资源名称 [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /******************************************************************************
- * This is a part of the Microsoft Source Code Samples.
- * Copyright (C) 1993-1997 Microsoft Corporation.
- * All rights reserved.
- * This source code is only intended as a supplement to
- * Microsoft Development Tools and/or WinHelp documentation.
- * See these sources for detailed information regarding the
- * Microsoft samples programs.
- ******************************************************************************/
- #include <windows.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "console.h"
- /*********************************************************************
- * FUNCTION: demoCreate(HANDLE hConOld) *
- * *
- * PURPOSE: demonstrate CreateConsoleScreenBuffer, *
- * SetConsoleTextAttribute, and *
- * SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer. Create a 'help' screen on a *
- * new buffer and quickly switch between the main buffer and *
- * the help buffer on command without redrawing the entire *
- * screens. SetConsoleTextAttribute will be used to make the *
- * help screen a different color. *
- * *
- * INPUT: the output handle to write to *
- **********************************************************************/
- void demoCreate(HANDLE hConOld)
- {
- BOOL bSuccess;
- HANDLE hConHelp; /* console for the help screen */
- COORD dwWriteCoord = {0, 0}; /* where to write the screen attributes */
- DWORD cCharsWritten;
- HANDLE hStdIn; /* standard input handle */
- CHAR c = 0; /* virtual key code that we will read */
- HANDLE hConCurrent; /* keep track of the current visible console buffer */
- INPUT_RECORD inputBuf; /* console input event record */
- DWORD cInputEvents;
- setConTitle(__FILE__);
- myPuts(hConOld, "Let's create a help screen in another buffer. Thenn"
- "when the user hits F1, we can easily flip to the helpn"
- "screen and back without recreating the text on then"
- "screens by simply changing the active buffer.n"
- "We'll change the default text attribute withn"
- "SetConsoleTextAttribute before creating the help screenn"
- "so that the sample text is in a different color.n"
- "Hit F1 now for help, and esc to return here.n"
- "Hit esc from this screen to return to API list.");
- /* create a separate console buffer for the help screen */
- hConHelp = CreateConsoleScreenBuffer(GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE,
- NULL);
- PERR(hConHelp != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, "CreateConsoleScreenBuffer");
- /* change the color of the help screen */
- bSuccess = FillConsoleOutputAttribute(hConHelp, BACKGROUND_BLUE,
- getConX(hConHelp) * getConY(hConHelp), dwWriteCoord, &cCharsWritten);
- PERR(bSuccess, "FillConsoleOutputAttribute");
- /* set the color for future text output */
- bSuccess = SetConsoleTextAttribute(hConHelp, FOREGROUND_YELLOW |
- PERR(bSuccess, "SetConsoleTextAttribute");
- myPuts(hConHelp, " S u p e r D u p e r B a s e H e l pn"
- "nn F1: search F6: windown"
- " F2: extract F7: initializen"
- " F3: sort F8: exitn"
- " F4: query F9: saven"
- " F5: execute F10: exploden"
- " ESC: exit help");
- hStdIn = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
- PERR(hStdIn != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, "GetStdHandle");
- /* keep track of the currently visible console */
- hConCurrent = hConOld;
- /* switch between the help and previous buffer when user hits F1 or ESC */
- for(;;)
- {
- do
- {
- /* throw away any non-keystroke events or any key-up events */
- bSuccess = ReadConsoleInput(hStdIn, &inputBuf, 1, &cInputEvents);
- PERR(bSuccess, "ReadConsoleInput");
- } while (inputBuf.EventType != KEY_EVENT ||
- !inputBuf.Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown);
- /* get the virtual scan code of the key-down event */
- c = (char) inputBuf.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode;
- switch(c)
- {
- case VK_F1:
- /* if the current buffer is the original buffer, switch to the */
- /* help buffer */
- if (hConCurrent == hConOld)
- {
- bSuccess = SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer(hConHelp);
- PERR(bSuccess, "SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer");
- hConCurrent = hConHelp;
- }
- break;
- case VK_ESCAPE:
- /* if the current buffer is the help buffer, switch to the */
- /* original buffer. Otherwise, clean up and return */
- if (hConCurrent == hConHelp)
- {
- bSuccess = SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer(hConOld);
- PERR(bSuccess, "SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer");
- hConCurrent = hConOld;
- }
- else
- {
- CloseHandle(hConHelp);
- return;
- }
- break;
- case VK_F10:
- if (hConCurrent == hConHelp)
- myPuts(hConHelp, "BOOM!");
- break;
- default:
- break;
- } /* switch */
- } /* while */
- return;
- }