


Visual C++

  1. /******************************************************************************
  2. *       This is a part of the Microsoft Source Code Samples. 
  3. *       Copyright (C) 1993-1997 Microsoft Corporation.
  4. *       All rights reserved. 
  5. *       This source code is only intended as a supplement to 
  6. *       Microsoft Development Tools and/or WinHelp documentation.
  7. *       See these sources for detailed information regarding the 
  8. *       Microsoft samples programs.
  9. ******************************************************************************/
  10. /****************************** Module Header *******************************
  11. * Module Name: dialogs.h
  12. ****************************************************************************/
  13. #define IDHELPDLG 8
  14. /*
  15.  * Defines for the "Styles" dialogs. ---------------------------------------
  16.  */
  17. /*
  18.  * These controls are common to several of the dialogs.
  19.  */
  20. #define DID_WS_POPUP                    100
  21. #define DID_WS_CHILD                    101
  22. #define DID_WS_MINIMIZE                 102
  23. #define DID_WS_VISIBLE                  103
  24. #define DID_WS_DISABLED                 104
  25. #define DID_WS_CLIPSIBLINGS             105
  26. #define DID_WS_CLIPCHILDREN             106
  27. #define DID_WS_MAXIMIZE                 107
  28. #define DID_WS_CAPTION                  108
  29. #define DID_WS_BORDER                   109
  30. #define DID_WS_DLGFRAME                 110
  31. #define DID_WS_VSCROLL                  111
  32. #define DID_WS_HSCROLL                  112
  33. #define DID_WS_SYSMENU                  113
  34. #define DID_WS_THICKFRAME               114
  35. #define DID_WS_GROUP                    115
  36. #define DID_WS_TABSTOP                  116
  37. /*
  38.  * These controls are found in several of the button styles dialogs.
  39.  */
  40. #define DID_BS_AUTOXXX                  130
  41. #define DID_BS_LEFTTEXT                 131
  42. /*
  43.  * Check Box Styles dialog.
  44.  */
  45. #define DID_CHECKBOXSTYLES              200
  46. #define DID_BS_3STATE                   201
  47. /*
  48.  * Combo Box Styles dialog.
  49.  */
  50. #define DID_COMBOBOXSTYLES              300
  51. #define DID_CBS_SIMPLE                  301
  52. #define DID_CBS_DROPDOWN                302
  53. #define DID_CBS_DROPDOWNLIST            303
  54. #define DID_CBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED          304
  55. #define DID_CBS_OWNERDRAWVARIABLE       305
  56. #define DID_CBS_AUTOHSCROLL             306
  57. #define DID_CBS_OEMCONVERT              307
  58. #define DID_CBS_SORT                    308
  59. #define DID_CBS_HASSTRINGS              309
  60. #define DID_CBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT        310
  61. #define DID_CBS_DISABLENOSCROLL         311
  62. /*
  63.  * Dialog Styles dialog.
  64.  */
  65. #define DID_DIALOGSTYLES                400
  66. #define DID_MMF_PRELOAD                 401
  67. #define DID_MMF_MOVEABLE                402
  68. #define DID_MMF_DISCARDABLE             403
  69. #define DID_MMF_PURE                    404
  70. #define DID_DS_ABSALIGN                 405
  71. #define DID_DS_SYSMODAL                 406
  72. #define DID_DS_LOCALEDIT                407
  73. #define DID_DS_MODALFRAME               408
  74. #define DID_DS_NOIDLEMSG                409
  75. #define DID_WS_MINIMIZEBOX              410
  76. #define DID_WS_MAXIMIZEBOX              411
  77. #define DID_DLGSTYLEFONTNAME            412
  78. #define DID_DLGSTYLEPOINTSIZE           413
  79. #define DID_DLGSTYLECLASS               414
  80. #define DID_DLGSTYLEMENU                415
  81. #define DID_DLGSTYLELANG                416
  82. #define DID_DLGSTYLESUBLANG             417
  83. /*
  84.  * Edit Field Styles dialog.
  85.  */
  86. #define DID_EDITSTYLES                  500
  87. #define DID_ES_LEFT                     501
  88. #define DID_ES_CENTER                   502
  89. #define DID_ES_RIGHT                    503
  90. #define DID_ES_MULTILINE                504
  91. #define DID_ES_UPPERCASE                505
  92. #define DID_ES_LOWERCASE                506
  93. #define DID_ES_PASSWORD                 507
  94. #define DID_ES_AUTOVSCROLL              508
  95. #define DID_ES_AUTOHSCROLL              509
  96. #define DID_ES_NOHIDESEL                510
  97. #define DID_ES_OEMCONVERT               511
  98. #define DID_ES_READONLY                 512
  99. /*
  100.  * Frame Styles dialog.
  101.  */
  102. #define DID_FRAMESTYLES                 600
  103. #define DID_SS_BLACKFRAME               601
  104. #define DID_SS_GRAYFRAME                602
  105. #define DID_SS_WHITEFRAME               603
  106. /*
  107.  * Group Box Styles dialog.
  108.  */
  109. #define DID_GROUPBOXSTYLES              700
  110. /*
  111.  * Horizontal Scroll Bar Styles dialog.
  112.  */
  113. #define DID_HORZSCROLLSTYLES            800
  114. /*
  115.  * Icon Styles dialog.
  116.  */
  117. #define DID_ICONSTYLES                  900
  118. /*
  119.  * List Box Styles dialog.
  120.  */
  121. #define DID_LISTBOXSTYLES               1000
  122. #define DID_LBS_STANDARD                1001
  123. #define DID_LBS_NOTIFY                  1002
  124. #define DID_LBS_SORT                    1003
  125. #define DID_LBS_NOREDRAW                1004
  126. #define DID_LBS_MULTIPLESEL             1005
  127. #define DID_LBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED          1006
  128. #define DID_LBS_OWNERDRAWVARIABLE       1007
  129. #define DID_LBS_HASSTRINGS              1008
  130. #define DID_LBS_USETABSTOPS             1009
  131. #define DID_LBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT        1010
  132. #define DID_LBS_MULTICOLUMN             1011
  133. #define DID_LBS_WANTKEYBOARDINPUT       1012
  134. #define DID_LBS_EXTENDEDSEL             1013
  135. #define DID_LBS_DISABLENOSCROLL         1014
  136. #define DID_LBS_NODATA                  1015
  137. /*
  138.  * Push Button Styles dialog.
  139.  */
  140. #define DID_PUSHBUTTONSTYLES            1100
  141. #define DID_BS_PUSHBUTTON               1101
  142. #define DID_BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON            1102
  143. #define DID_BS_OWNERDRAW                1103
  144. /*
  145.  * Frame Styles dialog.
  146.  */
  147. #define DID_RADIOBUTTONSTYLES           1200
  148. /*
  149.  * Rectangle Styles dialog.
  150.  */
  151. #define DID_RECTSTYLES                  1300
  152. #define DID_SS_BLACKRECT                1301
  153. #define DID_SS_GRAYRECT                 1302
  154. #define DID_SS_WHITERECT                1303
  155. /*
  156.  * Text Styles dialog.
  157.  */
  158. #define DID_TEXTSTYLES                  1400
  159. #define DID_SS_LEFT                     1401
  160. #define DID_SS_CENTER                   1402
  161. #define DID_SS_RIGHT                    1403
  162. #define DID_SS_NOPREFIX                 1404
  163. #define DID_SS_SIMPLE                   1405
  164. #define DID_SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP           1406
  165. #define DID_SS_USERITEM                 1407
  166. /*
  167.  * Vertical Scroll Bar Styles dialog.
  168.  */
  169. #define DID_VERTSCROLLSTYLES            1500
  170. /*
  171.  * Custom Styles dialog.
  172.  */
  173. #define DID_CUSTOMSTYLES                1600
  174. #define DID_CUSTOMSTYLESCLASS           1601
  175. #define DID_CUSTOMSTYLESSTYLES          1602
  176. /*
  177.  * Defines for other dialogs. ----------------------------------------------
  178.  */
  179. /*
  180.  * About dialog.
  181.  */
  182. #define DID_ABOUT                       2000
  183. #define DID_ABOUTVERSION                2001
  184. /*
  185.  * Arrange Settings dialog.
  186.  */
  187. #define DID_ARRSETTINGS                 2100
  188. #define DID_ARRSETDEFAULTS              2101
  189. #define DID_ARRSETCXGRID                2102
  190. #define DID_ARRSETCYGRID                2103
  191. #define DID_ARRSETXMARGIN               2104
  192. #define DID_ARRSETYMARGIN               2105
  193. #define DID_ARRSETXSPACE                2106
  194. #define DID_ARRSETYSPACE                2107
  195. #define DID_ARRSETXMINPUSHSPACE         2108
  196. #define DID_ARRSETXMAXPUSHSPACE         2109
  197. #define DID_ARRSETYPUSHSPACE            2110
  198. /*
  199.  * Order/Group dialog.
  200.  */
  201. #define DID_ORDERGROUP                  2200
  202. #define DID_ORDERLIST                   2201
  203. #define DID_ORDERMAKEGROUP              2202
  204. #define DID_ORDERSETTAB                 2203
  205. #define DID_ORDERCLEARTAB               2204
  206. /*
  207.  * Select Dialog dialog.
  208.  */
  209. #define DID_SELECTDIALOG                2300
  210. #define DID_SELECTDIALOGNAMELIST        2301
  211. #define DID_SELECTDIALOGLANGLIST        2302
  212. /*
  213.  * Status Ribbon dialog.
  214.  */
  215. #define DID_STATUS                      2401
  216. #define DID_STATUSXY                    2402
  217. #define DID_STATUSX2Y2                  2403
  218. #define DID_STATUSCX                    2404
  219. #define DID_STATUSCY                    2405
  220. #define DID_STATUSLABEL1                2406
  221. #define DID_STATUSSYM                   2407
  222. #define DID_STATUSSYMID                 2408
  223. #define DID_STATUSLABEL2                2409
  224. #define DID_STATUSNAME                  2410
  225. #define DID_STATUSNAMEID                2411
  226. #define DID_STATUSTEXT                  2412
  227. /*
  228.  * Symbols dialog.
  229.  */
  230. #define DID_SYMBOLS                     2500
  231. #define DID_SYMBOLSADD                  2501
  232. #define DID_SYMBOLSDELETE               2502
  233. #define DID_SYMBOLSCHANGE               2503
  234. #define DID_SYMBOLSEDITID               2504
  235. #define DID_SYMBOLSEDITSYM              2505
  236. #define DID_SYMBOLSLIST                 2506
  237. #define DID_SYMBOLSUNUSED               2507
  238. /*
  239.  * Create New Custom Control dialog.
  240.  */
  241. #define DID_NEWCUST                     2600
  242. #define DID_NEWCUSTCLASS                2601
  243. #define DID_NEWCUSTSTYLES               2602
  244. #define DID_NEWCUSTCX                   2603
  245. #define DID_NEWCUSTCY                   2604
  246. #define DID_NEWCUSTTEXT                 2605
  247. /*
  248.  * Select Custom Control dialog.
  249.  */
  250. #define DID_SELCUST                     2700
  251. #define DID_SELCUSTLIST                 2701
  252. #define DID_SELCUSTSAMPLE               2702
  253. /*
  254.  * Remove Custom Control dialog.
  255.  */
  256. #define DID_REMCUST                     2800
  257. #define DID_REMCUSTLIST                 2801
  258. /*
  259.  * These dialog ids are dummy ones that are only used so that there
  260.  * can be an entry in the dialog help table.  They are for the CommDlg
  261.  * dialogs and the palettes that are not dialogs.
  262.  */
  263. #define DID_COMMONFILEOPENINCLUDE       3000
  264. #define DID_COMMONFILEOPENRES           3100
  265. #define DID_COMMONFILESAVEINCLUDE       3200
  266. #define DID_COMMONFILESAVERES           3300
  267. #define DID_COMMONFILEOPENDLL           3400
  268. #define DID_TOOLBOX                     3500