资源名称 [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /******************************************************************************
- * This is a part of the Microsoft Source Code Samples.
- * Copyright (C) 1993-1997 Microsoft Corporation.
- * All rights reserved.
- * This source code is only intended as a supplement to
- * Microsoft Development Tools and/or WinHelp documentation.
- * See these sources for detailed information regarding the
- * Microsoft samples programs.
- ******************************************************************************/
- /****************************** Module Header *******************************
- * Module Name: file.c
- *
- * This file contains the high level routines that begin opening
- * and saving files.
- *
- * Functions:
- * Open()
- * BuildFilterString()
- * DoWeSave()
- * Save()
- * OpenCmdLineFile()
- * FileInPath()
- * ShowFileStatus()
- * DifferentDirs()
- * HasPath()
- * WriteDWordPad()
- * BuildDefSaveName()
- * WriteTheFile()
- * FormTempFileName()
- * FileCat()
- *
- * Comments:
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
- #include "dlgedit.h"
- #include "dlgfuncs.h"
- #include "dlgextrn.h"
- #include "dialogs.h"
- #include <wchar.h>
- #include <commdlg.h>
- /*
- * File types.
- */
- #define FILE_RES 0 // Resource (.RES) file.
- #define FILE_DLG 1 // Dialog (.DLG) file.
- #define FILE_INC 2 // Include (.H) file.
- STATICFN VOID BuildDefSaveName(INT FileType, LPTSTR pszFullFileName,
- LPTSTR pszFileName, LPTSTR pszOtherFullFileName, LPTSTR pszOtherFileName,
- LPTSTR pszFullFileNameBuffer, INT cchBuffer);
- STATICFN BOOL WriteTheFile(LPTSTR pszFile, INT fmt);
- STATICFN VOID FormTempFileName(LPTSTR pszBaseName, LPTSTR pszBuffer);
- STATICFN VOID FileCat(LPTSTR pchName, LPTSTR pchCat, BOOL fChop);
- /************************************************************************
- * Open
- *
- * Handles opening of resource and include files.
- * Saves current dialog in the resource.
- * Might put up a message box.
- * Cancels moves.
- * Changes szFullResFile, pszResFile, szFullIncludeFile, pszIncludeFile
- * Puts up dialog boxes.
- * Restores dialog box from resource.
- * Sets changed flags.
- *
- * Arguments:
- *
- * Returns:
- * TRUE if successful, FALSE if not.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- BOOL Open(
- INT FileType)
- {
- BOOL fSuccess;
- BOOL fGotName;
- INT idPrevDlg;
- /*
- * Cancel any outstanding selection(s).
- */
- CancelSelection(TRUE);
- /*
- * Put current dialog back into the resource buffer.
- */
- if (!SynchDialogResource())
- return FALSE;
- /*
- * Begin setting up the globals and the open file dialog structure.
- */
- fSuccess = FALSE;
- *szNewFileName = CHAR_NULL;
- /*
- * Build up the filter string.
- */
- BuildFilterString(FileType, szFilter);
- ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn);
- ofn.hwndOwner = ghwndMain;
- ofn.hInstance = NULL;
- ofn.lpstrFilter = szFilter;
- ofn.lpstrCustomFilter = NULL;
- ofn.nMaxCustFilter = 0;
- ofn.nFilterIndex = 1;
- ofn.lpstrFile = szNewFileName;
- ofn.nMaxFile = CCHMAXPATH;
- ofn.lpstrFileTitle = NULL;
- ofn.nMaxFileTitle = 0;
- if (FileType == FILE_INCLUDE) {
- /*
- * If there is a res file, set the default include file
- * name to open to be the basename of the res file with
- * a .H extension, if such a file exists. We use szInitialDir
- * here as a temporary buffer.
- */
- if (pszResFile) {
- lstrcpy(szInitialDir, szFullResFile);
- FileCat(szInitialDir, ids(IDS_DOTH), TRUE);
- if (GetFileAttributes(szInitialDir) != -1) {
- lstrcpy(szNewFileName, pszResFile);
- FileCat(szNewFileName, ids(IDS_DOTH), TRUE);
- }
- }
- ofn.lpstrTitle = ids(IDS_INCOPENTITLE);
- ofn.lpstrDefExt = ids(IDS_INCEXT);
- }
- else {
- ofn.lpstrTitle = ids(IDS_RESOPENTITLE);
- ofn.lpstrDefExt = ids(IDS_RESEXT);
- }
- /*
- * If they have already opened one res file, start looking for
- * any new files to open in the same directory. Otherwise, just
- * default to the current directory.
- */
- if (pszResFile) {
- lstrcpy(szInitialDir, szFullResFile);
- *FileInPath(szInitialDir) = CHAR_NULL;
- ofn.lpstrInitialDir = szInitialDir;
- }
- else {
- ofn.lpstrInitialDir = NULL;
- }
- ofn.lCustData = 0;
- ofn.lpfnHook = NULL;
- ofn.lpTemplateName = NULL;
- /*
- * Fire off the dialog box to open the file.
- */
- EnteringDialog((FileType == FILE_INCLUDE) ?
- &idPrevDlg, TRUE);
- fGotName = GetOpenFileName(&ofn);
- EnteringDialog(idPrevDlg, NULL, FALSE);
- if (fGotName) {
- if (FileType == FILE_INCLUDE) {
- if (OpenIncludeFile(szNewFileName)) {
- /*
- * Since we just loaded a new include file, we mark the
- * resource as changed so that the .RES and .DLG files
- * will be written out with the proper name in the
- * DLGINCLUDE statement.
- */
- gfResChged = TRUE;
- fSuccess = TRUE;
- }
- }
- else {
- if (OpenResFile(szNewFileName))
- fSuccess = TRUE;
- }
- }
- ShowFileStatus(TRUE);
- return fSuccess;
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * BuildFilterString
- *
- * This function creates a filter string to be passed into the
- * standard file open and save dialogs. This will be something like:
- * "Resource (*.res) *.res "
- *
- * Arguments:
- * INT FileType - Flags for type of file, FILE_INCLUDE, FILE_RESOURCE
- * or FILE_DLL.
- * LPTSTR pszFilter - Where to return the filter string.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- VOID BuildFilterString(
- INT FileType,
- LPTSTR pszFilter)
- {
- INT idsFileSpecName;
- INT idsFileSpec;
- LPTSTR psz;
- if (FileType & FILE_INCLUDE) {
- }
- else if (FileType & FILE_RESOURCE) {
- }
- else { // Must be a DLL.
- }
- /*
- * Build up the filter string. This will be something like:
- * "Resource (*.res) *.res "
- */
- psz = (LPTSTR)WriteSz(pszFilter, ids(idsFileSpecName));
- psz = (LPTSTR)WriteSz(psz, ids(idsFileSpec));
- *psz = CHAR_NULL;
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * OpenCmdLineFile
- *
- * Handles opening of the resource file specified on the command line.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * LPTSTR - pointer to the file name string
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- VOID OpenCmdLineFile(
- LPTSTR pszFileName)
- {
- LPTSTR pszOnlyFileName;
- if (SearchPath(L".", pszFileName, ids(IDS_DOTRES), CCHMAXPATH,
- szFullPath, &pszOnlyFileName) == -1) {
- Message(MSG_CANTOPENRES, pszFileName);
- }
- else {
- OpenResFile(szFullPath);
- }
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * DoWeSave
- *
- * This function checks to see if the include file or the resource file
- * needs to be saved. It first checks the changed flags and if TRUE,
- * asks the user if they want to save the file. If they say yes, it
- * calls Save to do the actual work.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * INT rgbFlags = FILE_RESOURCE or FILE_INCLUDE (but not both).
- *
- * Returns:
- * IDYES - The user wanted to save the file AND the save
- * was successful, or the file has not been changed.
- * IDNO - The file had been changed but the user did not
- * want it saved.
- * IDCANCEL - The file had been changed, and either the user wanted
- * it saved and the save failed, or they specified that
- * they wanted the operation cancelled.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- INT DoWeSave(
- INT rgbFlags)
- {
- LPTSTR pszFile;
- INT MsgCode;
- BOOL fChanged;
- INT nRet = IDYES;
- /*
- * First set variables for current case.
- */
- if (rgbFlags & FILE_RESOURCE) {
- fChanged = gfResChged;
- MsgCode = MSG_CLOSING;
- pszFile = pszResFile ? pszResFile : ids(IDS_UNTITLED);
- }
- else {
- fChanged = gfIncChged;
- pszFile = pszIncludeFile ? pszIncludeFile : ids(IDS_UNTITLED);
- }
- if (fChanged) {
- nRet = Message(MsgCode, pszFile);
- if (nRet == IDYES) {
- if (!Save(FILE_NOSHOW | rgbFlags))
- nRet = IDCANCEL;
- }
- }
- return nRet;
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * Save
- *
- * Handles all saving of files based on menu choice. Does a
- * CancelSelection and a SynchDialogResource.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * INT rgbFlags - Can include FILE_SHOW, FILE_INCLUDE, FILE_SAVEAS.
- *
- * Returns:
- * TRUE if the file was saved, FALSE if not.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- BOOL Save(
- INT rgbFlags)
- {
- BOOL fGotName;
- LPTSTR pszFileName;
- LPTSTR pszFileNameDlg;
- LPTSTR pszFullFileName;
- BOOL fSuccess = FALSE;
- TCHAR szSaveFileNameDlg[CCHMAXPATH];
- INT idPrevDlg;
- /*
- * Put current dialog back into the resource buffer.
- */
- if (!SynchDialogResource())
- return FALSE;
- /*
- * If the file being saved has not been named, force a "Save As".
- */
- if ((rgbFlags & FILE_INCLUDE) ? !pszIncludeFile : !pszResFile)
- rgbFlags |= FILE_SAVEAS;
- if (rgbFlags & FILE_SAVEAS) {
- ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn);
- ofn.hwndOwner = ghwndMain;
- ofn.hInstance = NULL;
- /*
- * Build up the filter string.
- */
- BuildFilterString(rgbFlags, szFilter);
- ofn.lpstrFilter = szFilter;
- ofn.lpstrCustomFilter = NULL;
- ofn.nMaxCustFilter = 0;
- ofn.nFilterIndex = 1;
- ofn.lpstrFile = szSaveFileName;
- ofn.nMaxFile = CCHMAXPATH;
- ofn.lpstrFileTitle = NULL;
- ofn.nMaxFileTitle = 0;
- if (rgbFlags & FILE_INCLUDE) {
- ofn.lpstrTitle = ids(IDS_INCSAVETITLE);
- ofn.lpstrDefExt = ids(IDS_INCEXT);
- BuildDefSaveName(FILE_INCLUDE,
- szFullIncludeFile, pszIncludeFile,
- szFullResFile, pszResFile,
- szInitialDir, CCHMAXPATH);
- }
- else {
- ofn.lpstrTitle = ids(IDS_RESSAVETITLE);
- ofn.lpstrDefExt = ids(IDS_RESEXT);
- BuildDefSaveName(FILE_RESOURCE,
- szFullResFile, pszResFile,
- szFullIncludeFile, pszIncludeFile,
- szInitialDir, CCHMAXPATH);
- }
- /*
- * At this point, szInitialDir contains the full path to
- * the suggested save file name. Find the end of the path,
- * copy just the filename to the file name buffer and cut
- * the filename portion off the initial directory buffer.
- */
- pszFileName = FileInPath(szInitialDir);
- lstrcpy(szSaveFileName, pszFileName);
- *pszFileName = CHAR_NULL;
- ofn.lpstrInitialDir = szInitialDir;
- ofn.lCustData = 0;
- ofn.lpfnHook = NULL;
- ofn.lpTemplateName = NULL;
- /*
- * Fire off the dialog box to get the file name to use.
- */
- EnteringDialog((rgbFlags & FILE_INCLUDE) ?
- &idPrevDlg, TRUE);
- fGotName = GetSaveFileName(&ofn);
- EnteringDialog(idPrevDlg, NULL, FALSE);
- if (fGotName) {
- pszFullFileName = szSaveFileName;
- pszFileName = FileInPath(szSaveFileName);
- fSuccess = TRUE;
- }
- }
- else {
- if (rgbFlags & FILE_INCLUDE) {
- pszFileName = pszIncludeFile;
- pszFullFileName = szFullIncludeFile;
- }
- else {
- pszFileName = pszResFile;
- pszFullFileName = szFullResFile;
- }
- fSuccess = TRUE;
- }
- if (fSuccess) {
- if (rgbFlags & FILE_INCLUDE) {
- /*
- * Save include file.
- */
- if (!WriteTheFile(pszFullFileName, FILE_INC)) {
- Message(MSG_CANTCREATE, pszFileName);
- fSuccess = FALSE;
- }
- }
- else {
- /*
- * Form the same name as the .res file but with
- * a .dlg extension.
- */
- lstrcpy(szSaveFileNameDlg, pszFullFileName);
- pszFileNameDlg = FileInPath(szSaveFileNameDlg);
- FileCat(pszFileNameDlg, ids(IDS_DOTDLG), TRUE);
- /*
- * Save .RES file, then the .DLG file. It is done
- * in this order so that makes wil notice that the
- * .dlg file has a newer time stamp than the .res
- * and will cause the .res to be rebuilt. This
- * could be necessary to pick up other changes
- * in the resources in a project.
- */
- if (!WriteTheFile(pszFullFileName, FILE_RES)) {
- Message(MSG_CANTCREATE, pszFileName);
- fSuccess = FALSE;
- }
- else if (!WriteTheFile(szSaveFileNameDlg, FILE_DLG)) {
- Message(MSG_CANTCREATE, pszFileNameDlg);
- fSuccess = FALSE;
- }
- else {
- /*
- * Successfully saved both files. Update our
- * globals.
- */
- lstrcpy(szFullResFile, pszFullFileName);
- pszResFile = FileInPath(szFullResFile);
- gfResChged = FALSE;
- }
- }
- }
- ShowFileStatus(TRUE);
- return fSuccess;
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * BuildDefSaveName
- *
- * This function takes the filenames of the current resource and include
- * files and builds the default filename that will be shown in the
- * "Save As" dialog. If the current file is still untitled, it will
- * attempt to pick a default name based on the other files name.
- *
- * To use, pass in the file type (FILE_RESOURCE or FILE_INCLUDE) and
- * give the current file name and full file name of both the current
- * file you are building, and the other type of file. The following
- * rules will be followed, in order:
- *
- * 1. If the file name is valid (not NULL) and it is either the
- * include file we are naming or it is the res file but there
- * is no include file, it will copy the full file name to the
- * output buffer.
- *
- * 2. If the other file name is valid, it will take this name, add the
- * appropriate extension and copy it to the output buffer.
- *
- * 3. If neither of the file names are valid (they are BOTH untitled),
- * it will assume the current directory and make a default file
- * name with the appropriate extension.
- *
- * Rule 1 is a little complicated, but it's purpose is to make it so
- * that if a default res file name is being requested, and they changed
- * the directory and/or name for the include file that was just saved,
- * the default directory and name for the res file will be the same
- * directory and base name as the new include file directory and name.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * LPTSTR pszFullFileName - The full file name. This will only
- * be used if pszFileName is not NULL.
- * LPTSTR pszFileName - File name to use, or NULL if it is
- * currently untitled.
- * LPTSTR pszOtherFullFileName - Full file name of the other file. Only
- * considered valid if pszOtherFileName is
- * not NULL.
- * LPTSTR pszOtherFileName - File name of the other file, or NULL if
- * it is untitled.
- * LPTSTR pszFullFileNameBuffer - Where to put the full file name.
- * INT cchBuffer - Size of the buffer in characters.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- STATICFN VOID BuildDefSaveName(
- INT FileType,
- LPTSTR pszFullFileName,
- LPTSTR pszFileName,
- LPTSTR pszOtherFullFileName,
- LPTSTR pszOtherFileName,
- LPTSTR pszFullFileNameBuffer,
- INT cchBuffer)
- {
- if (pszFileName && (FileType == FILE_INCLUDE || !pszOtherFileName)) {
- /*
- * Simple case. The file already has a title.
- */
- lstrcpy(pszFullFileNameBuffer, pszFullFileName);
- }
- else if (pszOtherFileName) {
- /*
- * Copy the other files name and add the proper extension.
- */
- lstrcpy(pszFullFileNameBuffer, pszOtherFullFileName);
- FileCat(pszFullFileNameBuffer,
- (FileType == FILE_INCLUDE) ? ids(IDS_DOTH) :
- }
- else {
- /*
- * Pick a default name in the current directory and
- * add the proper extension.
- */
- lstrcpy(szBuffer, ids(IDS_DEFSAVENAME));
- FileCat(szBuffer,
- (FileType == FILE_INCLUDE) ? ids(IDS_DOTH) :
- GetFullPathName(szBuffer, cchBuffer, pszFullFileNameBuffer, NULL);
- }
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * WriteTheFile
- *
- * This function accepts a pointer to a resource buffer and a format
- * type. It writes the buffer out in the appropriate format. It
- * gets the file name from pszFile, adding the appropriate extension
- * for the type of file. The file is first written to a temporary file
- * then the old file is removed and finally the new file is renamed.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * LPTSTR pszFile - The name to save to.
- * INT fmt - format to write the buffer out in,
- *
- * Returns:
- * TRUE => File successfully written.
- * FALSE => Failure in writing file.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- LPTSTR pszFile,
- INT fmt)
- {
- TCHAR szTempFile[CCHMAXPATH]; /* Used for temporary filename */
- TCHAR szSrcFile[CCHMAXPATH]; /* Source file with proper extension */
- HANDLE hfWrite;
- HCURSOR hcurSave;
- BOOL fSuccess = FALSE;
- WORD idsExt;
- hcurSave = SetCursor(hcurWait);
- switch (fmt) {
- case FILE_RES:
- idsExt = IDS_DOTRES;
- break;
- case FILE_DLG:
- idsExt = IDS_DOTDLG;
- break;
- case FILE_INC:
- idsExt = IDS_DOTH;
- break;
- }
- /*
- * Append appropriate file name extension.
- */
- lstrcpy(szSrcFile, pszFile);
- FileCat(szSrcFile, ids(idsExt), fmt == FILE_DLG ? TRUE : FALSE);
- /*
- * Generate appropriate temporary file name in the same directory.
- * It is done in the same directory so that a simple rename can
- * be done later.
- */
- FormTempFileName(szSrcFile, szTempFile);
- if ((hfWrite = CreateFile(szTempFile, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE,
- NULL)) == (HANDLE)-1)
- goto Exit;
- switch (fmt) {
- case FILE_RES:
- if (!WriteRes(hfWrite, szSrcFile))
- goto CloseAndExit;
- break;
- case FILE_DLG:
- if (!WriteDlg(hfWrite, szSrcFile))
- goto CloseAndExit;
- break;
- case FILE_INC:
- if (!WriteInc(hfWrite))
- goto CloseAndExit;
- break;
- }
- CloseHandle((HANDLE)hfWrite);
- DeleteFile(szSrcFile);
- if (!MoveFile(szTempFile, szSrcFile)) {
- DeleteFile(szTempFile);
- goto Exit;
- }
- fSuccess = TRUE;
- /*
- * If we just wrote to the include file, read it to get the new
- * file offsets, etc.
- */
- if (fmt == FILE_INC) {
- if (!OpenIncludeFile(szSrcFile))
- fSuccess = FALSE;
- }
- Exit:
- SetCursor(hcurSave);
- return fSuccess;
- CloseAndExit:
- CloseHandle(hfWrite);
- DeleteFile(szTempFile);
- SetCursor(hcurSave);
- return fSuccess;
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * FormTempFileName
- *
- * This function forms a temporary file name in the provided string.
- * The provided string is assumed to have been filled with a filename
- * that includes a path. The temp file will be created in the same
- * directory as the file that is currently in the string.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * LPTSTR pszBaseName - The base name (a filename that includes a path).
- * LPTSTR pszBuffer - Where to return the
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- STATICFN VOID FormTempFileName(
- LPTSTR pszBaseName,
- LPTSTR pszBuffer)
- {
- LPTSTR psz;
- /*
- * Cut the base file name down to just the path portion.
- */
- lstrcpy(szBuffer, pszBaseName);
- psz = FileInPath(szBuffer);
- psz--;
- *psz = TEXT(' ');
- /*
- * Create a temporary file in the same directory.
- */
- GetTempFileName(szBuffer, L"dlg", 0, pszBuffer);
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * FileInPath
- *
- * This function takes a path and returns a pointer to the file name
- * portion of it. For instance, it will return a pointer to
- * "abc.res" if it is given the following path: "c:windowsabc.res".
- *
- * Arguments:
- * LPTSTR pszPath - Path to look through.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- LPTSTR FileInPath(
- LPTSTR pszPath)
- {
- LPTSTR psz;
- psz = pszPath + lstrlen(pszPath);
- while (psz > pszPath) {
- psz--;
- if (*psz == CHAR_BACKSLASH || *psz == CHAR_COLON) {
- psz++;
- break;
- }
- }
- return psz;
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * FileCat
- *
- * This function puts the extension pchCat on the file spec pch.
- * If fChop, this is done regardless of whether pch has an extension
- * or not (replacing the old extension). Otherwise, pchCat is added
- * only if there is no extension on the spec pch.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * LPTSTR pch - The file spec to "cat" the extension to.
- * LPTSTR pchCat - The extension to "cat" on to pch,
- * including the '.'
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- LPTSTR pchName,
- LPTSTR pchCat,
- BOOL fChop)
- {
- LPTSTR pch;
- pch = pchName + lstrlen(pchName);
- pch--;
- /* back up to '.' or '\' */
- while (*pch != CHAR_DOT) {
- if (*pch == CHAR_BACKSLASH || pch <= pchName) {
- /* no extension, add one */
- lstrcat(pchName, pchCat);
- return;
- }
- pch--;
- }
- if (fChop)
- lstrcpy(pch, pchCat);
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * ShowFileStatus
- *
- * This function displays the title of the Dialog Editor, along with
- * the file names for the RES and H files with asterisks if they have
- * changed. It displays this information only if one of these items
- * has changed or if fForce is TRUE.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * BOOL fForce - TRUE if the title should be updated even if the value
- * of gfResChged or gfIncChged has not changed since the
- * last call. This function should be called with fForce
- * equal to TRUE if it is known that one of the file names
- * has just been changed.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- VOID ShowFileStatus(
- BOOL fForce)
- {
- static BOOL fResChgedSave = FALSE;
- static BOOL fIncChgedSave = FALSE;
- if (gfResChged != fResChgedSave || gfIncChged != fIncChgedSave ||
- fForce) {
- lstrcpy(szTitle, ids(IDS_DLGEDIT));
- lstrcat(szTitle, L" - ");
- lstrcat(szTitle, pszResFile ? pszResFile : ids(IDS_UNTITLED));
- if (gfResChged)
- lstrcat(szTitle, L"*");
- lstrcat(szTitle, L", ");
- lstrcat(szTitle, pszIncludeFile ? pszIncludeFile : ids(IDS_UNTITLED));
- if (gfIncChged)
- lstrcat(szTitle, L"*");
- SetWindowText(ghwndMain, szTitle);
- fResChgedSave = gfResChged;
- fIncChgedSave = gfIncChged;
- }
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * DifferentDirs
- *
- * This function returns TRUE if the given full paths are to files
- * that are in different directories.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * LPTSTR pszPath1 - First path.
- * LPTSTR pszPath2 - Second path.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- BOOL DifferentDirs(
- LPTSTR pszPath1,
- LPTSTR pszPath2)
- {
- INT nLen1;
- INT nLen2;
- LPTSTR pszFile1;
- LPTSTR pszFile2;
- pszFile1 = FileInPath(pszPath1);
- pszFile2 = FileInPath(pszPath2);
- nLen1 = lstrlen(pszPath1) - lstrlen(pszFile1);
- nLen2 = lstrlen(pszPath2) - lstrlen(pszFile2);
- if (nLen1 != nLen2 || _wcsnicmp(pszPath1, pszPath2, nLen1) != 0)
- return TRUE;
- else
- return FALSE;
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * HasPath
- *
- * This function returns TRUE if the given filespec includes a path
- * specification. It returns false if it is a filename without a
- * path.
- *
- * A filespec is considered to have a path if a backslash character ()
- * is found in it.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * LPTSTR pszFileSpec - File spec to check.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- BOOL HasPath(
- LPTSTR pszFileSpec)
- {
- LPTSTR psz;
- for (psz = pszFileSpec; *psz; psz = CharNext(psz))
- if (*psz == CHAR_BACKSLASH)
- return TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * WriteDWordPad
- *
- * This function writes nulls to the specified file until it is
- * dword aligned. If the file is already dword aligned, nothing
- * will be written.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * HANDLE hf - The file to write to.
- * DWORD cbFile - Where the file pointer is at in the file.
- *
- * Returns:
- * TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- BOOL WriteDWordPad(
- HANDLE hf,
- DWORD cbFile)
- {
- static BYTE Buf[3] = {0, 0, 0};
- WORD cb;
- cb = (WORD)((4 - (((WORD)cbFile) & 3)) % 4);
- if (cb) {
- if (_lwrite((HFILE)hf, (LPSTR)Buf, cb) == -1)
- return FALSE;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }