资源名称:MSDN_VC98.zip [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * RptFct.c - This file contains support routines for the Report view.
- * They are moved here because Report.c is getting too big.
- *
- * Microsoft Confidential
- * Copyright (c) 1992-1997 Microsoft Corporation
- *
- * Author -
- *
- * Hon-Wah Chan
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
- #include "perfmon.h"
- #include <stdio.h> // for sprintf
- #include "report.h" // Exported declarations for this file
- #include "line.h" // for LineAppend
- #include "pmemory.h" // for MemoryXXX (mallloc-type) routines
- #include "system.h" // for SystemGet
- #include "utils.h"
- #include "perfmops.h" // for BuildValueListForSystems
- // extern defined in Report.c
- extern TCHAR szSystemFormat [] ;
- extern TCHAR szObjectFormat [] ;
- #define szValuePlaceholder TEXT("-999999999.999")
- #define szLargeValueFormat TEXT("%12.0f")
- #define eStatusLargeValueMax ((FLOAT) 999999999.0)
- #define szValueFormat TEXT("%12.3f")
- //========================
- // Local routines prototypes
- //========================
- void ColumnRemoveOne (PREPORT pReport,
- POBJECTGROUP pObjectGroup,
- int iColumnNumber) ;
- BOOL CounterGroupRemove (PCOUNTERGROUP *ppCounterGroupFirst,
- PCOUNTERGROUP pCounterGroupRemove) ;
- BOOL ObjectGroupRemove (POBJECTGROUP *ppObjectGroupFirst,
- POBJECTGROUP pObjectGroupRemove) ;
- BOOL SystemGroupRemove (PSYSTEMGROUP *ppSystemGroupFirst,
- PSYSTEMGROUP pSystemGroupRemove) ;
- POBJECTGROUP pObjectGroup,
- PCOUNTERGROUP pCounterGroup) ;
- // CheckColumnGroupRemove is used to check if the given
- // column is empty. If it is empty, it is removed from
- // the column link list
- void CheckColumnGroupRemove (PREPORT pReport,
- POBJECTGROUP pObjectGroup,
- int iReportColumn)
- {
- // check if we need to remove the this column
- PLINE pCounterLine ;
- BOOL bColumnFound = FALSE ;
- if (iReportColumn < 0 || pObjectGroup->pCounterGroupFirst == NULL)
- {
- // no column for this Counter group, forget it
- return ;
- }
- // go thru each Counter group and check if any line in the
- // group matches the given column number
- for (pCounterGrp = pObjectGroup->pCounterGroupFirst ;
- pCounterGrp ;
- pCounterGrp = pCounterGrp->pCounterGroupNext )
- {
- for (pCounterLine = pCounterGrp->pLineFirst ;
- pCounterLine ;
- pCounterLine = pCounterLine->pLineCounterNext)
- {
- if (pCounterLine->iReportColumn == iReportColumn)
- {
- // found one, this column is not empty
- bColumnFound = TRUE ;
- break ;
- }
- } // for pCounterLine
- if (bColumnFound)
- {
- break ;
- }
- } // for pCounterGrp
- if (bColumnFound == FALSE)
- {
- // we have deleted the last column item, remove this column
- ColumnRemoveOne (pReport,
- pObjectGroup,
- iReportColumn) ;
- }
- } // CheckColumnGroupRemove
- //================================
- // Line routine
- //================================
- void ReportLineValueRect (PREPORT pReport,
- PLINE pLine,
- LPRECT lpRect)
- { // ReportLineValueRect
- lpRect->left = ValueMargin (pReport) + pLine->xReportPos ;
- lpRect->top = pLine->yReportPos ;
- lpRect->right = lpRect->left + pReport->xValueWidth ;
- lpRect->bottom = lpRect->top + pReport->yLineHeight ;
- } // ReportLineValueRect
- PLINE LineRemoveItem (PREPORT pReport,
- enum REPORT_ITEM_TYPE *pNewItemType)
- {
- PLINE pLine ;
- PLINE pNextLine = NULL ;
- PLINE pReturnLine = NULL ;
- PLINE pLeftLine = NULL ;
- PSYSTEMGROUP pSystemGroup ;
- POBJECTGROUP pObjectGroup ;
- PCOUNTERGROUP pCounterGroup ;
- PCOUNTERGROUP pNextCounterGroup ;
- BOOL bCreatNewCounterGroup ;
- //=============================//
- // Remove line, line's system //
- //=============================//
- pLine = pReport->CurrentItem.pLine ;
- LineRemove (&pReport->pLineFirst, pLine) ;
- // no more line, no more timer...
- if (!pReport->pLineFirst)
- {
- pReport->xWidth = 0 ;
- pReport->yHeight = 0 ;
- pReport->xMaxCounterWidth = 0 ;
- ClearReportTimer (pReport) ;
- }
- //=============================//
- // Get correct spot; remove line //
- //=============================//
- pSystemGroup = GetSystemGroup (pReport, pLine->lnSystemName) ;
- pObjectGroup = GetObjectGroup (pSystemGroup, pLine->lnObjectName) ;
- pCounterGroup = GetCounterGroup (pObjectGroup,
- pLine->lnCounterDef.CounterNameTitleIndex,
- &bCreatNewCounterGroup,
- pLine->lnCounterName) ;
- if (!pCounterGroup)
- return (NULL) ;
- LineCounterRemove (&pCounterGroup->pLineFirst, pLine) ;
- // check which line to get the focus
- if (pCounterGroup->pLineFirst)
- {
- // simple case, we still have line in the same counter group
- // get the one right after this delete line.
- for (pNextLine = pCounterGroup->pLineFirst ;
- pNextLine ;
- pNextLine = pNextLine->pLineCounterNext)
- {
- if (pNextLine->xReportPos > pLine->xReportPos)
- {
- if (pReturnLine == NULL ||
- pReturnLine->xReportPos > pNextLine->xReportPos)
- {
- pReturnLine = pNextLine ;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (pLeftLine == NULL ||
- pLeftLine->xReportPos < pNextLine->xReportPos)
- {
- pLeftLine = pNextLine ;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!pReturnLine && pLeftLine)
- {
- // the delete line is the last column, then use the line
- // to its left
- pReturnLine = pLeftLine ;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- pNextCounterGroup = GetNextCounter (
- pSystemGroup,
- pObjectGroup,
- pCounterGroup) ;
- if (pNextCounterGroup)
- {
- pLeftLine = NULL ;
- for (pNextLine = pNextCounterGroup->pLineFirst ;
- pNextLine ;
- pNextLine = pNextLine->pLineCounterNext)
- {
- // get the line in the first column
- if (pLeftLine == NULL ||
- pNextLine->xReportPos < pLeftLine->xReportPos)
- {
- pLeftLine = pNextLine ;
- }
- }
- pReturnLine = pLeftLine ;
- }
- // remove this counter group if there is no line
- CounterGroupRemove (&pObjectGroup->pCounterGroupFirst, pCounterGroup) ;
- }
- // check if we need to remove any empty column
- CheckColumnGroupRemove (pReport, pObjectGroup, pLine->iReportColumn) ;
- if (!(pObjectGroup->pCounterGroupFirst))
- ObjectGroupRemove (&pSystemGroup->pObjectGroupFirst, pObjectGroup) ;
- if (!(pSystemGroup->pObjectGroupFirst))
- SystemGroupRemove (&pReport->pSystemGroupFirst, pSystemGroup) ;
- LineFree (pLine) ;
- if (pReturnLine && pNewItemType)
- {
- *pNewItemType = REPORT_TYPE_LINE ;
- }
- return (pReturnLine) ;
- } // LineRemoveItem
- //======================================//
- // Column Group routines //
- //======================================//
- void ReportColumnRect (PREPORT pReport,
- PCOLUMNGROUP pColumnGroup,
- LPRECT lpRect)
- { // ReportColumnRect
- lpRect->left = ValueMargin (pReport) + pColumnGroup->xPos ;
- lpRect->top = pColumnGroup->yFirstLine ;
- lpRect->right = lpRect->left + pColumnGroup->xWidth ;
- lpRect->bottom = lpRect->top + pReport->yLineHeight ;
- if (pColumnGroup->lpszParentName)
- {
- lpRect->top -= pReport->yLineHeight ;
- }
- } // ReportColumnRect
- BOOL ColumnSame (PCOLUMNGROUP pColumnGroup,
- LPTSTR lpszParentName,
- LPTSTR lpszInstanceName)
- { // ColumnSame
- BOOL bParentSame ;
- BOOL bInstanceSame ;
- bParentSame = (!lpszParentName && !pColumnGroup->lpszParentName) ||
- strsame (lpszParentName, pColumnGroup->lpszParentName) ;
- bInstanceSame = (!lpszInstanceName && !pColumnGroup->lpszInstanceName) ||
- strsame (lpszInstanceName, pColumnGroup->lpszInstanceName) ;
- return (bParentSame && bInstanceSame) ;
- } // ColumnSame
- PCOLUMNGROUP ColumnGroupCreate (PREPORT pReport,
- int xPos,
- LPTSTR lpszParentName,
- LPTSTR lpszInstanceName,
- int PreviousColumnNumber,
- int yFirstLine)
- { // ColumnGroupCreate
- PCOLUMNGROUP pColumnGroup ;
- HDC hDC ;
- hDC = GetDC (pReport->hWnd) ;
- pColumnGroup = MemoryAllocate (sizeof (COLUMNGROUP)) ;
- if (pColumnGroup)
- {
- pColumnGroup->pColumnGroupNext = NULL ;
- pColumnGroup->lpszParentName = StringAllocate (lpszParentName) ;
- pColumnGroup->lpszInstanceName = StringAllocate (lpszInstanceName) ;
- pColumnGroup->ParentNameTextWidth = TextWidth (hDC, lpszParentName) ;
- pColumnGroup->InstanceNameTextWidth = TextWidth (hDC, lpszInstanceName) ;
- pColumnGroup->xPos = xPos ;
- pColumnGroup->yFirstLine = yFirstLine ;
- pColumnGroup->ColumnNumber = PreviousColumnNumber + 1 ;
- pColumnGroup->xWidth = max (max (pColumnGroup->ParentNameTextWidth,
- pColumnGroup->InstanceNameTextWidth),
- pReport->xValueWidth) ;
- pReport->xWidth = max (pReport->xWidth,
- RightHandMargin +
- ValueMargin (pReport) +
- pColumnGroup->xPos + pColumnGroup->xWidth +
- xColumnMargin) ;
- } // if
- ReleaseDC (pReport->hWnd, hDC) ;
- return (pColumnGroup) ;
- } // ColumnGroupCreate
- PCOLUMNGROUP GetColumnGroup (PREPORT pReport,
- POBJECTGROUP pObjectGroup,
- PLINE pLine)
- /*
- Effect: Return a pointer to the appropriate column group from
- within the groups of pObject. If the line is a counter
- without instances, return NULL. Otherwise, determine
- if the counter's parent/instance pair is already found
- in an existing column and return a pointer to that column.
- If a column with the appropriate parent/instance isn't
- found, add a new column *at the end*, and return that
- column.
- Note: This function has multiple return points.
- */
- { // GetColumnGroup
- PCOLUMNGROUP pColumnGroup ;
- LPTSTR lpszParentName ;
- LPTSTR lpszInstanceName ;
- if (!LineInstanceName (pLine))
- return (NULL) ;
- lpszParentName = LineParentName (pLine) ;
- lpszInstanceName = LineInstanceName (pLine) ;
- if (!pObjectGroup->pColumnGroupFirst)
- {
- pObjectGroup->pColumnGroupFirst =
- ColumnGroupCreate (pReport,
- 0,
- lpszParentName,
- lpszInstanceName,
- -1,
- pObjectGroup->yFirstLine) ;
- if (pObjectGroup->pColumnGroupFirst)
- {
- pObjectGroup->pColumnGroupFirst->pParentObject =
- pObjectGroup ;
- }
- return (pObjectGroup->pColumnGroupFirst) ;
- }
- for (pColumnGroup = pObjectGroup->pColumnGroupFirst ;
- pColumnGroup ;
- pColumnGroup = pColumnGroup->pColumnGroupNext)
- { // for
- if (ColumnSame (pColumnGroup, lpszParentName, lpszInstanceName))
- return (pColumnGroup) ;
- else if (!pColumnGroup->pColumnGroupNext)
- { // if
- pColumnGroup->pColumnGroupNext =
- ColumnGroupCreate (pReport,
- pColumnGroup->xPos + pColumnGroup->xWidth +
- xColumnMargin,
- lpszParentName,
- lpszInstanceName,
- pColumnGroup->ColumnNumber,
- pObjectGroup->yFirstLine) ;
- if (pColumnGroup->pColumnGroupNext)
- {
- (pColumnGroup->pColumnGroupNext)->pParentObject =
- pObjectGroup ;
- // build the double link-list
- (pColumnGroup->pColumnGroupNext)->pColumnGroupPrevious =
- pColumnGroup ;
- }
- return (pColumnGroup->pColumnGroupNext) ;
- } // if
- } // for
- return (NULL) ;
- } // GetColumnGroup
- // ColumnRemoveOne removes the column with the specified column number
- void ColumnRemoveOne (PREPORT pReport,
- POBJECTGROUP pObjectGroup,
- int iColumnNumber)
- {
- PCOLUMNGROUP pColumnGroup ;
- PCOLUMNGROUP pNextColumnGroup ;
- if (pObjectGroup->pColumnGroupFirst == NULL)
- {
- // no column group, forget it
- return ;
- }
- // Find the head list
- if (pObjectGroup->pColumnGroupFirst->ColumnNumber == iColumnNumber)
- {
- pColumnGroup = pObjectGroup->pColumnGroupFirst ;
- pObjectGroup->pColumnGroupFirst = pColumnGroup->pColumnGroupNext ;
- if (pColumnGroup->pColumnGroupNext)
- {
- // set up head of backward link list
- (pColumnGroup->pColumnGroupNext)->pColumnGroupPrevious = NULL ;
- }
- // free memory for this column group
- MemoryFree (pColumnGroup->lpszParentName) ;
- MemoryFree (pColumnGroup->lpszInstanceName) ;
- MemoryFree (pColumnGroup) ;
- return ;
- }
- // go thru the double link list to look for the right column
- for (pColumnGroup = pObjectGroup->pColumnGroupFirst ;
- pColumnGroup ;
- pColumnGroup = pNextColumnGroup)
- {
- pNextColumnGroup = pColumnGroup->pColumnGroupNext ;
- if (pNextColumnGroup == NULL)
- {
- // forget it if we can't find this column for some reson.
- break ;
- }
- if (pNextColumnGroup->ColumnNumber == iColumnNumber)
- {
- pColumnGroup->pColumnGroupNext = pNextColumnGroup->pColumnGroupNext ;
- // build backward link iff it is not the end of list
- if (pColumnGroup->pColumnGroupNext)
- {
- (pColumnGroup->pColumnGroupNext)->pColumnGroupPrevious =
- pColumnGroup ;
- }
- // free memory for this column group
- MemoryFree (pNextColumnGroup->lpszParentName) ;
- MemoryFree (pNextColumnGroup->lpszInstanceName) ;
- MemoryFree (pNextColumnGroup) ;
- // Done
- break ;
- }
- }
- } // ColumnRemoveOne
- // ColumnGroupRemove removes all the columns for a given column list
- void ColumnGroupRemove (PCOLUMNGROUP pColumnGroupFirst)
- {
- PCOLUMNGROUP pColumnGroup ;
- PCOLUMNGROUP pNextColumnGroup ;
- for (pColumnGroup = pColumnGroupFirst ;
- pColumnGroup ;
- pColumnGroup = pNextColumnGroup)
- {
- pNextColumnGroup = pColumnGroup->pColumnGroupNext ;
- // free memory for this column group
- MemoryFree (pColumnGroup->lpszParentName) ;
- MemoryFree (pColumnGroup->lpszInstanceName) ;
- MemoryFree (pColumnGroup) ;
- }
- } // ColumnGroupRemove
- // ColumnRemoveItem is called when user wants to delete a
- // selected column.
- PCOLUMNGROUP ColumnRemoveItem (PREPORT pReport,
- PCOLUMNGROUP pColumnGroup,
- BOOL bCleanUpLink,
- enum REPORT_ITEM_TYPE *pNewItemType)
- {
- PLINE pLine, pNextLine ;
- PSYSTEMGROUP pSystemGroup ;
- POBJECTGROUP pObjectGroup ;
- PCOUNTERGROUP pCounterGroup, pNextCounterGroup ;
- BOOL bColumnFound ;
- PCOLUMNGROUP pRetColumnGroup = NULL ;
- pObjectGroup = pColumnGroup->pParentObject ;
- pSystemGroup = pObjectGroup->pParentSystem ;
- // first, get rid of all the counter lines with this column number
- // Note - each Counter group has only 1 line (or 0) with this
- // column number
- for (pCounterGroup = pObjectGroup->pCounterGroupFirst ;
- pCounterGroup ;
- pCounterGroup = pNextCounterGroup )
- {
- pNextCounterGroup = pCounterGroup->pCounterGroupNext ;
- bColumnFound = FALSE ;
- for (pLine = pCounterGroup->pLineFirst ;
- pLine ;
- pLine = pNextLine)
- {
- pNextLine = pLine->pLineCounterNext ;
- if (pLine->iReportColumn == pColumnGroup->ColumnNumber)
- {
- bColumnFound = TRUE ;
- // delete this line
- LineRemove (&pReport->pLineFirst, pLine) ;
- LineCounterRemove (&pCounterGroup->pLineFirst, pLine) ;
- LineFree (pLine) ;
- break ;
- }
- }
- if (bColumnFound)
- {
- // check if we need delete this counter group
- if (!(pCounterGroup->pLineFirst))
- {
- CounterGroupRemove (&pObjectGroup->pCounterGroupFirst, pCounterGroup) ;
- }
- }
- }
- // determine which column group to go after deleting this
- if (pColumnGroup->pColumnGroupNext)
- {
- // get the Column group after this delete one
- pRetColumnGroup = pColumnGroup->pColumnGroupNext ;
- }
- else
- {
- // get the Counter group before this delete one
- pRetColumnGroup = pColumnGroup->pColumnGroupPrevious ;
- }
- if (pNewItemType)
- {
- if (pRetColumnGroup)
- {
- *pNewItemType = REPORT_TYPE_COLUMN ;
- }
- else
- {
- // get next counter group
- pNextCounterGroup = GetNextCounter (
- pSystemGroup,
- pObjectGroup,
- NULL) ;
- if (pNextCounterGroup)
- {
- // we have to return Counter group, so we have to do the
- // dirty casting..
- pRetColumnGroup = (PCOLUMNGROUP) pNextCounterGroup ;
- }
- }
- }
- // remove this column group
- ColumnRemoveOne (pReport, pObjectGroup, pColumnGroup->ColumnNumber) ;
- // check for further cleanup
- if (bCleanUpLink)
- {
- if (!(pObjectGroup->pCounterGroupFirst))
- ObjectGroupRemove (&pSystemGroup->pObjectGroupFirst, pObjectGroup) ;
- if (!(pSystemGroup->pObjectGroupFirst))
- SystemGroupRemove (&pReport->pSystemGroupFirst, pSystemGroup) ;
- }
- return (pRetColumnGroup) ;
- } // ColumnRemoveItem
- //======================================//
- // Counter Group routines //
- //======================================//
- void ReportCounterRect (PREPORT pReport,
- PCOUNTERGROUP pCounterGroup,
- LPRECT lpRect)
- { // ReportCounterRect
- lpRect->left = xCounterMargin ;
- lpRect->top = pCounterGroup->yLine ;
- lpRect->right = lpRect->left + pCounterGroup->xWidth + yScrollHeight / 2 ;
- lpRect->bottom = lpRect->top + pReport->yLineHeight ;
- } // ReportCounterRect
- PCOUNTERGROUP CounterGroupCreate (DWORD dwCounterIndex,
- LPTSTR pCounterName)
- { // CounterGroupCreate
- PCOUNTERGROUP pCounterGroup ;
- HDC hDC ;
- PREPORT pReport ;
- pCounterGroup = MemoryAllocate (sizeof (COUNTERGROUP)) ;
- if (pCounterGroup)
- {
- pCounterGroup->pCounterGroupNext = NULL ;
- pCounterGroup->pLineFirst = NULL ;
- pCounterGroup->dwCounterIndex = dwCounterIndex ;
- if (pCounterName)
- {
- hDC = GetDC (hWndReport) ;
- pReport = ReportData (hWndReport) ;
- SelectFont (hDC, pReport->hFont) ;
- pCounterGroup->xWidth = TextWidth (hDC, pCounterName) ;
- ReleaseDC (hWndReport, hDC) ;
- }
- } // if
- return (pCounterGroup) ;
- } // CounterGroupCreate
- DWORD dwCounterIndex,
- BOOL *pbCounterGroupCreated,
- LPTSTR pCounterName)
- { // GetCounterGroup
- PCOUNTERGROUP pCounterGroup ;
- *pbCounterGroupCreated = FALSE ;
- if (!pObjectGroup)
- return (FALSE) ;
- if (!pObjectGroup->pCounterGroupFirst)
- {
- pObjectGroup->pCounterGroupFirst =
- CounterGroupCreate (dwCounterIndex, pCounterName) ;
- if (pObjectGroup->pCounterGroupFirst)
- {
- *pbCounterGroupCreated = TRUE ;
- pObjectGroup->pCounterGroupFirst->pParentObject =
- pObjectGroup ;
- }
- return (pObjectGroup->pCounterGroupFirst) ;
- }
- for (pCounterGroup = pObjectGroup->pCounterGroupFirst ;
- pCounterGroup ;
- pCounterGroup = pCounterGroup->pCounterGroupNext)
- { // for
- if (dwCounterIndex && pCounterGroup->dwCounterIndex == dwCounterIndex)
- {
- return (pCounterGroup) ;
- }
- else if (!dwCounterIndex &&
- pCounterGroup->pLineFirst &&
- pstrsame (pCounterGroup->pLineFirst->lnCounterName, pCounterName))
- {
- return (pCounterGroup) ;
- }
- else if (!pCounterGroup->pCounterGroupNext)
- { // if
- pCounterGroup->pCounterGroupNext =
- CounterGroupCreate (dwCounterIndex, pCounterName) ;
- if (pCounterGroup->pCounterGroupNext)
- {
- *pbCounterGroupCreated = TRUE ;
- (pCounterGroup->pCounterGroupNext)->pParentObject =
- pObjectGroup ;
- // build backward link
- (pCounterGroup->pCounterGroupNext)->pCounterGroupPrevious =
- pCounterGroup ;
- }
- return (pCounterGroup->pCounterGroupNext) ;
- } // if
- } // for
- return (NULL) ;
- } // GetCounterGroup
- BOOL CounterGroupRemove (PCOUNTERGROUP *ppCounterGroupFirst,
- PCOUNTERGROUP pCounterGroupRemove)
- {
- PCOUNTERGROUP pCounterGroup ;
- if (*ppCounterGroupFirst == pCounterGroupRemove)
- {
- *ppCounterGroupFirst = (*ppCounterGroupFirst)->pCounterGroupNext ;
- if (*ppCounterGroupFirst)
- {
- // set up head of backward link list
- (*ppCounterGroupFirst)->pCounterGroupPrevious = NULL ;
- }
- MemoryFree (pCounterGroupRemove) ;
- return (TRUE) ;
- }
- for (pCounterGroup = *ppCounterGroupFirst ;
- pCounterGroup->pCounterGroupNext ;
- pCounterGroup = pCounterGroup->pCounterGroupNext)
- { // for
- if (pCounterGroup->pCounterGroupNext == pCounterGroupRemove)
- {
- pCounterGroup->pCounterGroupNext = pCounterGroupRemove->pCounterGroupNext ;
- if (pCounterGroup->pCounterGroupNext)
- {
- (pCounterGroup->pCounterGroupNext)->pCounterGroupPrevious
- = pCounterGroup ;
- }
- MemoryFree (pCounterGroupRemove) ;
- return (TRUE) ;
- } // if
- } // for
- return (FALSE) ;
- } // CounterGroupRemove
- // CounterRemoveItem is called when user wants to delete a
- // selected counter (row)
- PCOUNTERGROUP CounterRemoveItem (PREPORT pReport,
- PCOUNTERGROUP pCounterGroup,
- BOOL bCleanUpLink,
- enum REPORT_ITEM_TYPE *pNewItemType)
- {
- PLINE pLine, pNextLine ;
- POBJECTGROUP pObjectGroup ;
- PSYSTEMGROUP pSystemGroup ;
- PCOLUMNGROUP pColumnGroup ;
- PCOLUMNGROUP pNextColumnGroup ;
- PCOUNTERGROUP pRetCounterGroup = NULL ;
- pObjectGroup = pCounterGroup->pParentObject ;
- pSystemGroup = pObjectGroup->pParentSystem ;
- // first, remove all the counter lines from this counter group
- // and from the Report line link-list
- for (pLine = pCounterGroup->pLineFirst ;
- pLine ;
- pLine = pNextLine)
- {
- pNextLine = pLine->pLineCounterNext ;
- LineRemove (&pReport->pLineFirst, pLine) ;
- LineFree (pLine) ;
- }
- // we only need to delete the counter group iff we are deleting
- // this selected Counter.
- if (bCleanUpLink)
- {
- // determine which counter group to go after deleting this
- pRetCounterGroup = GetNextCounter (
- pSystemGroup ,
- pObjectGroup,
- pCounterGroup) ;
- // remove this counter group from its parent object group
- CounterGroupRemove (&pObjectGroup->pCounterGroupFirst, pCounterGroup) ;
- if (!(pObjectGroup->pCounterGroupFirst))
- ObjectGroupRemove (&pSystemGroup->pObjectGroupFirst, pObjectGroup) ;
- else
- {
- // Object group not empty, check for any empty column
- for (pColumnGroup = pObjectGroup->pColumnGroupFirst ;
- pColumnGroup ;
- pColumnGroup = pNextColumnGroup)
- {
- pNextColumnGroup = pColumnGroup->pColumnGroupNext ;
- CheckColumnGroupRemove (pReport, pObjectGroup, pColumnGroup->ColumnNumber) ;
- }
- }
- if (!(pSystemGroup->pObjectGroupFirst))
- {
- SystemGroupRemove (&pReport->pSystemGroupFirst, pSystemGroup) ;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // get rid of this counter's memory
- MemoryFree (pCounterGroup) ;
- }
- if (pRetCounterGroup && pNewItemType)
- {
- }
- return (pRetCounterGroup) ;
- } // CounterRemoveItem
- // GetNextCounter is used to get:
- // If the current system is not empty, then get the
- // (next object first counter) or
- // (previous object last counter. )
- // If the current system is empty, then get the
- // (next system first object first counter) or
- // (previous system last object last counter)
- // Note - Any of the input pointers could be NULL pointer.
- POBJECTGROUP pObjectGroup,
- PCOUNTERGROUP pCounterGroup)
- {
- if (pCounterGroup && pCounterGroup->pCounterGroupNext)
- {
- pRetCounter = pCounterGroup->pCounterGroupNext ;
- }
- else if (pCounterGroup && pCounterGroup->pCounterGroupPrevious)
- {
- pRetCounter = pCounterGroup->pCounterGroupPrevious ;
- }
- else if (pObjectGroup && pObjectGroup->pObjectGroupNext)
- {
- // get the next Object first Counter
- pRetCounter = pObjectGroup->pObjectGroupNext->pCounterGroupFirst ;
- }
- else if (pObjectGroup && pObjectGroup->pObjectGroupPrevious)
- {
- // get the previous object last counter
- pCounterGrp = (pObjectGroup->pObjectGroupPrevious)->pCounterGroupFirst ;
- if (pCounterGrp)
- {
- // get the last counter group of this object
- for (;
- pCounterGrp->pCounterGroupNext ;
- pCounterGrp = pCounterGrp->pCounterGroupNext )
- {
- ;
- }
- }
- pRetCounter = pCounterGrp ;
- }
- else if (pSystemGroup && pSystemGroup->pSystemGroupNext)
- {
- // get next system first object first counter
- pObjectGrp = pSystemGroup->pSystemGroupNext->pObjectGroupFirst ;
- pRetCounter = pObjectGrp->pCounterGroupFirst ;
- }
- else if (pSystemGroup && pSystemGroup->pSystemGroupPrevious)
- {
- // get previous system last object last counter
- pObjectGrp = pSystemGroup->pSystemGroupPrevious->pObjectGroupFirst ;
- if (pObjectGrp)
- {
- // get the last object group of this system
- for (;
- pObjectGrp->pObjectGroupNext ;
- pObjectGrp = pObjectGrp->pObjectGroupNext )
- {
- ;
- }
- }
- if (pObjectGrp)
- {
- pCounterGrp = pObjectGrp->pCounterGroupFirst ;
- if (pCounterGrp)
- {
- // get the last counter group of this object
- for (;
- pCounterGrp->pCounterGroupNext ;
- pCounterGrp = pCounterGrp->pCounterGroupNext )
- {
- ;
- }
- }
- pRetCounter = pCounterGrp ;
- }
- }
- return (pRetCounter) ;
- } // GetNextCounter
- //======================================//
- // Object Group routines //
- //======================================//
- void ReportObjectRect (PREPORT pReport,
- POBJECTGROUP pObjectGroup,
- LPRECT lpRect)
- { // ReportObjectRect
- lpRect->left = xObjectMargin ;
- lpRect->top = pObjectGroup->yFirstLine ;
- lpRect->right = lpRect->left + pObjectGroup->xWidth ;
- lpRect->bottom = lpRect->top + pReport->yLineHeight ;
- } // ReportObjectRect
- POBJECTGROUP ObjectGroupCreate (LPTSTR lpszObjectName)
- { // ObjectGroupCreate
- POBJECTGROUP pObjectGroup ;
- HDC hDC ;
- PREPORT pReport ;
- int OldCounterWidth ;
- TCHAR szLine [LongTextLen] ;
- pObjectGroup = MemoryAllocate (sizeof (OBJECTGROUP)) ;
- if (pObjectGroup)
- {
- pObjectGroup->pObjectGroupNext = NULL ;
- pObjectGroup->pCounterGroupFirst = NULL ;
- pObjectGroup->pColumnGroupFirst = NULL ;
- pObjectGroup->lpszObjectName = StringAllocate (lpszObjectName) ;
- hDC = GetDC (hWndReport) ;
- pReport = ReportData (hWndReport) ;
- SelectFont (hDC, pReport->hFontHeaders) ;
- TSPRINTF (szLine, szObjectFormat, lpszObjectName) ;
- pObjectGroup->xWidth = TextWidth (hDC, szLine) ;
- // re-calc. the max. counter group width
- OldCounterWidth = pReport->xMaxCounterWidth ;
- pReport->xMaxCounterWidth =
- max (pReport->xMaxCounterWidth,
- pObjectGroup->xWidth + xObjectMargin) ;
- if (OldCounterWidth < pReport->xMaxCounterWidth)
- {
- // adjust the report width with the new counter width
- pReport->xWidth +=
- (pReport->xMaxCounterWidth - OldCounterWidth);
- }
- ReleaseDC (hWndReport, hDC) ;
- } // if
- return (pObjectGroup) ;
- } // ObjectGroupCreate
- LPTSTR lpszObjectName)
- {
- POBJECTGROUP pObjectGroup ;
- if (!pSystemGroup)
- return (FALSE) ;
- if (!pSystemGroup->pObjectGroupFirst)
- {
- pSystemGroup->pObjectGroupFirst = ObjectGroupCreate (lpszObjectName) ;
- if (pSystemGroup->pObjectGroupFirst)
- {
- pSystemGroup->pObjectGroupFirst->pParentSystem =
- pSystemGroup ;
- }
- return (pSystemGroup->pObjectGroupFirst) ;
- }
- for (pObjectGroup = pSystemGroup->pObjectGroupFirst ;
- pObjectGroup ;
- pObjectGroup = pObjectGroup->pObjectGroupNext)
- { // for
- if (strsame (pObjectGroup->lpszObjectName, lpszObjectName))
- {
- return (pObjectGroup) ;
- }
- else if (!pObjectGroup->pObjectGroupNext)
- { // if
- pObjectGroup->pObjectGroupNext =
- ObjectGroupCreate (lpszObjectName) ;
- if (pObjectGroup->pObjectGroupNext)
- {
- (pObjectGroup->pObjectGroupNext)->pParentSystem =
- pSystemGroup ;
- (pObjectGroup->pObjectGroupNext)->pObjectGroupPrevious =
- pObjectGroup ;
- }
- return (pObjectGroup->pObjectGroupNext) ;
- } // if
- } // for
- } // GetObjectGroup
- // ObjectGroupRemove removes the specified Object group
- // from the Object double link list
- BOOL ObjectGroupRemove (POBJECTGROUP *ppObjectGroupFirst,
- POBJECTGROUP pObjectGroupRemove)
- {
- POBJECTGROUP pObjectGroup ;
- if (*ppObjectGroupFirst == pObjectGroupRemove)
- {
- *ppObjectGroupFirst = (*ppObjectGroupFirst)->pObjectGroupNext ;
- if (*ppObjectGroupFirst)
- {
- // set up head of backward link list
- (*ppObjectGroupFirst)->pObjectGroupPrevious = NULL ;
- }
- // clean up the allocated memory
- ColumnGroupRemove (pObjectGroupRemove->pColumnGroupFirst) ;
- MemoryFree (pObjectGroupRemove->lpszObjectName) ;
- MemoryFree (pObjectGroupRemove) ;
- return (TRUE) ;
- }
- for (pObjectGroup = *ppObjectGroupFirst ;
- pObjectGroup->pObjectGroupNext ;
- pObjectGroup = pObjectGroup->pObjectGroupNext)
- { // for
- if (pObjectGroup->pObjectGroupNext == pObjectGroupRemove)
- {
- pObjectGroup->pObjectGroupNext = pObjectGroupRemove->pObjectGroupNext ;
- if (pObjectGroup->pObjectGroupNext)
- {
- (pObjectGroup->pObjectGroupNext)->pObjectGroupPrevious =
- pObjectGroup ;
- }
- // clean up this object allocated memory and its column groups
- ColumnGroupRemove (pObjectGroupRemove->pColumnGroupFirst) ;
- MemoryFree (pObjectGroupRemove->lpszObjectName) ;
- MemoryFree (pObjectGroupRemove) ;
- return (TRUE) ;
- } // if
- } // for
- return (FALSE) ;
- } // ObjectGroupRemove
- // ObjectRemoveItem is called when user delete the selected object
- PCOUNTERGROUP ObjectRemoveItem (PREPORT pReport,
- POBJECTGROUP pObjectGroup,
- BOOL bCleanUpLink,
- enum REPORT_ITEM_TYPE *pNewItemType)
- {
- PCOUNTERGROUP pCounterGroup, pNextCounterGroup ;
- PSYSTEMGROUP pSystemGroup ;
- PCOUNTERGROUP pRetCounterGroup = NULL ;
- pSystemGroup = pObjectGroup->pParentSystem ;
- // remove all counter groups from this object
- for (pCounterGroup = pObjectGroup->pCounterGroupFirst ;
- pCounterGroup ;
- pCounterGroup = pNextCounterGroup )
- {
- pNextCounterGroup = pCounterGroup->pCounterGroupNext ;
- CounterRemoveItem (pReport, pCounterGroup, FALSE, NULL) ;
- }
- // remove all column groups from this group
- ColumnGroupRemove (pObjectGroup->pColumnGroupFirst) ;
- if (bCleanUpLink)
- {
- // get next counter group to get the focus
- if (pNewItemType)
- {
- pRetCounterGroup = GetNextCounter (
- pSystemGroup,
- pObjectGroup,
- NULL) ;
- if (pRetCounterGroup)
- {
- }
- }
- // remove this object from its parent system group
- ObjectGroupRemove (&pSystemGroup->pObjectGroupFirst, pObjectGroup) ;
- if (!(pSystemGroup->pObjectGroupFirst))
- {
- SystemGroupRemove (&pReport->pSystemGroupFirst, pSystemGroup) ;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // get rid of this object
- MemoryFree (pObjectGroup->lpszObjectName) ;
- MemoryFree (pObjectGroup) ;
- }
- return (pRetCounterGroup) ;
- } // ObjectRemoveItem
- //======================================//
- // System Group routines //
- //======================================//
- void ReportSystemRect (PREPORT pReport,
- PSYSTEMGROUP pSystemGroup,
- LPRECT lpRect)
- { // ReportSystemRect
- lpRect->left = xSystemMargin ;
- lpRect->top = pSystemGroup->yFirstLine ;
- lpRect->right = lpRect->left + pSystemGroup->xWidth ;
- lpRect->bottom = lpRect->top + pReport->yLineHeight ;
- } // ReportSystemRect
- PSYSTEMGROUP SystemGroupCreate (LPTSTR lpszSystemName)
- { // SystemGroupCreate
- PSYSTEMGROUP pSystemGroup ;
- HDC hDC ;
- PREPORT pReport ;
- TCHAR szLine [LongTextLen] ;
- pSystemGroup = MemoryAllocate (sizeof (SYSTEMGROUP)) ;
- if (pSystemGroup)
- {
- pSystemGroup->pSystemGroupNext = NULL ;
- pSystemGroup->pObjectGroupFirst = NULL ;
- pSystemGroup->lpszSystemName = StringAllocate (lpszSystemName) ;
- // get width of system name
- hDC = GetDC (hWndReport) ;
- pReport = ReportData (hWndReport) ;
- SelectFont (hDC, pReport->hFontHeaders) ;
- TSPRINTF (szLine, szSystemFormat, lpszSystemName) ;
- pSystemGroup->xWidth = TextWidth (hDC, szLine) ;
- ReleaseDC (hWndReport, hDC) ;
- } // if
- return (pSystemGroup) ;
- } // SystemGroupCreate
- PSYSTEMGROUP GetSystemGroup (PREPORT pReport,
- LPTSTR lpszSystemName)
- /*
- Effect; Return a pointer to the system group of pReport with
- a system name of lpszSystemName. If no system group
- has that name, add a new system group.
- */
- { // GetSystemGroup
- PSYSTEMGROUP pSystemGroup ;
- if (!pReport->pSystemGroupFirst)
- {
- pReport->pSystemGroupFirst = SystemGroupCreate (lpszSystemName) ;
- return (pReport->pSystemGroupFirst) ;
- }
- for (pSystemGroup = pReport->pSystemGroupFirst ;
- pSystemGroup ;
- pSystemGroup = pSystemGroup->pSystemGroupNext)
- { // for
- if (strsamei (pSystemGroup->lpszSystemName, lpszSystemName))
- return (pSystemGroup) ;
- else if (!pSystemGroup->pSystemGroupNext)
- { // if
- pSystemGroup->pSystemGroupNext =
- SystemGroupCreate (lpszSystemName) ;
- if (pSystemGroup->pSystemGroupNext)
- {
- (pSystemGroup->pSystemGroupNext)->pSystemGroupPrevious =
- pSystemGroup ;
- }
- return (pSystemGroup->pSystemGroupNext) ;
- } // if
- } // for
- } // GetSystemGroup
- BOOL SystemGroupRemove (PSYSTEMGROUP *ppSystemGroupFirst,
- PSYSTEMGROUP pSystemGroupRemove)
- {
- PSYSTEMGROUP pSystemGroup ;
- if (*ppSystemGroupFirst == pSystemGroupRemove)
- {
- *ppSystemGroupFirst = (*ppSystemGroupFirst)->pSystemGroupNext ;
- if (*ppSystemGroupFirst)
- {
- (*ppSystemGroupFirst)->pSystemGroupPrevious = NULL ;
- }
- MemoryFree (pSystemGroupRemove->lpszSystemName) ;
- MemoryFree (pSystemGroupRemove) ;
- return (TRUE) ;
- }
- for (pSystemGroup = *ppSystemGroupFirst ;
- pSystemGroup->pSystemGroupNext ;
- pSystemGroup = pSystemGroup->pSystemGroupNext)
- { // for
- if (pSystemGroup->pSystemGroupNext == pSystemGroupRemove)
- {
- pSystemGroup->pSystemGroupNext = pSystemGroupRemove->pSystemGroupNext ;
- if (pSystemGroup->pSystemGroupNext)
- {
- (pSystemGroup->pSystemGroupNext)->pSystemGroupPrevious =
- pSystemGroup ;
- }
- MemoryFree (pSystemGroupRemove->lpszSystemName) ;
- MemoryFree (pSystemGroupRemove) ;
- return (TRUE) ;
- } // if
- } // for
- return (FALSE) ;
- } // SystemGroupRemove
- // SystemRemoveItem is called when user deletes the selected System
- PCOUNTERGROUP SystemRemoveItem (PREPORT pReport,
- PSYSTEMGROUP pSystemGroup,
- BOOL bCleanUpLink,
- enum REPORT_ITEM_TYPE *pNewItemType)
- {
- POBJECTGROUP pObjectGroup, pNextObjectGroup ;
- PCOUNTERGROUP pRetCounterGroup = NULL ;
- // remove all object groups from this system
- for (pObjectGroup = pSystemGroup->pObjectGroupFirst ;
- pObjectGroup ;
- pObjectGroup = pNextObjectGroup )
- {
- pNextObjectGroup = pObjectGroup->pObjectGroupNext ;
- ObjectRemoveItem (pReport, pObjectGroup, FALSE, NULL) ;
- }
- if (bCleanUpLink)
- {
- if (pNewItemType)
- {
- pRetCounterGroup = GetNextCounter (
- pSystemGroup,
- NULL) ;
- if (pRetCounterGroup)
- {
- }
- }
- SystemGroupRemove (&pReport->pSystemGroupFirst, pSystemGroup) ;
- }
- else
- {
- // delete data from this system
- MemoryFree (pSystemGroup->lpszSystemName) ;
- MemoryFree (pSystemGroup) ;
- }
- return (pRetCounterGroup) ;
- } // SystemRemoveItem
- BOOL ReportChangeFocus (HWND hWnd,
- PREPORT pReport,
- REPORT_ITEM SelectedItem,
- enum REPORT_ITEM_TYPE SelectedItemType,
- int xOffset,
- int yOffset,
- RECT *pRect)
- {
- HDC hDC ;
- BOOL RetCode = FALSE ; // FALSE ==> same item being hit
- RECT Rect ;
- REPORT_ITEM PreviousItem ;
- enum REPORT_ITEM_TYPE PreviousItemType ;
- if (pReport->CurrentItem.pLine != SelectedItem.pLine)
- {
- // not the same item
- RetCode = TRUE ;
- PreviousItemType = pReport->CurrentItemType ;
- PreviousItem.pLine = pReport->CurrentItem.pLine ;
- pReport->CurrentItemType = SelectedItemType ;
- pReport->CurrentItem.pLine = SelectedItem.pLine ;
- hDC = GetDC (hWnd) ;
- if (SelectedItemType == REPORT_TYPE_LINE)
- {
- SetWindowOrgEx (hDC, xOffset, yOffset, NULL) ;
- SelectFont (hDC, pReport->hFont) ;
- SetTextAlign (hDC, TA_RIGHT) ;
- SetBkColor (hDC, GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW)) ;
- DrawReportValue (hDC, pReport, SelectedItem.pLine) ;
- SetWindowOrgEx (hDC, -xOffset, -yOffset, NULL) ;
- }
- else
- {
- Rect = *pRect ;
- Rect.top -= yOffset ;
- Rect.bottom -= yOffset ;
- Rect.right -= xOffset ;
- Rect.left -= xOffset ;
- InvalidateRect (hWnd, &Rect, TRUE) ;
- }
- if (PreviousItemType == REPORT_TYPE_LINE)
- {
- SetWindowOrgEx (hDC, xOffset, yOffset, NULL) ;
- SelectFont (hDC, pReport->hFont) ;
- SetTextAlign (hDC, TA_RIGHT) ;
- SetBkColor (hDC, GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW)) ;
- DrawReportValue (hDC, pReport, PreviousItem.pLine) ;
- }
- else if (PreviousItemType != REPORT_TYPE_NOTHING)
- {
- if (PreviousItemType == REPORT_TYPE_SYSTEM)
- {
- ReportSystemRect (pReport, PreviousItem.pSystem, &Rect) ;
- }
- else if (PreviousItemType == REPORT_TYPE_OBJECT)
- {
- ReportObjectRect (pReport, PreviousItem.pObject, &Rect) ;
- }
- else if (PreviousItemType == REPORT_TYPE_COUNTER)
- {
- ReportCounterRect (pReport, PreviousItem.pCounter, &Rect) ;
- }
- else if (PreviousItemType == REPORT_TYPE_COLUMN)
- {
- ReportColumnRect (pReport, PreviousItem.pColumn, &Rect) ;
- }
- Rect.top -= yOffset ;
- Rect.bottom -= yOffset ;
- Rect.right -= xOffset ;
- Rect.left -= xOffset ;
- InvalidateRect (hWnd, &Rect, TRUE) ;
- }
- ReleaseDC (hWnd, hDC) ;
- }
- return (RetCode) ;
- } // ReportChangeFocus
- BOOL OnReportLButtonDown (HWND hWnd,
- WORD xPos,
- WORD yPos)
- {
- PREPORT pReport ;
- PLINE pLine ;
- REPORT_ITEM PreviousItem ;
- REPORT_ITEM CurrentSelectedItem ;
- enum REPORT_ITEM_TYPE PreviousItemType ;
- RECT rect ;
- POINT pt ;
- int xOffset, yOffset ;
- PSYSTEMGROUP pSystemGroup ;
- POBJECTGROUP pObjectGroup ;
- PCOUNTERGROUP pCounterGroup ;
- PCOLUMNGROUP pColumnGroup ;
- pReport = ReportData (hWnd) ;
- if (!pReport)
- return (FALSE) ;
- xOffset = GetScrollPos (hWnd, SB_HORZ) ;
- yOffset = GetScrollPos (hWnd, SB_VERT) ;
- pt.x = xPos + xOffset ;
- pt.y = yPos + yOffset ;
- PreviousItem = pReport->CurrentItem ;
- PreviousItemType = pReport->CurrentItemType ;
- for (pLine = pReport->pLineFirst ;
- pLine ;
- pLine = pLine->pLineNext)
- { // for
- ReportLineValueRect (pReport, pLine, &rect) ;
- if (PtInRect (&rect, pt))
- {
- CurrentSelectedItem.pLine = pLine ;
- return (ReportChangeFocus (
- hWnd,
- pReport,
- CurrentSelectedItem,
- xOffset,
- yOffset,
- &rect)) ;
- }
- } // for
- // check on hit on system, object, counter, column (parent+isntance names)
- for (pSystemGroup = pReport->pSystemGroupFirst ;
- pSystemGroup ;
- pSystemGroup = pSystemGroup->pSystemGroupNext)
- { // for System...
- ReportSystemRect (pReport, pSystemGroup, &rect) ;
- if (PtInRect (&rect, pt))
- {
- CurrentSelectedItem.pSystem = pSystemGroup ;
- return (ReportChangeFocus (
- hWnd,
- pReport,
- CurrentSelectedItem,
- xOffset,
- yOffset,
- &rect)) ;
- }
- for (pObjectGroup = pSystemGroup->pObjectGroupFirst ;
- pObjectGroup ;
- pObjectGroup = pObjectGroup->pObjectGroupNext)
- { // for Object...
- ReportObjectRect (pReport, pObjectGroup, &rect) ;
- if (PtInRect (&rect, pt))
- {
- CurrentSelectedItem.pObject = pObjectGroup ;
- return (ReportChangeFocus (
- hWnd,
- pReport,
- CurrentSelectedItem,
- xOffset,
- yOffset,
- &rect)) ;
- }
- for (pColumnGroup = pObjectGroup->pColumnGroupFirst ;
- pColumnGroup ;
- pColumnGroup = pColumnGroup->pColumnGroupNext)
- { // for Column...
- ReportColumnRect (pReport, pColumnGroup, &rect) ;
- if (PtInRect (&rect, pt))
- {
- CurrentSelectedItem.pColumn = pColumnGroup ;
- return (ReportChangeFocus (
- hWnd,
- pReport,
- CurrentSelectedItem,
- xOffset,
- yOffset,
- &rect)) ;
- }
- } // for Column
- for (pCounterGroup = pObjectGroup->pCounterGroupFirst ;
- pCounterGroup ;
- pCounterGroup = pCounterGroup->pCounterGroupNext)
- { // for Counter...
- ReportCounterRect (pReport, pCounterGroup, &rect) ;
- if (PtInRect (&rect, pt))
- {
- CurrentSelectedItem.pCounter = pCounterGroup ;
- return (ReportChangeFocus (
- hWnd,
- pReport,
- CurrentSelectedItem,
- xOffset,
- yOffset,
- &rect)) ;
- }
- } // for Counter...
- } // for Object...
- } // for System...
- // nothing hit
- return (FALSE) ;
- } // OnReportLButtonDown
- BOOL ReportDeleteItem (HWND hWnd)
- /*
- Effect: Delete the current selected item.
- */
- { // ReportDeleteItem
- HDC hDC ;
- PREPORT pReport ;
- REPORT_ITEM NextItem ;
- enum REPORT_ITEM_TYPE NextItemType ;
- NextItem.pLine = NULL ;
- pReport = ReportData (hWnd) ;
- if (pReport->CurrentItemType == REPORT_TYPE_NOTHING)
- {
- // nothing to delete...
- return (TRUE) ;
- }
- else if (pReport->CurrentItemType == REPORT_TYPE_LINE)
- {
- NextItem.pLine = LineRemoveItem (pReport, &NextItemType) ;
- }
- else if (pReport->CurrentItemType == REPORT_TYPE_SYSTEM)
- {
- NextItem.pCounter = SystemRemoveItem (
- pReport,
- pReport->CurrentItem.pSystem,
- &NextItemType) ;
- }
- else if (pReport->CurrentItemType == REPORT_TYPE_OBJECT)
- {
- NextItem.pCounter = ObjectRemoveItem (
- pReport,
- pReport->CurrentItem.pObject,
- &NextItemType) ;
- }
- else if (pReport->CurrentItemType == REPORT_TYPE_COUNTER)
- {
- NextItem.pCounter = CounterRemoveItem (
- pReport,
- pReport->CurrentItem.pCounter,
- &NextItemType) ;
- }
- else if (pReport->CurrentItemType == REPORT_TYPE_COLUMN)
- {
- NextItem.pColumn = ColumnRemoveItem (
- pReport,
- pReport->CurrentItem.pColumn,
- &NextItemType) ;
- }
- if (NextItemType != REPORT_TYPE_NOTHING)
- {
- pReport->CurrentItem.pLine = NextItem.pLine ;
- pReport->CurrentItemType = NextItemType ;
- }
- else
- {
- pReport->CurrentItem.pLine = pReport->pLineFirst ;
- pReport->CurrentItemType = REPORT_TYPE_LINE ;
- }
- if (pReport->pLineFirst)
- {
- BuildValueListForSystems (
- pReport->pSystemFirst,
- pReport->pLineFirst) ;
- }
- else
- {
- // no more line, no more timer...
- pReport->xWidth = 0 ;
- pReport->yHeight = 0 ;
- pReport->xMaxCounterWidth = 0 ;
- ClearReportTimer (pReport) ;
- FreeSystems (pReport->pSystemFirst) ;
- pReport->pSystemFirst = NULL ;
- pReport->pSystemGroupFirst = NULL ;
- pReport->CurrentItemType = REPORT_TYPE_NOTHING ;
- pReport->CurrentItem.pLine = NULL ;
- }
- //=============================//
- // Calculate report positions //
- //=============================//
- hDC = GetDC (hWnd) ;
- SetReportPositions (hDC, pReport) ;
- if (!pReport->pLineFirst)
- {
- SelectFont (hDC, pReport->hFont) ;
- pReport->xValueWidth = TextWidth (hDC, szValuePlaceholder) ;
- }
- ReleaseDC (hWnd, hDC) ;
- WindowInvalidate (hWnd) ;
- return (TRUE) ;
- } // ReportDeleteItem