资源名称:MSDN_VC98.zip [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /******************************************************************************
- * This is a part of the Microsoft Source Code Samples.
- * Copyright 1996-1997 Microsoft Corporation.
- * All rights reserved.
- * This source code is only intended as a supplement to
- * Microsoft Development Tools and/or WinHelp documentation.
- * See these sources for detailed information regarding the
- * Microsoft samples programs.
- ******************************************************************************/
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <windows.h>
- #include <wincrypt.h>
- /*****************************************************************************/
- void _cdecl main(int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- HCRYPTPROV hProv = 0;
- BYTE *ptr = NULL;
- DWORD i;
- ALG_ID aiAlgid;
- DWORD dwBits;
- DWORD dwNameLen;
- CHAR szName[100]; // Often allocated dynamically.
- BYTE pbData[1000]; // Often allocated dynamically.
- DWORD dwDataLen;
- DWORD dwFlags;
- CHAR *pszAlgType = NULL;
- // Get handle to the default provider.
- if(!CryptAcquireContext(&hProv, NULL, NULL, PROV_RSA_FULL, 0)) {
- printf("Error %x during CryptAcquireContext!n", GetLastError());
- goto done;
- }
- // Enumerate the supported algorithms.
- for(i=0 ; ; i++) {
- // Set the CRYPT_FIRST flag the first time through the loop.
- if(i == 0) {
- dwFlags = CRYPT_FIRST;
- } else {
- dwFlags = 0;
- }
- // Retrieve information about an algorithm.
- dwDataLen = 1000;
- if(!CryptGetProvParam(hProv, PP_ENUMALGS, pbData, &dwDataLen, 0)) {
- if(GetLastError() == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) {
- // Exit the loop.
- break;
- } else {
- printf("Error %x reading algorithm!n", GetLastError());
- return;
- }
- }
- // Extract algorithm information from 'pbData' buffer.
- ptr = pbData;
- aiAlgid = *(ALG_ID *)ptr;
- ptr += sizeof(ALG_ID);
- dwBits = *(DWORD *)ptr;
- ptr += sizeof(DWORD);
- dwNameLen = *(DWORD *)ptr;
- ptr += sizeof(DWORD);
- strncpy(szName, ptr,dwNameLen);
- // Determine algorithm type.
- switch(GET_ALG_CLASS(aiAlgid)) {
- case ALG_CLASS_DATA_ENCRYPT: pszAlgType = "Encrypt ";
- break;
- case ALG_CLASS_HASH: pszAlgType = "Hash ";
- break;
- case ALG_CLASS_KEY_EXCHANGE: pszAlgType = "Exchange ";
- break;
- case ALG_CLASS_SIGNATURE: pszAlgType = "Signature";
- break;
- default: pszAlgType = "Unknown ";
- }
- // Print information about algorithm.
- printf("Name:%-14s Type:%s Bits:%-4d Algid:%8.8xhn",
- szName, pszAlgType, dwBits, aiAlgid
- );
- }
- done:
- // Release CSP handle.
- if(hProv) CryptReleaseContext(hProv,0);
- }