资源名称:IE_VB.rar [点击查看]
Visual Basic
- MultiUse = -1 'True
- Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
- DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
- DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
- MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
- Attribute VB_Name = "cPluginData"
- Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
- Attribute VB_Creatable = True
- Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
- Attribute VB_Exposed = False
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' Module : cPluginData
- ' DateTime : 2005-3-15 17:30
- ' Author : Lingll
- ' Purpose : 插件,command型插件
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Option Explicit
- '插件数据--脚本插件
- Private Type PluginData_Script
- 'Title As String
- Language As String
- Script As String
- LoadedScript As Boolean '是否加载了脚本
- 'FileName As String
- '程序启动时是否加载脚本,0:启动时不加载,1:启动时加载
- LoadAtExec As Long
- '执行类型,可以有三个值,0:在顶层页面中执行,1:在页面中的每一个frame都执行,2:仅在鼠标所在的frame中执行
- RunType As Long
- End Type
- '插件数据--exe插件
- Private Type PluginData_Exe
- 'Title As String
- 'FileName As String
- Param As String
- End Type
- '插件数据--com插件
- Private Type PluginData_Com
- 'Title As String
- 'FileName As String
- ObjectName As String
- ClassID As String
- End Type
- '插件数据--dll插件
- Private Type PluginData_Dll
- 'Title As String
- 'FileName As String
- message As Long
- Reserve As Long
- End Type
- '插件数据--sendkey插件
- Private Type PluginData_Sendkey
- Keydata As String
- End Type
- Private Declare Function RunDll Lib "rundllvb.dll" _
- (ByVal lpDll As String, ByVal lpWeb As Object, ByVal MSG&, ByVal wParam&, ByVal lParam&) As Long
- Private Declare Function RegCom Lib "rundllvb.dll" _
- (ByVal lpDll As String, ByVal isreg&) As Long
- Public Title As String '名称,对应于菜单或按钮显示的文字
- Public FileName As String '要执行的文件名,exe | ini
- Public Param As String
- Public VisInMenu As Long '是否在"插件菜单"中显示
- Public IconFile As String
- Private DirectExe As Long '是否直接的exe文件
- Private ModuleType As String 'script,exe,com,dll,sendkey
- Private PluginType As String 'command,sideband,toolband,
- '也就是执行与存在方式,对应的是命令,侧边栏,工具栏
- Private o_FileName As String 'ini中指向的真实文件名
- Private o_Title As String 'ini文件中的Title
- Private mData_Script As PluginData_Script
- Private mData_Exe As PluginData_Exe
- Private mData_Com As PluginData_Com
- Private mData_Dll As PluginData_Dll
- Private mData_Sendkey As PluginData_Sendkey
- Private Const m_MTStr_Script As String = "script"
- Private Const m_MTStr_Exe As String = "exe"
- Private Const m_MTStr_Com As String = "com"
- Private Const m_MTStr_Dll As String = "dll"
- Private Const m_MTStr_Sendkey As String = "sendkey"
- 'Private mPluginData As PluginData
- Public Sub Run()
- On Error Resume Next
- Dim tPath$, tParam$
- Debug.Print "run"
- Select Case LCase$(ModuleType)
- Case m_MTStr_Script
- If loadedBrowserCount > 0 Then
- If Not mData_Script.LoadedScript Then
- Call LoadScriptFile2
- End If
- webbState(gActiveWebIndex).webForm.RunScript mData_Script.Script, mData_Script.Language, mData_Script.RunType
- End If
- Case m_MTStr_Exe
- tParam = TranslateParam(mData_Exe.Param)
- tPath = TranslatePath2(o_FileName)
- ShellExecute 0&, "open", tPath, _
- tParam, tPath, SW_SHOW
- Case m_MTStr_Com
- Call Run_Com
- Case m_MTStr_Dll
- If loadedBrowserCount > 0 Then
- Call RunDll(TranslatePath2(o_FileName), webbState(gActiveWebIndex).webForm.webMe, mData_Dll.message, 0, 0)
- Else
- Call RunDll(TranslatePath2(o_FileName), Nothing, mData_Dll.message, 0, 0)
- End If
- Case m_MTStr_Sendkey
- SendKeys mData_Sendkey.Keydata
- End Select
- End Sub
- Private Sub Run_Com()
- Dim tObj As LEPluginLib.ILEpluginCmd
- Dim tDll As cCrDllObj
- On Error Resume Next
- Set tDll = New cCrDllObj
- tDll.IniClsId mData_Com.ClassID
- Set tObj = tDll.CreateMyDllObject(TranslatePath2(o_FileName))
- If tObj Is Nothing Then
- Call MsgBox("some error", vbOKOnly Or vbExclamation)
- Else
- If loadedBrowserCount > 0 Then
- tObj.SetSite webbState(gActiveWebIndex).webForm.webMe, gOutInfo
- tObj.RunCommand
- Else
- tObj.SetSite Nothing, gOutInfo
- tObj.RunCommand
- End If
- Set tObj = Nothing
- End If
- 'On Error Resume Next
- 'Dim tObj As Object
- 'Err.Clear
- 'Set tObj = CreateObject(mData_Com.ObjectName)
- 'If Err.Number = 429 Then
- ' Call RegCom(TranslatePath2(o_FileName), 1)
- ' Set tObj = CreateObject(mData_Com.ObjectName)
- 'End If
- 'If tObj Is Nothing Then
- ' Call MsgBox("some error", vbOKOnly Or vbExclamation)
- 'Else
- ' If loadedBrowserCount > 0 Then
- ' tObj.Run webbState(gActiveWebIndex).webForm.webMe, gMainForm
- ' Else
- ' tObj.Run Nothing, gMainForm
- ' End If
- 'End If
- End Sub
- Private Function TranslatePath(vPath$) As String
- Dim tPath$
- Dim tSysDir$
- tPath = vPath
- tPath = Replace(tPath, "%app%", App.path, , , vbTextCompare)
- tPath = Replace(tPath, "%windir%", Environ("windir"), , , vbTextCompare)
- If InStr(1, tPath, "%system%", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
- If IsWinNT() Then
- tSysDir = Environ("windir") & "system32"
- Else
- tSysDir = Environ("windir") & "system"
- End If
- tPath = Replace(tPath, "%system%", tSysDir, , , vbTextCompare)
- End If
- TranslatePath = tPath
- End Function
- '用于有 . 的情况
- Private Function TranslatePath2(vPath$) As String
- TranslatePath2 = TranslatePath(Replace(vPath, ".", GetFileFolder(FileName) & ""))
- End Function
- Private Function TranslateParam(vParam$) As String
- Dim tParam$
- tParam = vParam
- If loadedBrowserCount > 0 Then
- tParam = Replace(tParam, "%url%", webbState(gActiveWebIndex).webForm.GetWebUrl, , , vbTextCompare)
- tParam = Replace(tParam, "%WebWinHwnd%", webbState(gActiveWebIndex).webForm.hWnd, , , vbTextCompare)
- Else
- tParam = Replace(tParam, "%url%", "", , , vbTextCompare)
- tParam = Replace(tParam, "%WebWinHwnd%", "", , , vbTextCompare)
- End If
- TranslateParam = tParam
- End Function
- Public Sub Reload()
- If FileExist(TranslatePath(FileName)) Then
- If LCase$(GetExtendName(FileName)) = "ini" Then
- Call ReadData
- Else
- IconFile = vbNullString
- DirectExe = 1
- ModuleType = m_MTStr_Exe
- o_FileName = FileName
- o_Title = vbNullString
- mData_Exe.Param = Param
- End If
- End If
- End Sub
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' Procedure : ReadData
- ' DateTime : 2005-5-28 18:47
- ' Author : Lingll
- ' Purpose : 读取插件详细数据
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Private Sub ReadData()
- Dim tIni As cINIFile
- Set tIni = New cINIFile
- tIni.IniFile = TranslatePath(FileName)
- If Trim(tIni.ReadKey("General", "Flag")) = LEPluginFlag Then
- If LCase(Trim(tIni.ReadKey("General", "PluginType"))) = PluginTypeTag_Command Then
- o_FileName = tIni.ReadKey("General", "FileName")
- o_Title = tIni.ReadKey("General", "Title")
- ModuleType = LCase$(Trim$(tIni.ReadKey("General", "ModuleType")))
- IconFile = tIni.ReadKey("General", "IconFile")
- Select Case ModuleType
- Case "script"
- Call LoadScript(tIni)
- Case "exe"
- mData_Exe.Param = tIni.ReadKey(m_MTStr_Exe, "Param")
- Case "com"
- mData_Com.ClassID = tIni.ReadKey(m_MTStr_Com, "ClassID")
- mData_Com.ObjectName = tIni.ReadKey(m_MTStr_Com, "ObjectName")
- Case "dll"
- mData_Dll.message = tIni.ReadInt(m_MTStr_Dll, "Message", 0)
- Case "sendkey"
- mData_Sendkey.Keydata = tIni.ReadSection(m_MTStr_Sendkey)
- End Select
- End If
- End If
- End Sub
- '读取脚本文件
- Private Sub LoadScript(vIni As cINIFile)
- Dim tFN&
- With vIni
- mData_Script.Language = .ReadKey(m_MTStr_Script, "Language", "javascript")
- mData_Script.LoadedScript = False
- mData_Script.RunType = Val(.ReadKey(m_MTStr_Script, "RunType", "0"))
- 'mData_Script.LoadAtExec = Val(.ReadKey(Script, "LoadAtExec", "0"))
- mData_Script.LoadAtExec = .ReadInt(m_MTStr_Script, "LoadAtExec", 0)
- End With
- If mData_Script.LoadAtExec <> 0 Then
- tFN = FreeFile
- Open TranslatePath2(o_FileName) For Binary As tFN
- mData_Script.Script = StrConv(InputB(LOF(tFN), tFN), vbUnicode)
- Close tFN
- mData_Script.LoadedScript = True
- End If
- End Sub
- '运行时才加载脚本文件的sub
- Private Sub LoadScriptFile2()
- On Error GoTo due
- Dim tFN&, tPos&
- Dim tstr$
- tFN = FreeFile
- Open TranslatePath2(o_FileName) For Binary As tFN
- mData_Script.Script = StrConv(InputB(LOF(tFN), tFN), vbUnicode)
- Close tFN
- mData_Script.LoadedScript = True
- Exit Sub
- due:
- Reset
- mData_Script.LoadedScript = False
- mData_Script.Script = ""
- ErrorLog.AddLog "cPluginData.loadscriptfile2" & vbTab & Err.Description
- End Sub
- Public Function GetModuleTypeIndex() As Long
- Select Case LCase$(ModuleType)
- Case m_MTStr_Script
- GetModuleTypeIndex = 0
- Case m_MTStr_Exe
- GetModuleTypeIndex = 1
- Case m_MTStr_Com
- GetModuleTypeIndex = 2
- Case m_MTStr_Dll
- GetModuleTypeIndex = 3
- Case m_MTStr_Sendkey
- GetModuleTypeIndex = 4
- Case Else
- GetModuleTypeIndex = 0
- End Select
- End Function
- Public Function Get_O_FileName() As String
- Get_O_FileName = TranslatePath2(o_FileName)
- End Function
- Public Function GetRealFileFolder() As String
- GetRealFileFolder = GetFileFolder(TranslatePath2(FileName))
- End Function