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Visual C++
- /******************************************************************************
- * This is a part of the Microsoft Source Code Samples.
- * Copyright (C) 1993-1997 Microsoft Corporation.
- * All rights reserved.
- * This source code is only intended as a supplement to
- * Microsoft Development Tools and/or WinHelp documentation.
- * See these sources for detailed information regarding the
- * Microsoft samples programs.
- ******************************************************************************/
- /****************************** Module Header *******************************
- * Module Name: rwdlg.c
- *
- * Does the writing of .DLG files.
- *
- * Functions:
- * WriteDlg()
- * WriteDlgInclude()
- * WriteDialogHeader()
- * WriteDialogHeaderLanguage()
- * WriteControl()
- * WriteNameOrd()
- * WriteText()
- * WriteIDDlg()
- * GetControlKeyword()
- * WriteClass()
- * WriteStyles()
- * WriteClassStyle()
- * WriteCustomStyle()
- * WriteCoords()
- * WriteValue()
- * WriteHexWord()
- * WriteHexDWord()
- * WriteString()
- * WriteQuotedString()
- * WriteEscapedString()
- * WriteDlgChar()
- * WriteDlgFlush()
- * Tab()
- * NewLine()
- * Quote()
- * Comma()
- * Space()
- * ORSymbol()
- *
- * Comments:
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
- #include "dlgedit.h"
- #include "dlgfuncs.h"
- #include "dlgextrn.h"
- /*
- * Wrap lines before they go over this right margin.
- */
- /*
- * Defines for the tabs and tab indent levels.
- */
- #define CCHTABWIDTH 4 // Tabs are four spaces wide.
- #define TABLEVELNONE 0 // No indent (at left margin).
- #define TABLEVELCONTROL 1 // Indent to start of controls.
- #define TABLEVELCONTROLDESC 5 // Indent to control description.
- /*
- * Macro to set the current tab level. The level is multiplied
- * by the tab width.
- */
- #define SetTab(t) (cTabStop = ((t)*CCHTABWIDTH))
- /*
- * Macro that determines if the current position is the first
- * column for the current tab setting.
- */
- #define AtFirstTabColumn() ((cColumn == cTabStop) ? TRUE : FALSE)
- STATICFN VOID WriteDlgInclude(LPTSTR pszFullDlgFile);
- STATICFN VOID WriteDialogHeaderLanguage(WORD wLanguage);
- STATICFN VOID WriteNameOrd(LPTSTR pszNameOrd);
- STATICFN VOID WriteText(LPTSTR pszText);
- STATICFN LPTSTR GetControlKeyword(INT iClass, DWORD flStyle,
- DWORD *pflStylePredef, DWORD *pflStyleDefault, BOOL *pfWriteText,
- BOOL *pfNotFound);
- STATICFN VOID WriteClass(LPTSTR pszClass);
- STATICFN BOOL WriteStyles(INT iClass, LPTSTR pszClass, DWORD flStyle,
- DWORD flStylePredef, DWORD flStyleDefault, PDWORD pflStyleLeft,
- BOOL fNullStyles, BOOL fCommaPrefix);
- STATICFN BOOL WriteClassStyle(INT iClass, DWORD flStyle,
- DWORD flStylePredef, DWORD flStyleDefault, PDWORD pflStyleLeft,
- BOOL fPrevWritten, BOOL fNullStyles, BOOL fCommaPrefix);
- STATICFN BOOL WriteCustomStyle(LPTSTR pszClass, DWORD flStyle,
- PDWORD pflStyleLeft);
- STATICFN VOID WriteCoords(INT x, INT y, INT cx, INT cy);
- STATICFN VOID WriteValue(INT n);
- STATICFN VOID WriteString(LPTSTR psz);
- STATICFN VOID WriteQuotedString(LPTSTR psz);
- STATICFN VOID WriteEscapedString(LPTSTR psz);
- static INT cColumn; /* Current column in the line. */
- static INT cTabStop; /* Current tabstop column. */
- static HANDLE hfDlg; /* All workers write to this file. */
- static jmp_buf jbWriteDlg; /* Capture the state for longjmp. */
- /************************************************************************
- * WriteDlg
- *
- * This function writes the dialog boxes in the given resource to the
- * hfWrite file in the .DLG file RC format.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * HANDLE - handle to the file
- * LPTSTR - pointer to the resource file name
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- BOOL WriteDlg(
- HANDLE hfWrite,
- LPTSTR pszFullDlgFile)
- {
- HANDLE hResLocked = NULL;
- PRES pRes = NULL;
- INT cItems;
- /*
- * Set our error trap up. The api setjmp will return a zero at first,
- * then if a write error occurs later and longjmp is called, it
- * will return non-zero and we will return the failure up to the
- * caller. After this point, there must be no calls to allocate
- * memory, open files, etc., unless this trap has a way to detect
- * what happened and clean it up. See the c-runtime help file for more
- * information about setjump/longjmp.
- */
- if (_setjmp(jbWriteDlg)) {
- /*
- * If the resource is locked, unlock it.
- */
- if (hResLocked)
- GlobalUnlock(hResLocked);
- return FALSE;
- }
- /*
- * Initialize our globals. The hfDlg global is used so that hfWrite
- * doesn't have to be passed on the stack over and over.
- */
- hfDlg = hfWrite;
- cColumn = 0;
- WriteDlgInclude(pszFullDlgFile);
- /*
- * Process each resource in the list.
- */
- for (prl = gprlHead; prl; prl = prl->prlNext) {
- /*
- * Skip if it is not a dialog resource.
- */
- if (!prl->fDlgResource)
- continue;
- /*
- * Set up pointers to this dialog resource.
- */
- pRes = (PRES)GlobalLock(prl->hRes);
- hResLocked = prl->hRes;
- pdbh = (PDIALOGBOXHEADER)SkipResHeader(pRes);
- NewLine();
- pcd = WriteDialogHeader(pRes, pdbh);
- WriteString(ids(IDS_BEGIN));
- NewLine();
- /*
- * Write the controls.
- */
- cItems = (INT)pdbh->NumberOfItems;
- while (cItems--)
- pcd = WriteControl(pcd);
- /*
- * Finish up dialog template.
- */
- WriteString(ids(IDS_END));
- NewLine();
- GlobalUnlock(prl->hRes);
- hResLocked = NULL;
- }
- /*
- * Flush any remaining characters in the write buffer.
- */
- WriteDlgFlush();
- return TRUE;
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * WriteDlgInclude
- *
- * This routine writes out the "DLGINCLUDE" lines to the .DLG file.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * LPTSTR - dialog file name
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- STATICFN VOID WriteDlgInclude(
- LPTSTR pszFullDlgFile)
- {
- if (pszIncludeFile) {
- Space();
- WriteString(ids(IDS_DLGINCLUDE));
- Space();
- Quote();
- /*
- * If the include file is in a different directory than the resource
- * file, write the full path to it. Otherwise, we just write the
- * include file name.
- */
- if (DifferentDirs(pszFullDlgFile, szFullIncludeFile))
- WriteEscapedString(szFullIncludeFile);
- else
- WriteEscapedString(pszIncludeFile);
- Quote();
- NewLine();
- }
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * WriteDialogHeader
- *
- * Writes out the dialog header lines.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * PRES - pointer to the resource
- * PDIALOGBOXHEADER - pointer to the dialog box header
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- PRES pRes,
- {
- DWORD flStyle;
- DWORD flExtStyle;
- DWORD flStyleLeft;
- INT cdit;
- INT x;
- INT y;
- INT cx;
- INT cy;
- LPTSTR pszMenuName;
- LPTSTR pszClass;
- LPTSTR pszCaption;
- INT nPointSize;
- LPTSTR pszFontName;
- PRES2 pRes2;
- BOOL fWritten;
- pRes2 = ResourcePart2(pRes);
- WriteNameOrd(ResourceName(pRes));
- Space();
- WriteString(ids(IDS_DIALOG));
- if (pRes2->MemoryFlags & MMF_PRELOAD) {
- Space();
- WriteString(ids(IDS_PRELOAD));
- }
- if (!(pRes2->MemoryFlags & MMF_MOVEABLE)) {
- Space();
- WriteString(ids(IDS_FIXED));
- }
- if (!(pRes2->MemoryFlags & MMF_PURE)) {
- Space();
- WriteString(ids(IDS_IMPURE));
- }
- /*
- * Parse out the dialog template.
- */
- pcd = ParseDialogBoxHeader(pdbh, &flStyle, &flExtStyle, &cdit, &x, &y,
- &cx, &cy, &pszMenuName, &pszClass, &pszCaption,
- &nPointSize, &pszFontName);
- Space();
- WriteCoords(x, y, cx, cy);
- NewLine();
- /*
- * Write the language.
- */
- WriteDialogHeaderLanguage(pRes2->LanguageId);
- /*
- * Print out the "STYLE" line for the dialog.
- */
- WriteString(ids(IDS_STYLE));
- Space();
- WriteStyles(IC_DIALOG, NULL, flStyle, 0L, 0L, &flStyleLeft, TRUE, FALSE);
- NewLine();
- /*
- * Print out the "EXSTYLE" line for the dialog, if necessary.
- */
- if (flExtStyle) {
- WriteString(ids(IDS_EXSTYLE));
- Space();
- fWritten = WriteClassStyle(IC_EXSTYLE, flExtStyle, 0L, 0L,
- &flStyleLeft, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE);
- /*
- * If there is anything left (styles that the dialog editor
- * does not know about) write it out as a hex constant.
- */
- if (flStyleLeft) {
- if (fWritten)
- ORSymbol();
- WriteHexDWord(flStyleLeft);
- }
- NewLine();
- }
- /*
- * If it has a caption, print it out.
- */
- if (*pszCaption) {
- WriteString(ids(IDS_CAPTION));
- Space();
- WriteText(pszCaption);
- NewLine();
- }
- /*
- * If it has a font specified, print it out.
- */
- if (flStyle & DS_SETFONT) {
- WriteString(ids(IDS_FONT));
- Space();
- WriteValue(nPointSize);
- Comma();
- WriteQuotedString(pszFontName);
- NewLine();
- }
- /*
- * If it has a class specified, print it out.
- */
- if (*pszClass) {
- WriteString(ids(IDS_CLASS));
- Space();
- WriteText(pszClass);
- NewLine();
- }
- /*
- * If it has a menu specified, print it out.
- */
- if (*pszMenuName) {
- WriteString(ids(IDS_MENU));
- Space();
- WriteNameOrd(pszMenuName);
- NewLine();
- }
- if (pRes2->Version) {
- WriteString(ids(IDS_VERSION));
- Space();
- WriteValue(pRes2->Version);
- NewLine();
- }
- if (pRes2->Characteristics) {
- WriteString(ids(IDS_CHARACTERISTICS));
- Space();
- WriteValue(pRes2->Characteristics);
- NewLine();
- }
- return pcd;
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * WriteDialogHeaderLanguage
- *
- * Writes out the dialog header "LANGUAGE" line.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * WORD - language to write out
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- STATICFN VOID WriteDialogHeaderLanguage(
- WORD wLanguage)
- {
- WORD wPrimary;
- WORD wSubLang;
- INT i;
- INT j;
- INT idsLang;
- INT idsSubLang;
- WriteString(ids(IDS_LANGUAGE));
- Space();
- idsLang = 0;
- idsSubLang = 0;
- wPrimary = (WORD)PRIMARYLANGID(wLanguage);
- wSubLang = SUBLANGID(wLanguage);
- for (i = 0; i < gcLanguages; i++) {
- if (gaLangTable[i].wPrimary == wPrimary) {
- idsLang = gaLangTable[i].idsLang;
- for (j = 0; j < gaLangTable[i].cSubLangs; j++) {
- if (gaLangTable[i].asl[j].wSubLang == wSubLang) {
- idsSubLang = gaLangTable[i].asl[j].idsSubLang;
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- if (idsLang)
- WriteString(ids(idsLang));
- else
- WriteHexWord(wPrimary);
- Comma();
- if (idsSubLang)
- WriteString(ids(idsSubLang));
- else
- WriteHexWord(wSubLang);
- NewLine();
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * WriteControl
- *
- * Writes out a control line.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * PCONTROLDATA - pointer to the control data
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- {
- INT x;
- INT y;
- INT cx;
- INT cy;
- INT id;
- DWORD flStyle;
- DWORD flExtStyle;
- LPTSTR pszClass;
- LPTSTR pszText;
- INT iClass;
- LPTSTR pszKeyword;
- BOOL fWriteText;
- BOOL fNotFound;
- DWORD flStylePredef;
- DWORD flStyleDefault;
- DWORD flStyleLeft;
- BOOL fWritten;
- pcd = ParseControlData(pcd, &flStyle, &flExtStyle, &x, &y, &cx, &cy,
- &id, &pszClass, &pszText);
- /*
- * Determine the class of the control.
- */
- iClass = GetiClass(pszClass);
- /*
- * Determine if there are any predefined RC keywords that we
- * can use instead of the generic "CONTROL" keyword for this
- * style of control.
- */
- pszKeyword = GetControlKeyword(iClass, flStyle, &flStylePredef,
- &flStyleDefault, &fWriteText, &fNotFound);
- Tab();
- WriteString(pszKeyword);
- Tab();
- /*
- * Write out the text field, if this type of control has one.
- */
- if (fWriteText) {
- #ifdef JAPAN
- KDExpandCopy(szTmp, pszText, CCHTEXTMAX);
- WriteText(szTmp);
- #else
- WriteText(pszText);
- #endif
- Comma();
- }
- /*
- * Write out the id for the control.
- */
- WriteIDDlg(id, TRUE);
- /*
- * If we did not find a predefined keyword to use instead of "CONTROL",
- * we have to write out the fields in a different order, and specify
- * the class as well.
- */
- if (fNotFound) {
- WriteClass(pszClass);
- Comma();
- fWritten = WriteStyles(iClass, pszClass, flStyle, flStylePredef,
- flStyleDefault, &flStyleLeft, fNotFound, FALSE);
- if (!fWritten || flStyleLeft) {
- if (fWritten)
- ORSymbol();
- WriteHexWord(LOWORD(flStyleLeft));
- }
- Comma();
- WriteCoords(x, y, cx, cy);
- }
- else {
- Comma();
- WriteCoords(x, y, cx, cy);
- fWritten = WriteStyles(iClass, pszClass, flStyle, flStylePredef,
- flStyleDefault, &flStyleLeft, fNotFound, TRUE);
- if (flStyleLeft) {
- if (fWritten)
- ORSymbol();
- else
- Comma();
- WriteHexWord(LOWORD(flStyleLeft));
- fWritten = TRUE;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Write out the extended styles for the control, if necessary.
- */
- if (flExtStyle) {
- /*
- * If writing a predefined keyword (not CONTROL), and there
- * were no styles written out at the end of the line, write
- * a style of zero. RC doesn't like consecutive comma's,
- * and we need to skip the styles field to get to the
- * extended styles field.
- */
- if (!fNotFound && !fWritten) {
- Comma();
- WriteValue(0);
- }
- Comma();
- fWritten = WriteClassStyle(IC_EXSTYLE, flExtStyle, 0L, 0L,
- &flStyleLeft, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE);
- /*
- * If there is anything left (styles that the dialog editor
- * does not know about) write it out as a hex constant.
- */
- if (flStyleLeft) {
- if (fWritten)
- ORSymbol();
- WriteHexDWord(flStyleLeft);
- }
- }
- NewLine();
- return pcd;
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * WriteNameOrd
- *
- * Writes out the name/ordinal. Handles the case where the name
- * is really an ordinal instead of a string. When it is a string,
- * it will not be quoted.
- *
- * This routine never writes the ordinal out in hex, because the
- * items that it is intended to write are not parsed properly by
- * the Windows RC.EXE if they are written in hex notation.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * LPTSTR pszNameOrd - The name/ordinal to write.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- LPTSTR pszNameOrd)
- {
- if (IsOrd(pszNameOrd))
- /*
- * Write the name as a numeric ordinal.
- */
- WriteIDDlg(OrdID(pszNameOrd), FALSE);
- else
- WriteString(pszNameOrd);
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * WriteText
- *
- * Writes out the text for a control or dialog. This will either be
- * an ordinal (icon's text field) or a quoted string.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * LPTSTR pszText - text to write out
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- LPTSTR pszText)
- {
- if (IsOrd(pszText))
- /*
- * Write the text as an ID. Hex notation is allowed.
- */
- WriteIDDlg(OrdID(pszText), TRUE);
- else
- WriteQuotedString(pszText);
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * WriteIDDlg
- *
- * Writes out the ID. This may be written out as either a symbol
- * or a numeric.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * INT id - id to write out
- * BOOL fHexOK - flag specifies whether the id is a hex numeric.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- INT id,
- BOOL fHexOK)
- {
- IDToLabel(szID, id, fHexOK);
- WriteString(szID);
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * GetControlKeyword
- *
- * This routine does a lookup in the predefined RC keyword table
- * associated with the given class for a keyword that can be used
- * instead of "CONTROL". The match is based on the style of the control
- * that is passed in. If a match is not found, it defaults all the
- * returned values to use the "CONTROL" keyword.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * INT iClass - The class of the control.
- * DWORD flStyle - The style of the control.
- * DWORD *pflStylePredef - Return for the bits of the predefined control
- * (if found). These can be removed later from
- * the style flag.
- * DWORD *pflStyleDefault - Return for the default styles.
- * BOOL *pfWriteText - Return for the "Write Text" flag. This will
- * be TRUE if this control has a text field.
- * BOOL *pfNotFound - Return for the "Not Found" flag. This will
- * be TRUE if no match was found and the "CONTROL"
- * keyword was defaulted to.
- *
- * Returns:
- * A pointer to the control keyword to use.
- * If a match was found, *pflStylePredef is set to the bits for the match.
- * If not found, this is set to zero.
- * The default style bits for this keyword will be returned.
- * The "Write Text" flag will be set.
- * The "Not Found" flag will be set.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- STATICFN LPTSTR GetControlKeyword(
- INT iClass,
- DWORD flStyle,
- DWORD *pflStylePredef,
- DWORD *pflStyleDefault,
- BOOL *pfWriteText,
- BOOL *pfNotFound)
- {
- register INT i;
- INT iMax;
- PRCKEYWORD prckwd;
- if (gfUseNewKeywords && iClass != IC_UNKNOWN) {
- iMax = acsd[iClass].cKeywords;
- prckwd = acsd[iClass].parckwd;
- /*
- * Loop through all the keywords for this class.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < iMax; i++, prckwd++) {
- /*
- * Does the style (masked) exactly match the keywords style?
- */
- if ((flStyle & prckwd->flStyleMask) == prckwd->flStyle) {
- /*
- * Yes. Set the "Has Text" flag, we did find a match,
- * put the found bits in the predefined style flag,
- * set the default styles flag and return the found
- * keyword.
- */
- *pfWriteText = prckwd->fHasText;
- *pfNotFound = FALSE;
- *pflStylePredef = prckwd->flStyle;
- *pflStyleDefault = prckwd->flStyleDefault;
- return ids(prckwd->idsKeyword);
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * A match was not found. We must write text, we didn't find a
- * match, we will be using the "CONTROL" keyword and the default
- * styles that this keyword implies is the "child" and "visible"
- * bits (rc.exe OR's these styles in implicitly).
- */
- *pfWriteText = TRUE;
- *pfNotFound = TRUE;
- *pflStylePredef = 0L;
- *pflStyleDefault = WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD;
- return ids(IDS_CONTROL);
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * WriteClass
- *
- * Writes out the class for a control.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * LPTSTR pszClass - pointer to the class string
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- LPTSTR pszClass)
- {
- INT i;
- WORD idOrd;
- Comma();
- /*
- * Is this class a predefined type instead of a string?
- */
- if (IsOrd(pszClass)) {
- /*
- * Figure out which type it is and get the class string to
- * write.
- */
- idOrd = OrdID(pszClass);
- for (i = 0; i < IC_DIALOG; i++) {
- if (acsd[i].idOrd == idOrd) {
- pszClass = ids(acsd[i].idsClass);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- WriteQuotedString(pszClass);
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * WriteStyles
- *
- * This function writes the class and style info to the file
- * for the control or dialog box in the RC format.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * INT iClass = The class of the item.
- * LPTSTR pszClass = Class name of the control.
- * DWORD flStyle = The style of the item.
- * DWORD flStylePredef = The styles bits implicit in the predefined
- * keyword for this control. This should be
- * zero if this control doesn't have a predefined
- * keyword for it.
- * DWORD flStyleDefault = The default styles implicit in the item.
- * PDWORD pflStyleLeft = Where to return any style bits that do not
- * get written out.
- * BOOL fNullStyles = TRUE if we should still write the style word
- * even if the style flag is zero.
- * BOOL fCommaPrefix = TRUE means that a comma will be written out
- * before writing any styles. If no styles
- * are written, no comma will be written either.
- *
- * Returns:
- * TRUE => Something was written out.
- * FALSE => Nothing was written out.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- STATICFN BOOL WriteStyles(
- INT iClass,
- LPTSTR pszClass,
- DWORD flStyle,
- DWORD flStylePredef,
- DWORD flStyleDefault,
- PDWORD pflStyleLeft,
- BOOL fNullStyles,
- BOOL fCommaPrefix)
- {
- DWORD flStyleLeft;
- BOOL fWritten = FALSE;
- /*
- * Write the control specific styles.
- */
- if (iClass == IC_CUSTOM) {
- fWritten = WriteCustomStyle(pszClass, flStyle, &flStyleLeft);
- }
- else {
- fWritten = WriteClassStyle(iClass, flStyle, flStylePredef,
- flStyleDefault, &flStyleLeft, FALSE, fNullStyles,
- fCommaPrefix);
- }
- /*
- * If we are writing styles for the dialog, remove the WS_GROUP
- * and WS_TABSTOP bits from the style before proceeding. This is
- * because the WS_MINIMIZEBOX and WS_MAXIMIZEBOX styles use the
- * same bits, and these keywords will have already been written
- * out by the preceding WriteClassStyle call if those bits are
- * present.
- */
- if (iClass == IC_DIALOG)
- flStyle &= ~(WS_GROUP | WS_TABSTOP);
- /*
- * Write the window styles that are common to the different
- * controls (the high word).
- */
- fWritten |= WriteClassStyle(IC_WINDOW, flStyleLeft, flStylePredef,
- flStyleDefault, &flStyleLeft, fWritten, fNullStyles, fCommaPrefix);
- /*
- * Pass back any styles that were not written.
- */
- *pflStyleLeft = flStyleLeft;
- return fWritten;
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * WriteClassStyle
- *
- * This function writes the class style symbols to the file. The styles
- * to write out are passed in flStyle, and the styles that are implicitly
- * set by this type of control already are passed in flStyleDefault. The
- * style keywords corresponding to the bits in flStyle are written out,
- * separated by " | ", and any bits in flStyleDefault that are NOT set
- * are written out preceded by a "NOT" to explicitly turn them off. This
- * is used in the case of the predefined RC keywords, which often have
- * styles like WS_TABSTOP or WS_VISIBLE already implicit in them. There
- * is no need to explicitly specify them, but if they are not present, we
- * must NOT them out. The parameter flStylePredef contains the style bits
- * that identified the predefined control keyword itself (if any) and
- * thus are removed from the style before writing anything out.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * INT iClass = The class of the control. See the
- * IC_ constants defined in dlgedit.h.
- * DWORD flStyle = The style of control. This nails
- * down the exact type of control.
- * DWORD flStylePredef = The styles bits implicit in the predefined
- * keyword for this control. This should be
- * zero if this control doesn't have a predefined
- * keyword for it.
- * DWORD flStyleDefault = The default styles that are implicit with
- * this control. This will only be set if this
- * control is using a predefined RC keyword. A
- * value of zero means that there are no default
- * styles implicitly specified.
- * PDWORD pflStyleLeft = Where to return any style bits that do not
- * get written out.
- * BOOL fPrevWritten = TRUE means a previous style symbol has
- * been written and to put " | " before
- * the next symbol.
- * BOOL fNullStyles = TRUE if we should still write the style word
- * even if the style flag is zero. This is used
- * to handle the case where a predefined keyword
- * has been written out that implies a style that
- * also happens to be zero. Without this flag
- * being FALSE the style flag implicit in the
- * keyword would be redundantly written out again.
- * In general, if we have written out a predefined
- * keyword this flag should be FALSE.
- * BOOL fCommaPrefix = TRUE means that a comma will be written out
- * before writing any styles. This will only
- * happen if fPrevWritten is FALSE. If no styles
- * are written, no comma will be written either.
- *
- * Returns:
- * TRUE => Something was written out.
- * FALSE => Nothing was written out.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- STATICFN BOOL WriteClassStyle(
- INT iClass,
- DWORD flStyle,
- DWORD flStylePredef,
- DWORD flStyleDefault,
- PDWORD pflStyleLeft,
- BOOL fPrevWritten,
- BOOL fNullStyles,
- BOOL fCommaPrefix)
- {
- register WORD i;
- WORD iMax;
- DWORD flStyleMask;
- iMax = (WORD)acsd[iClass].cClassStyles;
- pcs = acsd[iClass].pacs;
- /*
- * Remove the bits that identified the predefined control keyword
- * from the style flag before proceeding. For instance, if I already
- * am going to be writing out a "PUSHBUTTON", there is no reason
- * to write out the "BS_PUSHBUTTON" style. If there is no predefined
- * control keyword, flStylePredef will be zero and this will do
- * nothing.
- */
- flStyle &= ~flStylePredef;
- /*
- * Go through all possible flags for this style.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < iMax; i++, pcs++) {
- flStyleMask = pcs->flStyleMask ? pcs->flStyleMask : pcs->flStyle;
- /*
- * Is this styles bits set?
- */
- if ((flStyle & flStyleMask) == pcs->flStyle) {
- /*
- * Remove these bits from the styles left. Even if
- * we do not write them out, they are still accounted
- * for and can be removed from the styles remaining.
- */
- flStyle &= ~pcs->flStyle;
- /*
- * Skip this style if we don't want to write styles that are
- * zero, or if the style is already implicitly specified for
- * this control (a non-zero default style mask must be specified).
- */
- if ((!pcs->flStyle && !fNullStyles) ||
- (flStyleDefault &&
- (flStyleDefault & flStyleMask) == pcs->flStyle))
- continue;
- /*
- * If there is a string for this style, write it out, preceded
- * by an "|" symbol if necessary.
- */
- if (*ids(acsd[iClass].idsStylesStart + i)) {
- if (fPrevWritten) {
- ORSymbol();
- }
- else {
- if (fCommaPrefix)
- Comma();
- fPrevWritten = TRUE;
- }
- /*
- * Write the string.
- */
- WriteString(ids(acsd[iClass].idsStylesStart + i));
- }
- }
- /*
- * No the styles bit is not set. Is it implicit in the keyword
- * being used? If so, we need to explicitly NOT it
- * out in the dialog template.
- * Note that this should not be done in the case where the style
- * is zero.
- */
- else if (flStyleDefault &&
- (flStyleDefault & flStyleMask) == pcs->flStyle &&
- pcs->flStyle) {
- if (fPrevWritten) {
- ORSymbol();
- }
- else {
- if (fCommaPrefix)
- Comma();
- fPrevWritten = TRUE;
- }
- WriteString(ids(IDS_NOT));
- Space();
- WriteString(ids(acsd[iClass].idsStylesStart + i));
- }
- }
- /*
- * Pass back the style bits that were not written out.
- */
- *pflStyleLeft = flStyle;
- return fPrevWritten;
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * WriteCustomStyle
- *
- * Writes our the custom control information
- *
- * Arguments:
- * LPTSTR - class name of the control
- * DWORD - style of the control
- * PDWORD - styles left to be written
- *
- * Returns:
- * TRUE if custom styles were written out; otherwise, FALSE.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- STATICFN BOOL WriteCustomStyle(
- LPTSTR pszClass,
- DWORD flStyle,
- PDWORD pflStyleLeft)
- {
- DWORD flStyleMask;
- INT i;
- BOOL fWritten = FALSE;
- /*
- * Search the list of installed custom controls for one
- * that matches the class.
- */
- for (pcl = gpclHead;
- pcl && lstrcmpi(pcl->pwcd->pszClass, pszClass) != 0;
- pcl = pcl->pclNext)
- ;
- /*
- * Was a match found and is this control from a DLL (not emulated)?
- */
- if (pcl && !pcl->pwcd->fEmulated) {
- for (i = 0, pStyleFlags = pcl->pwcd->aStyleFlags;
- i < pcl->pwcd->cStyleFlags;
- i++, pStyleFlags++) {
- flStyleMask = pStyleFlags->flStyleMask ?
- pStyleFlags->flStyleMask : pStyleFlags->flStyle;
- /*
- * Is this styles bits set?
- */
- if ((flStyle & flStyleMask) == pStyleFlags->flStyle) {
- /*
- * Remove these bits from the styles left.
- */
- flStyle &= ~pStyleFlags->flStyle;
- if (fWritten)
- ORSymbol();
- else
- fWritten = TRUE;
- /*
- * Write the string.
- */
- WriteString(pStyleFlags->pszStyle);
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Return the styles that remain to be written.
- */
- *pflStyleLeft = flStyle;
- return fWritten;
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * WriteCoords
- *
- * This function writes the coordinates out to the file as decimal
- * ascii numbers separated by ", ".
- *
- * Arguments:
- * INT x, y, cx, cy = The coordinates.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- STATICFN VOID WriteCoords(
- INT x,
- INT y,
- INT cx,
- INT cy)
- {
- WriteValue(x);
- Comma();
- WriteValue(y);
- Comma();
- WriteValue(cx);
- Comma();
- WriteValue(cy);
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * WriteValue
- *
- * This function writes the value of 'n' as a decimal ascii string to
- * the file.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * INT n = The number to write.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- INT n)
- {
- TCHAR szNum[32];
- itoaw(n, szNum, 10);
- WriteString(szNum);
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * WriteHexWord
- *
- * This function writes the value of 'w' as a hex constant to the file.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * WORD w - The word to write.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- WORD w)
- {
- TCHAR szNum[17];
- itoax(w, szNum);
- WriteString(szNum);
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * WriteHexDWord
- *
- * This function writes the value of 'dw' as a hex constant to the file.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * DWORD dw - The dword to write.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- DWORD dw)
- {
- TCHAR szNum[32];
- wsprintf(szNum, L"0x%8.8X", dw);
- WriteString(szNum);
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * WriteString
- *
- * This function writes the given string to the file. If the string
- * would cause it to overflow the margin, a new line, with indenting
- * to the current tab level, is forced before writing the string.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * LPTSTR psz = The string to write out.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- STATICFN VOID WriteString(
- LPTSTR psz)
- {
- register INT nLen;
- nLen = lstrlen(psz);
- if (!AtFirstTabColumn() && cColumn + nLen > CCHRIGHTMARGIN)
- NewLine();
- while (nLen--)
- WriteDlgChar(*psz++);
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * WriteQuotedString
- *
- * This function writes the given string to the file. If the string
- * would cause it to overflow the margin, a new line, with indenting
- * to the current tab level, is forced before writing the string.
- * This function will also enclose the given string in double-quotes,
- * and ensures that the string will not be broken when it is written.
- * If there are any escape characters (backslashes or quotes) in the
- * string, they will be escaped properly so that rc.exe can read them
- * properly.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * LPTSTR psz = The string to write out.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- STATICFN VOID WriteQuotedString(
- LPTSTR psz)
- {
- register INT nLen;
- LPTSTR pszT;
- /*
- * Find the actual length of the string. To do this, we must scan
- * for the characters that will be escaped later.
- */
- nLen = lstrlen(psz);
- pszT = psz;
- while (*pszT) {
- if (*pszT == CHAR_DBLQUOTE || *pszT == CHAR_BACKSLASH)
- nLen++;
- pszT = CharNext(pszT);
- }
- /*
- * Start a new line if necessary. Add 2 for the quotes.
- */
- if (!AtFirstTabColumn() && cColumn + nLen + 2 > CCHRIGHTMARGIN)
- NewLine();
- Quote();
- WriteEscapedString(psz);
- Quote();
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * WriteEscapedString
- *
- * This function writes the given string to the file. It is different
- * from WriteString in that it will add a '' in front of other
- * backslashes and a second double quote in front of double quotes.
- * This is necessary when writing out a string which will be surrounded
- * by quotes, such as the Text fields in the .DLG file.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * LPTSTR psz = The string to write out.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- STATICFN VOID WriteEscapedString(
- LPTSTR psz)
- {
- while (*psz) {
- if (*psz == CHAR_DBLQUOTE)
- WriteDlgChar(CHAR_DBLQUOTE);
- else if (*psz == CHAR_BACKSLASH)
- #ifdef JAPAN
- #ifndef UNICODE
- #define wcsncmp strncmp
- #endif
- if ((wcsncmp(psz+1, TEXT("036"), 3)) &&
- (wcsncmp(psz+1, TEXT("037"), 3)))
- #endif
- if(IsDBCSLeadByte((BYTE)*psz))
- WriteDlgChar(*psz++);
- WriteDlgChar(*psz++);
- }
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * WriteDlgChar
- *
- * Low level function to do an actual character write to the file.
- * Some buffering is done then _lwrite is called.
- *
- * Because it is buffered, before closing the file any remaining
- * characters in the buffer must be flushed to disk using WriteDlgFlush.
- *
- * If an error occurs on the write, Throw will be called to jump back
- * up to WriteDlg and return the failure to the caller.
- *
- * The globals gachWriteBuffer and cbWritePos are updated by this routine.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * TCHAR ch - The character to write.
- *
- * Returns:
- * If an error occurs on the _lwrite, the execution will be thrown
- * back to the WriteDlg function. Otherwise, nothing is returned.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- TCHAR ch)
- {
- INT cbWritten;
- gachWriteBuffer[cbWritePos++] = ch;
- /*
- * Is the buffer full?
- */
- if (cbWritePos == CCHFILEBUFFER) {
- // The abWriteBuffer[] is too small for Japanese language.
- // Please don't assume WideChar_length/2 == MultiByte_length.
- // July 12, 1992 by ShigeO
- CHAR abWriteBuffer[CCHFILEBUFFER*2];
- BOOL fDefCharUsed;
- int iRequired =
- WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, gachWriteBuffer, CCHFILEBUFFER,
- abWriteBuffer, CCHFILEBUFFER*2, NULL, &fDefCharUsed);
- cbWritten = (INT)_lwrite((HFILE)hfDlg, abWriteBuffer, iRequired);
- if (cbWritten != iRequired)
- longjmp(jbWriteDlg, 1);
- cbWritePos = 0;
- }
- /*
- * Update the current column counter.
- */
- if (ch == CHAR_RETURN || ch == CHAR_NEWLINE) {
- /*
- * Carriage return or newline resets column position to 0.
- */
- cColumn = 0;
- }
- else {
- cColumn++;
- }
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * WriteDlgFlush
- *
- * This routine flushes the write buffer. This must be done before
- * the file is closed or data can be lost.
- *
- * The global cbWritePos is updated by this routine.
- *
- * Returns:
- * If an error occurs on the _lwrite, the execution will be thrown
- * back to the WriteDlg function. Otherwise, nothing is returned.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- {
- INT cbWritten;
- /*
- * Are any bytes remaining in the buffer?
- */
- if (cbWritePos) {
- // The abWriteBuffer[] is too small for Japanese language.
- // Please don't assume WideChar_length/2 == MultiByte_length.
- // July 12, 1992 by ShigeO
- CHAR abWriteBuffer[CCHFILEBUFFER*2];
- BOOL fDefCharUsed;
- int iRequired =
- WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, gachWriteBuffer, cbWritePos,
- abWriteBuffer, CCHFILEBUFFER*2, NULL, &fDefCharUsed);
- cbWritten = (INT)_lwrite((HFILE)hfDlg, abWriteBuffer, iRequired);
- if (cbWritten != iRequired)
- longjmp(jbWriteDlg, 1);
- cbWritePos = 0;
- }
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- * Tab
- *
- * Writes spaces up to the current tab level setting.
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
- {
- while (cColumn < cTabStop)
- WriteDlgChar(CHAR_SPACE);
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- * NewLine
- *
- * Begins a new line by writing a carriage return and linefeed. Also
- * indents the following line up to the current tab level.
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
- {
- WriteDlgChar(CHAR_RETURN);
- WriteDlgChar(CHAR_NEWLINE);
- Tab();
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- * Quote
- *
- * Writes a double quote.
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
- {
- WriteDlgChar(CHAR_DBLQUOTE);
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- * Comma
- *
- * Writes a comma then a space.
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
- {
- WriteDlgChar(CHAR_COMMA);
- WriteDlgChar(CHAR_SPACE);
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- * Space
- *
- * Writes a space.
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
- {
- WriteDlgChar(CHAR_SPACE);
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- * ORSymbol
- *
- * Writes " | ".
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
- {
- WriteDlgChar(CHAR_SPACE);
- WriteDlgChar(CHAR_ORSYMBOL);
- WriteDlgChar(CHAR_SPACE);
- }