资源名称:IE_VB.rar [点击查看]
Visual Basic
- MultiUse = -1 'True
- Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
- DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
- DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
- MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
- Attribute VB_Name = "cSysTray"
- Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
- Attribute VB_Creatable = True
- Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
- Attribute VB_Exposed = False
- Attribute VB_Ext_KEY = "SavedWithClassBuilder6" ,"Yes"
- Attribute VB_Ext_KEY = "Top_Level" ,"Yes"
- Option Explicit
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- ' Control Property Globals...
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- Private gInTray As Boolean
- Private gTrayId As Long
- Private gTrayTip As String
- 'Private mvarpHwnd As Long
- Private gTrayIcon As StdPicture
- Private gAddedToTray As Boolean
- Private mvarpHwnd As Long
- Const MAX_SIZE = 510
- Private Const defInTray = False
- Private Const defTrayTip = "VB 5 - SysTray Control." & vbNullChar
- 'Private Const sInTray = "InTray"
- 'Private Const sTrayIcon = "TrayIcon"
- 'Private Const sTrayTip = "TrayTip"
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- ' Control Events...
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- Public Event MouseMove(id As Long)
- Public Event MouseDown(Button As Integer, id As Long)
- Public Event MouseUp(Button As Integer, id As Long)
- Public Event MouseDblClick(Button As Integer, id As Long)
- Public Property Let pHwnd(ByVal vData As Long)
- '向属性指派值时使用,位于赋值语句的左边。
- 'Syntax: X.pHwnd = 5
- mvarpHwnd = vData
- End Property
- Public Property Get pHwnd() As Long
- '检索属性值时使用,位于赋值语句的右边。
- 'Syntax: Debug.Print X.pHwnd
- pHwnd = mvarpHwnd
- End Property
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- Private Sub Class_Initialize()
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- gInTray = defInTray ' Set global InTray defalt
- gAddedToTray = False ' Set default state
- gTrayId = 0 ' Set global TrayId default
- ' gTrayHwnd = hwnd ' Set and keep HWND of user control
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- gTrayTip = defTrayTip
- 'InTray = defInTray ' Init InTray Property
- 'TrayTip = defTrayTip ' Init TrayTip Property
- 'Set TrayIcon = Picture ' Init TrayIcon property
- End Sub
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- Private Sub Class_Terminate()
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- If InTray Then ' If TrayIcon is visible
- InTray = False ' Cleanup and unplug it.
- End If
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- End Sub
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- Public Property Let TrayIcon(Icon As StdPicture)
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- Dim Tray As NOTIFYICONDATA ' Notify Icon Data structure
- Dim rc As Long ' API return code
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- If Not (Icon Is Nothing) Then ' If icon is valid...
- If (Icon.Type = vbPicTypeIcon) Then ' Use ONLY if it is an icon
- If gAddedToTray Then ' Modify tray only if it is in use.
- Tray.uID = gTrayId ' Unique ID for each HWND and callback message.
- Tray.hwnd = mvarpHwnd ' HWND receiving messages.
- Tray.hIcon = Icon.handle ' Tray icon.
- Tray.uFlags = NIF_ICON ' Set flags for valid data items
- Tray.cbSize = Len(Tray) ' Size of struct.
- rc = Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_MODIFY, Tray) ' Send data to Sys Tray.
- End If
- Set gTrayIcon = Icon ' Save Icon to global
- 'Set Picture = Icon ' Show user change in control as well(gratuitous)
- ' PropertyChanged sTrayIcon ' Notify control that property has changed.
- End If
- End If
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- End Property
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- Public Property Get TrayIcon() As StdPicture
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- Set TrayIcon = gTrayIcon ' Return Icon value
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- End Property
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- Public Property Let TrayTip(Tip As String)
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- Dim Tray As NOTIFYICONDATA ' Notify Icon Data structure
- Dim rc As Long ' API Return code
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- If gAddedToTray Then ' if TrayIcon is in taskbar
- Tray.uID = gTrayId ' Unique ID for each HWND and callback message.
- Tray.hwnd = mvarpHwnd ' HWND receiving messages.
- Tray.szTip = Tip & vbNullChar ' Tray tool tip
- Tray.uFlags = NIF_TIP ' Set flags for valid data items
- Tray.cbSize = Len(Tray) ' Size of struct.
- rc = Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_MODIFY, Tray) ' Send data to Sys Tray.
- End If
- gTrayTip = Tip ' Save Tip
- 'PropertyChanged sTrayTip ' Notify control that property has changed
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- End Property
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- Public Property Get TrayTip() As String
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- TrayTip = gTrayTip ' Return Global Tip...
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- End Property
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- Public Property Let InTray(Show As Boolean)
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- ' Dim ClassAddr As Long ' Address pointer to Control Instance
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- If (Show <> gInTray) Then ' Modify ONLY if state is changing!
- If Show Then ' If adding Icon to system tray...
- ' If Ambient.UserMode Then ' If in RunMode and not in IDE...
- ' SubClass Controls window proc.
- PrevWndProc = SetWindowLong(mvarpHwnd, GWL_WNDPROC, AddressOf SubWndProc)
- ' Get address to user control object
- 'CopyMemory ClassAddr, class, 4&
- ' Save address to the USERDATA of the control's window struct.
- ' this will be used to get an object refenence to the control
- ' from an HWND in the callback.
- SetWindowLong mvarpHwnd, GWL_USERDATA, ObjPtr(Me) 'ClassAddr
- AddIcon mvarpHwnd, gTrayId, TrayTip, TrayIcon ' Add TrayIcon to System Tray...
- gAddedToTray = True ' Save state of control used in teardown procedure
- ' End If
- Else ' If removing Icon from system tray
- If gAddedToTray Then ' If Added to system tray then remove...
- DeleteIcon mvarpHwnd, gTrayId ' Remove icon from system tray
- ' Un SubClass controls window proc.
- SetWindowLong mvarpHwnd, GWL_WNDPROC, PrevWndProc
- gAddedToTray = False ' Maintain the state for teardown purposes
- End If
- End If
- gInTray = Show ' Update global variable
- ' PropertyChanged sInTray ' Notify control that property has changed
- End If
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- End Property
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- Public Property Get InTray() As Boolean
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- InTray = gInTray ' Return global property
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- End Property
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- Private Sub AddIcon(hwnd As Long, id As Long, Tip As String, Icon As StdPicture)
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- Dim Tray As NOTIFYICONDATA ' Notify Icon Data structure
- ' Dim tFlags As Long ' Tray action flag
- Dim rc As Long ' API return code
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- Tray.uID = id ' Unique ID for each HWND and callback message.
- Tray.hwnd = hwnd ' HWND receiving messages.
- If Not (Icon Is Nothing) Then ' Validate Icon picture
- Tray.hIcon = Icon.handle ' Tray icon.
- Tray.uFlags = Tray.uFlags Or NIF_ICON ' Set ICON flag to validate data item
- Set gTrayIcon = Icon ' Save icon
- End If
- If (Tip <> "") Then ' Validate Tip text
- Tray.szTip = Tip & vbNullChar ' Tray tool tip
- Tray.uFlags = Tray.uFlags Or NIF_TIP ' Set TIP flag to validate data item
- gTrayTip = Tip ' Save tool tip
- End If
- Tray.uCallbackMessage = TRAY_CALLBACK ' Set user defigned message
- Tray.uFlags = Tray.uFlags Or NIF_MESSAGE ' Set flags for valid data item
- Tray.cbSize = Len(Tray) ' Size of struct.
- rc = Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_ADD, Tray) ' Send data to Sys Tray.
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- End Sub
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- Private Sub DeleteIcon(hwnd As Long, id As Long)
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- Dim Tray As mAPIs.NOTIFYICONDATA ' Notify Icon Data structure
- Dim rc As Long ' API return code
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- Tray.uID = id ' Unique ID for each HWND and callback message.
- Tray.hwnd = hwnd ' HWND receiving messages.
- Tray.uFlags = 0& ' Set flags for valid data items
- Tray.cbSize = Len(Tray) ' Size of struct.
- rc = Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_DELETE, Tray) ' Send delete message.
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- End Sub
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- Friend Sub SendEvent(MouseEvent As Long, id As Long)
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- Select Case MouseEvent ' Dispatch mouse events to control
- RaiseEvent MouseMove(id)
- RaiseEvent MouseDown(vbLeftButton, id)
- RaiseEvent MouseUp(vbLeftButton, id)
- RaiseEvent MouseDblClick(vbLeftButton, id)
- RaiseEvent MouseDown(vbRightButton, id)
- RaiseEvent MouseUp(vbRightButton, id)
- RaiseEvent MouseDblClick(vbRightButton, id)
- End Select
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- End Sub
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- '##############################################################
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- 'Private Sub class_Paint()
- ''-------------------------------------------------------
- ' Dim edge As RECT ' Rectangle edge of control
- ''-------------------------------------------------------
- ' edge.Left = 0 ' Set rect edges to outer
- ' edge.Top = 0 ' - most position in pixels
- ' edge.Bottom = ScaleHeight '
- ' edge.Right = ScaleWidth '
- ' DrawEdge hDC, edge, BDR_RAISEDOUTER, BF_RECT Or BF_SOFT ' Draw Edge...
- ''-------------------------------------------------------
- 'End Sub
- ''-------------------------------------------------------
- '
- ''-------------------------------------------------------