资源名称 [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*++
- Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Microsoft Corporation
- Module Name:
- mclex.c
- Abstract:
- This file contains the input lexer for the Win32 Message Compiler (MC)
- --*/
- #include "mc.h"
- char LineBuffer[ 256 ];
- char *CurrentChar;
- BOOLEAN ReturnCurrentToken;
- PNAME_INFO KeywordNames;
- typedef struct _COMMENT_INFO {
- struct _COMMENT_INFO *Next;
- char Text[ 1 ];
- PCOMMENT_INFO Comments, CurrentComment;
- /*++
- Routine Description:
- This fills in the Key words associated with the Message file format
- Return Value:
- --*/
- McInitLexer( void )
- {
- ReturnCurrentToken = FALSE;
- McAddName( &KeywordNames, "MessageIdTypedef", MCTOK_MSGIDTYPE_KEYWORD, NULL );
- McAddName( &KeywordNames, "SeverityNames", MCTOK_SEVNAMES_KEYWORD, NULL );
- McAddName( &KeywordNames, "FacilityNames", MCTOK_FACILITYNAMES_KEYWORD, NULL );
- McAddName( &KeywordNames, "LanguageNames", MCTOK_LANGNAMES_KEYWORD, NULL );
- McAddName( &KeywordNames, "MessageId", MCTOK_MESSAGEID_KEYWORD, NULL );
- McAddName( &KeywordNames, "Severity", MCTOK_SEVERITY_KEYWORD, NULL );
- McAddName( &KeywordNames, "Facility", MCTOK_FACILITY_KEYWORD, NULL );
- McAddName( &KeywordNames, "SymbolicName", MCTOK_SYMBOLNAME_KEYWORD, NULL );
- McAddName( &KeywordNames, "Language", MCTOK_LANGUAGE_KEYWORD, NULL );
- return( TRUE );
- }
- McOpenInputFile( void )
- {
- char SavedChar, *s, *FileName;
- BOOLEAN Result;
- s = MessageFileName;
- FileName = s;
- SavedChar = ' ';
- while (*s) {
- if (*s == '.') {
- SavedChar = '.';
- *s = ' ';
- break;
- }
- if (*s == ':' || *s == '\' || *s == '/') {
- FileName = s+1;
- }
- s = CharNext(s);
- }
- strcat( HeaderFileName, FileName );
- strcat( HeaderFileName, ".h" );
- strcat( RcInclFileName, FileName );
- strcat( RcInclFileName, ".rc" );
- if (SavedChar == ' ') {
- strcpy( s, ".mc" );
- }
- else {
- *s = SavedChar;
- }
- Result = FALSE;
- MessageFileLineNumber = 0;
- LineBuffer[ 0 ] = ' ';
- CurrentChar = NULL;
- MessageFile = fopen( MessageFileName, "rb" );
- if (MessageFile == NULL) {
- McInputError( "unable to open input file", TRUE, NULL );
- }
- else {
- HeaderFile = fopen( HeaderFileName, "wb" );
- if (HeaderFile == NULL) {
- McInputError( "unable to open output file - %s", TRUE, HeaderFileName );
- }
- else {
- RcInclFile = fopen( RcInclFileName, "wb" );
- if (RcInclFile == NULL) {
- McInputError( "unable to open output file - %s", TRUE, RcInclFileName );
- }
- else {
- Result = TRUE;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!Result) {
- McCloseInputFile();
- McCloseOutputFiles();
- }
- else {
- return( TRUE );
- }
- }
- void
- McCloseInputFile( void )
- {
- if (MessageFile != NULL) {
- fclose( MessageFile );
- MessageFile = NULL;
- CurrentChar = NULL;
- LineBuffer[ 0 ] = ' ';
- }
- }
- void
- McCloseOutputFiles( void )
- {
- if (HeaderFile != NULL) {
- fclose( HeaderFile );
- }
- if (RcInclFile != NULL) {
- fclose( RcInclFile );
- }
- }
- void
- McInputError(
- char *Message,
- BOOLEAN Error,
- PVOID Argument
- )
- {
- fprintf( stderr,
- "%s (%d) : %s: ",
- MessageFileName,
- MessageFileLineNumber,
- Error ? "Error" : "Warning"
- );
- fprintf( stderr, Message, Argument );
- fprintf( stderr, "n" );
- }
- /*++
- Routine Description:
- This retrieves the current line then moves down to the
- next line in the message file.
- Return Value:
- Returns the current line of in the file.
- --*/
- char *
- McGetLine( void )
- {
- char *s;
- if (MessageFile == NULL || feof( MessageFile )) {
- return( NULL );
- }
- if (fgets( LineBuffer, sizeof( LineBuffer ), MessageFile ) == NULL) {
- return( NULL );
- }
- s = LineBuffer + strlen( LineBuffer );
- if (s > LineBuffer && *--s == 'n') {
- if (s > LineBuffer && *--s != 'r') {
- *++s = 'r';
- *++s = 'n';
- *++s = ' ';
- }
- }
- MessageFileLineNumber++;
- return( CurrentChar = LineBuffer );
- }
- void
- McSkipLine( void )
- {
- CurrentChar = NULL;
- }
- /*++
- Routine Description:
- This retrieves the character at the current position of the line
- buffer then advances to the next position. If the end of the line
- is reached another line is retrieve. If the end of the file is reached
- this returns with a NULL character. One is optionally able to flush
- the white space from the line.
- Arguments:
- A boolean specifying whether whitespace should be consider significant.
- Return Value:
- Returns the character in the current line.
- --*/
- char
- McGetChar(
- BOOLEAN SkipWhiteSpace
- )
- {
- BOOLEAN SawWhiteSpace;
- BOOLEAN SawNewLine;
- SawWhiteSpace = FALSE;
- tryagain:
- SawNewLine = FALSE;
- if (CurrentChar == NULL) {
- McGetLine();
- if (CurrentChar == NULL) {
- return( ' ' );
- }
- SawNewLine = TRUE;
- }
- if (SkipWhiteSpace) {
- while (*CurrentChar <= ' ') {
- SawWhiteSpace = TRUE;
- if (!*CurrentChar++) {
- CurrentChar = NULL;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (SawNewLine) {
- if (CurrentChar != NULL && *CurrentChar == MCCHAR_END_OF_LINE_COMMENT) {
- p = malloc( sizeof( *p ) + strlen( ++CurrentChar ) );
- p->Next = NULL;
- strcpy( p->Text, CurrentChar );
- if (CurrentComment == NULL) {
- Comments = p;
- }
- else {
- CurrentComment->Next = p;
- }
- CurrentComment = p;
- CurrentChar = NULL;
- }
- }
- if (CurrentChar == NULL && SkipWhiteSpace) {
- goto tryagain;
- }
- if (SawWhiteSpace) {
- return( ' ' );
- }
- else {
- return( *CurrentChar++ );
- }
- }
- void
- McFlushComments( void )
- {
- while (p = Comments) {
- fprintf( HeaderFile, "%s", p->Text );
- Comments = Comments->Next;
- free( p );
- }
- Comments = NULL;
- CurrentComment = NULL;
- fflush( HeaderFile );
- return;
- }
- void
- McUnGetChar(
- char c
- )
- {
- if (CurrentChar > LineBuffer) {
- *--CurrentChar = c;
- }
- else {
- LineBuffer[ 0 ] = c;
- LineBuffer[ 1 ] = ' ';
- CurrentChar = LineBuffer;
- }
- }
- /*++
- Routine Description:
- Breaks input line into "tokens values" as defined in MC.H.
- Arguments:
- A boolean designating whether keywords are required.
- Return Value:
- Returns the the token corresponding to the "token value" For example
- with a token of type MCTOK_NUMBER the value would be a string
- representation of an integer.
- --*/
- unsigned int
- McGetToken(
- BOOLEAN KeywordExpected
- )
- {
- char c, *dst;
- if (ReturnCurrentToken) {
- ReturnCurrentToken = FALSE;
- if (Token == MCTOK_NAME && KeywordExpected) {
- TokenKeyword = McFindName( KeywordNames, TokenCharValue );
- if (TokenKeyword == NULL) {
- McInputError( "expected keyword - %s", TRUE, TokenCharValue );
- }
- else {
- Token = (unsigned int)TokenKeyword->Id;
- }
- }
- return( Token );
- }
- dst = TokenCharValue;
- *dst = ' ';
- TokenNumericValue = 0L;
- while (TRUE) {
- c = McGetChar( (BOOLEAN)(Token == MCTOK_END_OF_FILE) );
- if (Token == MCTOK_NUMBER) {
- if (isdigit( c ) ||
- c == 'x' ||
- (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') ||
- (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')
- ) {
- *dst++ = c;
- }
- else {
- McUnGetChar( c );
- *dst = ' ';
- if (!McCharToInteger( TokenCharValue, 0, &TokenNumericValue )) {
- McInputError( "invalid number - %s", TRUE, TokenCharValue );
- }
- else {
- return( Token );
- }
- }
- }
- else
- if (Token == MCTOK_NAME) {
- if (iscsym( c )) {
- *dst++ = c;
- }
- else {
- McUnGetChar( c );
- *dst = ' ';
- if (KeywordExpected) {
- TokenKeyword = McFindName( KeywordNames, TokenCharValue );
- if (TokenKeyword == NULL) {
- McInputError( "expected keyword - %s", TRUE, TokenCharValue );
- }
- else {
- Token = (unsigned int)TokenKeyword->Id;
- }
- }
- return( Token );
- }
- }
- else
- if (isdigit( c )) {
- *dst++ = c;
- }
- else
- if (iscsymf( c )) {
- *dst++ = c;
- Token = MCTOK_NAME;
- }
- else
- if (c == '=') {
- *dst++ = c;
- *dst = ' ';
- Token = MCTOK_EQUAL;
- return( Token );
- }
- else
- if (c == '(') {
- *dst++ = c;
- *dst = ' ';
- return( Token );
- }
- else
- if (c == ')') {
- *dst++ = c;
- *dst = ' ';
- return( Token );
- }
- else
- if (c == ':') {
- *dst++ = c;
- *dst = ' ';
- Token = MCTOK_COLON;
- return( Token );
- }
- else
- if (c == '+') {
- *dst++ = c;
- *dst = ' ';
- Token = MCTOK_PLUS;
- return( Token );
- }
- else
- if (c == ' ') {
- }
- else
- strcpy( TokenCharValue, CurrentChar );
- CurrentChar = NULL;
- return( Token );
- }
- else
- if (c == ' ') {
- return( Token );
- }
- else {
- McInputError( "invalid character '%c'", TRUE, (PVOID)(ULONG)(UCHAR)c );
- }
- }
- }
- void
- McUnGetToken( void )
- {
- ReturnCurrentToken = TRUE;
- }
- char *
- McSkipWhiteSpace(
- char *s
- )
- {
- while (*s <= ' ') {
- if (!*s++) {
- s = NULL;
- break;
- }
- }
- return( s );
- }