资源名称 [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*++
- Copyright 1996-1997 Microsoft Corporation
- Module Name:
- server.c
- Abstract:
- A command line app that establishes an authenticated connection
- with a client.
- Revision History:
- --*/
- #include <windows.h>
- #include <winsock.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include "security.h"
- #include "comm.h"
- BOOL AcceptAuthSocket (SOCKET *s);
- BOOL CloseAuthSocket (SOCKET s);
- BOOL DoAuthentication (SOCKET s);
- static PBYTE g_pInBuf = NULL;
- static PBYTE g_pOutBuf = NULL;
- static DWORD g_cbMaxMessage = 0;
- static unsigned short g_usPort = 2000;
- void main ()
- {
- char szUser[80];
- DWORD cbUser = 80;
- // initialize
- //
- if (!InitWinsock ())
- exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
- if (!InitPackage (&g_cbMaxMessage))
- exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
- g_pInBuf = (PBYTE) malloc (g_cbMaxMessage);
- g_pOutBuf = (PBYTE) malloc (g_cbMaxMessage);
- if (NULL == g_pInBuf || NULL == g_pOutBuf)
- exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
- // Make an authenticated connection with client
- //
- if (!AcceptAuthSocket (&s))
- exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
- // impersonate the client
- //
- if (!ImpersonateContext (s))
- exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
- // get the user name
- //
- if (!GetUserName (szUser, &cbUser))
- exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
- // revert to self
- //
- if (!RevertContext (s))
- exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
- // send user name to client
- //
- if (!SendBytes (s, szUser, cbUser))
- exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
- // terminate and cleanup
- //
- CloseAuthSocket (s);
- TermPackage ();
- TermWinsock ();
- free (g_pInBuf);
- free (g_pOutBuf);
- exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);
- }
- BOOL AcceptAuthSocket (SOCKET *s)
- /*++
- Routine Description:
- Establishes an authenticated socket connection with a client and
- initializes any needed security package resources.
- Return Value:
- Returns TRUE is successful; otherwise FALSE is returned.
- --*/
- {
- SOCKET sockListen;
- SOCKET sockClient;
- int nRes;
- // create listening socket
- //
- sockListen = socket (PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
- if (INVALID_SOCKET == sockListen) {
- fprintf (stderr, "Failed to create socket: %un", GetLastError ());
- return(FALSE);
- }
- // bind to local port
- //
- sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
- sin.sin_addr.s_addr = 0;
- sin.sin_port = htons(g_usPort);
- nRes = bind (sockListen, (LPSOCKADDR) &sin, sizeof (sin));
- if (SOCKET_ERROR == nRes) {
- fprintf (stderr, "bind failed: %un", GetLastError ());
- return(FALSE);
- }
- // listen for client
- //
- nRes = listen (sockListen, 1);
- if (SOCKET_ERROR == nRes) {
- fprintf (stderr, "listen failed: %un", GetLastError ());
- return(FALSE);
- }
- // accept client
- //
- sockClient = accept (sockListen, NULL, NULL);
- if (INVALID_SOCKET == sockClient) {
- fprintf (stderr, "accept failed: %un", GetLastError ());
- return(FALSE);
- }
- closesocket (sockListen);
- if (!InitSession (sockClient))
- return(FALSE);
- if (!DoAuthentication (sockClient))
- return(FALSE);
- // return socket
- //
- *s = sockClient;
- return(TRUE);
- }
- BOOL CloseAuthSocket (SOCKET s)
- /*++
- Routine Description:
- Closes a socket and releases security resources associated with
- the socket
- Return Value:
- Returns TRUE is successful; otherwise FALSE is returned.
- --*/
- {
- TermSession (s);
- shutdown (s, 2);
- closesocket (s);
- return(TRUE);
- }
- BOOL DoAuthentication (SOCKET s)
- /*++
- Routine Description:
- Manges the authentication conversation with the client via the
- supplied socket handle.
- Return Value:
- Returns TRUE is successful; otherwise FALSE is returned.
- --*/
- {
- DWORD cbIn, cbOut;
- BOOL done = FALSE;
- do {
- if (!ReceiveMsg (s, g_pInBuf, g_cbMaxMessage, &cbIn))
- return(FALSE);
- cbOut = g_cbMaxMessage;
- if (!GenServerContext (s, g_pInBuf, cbIn, g_pOutBuf, &cbOut, &done))
- return(FALSE);
- if (!SendMsg (s, g_pOutBuf, cbOut))
- return(FALSE);
- }
- while(!done);
- return(TRUE);
- }