资源名称 [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /******************************************************************************
- * This is a part of the Microsoft Source Code Samples.
- * Copyright (C) 1993-1997 Microsoft Corporation.
- * All rights reserved.
- * This source code is only intended as a supplement to
- * Microsoft Development Tools and/or WinHelp documentation.
- * See these sources for detailed information regarding the
- * Microsoft samples programs.
- ******************************************************************************/
- /****************************** Module Header *******************************
- * Module Name: resutil.c
- *
- * Contains utility functions for working with the Windows resource file.
- *
- * Functions:
- * ParseDialogBoxHeader()
- * ParseControlData()
- * DWordAlign()
- * DWordPad()
- * ResourceType)
- * ResourceName()
- * ResourcePart2()
- * ResourceSize()
- * SkipResHeader()
- * SkipSz()
- * SkipDialogBoxHeader()
- * SkipControlData()
- * NameOrdCpy()
- * NameOrdCmp()
- * NameOrdLen()
- * NameOrdDup()
- * StrToNameOrd()
- * WriteOrd()
- * WriteResHeader()
- * WriteSz()
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
- #include "dlgedit.h"
- #include "dlgfuncs.h"
- #include "dlgextrn.h"
- #include <string.h>
- #include <wchar.h>
- /************************************************************************
- * ParseDialogBoxHeader
- *
- *
- * Arguments:
- * PDIALOGBOXHEADER pdbh - Points to dialog box header to parse.
- * PDWORD pflStyle - Receives the style.
- * PDWORD pflExtStyle - Receives the extended style.
- * PINT pcdit - Receives the number of controls in the dialog.
- * PINT px - Receives starting x location.
- * PINT py - Receives starting y location.
- * PINT pcx - Receives the width.
- * PINT pcy - Receives the height.
- * LPTSTR *ppszMenuName - Receives the menu name.
- * LPTSTR *ppszClass - Receives the class name.
- * LPTSTR *ppszCaption - Receives the caption.
- * PINT pPointSize - Receives the point size.
- * LPTSTR *ppszFontName - Receives the font name.
- *
- * Returns:
- * A pointer to the first dialog item past the dialog template header.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- PCONTROLDATA ParseDialogBoxHeader(
- PDWORD pflStyle,
- PDWORD pflExtStyle,
- PINT pcdit,
- PINT px,
- PINT py,
- PINT pcx,
- PINT pcy,
- LPTSTR *ppszMenuName,
- LPTSTR *ppszClass,
- LPTSTR *ppszCaption,
- PINT pPointSize,
- LPTSTR *ppszFontName)
- {
- *pflStyle = pdbh->lStyle;
- *pflExtStyle = pdbh->lExtendedStyle;
- *pcdit = pdbh->NumberOfItems;
- *px = (SHORT)pdbh->x;
- *py = (SHORT)pdbh->y;
- *pcx = (SHORT)pdbh->cx;
- *pcy = (SHORT)pdbh->cy;
- *ppszMenuName = (LPTSTR)pb;
- pb += NameOrdLen((LPTSTR)pb);
- *ppszClass = (LPTSTR)pb;
- pb += NameOrdLen((LPTSTR)pb);
- *ppszCaption = (LPTSTR)pb;
- pb += (lstrlen((LPTSTR)pb) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR);
- /*
- * Does the template specify a font?
- */
- if (pdbh->lStyle & DS_SETFONT) {
- *pPointSize = (SHORT)(*(PWORD)pb);
- pb += sizeof(WORD);
- *ppszFontName = (LPTSTR)pb;
- pb += (lstrlen((LPTSTR)pb) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR);
- }
- else {
- *pPointSize = 0;
- *ppszFontName = NULL;
- }
- DWordAlign((PBYTE *)&pb);
- return (PCONTROLDATA)pb;
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * ParseControlData
- *
- *
- * Arguments:
- * PCONTROLDATA pcd - Points to the control data to parse.
- * PDWORD pflStyle - Receives the control style.
- * PDWORD pflExtStyle - Receives the extended control style.
- * PINT px - Receives starting x location.
- * PINT py - Receives starting y location.
- * PINT pcx - Receives the width.
- * PINT pcy - Receives the height.
- * PINT pid - Receives the control id.
- * LPTSTR *ppszClass - Receives the class name.
- * LPTSTR *ppszText - Receives the text.
- *
- * Returns:
- * A pointer to the next dialog item past the given one.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- PCONTROLDATA ParseControlData(
- PDWORD pflStyle,
- PDWORD pflExtStyle,
- PINT px,
- PINT py,
- PINT pcx,
- PINT pcy,
- PINT pid,
- LPTSTR *ppszClass,
- LPTSTR *ppszText)
- {
- *pflStyle = pcd->lStyle;
- *pflExtStyle = pcd->lExtendedStyle;
- *px = (SHORT)pcd->x;
- *py = (SHORT)pcd->y;
- *pcx = (SHORT)pcd->cx;
- *pcy = (SHORT)pcd->cy;
- *pid = (SHORT)pcd->wId;
- *ppszClass = (LPTSTR)pb;
- pb += NameOrdLen((LPTSTR)pb);
- *ppszText = (LPTSTR)pb;
- pb += NameOrdLen((LPTSTR)pb);
- /*
- * Finally, skip the Create Struct Data.
- * After this, pb will be pointing to the next control.
- */
- pb += *(PWORD)pb + sizeof(WORD);
- DWordAlign((PBYTE *)&pb);
- return (PCONTROLDATA)pb;
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * DWordAlign
- *
- * This function aligns the passed pointer to a DWORD boundary.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * PBYTE *ppb - Points to the pointer to align.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- VOID DWordAlign(
- PBYTE *ppb)
- {
- *ppb += (4 - (((WORD)(DWORD)*ppb) & 3)) % 4;
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * DWordPad
- *
- * This function aligns the passed pointer to a DWORD boundary, padding
- * with nulls as it goes.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * PBYTE *ppb - Points to the pointer to align.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- VOID DWordPad(
- PBYTE *ppb)
- {
- WORD cbytes;
- cbytes = (WORD)((4 - (((WORD)(DWORD)*ppb) & 3)) % 4);
- while (cbytes) {
- *((*ppb)++) = 0;
- cbytes--;
- }
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * ResourceType
- *
- * This function returns a pointer to the type of the resource.
- * The type can be either a string or an ordinal.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * PRES pRes - Points to the start of the resource.
- *
- * Returns:
- * Pointer to the type of the resource.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- LPTSTR ResourceType(
- PRES pRes)
- {
- /*
- * Skip past the two size fields.
- */
- return (LPTSTR)((PBYTE)pRes + sizeof(DWORD) + sizeof(DWORD));
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * ResourceName
- *
- * This function returns a pointer to the name of the resource.
- * The name can be either a string or an ordinal.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * PRES pRes - Points to the start of the resource.
- *
- * Returns:
- * Pointer to the name of the resource.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- LPTSTR ResourceName(
- PRES pRes)
- {
- PBYTE pb;
- /*
- * Skip past the two size fields.
- */
- pb = (PBYTE)pRes + sizeof(DWORD) + sizeof(DWORD);
- /*
- * Skip past the "Type" field to the name.
- */
- return (LPTSTR)SkipSz((LPTSTR)pb);
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * ResourcePart2
- *
- * This function returns a pointer to the second half of the resource
- * header.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * PRES pRes - Points to the start of the resource.
- *
- * Returns:
- * A pointer to the second part of the resource header.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- PRES2 ResourcePart2(
- PRES pRes)
- {
- PBYTE pb;
- /*
- * Skip past the first part of the resource header.
- */
- pb = (PBYTE)pRes + sizeof(RES);
- /*
- * Skip past the "Type" field to the name.
- */
- pb = SkipSz((LPTSTR)pb);
- /*
- * Skip past the name field also.
- */
- pb = SkipSz((LPTSTR)pb);
- DWordAlign(&pb);
- return (PRES2)pb;
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * ResourceSize
- *
- * This returns the size of the given resource.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * PRES pRes - Points to the start of the resource.
- *
- * Returns:
- * Size of the resource, including the header.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- DWORD ResourceSize(
- PRES pRes)
- {
- return pRes->HeaderSize + pRes->DataSize;
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * SkipResHeader
- *
- * This function returns a pointer to the start of the resource data,
- * just past it's header.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * PRES pRes - Pointer to the resource.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- PBYTE SkipResHeader(
- PRES pRes)
- {
- return (PBYTE)pRes + pRes->HeaderSize;
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * SkipSz
- *
- * This function skips past a string and returns a pointer to just
- * past it. It detects if the string is really an ordinal and skips
- * past these also.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * LPTSTR pNameOrd - Pointer to the string/ordinal.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- PBYTE SkipSz(
- LPTSTR pNameOrd)
- {
- if (IsOrd(pNameOrd))
- pNameOrd = (LPTSTR)((PBYTE)pNameOrd + sizeof(ORDINAL));
- else
- pNameOrd += lstrlen(pNameOrd) + 1;
- return (PBYTE)pNameOrd;
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * SkipDialogBoxHeader
- *
- * This function skips past a dialog template structure and returns
- * a pointer to the first dialog item template just past it.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * PDIALOGBOXHEADER pdbh - Points to the dialog box header.
- *
- * Returns:
- * A pointer to the first dialog item control data in the resource,
- * just past the dialog box header that was skipped.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- PCONTROLDATA SkipDialogBoxHeader(
- {
- /*
- * Skip the fixed portion.
- */
- /*
- * Skip the menu.
- */
- pb += NameOrdLen((LPTSTR)pb);
- /*
- * Skip the class.
- */
- pb += NameOrdLen((LPTSTR)pb);
- /*
- * Skip the caption.
- */
- pb += (lstrlen((LPTSTR)pb) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR);
- /*
- * Does the template specify a font?
- */
- if (pdbh->lStyle & DS_SETFONT) {
- pb += sizeof(WORD);
- pb += (lstrlen((LPTSTR)pb) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR);
- }
- DWordAlign((PBYTE *)&pb);
- return (PCONTROLDATA)pb;
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * SkipControlData
- *
- * This function skips past the given control data to the next control.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * PCONTROLDATA pcd - Points to the control data structure to skip.
- *
- * Returns:
- * A pointer to the next control data structure.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- PCONTROLDATA SkipControlData(
- {
- /*
- * Skip the fixed portion.
- */
- /*
- * Skip the class.
- */
- pb += NameOrdLen((LPTSTR)pb);
- /*
- * Skip the text.
- */
- pb += NameOrdLen((LPTSTR)pb);
- /*
- * Finally, skip the Create Struct Data.
- * After this, pb will be pointing to the next control.
- */
- pb += *(PWORD)pb + sizeof(WORD);
- DWordAlign((PBYTE *)&pb);
- return (PCONTROLDATA)pb;
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * NameOrdCpy
- *
- * This function copies a string or ordinal. This function needs to be
- * used whenever a string could possibly be an ordinal. It returns a
- * pointer to the first byte after the copied name/ordinal.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * LPTSTR pNameOrdDest - The destination buffer.
- * LPTSTR pNameOrdSrc - The source string or ordinal.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- PBYTE NameOrdCpy(
- LPTSTR pNameOrdDest,
- LPTSTR pNameOrdSrc)
- {
- if (IsOrd(pNameOrdSrc)) {
- memcpy((PBYTE)pNameOrdDest, (PBYTE)pNameOrdSrc, sizeof(ORDINAL));
- return (PBYTE)pNameOrdDest + sizeof(ORDINAL);
- }
- else {
- lstrcpy(pNameOrdDest, pNameOrdSrc);
- return (PBYTE)(pNameOrdDest + (lstrlen(pNameOrdDest) + 1));
- }
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * NameOrdCmp
- *
- * This function compares two strings or ordinals. It returns a
- * zero if they are equal, or non-zero if they are not. This
- * follows the convention of lstrcmp(), but the return should
- * not be relied upon to determine which is "greater" than
- * the other.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * LPTSTR pNameOrd1 - The first string or ordinal.
- * LPTSTR pNameOrd2 - The second string or ordinal.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- INT NameOrdCmp(
- LPTSTR pNameOrd1,
- LPTSTR pNameOrd2)
- {
- BOOL fIsOrd1;
- BOOL fIsOrd2;
- fIsOrd1 = IsOrd(pNameOrd1);
- fIsOrd2 = IsOrd(pNameOrd2);
- if (fIsOrd1 != fIsOrd2)
- return 1;
- if (fIsOrd1)
- return memcmp((PBYTE)pNameOrd1, (PBYTE)pNameOrd2, sizeof(ORDINAL));
- else
- return lstrcmp(pNameOrd1, pNameOrd2);
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * NameOrdLen
- *
- * This function returns the length of a string or ordinal.
- * If the given name is a string, the length of the string
- * plus the terminating null is returned. Otherwise,
- * the size of an ORDINAL structure is returned.
- *
- * The length returned is in bytes, not wide-chars.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * LPTSTR pNameOrd - The string or ordinal.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- INT NameOrdLen(
- LPTSTR pNameOrd)
- {
- if (IsOrd(pNameOrd))
- return sizeof(ORDINAL);
- else
- return (lstrlen(pNameOrd) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR);
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- * NameOrdDup
- *
- * This function allocates a copy of the given name or ordinal.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * LPTSTR pNameOrd - The name or ordinal to duplicate.
- *
- * Returns a pointer to the new copy if successful, NULL if it fails.
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
- LPTSTR NameOrdDup(
- LPTSTR pNameOrd)
- {
- register INT iLen;
- LPTSTR psz;
- iLen = NameOrdLen(pNameOrd);
- if (!(psz = (LPTSTR)MyAlloc(iLen)))
- return NULL;
- NameOrdCpy(psz, pNameOrd);
- return psz;
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * StrToNameOrd
- *
- * This function takes the given string, determines if it is
- * all numeric and if so, converts it in place into an ordinal.
- * It is used to convert the string from an edit field for
- * a value that can be an ordinal, such as the dialog name or
- * an icon's text.
- *
- * Note that the pszNameOrd buffer must be large enough for an
- * ordinal in case the string gets converted to an ordinal.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * LPTSTR pszNameOrd - On input, contains the string to possibly
- * convert. On output, it will contain the
- * original string or the string converted to
- * an ordinal.
- * BOOL fDecOnly - TRUE if hex values and negative values (the
- * string starts with a '-') are not allowed.
- * This flag prevents these types of strings
- * from being candidates for conversion to
- * ordinals.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- VOID StrToNameOrd(
- LPTSTR pszNameOrd,
- BOOL fDecOnly)
- {
- register INT i;
- INT nOrd;
- INT nLen;
- /*
- * Empty string?
- */
- if (!(*pszNameOrd))
- return;
- nLen = lstrlen(pszNameOrd);
- /*
- * Is a hex value ok and does this appear to be a hex value?
- */
- if (!fDecOnly && pszNameOrd[0] == CHAR_0 &&
- (pszNameOrd[1] == CHAR_X || pszNameOrd[1] == CHAR_CAP_X)) {
- for (i = 2; i < nLen; i++) {
- if (!iswxdigit(pszNameOrd[i]))
- return;
- }
- nOrd = axtoi(&pszNameOrd[2]);
- }
- else {
- /*
- * All characters must be numeric. Negative numbers may
- * or may not be allowed, based on the fDecOnly flag.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < nLen; i++) {
- if (!iswdigit(pszNameOrd[i]) &&
- (fDecOnly || i != 0 || pszNameOrd[0] != CHAR_MINUS))
- return;
- }
- nOrd = awtoi(pszNameOrd);
- }
- /*
- * Return the ordinal in the original buffer.
- */
- WriteOrd((PORDINAL)pszNameOrd, nOrd);
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * WriteOrd
- *
- * This function writes out the given ordinal to the specified
- * memory location. It returns the first byte past the newly
- * written ordinal.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * PORDINAL pMem - Pointer to the location to write the ordinal.
- * INT nOrdinalID - Ordinal ID to write.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- PBYTE WriteOrd(
- INT nOrdinalID)
- {
- pOrd->wReserved = 0xffff;
- pOrd->wOrdID = (WORD)nOrdinalID;
- return (PBYTE)pOrd + sizeof(ORDINAL);
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * WriteResHeader
- *
- * This function writes out a resource header to the memory location
- * specified.
- *
- * Arguments:
- *
- * PRES pRes - pointer to the resource
- * DWORD DataSize - size of the data
- * INT iResType - resource type
- * LPTSTR pszResName - resource name
- * WORD fResFlags - resource flags
- * WORD LanguageId - language id
- * DWORD DataVersion - data version
- * DWORD Version - version
- * DWORD Characteristics-characterstics
- *
- * Returns:
- * number of bytes written
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- PBYTE WriteResHeader(
- PRES pRes,
- DWORD DataSize,
- INT iResType,
- LPTSTR pszResName,
- WORD fResFlags,
- WORD LanguageId,
- DWORD DataVersion,
- DWORD Version,
- DWORD Characteristics)
- {
- PBYTE pb;
- PRES2 pRes2;
- pb = (PBYTE)pRes + sizeof(RES);
- pb = WriteOrd((PORDINAL)pb, iResType);
- pb = NameOrdCpy((LPTSTR)pb, pszResName);
- DWordPad(&pb);
- pRes->DataSize = DataSize;
- pRes->HeaderSize = (pb - (PBYTE)pRes) + sizeof(RES2);
- pRes2 = (PRES2)pb;
- pRes2->DataVersion = DataVersion;
- pRes2->MemoryFlags = fResFlags;
- pRes2->LanguageId = LanguageId;
- pRes2->Version = Version;
- pRes2->Characteristics = Characteristics;
- return (PBYTE)pRes + pRes->HeaderSize;
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * WriteSz
- *
- * This function writes out the string given to the specified
- * memory location. It returns the first byte past the newly
- * written string.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * LPTSTR pszDest - Pointer to the location to write the string.
- * LPTSTR pszSrc - The string to write.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- PBYTE WriteSz(
- LPTSTR pszDest,
- LPTSTR pszSrc)
- {
- while (*pszSrc)
- *pszDest++ = *pszSrc++;
- *pszDest++ = CHAR_NULL;
- return (PBYTE)pszDest;
- }