- Set gPluginsSideBand(0) = New cPluginSideband
- Call mPlugin.ReloadPluginData_SideBand
- Call mPlugin.LoadPlugins_SideBand
- End Sub
- Private Sub PluginControlApplyChange_ToolBand()
- End Sub
- '=============== END of Plugin zzz ===================
- '============== common controls zzz===================
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' Procedure : IniMainTab
- ' DateTime : 2005-3-29 22:46
- ' Author : Lingll
- ' Purpose : 初始化主Tab
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Private Sub IniMainTab()
- Dim i&, tRc As RECT
- Set m_cTabMain = CreateCmmCtrl(strCLSID_cTabControl32) 'New cTabControl32
- With m_cTabMain
- .Create Me.hWnd, TCS_MULTILINE, 0, 0, _
- Me.ScaleWidth, Me.ScaleHeight
- .SetFont
- .SetMiniWidth 0
- .AddItem 0, "一般"
- .AddItem 1, "过滤"
- .AddItem 2, "地址栏"
- .AddItem 3, "页面规则"
- .AddItem 4, "鼠标设置"
- .AddItem 5, "插件"
- .AddItem 6, "拖拽"
- .AddItem 7, "搜索栏"
- .AddItem 8, "收藏夹"
- .GetAdjustRect tRc.Left, tRc.Top, tRc.Right, tRc.Bottom
- End With
- For i = 0 To frameCnt - 1
- With fraOption(i)
- .BackColor = &H8000000F
- 'MoveWindow .hWnd, tRc.Left, tRc.Top, _
- tRc.Right - tRc.Left, tRc.Bottom - tRc.Top
- .Move tRc.Left, tRc.Top, _
- tRc.Right - tRc.Left, _
- tRc.Bottom - tRc.Top
- .Visible = False
- End With
- fraOption(0).Visible = True
- Next i
- End Sub
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' Procedure : IniMouseTab
- ' DateTime : 2005-3-29 23:23
- ' Author : Lingll
- ' Purpose : 初始化"鼠标"页里面的tab
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Private Sub IniMouseTab()
- Dim i&, tRc As RECT
- Set m_cTabMouse = CreateCmmCtrl(strCLSID_cTabControl32) ' New cTabControl32
- With m_cTabMouse
- 0, 4, fraOption(4).width, fraOption(4).height - 4
- .SetFont
- .AddItem 0, "一般"
- .AddItem 1, "鼠标手势"
- .GetAdjustRect tRc.Left, tRc.Top, tRc.Right, tRc.Bottom
- End With
- For i = 0 To 1
- With fraMouse(i)
- .BackColor = &H8000000F
- MoveWindow .hWnd, tRc.Left, tRc.Top, _
- tRc.Right - tRc.Left, tRc.Bottom - tRc.Top, 0
- '.Move tRc.Left, tRc.Top, _
- (tRc.Right - tRc.Left), _
- (tRc.Bottom - tRc.Top)
- .Visible = False
- End With
- Next i
- fraMouse(0).Visible = True
- End Sub
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' Procedure : IniPluginTab
- ' DateTime : 2005-5-29 16:24
- ' Author : Lingll
- ' Purpose : 初始化"插件"里的tab
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Private Sub IniPluginTab()
- Dim i&, tRc As RECT
- Set m_cTabPluginTypes = CreateCmmCtrl(strCLSID_cTabControl32)
- With m_cTabPluginTypes
- .Create fraOption(5).hWnd, TCS_BUTTONS Or TCS_FLATBUTTONS, _
- 4, 4, 250, 156
- .SetFont
- .AddItem 0, "命令按钮"
- .AddItem 1, "侧边栏"
- .AddItem 2, "工具栏"
- .GetAdjustRect tRc.Left, tRc.Top, tRc.Right, tRc.Bottom
- End With
- 'For i = 0 To 2
- ' With fraPlugin(i)
- ' .BackColor = &H8000000F
- ' MoveWindow .hWnd, tRc.Left, tRc.Top, _
- ' tRc.Right - tRc.Left, tRc.Bottom - tRc.Top, 0
- ' '.Move tRc.Left, tRc.Top, _
- ' (tRc.Right - tRc.Left), _
- ' (tRc.Bottom - tRc.Top)
- ' .Visible = False
- ' End With
- 'Next i
- 'fraPlugin(0).Visible = True
- MoveWindow lstPlugin_List.hWnd, tRc.Left, tRc.Top, _
- tRc.Right - tRc.Left, tRc.Bottom - tRc.Top, 0
- End Sub
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' Procedure : IniSearchLvw
- ' DateTime : 2005-3-29 23:57
- ' Author : Lingll
- ' Purpose : 初始化"搜索"页lvw
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Private Sub IniSearchLvw()
- Dim i&
- m_Sch_ChangeLock = True
- Set m_cLvwSearchBar = CreateCmmCtrl(strCLSID_cSysListView32) 'New cSysListView32
- With m_cLvwSearchBar
- .Create pctSearchBar_HoldLvw.hWnd, _
- 0, 0, pctSearchBar_HoldLvw.ScaleWidth, pctSearchBar_HoldLvw.ScaleHeight
- .AddColumn 0, "多引擎搜索", 70
- .AddColumn 1, "名称", 80
- .AddColumn 2, "地址", 200
- mSearchEgnCount = gSearchEgnCount
- ReDim mSearchEgn(0 To mSearchEgnCount)
- For i = 1 To mSearchEgnCount
- mSearchEgn(i) = gSearchEgn(i)
- .AddItem vbNullString, i - 1
- .SetItemText mSearchEgn(i).Title, i - 1, 1
- .SetItemText mSearchEgn(i).Url, i - 1, 2
- Next i
- If mSearchEgnCount > 0 Then
- .SelectItem 0, True
- txtSearchBarTitle.Text = mSearchEgn(1).Title
- txtSearchBarUrl.Text = mSearchEgn(1).Url
- Else
- txtSearchBarTitle.Text = ""
- txtSearchBarUrl.Text = ""
- End If
- End With
- m_Sch_ChangeLock = False
- End Sub
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' Procedure : IniMouseHandLvw
- ' DateTime : 2005-3-30 12:22
- ' Author : Lingll
- ' Purpose : 初始化"鼠标手势"页 lvw
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Private Sub IniMouseHandLvw()
- Dim tcnt&, i&
- Dim tDescription$, tHandShow$, tInsideIndex&, tEventText$
- Set m_cLvwMouseHand = CreateCmmCtrl(strCLSID_cSysListView32) ' New cSysListView32
- With m_cLvwMouseHand
- .Create pctMouseHand_HoldLvw.hWnd, _
- pctMouseHand_HoldLvw.ScaleWidth, _
- pctMouseHand_HoldLvw.ScaleHeight
- .AddColumn 0, "名称", pctMouseHand_HoldLvw.ScaleWidth / 2 - 40
- .AddColumn 1, "命令", pctMouseHand_HoldLvw.ScaleWidth / 2
- tcnt = MouseHand.GetHandCount
- For i = 1 To tcnt
- Call MouseHand.GetInfo_ByIndex(i, tDescription, tHandShow, tInsideIndex, tEventText)
- .AddItem tDescription, i - 1
- .SetItemText tEventText, i - 1, 1
- Next i
- End With
- End Sub
- '============== END of common controls ================
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' Procedure : IniFavoriteControl
- ' DateTime : 2005-4-19 17:58
- ' Author : Lingll
- ' Purpose : 初始化"收藏夹"页
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Private Sub IniFavoriteControl()
- If gFavoriteUseDefaultPath Then
- optFavorite_Path_Default.Value = True
- txtFavorite_Path.Enabled = False
- cmdFavorite_Browse.Enabled = False
- Else
- optFavorite_Path_Cus.Value = True
- txtFavorite_Path.Enabled = True
- cmdFavorite_Browse.Enabled = True
- End If
- chkFavorite_Showhidden.Value = gFavoriteShowHidden
- chkFavorite_SinglLine = gFavoriteSinglLineMenu
- txtFavorite_Path.Text = gFavoriteCustomPath
- m_FavoriteUseDefaultPath = gFavoriteUseDefaultPath
- m_FavoriteCustomPath = gFavoriteCustomPath$
- m_FavoriteSinglLineMenu = gFavoriteSinglLineMenu
- m_FavoriteShowHidden = gFavoriteShowHidden
- End Sub
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' Procedure : IniDownload
- ' DateTime : 2005-8-15 00:04
- ' Author : Lingll
- ' Purpose : 初始化下载...
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Private Sub IniDownload()
- On Error Resume Next
- Dim i&
- chkDownShowDlg.Value = gShowDownDlg
- chkDownUseTool.Value = gUseDownTool
- cmbDownTools.Clear
- For i = 1 To gDownToolCount
- cmbDownTools.AddItem gDownTools(i).Title
- Next i
- If gDownToolCount > 0 Then
- cmbDownTools.ListIndex = gDownToolIndex - 1
- End If
- cmbDownTools.Enabled = (gUseDownTool = 1)
- End Sub