资源名称 [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * Graph.c - This module handles the graphing window.
- *
- * Microsoft Confidential
- * Copyright (c) 1992-1997 Microsoft Corporation
- *
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
- /*
- File Contents:
- This file contains the code for creating and manipulating the graph
- window. This window is a child of hWndMain and represents one of the
- three "views" of the program. The other views are log and alert.
- The graph window is actually just a container window, whose surface
- is completely filled by its children: hWndGraphDisplay, ,
- hWndGraphLegend, and hWndGraphStatus. Therefore much of this file is
- merely calls to the appropriate functions for these children.
- The graph window is responsible for the graph structure itself,
- however. Conceptually this should be instance data for the graph
- window. Right now, however, there is only one window and only one
- graph structure. Nevertheless, we go through the GraphData(hWnd)
- function to get a pointer to the graph structure for the graph window.
- */
- //==========================================================================//
- // Includes //
- //==========================================================================//
- #include "perfmon.h"
- #include "graph.h"
- #include "grafdisp.h"
- #include "legend.h"
- #include "valuebar.h"
- #include "utils.h" // for WindowShow
- //==========================================================================//
- // Constants //
- //==========================================================================//
- //=============================//
- // Graph Class //
- //=============================//
- TCHAR szGraphWindowClass[] = TEXT("PerfGraph") ;
- #define dwGraphClassStyle (CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW | CS_DBLCLKS)
- #define iGraphClassExtra (0)
- #define iGraphWindowExtra (0)
- #define dwGraphWindowStyle (WS_CHILD)
- //==========================================================================//
- // Local Functions //
- //==========================================================================//
- void static OnCreate (HWND hWnd)
- { // OnCreate
- hWndGraphDisplay = CreateGraphDisplayWindow (hWnd) ;
- hWndGraphLegend = CreateGraphLegendWindow (hWnd) ;
- hWndGraphStatus = CreateGraphStatusWindow (hWnd) ;
- } // OnCreate
- void static OnPaint (HWND hWnd)
- {
- HDC hDC ;
- hDC = BeginPaint (hWnd, &ps) ;
- EndPaint (hWnd, &ps) ;
- }
- void static OnSize (HWND hWnd, int xWidth, int yHeight)
- { // OnSize
- SizeGraphComponents (hWnd) ;
- } // OnSize
- //==========================================================================//
- // Message Handlers //
- //==========================================================================//
- WORD wMsg,
- DWORD wParam,
- LONG lParam)
- { // GraphWndProc
- BOOL bCallDefProc ;
- LRESULT lReturnValue ;
- bCallDefProc = FALSE ;
- lReturnValue = 0L ;
- switch (wMsg)
- { // switch
- case WM_CREATE:
- OnCreate (hWnd) ;
- break ;
- SendMessage (hWndMain, WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK, wParam, lParam) ;
- break ;
- case WM_PAINT:
- OnPaint (hWnd) ;
- break ;
- case WM_SIZE:
- OnSize (hWnd, LOWORD (lParam), HIWORD (lParam)) ;
- break ;
- default:
- bCallDefProc = TRUE ;
- } // switch
- if (bCallDefProc)
- lReturnValue = DefWindowProc (hWnd, wMsg, wParam, lParam) ;
- return (lReturnValue);
- } // GraphWndProc
- BOOL GraphInitializeApplication (void)
- /*
- Note: There is no background brush set for the MainWindow
- class so that the main window is never erased. The
- client area of MainWindow is always covered by one
- of the view windows. If we erase it, it would just
- flicker needlessly.
- */
- { // GraphInitializeApplication
- BOOL bSuccess ;
- //=============================//
- // Register GraphWindow class //
- //=============================//
- = dwGraphClassStyle ;
- wc.lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC) GraphWndProc ;
- wc.hInstance = hInstance ;
- wc.cbClsExtra = iGraphWindowExtra ;
- wc.cbWndExtra = iGraphClassExtra ;
- wc.hIcon = NULL ;
- wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW) ;
- wc.hbrBackground = NULL ; // see note above
- wc.lpszMenuName = NULL ;
- wc.lpszClassName = szGraphWindowClass ;
- bSuccess = RegisterClass (&wc) ;
- //=============================//
- // Register Child classes //
- //=============================//
- if (bSuccess)
- bSuccess = GraphDisplayInitializeApplication () ;
- if (bSuccess)
- bSuccess = GraphLegendInitializeApplication () ;
- if (bSuccess)
- bSuccess = GraphStatusInitializeApplication () ;
- return (bSuccess) ;
- } // GraphInitializeApplication
- HWND CreateGraphWindow (HWND hWndParent)
- /*
- Effect: Create the graph window. This window is a child of
- hWndMain and is a container for the graph data,
- graph label, graph legend, and graph status windows.
- Note: We dont worry about the size here, as this window
- will be resized whenever the main window is resized.
- */
- {
- return (CreateWindow (szGraphWindowClass, // window class
- NULL, // caption
- dwGraphWindowStyle, // style for window
- 0, 0, // initial position
- 0, 0, // initial size
- hWndParent, // parent
- NULL, // menu
- hInstance, // program instance
- NULL)) ; // user-supplied data
- }
- void SizeGraphComponents (HWND hWnd)
- /*
- Effect: Move and show the various components of the graph to
- fill the size (xWidth x yHeight). Take into account
- whether the user wants to show the legend or status
- bars. Also take into account if we have room for these
- items.
- Internals: If the user doesn't want the status or legend windows,
- they aren't shown. Also, if the user wanted the status
- window but not the legend window, the status window is
- not shown.
- We may disregard the user's desire for the legend or
- status bar if there is not room. In particular, a legend
- window has a minimum width (LegendMinWidth ()) and a
- minimum height (LegendMinHeight ()). These values are
- fixed for a given session of perfmon. It also has a
- preferred height, which takes into consideration the
- size of the graph window and the number of items in
- the legend. This value is returned by LegendHeight().
- We don't show the legend if its minimum height would
- take up more than half the graph height.
- If we feel we don't have room for the legend, we don't
- show the status window either.
- See Also: LegendMinWidth, LegendMinHeight, LegendHeight,
- ValuebarHeight.
- Called By: OnSize, any other function that may remove or add one
- of the graph components.
- */
- { // SizeGraphComponents
- RECT rectClient ;
- BOOL bShowLegend ;
- BOOL bShowStatus ;
- int yStatusHeight ;
- int yLegendHeight ;
- int xWidth ;
- int yHeight ;
- GetClientRect (hWnd, &rectClient) ;
- xWidth = rectClient.right - rectClient.left ;
- yHeight = rectClient.bottom - ;
- // if the graph window has no size, neither will its children.
- if (!xWidth || !yHeight)
- return ;
- //=============================//
- // Show the Legend Window? //
- //=============================//
- if (!pGraphs->gOptions.bLegendChecked)
- bShowLegend = FALSE ;
- else if (xWidth < LegendMinWidth (hWndGraphLegend))
- bShowLegend = FALSE ;
- else if (yHeight < 5 * LegendMinHeight (hWndGraphLegend))
- bShowLegend = FALSE ;
- else
- bShowLegend = TRUE ;
- //=============================//
- // Show the Status Window? //
- //=============================//
- if (!pGraphs->gOptions.bStatusBarChecked)
- bShowStatus = FALSE ;
- else if (!bShowLegend)
- bShowStatus = FALSE ;
- else
- bShowStatus = TRUE ;
- yStatusHeight = bShowStatus ?
- ValuebarHeight (hWndGraphStatus) : 0 ;
- yLegendHeight = bShowLegend ?
- LegendHeight (hWndGraphLegend, yHeight) : 0 ;
- //=============================//
- // Update the status window //
- //=============================//
- if (bShowStatus)
- MoveWindow (hWndGraphStatus,
- 0, yHeight - yStatusHeight - yLegendHeight,
- xWidth, yStatusHeight,
- TRUE) ;
- WindowShow (hWndGraphStatus, bShowStatus) ;
- //=============================//
- // Update the legend window //
- //=============================//
- if (bShowLegend)
- MoveWindow (hWndGraphLegend,
- 0, yHeight - yLegendHeight,
- xWidth, yLegendHeight,
- TRUE) ;
- WindowShow (hWndGraphLegend, bShowLegend) ;
- //=============================//
- // Update the display window //
- //=============================//
- MoveWindow (hWndGraphDisplay,
- 0, 0,
- xWidth, yHeight - yStatusHeight - yLegendHeight,
- TRUE) ;
- SizeGraphDisplayComponents (hWndGraphDisplay) ;
- WindowInvalidate (hWndGraphDisplay) ;
- WindowShow (hWndGraphDisplay, TRUE) ;
- } // SizeGraphComponents