资源名称:MSDN_VC98.zip [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * Log.c - This module handles the Logging.
- *
- * Microsoft Confidential
- * Copyright (c) 1992-1997 Microsoft Corporation
- *
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
- //==========================================================================//
- // Includes //
- //==========================================================================//
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "perfmon.h"
- #include "log.h"
- #include "fileutil.h"
- #include "owndraw.h"
- #include "pmemory.h" // for MemoryXXX (mallloc-type) routines
- #include "perfmops.h" // for SystemAdd
- #include "perfdata.h"
- #include "playback.h" // for PlayingBackLog
- #include "status.h" // for StatusUpdateIcons
- #include "system.h" // for SystemAdd
- #include "utils.h"
- #include "fileopen.h" // for FileGetName
- #include "command.h"
- //==========================================================================//
- // Funtion Prototypes //
- //==========================================================================//
- BOOL LogWriteStartBookmark (HWND hWnd, SYSTEMTIME *pSystemTime) ;
- BOOL LogWriteBookmarkData (HWND hWnd, PBOOKMARK pBookMark) ;
- BOOL LogWriteSystemBookmark (HWND hWnd, LPTSTR SysName, BOOL DisConnect, SYSTEMTIME *pSystemTime) ;
- //==========================================================================//
- // Constants //
- //==========================================================================//
- #define LogNameMinLen 15
- #define LogObjectMinLen 20
- // This is set to 1 min
- #define LARGE_INTERVAL 60
- //=============================//
- // Log Class //
- //=============================//
- #define dwLogClassStyle (CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW | CS_DBLCLKS)
- #define iLogClassExtra (0)
- #define iLogWindowExtra (0)
- #define dwLogWindowStyle (WS_CHILD)
- //==========================================================================//
- // Local Data //
- //==========================================================================//
- int xStatusWidth ;
- int xNameMinWidth ;
- TCHAR szClosed [ShortTextLen] ;
- TCHAR szCollecting [ShortTextLen] ;
- // TCHAR szPaused [ControlStringLen + 1] ;
- LOGINDEXBLOCK *pLogIndexBlock ;
- //==========================================================================//
- // Macros //
- //==========================================================================//
- #define LogEntryN(hWndLogEntries, iIndex)
- ((PLOGENTRY) LBData (hWndLogEntries, iIndex))
- //==========================================================================//
- // Local Functions //
- //==========================================================================//
- void LogAddEntryToList (PLOGENTRY *ppLogEntryFirst, PLOGENTRY pLogNewEntry)
- {
- // insert the new entry at the beginning
- pLogNewEntry->pNextLogEntry = *ppLogEntryFirst ;
- *ppLogEntryFirst = pLogNewEntry ;
- }
- void LogDeleteEntryFromList (PLOGENTRY *ppLogEntryFirst, PLOGENTRY pLogEntryDel)
- {
- PLOGENTRY pLogEntry ;
- if (*ppLogEntryFirst == pLogEntryDel)
- {
- *ppLogEntryFirst = pLogEntryDel->pNextLogEntry ;
- }
- else
- {
- for (pLogEntry = *ppLogEntryFirst ;
- pLogEntry ;
- pLogEntry = pLogEntry->pNextLogEntry)
- {
- if (pLogEntry->pNextLogEntry == pLogEntryDel)
- {
- // found, remove this entry from the list
- pLogEntry->pNextLogEntry =
- pLogEntryDel->pNextLogEntry ;
- break ;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // LogDeleteIndex - delete the log entry specified by iIndex
- // and do memory clean-up
- void static LogDeleteIndex (HWND hWndLogEntries, int iIndex)
- {
- PLOGENTRY pLogEntry ;
- PLOG pLog ;
- pLogEntry = (PLOGENTRY) LBData(hWndLogEntries, iIndex) ;
- if (pLogEntry && pLogEntry != (PLOGENTRY)LB_ERR)
- {
- pLog = LogData (hWndLog) ;
- if (pLog->pLogEntryFirst)
- {
- LogDeleteEntryFromList (&(pLog->pLogEntryFirst), pLogEntry) ;
- }
- MemoryFree (pLogEntry) ;
- }
- LBDelete (hWndLogEntries, iIndex) ;
- }
- void LogEntriesChanged (HWND hWndLogEntries)
- /*
- Effect: Perform any actions needed when an entry has been added or
- removed from the log. In particular, determine if a new
- "Object" column width is appropriate. If it is, then
- change the width and redraw the log entries list.
- */
- { // LogEntriesChanged
- int iIndex ;
- int iIndexNum ;
- int xCol1Width ;
- HDC hDC ;
- PLOG pLog ;
- PLOGENTRY pLogEntry ;
- pLog = LogData (hWndLog) ;
- xCol1Width = 0 ;
- hDC = GetDC (hWndLog) ;
- iIndexNum = LBNumItems (hWndLogEntries) ;
- // clear value Strings for all systems
- for (pSystem = pLog->pSystemFirst;
- pSystem;
- pSystem = pSystem->pSystemNext) {
- if (pSystem && pSystem->FailureTime == 0) {
- RemoveObjectsFromSystem (pSystem);
- }
- }
- for (iIndex = 0 ;
- iIndex < iIndexNum ;
- iIndex++)
- { // for all items in the list
- pLogEntry = LogEntryN (hWndLogEntries, iIndex) ;
- xCol1Width = max (TextWidth (hDC, pLogEntry->szObject),
- xCol1Width) ;
- pSystem = SystemGet (pLog->pSystemFirst, pLogEntry->szComputer);
- if (pSystem && pSystem->FailureTime == 0) {
- AppendObjectToValueList (
- pLogEntry->ObjectTitleIndex,
- pSystem->lpszValue);
- }
- } // for
- xCol1Width += 2 * xScrollWidth ;
- xCol1Width = max (xCol1Width,
- TextAvgWidth (hDC, LogObjectMinLen)) ;
- if (xCol1Width != pLog->xCol1Width)
- {
- pLog->xCol1Width = xCol1Width ;
- WindowInvalidate (hWndLogEntries) ;
- }
- ReleaseDC (hWndLog, hDC) ;
- } // LogEntriesChanged
- LPTSTR StatusText (int iPMStatus)
- /*
- Effect: Return a string representation of the log status
- iPMStatus.
- Note: Since these are globals, we can just return a pointer
- to them. The user of this routine should not free
- these pointers or modify the string.
- */
- {
- switch (iPMStatus)
- { // switch
- case iPMStatusClosed:
- return (szClosed) ;
- case iPMStatusCollecting:
- return (szCollecting) ;
- // case iPMStatusPaused:
- // return (szPaused) ;
- default:
- return (szClosed) ;
- } // switch
- } // StatusText
- PLOG AllocateLogData (HWND hWndLog)
- {
- PLOG pLog ;
- pLog = LogData (hWndLog) ;
- pLog->iStatus = iPMStatusClosed ;
- pLog->bManualRefresh = FALSE ;
- // let's not give it a filename
- /*!!
- FileCombine (pLog->szFilePath,
- szDefaultLogDirectory, szDefaultLogFileName) ;
- !!*/
- strclr (pLog->szFilePath) ;
- pLog->pSystemFirst = NULL;
- pLog->lFileSize = 0L ;
- pLog->iIntervalMSecs = iDefaultLogIntervalSecs * 1000 ;
- pLog->pLogData = (PPERFDATA) MemoryAllocate (STARTING_SYSINFO_SIZE) ;
- pLog->dwDetailLevel = PERF_DETAIL_WIZARD ;
- LogEntriesChanged (hWndLogEntries) ;
- return (pLog) ;
- } // AllocateLogData
- void FreeLogData (PLOG pLog)
- { // FreeLogData
- MemoryFree (pLog->pLogData) ;
- } // FreeLogData
- void UpdateLogSize (HWND hWnd)
- /*
- Effect: Set the size value to the current size. Also change the
- size entry in the status line.
- */
- { // UpdateLogSize
- PLOG pLog ;
- TCHAR szSize [ShortTextLen + 1] ;
- pLog = LogData (hWnd) ;
- LongToCommaString (pLog->lFileSize, szSize) ;
- SetDlgItemText (hWnd, IDD_LOGSIZE, szSize) ;
- if (!PlayingBackLog())
- {
- StatusUpdateIcons (hWndStatus) ;
- }
- } // UpdateLogSize
- HANDLE LogAppendSetup(PLOG pLog, PLOGHEADER pLogFileHeader)
- { // LogAppendSetup
- PLOGHEADER pHeader ;
- DWORD lPreviousIndexBlock ;
- DWORD lNextIndexBlock ;
- PLOGHEADER pPlaybackLogHeader ;
- HANDLE hMapHandle ;
- pHeader = (PLOGHEADER) FileMap(pLog->hFile, &hMapHandle) ;
- if (!pHeader ||
- !strsame(pHeader->szSignature, LogFileSignature) ||
- pHeader->wVersion != LogFileVersion ||
- pHeader->wRevision != LogFileRevision)
- {
- if (pHeader)
- {
- FileUnMap((LPVOID)pHeader, hMapHandle) ;
- }
- return 0 ;
- }
- *pLogFileHeader = *pHeader ;
- LP.pIndexBlock = FirstIndexBlock(pHeader) ;
- LP.iIndex = 0 ;
- LP.iPosition = 0 ;
- lPreviousIndexBlock = pHeader->iLength ;
- lNextIndexBlock = LP.pIndexBlock->lNextBlockOffset ;
- // since inside NextReLogIndexPosition would eventually call
- // PlaybackSeek for large log file, we have to temporarily
- // setup PlaybackLog.pHeader. Not a good fix but it works...
- pPlaybackLogHeader = PlaybackLog.pHeader ;
- PlaybackLog.pHeader = pHeader ;
- while (NextReLogIndexPosition(&LP))
- {
- if (LP.pIndexBlock->lNextBlockOffset != lNextIndexBlock)
- {
- lPreviousIndexBlock = lNextIndexBlock ;
- lNextIndexBlock = LP.pIndexBlock->lNextBlockOffset ;
- }
- }
- // get the last system time from this log file
- if (LP.iIndex > 0)
- {
- SYSTEMTIME localSystemTime ;
- if (LogPositionSystemTime (&LP, &localSystemTime))
- {
- pLog->LastLogTime = localSystemTime ;
- }
- }
- PlaybackLog.pHeader = pPlaybackLogHeader ;
- if (!pLogIndexBlock)
- {
- pLogIndexBlock = (LOGINDEXBLOCK *) MemoryAllocate (sizeof(LOGINDEXBLOCK)) ;
- }
- *pLogIndexBlock = *LP.pIndexBlock ;
- pLog->lIndexBlockOffset = lPreviousIndexBlock ;
- pLog->iIndex = ++LP.iIndex ;
- pLog->lFileSize = FileSeekEnd(pLog->hFile, 0) ;
- FileUnMap((LPVOID)pHeader, hMapHandle) ;
- return pLog->hFile ;
- } // LogAppendSetup
- void LogRemoveCounterName (PLOG pLog)
- {
- if (pLog->pBaseCounterName)
- {
- MemoryFree (pLog->pBaseCounterName) ;
- }
- pLog->pBaseCounterName = 0 ;
- pLog->lBaseCounterNameSize = 0 ;
- pLog->lBaseCounterNameOffset = 0 ;
- // clear all the system marker to indicate they have not been
- // saved
- for (pSystem = pLog->pSystemFirst ;
- pSystem ;
- pSystem = pSystem->pSystemNext)
- {
- pSystem->bSystemCounterNameSaved = FALSE ;
- }
- }
- int CreateLogFile (PLOG pLog, BOOL bCreateFile, BOOL bSameFile)
- { // CreateLogFile
- HANDLE returnHandle ;
- LOGHEADER LogFileHeader ;
- long lCurPosition ;
- pLog->lFileSize = 0 ;
- memset (&(pLog->LastLogTime), 0, sizeof(SYSTEMTIME)) ;
- if (!pLogIndexBlock)
- {
- pLogIndexBlock = (LOGINDEXBLOCK *) MemoryAllocate (sizeof(LOGINDEXBLOCK)) ;
- }
- lstrcpy (pLogIndexBlock->szSignature, LogIndexSignature) ;
- pLog->hFile = FileHandleOpen (pLog->szFilePath) ;
- if (pLog->hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
- {
- // if this is a pre-existing log file, set up to append to it
- returnHandle = LogAppendSetup(pLog, &LogFileHeader) ;
- if (!returnHandle)
- {
- // this is not a log file...
- CloseHandle (pLog->hFile) ;
- return (ERR_BAD_LOG_FILE) ;
- }
- pLog->hFile = returnHandle ;
- }
- if (bCreateFile && (!pLog->hFile || pLog->hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE))
- {
- // Create a new log file if needed.
- pLog->hFile = FileHandleCreate (pLog->szFilePath) ;
- if (!pLog->hFile || pLog->hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
- return (ERR_LOG_FILE) ;
- lstrcpy (LogFileHeader.szSignature, LogFileSignature) ;
- LogFileHeader.wVersion = LogFileVersion ;
- LogFileHeader.wRevision = LogFileRevision ;
- LogFileHeader.iLength = sizeof (LOGHEADER) ;
- LogFileHeader.lBaseCounterNameOffset = 0 ;
- if (!FileWrite (pLog->hFile, &LogFileHeader, sizeof (LogFileHeader)))
- {
- CloseHandle (pLog->hFile) ;
- return (ERR_LOG_FILE) ;
- }
- pLog->iIndex = 0 ;
- pLog->lIndexBlockOffset = FileTell (pLog->hFile) ;
- FileSeekCurrent (pLog->hFile, sizeof (LOGINDEXBLOCK)) ;
- pLog->lFileSize = sizeof(LOGHEADER) + sizeof (LOGINDEXBLOCK) ;
- pLogIndexBlock->iNumIndexes = 0 ;
- pLogIndexBlock->lNextBlockOffset = 0 ;
- // get rid of any previous counter names and get ready for start
- // if (!bSameFile)
- // {
- // LogRemoveCounterName (pLog) ;
- // }
- LogRemoveCounterName (pLog) ;
- }
- else if (bCreateFile)
- {
- // this is an existing log file, setup the counter names
- // LogFileHeader already has the header info filled in
- // by LogAppendSetup
- if (!bSameFile || !pLog->pBaseCounterName)
- {
- // get rid of any previous counter names
- LogRemoveCounterName (pLog) ;
- // read the new names and get ready for start
- lCurPosition = FileTell (pLog->hFile) ;
- FileSeekBegin (pLog->hFile,
- LogFileHeader.lBaseCounterNameOffset) ;
- if (!(FileRead (pLog->hFile,
- &CounterNameRecord,
- sizeof (CounterNameRecord))))
- {
- FileSeekBegin (pLog->hFile,
- lCurPosition) ;
- goto EXIT ;
- }
- FileSeekBegin (pLog->hFile,
- CounterNameRecord.lCurrentCounterNameOffset) ;
- if (!(pLog->pBaseCounterName = MemoryAllocate (
- CounterNameRecord.lUnmatchCounterNames)))
- {
- FileSeekBegin (pLog->hFile,
- lCurPosition) ;
- goto EXIT ;
- }
- if (!(FileRead (pLog->hFile,
- pLog->pBaseCounterName,
- CounterNameRecord.lUnmatchCounterNames)))
- {
- MemoryFree (pLog->pBaseCounterName) ;
- pLog->pBaseCounterName = NULL ;
- FileSeekBegin (pLog->hFile,
- lCurPosition) ;
- goto EXIT ;
- }
- // we got the data, fill in other info
- pLog->lBaseCounterNameSize =
- CounterNameRecord.lUnmatchCounterNames ;
- pLog->lBaseCounterNameOffset =
- LogFileHeader.lBaseCounterNameOffset ;
- FileSeekBegin (pLog->hFile,
- lCurPosition) ;
- }
- }
- return (0) ;
- } // CreateLogFile
- void LogWriteIndexBlock (PLOG pLog)
- {
- FileSeekBegin (pLog->hFile,
- pLog->lIndexBlockOffset) ;
- pLogIndexBlock->lNextBlockOffset = 0 ;
- FileWrite (pLog->hFile,
- (LPSTR) pLogIndexBlock,
- sizeof (LOGINDEXBLOCK)) ;
- } // LogWriteIndexBlock
- BOOL LogWriteIndex (PLOG pLog,
- UINT uFlags,
- SYSTEMTIME *pSystemTime,
- LONG lDataOffset,
- int iSystemsLogged)
- { // LogWriteIndex
- LOGINDEX Index ;
- long lNextBlockOffset ;
- BOOL WriteOK ;
- //=============================//
- // Add Index Block Entry //
- //=============================//
- //=============================//
- // Index Block Full? //
- //=============================//
- WriteOK = TRUE ;
- if (pLog->iIndex == LogFileBlockMaxIndexes - 1)
- {
- lNextBlockOffset = FileTell (pLog->hFile) ;
- pLogIndexBlock->lNextBlockOffset = lNextBlockOffset ;
- FileSeekBegin (pLog->hFile,
- pLog->lIndexBlockOffset) ;
- WriteOK = FileWrite (pLog->hFile,
- (LPSTR) pLogIndexBlock,
- sizeof (LOGINDEXBLOCK)) ;
- if (WriteOK)
- {
- FileSeekBegin (pLog->hFile,
- lNextBlockOffset) ;
- // Fake file end until we really write the block
- pLogIndexBlock->iNumIndexes = 0 ;
- pLogIndexBlock->lNextBlockOffset = 0 ;
- WriteOK = FileWrite (pLog->hFile,
- (LPSTR) pLogIndexBlock,
- sizeof (LOGINDEXBLOCK)) ;
- if (WriteOK)
- {
- pLog->lIndexBlockOffset = lNextBlockOffset ;
- pLog->iIndex = 0 ;
- pLog->lFileSize += sizeof (LOGINDEXBLOCK) ;
- }
- }
- } // if
- //=============================//
- // Add Index Block Entry //
- //=============================//
- Index.uFlags = uFlags ;
- Index.SystemTime = *pSystemTime ;
- Index.lDataOffset = lDataOffset ;
- Index.iSystemsLogged = iSystemsLogged ;
- pLogIndexBlock->aIndexes [pLog->iIndex] = Index ;
- pLog->iIndex++ ;
- pLogIndexBlock->iNumIndexes++ ;
- // write out the index block if the log interval if too large
- if (pLog->iIntervalMSecs >= LARGE_INTERVAL * 1000 )
- {
- LONG lCurPosition ;
- // save the current file position
- lCurPosition = FileTell (pLog->hFile) ;
- // flush the index block to the file
- LogWriteIndexBlock (pLog) ;
- // restore previous file position since
- // LogWriteIndexBlock has messed it up
- FileSeekBegin (pLog->hFile, lCurPosition) ;
- }
- return (WriteOK) ;
- } // LogWriteIndex
- BOOL LogWritePerfData (HWND hWnd,
- PLOG pLog,
- PPERFDATA pPerfData,
- SYSTEMTIME *pSystemTime,
- DWORD iNumSystems,
- BOOL bWriteIndex)
- { // LogWritePerfData
- LONG lSize ;
- BOOL WriteOK ;
- LONG lCurPosition ;
- lSize = pPerfData->TotalByteLength ;
- lCurPosition = FileTell (pLog->hFile) ;
- //=============================//
- // Write Perf Data //
- //=============================//
- WriteOK = FileWrite (pLog->hFile, (LPSTR) pPerfData, lSize) ;
- if (WriteOK)
- {
- pLog->lFileSize += lSize ;
- if (bWriteIndex)
- {
- WriteOK = LogWriteIndex (pLog,
- LogFileIndexData,
- pSystemTime,
- lCurPosition,
- iNumSystems) ;
- }
- }
- if ( !WriteOK )
- {
- CloseLog (hWnd, pLog) ;
- PrepareMenu (GetMenu (hWndMain)) ;
- UpdateLogDisplay (hWnd) ;
- DlgErrorBox (hWnd, ERR_LOG_FILE, pLog->szFilePath) ;
- }
- return (WriteOK) ;
- } // LogWritePerfData
- //==========================================================================//
- // Message Handlers //
- //==========================================================================//
- void static OnSize (HWND hDlg,
- int xWidth,
- int yHeight)
- /*
- Effect: Perform any actions necessary when the log window (dialog)
- is resized. In particular, move and resize some of the
- dialogs controls.
- Internals: The rightmost control, the log status, contains one of
- only several values. These values are all within
- xStatusWidth, computed at init time. Put this control
- one scroll width away from the right edge at fixed
- width. Move its associated text prompt with it. Then
- use the remaining space for the filename control, which
- can probably use it.
- To Do: Need to consider minimum first.
- */
- { // OnSize
- int xStatusPos ;
- int xStatusTextPos ;
- int xNameWidth ;
- int xMinWidth ;
- //=============================//
- // Enough space for minimums? //
- //=============================//
- xMinWidth =
- xScrollWidth + // margin before prompt
- DialogWidth (hDlg, IDD_LOGFILETEXT) + // width of prompt
- xNameMinWidth + // width of name
- xScrollWidth +
- DialogWidth (hDlg, IDD_LOGSTATUSTEXT) +
- DialogWidth (hDlg, IDD_LOGSTATUS) +
- xScrollWidth ;
- xStatusPos = xWidth - xStatusWidth - xScrollWidth ;
- DialogMove (hDlg, IDD_LOGSTATUS,
- xStatusPos, NOCHANGE,
- xStatusWidth, NOCHANGE) ;
- xStatusTextPos = xStatusPos -
- DialogWidth (hDlg, IDD_LOGSTATUSTEXT) -
- xScrollWidth ;
- DialogMove (hDlg, IDD_LOGSTATUSTEXT,
- xStatusTextPos, NOCHANGE,
- xNameWidth = xStatusTextPos -
- DialogWidth (hDlg, IDD_LOGFILETEXT) -
- 2 * xScrollWidth ;
- DialogMove (hDlg, IDD_LOGFILE,
- xNameWidth, NOCHANGE) ;
- DialogMove (hDlg, IDD_LOGSIZE,
- DialogWidth (hDlg, IDD_LOGFILE), NOCHANGE) ;
- DialogMove (hDlg, IDD_LOGINTERVAL,
- DialogWidth (hDlg, IDD_LOGSTATUS), NOCHANGE) ;
- DialogMove (hDlg, IDD_LOGENTRIES,
- xScrollWidth, NOCHANGE,
- xWidth - 2 * xScrollWidth,
- yHeight - DialogYPos (hDlg, IDD_LOGENTRIES) - yScrollHeight) ;
- WindowInvalidate (hDlg) ;
- } // OnSize
- int OnCtlColor (HWND hDlg,
- HDC hDC)
- {
- SetTextColor (hDC, crBlack) ;
- SetBkColor (hDC, crLightGray) ;
- return ((int) hbLightGray) ;
- }
- void static OnInitDialog (HWND hDlg)
- {
- HDC hDC ;
- PLOG pLog ;
- hWndLogEntries = DialogControl (hDlg, IDD_LOGENTRIES) ;
- pLog = AllocateLogData (hDlg) ;
- if (!pLog)
- return ;
- StringLoad (IDS_CLOSED, szClosed) ;
- // StringLoad (IDS_PAUSED, szPaused) ;
- StringLoad (IDS_COLLECTING, szCollecting) ;
- UpdateLogDisplay (hDlg) ;
- hDC = GetDC (hDlg) ;
- xStatusWidth = max (TextWidth (hDC, szClosed),
- TextWidth (hDC, szCollecting)) ;
- // max (TextWidth (hDC, szPaused),
- // TextWidth (hDC, szCollecting))) ;
- xStatusWidth += xScrollWidth ;
- xNameMinWidth = TextAvgWidth (hDC, LogNameMinLen) ;
- ReleaseDC (hDlg, hDC) ;
- }
- void static OnDestroy (HWND hWnd)
- /*
- Effect: Perform any actions necessary when a LogDisplay window
- is being destroyed. In particular, free the instance
- data for the log.
- Since we really only have one log window and one global
- log data structure, we don't free the structure. We do,
- however, delete the objects allocated within the structure.
- */
- { // OnDestroy
- PLOG pLog ;
- pLog = LogData (hWnd) ;
- FreeLogData (pLog) ;
- } // OnDestroy
- void static OnDrawItem (HWND hWnd, LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDI)
- { // OnDrawItem
- HDC hDC ;
- RECT rectComputer, rectObject ;
- PLOGENTRY pLogEntry ;
- PLOG pLog ;
- COLORREF preBkColor ;
- COLORREF preTextColor ;
- pLog = LogData (hWnd) ;
- pLogEntry = LogEntryN (hWndLogEntries, DIIndex (lpDI)) ;
- // LogEntryN (SendMessage) will return LB_ERR for error, have to
- // check for that case
- if (!pLogEntry || pLogEntry == (PLOGENTRY)LB_ERR)
- {
- return ;
- }
- hDC = lpDI->hDC ;
- SelectFont (hDC, hFontScales) ;
- if (DISelected (lpDI))
- { // if
- preTextColor = SetTextColor (hDC, GetSysColor (COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT)) ;
- preBkColor = SetBkColor (hDC, GetSysColor (COLOR_HIGHLIGHT)) ;
- } // if
- rectObject.left = lpDI->rcItem.left ;
- rectObject.top = lpDI->rcItem.top ;
- rectObject.right = rectObject.left + pLog->xCol1Width ;
- rectObject.bottom = lpDI->rcItem.bottom ;
- ExtTextOut (hDC,
- rectObject.left + xScrollWidth, rectObject.top,
- &rectObject,
- pLogEntry->szObject,
- lstrlen (pLogEntry->szObject),
- NULL) ;
- rectComputer.left = rectObject.right ;
- rectComputer.top = lpDI->rcItem.top ;
- rectComputer.right = lpDI->rcItem.right ;
- rectComputer.bottom = lpDI->rcItem.bottom ;
- ExtTextOut (hDC,
- rectComputer.left, rectComputer.top,
- &rectComputer,
- pLogEntry->szComputer,
- lstrlen (pLogEntry->szComputer),
- NULL) ;
- if (DIFocus (lpDI))
- DrawFocusRect (hDC, &(lpDI->rcItem)) ;
- if (DISelected (lpDI))
- { // if
- preTextColor = SetTextColor (hDC, preTextColor) ;
- preBkColor = SetBkColor (hDC, preBkColor) ;
- } // if
- // RestoreDC (hDC, -1) ;
- } // OnDrawItem
- //==========================================================================//
- // Exported Functions //
- //==========================================================================//
- int APIENTRY LogDisplayDlgProc (HWND hDlg,
- unsigned iMessage,
- WPARAM wParam,
- LONG lParam)
- /*
- Note: This function must be exported in the application's
- linker-definition file, perfmon.def.
- */
- { // LogDisplayDlgProc
- // HDC hDC ;
- switch (iMessage)
- {
- OnInitDialog (hDlg) ;
- break ;
- return (OnCtlColor (hDlg, (HDC) wParam)) ;
- break ;
- OnDrawItem (hDlg, (LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT) lParam) ;
- break ;
- SendMessage (hWndMain, WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK, wParam, lParam) ;
- break ;
- DoWindowDrag (hDlg, lParam) ;
- break ;
- case WM_SIZE:
- OnSize (hDlg, LOWORD (lParam), HIWORD (lParam)) ;
- break ;
- case WM_TIMER:
- LogTimer (hDlg, FALSE) ;
- break ;
- SetFocus (hWndLogEntries) ;
- break ;
- {
- PLOG pLog ;
- pLog = LogData (hDlg) ;
- if (StartLog (hDlg, pLog, FALSE))
- {
- UpdateLogDisplay (hDlg) ;
- PrepareMenu (GetMenu (hWndMain)) ;
- }
- }
- break ;
- case WM_DESTROY:
- OnDestroy (hDlg) ;
- return (FALSE) ;
- break ;
- default:
- return (FALSE) ;
- } // switch
- return (TRUE) ;
- } // LogDisplayDlgProc
- #if 0
- PLOG LogData (HWND hWndLog)
- {
- return (&Log) ;
- }
- #endif
- HWND CreateLogWindow (HWND hWndParent)
- /*
- Effect: Create the Log window. This window is a child of
- hWndMain.
- Note: We dont worry about the size here, as this window
- will be resized whenever the main window is resized.
- */
- { // CreateLogWindow
- HWND hWnd ;
- hWnd = CreateDialog (hInstance,
- MAKEINTRESOURCE (idDlgLogDisplay),
- hWndParent,
- (DLGPROC) LogDisplayDlgProc) ;
- return (hWnd) ;
- } // CreateLogWindow
- void UpdateLogDisplay (HWND hWnd)
- /*
- Effect: Set the values for the various controls in the log
- display.
- Called By: OnInitDialog, any other routines that change these
- values.
- */
- { // UpdateLogDisplay
- PLOG pLog ;
- WCHAR szSize [MiscTextLen + 1] ;
- pLog = LogData (hWnd) ;
- DialogSetString (hWnd, IDD_LOGFILE, pLog->szFilePath) ;
- // position the cursor at the end of the text
- EditSetTextEndPos (hWnd, IDD_LOGFILE) ;
- DialogSetString (hWnd, IDD_LOGSTATUS, StatusText (pLog->iStatus)) ;
- LongToCommaString (pLog->lFileSize, szSize) ;
- DialogSetString (hWnd, IDD_LOGSIZE, szSize) ;
- DialogSetInterval (hWnd, IDD_LOGINTERVAL, pLog->iIntervalMSecs) ;
- } // UpdateLogDisplay
- BOOL LogInitializeApplication (void)
- {
- return (TRUE) ;
- } // LogInitializeApplication
- void SetLogTimer (HWND hWnd,
- int iIntervalMSecs)
- {
- PLOG pLog ;
- pLog = LogData (hWnd) ;
- pLog->iIntervalMSecs = iIntervalMSecs ;
- KillTimer (hWnd, LogTimerID) ;
- SetTimer (hWnd, LogTimerID, pLog->iIntervalMSecs, NULL) ;
- }
- void ClearLogTimer (HWND hWnd)
- {
- KillTimer (hWnd, LogTimerID) ;
- }
- BOOL CloseLogStopTimer (HWND hWnd, PLOG pLog)
- {
- CloseHandle (pLog->hFile) ;
- pLog->hFile = 0 ;
- pLog->iStatus = iPMStatusClosed ;
- ClearLogTimer (hWnd) ;
- return (TRUE) ;
- }
- BOOL CloseLog (HWND hWnd, PLOG pLog)
- { // CloseLog
- LogWriteIndexBlock (pLog) ;
- CloseLogStopTimer (hWnd, pLog) ;
- WindowInvalidate (hWndStatus) ;
- return (TRUE) ;
- } // CloseLog
- BOOL StartLog (HWND hWnd, PLOG pLog, BOOL bSameFile)
- {
- int RetCode ;
- SYSTEMTIME SystemTime ;
- if ((RetCode = CreateLogFile (pLog, TRUE, bSameFile)) == 0)
- {
- pLog->iStatus = iPMStatusCollecting ;
- GetLocalTime (&SystemTime) ;
- // write a dummy record.
- // this is needed because when playingback log
- // it will skip the first index from the first
- // index block.
- LogWriteIndex (pLog, 0, &SystemTime, 0, 0) ;
- if (!PlayingBackLog())
- {
- // write out a bookmark to indicate start of new data
- if (!LogWriteStartBookmark (hWnd, &SystemTime))
- {
- RetCode = 0 ;
- goto ErrorExit ;
- }
- if (!(pLog->bManualRefresh))
- {
- SetLogTimer (hWnd, pLog->iIntervalMSecs) ;
- WindowInvalidate (hWndStatus) ;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // check if time if OK
- SYSTEMTIME FirstSystemTime ;
- int TimeDiff ;
- LP = PlaybackLog.StartIndexPos ;
- if (LogPositionSystemTime (&LP, &FirstSystemTime))
- {
- // we don't want to append data to the log file if
- // the time is not in order. So, forget it if the
- // last log time in the Log file is greater than the First
- // log time of the playback log file.
- TimeDiff = SystemTimeDifference (&(FirstSystemTime),
- &(pLog->LastLogTime)) ;
- if (TimeDiff > 0)
- {
- // error , time not in order
- CloseHandle (pLog->hFile) ;
- }
- }
- }
- if (RetCode == 0)
- {
- // write counter names if needed
- LogWriteSystemCounterNames (hWnd, pLog) ;
- return (TRUE) ;
- }
- }
- ErrorExit:
- pLog->hFile = 0 ;
- CloseLogStopTimer(hWnd, pLog);
- PrepareMenu (GetMenu (hWndMain)) ;
- UpdateLogDisplay (hWnd) ;
- if (RetCode)
- {
- DlgErrorBox (hWnd, RetCode, pLog->szFilePath);
- }
- return (FALSE) ;
- }
- DWORD LogFindEntry(LPTSTR lpszComputer, DWORD ObjectTitleIndex)
- /*
- Effect: Returns the index of the specified Computer/Object
- if it already exists in the Entries List Box,
- otherwise returns LOG_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND
- */
- {
- DWORD iLogEntry ;
- DWORD iLogNum ;
- PLOGENTRY pLogEntry ;
- iLogNum = (DWORD) LBNumItems(hWndLogEntries) ;
- for (iLogEntry = 0;
- iLogEntry < iLogNum ;
- iLogEntry++)
- {
- pLogEntry = (PLOGENTRY) LBData(hWndLogEntries, iLogEntry) ;
- if (pLogEntry->ObjectTitleIndex == ObjectTitleIndex &&
- strsamei(pLogEntry->szComputer, lpszComputer))
- {
- return iLogEntry ;
- }
- }
- }
- BOOL LogAddEntry (HWND hWndLog,
- LPTSTR lpszComputer,
- LPTSTR lpszObject,
- DWORD ObjectTitleIndex,
- BOOL bGetObjectTitleIndex)
- /*
- Effect: Add an entry in the log structure for the computer and
- object to be logged.
- Returns: Whether the operation could be performed.
- */
- { // LogAddEntry
- PLOG pLog ;
- PLOGENTRY pLogEntry ;
- UINT iIndex ;
- PPERFSYSTEM pCurrentSystem = NULL ;
- DWORD CurrentObjectTitleIndex ;
- pLog = LogData (hWndLog) ;
- pCurrentSystem = SystemAdd (&(pLog->pSystemFirst), lpszComputer) ;
- pLogEntry = MemoryAllocate (sizeof (LOGENTRY)) ;
- if (!pLogEntry)
- return (FALSE) ;
- lstrcpy (pLogEntry->szComputer, lpszComputer) ;
- lstrcpy (pLogEntry->szObject, lpszObject) ;
- pLogEntry->ObjectTitleIndex = ObjectTitleIndex ;
- // if reading from a log setting file, get the
- // latest Object index by the perfdata itself.
- // There may be case that the id has been changed
- if (bGetObjectTitleIndex &&
- pCurrentSystem &&
- pCurrentSystem->pSystemPerfData)
- {
- if (pCurrentSystem->pSystemPerfData->Signature[0] == TEXT(' '))
- {
- UpdateSystemData (
- pCurrentSystem,
- &(pCurrentSystem->pSystemPerfData)) ;
- }
- if (CurrentObjectTitleIndex = GetObjectIdByName(
- pCurrentSystem,
- pCurrentSystem->pSystemPerfData,
- lpszObject))
- {
- pLogEntry->ObjectTitleIndex = CurrentObjectTitleIndex ;
- }
- }
- iIndex = LBAdd (hWndLogEntries, pLogEntry) ;
- if (!bDelayAddAction)
- {
- if (iIndex == LB_ERR)
- {
- iIndex = 0 ;
- }
- LBSetSelection (hWndLogEntries, iIndex) ;
- LBSetVisible (hWndLogEntries, iIndex) ;
- LogEntriesChanged (hWndLogEntries) ;
- }
- LogAddEntryToList (&(pLog->pLogEntryFirst), pLogEntry) ;
- } // LogAddEntry
- BOOL ToggleLogRefresh (HWND hWnd)
- { // ToggleLogRefresh
- PLOG pLog ;
- pLog = LogData (hWnd) ;
- if (pLog->bManualRefresh)
- SetLogTimer (hWnd, pLog->iIntervalMSecs) ;
- else
- ClearLogTimer (hWnd) ;
- pLog->bManualRefresh = !pLog->bManualRefresh ;
- return (pLog->bManualRefresh) ;
- } // ToggleLogRefresh
- BOOL LogRefresh (HWND hWnd)
- { // LogRefresh
- PLOG pLog ;
- pLog = LogData (hWnd) ;
- return (pLog->bManualRefresh) ;
- } // LogRefresh
- BOOL CheckUnusedSystem (LPTSTR lpszComputer)
- {
- BOOL bStillUse = FALSE ;
- PLOGENTRY pLogEntry ;
- PLOG pLog ;
- pLog = LogData (hWndLog) ;
- for (pLogEntry = pLog->pLogEntryFirst ;
- pLogEntry ;
- pLogEntry = pLogEntry->pNextLogEntry)
- { // for
- if (strsamei(pLogEntry->szComputer, lpszComputer))
- {
- bStillUse = TRUE ;
- break ;
- }
- }
- return (bStillUse) ;
- }
- int SelectLogObjects(LPTSTR lpszComputer,
- PPERFDATA pPerfData,
- PPERFDATA *ppLogData)
- /*
- Effect: This routine copies the header from pPerfData
- to pLogData and initializes the byte length and the
- number of objects. It then copies the previously
- selected objects from pPerfData to pLogData. If
- pLogData must be enlarged to accomodate the new data,
- this routine will enlarge it.
- Returns: An updated pLogData, and TRUE if at least one object
- was copied.
- */
- {
- PLOGENTRY pLogEntry ;
- pObject ;
- DWORD TotalBytes ;
- DWORD NumObjects ;
- PBYTE pNextObject ;
- DWORD MaxLogDataSize ;
- PLOG pLog ;
- if (!*ppLogData || !pPerfData)
- return -1 ;
- memcpy (*ppLogData, pPerfData, pPerfData->HeaderLength) ;
- TotalBytes = pPerfData->HeaderLength ;
- MaxLogDataSize = MemorySize(*ppLogData) ;
- NumObjects = 0;
- pLog = LogData (hWndLog) ;
- for (pLogEntry = pLog->pLogEntryFirst ;
- pLogEntry ;
- pLogEntry = pLogEntry->pNextLogEntry)
- { // for
- if (strsamei(pLogEntry->szComputer, lpszComputer))
- {
- pObject = GetObjectDefByTitleIndex(pPerfData,
- pLogEntry->ObjectTitleIndex) ;
- if (pObject)
- {
- if (MaxLogDataSize < TotalBytes + pObject->TotalByteLength)
- {
- *ppLogData = MemoryResize(*ppLogData,
- TotalBytes + pObject->TotalByteLength) ;
- if (!*ppLogData)
- return -1 ;
- }
- pNextObject = (PBYTE) *ppLogData + TotalBytes ;
- memcpy (pNextObject, pObject, pObject->TotalByteLength);
- TotalBytes += pObject->TotalByteLength ;
- NumObjects++;
- }
- else
- {
- }
- }
- } // for
- if (!NumObjects)
- return 1 ;
- (*ppLogData)->TotalByteLength = TotalBytes ;
- (*ppLogData)->NumObjectTypes = NumObjects ;
- return 0 ;
- }
- void LogTimer (HWND hWnd, BOOL bForce)
- /*
- Effect: Perform all actions necessary when the log window
- receives a timer tic. In particular, if we are
- collecting data, get a new perf_data_block and add a
- header entry. If the header block is full, write the
- data to disk.
- Called By: LogDisplayDlgProc, in response to a WM_TIMER message.
- */
- { // OnTimer
- PLOG pLog ;
- BOOL bWriteIndex ;
- DWORD iNumSystems ;
- SYSTEMTIME SystemTime ;
- int iNoUseSystemDetected = 0 ;
- int NumberOfSystems = 0 ;
- DWORD WaitStatus ;
- BOOL bNeedToStoreName = FALSE ;
- HANDLE *lpPacketHandles ;
- pLog = LogData (hWnd) ;
- if (pLog->iStatus != iPMStatusCollecting)
- return ;
- if (bForce || !pLog->bManualRefresh)
- {
- if (pLog->NumberOfHandles == 0)
- {
- pLog->NumberOfHandles = MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS ;
- pLog->lpHandles = (HANDLE *) MemoryAllocate (pLog->NumberOfHandles * sizeof (HANDLE)) ;
- if (!pLog->lpHandles)
- {
- // out of memory, can't go on
- pLog->NumberOfHandles = 0 ;
- return ;
- }
- }
- iNumSystems = SystemCount(pLog->pSystemFirst) ;
- bWriteIndex = TRUE ;
- for (pSystem = pLog->pSystemFirst ;
- pSystem ;
- pSystem = pSystem->pSystemNext)
- { // for
- if (pSystem->hStateDataMutex == 0)
- continue ;
- // lock the state data mutex
- WaitStatus = WaitForSingleObject(pSystem->hStateDataMutex, 100L);
- if (WaitStatus == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
- {
- ResetEvent (pSystem->hPerfDataEvent) ;
- pSystem->StateData = WAIT_FOR_PERF_DATA ;
- if (NumberOfSystems >= pLog->NumberOfHandles)
- {
- pLog->NumberOfHandles += MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS ;
- pLog->lpHandles = (HANDLE *) MemoryResize (
- pLog->lpHandles,
- pLog->NumberOfHandles * sizeof (HANDLE)) ;
- if (!pLog->lpHandles)
- {
- // out of memory, can't go on
- pLog->NumberOfHandles = 0 ;
- return ;
- }
- }
- // add this to the wait
- pLog->lpHandles [NumberOfSystems] = pSystem->hPerfDataEvent ;
- NumberOfSystems++ ;
- }
- // Send Message to thread to take a data sample
- PostThreadMessage (
- pSystem->dwThreadID,
- (WPARAM)0,
- (LPARAM)0) ;
- ReleaseMutex(pSystem->hStateDataMutex);
- } // for each system
- // wait for all the data
- if (NumberOfSystems)
- {
- // increase timeout if we are monitoring lots of systems
- // For every additional 5 systems, add five more seconds
- lpPacketHandles = pLog->lpHandles ;
- do
- {
- WaitStatus = WaitForMultipleObjects (
- min (NumberOfSystems, MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS),
- lpPacketHandles,
- TRUE, // wait for all objects
- DataTimeOut + (NumberOfSystems / 5) * DEFAULT_DATA_TIMEOUT);
- if (WaitStatus == WAIT_TIMEOUT ||
- NumberOfSystems <= MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS)
- {
- //if (WaitStatus == WAIT_TIMEOUT)
- //mike2(TEXT("WaitTimeOut for %ld systemsn"), NumberOfSystems) ;
- break ;
- }
- // more systems --> more to wait
- NumberOfSystems -= MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS ;
- lpPacketHandles += MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS ;
- } while (TRUE) ;
- for (pSystem = pLog->pSystemFirst ;
- pSystem ;
- pSystem = pSystem->pSystemNext)
- { // for
- if (pSystem->hStateDataMutex == 0)
- continue ;
- // lock the state data mutex
- WaitStatus = WaitForSingleObject(pSystem->hStateDataMutex, 100L);
- if (WaitStatus == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
- {
- // check for system disconnect/reconnect
- if (pSystem->dwSystemState == SYSTEM_DOWN ||
- pSystem->dwSystemState == SYSTEM_RECONNECT)
- {
- BOOL bDisconnected ;
- GetLocalTime (&SystemTime) ;
- if (bDisconnected = (pSystem->dwSystemState == SYSTEM_DOWN))
- {
- pSystem->dwSystemState = SYSTEM_DOWN_RPT ;
- }
- else
- {
- pSystem->dwSystemState = SYSTEM_RECONNECT_RPT ;
- }
- if (!LogWriteSystemBookmark (
- hWnd,
- pSystem->sysName,
- bDisconnected,
- &SystemTime))
- {
- pSystem->StateData = IDLE_STATE ;
- ReleaseMutex(pSystem->hStateDataMutex);
- return ;
- }
- }
- if (pSystem->StateData == PERF_DATA_READY)
- {
- if (pSystem->bSystemCounterNameSaved == FALSE)
- {
- // we have not written the system name to log file. This
- // is the case when this system is down when we first
- // start logging data...
- bNeedToStoreName = TRUE ;
- }
- if (bWriteIndex)
- {
- GetLocalTime (&SystemTime) ;
- }
- if (SelectLogObjects(pSystem->sysName,
- pSystem->pSystemPerfData,
- &pLog->pLogData) == 0)
- {
- if ( !LogWritePerfData (hWnd, pLog, pLog->pLogData, &SystemTime,
- iNumSystems, bWriteIndex) )
- {
- CloseLogStopTimer(hWnd, pLog) ;
- pSystem->StateData = IDLE_STATE ;
- ReleaseMutex(pSystem->hStateDataMutex);
- return ;
- }
- // write an index for only the first system
- bWriteIndex = FALSE ;
- }
- else
- {
- if (!bAddLineInProgress)
- {
- pSystem->bSystemNoLongerNeeded = TRUE ;
- iNoUseSystemDetected ++ ;
- }
- }
- else if (!bAddLineInProgress &&
- CheckUnusedSystem (pSystem->sysName) == FALSE)
- {
- // we don't need this system any more
- pSystem->bSystemNoLongerNeeded = TRUE ;
- iNoUseSystemDetected ++ ;
- }
- pSystem->StateData = IDLE_STATE ;
- ReleaseMutex(pSystem->hStateDataMutex);
- } // wait for StateDataMutex
- } // For each system
- } // if NumberOfSystems
- if (!bWriteIndex)
- {
- UpdateLogSize (hWnd) ;
- }
- } // if
- if (iNoUseSystemDetected)
- {
- DeleteUnusedSystems (&(pLog->pSystemFirst), iNoUseSystemDetected) ;
- }
- if (bNeedToStoreName == TRUE)
- {
- LogWriteSystemCounterNames (hWnd, pLog) ;
- }
- } // LogTimer
- BOOL NextIntervalIndexPosition (PLOG pLog, PLOGPOSITION pLP, int *pNumTics)
- {
- SYSTEMTIME SystemTime1 ;
- SYSTEMTIME SystemTime2 ;
- PLOGINDEX pIndex ;
- DWORD TimeDiff ;
- LogPositionSystemTime (pLP, &SystemTime1) ;
- LP = *pLP ;
- while (NextReLogIndexPosition (&LP))
- { // while
- *pNumTics = *pNumTics - 1 ;
- pIndex = IndexFromPosition (&LP) ;
- if (pIndex && IsBookmarkIndex (pIndex))
- {
- *pLP = LP ;
- return TRUE ;
- }
- LogPositionSystemTime (&LP, &SystemTime2) ;
- TimeDiff = (DWORD) SystemTimeDifference (&SystemTime1, &SystemTime2) ;
- if (TimeDiff * 1000 >= pLog->iIntervalMSecs)
- { // if
- *pLP = LP ;
- return (TRUE) ;
- } // if
- } // while
- return (FALSE) ;
- } // NextIntervalIndexPosition
- BOOL ReLogTimer (HWND hWnd,
- PLOG pLog,
- BOOL *pWriteBookmark)
- { // ReLogTimer
- BOOL bWriteIndex ;
- DWORD iNumSystems ;
- SYSTEMTIME SystemTime ;
- PPERFDATA pPerfData ;
- bWriteIndex = TRUE ;
- // First count number of systems to be logged
- iNumSystems = 0;
- for (pSystem = pLog->pSystemFirst ;
- pSystem ;
- pSystem = pSystem->pSystemNext)
- { // for
- pPerfData = LogDataFromPosition (pSystem, &lp) ;
- if (pPerfData)
- {
- if (SelectLogObjects(pSystem->sysName,
- pPerfData,
- &pLog->pLogData) == 0)
- {
- iNumSystems++;
- }
- }
- } // for
- // Now we can log the data
- for (pSystem = pLog->pSystemFirst ;
- pSystem ;
- pSystem = pSystem->pSystemNext)
- { // for
- pPerfData = LogDataFromPosition (pSystem, &lp) ;
- if (pPerfData)
- {
- // write an index for only the first system
- LogPositionSystemTime (&lp, &SystemTime) ;
- if (SelectLogObjects(pSystem->sysName,
- pPerfData,
- &pLog->pLogData) == 0)
- {
- if (*pWriteBookmark)
- {
- // only need to write the start bookmark once.
- *pWriteBookmark = FALSE ;
- LogWriteStartBookmark (hWnd, &SystemTime) ;
- }
- if ( !LogWritePerfData (hWnd, pLog, pLog->pLogData, &SystemTime,
- iNumSystems, bWriteIndex) )
- {
- CloseLogStopTimer(hWnd, pLog) ;
- return FALSE ;
- }
- else
- {
- // write the index for only the first system logged
- bWriteIndex = FALSE ;
- }
- }
- }
- } // for
- return TRUE ;
- } // ReLogTimer
- void ReLog (HWND hWndLog, BOOL bSameFile)
- { // PlaybackLog
- PLOG pLog ;
- // SYSTEMTIME SystemTime ;
- PLOGINDEX pIndex ;
- PBOOKMARK pBookmark;
- int iDisplayTics ;
- // bWriteBookmark tell relogtimer to write start bookmark
- BOOL bWriteBookmark = TRUE ;
- pLog = LogData (hWndLog) ;
- if (StartLog (hWndLog, pLog, bSameFile) == FALSE)
- {
- return ;
- }
- lp = PlaybackLog.StartIndexPos ;
- iDisplayTics = PlaybackLog.iSelectedTics;
- while (iDisplayTics > 0)
- {
- pIndex = IndexFromPosition (&lp) ;
- if (pIndex)
- {
- if (IsBookmarkIndex (pIndex))
- {
- pBookmark = (PBOOKMARK) PlaybackSeek (pIndex->lDataOffset) ;
- if (!LogWriteBookmarkData (hWndLog, pBookmark))
- break;
- }
- else if (!ReLogTimer (hWndLog, pLog, lp, &bWriteBookmark))
- break ;
- }
- if (!NextIntervalIndexPosition (pLog, &lp, &iDisplayTics))
- break ;
- } // while
- UpdateLogSize (hWndLog) ;
- CloseLog (hWndLog, pLog) ;
- } // ReLog
- // SaveLog is diff than other because we are not saving a "Line"
- // We are actually saving an entry in the hWndLogEntries listbox.
- // It only contains the system & object name.
- BOOL SaveLog (HWND hWndLog, HANDLE hInputFile, BOOL bGetFileName)
- {
- int iIndex, iIndexNum ;
- PLOG pLog ;
- PLOGENTRY pLogEntry ;
- LOGENTRY tempLogEntry ;
- HANDLE hFile ;
- DISKLOG DiskLog ;
- TCHAR szFileName [256] ;
- BOOL newFileName = FALSE ;
- pLog = LogData (hWndLog) ;
- if (!pLog)
- {
- return (FALSE) ;
- }
- if (hInputFile)
- {
- // use the input file handle if it is available
- // this is the case for saving workspace data
- hFile = hInputFile ;
- }
- else
- {
- if (pLogFullFileName)
- {
- lstrcpy (szFileName, pLogFullFileName) ;
- }
- if (bGetFileName || pLogFullFileName == NULL)
- {
- // if (pLogFullFileName == NULL)
- // {
- // StringLoad (IDS_LOG_FNAME, szFileName) ;
- // }
- if (!FileGetName (hWndLog, IDS_LOGFILE, szFileName))
- {
- return (FALSE) ;
- }
- newFileName = TRUE ;
- }
- hFile = FileHandleCreate (szFileName) ;
- if (hFile && newFileName)
- {
- ChangeSaveFileName (szFileName, IDM_VIEWLOG) ;
- }
- else if (!hFile)
- {
- DlgErrorBox (hWndLog, ERR_CANT_OPEN, szFileName) ;
- }
- }
- if (!hFile)
- return (FALSE) ;
- iIndexNum = LBNumItems (hWndLogEntries) ;
- if (!hInputFile)
- {
- memset (&FileHeader, 0, sizeof (FileHeader)) ;
- lstrcpy (FileHeader.szSignature, szPerfLogSignature) ;
- FileHeader.dwMajorVersion = LogMajorVersion ;
- FileHeader.dwMinorVersion = LogMinorVersion ;
- if (!FileWrite (hFile, &FileHeader, sizeof (PERFFILEHEADER)))
- {
- goto Exit0 ;
- }
- }
- DiskLog.dwIntervalSecs = pLog->iIntervalMSecs ;
- DiskLog.dwNumLines = iIndexNum ;
- DiskLog.bManualRefresh = pLog->bManualRefresh ;
- DiskLog.perfmonOptions = Options ;
- lstrcpy(DiskLog.LogFileName, pLog->szFilePath) ;
- if (!FileWrite (hFile, &DiskLog, sizeof (DISKLOG)))
- {
- goto Exit0 ;
- }
- for (iIndex = 0 ;
- iIndex < iIndexNum ;
- iIndex++)
- { // for
- pLogEntry = LogEntryN (hWndLogEntries, iIndex) ;
- if (pstrsamei (pLogEntry->szComputer, LocalComputerName))
- {
- tempLogEntry = *pLogEntry ;
- lstrcpy (tempLogEntry.szComputer, LOCAL_SYS_CODE_NAME) ;
- if (!FileWrite (hFile,
- &tempLogEntry,
- sizeof(LOGENTRY)-sizeof(pLogEntry->pNextLogEntry)))
- {
- goto Exit0 ;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (!FileWrite (hFile,
- pLogEntry,
- sizeof(LOGENTRY)-sizeof(pLogEntry->pNextLogEntry)))
- {
- goto Exit0 ;
- }
- }
- } // for
- if (!hInputFile)
- {
- CloseHandle (hFile) ;
- }
- return (TRUE) ;
- Exit0:
- if (!hInputFile)
- {
- CloseHandle (hFile) ;
- // only need to report error if not workspace
- DlgErrorBox (hWndLog, ERR_SETTING_FILE, szFileName) ;
- }
- return (FALSE) ;
- }
- BOOL OpenLogVer1 (HWND hWndLog, HANDLE hFile, DISKLOG *pDiskLog, PLOG
- pLog, DWORD dwMinorVersion)
- {
- int iIndex, iIndexNum ;
- PLOGENTRY pLogEntry ;
- LOGENTRY LogEntry ;
- pLog->iIntervalMSecs = pDiskLog->dwIntervalSecs ;
- if (dwMinorVersion < 3)
- {
- pLog->iIntervalMSecs *= 1000 ;
- }
- pLog->lFileSize = 0L ;
- if (dwMinorVersion >= 5)
- {
- lstrcpy (pLog->szFilePath, pDiskLog->LogFileName) ;
- }
- else
- {
- strclr (pLog->szFilePath) ;
- // fixed the file pointer for backward compatible with older version.
- // FileSeekCurrent (hFile, -((int) (sizeof (pDiskLog->LogFileName)))) ;
- }
- pLog->bManualRefresh = pDiskLog->bManualRefresh ;
- iIndexNum = pDiskLog->dwNumLines ;
- LBSetRedraw (hWndLogEntries, FALSE) ;
- bDelayAddAction = TRUE ;
- for (iIndex = 0 ; iIndex < iIndexNum ; iIndex++)
- {
- if (!FileRead (hFile,
- &LogEntry,
- sizeof(LOGENTRY)-sizeof(LogEntry.pNextLogEntry)))
- {
- break ;
- }
- if (pstrsame (LogEntry.szComputer, LOCAL_SYS_CODE_NAME))
- {
- // convert it back to the local name
- lstrcpy (LogEntry.szComputer, LocalComputerName) ;
- }
- LogAddEntry (hWndLog,
- LogEntry.szComputer,
- LogEntry.szObject,
- LogEntry.ObjectTitleIndex,
- TRUE) ;
- }
- bDelayAddAction = FALSE ;
- LBSetSelection (hWndLogEntries, 0) ;
- LBSetVisible (hWndLogEntries, 0) ;
- LogEntriesChanged (hWndLogEntries) ;
- LBSetRedraw (hWndLogEntries, TRUE) ;
- for (pSystem = pLog->pSystemFirst ;
- pSystem ;
- pSystem = pSystem->pSystemNext)
- {
- if (pSystem)
- {
- RemoveObjectsFromSystem (pSystem);
- }
- }
- for (iIndex = 0 ;
- iIndex < iIndexNum ;
- iIndex++)
- { // for all items in the list
- pLogEntry = LogEntryN (hWndLogEntries, iIndex) ;
- pSystem = SystemGet (pLog->pSystemFirst, pLogEntry->szComputer);
- if (pSystem)
- {
- AppendObjectToValueList (
- pLogEntry->ObjectTitleIndex,
- pSystem->lpszValue);
- }
- } // for
- if (!strempty(pLog->szFilePath))
- {
- if (pLog->pLogEntryFirst &&
- pLog->pSystemFirst)
- {
- // PostMessage so it will start logging
- PostMessage (
- hWndLog,
- 0,
- 0) ;
- }
- else
- {
- HANDLE hLogFile ;
- // get the file size.
- hLogFile = FileHandleOpen (pLog->szFilePath) ;
- if (hLogFile && hLogFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
- {
- pLog->lFileSize = GetFileSize (hLogFile, NULL);
- CloseHandle (hLogFile) ;
- }
- }
- }
- return (TRUE) ;
- }
- BOOL OpenLog (HWND hWndLog,
- HANDLE hFile,
- DWORD dwMajorVersion,
- DWORD dwMinorVersion,
- BOOL bLogFile)
- {
- PLOG pLog ;
- DISKLOG DiskLog ;
- BOOL bSuccess = TRUE ;
- pLog = LogData (hWndLog) ;
- if (!pLog)
- {
- bSuccess = FALSE ;
- goto Exit0 ;
- }
- if (!FileRead (hFile, &DiskLog, sizeof (DISKLOG) - sizeof(DiskLog.LogFileName)))
- {
- bSuccess = FALSE ;
- goto Exit0 ;
- }
- if (dwMajorVersion == 1 && dwMinorVersion >= 5 ||
- dwMajorVersion > 1)
- {
- // read LogFileName
- if (!FileRead (hFile, DiskLog.LogFileName, sizeof (DiskLog.LogFileName)))
- {
- bSuccess = FALSE ;
- goto Exit0 ;
- }
- }
- switch (dwMajorVersion)
- {
- case (1):
- SetHourglassCursor() ;
- ResetLogView (hWndLog) ;
- OpenLogVer1 (hWndLog, hFile, &DiskLog, pLog, dwMinorVersion) ;
- // change to log view if we are opening a
- // log file
- if (bLogFile && iPerfmonView != IDM_VIEWLOG)
- {
- SendMessage (hWndMain, WM_COMMAND, (LONG)IDM_VIEWLOG, 0L) ;
- }
- if (iPerfmonView == IDM_VIEWLOG)
- {
- SetPerfmonOptions (&DiskLog.perfmonOptions) ;
- }
- UpdateLogDisplay (hWndLog) ;
- SetArrowCursor() ;
- break ;
- }
- Exit0:
- if (bLogFile)
- {
- CloseHandle (hFile) ;
- }
- return (bSuccess) ;
- } // OpenLog
- BOOL LogCollecting (HWND hWndLog)
- /*
- Effect: Return whether the log associated with hWndLog is currently
- collecting data (writing performance values to disk).
- */
- { // LogCollecting
- PLOG pLog ;
- pLog = LogData (hWndLog) ;
- return (pLog->iStatus == iPMStatusCollecting) ;
- } // LogCollecting
- int LogFileSize (HWND hWndLog)
- {
- PLOG pLog ;
- pLog = LogData (hWndLog) ;
- return (pLog->lFileSize) ;
- }
- BOOL LogWriteSystemBookmark (
- HWND hWnd,
- LPTSTR lpSystemName,
- BOOL bDisconnected,
- SYSTEMTIME *pSystemTime)
- {
- BOOKMARK Bookmark ;
- TCHAR NewSystemBookmark [MiscTextLen * 2] ;
- memset (&Bookmark, 0, sizeof (BOOKMARK)) ;
- NewSystemBookmark [0] = TEXT(' ') ;
- StringLoad (
- bDisconnected ?
- NewSystemBookmark) ;
- lstrcat (NewSystemBookmark, TEXT(" - ")) ;
- lstrcat (NewSystemBookmark, lpSystemName) ;
- Bookmark.SystemTime = *pSystemTime ;
- lstrcpy (Bookmark.szComment, NewSystemBookmark) ;
- return (LogWriteBookmarkData (hWndLog, &Bookmark)) ;
- }
- BOOL LogWriteStartBookmark (HWND hWnd, SYSTEMTIME *pSystemTime)
- {
- BOOKMARK Bookmark ;
- TCHAR NewDataBookmark [MiscTextLen] ;
- memset (&Bookmark, 0, sizeof (BOOKMARK)) ;
- NewDataBookmark [0] = TEXT(' ') ;
- StringLoad (IDS_NEWDATA_BOOKMARK, NewDataBookmark) ;
- Bookmark.SystemTime = *pSystemTime ;
- lstrcpy (Bookmark.szComment, NewDataBookmark) ;
- return (LogWriteBookmarkData (hWndLog, &Bookmark)) ;
- }
- BOOL LogWriteBookmarkData (HWND hWnd, PBOOKMARK pBookmark)
- {
- PLOG pLog ;
- LONG lDataOffset ;
- BOOL WriteOK ;
- pLog = LogData (hWndLog) ;
- if (!pLog)
- return (FALSE) ;
- lDataOffset = FileTell (pLog->hFile) ;
- WriteOK = FileWrite (pLog->hFile, pBookmark, sizeof (BOOKMARK)) ;
- if ( WriteOK )
- {
- pLog->lFileSize += sizeof (BOOKMARK) ;
- UpdateLogSize (hWndLog) ;
- WriteOK = LogWriteIndex (pLog, LogFileIndexBookmark,
- &(pBookmark->SystemTime),
- lDataOffset,
- 0) ;
- }
- if ( !WriteOK )
- {
- CloseLog (hWndLog, pLog) ;
- PrepareMenu (GetMenu (hWndMain)) ;
- UpdateLogDisplay (hWndLog) ;
- DlgErrorBox (hWndLog, ERR_LOG_FILE, pLog->szFilePath);
- }
- return WriteOK ;
- }
- BOOL LogWriteBookmark (HWND hWndLog,
- LPCTSTR lpszComment)
- { // LogWriteBookmark
- BOOKMARK Bookmark ;
- memset (&Bookmark, 0, sizeof (BOOKMARK)) ;
- GetLocalTime (&Bookmark.SystemTime) ;
- lstrcpy (Bookmark.szComment, lpszComment) ;
- return (LogWriteBookmarkData (hWndLog, &Bookmark)) ;
- } // LogWriteBookmark
- BOOL AnyLogLine (void)
- { // CurrentLogLine
- int iIndex ;
- iIndex = LBSelection (hWndLogEntries) ;
- if (iIndex == LB_ERR)
- {
- return (FALSE) ;
- }
- else
- {
- return (TRUE) ;
- }
- }
- void ResetLogView (HWND hWndLog)
- {
- PLOG pLog ;
- pLog = LogData (hWndLog) ;
- ChangeSaveFileName (NULL, IDM_VIEWLOG) ;
- if (pLog && pLog->pSystemFirst)
- {
- ResetLog (hWndLog) ;
- }
- } // ResetLogView
- BOOL ResetLog (HWND hWndLog)
- {
- int iIndex ;
- PLOG pLog ;
- int iEntriesNum ;
- pLog = LogData (hWndLog) ;
- if (LogCollecting (hWndLog))
- {
- CloseLog (hWndLog, pLog) ;
- }
- LBSetRedraw (hWndLogEntries, FALSE) ;
- iEntriesNum = LBNumItems (hWndLogEntries) ;
- // only need to zero out the list head
- // each item will be deleted by LogDeleteIndex via the listbox
- pLog->pLogEntryFirst = NULL ;
- // delete each line
- for (iIndex = iEntriesNum - 1 ;
- iIndex >= 0 ;
- iIndex-- )
- {
- LogDeleteIndex (hWndLogEntries, iIndex) ;
- }
- LBSetRedraw (hWndLogEntries, TRUE) ;
- if (pLog->pSystemFirst)
- {
- FreeSystems (pLog->pSystemFirst) ;
- pLog->pSystemFirst = NULL ;
- }
- MemoryFree (pLog->pLogData) ;
- pLog->pLogData = (PPERFDATA) MemoryAllocate (STARTING_SYSINFO_SIZE) ;
- LogEntriesChanged (hWndLogEntries) ;
- pLog->iStatus = iPMStatusClosed ;
- UpdateLogDisplay (hWndLog) ;
- return (TRUE) ;
- }
- BOOL LogDeleteEntry (HWND hWndLog)
- {
- int iIndex ;
- PLOG pLog ;
- BOOL retCode ;
- int iEntriesNum ;
- pLog = LogData (hWndLog) ;
- iIndex = LBSelection (hWndLogEntries) ;
- if (iIndex == LB_ERR)
- {
- retCode = FALSE ;
- }
- else
- {
- // remove the current selection
- LogDeleteIndex (hWndLogEntries, iIndex) ;
- iEntriesNum = LBNumItems (hWndLogEntries) ;
- if (iEntriesNum == 0 || iEntriesNum == LB_ERR)
- {
- // delete the last line or something bad happened,
- // then reset the window.
- ResetLog (hWndLog) ;
- }
- else
- {
- // set selection on the item above the deleted item.
- iIndex-- ;
- if (iIndex < 0)
- {
- iIndex = 0 ;
- }
- LBSetSelection (hWndLogEntries, iIndex) ;
- LBSetVisible (hWndLogEntries, iIndex) ;
- }
- LogEntriesChanged (hWndLogEntries) ;
- retCode = TRUE ;
- }
- return (retCode) ;
- }
- void ExportLog (void)
- {
- HANDLE hFile ;
- PLOG pLog ;
- PLOGENTRY pLogEntry ;
- int iIndex ;
- int iIndexNum ;
- CHAR TempBuff [LongTextLen * 2] ;
- TCHAR UnicodeBuff [LongTextLen] ;
- TCHAR UnicodeBuff1 [MiscTextLen] ;
- int StringLen ;
- LPTSTR pFileName = NULL ;
- INT ErrCode = 0 ;
- if (!(pLog = LogData (hWndLog)))
- {
- return ;
- }
- // see if there is anything to export..
- iIndexNum = LBNumItems (hWndLogEntries) ;
- if (iIndexNum == 0 || iIndexNum == LB_ERR)
- {
- return ;
- }
- if (!FileGetName (hWndLog, IDS_EXPORTFILE, UnicodeBuff))
- {
- // user cancel
- return ;
- }
- pFileName = StringAllocate (UnicodeBuff) ;
- // open the file..
- if (!(hFile = FileHandleCreate (UnicodeBuff)))
- {
- // can't open the file
- ErrCode = ERR_CANT_OPEN ;
- return ;
- }
- SetHourglassCursor() ;
- // get header
- StringLoad (IDS_REPORT_HEADER, UnicodeBuff) ;
- ConvertUnicodeStr (TempBuff, UnicodeBuff) ;
- StringLen = strlen (TempBuff) ;
- ConvertUnicodeStr (&TempBuff[StringLen], LocalComputerName) ;
- strcat (TempBuff, LineEndStr) ;
- if (!FileWrite (hFile, TempBuff, strlen(TempBuff)))
- {
- goto Exit0 ;
- }
- if (!(strempty(pLog->szFilePath)))
- {
- // export filename is there is one
- StringLoad (IDS_REPORT_LOGFILE, UnicodeBuff) ;
- ConvertUnicodeStr (TempBuff, UnicodeBuff) ;
- StringLen = strlen (TempBuff) ;
- ConvertUnicodeStr (&TempBuff[StringLen], pLog->szFilePath) ;
- strcat (TempBuff, LineEndStr) ;
- if (!FileWrite (hFile, TempBuff, strlen(TempBuff)))
- {
- goto Exit0 ;
- }
- }
- // export interval
- StringLoad (IDS_CHARTINT_FORMAT, UnicodeBuff1) ;
- TSPRINTF (UnicodeBuff, UnicodeBuff1,
- (FLOAT) pLog->iIntervalMSecs / (FLOAT) 1000.0) ;
- ConvertDecimalPoint (UnicodeBuff) ;
- ConvertUnicodeStr (TempBuff, UnicodeBuff) ;
- strcat (TempBuff, LineEndStr) ;
- strcat (TempBuff, LineEndStr) ;
- if (!FileWrite (hFile, TempBuff, strlen(TempBuff)))
- {
- goto Exit0 ;
- }
- // export Labels
- StringLoad (IDS_LABELOBJECT, UnicodeBuff) ;
- ConvertUnicodeStr (TempBuff, UnicodeBuff) ;
- strcat (TempBuff, pDelimiter) ;
- if (!FileWrite (hFile, TempBuff, strlen(TempBuff)))
- {
- goto Exit0 ;
- }
- StringLoad (IDS_LABELSYSTEM, UnicodeBuff) ;
- ConvertUnicodeStr (TempBuff, UnicodeBuff) ;
- strcat (TempBuff, LineEndStr) ;
- if (!FileWrite (hFile, TempBuff, strlen(TempBuff)))
- {
- goto Exit0 ;
- }
- // export each counter
- for (iIndex = 0 ; iIndex < iIndexNum ; iIndex++)
- { // for
- pLogEntry = LogEntryN (hWndLogEntries, iIndex) ;
- if (!pLogEntry || pLogEntry == (PLOGENTRY)LB_ERR)
- {
- continue ;
- }
- ConvertUnicodeStr (TempBuff, pLogEntry->szObject) ;
- strcat (TempBuff, pDelimiter) ;
- if (!FileWrite (hFile, TempBuff, strlen(TempBuff)))
- {
- break ;
- }
- ConvertUnicodeStr (TempBuff, pLogEntry->szComputer) ;
- strcat (TempBuff, LineEndStr) ;
- if (!FileWrite (hFile, TempBuff, strlen(TempBuff)))
- {
- break ;
- }
- }
- Exit0:
- SetArrowCursor() ;
- CloseHandle (hFile) ;
- if (pFileName)
- {
- if (ErrCode)
- {
- DlgErrorBox (hWndGraph, ErrCode, pFileName) ;
- }
- MemoryFree (pFileName) ;
- }
- } // ExportLog
- LPTSTR MatchSystemCounters (LPTSTR pBaseSysCounter,
- long lBaseSysSize,
- LPTSTR pSysCounter,
- long lSysSize,
- long *pMatchPortion)
- {
- LPTSTR pNotMatch = NULL ;
- long i, lSizeToCompare ;
- *pMatchPortion = 0 ;
- lSizeToCompare = min (lBaseSysSize, lSysSize) / sizeof (TCHAR) ;
- for (i = 0 ; i < lSizeToCompare ; i++, pBaseSysCounter++, pSysCounter++)
- {
- if (*pBaseSysCounter != *pSysCounter)
- {
- pNotMatch = pSysCounter ;
- break ;
- }
- }
- if (pNotMatch == NULL)
- {
- if (lBaseSysSize < lSysSize)
- {
- // the new system has longer counter names than base system
- // setup the extra portion.
- pNotMatch = pSysCounter ;
- }
- else
- {
- // new system counter name is shorter than or equal to
- // the base system counter names
- *pMatchPortion = lSysSize ;
- }
- }
- return (pNotMatch) ;
- }
- void LogWriteSystemCounterNames (HWND hWnd, PLOG pLog)
- {
- long dwArraySize ;
- PPERFSYSTEM pSystem = pLog->pSystemFirst ;
- LPTSTR pMatchLen ;
- LPTSTR pCounterName ;
- long lMatchLen, lMatchPortion ;
- for (pSystem = pLog->pSystemFirst ;
- pSystem ;
- pSystem = pSystem->pSystemNext)
- {
- if (pSystem->bSystemCounterNameSaved == TRUE ||
- pSystem->CounterInfo.dwLastId == 0)
- {
- // we have either wrote out the counter name for
- // this system, or this system is not connect when
- // reading in the setting file, skip it then.
- continue ;
- }
- dwArraySize = (pSystem->CounterInfo.dwLastId + 1 ) ;
- if (!pLog->lBaseCounterNameOffset)
- {
- LogWriteCounterName (hWnd, pSystem, pLog,
- (LPTSTR)(pSystem->CounterInfo.TextString + dwArraySize),
- 0,
- pSystem->CounterInfo.dwCounterSize,
- 0 ) ;
- }
- else
- {
- // check for matched characters between this system and the
- // base system
- pCounterName = (LPTSTR)(pSystem->CounterInfo.TextString + dwArraySize) ;
- pMatchLen = MatchSystemCounters (pLog->pBaseCounterName,
- pLog->lBaseCounterNameSize,
- pCounterName,
- pSystem->CounterInfo.dwCounterSize,
- &lMatchPortion) ;
- if (pMatchLen)
- {
- // This system matches part of the base system
- // (all if it has more names)
- lMatchLen = (long) (pMatchLen - pCounterName) * sizeof (TCHAR) ;
- LogWriteCounterName (hWnd, pSystem, pLog,
- pMatchLen,
- lMatchLen,
- pSystem->CounterInfo.dwCounterSize - lMatchLen,
- 0 ) ;
- }
- else
- {
- // This system matches the based system
- LogWriteCounterName (hWnd, pSystem, pLog,
- lMatchPortion,
- 0,
- 0 ) ;
- }
- }
- }
- } // LogWriteSystemCounterNames
- BOOL LogWriteCounterName (HWND hWnd,
- PLOG pLog,
- LPTSTR pCounterName,
- long sizeMatched,
- long sizeOfData,
- BOOL bBaseCounterName)
- {
- BOOL ReadOK ;
- BOOL WriteOK ;
- SYSTEMTIME SystemTime ;
- LOGHEADER LogFileHeader ;
- long lDataOffset, lCurPosition ;
- TCHAR Dummy [sizeof(DWORD)] ;
- int PatchBytes ;
- if (pSystem->bSystemCounterNameSaved == TRUE)
- return FALSE ;
- GetLocalTime (&SystemTime) ;
- lCurPosition = FileTell (pLog->hFile) ;
- lstrcpy (CounterNameRecord.szComputer, pSystem->sysName) ;
- CounterNameRecord.lBaseCounterNameOffset = pLog->lBaseCounterNameOffset ;
- CounterNameRecord.lCurrentCounterNameOffset =
- lCurPosition + sizeof (LOGFILECOUNTERNAME) ;
- CounterNameRecord.lMatchLength = sizeMatched ;
- CounterNameRecord.lUnmatchCounterNames = sizeOfData ;
- CounterNameRecord.dwLastCounterId = pSystem->CounterInfo.dwLastId ;
- CounterNameRecord.dwLangId = pSystem->CounterInfo.dwLangId ;
- WriteOK = FileWrite (pLog->hFile, &CounterNameRecord,
- sizeof (CounterNameRecord)) ;
- if (WriteOK)
- {
- pLog->lFileSize += sizeof (LOGFILECOUNTERNAME) ;
- if (sizeOfData)
- {
- WriteOK = FileWrite (pLog->hFile, pCounterName, sizeOfData) ;
- if (WriteOK && (PatchBytes = sizeOfData % sizeof(DWORD)) > 0)
- {
- // ensure the file is in DWORD boundary.
- WriteOK = FileWrite (pLog->hFile, Dummy, PatchBytes) ;
- }
- if (WriteOK)
- {
- pLog->lFileSize += sizeOfData + PatchBytes ;
- if (!pLog->lBaseCounterNameOffset)
- {
- // this is the first counter name data block
- // then update the log file header
- lDataOffset = FileTell (pLog->hFile) ;
- FileSeekBegin (pLog->hFile, 0L) ;
- ReadOK = FileRead (pLog->hFile,
- &LogFileHeader,
- sizeof (LogFileHeader)) ;
- if (ReadOK)
- {
- LogFileHeader.lBaseCounterNameOffset = lCurPosition ;
- FileSeekBegin (pLog->hFile, 0L) ;
- WriteOK = FileWrite (pLog->hFile,
- &LogFileHeader,
- sizeof (LogFileHeader)) ;
- }
- else
- {
- // flag an error
- WriteOK = FALSE ;
- }
- // retore back to current file position
- FileSeekBegin (pLog->hFile, lDataOffset) ;
- if (ReadOK && WriteOK)
- {
- // allocate memory to save the base system counter names
- if (pLog->pBaseCounterName)
- {
- MemoryFree (pLog->pBaseCounterName) ;
- }
- if (pLog->pBaseCounterName = MemoryAllocate (sizeOfData))
- {
- memcpy (pLog->pBaseCounterName,
- pCounterName,
- sizeOfData) ;
- pLog->lBaseCounterNameOffset = lCurPosition ;
- pLog->lBaseCounterNameSize = sizeOfData ;
- }
- }
- } // if (!pLog->lBaseCounterNameOffset)
- }
- } // if (sizeOfData)
- }
- if ( WriteOK )
- {
- WriteOK = LogWriteIndex (pLog, LogFileIndexCounterName,
- &SystemTime,
- lCurPosition,
- 0) ;
- }
- if ( !WriteOK )
- {
- CloseLog (hWndLog, pLog) ;
- PrepareMenu (GetMenu (hWndMain)) ;
- UpdateLogDisplay (hWndLog) ;
- DlgErrorBox (hWndLog, ERR_LOG_FILE, pLog->szFilePath);
- }
- else
- {
- UpdateLogSize (hWnd) ;
- pSystem->bSystemCounterNameSaved = TRUE ;
- }
- return (TRUE) ;
- }