资源名称 [点击查看]
Visual C++
- STOCLIEN - Client of structured storage server
- =======
- The STOCLIEN sample introduces a simple drawing application. The user can
- use a mouse or tablet device to do free-form drawing in the client window.
- The color and width of the electronic ink can be chosen, and the drawings
- can be saved in files.
- The functionality is externally similar to other "scribble" C++ tutorial
- samples. The difference in the STOCLIEN/STOSERVE samples is an internal
- architecture based on COM technology. A clear architectural distinction is
- kept between COM client and COM server. A COPaper COM object encapsulates
- only the server-based storage of the drawing paper data: No graphical user
- interface (GUI) behavior is provided on the server side. All GUI behavior
- is isolated in the client. The data managment and storage features of
- COPaper objects are available only through an COM custom interface,
- IPaper.
- STOCLIEN can load and save its drawings in the structured storage of COM
- compound files. The principal focus of the STOCLIEN sample is how the
- client uses this structured storage and how it directs a server component
- to use this storage. The programming of structured storage services is
- shown in the sample.
- The STOCLIEN sample creates and uses the connectable COPaper COM object
- that is provided as the CLSID_DllPaper component in the STOSERVE server.
- The STOCLIEN client creates a COPaper object and controls it through the
- IPaper interface that the object exposes. STOCLIEN obtains drawing data
- from the user and graphically represents it in a window that it manages.
- STOCLIEN uses COPaper's IPaper interface to save the drawing data in
- COPaper and to direct file storage operations on this data.
- STOCLIEN cooperates with the COPaper to load and save COPaper's drawing
- data. STOCLIEN obtains an IStorage interface for the storage object in a
- compound file. In its load and save operations, STOCLIEN passes a pointer
- to this IStorage interface to COPaper in the server. COPaper uses the
- provided IStorage to create streams in the storage. COPaper can then use
- the standard IStream interface for reading and writing the drawing data it
- manages.
- COPaper only manages the drawing data; it performs no GUI actions.
- STOCLIEN provides the GUI for the drawing application. It encapsulates
- this in a central CGuiPaper C++ object.
- STOCLIEN also implements the custom IPaperSink interface in a COPaperSink
- COM object and connects this interface to an appropriate connection point
- in the server's COPaper object. COPaper uses the connected IPaperSink
- interface to send notifications back to STOCLIEN. The normal GUI
- repainting of COPaper's drawing data is done in STOCLIEN using COPaper's
- connectable object technology.
- For functional descriptions and a tutorial code tour of STOCLIEN, see the
- Code Tour section in STOCLIEN.HTM. For details on the external user
- operation of STOCLIEN, see both the Usage and Operation sections in
- STOCLIEN.HTM. To read STOCLIEN.HTM, run TUTORIAL.EXE in the main tutorial
- directory and click the STOCLIEN lesson in the table of lessons. You can
- also achieve the same thing by clicking the STOCLIEN.HTM file after
- locating the main tutorial directory in the Windows Explorer. See also
- STOSERVE.HTM in the main tutorial directory for more details on how
- STOSERVE works and exposes its services to STOCLIEN. You must build the
- STOSERVE DLL before building STOCLIEN. The makefile for STOSERVE
- automatically registers that server in the system registry, so you must
- build STOSERVE before attempting to run STOCLIEN.
- For details on setting up your system to build and test the code samples
- in this COM Tutorial series, see TUTORIAL.HTM. The supplied MAKEFILE is
- Microsoft NMAKE-compatible. To create a debug build, issue the NMAKE
- command in the Command Prompt window.
- Usage
- -----
- STOCLIEN is an application that you can execute directly from Windows in
- the normal manner or from the Command Prompt window. STOCLIEN accepts an
- optional file name parameter on the command line. For example:
- STOCLIEN c:drawingsdrawing.pap
- Where drawing.pap is a compound file containing DllPaper-compatible
- structured storage of drawing data. If no command line file name parameter
- is specified, STOCLIEN uses the default file name STOCLIEN.PAP and
- attempts to open it in the same directory as the executing STOCLIEN.EXE.
- =====
- Files Description
- STOCLIEN.TXT This file.
- MAKEFILE The generic makefile for building the code sample
- application of this tutorial lesson.
- STOCLIEN.H The include file for the STOCLIEN application. Contains
- class declarations, function prototypes, and resource
- identifiers.
- STOCLIEN.CPP The main implementation file for STOCLIEN.EXE. Has WinMain
- and CMainWindow implementation, as well as the main menu
- dispatching.
- STOCLIEN.RC The application resource definition file.
- STOCLIEN.ICO The application icon resource.
- STOCLIEN.PAP A default paper drawing file for the application.
- PENCIL.CUR A pencil image for the client window cursor.
- SINK.H The class declaration for the COPaperSink COM object class.
- SINK.CPP Implementation file for the COPaperSink COM object class.
- PAPFILE.H The class declaration for the CPapFile C++ class.
- PAPFILE.CPP Implementation file for the CPapFile C++ class.
- GUIPAPER.H The class declaration for the CGuiPaper C++ class.
- GUIPAPER.CPP Implementation file for the CGuiPaper C++ class.