资源名称 [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- *
- * PURPOSE: This is the module responsible for painting the SPINCUBE
- * custom control. When Paint() is called we retrieve a
- * pointer to a SPINCUBEINFO structure, and then use it's
- * current rotation & translation values to transform the
- * polyhedron described by gNormalizedVertices & gaiFacets.
- * Once we've transformed the vertices, we draw the
- * background, which consists of a grey rectangle and a few
- * black lines (a crass attempt to render a perspective
- * view into a "room"), on the offscreen bitmap associated
- * with the control (i.e. pSCI->hbmCompat). Then we walk the
- * facet list of the transformed polyhedron (gXformedVertices
- * & gaiFacets), drawing only those facets whose outward
- * normal faces us (again, drawing on pSCI->hbmCompat).
- * Finally, we BitBlt the appropriate rectangle from our
- * offscreen bitmap to the screen itself.
- *
- * Drawing to the offscreen bitmap has two advantages over
- * drawing straight to the screen:
- *
- * 1. The actual drawing the user sees consists of only
- * a single BitBlt. Otherwise, the user would see us
- * both erase the polyhedron in it's old position and
- * draw it in it's new position (alot of flashing- not
- * very smooth animation).
- *
- * 2. When a spincube control with the SS_ERASE style
- * is brought to the foreground, all it's contents
- * i.e. the cube trails) are saved & can be re-Blted
- * to the screen. Otherwise, all this info would be
- * lost & there'd be a big blank spot in the middle
- * of the control!
- *
- * Interested persons should consult a text on 3 dimensional
- * graphics for more information (i.e. "Computer Graphics:
- * Principles and Practice", by Foley & van Dam).
- *
- * Notes:
- *
- * - A 3x2 tranformation matrix is used instead of a 3x3
- * matrix, since the transformed z-values aren't needed.
- * (Normally these would be required for use in depth
- * sorting [for hidden surface removal], but since we
- * draw only a single convex polyhedron this is not
- * necessary.)
- *
- * - A simplified perspective viewing transformation
- * (which also precludes the need for the transformed z
- * coordinates). In a nutshell, the perspective scale
- * is as follows:
- *
- * p' = S x p
- * per
- *
- * where:
- * S = WindowDepth /
- * per (WindowDepth + fCurrentZTranslation)
- *
- * (WindowDepth is the greater of the control's window
- * height or window width.)
- *
- *
- * FUNCTIONS: Paint() - the paint routine
- * TransformVertices() - transforms vertices
- * ComputeRotationTransformation() - computes xformation
- * based on current x, y
- * and z rotation angles
- *
- *
- * Microsoft Developer Support
- * Copyright (c) 1992-1997 Microsoft Corporation
- *
- ******************************************************************************/
- #include <windows.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include "spincube.h"
- #include "paint.h"
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * FUNCTION: Paint
- *
- * INPUTS: hwnd - Handle of the window to draw into.
- *
- * COMMENTS: Draws window background & a polyhedron in the window.
- *
- ******************************************************************************/
- void Paint (HWND hwnd)
- {
- RECT rect;
- int i;
- LONG lScaleFactor;
- HRGN hrgnClip;
- HBRUSH hBrush, hBrushSave;
- int iX, iY, iCX, iCY;
- int facetIndex, numPoints;
- POINT vector1, vector2;
- COLORREF acrColor[6] = { 0x0000ff, 0x00ff00, 0xff0000,
- 0x00ffff, 0xff00ff, 0xffff00 };
- BeginPaint (hwnd, &ps);
- if (memcmp((void *)&ps.rcPaint, (void *)&pSCI->rcCubeBoundary, sizeof(RECT))
- {
- //
- // We're not here because it's time to animate (i.e. this paint isn't
- // the result of a WM_TIMER), so just do the Blt & blow out of here...
- //
- BitBlt (ps.hdc,
- ps.rcPaint.left,
- ps.rcPaint.right - ps.rcPaint.left,
- ps.rcPaint.bottom -,
- pSCI->hdcCompat, ps.rcPaint.left,
- EndPaint (hwnd, &ps);
- return;
- }
- //
- // The rectangle we get back is in Desktop coordinates, so we need to
- // modify it to reflect coordinates relative to this window.
- //
- GetWindowRect (hwnd, &rect);
- rect.right -= rect.left;
- rect.bottom -=;
- rect.left = = 0;
- //
- // Determine a "best fit" scale factor for our polyhedron
- //
- if (!(lScaleFactor = rect.right > rect.bottom ?
- rect.bottom/12 : rect.right/12))
- lScaleFactor = 1;
- TransformVertices (hwnd, &rect, pSCI, lScaleFactor);
- //
- // Draw the window frame & background
- //
- // Note: The chances are that we are coming through here because we
- // got a WM_TIMER message & it's time to redraw the cube to simulate
- // animation. In that case all we want to erase/redraw is that small
- // rectangle which bounded the polyhedron the last time. The less
- // drawing that actually gets done the better, since we wnat to
- // minimize the flicker on the screen. __BeginPaint__ is perfect for
- // this because it causes all drawing outside of the invalid region
- // to be "clipped" (no drawing is performed outside of the invalid
- // region), and it also validates the invalid region.
- //
- if (DO_ERASE(hwnd) || REPAINT_BKGND(pSCI))
- {
- hrgnClip = CreateRectRgnIndirect (&ps.rcPaint);
- SelectClipRgn (pSCI->hdcCompat, hrgnClip);
- DeleteObject (hrgnClip);
- SelectObject (pSCI->hdcCompat, GetStockObject (GRAY_BRUSH));
- Rectangle (pSCI->hdcCompat, (int)rect.left, (int),
- (int)rect.right, (int)rect.bottom);
- iX = (rect.right - rect.left) / 4;
- iY = (rect.bottom - ) / 4;
- MoveToEx (pSCI->hdcCompat, (int)rect.left, (int), NULL);
- LineTo (pSCI->hdcCompat, (int)rect.left + iX, (int) + iY);
- LineTo (pSCI->hdcCompat, (int)rect.left + iX, (int)rect.bottom - iY);
- LineTo (pSCI->hdcCompat, (int)rect.left, (int)rect.bottom);
- MoveToEx (pSCI->hdcCompat, (int)rect.right, (int), NULL);
- LineTo (pSCI->hdcCompat, (int)rect.right - iX, (int) + iY);
- LineTo (pSCI->hdcCompat, (int)rect.right - iX, (int)rect.bottom- iY);
- LineTo (pSCI->hdcCompat, (int)rect.right, (int)rect.bottom);
- MoveToEx (pSCI->hdcCompat, (int)rect.left + iX, (int) + iY, NULL);
- LineTo (pSCI->hdcCompat, (int)rect.right - iX, (int) + iY);
- MoveToEx (pSCI->hdcCompat, (int)rect.left + iX, (int)rect.bottom - iY, NULL);
- LineTo (pSCI->hdcCompat, (int)rect.right - iX, (int)rect.bottom - iY);
- SelectClipRgn (pSCI->hdcCompat, NULL);
- }
- //
- // Draw the polyhedron. We'll walk through the facets list and compute
- // the normal for each facet- if the normal has z > 0, then the facet
- // faces us and we'll draw it. Note that this algorithim is ONLY valid
- // for scenes with a single, convex polyhedron.
- //
- // Note: Use GetDC here because the above call to BeginPaint will
- // probably not give us a DC with access to as much real estate as
- // we'd like (we wouldn't be able to draw outside of the invalid
- // region). We can party on the entire control window with the DC
- // returned by GetDC.
- //
- for (i = 0, facetIndex = 0; i < NUMFACETS; i++)
- {
- vector1.x = gXformedVertices[gaiFacets[facetIndex + 1]].x -
- gXformedVertices[gaiFacets[facetIndex]].x;
- vector1.y = gXformedVertices[gaiFacets[facetIndex + 1]].y -
- gXformedVertices[gaiFacets[facetIndex]].y;
- vector2.x = gXformedVertices[gaiFacets[facetIndex + 2]].x -
- gXformedVertices[gaiFacets[facetIndex + 1]].x;
- vector2.y = gXformedVertices[gaiFacets[facetIndex + 2]].y -
- gXformedVertices[gaiFacets[facetIndex + 1]].y;
- for (numPoints = 0; gaiFacets[facetIndex] != -1; numPoints++, facetIndex++)
- {
- polygn[numPoints].x = gXformedVertices[gaiFacets[facetIndex]].x;
- polygn[numPoints].y = gXformedVertices[gaiFacets[facetIndex]].y;
- }
- facetIndex++; /* skip over the -1's in the facets list */
- if ((vector1.x*vector2.y - vector1.y*vector2.x) > 0)
- {
- hBrush = CreateSolidBrush (acrColor[i]);
- hBrushSave = (HBRUSH) SelectObject (pSCI->hdcCompat, hBrush);
- Polygon (pSCI->hdcCompat, &polygn[0], numPoints);
- SelectObject (pSCI->hdcCompat, hBrushSave);
- DeleteObject (hBrush);
- }
- }
- iX = pSCI->rcCubeBoundary.left < ps.rcPaint.left ?
- pSCI->rcCubeBoundary.left : ps.rcPaint.left;
- iY = pSCI-> < ?
- pSCI-> :;
- iCX = (pSCI->rcCubeBoundary.right > ps.rcPaint.right ?
- pSCI->rcCubeBoundary.right : ps.rcPaint.right) - iX;
- iCY = (pSCI->rcCubeBoundary.bottom > ps.rcPaint.bottom ?
- pSCI->rcCubeBoundary.bottom : ps.rcPaint.bottom) - iY;
- EndPaint (hwnd, &ps);
- ps.hdc = GetDC (hwnd);
- BitBlt (ps.hdc, iX, iY, iCX, iCY, pSCI->hdcCompat, iX, iY, SRCCOPY);
- ReleaseDC (hwnd, ps.hdc);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * FUNCTION: TransformVertices
- *
- * INPUTS: hwnd - control window handle
- * pWindowRect - pointer to RECT describing control's dimensions
- * pSCI - pointer to control's SPINCUBEINFO structure
- * fScaleFactor - scale factor for use in this window
- *
- ******************************************************************************/
- void TransformVertices (HWND hwnd, RECT *pWindowRect,
- {
- int i;
- int iWindowDepth = pWindowRect->right > pWindowRect->bottom ?
- pWindowRect->right : pWindowRect->bottom;
- RECT WindowRect;
- float fDepthScale;
- int iNewTranslationInc = (rand() % 10) + 2;
- float fNewRotationInc = (float) 0.01 * ((rand() % 30) + 2);
- WindowRect.left = - (WindowRect.right = pWindowRect->right >> 1);
- = - (WindowRect.bottom = pWindowRect->bottom >> 1);
- //
- // Initiailize the bounding rectangle with max/min vals
- //
- pSCI->rcCubeBoundary.left =
- pSCI-> = 100000; // big positive value
- pSCI->rcCubeBoundary.right =
- pSCI->rcCubeBoundary.bottom = -100000; // small negative value
- //
- // First scale, then rotate, then translate each vertex.
- // Keep track of the maximum & minimum values bounding the
- // vertices in the x,y plane for use later in bounds checking.
- //
- // Note: we don't bother computing z values after the scale,
- // as they are only really necessary for the rotation. If we
- // were doing real bounds checking we'd need it, but this code
- // simply uses the pSCI->iCurrentZTranslation to determine
- // the z-boundaries.
- //
- for (i = 0; i < NUMVERTICES; i++)
- {
- LONG tempX;
- //
- // Copy the static vertices into a temp array
- //
- gXformedVertices[i] = gNormalizedVertices[i];
- //
- // The scale...
- //
- gXformedVertices[i].x *= lScaleFactor;
- gXformedVertices[i].y *= lScaleFactor;
- gXformedVertices[i].z *= lScaleFactor;
- //
- // The rotation...
- //
- ComputeRotationTransformation (pSCI->fCurrentXRotation,
- pSCI->fCurrentYRotation,
- pSCI->fCurrentZRotation);
- tempX = (LONG) (gM[0][0] * gXformedVertices[i].x +
- gM[0][1] * gXformedVertices[i].y +
- gM[0][2] * gXformedVertices[i].z);
- gXformedVertices[i].y = (LONG) (gM[1][0] * gXformedVertices[i].x +
- gM[1][1] * gXformedVertices[i].y +
- gM[1][2] * gXformedVertices[i].z);
- gXformedVertices[i].x = tempX;
- //
- // The translation...
- //
- gXformedVertices[i].x += pSCI->iCurrentXTranslation;
- gXformedVertices[i].y += pSCI->iCurrentYTranslation;
- //
- // Check if we have new max or min vals
- //
- if (pSCI->rcCubeBoundary.left > gXformedVertices[i].x)
- pSCI->rcCubeBoundary.left = gXformedVertices[i].x;
- if (pSCI->rcCubeBoundary.right < gXformedVertices[i].x)
- pSCI->rcCubeBoundary.right = gXformedVertices[i].x;
- if (pSCI-> > gXformedVertices[i].y)
- pSCI-> = gXformedVertices[i].y;
- if (pSCI->rcCubeBoundary.bottom < gXformedVertices[i].y)
- pSCI->rcCubeBoundary.bottom = gXformedVertices[i].y;
- }
- //
- // Now for some bounds checking, change translation & rotation increments
- // if we hit a "wall". Also so the gbHitBoundary flag so we remember
- // to flash the cube when we draw it.
- //
- if (pSCI->rcCubeBoundary.left < WindowRect.left)
- {
- pSCI->iCurrentXTranslationInc = iNewTranslationInc;
- pSCI->fCurrentZRotationInc = fNewRotationInc;
- }
- else if (pSCI->rcCubeBoundary.right > WindowRect.right)
- {
- pSCI->iCurrentXTranslationInc = -iNewTranslationInc;
- pSCI->fCurrentZRotationInc = -fNewRotationInc;
- }
- if (pSCI-> <
- {
- pSCI->iCurrentYTranslationInc = iNewTranslationInc;
- pSCI->fCurrentXRotationInc = fNewRotationInc;
- }
- else if (pSCI->rcCubeBoundary.bottom > WindowRect.bottom)
- {
- pSCI->iCurrentYTranslationInc = -iNewTranslationInc;
- pSCI->fCurrentXRotationInc = -fNewRotationInc;
- }
- if (pSCI->iCurrentZTranslation < (int) lScaleFactor<<1)
- {
- pSCI->iCurrentZTranslationInc = iNewTranslationInc;
- pSCI->fCurrentYRotationInc = fNewRotationInc;
- }
- else if (pSCI->iCurrentZTranslation > (iWindowDepth - (int) lScaleFactor))
- {
- pSCI->iCurrentZTranslationInc = -iNewTranslationInc;
- pSCI->fCurrentYRotationInc = -fNewRotationInc;
- }
- //
- // Now a kludgy scale based on depth (iCurrentZTranslation) of the center
- // point of the polyhedron
- //
- fDepthScale = ((float) iWindowDepth) /
- ((float) (iWindowDepth + pSCI->iCurrentZTranslation));
- pSCI->rcCubeBoundary.left = (LONG)(fDepthScale* pSCI->rcCubeBoundary.left );
- pSCI->rcCubeBoundary.right = (LONG)(fDepthScale* pSCI->rcCubeBoundary.right );
- pSCI-> = (LONG)(fDepthScale* pSCI-> );
- pSCI->rcCubeBoundary.bottom= (LONG)(fDepthScale* pSCI->rcCubeBoundary.bottom);
- for (i = 0; i < NUMVERTICES; i++)
- {
- gXformedVertices[i].x = (LONG) (fDepthScale * gXformedVertices[i].x);
- gXformedVertices[i].y = (LONG) (fDepthScale * gXformedVertices[i].y);
- }
- //
- // If currently in motion then increment the current rotation & tranlation
- //
- if (IN_MOTION(hwnd))
- {
- pSCI->fCurrentXRotation += pSCI->fCurrentXRotationInc;
- pSCI->fCurrentYRotation += pSCI->fCurrentYRotationInc;
- pSCI->fCurrentZRotation += pSCI->fCurrentZRotationInc;
- pSCI->iCurrentXTranslation += pSCI->iCurrentXTranslationInc;
- pSCI->iCurrentYTranslation += pSCI->iCurrentYTranslationInc;
- pSCI->iCurrentZTranslation += pSCI->iCurrentZTranslationInc;
- }
- //
- // Up to this point all coordinates are relative to a window whose
- // center is at (0,0). Now we'll translate appropriately...
- //
- pSCI->rcCubeBoundary.left += pWindowRect->right >> 1;
- pSCI->rcCubeBoundary.right += pWindowRect->right >> 1;
- pSCI-> += pWindowRect->bottom >> 1;
- pSCI->rcCubeBoundary.bottom += pWindowRect->bottom >> 1;
- for (i = 0; i < NUMVERTICES; i++)
- {
- gXformedVertices[i].x += pWindowRect->right >> 1;
- gXformedVertices[i].y += pWindowRect->bottom >> 1;
- }
- //
- // Since FillRect's are inclusive-exclusive (there'll be leftovers
- // from the last cube we drew otherwise)...
- //
- pSCI->rcCubeBoundary.right++;
- pSCI->rcCubeBoundary.bottom++;
- //
- // Finally, adjust the rcCubeBoundary such that it fits entirely within
- // the acutal control window. The reason for this is that when calling
- // InvalidateRect from SpincubeWndProccase_WM_TIMER we may get
- // a different PAINSTRUCT.rcPaint (since InvalidateRect clips the passed
- // in rect to the window bounds) and our abouve test to memcmp() will
- // fail.
- //
- if (pSCI->rcCubeBoundary.left < 0)
- pSCI->rcCubeBoundary.left = 0;
- if (pSCI-> < 0)
- pSCI-> = 0;
- if (pSCI->rcCubeBoundary.right > pWindowRect->right)
- pSCI->rcCubeBoundary.right = pWindowRect->right;
- if (pSCI->rcCubeBoundary.bottom > pWindowRect->bottom)
- pSCI->rcCubeBoundary.bottom = pWindowRect->bottom;
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * FUNCTION: ComputeRotationTransformation
- *
- * INPUTS: fRotationX - Angle to rotate about X axis.
- * fRotationY - Angle to rotate about Y axis.
- * fRotationZ - Angle to rotate about Z axis.
- *
- * COMMENTS: Computes a 3x2 tranformation matrix which rotates about
- * the Z axis, the Y axis, and the X axis, respectively.
- *
- ******************************************************************************/
- void ComputeRotationTransformation (float fRotationX,
- float fRotationY,
- float fRotationZ)
- {
- float sinX, cosX, sinY, cosY, sinZ, cosZ;
- sinX = (float) sin ((double) fRotationX);
- cosX = (float) cos ((double) fRotationX);
- sinY = (float) sin ((double) fRotationY);
- cosY = (float) cos ((double) fRotationY);
- sinZ = (float) sin ((double) fRotationZ);
- cosZ = (float) cos ((double) fRotationZ);
- gM[0][0] = cosY*cosZ;
- gM[0][1] = -cosY*sinZ;
- gM[0][2] = sinY;
- gM[1][0] = sinX*sinY*cosZ + cosX*sinZ;
- gM[1][1] = -sinX*sinY*sinZ + cosX*cosZ;
- gM[1][2] = -sinX*cosY;
- }