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Visual C++
- /******************************************************************************
- * This is a part of the Microsoft Source Code Samples.
- * Copyright (C) 1993-1997 Microsoft Corporation.
- * All rights reserved.
- * This source code is only intended as a supplement to
- * Microsoft Development Tools and/or WinHelp documentation.
- * See these sources for detailed information regarding the
- * Microsoft samples programs.
- ******************************************************************************/
- #include <windows.h>
- #include "console.h"
- /*******************************************************************
- * FUNCTION: demoFillChar(HANDLE hConOut) *
- * *
- * PURPOSE: demonstrate FillConsoleOutputCharacter. Fill the entire *
- * console with the character that the user hits *
- * *
- * INPUT: the output console to fill with characters *
- ********************************************************************/
- void demoFillChar(HANDLE hConOut)
- {
- HANDLE hStdIn;
- INPUT_RECORD inputBuf;
- CHAR c; /* ascii character read from the console */
- COORD coordScreen = {0, 1}; /* location to start the attribute fill */
- DWORD cCharsWritten;
- BOOL bSuccess;
- DWORD cInputEvents;
- setConTitle(__FILE__);
- myPuts(hConOut, "Let's fill the console buffer with a given character byn"
- "using the FillConsoleOutputCharacter API. Hit a key to n"
- "fill the buffer with (hit ESC to return):");
- hStdIn = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
- PERR(hStdIn != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, "GetStdHandle");
- for(;;)
- {
- do
- {
- /* get input events until you get a key-down event */
- bSuccess = ReadConsoleInput(hStdIn, &inputBuf, 1, &cInputEvents);
- PERR(bSuccess, "ReadConsoleInput");
- } while (inputBuf.EventType != KEY_EVENT ||
- !inputBuf.Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown);
- c = (char) inputBuf.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar;
- if (inputBuf.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_ESCAPE)
- break;
- /* we need to get the console buffer size */
- bSuccess = GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hConOut, &csbi);
- PERR(bSuccess, "GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo");
- bSuccess = FillConsoleOutputCharacter(hConOut, /* screen buffer handle */
- c, /* character to write */
- (csbi.dwSize.X * csbi.dwSize.Y) - csbi.dwSize.X, /* number of chars */
- coordScreen, /* x and y coordinates of first cell */
- &cCharsWritten); /* receives number of cells written to */
- PERR(bSuccess, "FillConsoleOutputCharacter");
- }
- return;
- }