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Visual C++
- /******************************************************************************
- * This is a part of the Microsoft Source Code Samples.
- * Copyright (C) 1993-1997 Microsoft Corporation.
- * All rights reserved.
- * This source code is only intended as a supplement to
- * Microsoft Development Tools and/or WinHelp documentation.
- * See these sources for detailed information regarding the
- * Microsoft samples programs.
- ******************************************************************************/
- /****************************************************************************
- * MODULE: sidclean.c
- *
- * NT never deletes SIDs, so the name of this sample is most
- * accurately be intrepreted as "Clean up SID ownership and
- * ACE's that relate to SIDs that still (and always will)
- * exist, but for which the corresponding user account has been
- * deleted"
- *
- *
- * PURPOSE: Demonstrate some of the Win32 security api(s), and provide a
- * sample of how a utility could be written that recovers
- * on-disk resources remaining allocated to deleted user
- * accounts. The on-disk resources recovered are 1) Files that
- * are still owned by accounts that have been deleted are
- * assigned ownership to the account logged on when this sample
- * is run, and 2) ACE's for deleted accounts are edited
- * (deleted) out of the ACLs of files to which the deleted
- * accounts had been granted authorizations (eg., Read access)
- *
- * It may be that running this sample as a utility has no
- * practical value in many environments, as the number of files
- * belonging to deleted user accounts will often be quite
- * small, and the number of bytes recovered on disk by editing
- * out ACEs for deleted accounts may well not be worth the time
- * it takes to run this sample. The time it takes to run this
- * sample may be quite significant when processing an entire
- * hard disk or partition
- *
- * This sample is not a supported utility
- *
- *
- * TO RUN: You must log on using an account, such as Administrator, that
- * has the priviledges to take file ownership and edit ACls
- *
- * The ACL editing part of this sample can only be excercised for
- * files on a partition that has ACLs NT processes: NTFS
- *
- * Typical test scenario: Create a user account or two, log on
- * as each of these accounts in turn, while logged on for each
- * account, go to an NTFS partition, create a couple of files
- * so the test accounts each own a few files, use the file
- * manager to edit permissions for those files so that each
- * test user has some authorities (e.g., Read) explicitly
- * granted for those files. Logon as Administrator, authorize
- * each test user to a few Administrator-owned files. Delete
- * the test accounts. Run the sample in the directories where
- * you put the files the test accounts owned or were authorized
- * to
- *
- *
- * OVERALL APPROACH: The command line interface is kept inflexible to simplify
- * it's parsing in this sample. The user must pass in a switch
- * argument, a directory spec, and a file search pattern
- *
- * The sample positions the current directory (of the process the
- * sample runs in) to the dir spec, and uses FindFirstFile and
- * FindNextFile to walk through the directory specified looking
- * for files that match the file pattern specified
- *
- * The switch argument can cause subdirectories to be searched
- * recursively
- *
- * The switch argument lets the user choose only to take
- * ownerships, only to edit ACLs, do both, or do neither, in
- * which case the sample merely reports on what ownerships
- * would have been taken, and what ACE's would have been
- * deleted
- *
- * As the directories are walked, each file that matches the
- * file pattern is processed right then
- *
- * Note that we process files in a directory, and we also process
- * the directory itself that contains the files. We process
- * directories because they can also be owned by deleted
- * accounts, or could have ACEs that will no longer be used
- *
- * Note also that we process all directories that we check for
- * files, regardless of the spelling of the directory name
- *
- * Counters are kept of file ownerships taken, ACEs deleted and
- * total files checked, to print a summary line at the end of
- * the run
- *
- * The sample considers it perfectly acceptable if 0 files match
- * the file pattern for the entire run
- *
- *
- * FUNCTIONS: DoMatchingFilesInOneDir
- *
- * Look in one dir or sub-dir for files that match the file
- * pattern. For each match call DoOneFileOrDir
- *
- * DoAllDirsInOneDir
- *
- * For all the sub-dirs in a dir, set the current directory to be
- * that directory, check for files that match the file pattern,
- * and if any match, call DoMatchingFilesInOneDir to process
- * those. Then reset the current directory
- *
- * GetFullFileOrDirName
- *
- * Get the full name of the file or dir for simplified processing
- * (and for display on the console)
- *
- * DoOneFileOrDir
- *
- * Get the file's SD (Security Descriptor), and call
- * TakeOwnershipIfAppropriate and/or DeleteACEsAsAppropriate as
- * needed
- *
- * TakeOwnershipIfAppropriate
- *
- * Get the owning SID of the file from the file's SD that
- * DoOneFileOrDir passed in, check that SID to see if the
- * account is deleted. If so, edit into the file's SD a new
- * owning SID (the SID of the process running the sample).
- * Then write the modified file SD to disk
- *
- * DeleteACEsAsAppropriate
- *
- * Get the DACL of the file from the file's SD that
- * DoOneFileOrDir passed in. Walk through the ACE list for
- * that DACL, checking each ACE to see what SID the ACE refers
- * to. For the SID referred to, check to see if the account is
- * deleted. If so, delete that ACE from the DACL. When all
- * ACE's have been examined, write the new DACL into the file's
- * SD. Then write the modified file SD to disk
- *
- * GetProcessSid
- *
- * Retrieve into a global variable the SID of the user account
- * logged on when this sample is run. This is the SID used by
- * TakeOwnershipIfAppropriate
- *
- * NOTE: This routine has the notable side-effect on the access
- * token of the curent process of enabling two privileges:
- * SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege, and SeSecurityPrivilege.
- * SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege is needed to ensure we can take
- * ownership in spite of any DACL on the file.
- * SeSecurityPrivilege is needed to work with SACLs
- *
- * CrackArgs
- *
- * Process the command line, cracking (parsing/decoding) the
- * switch argument into boolean global variables (see below).
- * Call DisplayHelp if anything illegal is found in the command
- * line, or if the user asked for help
- *
- * DisplayHelp
- *
- * Display help text on the console
- *
- *
- * BOOL bTakeOwnership
- * BOOL bEditACLs
- * BOOL bRecurse
- * BOOL bJustCount
- *
- * These store the values the user specified on the command
- * line's first argument (the switches argument).
- * Respectively, they record whether we are to do the
- * processing to Take Ownerships, Edit ACLs, whether we are to
- * recurse into all subdirectories, and whether we are just
- * counting up what would be processed (in which case we take
- * no ownerships and edit no ACLs)
- *
- * DWORD dwFilesChecked
- * DWORD dwFilesOwned
- * DWORD dwACEsDeleted
- *
- * These count, respecively, the total files we checked, the
- * number of files we took ownership of (or would have if we
- * had not been told only to count), and the number of ACEs we
- * deleted (or would have if we had not been told only to
- * count). Note that the total number of files checked does
- * not include files in the directories we process that do not
- * match the file pattern
- *
- * Note, however, that we process directories regardless of
- * whether they match the file pattern
- *
- * UCHAR ucProcessSIDBuf
- * PSID psidProcessOwnerSID
- *
- * These store the SID of the account logged on as this sample
- * runs, and a pointer to that SID
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
- /****************************************************************************
- ****************************************************************************/
- #define STRICT
- #include <windows.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #define PERR(api) printf("%s: Error %d from %s on line %dn",
- __FILE__, GetLastError(), api, __LINE__);
- #define PMSG(msg) printf("%s line %d: %sn",
- __FILE__, __LINE__, msg);
- #define PrintAppStyleAPIError(ApiTxt,MsgTxt) {
- DWORD dwLastError;
- dwLastError = GetLastError();
- switch (dwLastError)
- printf("nFile not found (%s) line %d",MsgTxt,__LINE__);
- break;
- printf("nInvalid name (%s) line %d",MsgTxt,__LINE__);
- break;
- printf("nError path not found (%s) line %d",MsgTxt,__LINE__);
- break;
- printf("nSharing violation - shut down net and/or stop other sessions (%s) line %d",MsgTxt,__LINE__);
- break;
- printf("nAccess denied (%s) line %d",MsgTxt,__LINE__);
- break;
- default :
- printf("n" #ApiTxt " - unexpected return code=%d (%s) line %d",dwLastError,MsgTxt,__LINE__);
- break;
- }
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- ****************************************************************************/
- BOOL bTakeOwnership = FALSE;
- BOOL bRecurse = FALSE;
- BOOL bJustCount = FALSE;
- DWORD dwFilesChecked = 0;
- DWORD dwFilesOwned = 0;
- DWORD dwACEsDeleted = 0;
- PSID psidProcessOwnerSID;
- /****************************************************************************
- ****************************************************************************/
- BOOL DoMatchingFilesInOneDir(HANDLE hFound,
- WIN32_FIND_DATA ffdFoundData);
- BOOL DoAllDirsInOneDir(char *FilePattern);
- BOOL GetFullFileOrDirName(LPTSTR lpszFileName);
- BOOL DoOneFileOrDir(LPTSTR lpszFullName);
- BOOL TakeOwnershipIfAppropriate(PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR psdFileSD,
- LPTSTR lpszFullName);
- LPTSTR lpszFullName);
- BOOL GetProcessSid(VOID);
- BOOL CrackArgs(UINT argc, char *argv[]);
- VOID DisplayHelp(VOID);
- /****************************************************************************
- *
- * FUNCTION: Main
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
- UINT main(UINT argc, char *argv[])
- {
- WIN32_FIND_DATA ffdFoundData;
- HANDLE hFound;
- LPTSTR lpszFullName = (LPTSTR)&ucPathBuf;
- /**************************************************************************
- *
- * Store the process's SID in a global variable for later use (in taking
- * ownership).
- *
- **************************************************************************/
- if (!GetProcessSid())
- { PERR("Can't proceed without process SID - see earlier error messages");
- return(1);
- }
- if (!CrackArgs(argc,argv))
- return(1);
- /**************************************************************************
- *
- * CrackArgs has set our global processing switches, and proven argv[2] and
- * argv[3] are our non-blank dir-spec and file-pattern strings. Now we
- * must see that the file-spec is acceptable to the Win32 api's. Argv[2]
- * is the file-spec to pass to SetCurrentDirectory, and argv[3] is the
- * file-pattern to pass to FindFirstFile
- *
- * First we have to expand the dir-spec in argv[2], because if we set the
- * current directory to it before expansion,the expansion will have a
- * different result if argv[2] is something like ....
- *
- **************************************************************************/
- strcpy(lpszFullName,argv[2]);
- if (!GetFullFileOrDirName(lpszFullName))
- { PERR("Failed to expand to full name the 2nd argument (directory specification)");
- return(1);
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- *
- * Now we pass the un-expanded argv[2] to SetCurrentDirectory for validity
- * checking. GetFullPathName (called by GetFullFileOrDirName) does not
- * validity check
- *
- **************************************************************************/
- if (!SetCurrentDirectory(argv[2]))
- { PrintAppStyleAPIError(SetCurrentDirectory,"2nd argument (directory specification)");
- return(1);
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- *
- * We begin processing with the current directory, using the expanded form we
- * got before. We have to use the expanded form, because if we set to
- * .... and then try to process the string .... as a dir name, instead of
- * processing the dir two levels up from where we are we'll process the dir
- * four levels up
- *
- **************************************************************************/
- if (!DoOneFileOrDir(lpszFullName))
- return(1);
- /**************************************************************************
- *
- * It's OK to get no hits. The files-checked counter will show how many
- * files we looked at, and it's OK to look at 0
- *
- * On the else branch, Argv[3] has been verified, and we have a good handle.
- * We now pass to DoMatchingFilesInOneDir for processing the handle and
- * found data we just got from FindFirstFile
- *
- **************************************************************************/
- hFound = FindFirstFile(argv[3],
- (LPWIN32_FIND_DATA)&ffdFoundData);
- if ((HANDLE)(-1) == hFound)
- { if (GetLastError() != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)
- { PrintAppStyleAPIError(FindFirstFile,"3rd argument");
- return(1);
- }
- }
- else if (!DoMatchingFilesInOneDir(hFound,ffdFoundData))
- return(1);
- /**************************************************************************
- *
- * Pass the original file pattern for recursive calling to DoAllDirsInOneDir
- *
- **************************************************************************/
- if (!DoAllDirsInOneDir(argv[3]))
- return(1);
- if (bJustCount)
- printf("nChecked %d files, would have taken ownership of %d files, would have deleted %d ACEsn",
- dwFilesChecked,dwFilesOwned,dwACEsDeleted);
- else
- printf("nChecked %d files, took ownership of %d files, deleted %d ACEsn",
- dwFilesChecked,dwFilesOwned,dwACEsDeleted);
- free(psidProcessOwnerSID);
- return(0);
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- *
- * FUNCTION: DoMatchingFilesInOneDir
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
- BOOL DoMatchingFilesInOneDir(HANDLE hFound,
- WIN32_FIND_DATA ffdFoundData)
- {
- BOOL bDoneWithHandle = FALSE;
- /**************************************************************************
- *
- * Process all files referred to by the handle, but not including
- * directories, because directories are handled with separate calls to
- * DoOneFileOrDir. Such separate calls are made as we are setting the
- * current directory to be the directory to be processed
- *
- **************************************************************************/
- while (!bDoneWithHandle)
- {
- if (!(FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY & ffdFoundData.dwFileAttributes))
- {
- if (!DoOneFileOrDir(ffdFoundData.cFileName))
- return(FALSE);
- }
- if (!FindNextFile(hFound,
- (LPWIN32_FIND_DATA)&ffdFoundData))
- if (GetLastError() == ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES)
- bDoneWithHandle = TRUE;
- else
- { PrintAppStyleAPIError(FindNextFile,"on FindNext");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- *
- * FUNCTION: DoAllDirsInOneDir
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
- BOOL DoAllDirsInOneDir(char *FilePattern)
- {
- HANDLE hFound;
- WIN32_FIND_DATA ffdFoundData;
- BOOL bDoneWithHandle = FALSE;
- /**************************************************************************
- *
- * If not recursing into dirs, simply return
- *
- **************************************************************************/
- if (!bRecurse)
- return TRUE;
- /**************************************************************************
- *
- * Since we are recursing, get a handle that points to entire directory, and
- * walk the handle picking off only directories to recurse into
- *
- **************************************************************************/
- hFound = FindFirstFile("*.*",
- (LPWIN32_FIND_DATA)&ffdFoundData);
- if ((HANDLE)(-1) == hFound)
- { PrintAppStyleAPIError(FindFirstFile,"on dir *.* FindFirst");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- while (!bDoneWithHandle)
- {
- /************************************************************************
- *
- * We only do dirs here, and we only do directories with textual names
- * (i.e., not "." and not "..")
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- if ( (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY & ffdFoundData.dwFileAttributes)
- && (0 != strcmp("." ,ffdFoundData.cFileName))
- && (0 != strcmp("..",ffdFoundData.cFileName)))
- {
- HANDLE hFile2;
- WIN32_FIND_DATA ffdFound2;
- /**********************************************************************
- *
- * We begin processing the new current directory by processing it itself,
- * then setting the current dir to be the dir itself
- *
- **********************************************************************/
- if (!DoOneFileOrDir(ffdFoundData.cFileName))
- return(FALSE);
- if (!SetCurrentDirectory(ffdFoundData.cFileName))
- { PrintAppStyleAPIError(SetCurrentDirectory,"recursive set");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- /**********************************************************************
- *
- * It's OK to get no hits. The files-checked counter will show how many
- * files we looked at, and it's OK to look at 0
- *
- **********************************************************************/
- hFile2 = FindFirstFile(FilePattern,
- (LPWIN32_FIND_DATA)&ffdFound2);
- if ((HANDLE)(-1) == hFile2)
- { if (GetLastError() != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)
- { PrintAppStyleAPIError(FindFirstFile,"during recursion");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- }
- else if (!DoMatchingFilesInOneDir(hFile2,ffdFound2))
- return(FALSE);
- if (!DoAllDirsInOneDir(FilePattern))
- return(FALSE);
- if (!SetCurrentDirectory(".."))
- { PrintAppStyleAPIError(SetCurrentDirectory,"un-recursive set");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- }
- /************************************************************************
- *
- * Get next recursion candidate (file or dir at this point, however at loop
- * top files are screened out)
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- if (!FindNextFile(hFound,
- (LPWIN32_FIND_DATA)&ffdFoundData))
- if (GetLastError() == ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES)
- bDoneWithHandle = TRUE;
- else
- { PrintAppStyleAPIError(FindNextFile,"on dir *.* FindNext");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- }
- return(TRUE);
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- *
- * FUNCTION: GetFullFileOrDirName
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
- BOOL GetFullFileOrDirName(LPTSTR lpszFileName)
- {
- DWORD dwSzReturned;
- LPTSTR lpszLastNamePart;
- LPTSTR lpszFullName;
- dwSzReturned = GetFullPathName
- (lpszFileName,
- (LPTSTR)&ucPathBuf,
- (LPTSTR *)&lpszLastNamePart);
- if (0 == dwSzReturned)
- switch (GetLastError())
- printf("nError invalid file full-name (on GetFullPathName)");
- return(FALSE);
- default :
- PERR("GetFullPathName - unexpected return code");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- if (dwSzReturned > SZ_NAME_BUF)
- { PERR("GetFullPathName - buffer too small");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- lpszFullName = CharLower((LPTSTR)&ucPathBuf);
- if (!lpszFullName)
- { PERR("CharLower failure");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- *
- * Copy the expanded and upper-case-shifted name to the buffer pointed to by
- * the input argument
- *
- **************************************************************************/
- strcpy(lpszFileName,lpszFullName);
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- *
- * FUNCTION: DoOneFileOrDir
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
- BOOL DoOneFileOrDir(LPTSTR lpszFullName)
- {
- #define SZ_REL_SD_BUF 1000
- #define SZ_ABS_SD_BUF 500
- #define SZ_DACL_BUF 500
- #define SZ_SACL_BUF 500
- #define SZ_SID_OWN_BUF 500
- #define SZ_SID_PG_BUF 500
- UCHAR ucBufDacl [SZ_DACL_BUF];
- UCHAR ucBufSacl [SZ_SACL_BUF];
- DWORD dwSidOwnLength = SZ_SID_OWN_BUF;
- DWORD dwSidPGLength = SZ_SID_PG_BUF;
- DWORD dwSDLengthNeeded;
- PACL paclDacl = (PACL)&ucBufDacl;
- PACL paclSacl = (PACL)&ucBufSacl;
- PSID psidSidOwn = (PSID)&ucBufSidOwn;
- PSID psidSidPG = (PSID)&ucBufSidPG;
- BOOL bDaclPresent;
- BOOL bDaclDefaulted;
- BOOL bSaclPresent;
- BOOL bSaclDefaulted;
- BOOL bOwnerDefaulted;
- BOOL bGroupDefaulted;
- BOOL bSDSelfRelative;
- DWORD dwRevision;
- if (!GetFullFileOrDirName(lpszFullName))
- return(FALSE);
- /**************************************************************************
- *
- * Now the input argument's name is accurate: it is expanded and lower-case
- *
- **************************************************************************/
- printf("nChecking %s",lpszFullName);
- dwFilesChecked++;
- if (!GetFileSecurity
- (lpszFullName,
- psdSrelFileSD,
- dwSDLength,
- (LPDWORD)&dwSDLengthNeeded))
- { PERR("GetFileSecurity");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- *
- * This validity check is here for demonstration pruposes. It's not likely a
- * real app would need to check the validity of this returned SD. The
- * validity check APIs are more intended to check validity after app code
- * has manipulated the structure and is about to hand it back to the system
- *
- **************************************************************************/
- if (!IsValidSecurityDescriptor(psdSrelFileSD))
- { PERR("IsValidSecurityDescriptor said bad SD");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- *
- * Build File SD in absolute format for potential later modification
- *
- * First Initialize a new SD, which is by definition in absolute format
- *
- * Then Set in the fields from the relative format SD we just fetched
- *
- **************************************************************************/
- if (!InitializeSecurityDescriptor(psdAbsFileSD,
- { PERR("InitializeSecurityDescriptor");
- return FALSE;
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- *
- * Get Control from relative format File SD
- *
- * This control info isn't much queried in the code that follows, as the
- * Get/Set calls are more convienent in this case, but it does give us a
- * change to verify that the SD is in relative format
- *
- **************************************************************************/
- if (!GetSecurityDescriptorControl(psdSrelFileSD,
- psdcCtrl,
- &dwRevision))
- { PERR("GetSecurityDescriptorControl");
- return FALSE;
- }
- bSDSelfRelative = (SE_SELF_RELATIVE & *psdcCtrl);
- /**************************************************************************
- *
- * Set DACL into absolute format File SD
- *
- * Note that it is possible that a NULL DACL has been explictly specified.
- * If so the Get/Set call pair will correctly map that into the absolute
- * format SD
- *
- * The next if statement isn't necessary, it simply shows the relationship
- * between SE_DACL_PRESENT and SE_DACL_DEFAULTED, and lets you trace
- * through with the debugger
- *
- **************************************************************************/
- if (bDaclPresent = (SE_DACL_PRESENT & *psdcCtrl))
- { // SE_DACL_DEFAULTED ignored if SE_DACL_PRESENT not set
- bDaclDefaulted = (SE_DACL_DEFAULTED & *psdcCtrl);
- }
- else
- { // No DACL at all
- }
- if (!GetSecurityDescriptorDacl(psdSrelFileSD,
- &bDaclPresent, // fDaclPresent flag
- &paclDacl,
- &bDaclDefaulted)) // is/is not a default DACL
- { PERR("GetSecurityDescriptorDacl");
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (!SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(psdAbsFileSD,
- bDaclPresent, // fDaclPresent flag
- paclDacl,
- bDaclDefaulted)) // is/is not a default DACL
- { PERR("SetSecurityDescriptorDacl");
- return FALSE;
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- *
- * Set SACL into absolute format File SD
- *
- * Note that it is possible that a NULL SACL has been explictly specified.
- * If so the Get/Set call pair will correctly map that into the absolute
- * format SD
- *
- * The next if statement isn't necessary, it simply shows the relationship
- * between SE_SACL_PRESENT and SE_SACL_DEFAULTED, and lets you trace
- * through with the debugger
- *
- **************************************************************************/
- if (bSaclPresent = (SE_SACL_PRESENT & *psdcCtrl))
- { // SE_SACL_DEFAULTED ignored if SE_SACL_PRESENT not set
- bSaclDefaulted = (SE_SACL_DEFAULTED & *psdcCtrl);
- }
- else
- { // No SACL at all
- }
- if (!GetSecurityDescriptorSacl(psdSrelFileSD,
- &bSaclPresent, // fSaclPresent flag
- &paclSacl,
- &bSaclDefaulted)) // is/is not a default SACL
- { PERR("GetSecurityDescriptorSacl");
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (!SetSecurityDescriptorSacl(psdAbsFileSD,
- bSaclPresent, // fSaclPresent flag
- paclSacl,
- bSaclDefaulted)) // is/is not a default SACL
- { PERR("SetSecurityDescriptorSacl");
- return FALSE;
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- *
- * Set Owner into absolute format File SD
- *
- * The next if statement isn't necessary, it simply let's you trace through
- * with the debugger
- *
- **************************************************************************/
- bOwnerDefaulted = (SE_OWNER_DEFAULTED & *psdcCtrl);
- if (!GetSecurityDescriptorOwner(psdSrelFileSD,
- &psidSidOwn,
- &bOwnerDefaulted)) // is/is not a default Owner
- { PERR("GetSecurityDescriptorOwner");
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (!SetSecurityDescriptorOwner(psdAbsFileSD,
- psidSidOwn,
- bOwnerDefaulted)) // is/is not a default Owner
- { PERR("SetSecurityDescriptorOwner");
- return FALSE;
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- *
- * Set Group into absolute format File SD
- *
- * The next if statement isn't necessary, it simply let's you trace through
- * with the debugger
- *
- **************************************************************************/
- bGroupDefaulted = (SE_GROUP_DEFAULTED & *psdcCtrl);
- if (!GetSecurityDescriptorGroup(psdSrelFileSD,
- &psidSidOwn,
- &bGroupDefaulted)) // is/is not a default Group
- { PERR("GetSecurityDescriptorGroup");
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (!SetSecurityDescriptorGroup(psdAbsFileSD,
- psidSidOwn,
- bGroupDefaulted)) // is/is not a default Group
- { PERR("SetSecurityDescriptorGroup");
- return FALSE;
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- *
- * This validity check is here for demonstration pruposes. It's not likely a
- * real app would need to check the validity of the SD after it was just
- * built into absolute format. The validity check APIs are more intended
- * to check validity after app code has manipulated the structure and is
- * about to hand it back to the system
- *
- * One thing to notice is that IsValidSecurityDescriptor will succeed on both
- * self-relative and absolute format SDs. However, some other api's, such
- * as SetSecurityDescriptorOwner, require the SD to be in a certain format,
- * and will give a return code of Invalid SD if the SD passed to the api is
- * valid, but in the wrong format. In other words, when an api such as
- * SetSecurityDescriptorOwner gives the retun code Invalid SD, this doesn't
- * mean the SD passed in was necessarily invalid. It might have been in
- * the wrong format
- *
- **************************************************************************/
- if (!IsValidSecurityDescriptor(psdAbsFileSD))
- { PERR("IsValidSecurityDescriptor said bad SD");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- if (bTakeOwnership)
- if (!TakeOwnershipIfAppropriate(psdAbsFileSD,lpszFullName))
- return(FALSE);
- if (bEditACLs)
- if (!DeleteACEsAsAppropriate (psdAbsFileSD,lpszFullName))
- return(FALSE);
- return(TRUE);
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- *
- * FUNCTION: TakeOwnershipIfAppropriate
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
- BOOL TakeOwnershipIfAppropriate(PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR psdFileSD,
- LPTSTR lpszFullName)
- {
- PSID psidFileOwnerSID;
- {
- BOOL bOwnerDefaulted;
- if (!GetSecurityDescriptorOwner
- (psdFileSD,
- (PSID *)&psidFileOwnerSID,
- (LPBOOL)&bOwnerDefaulted))
- { PERR("GetSecurityDescriptorOwner");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- /************************************************************************
- *
- * This validity check is here for demonstration pruposes. It's not likely
- * a real app would need to check the validity of this returned SID. The
- * validity check APIs are more intended to check validity after app code
- * has manipulated the structure and is about to hand it back to the
- * system
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- if (!IsValidSid(psidFileOwnerSID))
- { PERR("IsValidSid said bad SID!");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- }
- {
- DWORD dwLastError = NO_ERROR;
- #define SZ_ACCT_NAME_BUF 1000
- DWORD dwNameLength = SZ_ACCT_NAME_BUF;
- #define SZ_DMN_NAME_BUF 1000
- UCHAR ucDomainNmBuf [SZ_DMN_NAME_BUF ];
- DWORD dwDNameLength = SZ_DMN_NAME_BUF ;
- SID_NAME_USE peAcctNameUse;
- if (!LookupAccountSid
- ((LPTSTR)"", // Look on local machine
- psidFileOwnerSID,
- (LPTSTR)&ucNameBuf,
- (LPDWORD)&dwNameLength,
- (LPTSTR)&ucDomainNmBuf,
- (LPDWORD)&dwDNameLength,
- (PSID_NAME_USE)&peAcctNameUse))
- { dwLastError = GetLastError();
- if (ERROR_NONE_MAPPED != dwLastError)
- { PERR("LookupAccountSID");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- }
- /************************************************************************
- *
- * If deleted account, take ownership. This routine's caller checked the
- * global switches that said we are in take ownership mode
- *
- * In some cases, the account lookup will fail with ERROR_NONE_MAPPED,
- * meaning there is no deleted account mapped to the SID, in which case
- * we also take ownership
- *
- * We check that first to avoid referencing peAcctNameUse, which in that
- * case is not set
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- if ( (ERROR_NONE_MAPPED == dwLastError)
- || (SidTypeDeletedAccount == peAcctNameUse))
- {
- dwFilesOwned++;
- if (bJustCount)
- { printf(" - would have taken ownership");
- return(TRUE);
- }
- else
- {
- /********************************************************************
- *
- * Modify the SD in virtual memory. No check on the new owning SID
- * here, because we validity checked it when we fetched it in
- * GetProcessSid
- *
- ********************************************************************/
- if (!SetSecurityDescriptorOwner
- (psdFileSD,
- psidProcessOwnerSID,
- FALSE)) // New owner explicitly specified
- { PERR("SetSecurityDescriptorOwner");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- /********************************************************************
- *
- * This validity check is something a real app might actually like to
- * do. We manupulated the SD, so before we write it back out to the
- * file system, a check is worth considering.
- *
- ********************************************************************/
- if (!IsValidSecurityDescriptor(psdFileSD))
- { PERR("IsValidSecurityDescriptor said bad SD");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- /********************************************************************
- *
- * Modify the SD on the hard disk
- *
- ********************************************************************/
- if (!SetFileSecurity
- (lpszFullName,
- psdFileSD))
- { PERR("SetFileSecurity");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- printf(" - took ownership");
- }
- }
- }
- return(TRUE);
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- *
- * FUNCTION: DeleteACEsAsAppropriate
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
- LPTSTR lpszFullName)
- {
- PACL paclFile;
- BOOL bOwnerDefaulted;
- DWORD dwAcl_i;
- DWORD dwACEsDeletedBeforeNow;
- DWORD dwBufLength = sizeof(asiAclSize);
- ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE *paaAllowedAce;
- if (!GetSecurityDescriptorDacl(psdFileSD,
- (PACL *)&paclFile,
- (LPBOOL)&bOwnerDefaulted))
- { PERR("GetSecurityDescriptorDacl");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- if (!bHasACL) // No ACL to process, so OK, return
- return(TRUE);
- /**************************************************************************
- *
- * This validity check is here for demonstration pruposes. It's not likely a
- * real app would need to check the validity of this returned ACL. The
- * validity check APIs are more intended to check validity after app code
- * has manipulated the structure and is about to hand it back to the system
- *
- **************************************************************************/
- if (!IsValidAcl(paclFile))
- { PERR("IsValidAcl said bad ACL!");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- if (!GetAclInformation(paclFile,
- (LPVOID)&asiAclSize,
- (DWORD)dwBufLength,
- (ACL_INFORMATION_CLASS)AclSizeInformation))
- { PERR("GetAclInformation");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- dwACEsDeletedBeforeNow = dwACEsDeleted;
- /**************************************************************************
- *
- * We loop through in reverse order, because that's simpler, given that we
- * potentially delete ACEs as we loop through. If started at 0 and went
- * up, if we deleted the 0th ACE, then the 1th ACE would become the 0th,
- * and we'd have to check the 0th ACE again
- *
- **************************************************************************/
- for (dwAcl_i = asiAclSize.AceCount-1; ((int)dwAcl_i) >= 0; dwAcl_i--)
- {
- /************************************************************************
- *
- * It doesn't matter for this sample that we don't yet know the ACE type,
- * because they all start with the header field and that's what we need
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- if (!GetAce(paclFile,
- dwAcl_i,
- (LPVOID *)&paaAllowedAce))
- { PERR("GetAce");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- /************************************************************************
- *
- * There are only four Ace Types pre-defined, so this next check is
- * redundant in a real app, but useful as a sanity check and a
- * demonstration in a sample
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- if (!( (paaAllowedAce->Header.AceType == ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE)
- ||(paaAllowedAce->Header.AceType == ACCESS_DENIED_ACE_TYPE )
- ||(paaAllowedAce->Header.AceType == SYSTEM_AUDIT_ACE_TYPE )
- ||(paaAllowedAce->Header.AceType == SYSTEM_ALARM_ACE_TYPE )))
- { PERR("Invalid AceType");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- { // Find SID of ACE, check if acct deleted
- DWORD dwNameLength = SZ_ACCT_NAME_BUF;
- UCHAR ucDomainNmBuf [SZ_DMN_NAME_BUF];
- DWORD dwDNameLength = SZ_DMN_NAME_BUF;
- SID_NAME_USE peAcctNameUse;
- DWORD dwLastError = NO_ERROR;
- /**********************************************************************
- *
- * This validity check is here for demonstration pruposes. It's not
- * likely a real app would need to check the validity of the SID
- * contained in the returned ACL. The validity check APIs are more
- * intended to check validity after app code has manipulated the
- * structure and is about to hand it back to the system
- *
- **********************************************************************/
- if (!IsValidSid((PSID)&(paaAllowedAce->SidStart)))
- { PERR("IsValidSid said bad SID!");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- if (!LookupAccountSid
- ((LPTSTR)"", // Look on local machine
- (PSID)&(paaAllowedAce->SidStart),
- (LPTSTR)&ucNameBuf,
- (LPDWORD)&dwNameLength,
- (LPTSTR)&ucDomainNmBuf,
- (LPDWORD)&dwDNameLength,
- (PSID_NAME_USE)&peAcctNameUse))
- { dwLastError = GetLastError();
- if (ERROR_NONE_MAPPED != dwLastError)
- { PERR("LookupAccountSID");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- }
- if ( (ERROR_NONE_MAPPED == dwLastError)
- || (SidTypeDeletedAccount == peAcctNameUse))
- {
- dwACEsDeleted++;
- if (bJustCount)
- { printf(" - would have edited ACL");
- return(TRUE);
- }
- if (!DeleteAce(paclFile,dwAcl_i))
- { PERR("DeleteAce");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (dwACEsDeletedBeforeNow < dwACEsDeleted)
- {
- /************************************************************************
- *
- * This validity check is something a real app might actually like to do.
- * We manupulated the ACL, so before we write it back into an SD, a check
- * is worth considering
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- if (!IsValidAcl(paclFile))
- { PERR("IsValidAcl said bad ACL!");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- /************************************************************************
- *
- * Modify the SD in virtual memory
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- if (!SetSecurityDescriptorDacl
- (psdFileSD,
- TRUE, // Yes, set the DACL
- paclFile,
- FALSE)) // New DACL explicitly specified
- { PERR("SetSecurityDescriptorDacl");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- /************************************************************************
- *
- * This validity check is something a real app might actually like to do.
- * We manupulated the SD, so before we write it back out to the file
- * system, a check is worth considering
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- if (!IsValidSecurityDescriptor(psdFileSD))
- { PERR("IsValidSecurityDescriptor said bad SD");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- /************************************************************************
- *
- * Modify the SD on the hard disk
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- if (!SetFileSecurity
- (lpszFullName,
- psdFileSD))
- { PERR("SetFileSecurity");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- printf(" - edited ACL");
- }
- return(TRUE);
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- *
- * FUNCTION: GetProcessSid
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
- BOOL GetProcessSid(VOID)
- {
- HANDLE hProcess;
- PSID psidProcessOwnerSIDTemp;
- DWORD dwSDLengthNeeded;
- BOOL bOwnerDefaulted;
- hProcess = GetCurrentProcess();
- if (!hProcess)
- { PERR("GetCurrentProcess");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- if (!GetKernelObjectSecurity
- (hProcess,
- psdProcessSD,
- dwSDLength,
- (LPDWORD)&dwSDLengthNeeded))
- { PERR("GetKernelObjectSecurity on current process handle");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- *
- * This validity check is here for demonstration purposes. It's not likely a
- * real app would need to check the validity of this returned SD. The
- * validity check APIs are more intended to check validity after app code
- * has manipulated the structure and is about to hand it back to the system
- *
- **************************************************************************/
- if (!IsValidSecurityDescriptor(psdProcessSD))
- { PERR("IsValidSecurityDescriptor said bad SD");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- if (!GetSecurityDescriptorOwner
- (psdProcessSD,
- (PSID *)&psidProcessOwnerSIDTemp,
- (LPBOOL)&bOwnerDefaulted))
- { PERR("GetSecurityDescriptorOwner of current process");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- *
- * This validity check is here for demonstration pruposes. It's not likely a
- * real app would need to check the validity of this returned SID. The
- * validity check APIs are more intended to check validity after app code
- * has manipulated the structure and is about to hand it back to the system
- *
- **************************************************************************/
- if (!IsValidSid(psidProcessOwnerSIDTemp))
- { PERR("IsValidSid said bad process SID!");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- *
- * On the other hand, we are about to call GetLengthSid on the returned SID,
- * and calling GetLengthSid with an invalid SID is a bad idea, since then
- * GetLengthSid's result is undefined, and an undefined result is hard to
- * handle cleanly. So, even in a real app, the above check on SID validity
- * is a good idea to ensure the result GetLengthSid returns is valid
- *
- * It should be clear that the reason why the CopySid below is needed is that
- * in the current routine the SID of the current process is on the stack
- * (in the SD structure), so we have to copy the SID to static storage
- * before the current routine returns
- *
- **************************************************************************/
- { DWORD dwSIDLengthNeeded;
- dwSIDLengthNeeded = GetLengthSid(psidProcessOwnerSIDTemp);
- psidProcessOwnerSID = malloc(dwSIDLengthNeeded);
- if (NULL == psidProcessOwnerSID)
- PERR("GetProcessSid - ran out of heap space");
- if (!CopySid(dwSIDLengthNeeded,
- psidProcessOwnerSID,
- psidProcessOwnerSIDTemp))
- { PERR("CopySid");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- *
- * This validity check is here for demonstration pruposes only (see above).
- *
- **************************************************************************/
- if (!IsValidSid(psidProcessOwnerSID))
- { PERR("IsValidSid said bad process SID!");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- *
- * Now ensure that two privileges are enabled in the access token of the
- * current process
- *
- **************************************************************************/
- { HANDLE hAccessToken;
- LUID luidPrivilegeLUID;
- TOKEN_PRIVILEGES tpTokenPrivilege;
- if (!OpenProcessToken(hProcess,
- &hAccessToken))
- { PERR("OpenProcessToken");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- /************************************************************************
- *
- * Get LUID of SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege privilege
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- if (!LookupPrivilegeValue(NULL,
- "SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege",
- &luidPrivilegeLUID))
- { PERR("LookupPrivilegeValue");
- printf("nThe above error means you need to use User Manager (menu item");
- printf("n Policies\UserRights) to turn on the 'Take ownership of...' ");
- printf("n privilege, log off, log back on");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- /************************************************************************
- *
- * Enable the SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege privilege using the LUID just
- * obtained
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- tpTokenPrivilege.PrivilegeCount = 1;
- tpTokenPrivilege.Privileges[0].Luid = luidPrivilegeLUID;
- tpTokenPrivilege.Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED;
- AdjustTokenPrivileges (hAccessToken,
- FALSE, // Do not disable all
- &tpTokenPrivilege,
- NULL, // Ignore previous info
- NULL); // Ignore previous info
- if ( GetLastError() != NO_ERROR )
- { PERR("AdjustTokenPrivileges");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- /************************************************************************
- *
- * Get LUID of SeSecurityPrivilege privilege
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- if (!LookupPrivilegeValue(NULL,
- "SeSecurityPrivilege",
- &luidPrivilegeLUID))
- { PERR("LookupPrivilegeValue");
- printf("nThe above error means you need to log on as an Administrator");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- /************************************************************************
- *
- * Enable the SeSecurityPrivilege privilege using the LUID just
- * obtained
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- tpTokenPrivilege.PrivilegeCount = 1;
- tpTokenPrivilege.Privileges[0].Luid = luidPrivilegeLUID;
- tpTokenPrivilege.Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED;
- AdjustTokenPrivileges (hAccessToken,
- FALSE, // Do not disable all
- &tpTokenPrivilege,
- NULL, // Ignore previous info
- NULL); // Ignore previous info
- if ( GetLastError() != NO_ERROR )
- { PERR("AdjustTokenPrivileges");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- }
- return(TRUE);
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- *
- * FUNCTION: CrackArgs
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
- BOOL CrackArgs(UINT argc, char *argv[])
- {
- char *p;
- /**************************************************************************
- *
- * There must be three arguments
- *
- **************************************************************************/
- if (argc != 4)
- { DisplayHelp();
- return(FALSE);
- }
- p=argv[1];
- /**************************************************************************
- *
- * The switch argument must be 2-5 chars long
- *
- **************************************************************************/
- if ((strlen(p) < 2) || (strlen(p) > 5))
- { DisplayHelp();
- return(FALSE);
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- *
- * The first char in the switch argument must be /
- *
- **************************************************************************/
- if ('/' != *p)
- { DisplayHelp();
- return(FALSE);
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- *
- * Chars 2-5 of the switch argument must be O or A or R or C
- *
- **************************************************************************/
- for (p=p+1; *p; p++)
- switch (*p)
- { case 'o':
- case 'O':
- bTakeOwnership = TRUE;
- break;
- case 'a':
- case 'A':
- bEditACLs = TRUE;
- break;
- case 'r':
- case 'R':
- bRecurse = TRUE;
- break;
- case 'c':
- case 'C':
- bJustCount = TRUE;
- break;
- default :
- DisplayHelp();
- return(FALSE);
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- *
- * Have to say one of O or A
- *
- **************************************************************************/
- if (!(bTakeOwnership || bEditACLs))
- { DisplayHelp();
- return(FALSE);
- }
- return(TRUE);
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- *
- * FUNCTION: DisplayHelp
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
- VOID DisplayHelp(VOID)
- {
- printf("nTo run type SIDCLEAN and 3 parameters. Syntax:");
- printf("n SIDCLEAN /roah dirspec filepattern");
- printf("n /r Recursively process subdirectories");
- printf("n /o For any files matching filepattern: Take ownership if");
- printf("n file currently owned by any deleted SID");
- printf("n /a For any files matching filepattern: Edit ACL, deleting");
- printf("n ACEs associated with any deleted SID");
- printf("n /c Overrides /o and /a, causes counts of /a or /o actions that");
- printf("n would take place if /c not used. Counts always displayed");
- printf("n /h Override other switch values, just display this messagen");
- printf("n . and .. syntax allowed in dirspec");
- printf("n * and ? wildcards allowed in filepattern");
- printf("n Switch letters can be in any order, upper or lower case");
- printf("nExamples:");
- printf("n SIDCLEAN /o . *.* Take ownership of all files (but not subdirs) in ");
- printf("n current dir that are owned by any deleted SID");
- printf("n SIDCLEAN /a . *.* For any file in current dir (but not subdirs), delete");
- printf("n any ACL info that is associated with any deleted SID");
- printf("n SIDCLEAN /ro . *.* Same as first example, but also recursively process");
- printf("n subdirectories");
- printf("n SIDCLEAN /ar . *.* Same as second example, but also recursively process");
- printf("n subdirectories");
- printf("n SIDCLEAN /O \ *.* Same as first example, but process files in root");
- printf("n of current drive");
- printf("n SIDCLEAN /oC .. *.* Same as first example, but looks at files in dir");
- printf("n containing current dir, processes nothing, just counts");
- printf("n SIDCLEAN /A d:\ *.* Same as second example, but process files in root");
- printf("n of D: drive");
- printf("n SIDCLEAN Displays this message");
- printf("n SIDCLEAN /h Displays this message (so do ? -? /? -h -H /H)n");
- printf("nThis utility must be run while logged on as Administratorn");
- return;
- }