资源名称 [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /******************************************************************************
- * This is a part of the Microsoft Source Code Samples.
- * Copyright (C) 1993-1997 Microsoft Corporation.
- * All rights reserved.
- * This source code is only intended as a supplement to
- * Microsoft Development Tools and/or WinHelp documentation.
- * See these sources for detailed information regarding the
- * Microsoft samples programs.
- ******************************************************************************/
- /*
- version 1.0 (initial release)
- version 1.1 (March beta release)
- - now using MessageBox to display errors rather than the console
- - handler/demo for new CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT added to handler.c
- - demo for GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent added to SetConsoleCtrlHandler demo
- - larger screen/buffer sizes for buffer/console window sizing demos
- - fixed resizeConBufAndWindow bug in size.c
- version 1.2
- - fixed bug in readout.c - dragging large areas caused trap d
- version 1.3
- - make cls() more generic - now clears attributes as well
- version 1.4
- - added Get/SetConsoleOutputCP demos
- Notes:
- This sample needs some minor work to make it Unicode-capable; some
- variable types need to be tweaked to Unicode-friendly types ('TCHAR' rather
- than 'char', etc.)
- */
- #include <windows.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include "console.h"
- #include "size.h" /* for resizeConBufAndWindow() */
- /* used to set our initial console screen buffer size */
- #define CONX 80
- #define CONY 43
- /* prototypes of externally defined demo functions */
- extern void demoAllocFree(HANDLE hConOld, HANDLE *hConsole);
- extern void demoCreate(HANDLE hConOld);
- extern void demoFillAtt(HANDLE hConOut);
- extern void demoFillChar(HANDLE hConOut);
- extern void demoFlush(HANDLE hConOut);
- extern void demoCursor(HANDLE hConOut);
- extern void demoConMode(HANDLE hConOut);
- extern void demoConInfo(HANDLE hConOut);
- extern void demoGetTitle(HANDLE hConOut);
- extern void demoGetLargest(HANDLE hConOut);
- extern void demoGetNumEvents(HANDLE hConOut);
- extern void demoGetNumBut(HANDLE hConOut);
- extern void demoReadConOut(HANDLE hConOut);
- extern void demoReadConChar(HANDLE hConOut);
- extern void demoScrollCon(HANDLE hConOut);
- extern void demoSizeInfo(HANDLE hConOut);
- extern void demoSetCtrlHandler(HANDLE hConOut);
- extern void demoWriteIn(HANDLE hConOut);
- extern void demoOutputCodePage(HANDLE hConOut);
- extern void demoInputCodePage(HANDLE hConOut);
- /* information to display on the screen for user to click on */
- PCHAR conAPIs[] = {
- "AllocConsole Creates a console for the current process",
- "CreateConsoleScreenBuffer Returns a handle to a new screen buffer",
- "FillConsoleOutputAttribute Writes attributes to the screen buffer",
- "FillConsoleOutputCharacter Writes characters to the screen buffer",
- "FlushConsoleInputBuffer Clears the console input buffer",
- "FreeConsole Frees the current console",
- "GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent Generates a console control event",
- "GetConsoleCP Get current console input codepage",
- "GetConsoleOutputCP Get current console output codepage",
- "GetConsoleCursorInfo Returns console size and visibility",
- "GetConsoleMode Returns console input or output mode",
- "GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo Returns screen-buffer information",
- "GetConsoleTitle Returns console-window title",
- "GetLargestConsoleWindowSize Returns largest possible window size",
- "GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents Retrieves number of console-queue events",
- "GetNumberOfConsoleMouseButtons Retrieves number of mouse buttons",
- "PeekConsoleInput Previews console input data",
- "ReadConsoleInput Reads console input data",
- "ReadConsoleOutput Reads screen-buffer data",
- "ReadConsoleOutputAttribute Reads a console attribute string",
- "ReadConsoleOutputCharacter Reads a screen-buffer string",
- "ScrollConsoleScreenBuffer Scrolls data in the screen buffer",
- "SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer Changes displayed screen buffer",
- "SetConsoleCP Sets console input codepage",
- "SetConsoleOutputCP Sets console output codepage",
- "SetConsoleCursorInfo Sets cursor size and visibility",
- "SetConsoleCursorPosition Sets cursor position",
- "SetConsoleMode Sets console input or output mode",
- "SetConsoleScreenBufferSize Changes screen-buffer size",
- "SetConsoleTextAttribute Sets attributes for screen text",
- "SetConsoleTitle Sets console-window title string",
- "SetConsoleWindowInfo Sets console window size",
- "SetConsoleCtrlHandler Sets console ctrl-c handler",
- "WriteConsoleInput Writes to console input buffer",
- "WriteConsoleOutput Writes to screen buffer",
- "WriteConsoleOutputAttribute Writes an attribute string to console",
- "WriteConsoleOutputCharacter Writes a character string to console"
- };
- /* this variable holds the number next to the API on the screen that */
- /* the user clicks on */
- /*****************************************************************
- * FUNCTION: myGetchar(void) *
- * *
- * PURPOSE: get a single character from the standard input handle *
- * *
- * INPUT: none *
- * *
- * RETURNS: the char received from the console *
- *****************************************************************/
- CHAR myGetchar(void)
- {
- HANDLE hStdIn; /* standard input */
- DWORD dwInputMode; /* to save the input mode */
- BOOL bSuccess;
- CHAR chBuf; /* buffer to read into */
- DWORD dwRead;
- /* get the standard input handle to read from. There is only one */
- /* instance of standard input per process at any given time */
- hStdIn = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
- PERR(hStdIn != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, "GetStdHandle");
- /* save the console mode */
- bSuccess = GetConsoleMode(hStdIn, &dwInputMode);
- PERR(bSuccess, "GetconsoleMode");
- /* disable line input. Echo input must be disabled when disabling */
- /* line input */
- bSuccess = SetConsoleMode(hStdIn, dwInputMode & ~ENABLE_LINE_INPUT &
- PERR(bSuccess, "SetConsoleMode");
- /* read a character from the console input */
- bSuccess = ReadFile(hStdIn, &chBuf, sizeof(chBuf), &dwRead, NULL);
- PERR(bSuccess, "ReadFile");
- /* restore the original console input mode */
- bSuccess = SetConsoleMode(hStdIn, dwInputMode);
- PERR(bSuccess, "SetConsoleMode");
- return(chBuf);
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- * FUNCTION: perr(PCHAR szFileName, int line, PCHAR szApiName, *
- * DWORD dwError) *
- * *
- * PURPOSE: report API errors. Allocate a new console buffer, display *
- * error number and error text, restore previous console *
- * buffer *
- * *
- * INPUT: current source file name, current line number, name of the *
- * API that failed, and the error number *
- * *
- * RETURNS: none *
- *********************************************************************/
- /* maximum size of the buffer to be returned from FormatMessage */
- #define MAX_MSG_BUF_SIZE 512
- void perr(PCHAR szFileName, int line, PCHAR szApiName, DWORD dwError)
- {
- CHAR szTemp[1024];
- DWORD cMsgLen;
- CHAR *msgBuf; /* buffer for message text from system */
- int iButtonPressed; /* receives button pressed in the error box */
- /* format our error message */
- sprintf(szTemp, "%s: Error %d from %s on line %d:n", szFileName,
- dwError, szApiName, line);
- /* get the text description for that error number from the system */
- cMsgLen = FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM |
- NULL);
- if (!cMsgLen)
- sprintf(szTemp + strlen(szTemp), "Unable to obtain error message text! n"
- "%s: Error %d from %s on line %d", __FILE__,
- GetLastError(), "FormatMessage", __LINE__);
- else
- strcat(szTemp, msgBuf);
- strcat(szTemp, "nnContinue execution?");
- iButtonPressed = MessageBox(NULL, szTemp, "Console API Error",
- /* free the message buffer returned to us by the system */
- if (cMsgLen)
- LocalFree((HLOCAL) msgBuf);
- if (iButtonPressed == IDNO)
- exit(1);
- return;
- }
- /*************************************************************************
- * FUNCTION: myPuts(HANDLE hConsole, PCHAR s) *
- * *
- * PURPOSE: write a string to the given console buffer, appending a cr/lf *
- * *
- * INPUT: the console to write to, and the string to write *
- * *
- * RETURNS: TRUE if success, FALSE if an error occured *
- *************************************************************************/
- BOOL myPuts(HANDLE hConsole, PCHAR s)
- {
- BOOL bSuccess;
- DWORD cCharsWritten;
- const PCHAR crlf = "n";
- BOOL retflag = TRUE;
- /* write the string to the console */
- bSuccess = WriteConsole(hConsole, s, strlen(s), &cCharsWritten, NULL);
- PERR(bSuccess, "WriteConsole");
- retflag = bSuccess;
- /* put a carriage return & line feed after the string */
- bSuccess = WriteConsole(hConsole, crlf, strlen(crlf), &cCharsWritten, NULL);
- PERR(bSuccess, "WriteConsole");
- if (!bSuccess)
- retflag = FALSE;
- return(retflag);
- }
- /********************************************************************
- * FUNCTION: getConX(HANDLE hCon) *
- * *
- * PURPROSE: to get the current width of the console output buffer *
- * *
- * INPUT: the handle to get the information for *
- * *
- * RETURNS: the width of the current console output buffer, in chars *
- ********************************************************************/
- SHORT getConX(HANDLE hCon)
- {
- BOOL bSuccess;
- bSuccess = GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hCon, &csbi);
- PERR(bSuccess, "GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo");
- return(csbi.dwSize.X);
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- * FUNCTION: getConY(HANDLE hCon) *
- * *
- * PURPROSE: to get the current height of the console output buffer *
- * *
- * INPUT: the handle to get the information for *
- * *
- * RETURNS: the height of the current console output buffer, in chars *
- *********************************************************************/
- SHORT getConY(HANDLE hCon)
- {
- BOOL bSuccess;
- bSuccess = GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hCon, &csbi);
- PERR(bSuccess, "GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo");
- return(csbi.dwSize.Y);
- }
- /*************************************************************************
- * FUNCTION: showConAPIs(HANDLE hConsole) *
- * *
- * PURPOSE: to display a list of console APIs on the given console buffer *
- * *
- * INPUT: the console to display the APIs on *
- * *
- * RETURNS: none *
- *************************************************************************/
- void showConAPIs(HANDLE hConsole)
- {
- COORD coordScreen;
- int i;
- BOOL bSuccess;
- DWORD cCharsWritten;
- CHAR szTemps[128];
- resizeConBufAndWindow(hConsole, CONX, CONY); /* defined in size.c */
- /* set attributes for new writes to the console */
- bSuccess = SetConsoleTextAttribute(hConsole, BACKGROUND_BLUE |
- PERR(bSuccess, "SetConsoleTextAttribute");
- cls(hConsole); /* will clear screen to newly set color attribute */
- /* fill screen with API list */
- for (i = 0; i < sizeof(conAPIs) / sizeof(conAPIs[0]); i++)
- {
- coordScreen.X = 0;
- coordScreen.Y = (SHORT) (i + 2); /* start on third line (zero based) */
- /* position the cursor to start the API list */
- bSuccess = SetConsoleCursorPosition(hConsole, coordScreen);
- PERR(bSuccess, "SetConsoleCursorPosition");
- /* format a line and write it to the screen */
- sprintf(szTemps, "%-3d%s", i + 1, conAPIs[i]);
- myPuts(hConsole, szTemps);
- /* color the number yellow on blue */
- bSuccess = FillConsoleOutputAttribute(hConsole, FOREGROUND_YELLOW |
- &cCharsWritten);
- PERR(bSuccess, "FillConsoleOutputAttribute");
- coordScreen.X = 3;
- /* color text light cyan on blue */
- bSuccess = FillConsoleOutputAttribute(hConsole, FOREGROUND_CYAN |
- coordScreen, &cCharsWritten);
- PERR(bSuccess, "FillConsoleOutputAttribute");
- }
- myPuts(hConsole, "nClick on an API to see a demonstration of that API.n"
- "Hit ESC to exit the program.");
- return;
- }
- /*************************************************************************
- * FUNCTION: putStatusLine(HANDLE hOut, PCHAR buf) *
- * *
- * PURPOSE: display a string on the top line of the console output buffer *
- * *
- * INPUT: the output handle, the string to display *
- * *
- * RETURNS: none *
- *************************************************************************/
- void putStatusLine(HANDLE hOut, PCHAR buf)
- {
- BOOL bSuccess;
- /* position the status line at (0, 0) */
- const COORD dwWriteCoord = {0, 0};
- DWORD cCharsWritten;
- int len; /* the length of the input string parameter */
- CHAR szTemp[256];
- SHORT sWidth; /* console width */
- sWidth = getConX(hOut);
- strcpy(szTemp, buf);
- len = strlen(szTemp);
- memset(szTemp + len, ' ', sWidth - len); /* blank out rest of line */
- /* write the string to the console at the correct position */
- bSuccess = WriteConsoleOutputCharacter(hOut, szTemp, sWidth,
- dwWriteCoord, &cCharsWritten);
- PERR(bSuccess, "WriteConsoleOutput");
- /* color the status line so it stands out */
- bSuccess = FillConsoleOutputAttribute(hOut, FOREGROUND_RED |
- BACKGROUND_WHITE, sWidth, dwWriteCoord, &cCharsWritten);
- PERR(bSuccess, "FillConsoleOutputAttribute");
- return;
- }
- /********************************************************************
- * FUNCTION: demoAPI(HANDLE *hConsole, enum cAPIs apiNumber) *
- * *
- * PURPOSE: call the correct demo function based on the input index *
- * *
- * INPUT: current console output buffer, and screen index of the API *
- * to demonstrate *
- * *
- * RETURNS: none *
- ********************************************************************/
- static void demoAPI(HANDLE *phConsole, enum cAPIs apiNumber)
- {
- BOOL bSuccess;
- HANDLE hConTemp;
- CHAR szConsoleTitle[128]; /* to store the console title */
- DWORD dwCharsRead;
- /* create a temp screen buffer to write to */
- hConTemp = CreateConsoleScreenBuffer(GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE,
- NULL);
- "CreateConsoleScreenBuffer");
- /* make it the active buffer */
- bSuccess = SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer(hConTemp);
- PERR(bSuccess, "SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer");
- /* clear screen & save the console title */
- bSuccess = SetConsoleTextAttribute(hConTemp, BACKGROUND_CYAN);
- PERR(bSuccess, "SetConsoleTextAttribute");
- cls(hConTemp); /* will clear with new color attribute */
- dwCharsRead = GetConsoleTitle(szConsoleTitle, sizeof(szConsoleTitle));
- PERR(dwCharsRead, "GetConsoleTitle");
- /* flush the input buffer and call the correct demo function */
- bSuccess = FlushConsoleInputBuffer(GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE));
- PERR(bSuccess, "FlushConsoleInputBuffer");
- switch(apiNumber)
- {
- case ALLOC:
- case FREE:
- demoAllocFree(hConTemp, phConsole);
- return;
- break;
- case CREATE:
- case SETATT:
- demoCreate(hConTemp);
- break;
- case FILLATT:
- demoFillAtt(hConTemp);
- break;
- case FILLCHAR:
- demoFillChar(hConTemp);
- break;
- case FLUSH:
- demoFlush(hConTemp);
- break;
- case GETCUR:
- demoCursor(hConTemp);
- break;
- case GETMODE:
- case SETMODE:
- demoConMode(hConTemp);
- break;
- demoConInfo(hConTemp);
- break;
- case GETTITLE:
- case SETTITLE:
- demoGetTitle(hConTemp);
- break;
- demoGetLargest(hConTemp);
- break;
- case GETNUMEV:
- case PEEK:
- demoGetNumEvents(hConTemp);
- break;
- demoGetNumBut(hConTemp);
- break;
- case WRITEOUT:
- case WRITEATT:
- demoReadConOut(hConTemp);
- break;
- demoReadConChar(hConTemp);
- break;
- case SCROLL:
- demoScrollCon(hConTemp);
- break;
- case SETSIZE:
- case SETINFO:
- demoSizeInfo(hConTemp);
- break;
- case SETHAND:
- case GENCTRL:
- demoSetCtrlHandler(hConTemp);
- break;
- case WRITEIN:
- demoWriteIn(hConTemp);
- break;
- case GETCP:
- case SETCP:
- demoInputCodePage(hConTemp);
- break;
- case GETOUTCP:
- case SETOUTCP:
- demoOutputCodePage(hConTemp);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- CloseHandle(hConTemp); /* free temporary console buffer */
- /* reset active buffer to original buffer. If the temp buffer has been */
- /* resized, the console window will automatically be sized correctly */
- /* when the current console is set back to the old one */
- bSuccess = SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer(*phConsole);
- PERR(bSuccess, "SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer");
- /* restore the original console title */
- bSuccess = SetConsoleTitle(szConsoleTitle);
- PERR(bSuccess, "SetConsoleTitle");
- /* flush the input buffer to remove any 'leftover' clicks or key events */
- bSuccess = FlushConsoleInputBuffer(GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE));
- PERR(bSuccess, "FlushConsoleInputBuffer");
- return;
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * FUNCTION: cls(HANDLE hConsole) *
- * *
- * PURPOSE: clear the screen by filling it with blanks, then home cursor *
- * *
- * INPUT: the console buffer to clear *
- * *
- * RETURNS: none *
- *************************************************************************/
- void cls(HANDLE hConsole)
- {
- COORD coordScreen = { 0, 0 }; /* here's where we'll home the cursor */
- BOOL bSuccess;
- DWORD cCharsWritten;
- CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi; /* to get buffer info */
- DWORD dwConSize; /* number of character cells in the current buffer */
- /* get the number of character cells in the current buffer */
- bSuccess = GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hConsole, &csbi);
- PERR(bSuccess, "GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo");
- dwConSize = csbi.dwSize.X * csbi.dwSize.Y;
- /* fill the entire screen with blanks */
- bSuccess = FillConsoleOutputCharacter(hConsole, (TCHAR) ' ',
- dwConSize, coordScreen, &cCharsWritten);
- PERR(bSuccess, "FillConsoleOutputCharacter");
- /* get the current text attribute */
- bSuccess = GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hConsole, &csbi);
- PERR(bSuccess, "ConsoleScreenBufferInfo");
- /* now set the buffer's attributes accordingly */
- bSuccess = FillConsoleOutputAttribute(hConsole, csbi.wAttributes,
- dwConSize, coordScreen, &cCharsWritten);
- PERR(bSuccess, "FillConsoleOutputAttribute");
- /* put the cursor at (0, 0) */
- bSuccess = SetConsoleCursorPosition(hConsole, coordScreen);
- PERR(bSuccess, "SetConsoleCursorPosition");
- return;
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- * FUNCTION: setConTitle *
- * *
- * PURPOSE: simply set the current console title. Called by each demo *
- * function to specify the name of the source file that *
- * contains the demo function. *
- * *
- * INPUT: null terminated string *
- *********************************************************************/
- void setConTitle(PCHAR szTitle)
- {
- BOOL bSuccess;
- /* set the console title to the input string parameter */
- bSuccess = SetConsoleTitle(szTitle);
- PERR(bSuccess, "SetConsoleTitle");
- return;
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- * FUNCTION: main *
- * *
- * PURPOSE: main input loop. Set up console input and output *
- * attributes, then read the input queue and process input *
- * events. If ESC is hit, end the process. If the mouse is *
- * clicked, read the line from the output console where the *
- * mouse was clicked. If an index number can be found at the *
- * beginning of the line, call the appropriate demo function *
- * to demonstrate that API. All input event information is *
- * displayed on the status line on the top line. *
- * *
- * INPUT: none *
- * *
- * RETURNS: 1 if running on non-supported Win32 platform, 0 for a *
- * normal exit *
- * *
- *********************************************************************/
- int main(void)
- {
- BOOL bSuccess;
- HANDLE hStdIn, hStdOut; /* standard input, output handles */
- DWORD dwMode;
- /* array of console input event records */
- INPUT_RECORD inputBuffer;
- DWORD dwInputEvents; /* number of events actually read */
- CHAR bOutBuf[256]; /* buffer to format event information into */
- /* used to get the new console screen buffer size if it is changed */
- COORD coordScreen; /* used when reading the index number from the screen */
- CHAR *szLineBuf; /* buffer to read the index number into */
- DWORD cCharsRead;
- enum cAPIs apiNumber; /* the index number of the API read from the screen */
- CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO cci; /* used when turning off the cursor */
- CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi; /* used to get cursor position */
- OSVERSIONINFO osVer; /* for GetVersionEx() */
- /* check if Win32s, if so, display notice and terminate */
- osVer.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(osVer);
- bSuccess = GetVersionEx(&osVer);
- PERR(bSuccess, "GetVersionEx");
- if (osVer.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s)
- {
- MessageBox(NULL,
- "This application cannot run on Windows 3.1.n"
- "This application will now terminate.",
- "Error: Windows NT or Windows 95 Required to Run", MB_OK );
- return(1);
- }
- /* Free the console and immediately allocate a new one. This is done so */
- /* that when debugging under ntsd, the application output will not be */
- /* intermingled with the debugger output. This also makes cleanup */
- /* much easier; we won't need to restore the cursor, buffer/console */
- /* sizes, screen colors, etc. since we'll have our own console window */
- /* that will go away when we terminate. */
- /* Here's a trick we'll use to guess whether we're starting from a */
- /* console or GUI app: if the cursor is at 0,0, we'll assume that we've */
- /* started from a GUI app and not bother freeing/allocing a new console. */
- /* This will also avoid cases where the new console is not in the */
- /* foreground (AllocConsole does not guarantee a foreground window). */
- bSuccess = GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),
- &csbi);
- PERR(bSuccess, "GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo");
- if (csbi.dwCursorPosition.X | csbi.dwCursorPosition.Y) /* either non-zero? */
- {
- bSuccess = FreeConsole();
- PERR(bSuccess, "FreeConsole");
- /* C run-time standard-handle I/O will not work from now on unless we */
- /* "fix" the C standard handles to reference the console standard */
- /* handles which will be created by the AllocConsole call below. */
- /* In this sample, we won't be using C run-time I/O, so it's not an */
- /* issue. */
- bSuccess = AllocConsole();
- PERR(bSuccess, "AllocConsole");
- }
- /* let's put up a meaningful console title */
- bSuccess = SetConsoleTitle("Win32 Console API Demo");
- PERR(bSuccess, "SetConsoleTitle");
- /* get the standard handles */
- hStdOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
- PERR(hStdOut != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, "GetStdHandle");
- hStdIn = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
- PERR(hStdIn != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, "GetStdHandle");
- /* set up mouse and window input */
- bSuccess = GetConsoleMode(hStdIn, &dwMode);
- PERR(bSuccess, "GetConsoleMode");
- /* when turning off ENABLE_LINE_INPUT, you MUST also turn off */
- bSuccess = SetConsoleMode(hStdIn, (dwMode & ~(ENABLE_LINE_INPUT |
- PERR(bSuccess, "SetConsoleMode");
- /* save then hide the cursor */
- cci.dwSize = 100;
- cci.bVisible = FALSE;
- bSuccess = SetConsoleCursorInfo(hStdOut, &cci);
- PERR(bSuccess, "SetConsoleCursorInfo");
- /* resize console to CONX * CONY and put list of console APIs up */
- showConAPIs(hStdOut);
- /* This is the main input loop. Read from the input queue and process */
- /* the events read */
- szLineBuf = (char *) malloc(getConX(hStdOut));
- PERR(szLineBuf, "malloc");
- do
- {
- /* read an input events from the input event queue */
- bSuccess = ReadConsoleInput(hStdIn, &inputBuffer, 1, &dwInputEvents);
- PERR(bSuccess, "ReadConsoleInput");
- switch (inputBuffer.EventType)
- {
- case KEY_EVENT:
- if (inputBuffer.Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown)
- {
- /* display the key event info on the status line */
- sprintf(bOutBuf, "key: virtual=%d ascii=%c",
- inputBuffer.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode,
- inputBuffer.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar);
- putStatusLine(hStdOut, bOutBuf);
- }
- break;
- sprintf(bOutBuf, "mouse: %s at %d, %d",
- (inputBuffer.Event.MouseEvent.dwEventFlags == MOUSE_MOVED ?
- "moved" : "clicked"), inputBuffer.Event.MouseEvent.dwMousePosition.X,
- inputBuffer.Event.MouseEvent.dwMousePosition.Y);
- putStatusLine(hStdOut, bOutBuf);
- /* was this a mouse click? If so dwEventFlags contains 0 */
- /* are any mouse buttons down? If so dwButtonState is not 0 */
- if (inputBuffer.Event.MouseEvent.dwEventFlags == 0 &&
- inputBuffer.Event.MouseEvent.dwButtonState)
- {
- coordScreen.X = 0;
- coordScreen.Y = inputBuffer.Event.MouseEvent.dwMousePosition.Y;
- /* read the line where the mouse clicked */
- bSuccess = ReadConsoleOutputCharacter(hStdOut, szLineBuf,
- sizeof(szLineBuf), coordScreen, &cCharsRead);
- PERR(bSuccess, "ReadConsoleOutputCharacter");
- /* scan for an index number at the beginning of that line. */
- /* if there was one read, call the correct demo function */
- if (sscanf(szLineBuf, "%d", &apiNumber))
- demoAPI(&hStdOut, apiNumber);
- }
- break;
- sprintf(bOutBuf, "window: %d, %d",
- inputBuffer.Event.WindowBufferSizeEvent.dwSize.X,
- inputBuffer.Event.WindowBufferSizeEvent.dwSize.Y);
- putStatusLine(hStdOut, bOutBuf);
- Sleep(1000);
- break;
- } /* switch */
- /* when we receive an esc down key, drop out of do loop */
- } while (!(inputBuffer.EventType == KEY_EVENT &&
- inputBuffer.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_ESCAPE &&
- inputBuffer.Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown));
- free(szLineBuf); /* free allocated line buffer */
- return(0);
- }