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Visual C++
- /******************************************************************************
- * This is a part of the Microsoft Source Code Samples.
- * Copyright (C) 1993-1997 Microsoft Corporation.
- * All rights reserved.
- * This source code is only intended as a supplement to
- * Microsoft Development Tools and/or WinHelp documentation.
- * See these sources for detailed information regarding the
- * Microsoft samples programs.
- ******************************************************************************/
- /****************************** Module Header *******************************
- * Module Name: LIST.C
- *
- *
- * Functions:
- *
- * Alloc()
- * Free()
- * List_Init()
- * List_Dump()
- * List_Show()
- * List_Create()
- * List_Destroy()
- * List_AddFirst()
- * List_NewFirst()
- * List_DeleteFirst()
- * List_AddLast()
- * List_NewLast()
- * LIst_DeleteLast()
- * List_AddAfter()
- * List_NewAfter()
- * List_AddBefore()
- * List_NewBefore()
- * List_Delete()
- * List_DeleteForwards()
- * List_DeleteBackwards()
- * List_ItemLength()
- * List_First()
- * List_Last()
- * List_Next()
- * List_Prev()
- * List_Clear()
- * List_IsEmpty()
- * SwitchLists()
- * List_Join()
- * List_InsertListAfter()
- * List_InsertListBefore()
- * List_SplitAfter()
- * List_SplitBefore()
- * List_Card()
- * List_IsOK()
- * LIst_MakeOK()
- * List_Check()
- * List_Recover()
- *
- * Comments:
- *
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
- #include <memory.h>
- #include <windows.h>
- #include "gutils.h"
- #include "list.h"
- #include "gutilsrc.h"
- #define memcpy memcpy
- char msg[80]; /* a temp for building up wsprintf messages in */
- #define BLOCKSIZE 25000
- typedef struct
- { HANDLE hMem; /* memory handle for this block */
- int iInUse; /* number of allocations taken out of it. 0 => free it */
- int iNext; /* next byte to use */
- char chData[BLOCKSIZE];
- static CRITICAL_SECTION CritSec; /* to protect pCurrent */
- #define List_Enter_Crit(x) EnterCriticalSection(x)
- #define List_Leave_Crit(x) LeaveCriticalSection(x)
- static PBLOCK pCurrent = NULL; /* block currently in use */
- /* must always be either NULL or valid */
- /* Allocate storage for List elements. n.b. after a call to this
- you MUST record the value of pCurrent as you need to hand that in
- to Free. You don't hand in the value of the actual storage.
- See screed above.
- This function Enters the critical section. The caller must Leave it.
- */
- static LPVOID Alloc(int size)
- { HANDLE hMem;
- LPVOID pRet;
- List_Enter_Crit(&CritSec);
- if ((pCurrent==NULL)||(pCurrent->iNext+size>BLOCKSIZE+1))
- { hMem = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE|GMEM_SHARE,(DWORD)(sizeof(BLOCK)));
- if (hMem==NULL)
- { pCurrent = NULL;
- OutputDebugString("GlobalAlloc failed!!n");
- return NULL;
- }
- pCurrent = (PBLOCK)GlobalLock(hMem);
- if (pCurrent==NULL)
- { OutputDebugString("GlobalLock failed!!n");
- return NULL;
- }
- pCurrent->hMem = hMem;
- pCurrent->iInUse = 0;
- pCurrent->iNext = 0;
- }
- pRet = &(pCurrent->chData[pCurrent->iNext]);
- ++(pCurrent->iInUse);
- pCurrent->iNext += size;
- /* for MIPS we must also ensure that the data is aligned 4 byte*/
- pCurrent->iNext += 3;
- pCurrent->iNext -= pCurrent->iNext % 4;
- return pRet;
- } /* Alloc */
- static void Free(PBLOCK pBlock, LPVOID p)
- { HANDLE hMem;
- List_Enter_Crit(&CritSec);
- --pBlock->iInUse;
- if (pBlock->iInUse<=0)
- { if (pBlock->iInUse<0)
- {
- extern HANDLE hLibInst;
- TCHAR szBuf[512];
- LoadString(hLibInst, IDS_LIST_ALLOC_NEGATIVE, szBuf, sizeof(szBuf));
- wsprintf(msg, szBuf, pBlock->iInUse);
- MessageBox(NULL, msg, NULL, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP);
- }
- hMem = pBlock->hMem;
- GlobalUnlock(hMem);
- GlobalFree(hMem);
- if (pCurrent==pBlock) pCurrent = NULL; /* defend the invariant */
- }
- List_Leave_Crit(&CritSec);
- } /* Free */
- /* The following definition tells the truth about what an ITEM is. The
- | header file says only that there's a structure with the tag item_tag and
- | that a LIST is a pointer to one. Here we spell out what that structure
- | is (and a LIST is still a pointer to one). A PLIST is defined as a
- | pointer to one of those, but is only really used because the C
- | parameter mechanism demands an extra level of indirection for a
- | parameter that can be updated. (Modula-2 VAR parameter).
- */
- typedef struct item_tag
- { struct item_tag FAR *pitNext; /* to next in circular list */
- struct item_tag FAR *pitPrev; /* to prev in circular list */
- PBLOCK pBlock; /* to memory block */
- BOOL bAnchor; /* TRUE iff an anchor block */
- BOOL bOK; /* true unless a list op has failed */
- int iLen; /* length of data only */
- char Data[1]; /* the caller's data. The '1' is a lie */
- } ITEM;
- /* For an anchor block, only the fields pitNext thru bAnchor are allocated.
- | For a normal list element, Data may well be longer than 1 byte.
- | The bOK flag is to support a style of programming where several
- | successive operations can be done without having to check the return
- | code at each stage. At the end, the list can be examined to see if
- | the data in it is valid or if it has been made invalid by the failure
- | of any of the previous operations. Certain operations may result in
- | having no list at all if they fail (e.g. create) and for these, you'd
- | better check the result at once!
- | ??? Some of this screed belongs in the header!!!
- */
- static int iAnchorSize; /* Size of anchor block (no data, no dummy) */
- static int iHeaderSize; /* Size of data block not counting Data
- and offset from cursor back to item.
- */
- static BOOL bInited = FALSE; /* TRUE <=> iAnchorSize and iHeaderSize are OK*/
- #define MOVEBACK(Curs)
- { Curs = ((char FAR *)Curs-iHeaderSize); } /*move from Data to pitNext*/
- /*==================================================================
- || Lists are circular, doubly linked with an anchor block which holds
- || pointers to both ends. Every block has a flag which shows whether
- || it's an anchor or not.
- ||
- || Empty list:
- ||
- || -------------
- || | |
- || | Anchor |
- || v ------- |
- || Ul--->| Next--+--|
- || |-------| |
- || | Prev--+--
- || -------
- ||
- || One entry list:
- ||
- || ------------------------------------
- || | |
- || | Anchor |
- || v ------- ------ |
- || Ul--->| Next--+------------->| Next-+---|
- || |-------| | |------| |
- || | Prev--+---- | Prev-+---
- || ------- |------|
- || | Len |
- || |------|
- || | Data |
- || ------
- || Two entry list:
- ||
- || -------------------------------------------------
- || | --------------- --------------- |
- || || | | | |
- || || Anchor | | | |
- || vv -------- | v ------ | ------ |
- || Ul--->| Next--+-----+----->| Next-+----+-->| Next-+--
- || |-------| | |------| | | |------|
- || | Prev--+-- ------+-Prev | | ---+-Prev |
- || ------- | |------| | |------|
- || | | Len | | | Len |
- || | |------| | |------|<----Cursor
- || | | Data | | | Data |
- || | ------ | ------
- || | |
- || -------------------
- ||
- || etc.
- ||
- || Note that an external cursor (i.e one which is seen by the caller)
- || points to the Data field, not to the start of the structure.
- || This allows easy access to the data by the user at the cost of a
- || slightly slower traverse.
- || Within this module, we may sometimes traverse a list with a cursor
- || that points to the start of an item. This is called an item cursor.