资源名称 [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*+==========================================================================
- Summary: Implementation file for the CServer server control utility
- C++ object. This object encapsulates the server's internal
- control of global server object and lock counts to govern
- server lifetime.
- For a comprehensive tutorial code tour of this module's
- contents and offerings see the tutorial APTSERVE.HTM file.
- For more specific technical details on the internal workings
- see the comments dispersed throughout the module's source code.
- Classes: CServer.
- Functions: .
- Origin: 1-17-97: atrent - Editor-inheritance from SERVER.CPP in
- the LOCSERVE Tutorial Code Sample. [Revised]
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This file is part of the Microsoft COM Tutorial Code Samples.
- Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997. All rights reserved.
- This source code is intended only as a supplement to Microsoft
- Development Tools and/or on-line documentation. See these other
- materials for detailed information regarding Microsoft code samples.
- ==========================================================================+*/
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- We include WINDOWS.H for all Win32 applications.
- We include OLE2.H because we will make calls to the COM/OLE Libraries.
- We include PROCESS.H because we will be using the C-Runtime's
- _beginthreadex function.
- We include APPUTIL.H because we will be building this DLL using
- the convenient Virtual Window and Dialog classes and other
- utility functions in the APPUTIL Library (ie, APPUTIL.LIB).
- We include MICARS.H and CARGUIDS.H for the common car-related Interface
- class, GUID, and CLSID specifications.
- We include SERVER.H for the object class declarations for the
- C++ CServer server control object.
- We include FACTORY.H because it has the necessary internal class factory
- declarations for this component server.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #include <windows.h>
- #include <ole2.h>
- #include <process.h>
- #include <apputil.h>
- #include <micars.h>
- #include <carguids.h>
- #include "server.h"
- #include "factory.h"
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Implementation the internal CServer C++ object. Used to encapsulate
- global server data and the methods for Lock and Object count incrementing
- and decrementing.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: CServer::CServer
- Summary: CServer Constructor.
- Args: void
- Modifies: lots-o-stuff.
- Returns: void
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- CServer::CServer(void)
- {
- // Zero the Object and Lock counts for this server.
- m_cObjects = 0;
- m_cLocks = 0;
- // Zero the cached handles.
- m_hInstServer = NULL;
- m_hWndServer = NULL;
- // Zero the Factory and Apartment thread references.
- m_pCFCar = NULL;
- m_pCFUtilityCar = NULL;
- m_pCFCruiseCar = NULL;
- m_paiAptCar = NULL;
- m_paiAptUtilityCar = NULL;
- m_paiAptCruiseCar = NULL;
- m_dwAptCar = 0;
- m_dwAptUtilityCar = 0;
- m_dwAptCruiseCar = 0;
- // NULL the apartment handle array
- for (UINT i = 0; i<NUM_APARTMENTS; i++)
- m_hApts[i] = NULL;
- return;
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: CServer::~CServer
- Summary: CServer Destructor.
- Args: void
- Modifies: .
- Returns: void
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- CServer::~CServer(void)
- {
- return;
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: CServer::OwnThis
- Summary: Wait for multithread exclusive ownership of this CServer object.
- This definition overrides the virtual function defined in the
- CThreaded base class to permit convenient trace logging here.
- Args: void
- Modifies: m_bOwned.
- Returns: BOOL
- TRUE if success; FALSE if not.
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- BOOL CServer::OwnThis(void)
- {
- BOOL bOwned = FALSE;
- LOGF1("L: CServer::OwnThis. Thread <%X> waiting to own CServer.",TID);
- if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject(m_hOwnerMutex, INFINITE))
- {
- m_bOwned = bOwned = TRUE;
- LOGF1("L: CServer::OwnThis. CServer now owned by Thread <%X>.",TID);
- }
- return bOwned;
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: CServer::UnOwnThis
- Summary: Relinquish ownership of this CServer object.
- This definition overrides the virtual function defined in the
- CThreaded base class to permit convenient trace logging here.
- Args: void
- Modifies: m_bOwned.
- Returns: void
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- void CServer::UnOwnThis(void)
- {
- if (m_bOwned)
- {
- LOGF1("L: CServer::UnOwnThis. Ownership relinquished by <%X>.",TID);
- m_bOwned = FALSE;
- ReleaseMutex(m_hOwnerMutex);
- }
- return;
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: CServer::ObjectsUp
- Summary: Increment the Server's living Object count.
- Args: void
- Modifies: m_cObjects.
- Returns: void
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- void CServer::ObjectsUp(void)
- {
- if (OwnThis())
- {
- m_cObjects += 1;
- LOGF2("L<%X>: CServer::ObjectsUp. New cObjects=%i.",TID,m_cObjects);
- UnOwnThis();
- }
- return;
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: CServer::ObjectsDown
- Summary: Decrement the Server's living object count. Trigger an unload
- of this entire server if no more living components.
- Args: void
- Modifies: m_cObjects.
- Returns: void
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- void CServer::ObjectsDown(void)
- {
- if (OwnThis())
- {
- if (m_cObjects > 0)
- m_cObjects -= 1;
- LOGF2("L<%X>: CServer::ObjectsDown. New cObjects=%i.",TID,m_cObjects);
- // If no more living objects and no locks then shut down the server.
- if (0L == m_cObjects && 0L == m_cLocks && IsWindow(m_hWndServer))
- {
- LOGF1("L<%X>: CServer::ObjectsDown. Closing down APTSERVE server.",TID);
- // Relinquish current thread ownership of CServer before signaling
- // the main server thread to close down the entire server. During
- // shutdown other threads may need to access CServer.
- UnOwnThis();
- // Post a message to this local server's message queue requesting
- // a close of the entire server application. This will force a
- // termination of all apartment threads (including the one that
- // may be executing this ObjectsDown)
- PostMessage(m_hWndServer, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0L);
- }
- else
- UnOwnThis();
- }
- return;
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: CServer::Lock
- Summary: Increment the Server's Lock count.
- Args: void
- Modifies: m_cLocks.
- Returns: void
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- void CServer::Lock(void)
- {
- if (OwnThis())
- {
- m_cLocks += 1;
- LOGF2("L<%X>: CServer::Lock. New cLocks=%i.",TID,m_cLocks);
- UnOwnThis();
- }
- return;
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: CServer::Unlock
- Summary: Decrement the Server's Lock count.
- Args: void
- Modifies: m_cLocks.
- Returns: void
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- void CServer::Unlock(void)
- {
- if (OwnThis())
- {
- m_cLocks -= 1;
- if (m_cLocks < 0)
- m_cLocks = 0;
- LOGF2("L<%X>: CServer::Unlock. New cLocks=%i.",TID,m_cLocks);
- // If no more living objects and no locks then shut down the server.
- if (0L == m_cObjects && 0L == m_cLocks && IsWindow(m_hWndServer))
- {
- LOGF1("L<%X>: CServer::Unlock. Closing down APTSERVE server.",TID);
- // Relinquish current thread ownership of CServer before signaling
- // the main server thread to close down the entire server. During
- // shutdown other threads may need to access CServer.
- UnOwnThis();
- // Post a message to this local server's message queue requesting
- // a close of the entire server application. This will force a
- // termination of all apartment threads (including the one that
- // may be executing this ObjectsDown)
- PostMessage(m_hWndServer, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0L);
- }
- else
- UnOwnThis();
- }
- return;
- }
- /*F+F++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- Function: StartThread
- Summary: This local function starts a new execution thread using the
- C-RunTime's _beginthreadex function which takes care of
- necessary business (that the Win32 CreateThread does not) if
- the thread will make calls to C-Runtime functions--a likely
- possibility.
- Args: PCRTTHREADPROC pThreadProc,
- Address of the Thread Procedure to start executing.
- LPVOID pInitData,
- Address of a structure of initialization data. Instead of
- containing an address, this parameter can also contain a
- single DWORD of data.
- DWORD* pdwThreadId);
- Address of a DWORD variable that will receive the
- thread ID of the new thread.
- Returns: void.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------F-F*/
- HANDLE StartThread(
- LPVOID pInitData,
- DWORD* pdwThreadId)
- {
- HANDLE hThrd;
- hThrd = (HANDLE) _beginthreadex(
- 0, // Default security specified.
- 0, // Default stack size.
- pThreadProc, // Thread Procedure address.
- (LPVOID) pInitData, // Address of Init data.
- 0, // Default state (running).
- (unsigned*)pdwThreadId); // Address of ThreadID Var.
- return hThrd;
- }
- /*F+F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F
- Function: AptThreadProc
- Summary: The common apartment model thread procedure for this server.
- Args: LPARAM lparam
- Standard Window Proc parameter.
- Modifies: .
- Returns: unsigned
- Thread procedure return (usually msg.wParam).
- F---F---F---F---F---F---F---F---F---F---F---F---F---F---F---F---F---F---F-F*/
- unsigned WINAPI AptThreadProc(
- LPARAM lparam)
- {
- MSG msg;
- DWORD dwCFRegId;
- APT_INIT_DATA* paid = (APT_INIT_DATA*) lparam;
- LOGF1("L: AptThreadProc. Starting Apartment Thread <%X>.",TID);
- // Initialize COM for this apartment thread. Default of apartment
- // model is assumed.
- hr = CoInitialize(NULL);
- // Now register the class factory with COM.
- LOGF1("L: AptThreadProc. Registering class factory of apartment <%X>.",TID);
- hr = CoRegisterClassObject(
- paid->rclsid,
- paid->pcf,
- &dwCFRegId);
- LOGERROR("L:CoRegisterClassObject",hr);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
- {
- // Provide a message pump for this thread.
- while (GetMessage(&msg, 0, 0, 0))
- DispatchMessage(&msg);
- LOGF1("L: AptThreadProc. Revoking class factory of apartment <%X>.",TID);
- // Unregister the class factory with COM when the thread dies.
- CoRevokeClassObject(dwCFRegId);
- }
- else
- {
- LOGF2("L<%X>: AptThreadProc. RegisterClass failed. hr=0x%X.",TID,hr);
- }
- // Uninitialize COM in the context of this apartment thread.
- CoUninitialize();
- LOGF1("L: AptThreadProc. Apartment Thread <%X> Terminated.",TID);
- return msg.wParam;
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: CServer::OpenFactories
- Summary: Create and register all of this server's class factories.
- Args: void
- Modifies: See below.
- Returns: BOOL
- TRUE if success; FALSE if not
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- BOOL CServer::OpenFactories(void)
- {
- LOGF1("L<%X>: CServer::OpenFactories. Begin.",TID);
- if (OwnThis())
- {
- // Create the ClassFactory C++ objects.
- m_pCFCar = new CFCar(NULL, this);
- m_pCFUtilityCar = new CFUtilityCar(NULL, this);
- m_pCFCruiseCar = new CFCruiseCar(NULL, this);
- // Create Structures for Apartment initialization.
- m_paiAptCar = new APT_INIT_DATA(CLSID_AptCar);
- m_paiAptUtilityCar = new APT_INIT_DATA(CLSID_AptUtilityCar);
- m_paiAptCruiseCar = new APT_INIT_DATA(CLSID_AptCruiseCar);
- // Create the Appartment for AptCar.
- LOGF1("L<%X>: CServer::OpenFactories. AptCar.",TID);
- if (NULL != m_pCFCar && NULL != m_paiAptCar)
- {
- // AddRef this cached pointer to the Class Factory.
- m_pCFCar->AddRef();
- // Assign the ClassFactory in the apartment init data and AddRef.
- m_paiAptCar->pcf = m_pCFCar;
- m_paiAptCar->pcf->AddRef();
- // Start the Apartment Thread using a local utility function.
- m_hApts[APTCAR] = StartThread(
- (LPVOID) m_paiAptCar,
- &m_dwAptCar);
- bOk = (NULL != m_hApts[APTCAR]);
- if (!bOk)
- {
- hr = GetLastError();
- LOGF2("L<%X>: CServer::OpenFactories. AptCar failed. hr=0x%X.",TID,hr);
- // If can't register factory then clean up for server exit.
- m_pCFCar->Release();
- m_paiAptCar->pcf->Release();
- DELETE_POINTER(m_paiAptCar);
- }
- }
- else
- bOk = FALSE;
- // Create the Appartment for AptUtiliytCar.
- LOGF1("L<%X>: CServer::OpenFactories. AptUtilityCar.",TID);
- if (bOk)
- {
- if (NULL != m_pCFUtilityCar && NULL != m_paiAptUtilityCar)
- {
- // AddRef this cached pointer to the Class Factory.
- m_pCFUtilityCar->AddRef();
- // Assign the ClassFactory in the apartment init data and AddRef again.
- m_paiAptUtilityCar->pcf = m_pCFUtilityCar;
- m_paiAptUtilityCar->pcf->AddRef();
- // Start the Apartment Thread using a local utility function.
- m_hApts[APTUTILITYCAR] = StartThread(
- (LPVOID) m_paiAptUtilityCar,
- &m_dwAptUtilityCar);
- bOk = (NULL != m_hApts[APTUTILITYCAR]);
- if (!bOk)
- {
- hr = GetLastError();
- LOGF2("L<%X>: CServer::OpenFactories. AptUtilityCar failed. hr=0x%X.",TID,hr);
- // If can't register factory then clean up for server exit.
- m_pCFUtilityCar->Release();
- m_paiAptUtilityCar->pcf->Release();
- DELETE_POINTER(m_pCFUtilityCar);
- DELETE_POINTER(m_paiAptUtilityCar);
- }
- }
- else
- bOk = FALSE;
- }
- // Create the Appartment for AptCruiseCar.
- LOGF1("L<%X>: CServer::OpenFactories. AptCruiseCar.",TID);
- if (bOk)
- {
- if (NULL != m_pCFCruiseCar && NULL != m_paiAptCruiseCar)
- {
- // AddRef this cached pointer to the Class Factory.
- m_pCFCruiseCar->AddRef();
- // Assign the ClassFactory in the apartment init data and AddRef again.
- m_paiAptCruiseCar->pcf = m_pCFCruiseCar;
- m_paiAptCruiseCar->pcf->AddRef();
- // Start the Apartment Thread using a local utility function.
- m_hApts[APTCRUISECAR] = StartThread(
- (LPVOID) m_paiAptCruiseCar,
- &m_dwAptCruiseCar);
- bOk = (NULL != m_hApts[APTCRUISECAR]);
- if (!bOk)
- {
- hr = GetLastError();
- LOGF2("L<%X>: CServer::OpenFactories. AptCruiseCar failed. hr=0x%X.",TID,hr);
- // If can't register factory then clean up for server exit.
- m_pCFCruiseCar->Release();
- m_paiAptCruiseCar->pcf->Release();
- DELETE_POINTER(m_paiAptCruiseCar);
- }
- }
- else
- bOk = FALSE;
- }
- UnOwnThis();
- }
- LOGF1("L<%X>: CServer::OpenFactories. End.",TID);
- return bOk;
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: CServer::CloseFactories
- Summary: Shutdown the class factory apartments. Revoke (ie, unregister)
- and delete all the server's class factories too.
- Args: void
- Modifies: .
- Returns: BOOL
- TRUE if success; FALSE if not
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- BOOL CServer::CloseFactories(void)
- {
- BOOL bOk = TRUE;
- LOGF1("L<%X>: CServer::CloseFactories. Begin.",TID);
- if (OwnThis())
- {
- // Shutdown the AptCar Apartment Thread.
- if (0 != m_dwAptCar)
- {
- LOGF1("L<%X>: CServer::CloseFactories. Terminate AptCar Apartment.",TID);
- bOk = PostThreadMessage(m_dwAptCar, WM_QUIT, 0, 0);
- if (!bOk)
- {
- hr = GetLastError();
- LOGF2("L<%X>: CServer::CloseFactories. AptCar failed. hr=0x%X.",TID,hr);
- }
- }
- // Shutdown the AptUtilityCar Apartment Thread.
- if (0 != m_dwAptUtilityCar)
- {
- LOGF1("L<%X>: CServer::CloseFactories. Terminate AptUtilityCar Apartment.",TID);
- bOk = PostThreadMessage(m_dwAptUtilityCar, WM_QUIT, 0, 0);
- if (!bOk)
- {
- hr = GetLastError();
- LOGF2("L<%X>: CServer::CloseFactories. AptUtilityCar failed. hr=0x%X.",TID,hr);
- }
- }
- // Shutdown the AptCruiseCar Apartment Thread.
- if (0 != m_dwAptCruiseCar)
- {
- LOGF1("L<%X>: CServer::CloseFactories. Terminate AptCruiseCar Apartment.",TID);
- bOk = PostThreadMessage(m_dwAptCruiseCar, WM_QUIT, 0, 0);
- if (!bOk)
- {
- hr = GetLastError();
- LOGF2("L<%X>: CServer::CloseFactories. AptCruiseCar failed. hr=0x%X.",TID,hr);
- }
- }
- if (m_pCFCar && m_pCFUtilityCar && m_pCFCruiseCar)
- {
- // Release any and all of the Class Factory interface pointers.
- LOGF1("L<%X>: CServer::CloseFactories. Releasing all Classfactory interfaces.",TID);
- RELEASE_INTERFACE(m_paiAptCar->pcf);
- RELEASE_INTERFACE(m_paiAptUtilityCar->pcf);
- RELEASE_INTERFACE(m_paiAptCruiseCar->pcf);
- DELETE_POINTER(m_paiAptCar);
- DELETE_POINTER(m_paiAptUtilityCar);
- DELETE_POINTER(m_paiAptCruiseCar);
- // Give CServer back before waiting on threads to die.
- UnOwnThis();
- // Wait a very long time (in CPU terms) for the apartment threads
- // to exit/terminate before closing their thread handles.
- WaitForMultipleObjects(NUM_APARTMENTS, m_hApts, TRUE, LONG_WAIT);
- for (UINT i = 0; i<NUM_APARTMENTS; i++)
- if (NULL != m_hApts[i])
- CloseHandle(m_hApts[i]);
- }
- else
- UnOwnThis();
- }
- LOGF1("L<%X>: CServer::CloseFactories. End.",TID);
- return bOk;
- }
- // =============================== END ======================================